Please join us tonight for some politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Some of us show up early for dinner.
Not in Seattle? With 340 other chapters of Drinking Liberally, there is bound to be one near you.
Get drunk, smoke pot and watch the Meteor Shower tonite after Bar time..
Have Lee give a lecture on the value of pot-smoking for the millions of unemployed and underemployed Americans.
What a KLOWN Pothead Lee is!
Smoking lots of Pot will help you get a job for sure, right Lee??
Drug-testing sucks….right, Lee…even though study after study shows pot-smokers are a danger on the jobsite, to themselves and their co-workers.
The only one who doesn’t believe the FACTS is Lee cuz he is stoned.
Grow up Lee.
Fox wants proof of bias? Back up the truck!
@1 “pot-smokers are a danger”
Nothing like goatfuckers, though.
Manny’s! It’s time for Manny’s.
its good but occasionly.
Yeah you fucking sheep. Look over here at Fox news. Don’t think about the federal debt and deficit. Don’t think about how Gregoire is doing. Let us at HA distract you from the important issues. It’s just so easy to do.
You fucking sheep.
Goes to show how much CNN ABC NBC CBS & PBS are really in the tank for Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm as Puddy been saying for so long.
This should be a great topic over a beer…
“KINSTON, N.C. | Voters in this small city decided overwhelmingly last year to do away with the party affiliation of candidates in local elections, but the Obama administration recently overruled the electorate and decided that equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without the Democratic Party.
“The department ruled that white voters in Kinston will vote for blacks only if they are Democrats and that therefore the city cannot get rid of party affiliations for local elections because that would violate black voters’ right to elect the candidates they want.”
So Eric, how did you conclude this again? Why are you essentially saying through your Justice Department black voters don’t have the sense to understand who they’re voting for Eric? We blacks don’t know how to identify candidates unless the word Democratic precedes or succeeds their name? Yep these are the clowns in Justice and this is how they treat my peeps.
Or over the second beer you all can discuss ylb arschloch’s favorite WA Post columnist.
“If, as the saying goes, the perfect is the enemy of the good, then Barack Obama is his own worst enemy. That becomes clear in the upcoming HBO documentary “By the People: The Election of Barack Obama,” which is the product of many months of behind-the-scenes access to Obama during the presidential campaign. It reveals — you will be surprised to learn — that Barack Obama is pretty close to the most perfect person you will never get to know. ”
Really? No wonder the libtardo MSM called him “the messiah” during the campaign.
Or maybe you can discuss this little comment from manufacturing czar, Ron Bloom.
“We get the joke. We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system, to beat the market or at least find someone who will pay you a lot of money because they’re convinced that there is a free lunch. We know this is large anted about power, that it’s an adults-only, no-limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political “power comes largely from the barrel of a gun.” PuddyEmphasis.
Wow these czars are really enlightening.
Will the whitey house block these peeps too?
Or you can over the third beer discuss Stephen A Smith, someone Puddy took one of his sons to meet in NYC during taping of his ESPN show a while back. Not many blacks left on ESPN now except in specialties like football, basketball or baseball. Only Stuart Scott left.
Puddy @ 8–
A huge part of Obamunism is that Black Folks are stupid and only Obama & his merry band of Marxist Klowns knows what is best for them.
Isn’t it great??
It saves you all that trouble of thinking!
Leftist’s use Blacks as their Useful Idiots…counting on them to vote Democrat for a few sheckels.
It worked in 2008.
I doubt it will work to that magnitude in the future cuz more & more Blacks are becoming successful and informed…working hard for what they have.
Obama is merely a Pimp of Poverty.
Now what the fuck are you blathering about shithead?
Read my post again tomorrow…after the pot has worn off.
Oh yeah…how much you hate the black President of the United States. The one that you and your “Death Pastors” pray will die by the hand of some fictitious “God of the craptacular chritianist crapulator”.
Nice. Keep it real dood.
@6 “Don’t think about the federal debt and deficit.”
