Please join us this evening for a “bonus budgetary projection” episode of the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. The Longview and Lakewood chapter will meet on Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 204 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
It’s now clear why Rep. Issa released only a redacted transcript of congressional investigators’ interviews with IRS employees and didn’t want the entire transcript made public.
1)I was wondering why Rep. Cummings did not release them earlier, and thought that only the Committee Chair could release them.
In Geneva, they are trying out a new Electric bus with fast charging batteries, that does not need overhead wires.
With streetcars and light rail, off-wire capabilities are making gains. Just about all the manufacturers are working on it. The First Hill Streetcar will only have wire going uphill on Jackson St, with regenerative braking and batteries doing the job downhill.
Another black man has left the reservation. Libtards are pizzed!
Of course the libtard leftist msm hasn’t covered this!
Dayum, he’s saying the same things Puddy been saying for years here on HA! Another black man wakes up. What will rujax do?
@ 5
So he knows all the buzzwords and talking points. Does he have any real suggestions as to solve those problems? Or is he just another bitchy jackass with nothing of any real substance to say?
Typical response from HA’s other racist OWS Fraggy… never a nice thing to say about black people. You seem to forget it was Republicans who wanted to give vouchers to inner city WA, DC parents because the inner city schools SUCK, just like Guillory said! It was shot down by DUMMOCRAPTS!
The buzzwords and talking points are FACTS! Irrefutable FACTS Puddy been bringing here for years! It just took him a little longer to see it!
You are a real “credit” to the whiteys! .NOT.
In Minneapolis, Mayor R.T.Ryback is not running for another term, and over the weekend, the Minneapolis DFL convention failed to endorse a candidate. This will be the first test of the Ranked Choice Voting system that the Minneapolis voters adopted in 2006 in the Mayor’s race. It was used in city council elections in 2009, as well as the multi seat variant in races for the Board of Estimate and Taxation, and the Parks and Recreation Board. I believe that for the Mayor and City Council elections, because of the p potential of not having certified software in time, they chose the San Francisco method, with voters only ranking up to three candidates. If this works out, combined with St Paul(they adopted it in 2009), perhaps it will get a boost statewide. The current system that parties choae candidates is not working there. In 2010, the State House Speaker won the DFL endorsement, only to lose the primary to Former Senator Mark Dayton, who opted not to go the caucus/convention route, and went on to win a narrow victory in the General Election, thanks to the Independence Party candidate.
Your idol Obummer was promising to solve those problems! EPIC FAYLE!
Wow. So what have the klownservative bagger idiots in the Midwest – OH, MI, IN, WI or Scott in FL – what have they done for black people lately?
In San Francisco, Mayor Ed Lee honored a San Francisco Municipal Railway bus driver for her actions following a shooting on her bus. She drove the injured passenger to the Hospital(San Francisco General was near her route), while staying calm.
By the way, at the same event, a new bus entered service, and a delegation from City Hall was going for a test drive, and the bus did not start!
How much you wanna bet this chughead is a TeaPottyist?
They haven’t been bragging politically that they are the saviors of black people for the last 50 years either continually and chronologically challenged serially unemployed moron ylb!
Sheesh… you are a real chronological idiot all the time! Dance Mike Webb Dance!
High teen birthrate is highest in places that teach absence only, that are the most conservative, like the south.
@ 7
The buzzwords and talking points are FACTS!
And among these “facts” is the notion the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican. I’d like to see Mr. Guillory give that speech in front of a group of Howard University students
If this is the Republican party’s notion of minority outreach, it’s not going to do all that well at the ballot box.
I imagine Mr. Guillory is changing from self-described ‘Democrat Party’ to the Republicans for reasons having to do with power in the Louisiana legislature and the specifics of how that power is distributed.
Politicians are (nearly always) first and foremost narcissistic, with some element of power-whore thrown in. Occasionally some of them make time to do good for their fellow citizens. I imagine there was some sort of shake up in his particular legislative body, and he’s making a calculated decision that he thinks will garner him more power/perqs/better office/more hookers/more money…or some combination thereof.
That said, I in fact applaud his critique of the power and wealth disparities within the country, particularly as they parallel skin color. His notions that vastly too many young black men are incarcerated, or that quality education is the prime vehicle for equalizing power and wealth are spot on.
However, and this was a big give-away, his characterization of the parties in their 1860s-1950s incarnations is simply irrelevant to their characters today (a common conceit with loons like puddybigot). He fails to identify food stamps as the farmer-subsidy that it is. He fails to make any substantive proposals to correct the ills he (rightly) identifies, and, moreover, fails to identify how becoming a Republican and abandoning the ‘Democrat'(sic) Party will advance his agenda.
