Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning about 8:00 pm. Or show up earlier for some dining liberally.
And feel free to bring along your favorite book of liberal propaganda…
Not in Seattle? With 339 other chapters of Drinking Liberally, there is sure to be one around your corner.
Roger Rabbit won’t be able to attend tonight due to laziness.
Hey! That guy on the right is desecrating the flag!
Roger Rabbit has outlived his pecker.
@4 You’re going to outlive your money if you keep betting against the dollar by buying gold.
Hey, don’t get me wrong though, Klynical! I actually LIKE a weak dollar — because it makes oil prices (and my oil stocks) go up, and because it screws Wal-Mart by making the cost of Chinese goods go up. Buy American!
In vino veritas. Any fool that believes we can keep printing money like drunken Kennedy’s with little or nothing to back it up is sure to lose their fucking shirt (or in this case their hide)in the market.
On a bright note however, it sure is a good way to skin a rabbit.
@6 “Any fool that believes we can keep printing money … with little or nothing to back it up is sure to lose their fucking shirt (or in this case their hide)in the market.”
I don’t remember you complaining about Republicans doing it to give tax cuts to billionaires.
This is how fucked up wingnuts are:
Printing money to give tax cuts to billionaires: OK
Printing money to save the world from a depression caused by Republicans printing money to give tax cuts to billionaires: Not OK
That’s how stupid wingfucks are! Why anyone votes for these people is a fucking mystery.
Brilliant piece. Today’s religious right really doesn’t much like Jesus. As Stephen Stills said, “Jesus Christ was the first nonviolent revolutionary.” Today’s Republicans don’t much care for nonviolence, nor do they have much truck with revolution. So, rewriting of the Bible is a natural. They should start with Matthew 25. Not a very conservative chapter. Shoot, for instance there’s not a word in the whole chapter about abortion nor condemning gays. We can’t have that, now can we?
Joe Lieberman needs to acknowledge that he is a Republican. He will then no longer be electable in Connecticut. He is, of course, incapable of such honesty. That is because Joe Lieberman is, first and foremost, for Joe Lieberman. He defines the term “pompous ass.” What the hell was Al Gore thinking when he picked this dissembling egomaniac as his running mate? (This post is a response to Liberman’s statement today that he will join in a Republican filibuster of any Senate healthcare bill that includes a public option.) A special place in hell awaits insurance-industry wankers and warmongers like Joe Lieberman.
If you’re not socked in by light pollution, go outside and take a gander at the moon and venus, which is super bright tonight. At least I think that’s venus hanging out under the moon.
Oops, that’s Saturn. My bad.
It is Venus, and last night I had the strangest of weather experiences. I was driving, rain pounding onto my windshield, but I saw a clear moon and Venus at the same time, without a cloud in sight. Then, thunder and lightning came around. Damned late in the year for thunder and lightning. Maybe the Apocalypse for which all the wingnuts have been praying is on its way.
Shoudda gone with my gut!
proud leftist the pacifist–
Here is what turning a blind eye to terrorists results in:
A blast kills 91 in Pakistan.
A blast kills 155 in Afghanistan.
Record American deaths in Afghanistan.
President Obama is failing with his inability to stick to his commitment in Afghanistan to fight to win EMPOWERING the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
You refuse to see we are dealing with evil here.
Deep down, you KLOWNS have some sick sympathy for these terrorists who randomly murder for some Godless cause.
Here is where American VOTERS are at–
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Can’t wait to hear Obama’s speech to the families of our soldiers dying in Afghanistan as Obama carefully measures his March, 2009 COMMITMENT. It really is pathetic.
What will Obama say to these families if his decision is to cut-and-run, like many of you KLOWNS demand.
There will be plenty of books written about OBAMA playing golf and screwing around on talk shows while our soldiers die in his screwed up world. It is pathetic.
Obama will be held accountable in 2010, as well as 2012 for his ACTIONS and INACTIONS.
Perhaps Obama is all hot & bothered because he is accumulated a horrible record for some Republican to run against???
The “free ride” is over Barry O!
12. proud leftist spews:
Sounds like you are part of the LEE smoke-out krowd there pl.
That “strange experience” is one of the side-effects of mixing your BC Bud with Prozac.
Sober up friend.