Why should we? You guys didn’t. It was never an issue when your pols were spending like drunken sailors.
Hey Puddy–
Have you noticed how much angrier the KLOWNS have been lately??
Here they tell us everything will be rosey when Obama gets elected, he gets elected and still they bitch!
Obama’s ratings are in the tank.
Folks have figured out he is a Big Government, Deficit Spending Marxist and they reject it!
And the KLOWNS like rujax and proud leftist and ylb continue to have wretched lives.
You know what Puddy…I’m beginning to think nothing will ever make a KLOWN happy…except something to bitch about!
@7 It’s not polite to talk with your mouth full of marbles.
16. Rujax! spews:
dood? do you mean dude??
Another wretched rant from the most wretched HA poster. Does Puddy dislike Obama because Obama is Black????
You need Christian counseling friend.
Good luck in your journey.
Or over the fourth beer you can call rujax and ask what he thought of Donovan McNabb’s break out game against Da Raidas last Sunday. What was his QB rating again… Oh yeah 66.3. Well he did beat Matt Hasselbeck’s 32.5 rating.
Jeeee-Suss…you really ARE a misanthropic racist asshole aren’t you. A really really dirty fucking racist.
My fucking God.
And your pal the puddydummy just loves you. Just like the chicken that votes for Colonel Sanders.
I wish the fuck I still got stoned after reading that shit.
Shame shame shame on you. You’re not even human.
. Oh really, like the crickets chirping from your ASS dumb bunny? Oh sorry that’s your “bunny mouth”.
@18 Seems to me all the bitching is coming from wingnuts these days.
Wow Rog…they are just melting down.
Democrats excited over allegedly cutting Health Care Price Tag to under a trillion with smoke-and-mirrors!
Democrats LOVE folks of all races being beholding to the government. They have PROFILED Blacks successfully. But the day of reckoning is near.
Obama is a PIMP OF POVERTY…just like Jesse Jackson. You bet.
Keep digging fuckhead…this is fun to watch.
PS…I have a “P-Bonics” dictionary in the works.
Feel free to submit your favorites!!!
The dumb brick ylb arschloch has his tctmgr database. That was/is/will always be a chronological disaster.
The dumb cinder block has his UPCOMING P-Bonics dictionary. Puddy pulling for you rujax.
Puddy the wanker…yuck…
Yaaawwwwwwn…. More little droppings from Stupes with a side order of Klyn..
So boooooooring…
@24 Roger Rabbit Poll
This is a special edition of the Roger Rabbit Poll. All HA readers are welcome to participate, but remember, you can vote only once. There is only one question.
Which of the following is more rational, erudite, and informative?
[ ] 1. Rabbit farts
[ ] 2. Puddy’s babbling
@18 Obama’s polls will improve when voters see who the GOP nominee is.
@25 Yeah they’re melting like chocolate in a hot sun.
[X] 1. Rabbit farts
[ ] 2. Puddy’s babbling
No question.
Public announcement — Roger Rabbit is currently bashing pudpacker in the Boeing thread.
I keep changing my Gravatar.
Oh the “bashing”.
Now onto something important. Puddy has always suggested liberals implement donkoinfanticide. Culling the herd is important with dumb bricks and cinder blocks appearing on HA. Imagine if certain HA libtardos were missing there would be no goat sex projections. Here, a NY Times Libtardo talks about “Are Condoms the Ultimate Green-Technology?” Yes Andrew you should appear at a DL and discuss how Libtardos can save the planet.
Ultimately, gays should get the most carbon credits since procreation ain’t in their plans.
Gotta love the latest attack of the Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm on the US Chamber of Commerce.
“R. Bruce Josten, the Chamber’s longtime lobbyist, said he has less real access to Obama’s chief aides than he had during any previous administration. He said the business events Obama holds at the White House are just for show.
“Going to the Reagan center with 150 people, where the president gives prepared remarks — I’m sorry, I don’t consider that a consultative outreach,” Josten said. “That’s an event, designed by the White House, for the White House.””
