Apparently the Murcan People Who Play By The Rules, which is most of us, are Furious At Those Who Live Beyond Their Means.
Those people being, of course, the working poor and middle class who got ripped off with variable interest mortgages, outright fraud and assorted criminality. They are The Undeserving Who Must Be Blamed As a Class, because Grandma Millie should have realized her mortgage agent might forge her signature and stick her with an ARM, and she really should have realized that the whole tranche thing was a house of cards supported by the ratings agencies, and unless she’s a complete moron she should have known that Uncle Allen was creating cheap money to make up for the tech bubble bust, thus creating a classic bubble in housing.
I don’t know about you, but I freakin’ hate Grandma Millie, she’s scum and I don’t want to help her because you know I am one heartless bastard. Plus she didn’t learn a damn thing eight years ago when we shut off her electricity, the poor old dear.
Tranches, even though rarely discussed, are very very cool though. The Tranche Class will now be put in charge of saving all of us, live on CNBC.
It’s not class warfare if the sewage flows downhill.
Yes Jon, you should visit and see the people you worship in the media. CNN calls him a conservative film maker, but Michael Moore isn’t a liberal filmmaker. Yes, such double standards. Where is the Fairness Doctrine for CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, The Comedy Channel, David Letterman, Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, etc.
One thing about your conservative porn, Pud, is that your money men can’t send out an army of movie-goers like they buy Ann Ooulter’s books in bulk. They can create cinemtaic bullshit but they can’t get people to watch it.
As though the media “created” Obama. As if he did not give he most electrifying speech of a generation at the 2004 DNC (I saw it–he did). As if he and his people did not out campaign, out-strategize, and out-think Hillary Clinton to take the nomination from the strongest candidate in the field. As if Obama did not out-strategize John McCain by praising his integrity, forcing McCain to destroy his OWN image of character as he set out to destroy Obama’s positives. Yeah, none of that sutff happened, it was all CNN. Oh, and it’s not as if Rev. Wright didn’t get wall-to-wall coverage when the news was made by his litle rants. It jsut happened way too early in the campaign cycle to help the Republican candidate. Oh, and it wasn’t the media who outraised John McCain 2 or 3 to 1.
And it was the media who made Sarah Palin seem like a clueless regurgitator of Republican talking points without any knowledge of or curiosity about the world outside AK. I’ll give you a hint: she really IS that way. You should come to terms with the FACT that John McCain made a huge strategic blunder (one of many) by picking a vapid pretty face under investigation for ehtics violations as his running mate instead of one of the qualfied cadidates (such as Kay Bailey Hutchison).
I guess blaming the media is just in you guys’ DNA. Admitting that you picked as weak, impulsive candidate incapable of effective strategizing is apparently not.
As if any Republican would have won in 2008. Not.
So you missed it when Puddy placed the full unedited interviews from ABC, CBS, NBC where Sarah’s full answers were played against the poorly edited ones used for public viewing?
So you missed the newspapers who after the election started questioning some of Obama’s positions?
It wasn’t the media who said Trigg Palin wasn’t Sarah’s baby?
It wasn’t the media who said Sarah was banning books in Wassila Library system?
It wasn’t the media who said ‘Our national leaders are sending U.S. soldiers on a task that is from God.’…Are we fighting a holy war? – when she was quoting Abraham Lincoln and ABC’s Charlie Gibson dropped her answer?
It wasn’t the media who said She’s not fighting [on behalf of disabled children], she’s cut the budget by 62 percent since she came into office and CNN’s Soledad O’Brien didn’t play the truth when Sarah Palin did not cut funding for special needs education in Alaska by 62 percent. In fact, she increased funding and signed a bill that will triple per-pupil funding over three years for special needs students with high-cost requirements per
It isn’t the media who trumpeted Joe Biden’s son Beau going to Iraq while Sarah Palin’s son going to Iraq is trashed by ABC, NBC and others?