So, the local dominant party has peeled off an out-of-power politician with higher-than-average melanin and convinced him to make a video wherein he spouts vapid talking points in a transparent and ham-handed attempt to get other higher-than-average melanin-endowed people to switch their lopsided voting patterns, thereby joining the rogues gallery of Alan West and Tim Scott.
Yeah, we’ve discussed that a few times – puddybigot has always held that the people in the cities in those regions (presumably black Democrats) are responsible of skewing the numbers so boldly.
I’ve shown him over and over that it’s the dominant population of poor, Republican-voting, evangelical, abstinence-only, poorly educated white people who drive the awful statistics about rates of teen pregnancy and out-of-wedlock pregnancy, and divorce, and domestic violence and other social ills throughout the old Confederacy.
It’s like talking to a rock, arguing with puddybigot, or rather a parrot – he gets wound up by his preacherman every Saturday and squawk-squawk-squawks all week.
Indeed it was funny to see this troll dance..
And this jerk too.
Michael Hastings is dead..
We’ve lost an outstanding journalist.. A new Sy Hersh..
We so desperately need more like him..
19)He will be missed.
I’m sure our remaining klownservative krackpot troll would approve of this “analysis”.
Here’s yet another article on taxation that will make the empty heads of klownservatives EXPLODE:
Read more:
Their beloved R-Money lied. They lie.. They’re all liars.
In other news, society is DOOMED..
Owebammascare = Constant and continual loss of retirement savings….
Interest rates = 0
muni bond rates = only an idiot would buy them at these rates
Stock Market = tanking while Bernanke takes his foot off the printing press.
WTF is this guy doing!
24 – Your bellyachin’ here really helped last Nov 6 didn’t it?
!!!G R E E E E E E E C E ! ! !
Here’s something that will make our 1 or 2 remaining klownservatives heads explode..
What the matter with Johnson County Kansas who voted over 57 percent for the R-Money/Randroid Ryan deception circus????
I’ve reported earlier that Kansas under klownservative degenerate Brownback has become the klownservative utopia fulfilling a decades long bagger dream.
Klownservative policies are working wonders there just like in Wisconsin!
Going back to the myth of Universal Prosperity, what do we do when the way things are current structured, do not support that? Is “I’ve got mine, to hell with you” the logical outcome?
@27 Well, the “I’ve got mine, to hell with you” crowd are somewhat poorer today. Financial markets are dropping like a stone after Bernanke told them yesterday they’re not going to get free federal money anymore after next year.
I won’t mind a bit seeing investments bankers and their lawyers in the soup kitchen lines with the rest of us. We’ll have lots to talk about while waiting for our free soup.;dur=1264
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have you ever noticed how well dressed the unemployed were in those Depression soup line photos?
The DJIA has lost 560 points in 2 days. Now you know what the capitalists think of Federal Reserve welfare. They can’t live without it. As for me, the stocks I wanna buy just got cheaper.
# 24: I thought you guys were all about “accepting personal risk” and all that? Not so much with your money, you want the government to insure your retirement returns.
But that being said, let’s compare (once again – it’s been a while since I did this):
Obama (4-1/2 years) up 78.21%
Bush (8 years) down 21.78%
Clinton (8 years) up 235.37%
Bush Sr. (4 years) up 45.57%
Reagan (8 years) up 135.13%
@24 Not to worry, 3.5% long rates on T-bills will be here soon. Meanwhile, dividend stocks went on sale this week, and there are now 3% to 4% yields all over the place.
Repoublicans would rather legislate the morality of foreigners than save human lives. The Klownservative Kourt fixed that today by striking down a Bush-era law that required charities seeking federal funds to fight HIV and AIDs to sign a pledge opposing prostitution and human trafficking, which kept them from serving the populations most in need of HIV/AIDs health services.
FDA Approves Over-The-Counter Sale of Morning After Pill
“The morning-after pill is finally going over-the-counter. The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved unrestricted sales of Plan B One-Step, lifting all age limits on the emergency contraceptive. Until now, customers could buy that morning-after pill and competing generic versions without a prescription only if they proved to a pharmacist that they were 17 or older.”
Vigilante killer George Zimmerman will face an all-female jury in his murder trial.
GOP witch hunters can’t catch a break.
Today is Dump the Pump Day, a little promotional event sponsored by the American Public Transportation Association, the trade group representing public transportation providers. Something that they have been doing for 8 years. Now for some, it’s the opposite, of course.
Too bad King County Metro announced the trolleybus replacement plan earlier in the week, would have been better to announce it as part of the promotion by APTA.