Hey dumbass, do you wingnuts have a credible challenger for Sen. Patty Murray in 2010 yet? How about Rep. Jim McDermott? Rep. Norm Dicks? Rep. Adam Smith? Rep. Jay Insley? Rep. Brian Baird? Rep. Rick Larson?
Hard to “teach the dems a lesson” if you aren’t even on the field.
I think it is very important for those of us who are always RIGHT to have a clear understanding of Saul Alinsky’s 13 Rules for Radicals. You can tell SJ has read them and uses them frequently…especially Rule 13–
Check out the Utube Saul Alisnsky ditty on this link. Just scroll down a bit to the Utube.
I think David Horowitz pretty much nailed it when he said–
Hey Rog–
You told us to invest in Potash (POT) a week or so ago when it was around 103.
It’s now under 95 you idiot!
What a KLOWN Rog is…and he has outlived his pecker too!
Larry David, a Jew who thinks he is funny, urinates on a picture of Jesus Christ–
Where is the outrage Jews of HorsesAss??
Your silence says it all.
You expect others to be outraged like the Nazi Swastika incident that was a Seattle Times headline…but remain silent on this outrage??
Cancel your HBO subscription TODAY!
More deaths at the hands of Obama’s Taliban brethren…the ones Barry O wants to negotiate with. This time they strike the UN in Kabul and kill 9.,2933,569926,00.html
Impeach OBAMA!
Mr Cynical
You caught me out!
Yep, I have been channeling through SJ all along.
BTW, I have lots of good stuff to say about the afterlife. I have had lots of success since being in Heaven … didja see how WELL my proteges have done .. you know Gandhi, King, Mandella, Havel, and NOW Obama!
BTW, talked with Jeezus the other day. He is not so happy with you guys. taking his name in vain and all that bad stuff. Josh told me that St Peter is having lots of trouble explaining to you folks where he assigns you for the afterlife.
Oh well, I have a date with Eleanor. She and I are working in healthcare these days.
Be good.
(cross posted at SJ)
Right wing idiots:
Gee I would would think wingnuts would be applauding this one.
Aren’t the UN the folks riding around in black helicopters?
(Halloween is just right around the corner.)
BTW ..
that is a great pic of SJ! But whio is the guy to the right? Marvin Stamm!
18 – The right wing has used all of those tactics for years. Limbaugh uses most of those every freaking day.
The closer they get to blowing another election, the closer we get to healthcare reform, with every sign of recovery from the Republican economic disaster, the more unhinged our wingnut trolls become. Even on a good day they’re batshit insane, but faced with losing everything, the crazy is released in their every post. I tell you, witnessing the slow trainwreck that is today’s Republican party is the greatest free show on earth! That we at HA have fools like Klynical here parading their exploded heads for all of us to see is just icing on the cake.
29 – Yeah indeed it’s the greatest show on earth. One day the right wing is going to be so demoralized these comment threads will be down to one right winger – the most batshit insane of them all.
We ought to run a pool on who that’ll be.
@30 My money’s on Puddy for sure.
@14 Since when do wingnuts like you care about Pakistanis and Afghans and other foreigners getting killed?
Maybe Klynical isn’t concerned about Pakistanis and Afghans getting killed by our bombs because that’s a good death, but he worries about them getting killed by terrorist bombs because that’s a bad death.
@16 “That “strange experience” is one of the side-effects of mixing your BC Bud with Prozac.”
It’s more likely a side effect of urban air pollution.
I hate to say this, but with people like Klyical running around, it’s unavoidable: We are a nation of idiots.
@18 I especially like #5. Keep flogging us with wet noodles, Klown! Let it be a fight to the finish, whoever drops first from exhaustion loses!! Meanwhile, we’ll continue kicking your ass to the curb in elections.
How it’s 100 dead in the market in Pakistan and 12 dead in the UN Home in Kabul.
Peace & Love will cure this.
Barry O will lead the world in Kumbaya with his kids waiving candles like they do at the Mylie Cyrus Concert.
Barry wants the Taliban at the table.
They respond with massive violence.
At what point do you wrest control of the military away from Barry???
It’s like a toy for him.
He is disconnected with the death & violence he has created with apathy & uncertainty.
The Taliban are seizing power based on Barry’s weakness…all thanks to the Progressive movement’s anti-war stance.