It’s my fault cuz you missed it or chose to ignore it? Keep reading the Kooks.
All those lies perpetrated by the media and never corrected and never redacted. BTW there are many more but I won’t be a Pelletizer or Dr NotRight and take up the whole page.
Stupes and Stamn are the primary boosters of the “tranche” class here at
Whatever you do, don’t tax them.
@1 Ahhhhh. Still up to those discredited right wing bullshit tricks I see. No mention of Zogby who said if he looked at that bullshit
more closely he wouldn’t have put it out.
And Sarah Palin was qualified to be one heartbeat away from a 72 year old cancer survivor. Yeah sure!
No, that was a rumor asswipe that originated in Alaska.
I can’t remember where Michael Moore ever called himself a liberal but there isn’t a right wing shithead alive who doesn’t put the word “conservative” on his forehead in neon.
And of course Stupes cries conspiracy when CNN reads it!
@4: No fool this isn’t about Zogby, it’s about the news people you worship.
Too bad the clueless village idiot can’t make the distinction.
Keep being HAs clueless village idiot. They need you to be one of their bottom feeders on worthless thoughts.
Then fool why was it on Daily Kooks, your favrit man juice kook-aid site and quoted by CNN’s Soledad Obrien and Campbell Brown? Puddy placed the links here last September fool. I realize your brain ain’t too powerful.
@5: Michael Moore isn’t a liberal filmmaker? Gets a prominent seat position in the 2004 presidential Democratic lottery in Boston and he’s not liberal per clueless village idiot.
Too bad the clueless village idiot can’t make the distinction.
Keep being HAs clueless village idiot. They need you to be one of their bottom feeders on worthless thoughts. We realize your brain ain’t too powerful.
It’s not class warfare if the sewage flows downhill.
Ah, yes. Trickle-down. The doctrine that “if sufficient oats are fed to the horse, a few grains will pass through to the road for the sparrows.” (JKG)
@ 2
So you missed it when Puddy placed the full unedited interviews from ABC, CBS, NBC where Sarah’s full answers were played against the poorly edited ones used for public viewing?
You mean the full videos that showed Sarah Palin to be even more uninformed and stupid than the redacted versions? I think I saw those.
Daddy Love, I realize you are memory disabled but ask any libtard here if I supported John McCain. Go ahead and stay an ASS.
@ 10
[A]sk any libtard here if I supported John McCain.
In our electoral system, there is no substantive distinction between a vociferous campaign against one candidate and support for that candidate’s opponent.
@11 Only in the mind of Don Joe.
Wow. Sarah is soooooo qualified..
What I remember from the media coverage:
She redecorated the mayor’s office in Wasilla. How much did that cost? 50 grand?
She drove around in a white suburban paid for by the Wasilla tax payers. They called it the “mayor mobile”.
She hired a lobbyist to shake down Congress for earmarks. This as mayor of a town of six thousand people?
Her legacy to Wasilla was a white elephant sports center that today runs in the red.
She fired people who didn’t tow the line and put friends, cronies and church members in their place. She repeated this in the Governor’s office.
She raised taxes on the oil and gas industry shafting the consumer struggling with higher energy prices to hand out checks to Alaskans. Even worse the industry responded with lower investment in riskier plays cutting Alaska’s nose to spite its face. Wow that was worth some popularity points.
During the campaign she crowed about a gas pipeline to nowhere that will probably never be built even after Alaska ponies up half a billion dollars or more.
On the campaign trail she charged up a fortune in clothes on a loaded Republican’s credit card. The poor right winger was “shocked”. Not so anyone familiar with Sarah.
She was called a “whack job” and a “Diva” by other Republicans. Where did I hear this? CNN, NY Times, Newsweek? Nooooooooooo. FAUX NEWS!
We’ve all heard about Bobby Jindal refusing stimulus money. AFAIK, Sarah would take it in a heartbeat.
