With summer on full display, please join us this evening to quench your physiological and political thirsts at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Here is Wall Street Journal editorial board member Dorothy Rabinowitz going off on the evils of bicycles and the evil bicycle sharing program recently launched in NYC. Note…this is NOT parody.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. The Lakewood chapter meets on Wednesday. And on Thursday, the Spokane and Tacoma chapters meet.
With 204 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Bicycles?? BICYCLES??
Somebody has too much time on her hands!
Shocking! Fire Hazard!
The real problem, and these idiots are a perfect example of it, is that damn near everyone in leadership positions in America, in: media, education, government, theology, you name it, is a non-leader and mediocre at best.
The best thing that can happen in America is mass retirements at the top.
Holy Cow… DUMMOCRAPTS got info from the IRS. DUMMOCRAPTS are being hung by their greed!
Thus is late but I’ve been travelling, btw, Milwaukee is a pretty cool town.
saw several wingers on the Sunday shows talking about the 147 visits by the acting IRS Commissioner to the White House.
You knew that story was debunked. It was debunked 72 hours earlier. Why did you lie to the American people? Who prepared your talking points? Will you appear under subpoena before Issa (R-Felon)?
4)They basically looked at how many times he was cleared to visit, but did not check the logs to see if he showed up.
Now the Washington State Patrol is looking for a second trucker in the investigation of the Skagit River Bridge Collapse. They say, for now, they just want to know what he saw of the truck involved in the collapse.
But they were still telling that story on the Sunday shows. The American people should know the truth. Why didn’t the seals at Andrews go help read them the FACTS as they were reported? There were security forces that could have helped learn the truth but they stood down.
I am beginning not trust the Sunday Shows anymore. It seems all of them are stuck in the Beltway Bubble. Meet the Press is one of the oldest tv shows, it has not been the same without Tim Russert.
Good to hear. I’m going to be in Milwaukee and Eau Claire later in the month. Both first time visits for me.
So David Plouffe’s tweet got some unexpected results!
Why billionaires can’t afford to pay higher taxes.
@3 Since nobody knows who allegedly leaked the alleged IRS info how does The Daily Caller* know who leaked it?
* Wingnut blog having the usual credibility of wingnut blogs.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: That’s not only not a Holy Cow, it’s not even a cow.
It is a proven fact in the fever swamps of the right that bicycles lead to Communism and are a threat to our personal freedoms.
We must stamp out this two-wheeled threat to our way of life!
SENILE and Very DUMB Wabbit… Did you reaqd the article?
See ya!
@1 I’m curious why she thinks she speaks for the people of NYC and the elected mayor doesn’t.
@14 Your problem is that I did read it. It says NOM “has asked the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to investigate and learn the source of the breach” and “is insisting the [HRC and Huffington Post] name the leak.” That doesn’t sound like a group that knows who the leaker is.
But if it turns out that someone working for the IRS is leaking Romney’s tax information, then I wish whoever it is would leak his 2009 return, because I’m curious what he tried so hard to hide from the public.
My guess is he took advantage of the IRS’s 2009 amnesty program that allowed people who hid income in overseas banks to avoid paying taxes to avoid going to prison by ‘fessing up and paying the back taxes and penalties.
We know Romney had Swiss bank accounts, and that thousands of rich tax dodgers who hid income in Swiss bank accounts asked for amnesty after the IRS forced the Swiss banks to give the IRS their names. I’m wondering if Romney was one of them. If he was, his 2009 tax return would show it, and that’s the only Romney tax return of the last 30 years that no one outside his family and lawyers have seen.
@13 Nah, nothing like that, it’s just that some jerks on bicycles give all the rest a bad name.
It’s starting…
Where in the article does The DC claim they “KNOW” who the leaker is? Let’s try again SENILE One… Did you look at the capture? It said: “THIS IS A COPY OF A LIVE RETURN FROM SMIPS. OFFICIAL USE ONLY.” Puddy guesses the pictures confuse SENILE and Very DUMB Wabbits!
DUMMOCRAPTS like Jim McDimWitt claimed Progressive groups were targeted by the Obummer IRS too. Except where are their witnesses? They get to call witnesses too at the hearing. And Paul Ryan ripped McDimWitt a new one. P R I C E L E S S!