34. Roger Rabbit spews:
Is that the newest excuse for Progressive stupidity…urban air pollution??
We have lots of fresh air at our place…even with the fireplace & wood stove roaring!
Perhaps your remaining insignificant brain matter is rusting Rog??
Roger Rabbit has outlived his pecker.
@21 You seem to have forgotten that I advised risking your money, not mine, on Potash … so I’ve made out fine:
31. Roger Rabbit spews:
@1 Cynical, why don’t you play Potash (POT) and let us know how it works out? I was gonna do it but my broker scared me off. It’s up almost 9 bucks in the last 2 trading days and could be headed for $150 a share. You might make a 50% capital gain in 10 weeks. Historically, I’ve passed on lots of things that I would have made money on, due to an abundance of caution on my part. My gut tells me this one will work, but my head (the rational part of me) would rather risk your money than mine on it. If you decide to run with this tip, I want 15% of what you make as a finder’s fee.
10/19/2009 at 9:35 am
POT briefly jumped on buyout rumors and now is down along with the market. Stocks are down across the board. This is fine with me, because I didn’t buy it at 103, and the downturn may create a buying opportunity for what I still believe is a good long-term stock
with substantial capital appreciation potential. Eventually China will cut a deal with the fertilizer producers. Eventually the recession will end and farm production will ramp up. People have to eat, and there’s more people to feed with every passing day. If POT drops back into the 80s that works fine for me. I’m ready to sell my Starbucks, which is going nowhere, and buy POT. Btw I got my Starbucks stock free. All of it. Here’s how that works. After it split several times, I sold enough shares to recoup my original investment, and — voila! — all the shares I kept cost me nothing. So, if I swap the Starbucks shares for POT shares, my costs basis in POT is zero and every cent of POT’s market price is free money. Your situation may be different and my past performance is no guarantee of your future results.
What Klown doesn’t grasp is that even if POT went down to $5 a share, I’d still have a profit.
@22 What’s the big deal? Yesterday I saw a dog urinate on a Suzie Hutchison yard sign.
Maybe some dogs are good for something after all.
You are a lunatic.
No one believes your trash talk.
All of a sudden you have Potash with a cost-basis of zero.
All of a sudden you have Starbucks.
What a KLOWN!
You told us last year that you have NOV and a few other stocks.
No mention of Potash.
Caught in another lie!!
You have outlived your pecker…and your brain and conscience!!
Caught you Rog!!
41. Roger Rabbit spews:
The Pelletizer sees nothing wrong with a Jew urinating on a picture of Jesus Christ on Television!!
Your Atheist hatred knows no bounds Rog.
@23 Now isn’t that just like our goatfucking friend … 9 Afghans got killed on Obama’s watch so he wants to impeach Obama, but 8,000 Americans got killed on Bush’s watch but he didn’t want to impeach Bush.
Klynical, why do you hate Americans?
@25 Klynical seems to be getting in Halloween mode in a big way.
Where’s that idiot Sue this morning? Did she cut and run from this blog already?
@29 Yeah, Goldy should sell tickets instead of letting the world watch this for free.
Cynical @ 37: “The Taliban are seizing power based on Barry’s weakness…all thanks to the Progressive movement’s anti-war stance.”
That statement is just frank dishonesty. You know damned well that the Taliban’s resurgence was well underway during GWB’s presidency. He had turned his attention from Afghanistan to pursue his pointless war in Afghanistan, and Afghanistan started going all to hell. If you can’t acknowledge that, then you are either psychotic or simply incapable of telling the truth.
@30, @31 — BIAW’s money is on Kevin Carns. They pay him to post here. I think he’ll keep doing it as long as they continue paying him. It beats working in a real job.
@38 “Roger Rabbit has outlived his pecker.”
@43 “Rog – You are a lunatic.”
HA HA HA HA HA!!! Brought to you by Wingnut Comedy Central!
@43 “All of a sudden you have Potash with a cost-basis of zero. All of a sudden you have Starbucks.”
Yeah, pretty nifty, eh? When your cost basis in stocks is zero, you can’t lose in the stock market. If you ask me, I’m pretty damn smart.
49. proud leftist spews:
Oh yeah, it’s ALL Bush’s fault.
The voters aren’t buying that pl.
In fact, voters trust Republicans (as screwed up and rudderless as they are) more than Democrats on ALL 10 of the TOP ISSUES!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
You screeching denial is in a vacuum pl.