As much of a kook Piyush Jindal is, I’d settle for him, the Rhodes Scholar, in a moment of utter despair over the Diva in a New York microsecond.
ABC News just announced Obama’s staff told them he’s gonna end tonight’s almost state of the union speech with something Reaganesque.
But I thought HA libtards hated Reagan.
Why not something Carteresque? Oops… he was a fool. Supports Hamas.
Why not something Clintonesque? Oops…well we know about his foibles.
I always notice that the wingnuts never claim that their latest meme is true, just statistics on how many people they have convinced of it.
That tells me they are cynical liars who have lost all hope.
@ 14
But I thought HA libtards hated Reagan.
Proving, once again, that you either don’t read or don’t actually think (probably a combination of the two).
Reagan was a likable bastard. His policies, on the other hand, were despicable, and have been, in no small part, responsible for the predicament in which we find ourselves today.
Didn’t say that fool. Find me a quote where Moore calls himself a liberal.
There’s not a right winger alive who doesn’t crow about being a “conservative”.
And you fault the media for repeating that.
Aaaaaaah… Poor victim.. It’s never your own discredited policies that are at fault.
Why Reagan? Oops! He’s another brain-dead Wilsonesque president whose wife ran the country.
Wow HAs clueless village idiot goes to a left-wing kook web site and lays down the copied litany. Why don’t you link to the left-wing web site clueless village idiot where you hijacked the list? I’ll give you a chance to fess up. We all know you don’t have the memory capacity to lay down that list without assistance…
Moron@17: I didn’t say that either. Good try clueless village idiot…
Looks like Puddy’s favorite pollster – Rasmussen is out on a limb. Turns out the biased way they ask the questions leads to results that differ from every other major pollster on the stimulus package and on the housing proposal.
Looks like Puddy once again is stuck with
touting inaccurate information:
Thanks for showing the bias, Puddy. No wonder you prefer the biased polls by Rasmussen (they give you the answers you want instead of the real answers) – the real polls (that ask the unbiased questions) show the large majority of americans support Obama on the stimulus and the housing plan.
Glad you brought that up moron. Here’s something from your hero Murdoch’s paper:
Read it and weep fool:
@14: Or he could do something Bush-like – talk incoherently and ruin the country with the largest deficit in history while also destroying the economy – fool!
Clinton gave a budget surplus.
Bush gave us over 4,000 dead, 75K injured and damaged and between 150-700K Iraqis killed and 1-3 million refugees – for an unnecessary war that he lied about.
Hmmm, I choose Clinton by far and so do most Americans.
As far as Reagan – he gave us Iran-contra, guns and drugs for hostages, record budget deficits and plenty of blather. Great president? Not.
19 – I wrote that from memory fool.
Point out one thing you think isn’t true and I’ll refute you.
Don Joe@16 Go back and see the vile commentary about Reagan here. He wasn’t liked at all. Apparently you liked him. Well Puddy is shocked and amazed. You were a solitary voice among the libard Moonbat!s.
The loudest hater was headless lucy and his sock puppets. called him stupid. Proud leftist screeched about Reaganism being dead. clueless village idiot joined in. Goldy didn’t like the Reagan state funeral.
Moron@24: Puddy said clueless village idiot got help. I found each of your entries on a left wing kook site. Now everyone knows Puddy remembers things so when you compile a list it has it’s genesis on left wink kook sites. When the media was vetting Joe Biden they magically forgot his “happenings”. If you read the link that’s what my original entry was about.
Reagan had his moments – Challenger and Berlin come to mind.
He was an American president who was the target of an assassin’s bullet. The very few Americans who didn’t pull for his survival and recovery were total asswipes. Today, signs reading “Abort Obama” are defended by the likes of Puddy. It is clearly understood that the likes of Puddy consider abortion to be murder. Add it up. Puddy apparently believes it appropiate to wave signs calling for the murder of an American president.