Do you bother to read your links? Why does the girl get preferential treatment? Why should they “waste” lungs on a girl that will probably die because they won’t work for her. Now two people are dead.
Would you rather an insurance company deny the transplant because it costs too much profits?
!!!B E N G H A A A A Z I I !!!!
!! G A S P R I C E S !!!
!!! F A S T N’ F U R I O U S !!!
!!! S O L Y N D R A !!!
!!! A C O R N !!!
@19 Let’s review. You said: “DUMMOCRAPTS got info from the IRS” and linked to the DC article, which doesn’t say that. In fact, nobody knows where the info came from, including you! That’s why NOM asked for the investigation, dummy! So how can you say anyone “got info from the IRS” when you don’t know where it came from? Simple, by linking, in classic puddy style, to an article that doesn’t say what you say it says! GONG!! You’re off the show. Next contestant, please.
@21 “Do you bother to read your links?”
No, he doesn’t. See #23.
@19 I’m curious what you think that proves.
No surprise. The Wall Street Urinal is owned by the same guy who owns Fux Noise.
NOM removed the “redacted layer SENILE and DUMB Wabbit. The forms were the officially marked IRS FORMS. NOM wants to know who in the IRS passed it on!
And yes SENILE and DUMB Wabbit Puddy read the article and looked at the picture. Apparently you didn’t!
Fascist Pigsty farted…
Pigsty… what was Puddy’s insert for the story? Hint: Someone lives and someone dies… a bureaucrat makes the decision. And it seems Fascist Pigsty can’t read either…
Puddy rests Puddy’s case. Another leftist moron!
Wrong again, bozo.
Another example of your reading comprehension difficulties. From YOUR LINK…
It’s a decision made on evidence – data – FACTS – you complete bozon, something you wouldn’t recognize if it hit you upside your 6000-year-old-universe-believing pointy little head.
It’s very easy to scream “Bureaucrats!!! Death Panels!!! ISLAMMOCOMMUNISTKENYANNNN!!!”
It’s far harder to balance the needs of the unfortunate people who need lung transplants and the too-few organs available. It’s a situation that calls for rigorous weighing of evidence and the formulation of rules by experts based on those data. Yes, people will die. Sometimes they are children. Life sometimes sucks.
But to give in to your demagoguery and put a lung or two into this kid means those organs won’t go into someone, or some two, more likely to survive, costing them their lives. Are they worth less than this little girl? Are you going to tell them that because of the useful politics of this girl’s story to people who read ‘The Examiner’ and who are out to bash a democratic administration, that they have to die? Are you going to grieve with their families?
Of course you’re not, you’re a coward, we all know that.
This is why there are rules – because when a resource is precious and life saving and in limited supply, a civilized and fair and rational people make rules to allocate that resource so that the maximum shared, public benefit is achieved – it’s called ‘ethics’ and I’m sure you’re not acquainted with it, puddybigot.
Crawl back in your hole, you worthless, spineless, ethically-challenged, STOOPID little man.
Actually, Republican lawmakers masquerading as MDs and insisting they know better than actual Doctors and surgeons has been going on a long time….cough…the body has ways or shutting that whole thing down…achoo…AIDS is contagious…cough…Teri Schiavo!
Ironically, the years brain dead Schiavo, whom the Republican Senate medical experts insisted would make a full recovery, died in 2005, the same year the panel if ACTUAL transplant surgeons made their rule against transplanting adult lungs into children as it has proven ineffective.
Quick quiz, was Obamacare in effect in 2005?
To qoute, “Epic Fayle.”
Yup, the right-wing whiner claims that there are ‘medical professionals’ who agree with him. No names, of course, no examination of their expertise or disinterested position, or not. Moreover, surviving the operation is only part of the calculus of organ allocation (a topic with which I have some significant experience; I deal with transplant patients nearly every day).
Again, from YOUR article…
“Highest Acuity” list in transplant terms means they’re on death’s door, too. Again, it’s why there are complex and rigorously formulated rules governing organ allocation – because this is an emotionally fraught, technically complex and medically and ethically challenging situation.
It’s very easy, as you’ve shown over and over and over, to stand on the sidelines with incomplete data and a flawed understanding of a complex process, and SNIPE about something you don’t get, all in order to (try to) score cheap political points. It’s a great deal harder to actually try to navigate a challenging and complex and deeply emotional situation with your ethics and morals intact, trying to do the most good for the most people.