That’s why you are soooooooooo angry lately.
Obama has BLOWN IT!
The military hates this KLOWN Obama.
And more & more voters are getting it every day.
And now Harry Reid may be backtracking on Health Care. Reid only put forth what he did to appease KLOWNS like you at HA.
By the way, I do that frequently. When I’m lucky enough to get a high flying stock — and luck is what it takes — I’ll often pull out my original funds after the stock has tripled or quadrupled. I give up some potential profit that way, but at that point, I have no money of my own riding on the stock, and from that point on the investment is risk-free.
52. Roger Rabbit spews:
If you ask me you are a BUSTED LIAR who lives in a scarey dreamworld and makes shit up.
Pulllllllllllease Rog.
One lie after another.
You are a pathetic, lying old f**k.
You previously told us about all your holdings.
Now you have some magic holdings.
You ought to help Obama explain Health Care.
Fuzzy Math and Lies are your specialty!!
Then, when that stock’s gain is exhausted, I swap it for another stock that’s in its early growth cycle, and ride that one up. This way, I can multiply my gains over and over without risk.
@56 “Now you have some magic holdings.”
Of course it’s magic. That’s why it beats the hell out of working for wages.
You haven’t a shred of credibility. Apparently, you would contend that we had Afghanistan under control, with the Taliban about snuffed out, and then Obama took over and all hell broke loose. You are, simply, a liar, and not even a very good one.
Doesn’t Mr. Klynical seem a little obsessed with Roger’s “pecker” these days? He’s posting that stupid comment on every thread. Just what HA needed, I reckon, some disturbed, degenerate goatfucking freak in a soiled KLOWN costume always talking about somebody else’s “pecker”.
Let’s say you bought Starbucks when I did. Let’s say you bought 100 shares for less than $2,000 and when it got to $12,000 (after the first 3 splits) you pulled out your $2,000 and kept $10,000 of Starbucks. After a while, it doubled again, and then you had $20,000 of Starbucks. Then you sold the Starbucks and bought 200 shares of Potash that went up to $150 and now your original investment of $2,000 is worth $32,000 ($2,000 + 200 x $150). Or, let’s say Potash goes down to $60 and now your $2,000 is worth $14,000 ($2,000 + 200 x $60). Are you telling me that’s not magic? Whatever. Get a burger flipping job and pay 32.65% of it to Uncle Sammy, if that makes you happy. I don’t work. This is better than working.
@60 “Doesn’t Mr. Klynical seem a little obsessed with Roger’s “pecker” these days?”
I’ve been thinking about that, and have started carrying a shotgun.
Feel better now?
Obama is indecisive about his commitment made in March, 2009.
Indecisiveness has consequences.
You are in denial if you think Obama’s over 2 months spent re-thinking hasn’t strengthened the Taliban.
I never said Obama inherited anything under control.
But his actions are pathetic.
You fight to win…like he said in March…or get out.
But to just sit without the commitment is wrong and has negative consequences.
OBAMA is the one who is indecisive.
OBAMA is the one who welcomed the Taliban to the table.
OBAMA is responsible for these deaths.
OBAMA…our Kommander in Chief.
So where does the buck stop pl??
You seem to be saying Obama can do whatever he wants and blame the outcome on Bush??
That’s ridiculous.
OBAMA is inexperienced.
OBAMA choose not to listen to McChrystal or Gates.
Barry Obama—Kommunity Organizer qualifies as Kommander in Chief.
It’s pathetic.
You are in denial.
62. Roger Rabbit spews:
The pecker is dead…just like Rog is facin’ soon.
Mr. Klynical had his chance at trading glory with the Great Trade Confirmation Showdown. Goldy has my trade confirmations. The goatfucker pulled the usual wingnut “cut & run”, showing once again how completely full of shit he is.
@44 I didn’t say there’s nothing wrong with it, I just said it wasn’t a big deal. You gotta keep things in perspective, Cynical. There’s worse things on TV than this, such as Republicans. Everything Republicans say on TV is worse than this.
61. Roger Rabbit spews:
Rog, Rog, Rog—
Get a grip.
You were busted you lying old f**k.
Stop wasting what little time you have left making up numbers and fantasy profits.
You are BUSTED Rog.