Dr NotRight: From your own link:
“On the question of the quality of Rasmussen polls in general, I’ve been watching them closely now through at least two cycles. The toplines tend to be a bit toward the Republican side of the spectrum, compared to the average of other polls. But if you factor that in they’re pretty reliable. And the frequency that Rasmussen is able to turn them around — because they’re based on robocalls — gives them added value in terms of teasing out trends“.
Thanks Dr NotRight for corroborating what Puddy said about Rasmussen.
clueless village idiot, read what and weep what idiot? They got a Tunisian born Israeli and one other to provide cover for the article.
It was you who called the WSJ a Murdoch hack paper. Their printing this article proves you are the bottom feeding clueless village idiot as always.
Yes Steve, the Abort Obama sign means that unborn child killing is really child killing… Besides Steve where was he waving the sign. Please tell all of us where he was waving it.
7,680,066 American children have been aborted since the start of the Iraq War.
More from Dr NotRight’s link about how he thinks Rasmussen sucks but the article thinks otherwise:
“All of which is to say that his numbers are valuable…. I think they’ve held up quite well over the last two cycles.”
Obama got some soldiers killed in Iraq yesterday.
Dr NotRight BULLSHITTIUM Alert (Star Trek Klaxon horn sounds):
End of Dr NotRight BULLSHITTIUM Alert (Star Trek Klaxon horn ends)
Dr NotRight BULLSHITTIUM Alert (Star Trek Klaxon horn sounds)
US Constitution time again fool. Who creates the US Federal spending budget?
Clinton – Republicans
Reagan – Democrats
Who said the Bush years budgets were too big? Puddy did.
Please refute anything above…
End of Dr NotRight BULLSHITTIUM Alert (Star Trek Klaxon horn ends)
I see that Republican Senator Brownback believes it appropriate to attack the faith of Christians:
“Real Catholics need a new voice — not the likes of Ted Kennedy and Nancy Pelosi who have campaigned as Catholics while voting to undermine the values that we hold most dear,” the letter reads. “The same can be said for the five ‘Catholic’ senators sponsoring the Freedom of Choice Act, namely: Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), and Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.).
“It is with Christian charity — and in fraternal correction that we say to them: You can’t be both Catholic and Pro-Abortion.”
Maybe the good Senator can do for us what Puddy couldn’t – quote scripture that condemns abortion.
In contrast to the flavor-of-the-day guy being promoted now, Michael Moore is above all else a popular filmmaker.
ANother thing the “legacy media” gievs us is an echo of Cynical’s brain-dead claim that the falling Dow Jones Industrial Average tells us something about public opinion of Obama’s presidency. I don’t know how that kind of really indirect evidence can trump the DIRECT evidence of high approval ratings for Obama personally, his performance in pffice, and for the stimulus package, but you know the media and you know Cynical.
The fact that right now the economy is shedding jobs and not creating them, and that income is heading down, not up. Banks are failing daily and being eaten by the FDIC.
It would be great if these trends would magically turn around, but it takes time and efort. First, employment starts trending up. Then incomes start treading up. And with incomes and employment moving upward, asset prices increase.
Conclusion: To ding a 30-day-old administration for not pulling a stock boom out of its ass in the midst of falling employment doesn’t even begin to make sense.
Steve Steve Steve, still dwelling on that losing proposition. I guess when you meet your Maker He’ll clear it up. And when you learn you were wrong… sucks to be you…
The only thing wrong with foreclosure relief is that the greedheads haven’t figured out how to make money from it, although they’re working on it.
Of course, if Grandma Millie didn’t sign the contract — if an agent forged her signature — then there’s no contract and she’s not obligated and she doesn’t own a damn penny under it.
@37 I understand that unemployment is usually one of the last indicators to turn around following a recession. Typically, financial stocks lead. Alas, not anytime soon.
If a lawyer forged someone’s signature to a contract he’d get disbarred. But if mortgage agents are unlicensed and unregulated who’s going to stop him? What can they do to him for committing fraud? Nothing.