Like I said, puddybigot, crawl back in your hole. Before you do, though, could you provide the link for your contention that “science” “proved” Intelligent Design? Please? Pretty, pretty please??
In a town where the ballpark is quite a way from downtown, they have system where 30-40 bars and restaurant run shuttles. Have some food or a drink pre-game, they give you a free ride to the park and back. Nice yard, Miller Field too.
lots of old stone and masonry architecture, friendly people, lots of German and other hearty food and the bronze Fonz on the river walk.
I see puddybigot has run away again, in the face of facts and rationality.
@28 the transplant story
I infer from the article that the doctors would trying to stuff adult lungs into a child body and have it both live and work. That HAS to be more risky. It’s not like they can just shave off lung parts to make it fit. If they attempt this and it fails, now two people are dead, the girl and the person that should have gotten the lungs that had a much better chance of survival. Now who is playing God?
Mr Barletta is simply pandering to the conservative base, In the sound bite alone, he used the weasel words of “unnamed” professionals and “could” work. He was trying to make it seem like heartless government official were gleefully rigidly adhering to rules to make the girl die. He’s just inflaming the base, trying to make it seem like there are government death panels, without saying it.
Who are the medical professionals think it could work? Are they like climate denier scientist who will say what eve their pay lords tell them to say? is this like the Fox News “Some people are sayin… that she might live.” Given that the arguer comes across as a partisan hack, it’s hard not to assume the “experts’ he’s referencing for the sound bite are not also “suspect”
Did Dick Cheney jump ahead in line and get preferential treatment for his heart transplant? Robert Casey. Casey’s heart and liver deteriorated in the summer of 1993, he was told he needed a double transplant, and he got one the next day. Is it fair to assume that, as governor of the state, Casey may have been given priority over others who had been waiting longer for those two organs or that he may have known better than most how to “work the system?”
I feel for the young girl. Nobody wants to die.
Would you rather transplants be done by a American idol crowd sourcing model, where the most photogenic and the most heart wrenching get the transplant, regardless of viability. “Give it to the cute girl! Yahhhhhhh (confetti falls from the ceiling)’
Would you rather the choices be made by insurance companies screening for the people who have the money to pay for it. “You are too poor, go die quickly.”
Would you rather the choices be made by political influence? “I used to be VP, give me the heart or I will shoot you in the face”
Is it better that the choices be made by hard science facts and statistics of mortality rates and proven techniques? “You have the mostly likely chance of living, you get the transplant”
I don’t blame the parents for taking every step imaginable to try to get lungs for their daughter.
But I also don’t blame government administrators, or the head of the department, for deciding to ignore such requests. If they give in, every cute kid with parents savey enough to turn it inot a social media/news campaign will be asking for a chance to “jump the line”.
The right wing is cynically hoping to use this for their own purposes. In 2000 it was the kid who lost his mother in an attempt to get from Cuba to the U.S., and when he was deported (at his father’s request) they made sure pictures of federal agents in SWAT gear forcibly taking the child were published – turning a simple child-custody case into an election issue. This year’s attempt will be the child wanting a liver – which some Republican will blame on Obamacare (just wait for it).
Interesting study about Los Angeles Air Quality. Air pollution is on the decline in the Los Angeles Basin, not entirely blue skies, but getting better. It’s the result of decades of effort, going back to at least when Reagan was Governor.
I was bored and I clicked on the palin facebook page and they are all over the transplant story. It’s death panels. It’s Marxism. It’s because the Obama admin checked and the family didn’t vote democrat. They would give it Sibelius’s daughter if she were in this situation. It’s Hitler all over again. Democrats are Evil. Obama is Evil.
Not a single post to counter the flood right wing babble. I wonder how fast they are modded out or if rational people even bother.