Everything done by this whitey house is for show. Remember the “doctors” debacle two weeks ago, where they staged the event and it was found these “doctors” were already in the tank? Oh yeah… they passed out all those white coats for the camera…
When they were for his programs earlier this year the US Chamber was the best thing since sliced bread… Now the US Chamber is against Barack Hussein Obama Mmmm Mmmm Mmmmcare, they need to be attacked and vilified in the most mean and nasty way possible.
Good for you Orrin Hatch. About time someone went after that old Nazi sympathizer.
41 – Pffffft… Right wing bullshit site – IGNORED!
42 – An outfit that’s spent a half BILLION in lobbying over the last 10 years and whose members are leaving in droves. Lots of sympathy for that defender of the status quo.
43 – Pat Buchanan? (Nope I don’t click on the little droppings left by right wing tools unless they point to halfway sane places.)
So much for Stupes’ little droppings this morning….
Oh poor poor puddy…poor mr. cynical.
Things just aren’t going the way you babies want them to are they.
Well here’s your binky…might be time for an early nap.
45. Rujax! spews:
Hungover KLOWN??
Yet another substantive post by pooooooor Rujax.
Forgive him Lord…he’s doing the best he can with less than a full deck.
BTW KLOWN, check this out–
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Which of the following statements is true?
A. MSNBC is an unbiased network.
B. CNN is an unbiased network.
C. ABC, CBS, and NBC are squeaky clean, unbiased networks.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.
{Hint: It’s not “D.”}
Why are you guys complaining about Fox? You’ve got all the other networks on your side on every issue. What’s to complain about – you don’t have 100% of the media controlled by folks sympathetic to your agenda?
Be thankful that you control the vast majority of network news and let it go.
Remember, Obama’s Communication Director recently BRAGGED about how they controlled the so-called Media. BRAGGED ABOUT IT.
Of course the Loons want to control ALL the media…they want TASS dontchaknow.
Go fuck a cow or a goat or whatever you fucking crackers do.
Shame on you.
Say, how many Black friends do you have?
You are a typical Leftist user/loser.
Grow up.
Actually, you are right. It was when the loathsome Fascist Bush Administration was giving information only to their dicksucking propaganda broadcaster that there was angst.
The tiny repub/conservative remnant needs a cheerleading section, so they have disgusting phony Christian-Pharisees like Cynical and somewhat delusional Puddy and Fox news to keep them going. A hypocrite, an airhead, and a Murdoch moneymaker that panders to the dispossessed.
A great echo chamber if ever there was one.
“Actually, you are right. It was when the loathsome Fascist Bush Administration was giving information only to their dicksucking propaganda broadcaster that there was angst.”
Hey, every cable news outlet except Fox is sucking the Milk Chocolate Messiah’s dick so hard it’s a wonder the lad’s brain doesn’t implode. All this war on Fox News is doing is strengthening Fox’s share of the ratings. If you guys wanted to see Fox go away, stop watching them. O’Reilly’s laughing his ass off at you guys.
I haven’t watched Fox since I was in Oklahoma and had no choice.
Actually the Obama Krowd criticize and attack Fox, the higher the ratings.
The vast majority of folks want to see those in power held accountable. NBC, ABC, CBS and CNN have gone in the tank for Obama.
Did you hear about Obama’s 2-1/2 meeting with MSNBC propagandists yesterday??
Obama tried to keep it hush-hush but someone ratted him out.
My ass.
could YLB be the biggest tool on this website? Its starting to look that way….
I mean lets get real, even a lot of you guys on the left have to shaking your head at this lazy idiot.
Uhhhhh…don’t look now mr. humungahunga, but uhhh…ylb isn’t ON this thread.
Sure mr. humungahunga, let’s really get real shall we?
@57…scroll up dipshit.
Since you sound even less employable than YLB, I will help your dumb ass out…post #33
Ooooops…so sooooorrrry mr. humungabunghole…I’ll never everrrr let that happen again!