Give it a rest….pulllllllease.
For example, Republicans saying they’re going to vote against health care reform is far worse than a comedian pissing on a printed image of Jesus.
I have a feeling Jesus minds what the Republicans are doing far more than He cares about that picture.
No one gives a ratsass what you think.
Anyone who is soooooo obsessed with goat fornication, vulgarity and imaginery Black friends who suddenly die….
take a loooooooong nap before cocktail hour lunatic.
@53 “Oh yeah, it’s ALL Bush’s fault.”
It is, as a matter of fact. We’ve gone over this before, but I’ll briefly summarize the sitution: Bush put all his military marbles in fighting the wrong war in the wrong country, and the war he should have fought in Afghanistan was starved of resources as a result; consequently, the Taliban not only aren’t defeated but are staging a comeback for want of sufficient troops and materiel in the Afghan theater of operations, not to mention the fact that Osama wasn’t captured.
“The voters aren’t buying that pl. In fact, voters trust Republicans …”
Well, the voters (some of them, anyway) sometimes are mistaken. The last 8 years proves that. What you don’t get is that even if they’re dissatisfied with Obama, that doesn’t mean they prefer Republican chicanery and incompetence. The stupid ones do, sure, but I’m talking about where the majority is going. They’re not going to you.
Somebody’s just head exploded @69.
@55 Do I care what you believe?
My bank account laughs at you, Klown!
@56 “You ought to help Obama explain Health Care.”
If you’d been reading this blog instead of just farting in it, you’d see that’s what I’ve been doing the last couple days.
@63 “Indecisiveness has consequences.”
Oh, I agree, but so does rushing to judgment and making hasty decisions. Exhibit A: Bush
I guess now Klynical is against careful, deliberative, and thoughtful presidential decisionmaking, too.
Klown, why do you hate America?
@67 “fantasy profits”
The perv in the KLOWN costume simply can’t stop projecting! Where’s your trade confirmations, KLOWN? Goldy has mine. Where’s yours? heh- They’re “imaginery”, aren’t they, goatfucker? You just make shit up because you can’t stand being seen as such a loser.
@64 “dead…just like Rog is facin’ soon”
Oh, I agree, as Keynes said, we’re all dead in the long run … but judging from the pace of your mental deterioration you’ll get there ahead of me.
@65 Cynical is HA’s “balloon boy” — lots of hot air, but no cargo.
@67 See #72 again.
Klynical is in a foul mood this morning because the stock market has been sinking for several days and he’s watching his portfolio dribble away. My portfolio is going down, too, but it doesn’t matter because I got it almost free. Only about 5% of my portfolio is money I worked for.
@69 “No one gives a ratsass what you think.”
Back to you.
@71 Yeah; god, what a mess!
If Cynical’s approach to military matters carried the day, Canada’s military would be able to overrun us by next year. How does someone suffering from such a high level of self-delusion and idiocy even remember how to fuck his goats?
@84 Perhaps he has instructions written on his KLOWN Kostume sleeve.
In CAPS, of course, with lots of dots…, oh, and K’s.
You guys are on a roll here.
Stick it to the KLOWN!
85 and 86
The poor sonofabitch can’t even remember how to fuck his goats without written instructions; I’ll bet those instructions came originally from Glenn Beck. As I think about it, Beck probably had to demonstrate for Cynical for him to even make sense of the written instructions.
pl @ 88–
I’m sure your Lutheran Minister daddy would be proud of your posts.
Vulgarity is a last resort…meaning you lose.
What, you don’t see the humor?
Your vulgar diatribes are meant to be “funny”??
Oh…that’s nice.
It’s also telling that you have failed to condemn the Jew Comedian for pissing on a picture of Jesus while performing on TV.
Obama—-Change you can LAUGH at!!
It’s so telling that the perv in the KLOWN Kostume @91 has never condemned the Republican pedo in a Panda Kostume.
heh- There’s nothing vulgar about some deranged wingnut in a KLOWN Kostume sharing his racist views,
It is valuable to bring that up from time to time whenever Cynical wants to get on his high horse about his moral standards. Racism is not a family value, of course.
Obama has never worked for a living.
Kommunity Organizer isn’t work…it’s the Saul Alinsky form of cheating and lying.
Obama is definitely a quart low…perhaps a gallon!