The New Robo Signing Scandal — Combined With ‘Sewer Service’ — Misuses the Court System to Rob Debtors
The recession has spawned a new type of crook masquerading as legitimate business: Debt buyers pay pennies on the dollar for debt paper that may be (but often is not) valid, then seek to maximize collections at minimum costs, which is achieved by throwing due process under the bus. Here’s what state attorney generals are suing big national debt collectors for:
1. Robo-signing lawsuits without having proper documentation or conducting any review;
2. Hiring “sewer servers” who never serve the alleged debtors but simply dump the papers in a sewer;
3. Sending witnesses to court who lie about facts they know nothing about; and
4. Getting mass default judgments against alleged debtors who were never notified of the debt claim, weren’t served notice of the court proceedings, without evidence to establish the validity of the claim.
In some courts, these mass-production debt cases represent 97% of the court’s caseload. Poor minorities, who are less likely to know their legal rights or be able to afford a lawyer to challenge the faulty judgment, are especially targeted.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Where are the judges in this? Sounds to me like they’re not doing their job. A judge isn’t supposed to automatically enter a default judgment if the defendant doesn’t show up. Particularly if its common known (via the media or other sources) that banks and debt collectors are using dishonest and illegal tactics such as robosigning, perjuring process servers, and questionable claims, judges should conduct their own review of every claim before granting a default judgment. And if it turns out the process server lied about serving the defendant, that process server should be hauled into court on perjury charges and sent to prison, because there’s no difference between “sewer service” and shoplifting. In each case, it violates someone else’s property rights, and it’s stealing.
The Corner Side Yard is one of the better blogs about urbanism that I’ve stumbled across in a while.
What’s Urbanism?
From Wikipedia.
Urbanism is the characteristic way of interaction of inhabitants of towns and cities (urban areas) with the built environment or – in other words – the character of urban life, organization, problems, etc., as well as the study of that character (way), or of the physical needs of urban societies, or city planning. Urbanism is also movement of the population to the urban areas (urbanization) or its concentration in them (degree of urbanization).
Or possibly: misguided, nanny statist, naked, atheistic, pot smoking youth, who just might be gay and who ride bicycles (Bicycles!), with a side order of scary brown people thrown in for good measure. And they all like riding light-rail trains. Together. Just depends on where you get your information.
Sshh… No one tell Dorothy Rabinowitz that even Milwaukee’s getting a bike share program. That mayor of theirs (Tom Barrett) must be some sort of Dirty Fucking Hippie.
Well rhpee6033… morons like SCHMUCKO do. Bet SCHMUCKO would gllady accept Sebelius’ decision and move on! That’s why he’s HAs SCHMUCK! All Penis No Brain!
BTW a judge gave the family until June 14th. Seems that fact was missed by SCHMUCKO on his penis breath web site Daily Kooks!
Scream on SCHMUCKO. It’s falling on deaf ears!
Meanwhile Al Gore awaketh!
There is a proposal to connect the South Lake Union and First Hill Streetcar lines in Downtown Seattle. It should have been done in the first place, but to keep costs down, it was not done. I prefer the 1st Ave option, as 4th Ave gets shut down for parades, and most Metro buses are on third Ave now.
On a railfan board I post on, the moderators mentioned the passing of Senator Lautenberg. One of them(Who lives in New Jersey) said that he bet a train station will be named after him. It was a joke, as a key transfer station on the Northeast Corridor at Seacaucus Junction, that he fought for, is already named after him. In fact, that is where his casket was loaded on the train to take him to Washington DC for burial at Arlington National Cemetery.
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has helped a little in combating air pollution. One thing that they did was phase out Diesel buses. The decision was made in the 1990s to go to Compressed Natural Gas, and by the end of 2010, the last Diesel bus in the LAMTA fleet was towed off into the sunset. A combination of a California clean air mandate and the Federal Transit Administration 12year rule(if Federal money is used, must use the bus for 12 years, California requires it retired after 12), took it from there after the conversion decision was made.
Also helping, is the MTAs expanding light and heavy rail network.
Hoepfully, he’ll go back to sleep soon.
Wherein you AGAIN expose your simpleton-like understanding of the issue you keep harping on.
Here’s TPM…
So, hey, let’s suspend the rules of organ allocation and make it a free-for-all in the right-tard press – whoever’s parents can get the most Teahaddist Congresscritters to make noise, whoever can get the most air time on FOX, whoever prompts the most stilted story on The Examiner…GET’S THE ORGANS!!!!
What a perfect Lord of the Flies style of society – it rather perfectly encapsulates all the dog-eat-dog mentality, all the paranoid desperation that idiots like puddy represent….and you know in that system, the Rush Limbaughs or one of the grandkids of the Koch’s won’t be waiting in line with the plebes who are fighting it out on FOX. When we suspend open, data-driven, democratic rules, the new rules are made by the powerful, for the powerful. That’s what underlies this whole story – it’s an attack on order.
This is Sciavo all over again, only this time puddybigot and his fellow ghoulish vultures are using the almost-dead body of a little 10-year-old as a political cudgel, instead of a grown woman.
BTW, the federal judge who issues the restraining order (putting the little girl on the adult list with 1700 other patients) – Bush II appointee, natch.
I wonder, if/when this little girl gets the lung transplant….will puddybud be here lamenting the death of the person next in line who didn’t get them, and died waiting. Or the children they left behind?
Will he be here exhorting us all to register as donors?
Will he be working in communities of color, where chronic lower rates of donation (often due to religious beliefs) leave many ill African Americans to die waiting on the list for an organ that will never come?
Here’s an interesting essay on the ethics of organ transplantation…and some excerpts…
puddybigot won’t be doing any of those things I mentioned above – because he doesn’t really give a shit about organ failure and the medical and economic and ethical issues of organ transplantation, and the care of these patients. He’s only harping on this issue because the geniuses at FOX and The Examiner and the Washington Times told him to care about it – because it was a way to attack a Democrat with an emotionally effective but ultimately dishonest weapon.
Crawl back in your hole, puddybigot.
Sadly, former world record-holding UW pole vaulter Brian Sternberg has passed away.
I wrote about my memories of Brian and team mate Phil Shinnick last year.
Anybody who was living or growing up in Seattle at the time of Brian’s acheivments in track and field 50 years ago and then his tragic accident understands Seattle’s loss. Others probably don’t get it but that’s OK. The rest of us will never forget that guy.
Dear President Obama, we who elected you did not do so with the idea that you would continue the Bush Admin’ s cavalier disregard for the rule of law.
This is from HHS:
Seems that there’s already flexibility in the system, and that what the Republican congresscritter and the Republican judge are demanding is that all rules be suspended and that the next set of lungs go strait to this unfortunate ‘death panel’ poster child that the right wing media has ghoulishly glommed on to.
Here’s a recent (2009) paper from the Journal of the American Thoracic Society (well regarded), about pediatric lung transplantation, including…
The reference (22) is this:
There as a service for anyone who actually wants to understand how this complex system works, and how many people have spend a tremendous amount of time and energy crafting a fair and equitable system to serve a very unfortunate slice of our society.
This is from the Toronto Star…
…prompting this, from a medical ethicist…
Seems that the Judge, and the Congresscritter and the right-tard media have become a death panel for all the people on the wait list, shoved aside by this arbitrary ruling for the telegenic and tragic kid that the Republicans are exploiting this week.
Patrick Toomey, cheap whore…
The Congresscritter who brought this case to attention is a dude named Lou Barletta, faithful Republican and supporter of the Paul Ryan budget, who previously was best know for his deep deep fear of immigrants and who they are destroying our country.
Another cheap whore.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your train wreck has happened!
Of course SCHMUCKO turns a blind eye if you a DUMMOCRAPT bundler/donor and Nancy Pelosi makes a drug available… But to have a little girl have a chance to live because Republicans are pulling for her are cheap whores!
Scream on SCHMUCKO… no one is listening!
As this records request went through the FISA court, member that, the one which Bush Jr. said he didn’t need to make requests for warrants, the rule of law WAS upheld. And it would appear that the FISA warrant and renewals goes back seven years, AKA pre-dates the Obama administration.
I don’t think its a good law, but there you have it.
Another item the Rightosohere can scream about on radio and Fox news goes fizzle.
Y’all think it’s okay to have every Verizon phone call metadata available because Holder wrote some vague “James Rosen” like affadavit? How does it fizzle checkmate… You forgot Obummer commentary against Bush. Puddy didn’t! Aug 7, 2007 Obummer’s own words… You see checkmate, Obummer promised you a bag of horse shit and you ate it twice!
This 24 hour moronic moonbat missing memory malady of HA lunatic libtards is a sad sad disease!
@61, It’s an act. No one is actually as stupid as the Puddy Character.
Your favorite national security expert Mike Rogers confirmed today that it’s a program that’s gone on for over seven years and that it has thwarted terrorist attacks.
So it fizzled simply because the rightosphere can only rail about “Obama had this horrible program that was up and running when he took office but it was perfectly fine when the previous administration devised and implemented it?” Or they can go with, “Why didn’t Obama end this existing affront to our constitution and make the American people less safe?”
Which one you go with?
As to your link, and your continued act that you have zero reading or audio comprehension, Obama was discussing warrantless wiretaps. Based on what Mike Rogers said today, this was approved by the FISA court so….they had a warrant.
No, no one is as stupid as you pretend to be, no one.
What you’re asking us to accept is an equivalence between a politician pulling strings to get an unavailable, and likely ineffective, drug as a political favor for a donor, with the Republicans’ ongoing ghoulish exploitation of a dying little girl that they’re using to make a political attack on Obama and other Democrats, in the process they’re fucking over, and likely killing, other people on the transplant list and undermining the ethical integrity of the organ allocation process.
Perhaps you are that stupid, or perhaps you’re just devoid of any ethics, and utterly contemptuous of the other people on the transplant list, and utterly unphased by the expoitation a dying child and her desperate parents.
Go crawl back in your hole, puddybigot.
Probably not that many people read these threads, I don’t know the visit rate, but all who do know you’re an asshole and an imbecile without ethics or morals.
Oh, so that’s how you spin the morals-free expoitation of a dying child for political purposes, in the process attacking the entire organ transplantation process, and likely causing the deaths of the people who should actually receive the lungs that are being diverted to this unfortunate child, for political purposes.
You are below slime, puddybigot.
That’s all Obummer was discussing checkmate? Did you miss his audit/video of “no more national security letters spying on citizens who are not suspected of a crime?” You must have because you proved it above! So what is this FISA affidavit checkmate? It’s a letter to a judge! So why are they asking for all the Verizon phone record metadata from April 19th checkmate?
Regarding Mike Rogers, since you brought him up checkmate and are now cheering his commentary… What plot was foiled between April 19, 2013 and now?
And checkmate it’s Michael@52 decrying Obummer’s activities… Michael is a leftist checkmate… Too bad your mind is “lacking” in critical thought.
Apparently rhpee6033 (HA leftist) agrees with Puddy and the parents and the Republican congressmen and senators.
Scream on SCHMUCKO… no one is listening or reacting to your horse shit! Looks like you need to drop back into your slime home!
Sux to be you!
Perhaps you missed the emphatic quote.
Mike Rogers confirmed this is a seven year old, periodically renewed by FISA program. Citing a specific date is obfuscating. Since righties like to speculate about ticking bombs, torture scenarios and extra constitutional law enforcement acceptabilities..try this. The Tsarnaev brothers had cell phones and sent texts while being pursued. Knowing the owners of those phones that received texts, the physical location of those phones and the calls or texts sent immediately before and after receiving texts from the Tsarnaevs…nah, no reason law enforcement should be able to get that info quickly.
Covered by a warrant of course…see FISA court.
So I need to ammend my post @52 to read continue the policies and procedures of the Bush Admin instead saying the rule of law…
@Puddy, yep Obama sucks. But, he sucks becuase he’s doing what yourside has been doing and it’s not like McCain or that other Douche Canoe would have done any better.
Thanks for playing…
Given the choice between:
A) Continuation of policies I oppose and working to move the economy forward through proven Keynsian economics that have proven tepidly successful
B) Continuation of policies I oppose and the implementation of austerity that has proven not to work in every country it has been tried leading to further economic collapse
I’ll continue to take A. Every Single Time.
Oh my checkmate…
We were told the Bothers Tsarnaev worked alone. Pffffffffffft! We were told Al Qaeda has been decimated.
EPIC FAYLE checkmate!
So Obummer’s public rhetoric doesn’t match Holder’s reality. Hence, what is reality these days in ObummerWorld?
I think it’s possible to support option “B” over option “A” while still pushing for an option “C.”
No one can be that stupid in reality.
Nah, no investigating led to any conclusions. Someone just looked into their souls and knew the truth.
Today has been I fine performance.
The reality is that Obama continued most of Shrub’s policies and procedures. Which is dumb.
Apparently you are checkmate… You forgot all these Obummer sadministration comments! A very fine performance!
@68 puddybigot:
Um, no.
@35 rhp:
You really are that stupid, puddybigot.
You’re so stupid you would lie about a thread-post just 30 entries above you, there for all to see.
You are gleefully, blithely, stupidly, wholeheartedly supporting a ghoulish exploitation of a dying little girl for cynical political point scoring.
You really should be ashamed, if only you were capable, but you’re soul-less and hollow, a wind-up toy for the Moonie-Times, an obedient little servant that does just what he’s told to do, in the service of his betters.
Run along now, puddybot.
Where did Puddy lie you STOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID JACKASS? Let’s review everyone Puddy wrote about rhpee6033
rhpee6033 wrote
The Republicans are pleading for the little girl just like the parents. So moronic twit explain where did Puddy lie?
You are a idiot and a moron!
Oh this will be interesting…
Scream on SCHMUCKO… no one is listening or reacting to your horse shit! You scream on deaf leftist ears! Looks like you need to drop back into your slime hole!
Oh BTW a judge disagreed with your pitiful commentary! It must really suck to be on the wrong side of so many things. Why do you hate sick little children SCHMUCKO? And you are some type of “doctor”? Glad you ain’t Puddy’s “doctor”!
A SCHMUCK through and through!
@66, me:
@68, puddybigot:
@79, puddybigot:
You’re too stupid to even make up your own insults.
No they’re not. They’re using her – a dying child – as a political cudgel.
It is beneath contempt.
After the Republican judge upends all the rules governing organ allocation, and this little girl gets a set of lungs that don’t fit her chest cavity, and the person who was actually first in line but didn’t get them dies – what then??
Will you and your fellow Republican cheap whores cry out for justice for those people? Their families? Their children?
No there won’t be a word from you – you’re not interested in actually maximizing a just distribution of a scarce resource – you’re all about cheap political points to score and nothing more.
You are a contemptible husk of a human being.
Oh moronic one… If you noticed no one came to your “defense”. Hence Puddy uses your worn out attacks back at you.
It’s amazing how you are drowning on Lake Washington and your own leftist buds are leaving you without a lifeline.
The girl’s score is a 78 out of 100. Of course you don’t care, unless it was your son then you’d prolly not care again!
Compassion is not your strong suit. Everyone sees that now “doc”! Or is it “quack”?
This one gets a separate entry… Republicans have been doing that for years SCHMUCKO… unborn babies in the womb, you know unborn people whose slaughter you happily approve!
1. I don’t need anybody to defend me.
2. I don’t think you understand the definition of the word, “Hence.”
Wow. Just like cheapshotBob, who couldn’t resist including smarmy, wheedling references to my children when he was losing an argument. You must miss him.
I care deeply about my patients, and about a system that acts justly and fairly and transparently to ensure that organs are allocated in a way to save the most lives.
Please explain your understanding what that score means. Please, I would love to hear that, because it’s obvious you cluelessly cribbed that factoid from a Bloomberg article, or from some fever swamp site, and you have no fucking clue how patients are evaluated nor how organ allocation is supposed to work.
I suppose your experience in the education system has led to reflexively think that ’78’ is a stunningly high score.
I’ll repeat my question…puddybigot had a bit of a clue that this might be important, but blew it, of course.
Here, try again, referring to the people on the lung transplant waiting list who are going to die because of the meddling that Republicans have done in using this system as weapon to attack Democrats…
Puddybigot’s only answer is that he has a sad over abortion, over women having autonomy over their own bodies. Typical.
Come on puddybigot – I asked you specifically about the real live humans desperately waiting their turn on the list, the ones who haven’t been appropriated as political props, the ones who don’t have politicians and pundits and other whores exploiting them for their own purposes – what about them??
Of course, we’ll get not a word about these unfortunate people, the ones getting run over by the Republican garbage truck, the unfortunate souls WHO ARE GOING TO DIE because the system was screwed with for the most cynical of political reasons.
Not a fucking word from puddybigot. Spineless. Shameless. Typical.
Seems that puddybigot has run away again….
When you slink back, squid, would you be so kind as to provide a link documenting you assertion from the other day that “science” has “proved” Intelligent Design???
Pretty Please???
I will LOVE reading that.
Ummm NOPE… Your silly rants aren’t worth the time of day today! Work takes higher precedence over your useless screams that no one is listening to.
Oh SCHMUCKO is AN IDIOT. Puddy watched the libtard evening news last night you moron! They explained it good enough for Puddy! BTW why should Puddy do your bidding…? Puddy is Pavlov you are a stoooooooopid heartless libtard. See ya on that one.
Well enough of your SCHMUCKO rants for this morning. Puddy has an extensive vacation to plan with da family around some bidness trips flying to different continents staying at Marriott Hotels and renting cars.
Wait for it everyone… SCHMUCKO is so predictable. Puddy predicts three separate attacks. SCHMUCKO is full of rage and hate just like serial plagiarizing salt licking moronic twit ylb 24×7!
Sux to be you JACKASS,
Good day!
@88 “Your silly rants aren’t worth the time of day today!”
Standard-issue flat-earther response to reasoned argument. Yawn.
The DJIA is up 200 points today; a solid vote of confidence by capitalism’s heartland in the government welfare known as quantitative easing. Pardon me while I cash my check. I’m making $2,500 today for doing nothing but owning. Hey putz, don’t you have to work or something?
Waste, Fraud and Abuse Dep’t
This is what happens when you hire a private contractor to do government work.
As I thought. You have no understanding of that which you speak.
You are a parrot, squawking “78!! 78!!” without knowing jack shit about what you’re talking about.
BTW, how’s that link showing “science” “proving” intelligent design coming? I’m really looking forward to reading it!!
Well everyone Puddy claimed above…
Unfortunately for you SCHMUCKO, PUDDY knows all about lung function and Pulmonary Function Tests. With a relative with COPD, it proves just how much of a real pompous JACKASS you are everyday on HA!
Keep being the ASSHOLE everyone expects you to be!
Sux to be you SCHMUCKO!
You really are that stupid.
So…you have a relative with COPD (=Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, AKA emphysema, AKA chronic bronchitis).
And you know that there are things called Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT).
You still have not, HOWEVER, explained your understanding about this ‘score is a 78 out of 100’ stuff.
That was not referring to PFTs, per se, but rather a more complex severity stratification for end-stage lung disease.
Moreover, it does not exist in a vacuum, nor explain this girl’s relative position, compared to other patients on the transplant list. Nor does it address something you’ve COMPLETELY avoided – the consequences of the politization of the transplant decision making by ghoul-like Republicans.
Once again we see you limitations with ‘words’ – you clearly do not uncerstand the meaning of the word “Prove“.
Speaking of ‘prove’, could you FINALLY provide a link, or an essay explaining your contention the other day that “science” had “proved” Intelligent Design – the world is waiting, puddybigot.
So nice to check so often and see SCHMUCKO in standard form. Don’t need to SCHMUCKO! You are the only one worked up here SCHMUCKO.
Proves to all you are the HA idiot of all time! You don’t comprehend that Puddy is not your bitch. You are Puddy’s bitch! When you gonna understand it? You jump up and down right on command!
Keep up the hatred SCHMUCKO!
What do your good AssesHorse friends say in your defense?
No one from your own party is coming to your defense.
I hope to see some of friends on your side come to your defense,
Where is that cacophony of HA libtards coming to your defense?
That’s why no one comes to your aid
It’s curious no one comes to your aid on your side.
The tactics of a on-line bully..
Now, all alone at HA without Pacman the fool, the miserable mean-spirited Klown or even cheapshot bob to tag team with..
Squiddy, squirt squirt, more ink and a quick get-sway from the invertebrate imbecile.
You seem to think that because you have a relative with a common lung ailment, that you are somehow qualified to comment on the intricacies of transplant organ allocation.
You clearly demonstrate that you have not a clue as to what ’78 out of 100′ was supposed to mean – it was pointless bullshit when delivered in the press, but you didn’t even get what it meant, and haven’t been able to participate in the bullshit echo chamber without sounding like a moron.
What you are doing is participating gleefully in the ghoulish exploitation of a dying child, and in the process thoughtlessly fucking over other dying people, in order to score cheap political points agains people you hate.
You are quite the Christianist poster boy, puddybigot.
(Could you also get us an estimate on the supporting documentation that “science” “proved” Intelligent Design?)