Hell, if we’re not going to license and regulate mortgage agents, then why should lawyers be licensed and regulated? Why shouldn’t lawyers be allowed to do whatever they want?
But what the hell, if we’re not going to license and regulate mortgage agents or lawyers, why should we license drivers and have traffic laws? Isn’t that too much big government? Isn’t that too much bureaucratic meddling in people’s private lives? Who wants to pay a $1,500 ticket and attend mandatory driver training for driving 85 mph on a sidewalk?
Hey, all you government-hating and regulation-hating wingnut dogmatics, I’ve got an idea! Let’s quit licensing and regulating electricians! Let the carpenter guy install the wiring in your new bathroom! Then, if we’re lucky, maybe you’ll get electrocuted when you step into the shower and we won’t have to license to your whining about big government anymore.
37, 41 — The media provide invaluable market signals. When they run headlines announcing the end of the world, it’s time to buy! But when their stories say things are going great, sell everything and run (not walk) to the bomb shelter!
@38 Sure thing, Puddy. As I said on the other thread, you’re a liar and you have no honor. None. Suck on that.
How far behind are you on your mortgage payments. How many months behind are lee, steve?
Or were you guys “lucky” because of your white privilege?
Imagine the outrage if coulter had been sitting in the presidents box like moore did with jimmie carter.
That shows that the left embraces the kooks in their party.
The $13 a week from obama isn’t even a trickle. That’s not even enough for 1 serving of tuna at sushi gen.
Go over to that thread Steve. Keep that thought Steve, as you’re almost the biggest liar here. Keep claiming I didn’t say something when the HA archives said I did say it.
Of course he has never said it.
If he did, that would change his unbiased documentaries into left-wingnut propaganda.
That would cut down on his profits. Once again, it’s all about left wing greed.
Obviously bush destroyed the economy… when you have to go back to the days of the great clinton economy to see the dow jones at such low numbers you know bush screwed up.
Wall Street has turned the clock back to 1997. Investors unable to extinguish their worries about a recession that has no end in sight dumped stocks again Monday. The Dow Jones industrial average tumbled 251 points to its lowest close since May 7, 1997, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 index logged its lowest finish since April 11, 1997. It’s as if the decade’s dot-com surge, collapse and subsequent recovery never occurred.
Change backwards to 1997.
That’s called a dogwhistle and Stupes conveniently has a tin ear when it comes to the ugly crowd he hangs with.
@45 Seeing as how blacks were never given the opportunity to compete for my job, yes, I was somewhat privileged for being white.
Yep. Like Hoover before him, Dumbya’s laisezz faire dogma didn’t work.
clueless village idiot@51, show all of us where the Okla sign was waved. I asked Steve but he clammed up. So prove to us the Okla Abort Obama sign was waved and move up from being the bottom feeding clueless village idiot.
Did the SEIU wife leave you a set of cojones today? Well step up strap them on and show us all.
Oh so you’re saying that Moore knows how to make a buck better than the conservative idiot linked to @ 1.
Moore is honest about his politics. He wears them on his sleeve and they’re in every frame of his movies.
But he doesn’t pigeonhole himself so his enemies can put him in a box. Agree or disagree with him. He’s been enormously successful.
Moore has been smart. The idiot linked to @ 1 is dumb as a brick.
@48 As always, you resort to lying. And since you have no honor, you don’t care. That’s you in a nutshell.
Sorry clueless village idiot@55, you comment #17 still stands.
Now onto my post #1. I’m ordering it and so will millions more.
And Steve@56, I didn’t lie. Go back to the other thread. Read the link Steve. You lied. You’ve been lying about Puddy for months. You claimed I never dissed anyone. You skipped over the link I posted today.
Now who is the grand poobah of lies?
You are Fool!
54 – Waved? That’s not in the story I read. It was obviously in a place where the policeman could see it.
Where’s your stupid point? The top of your pin head?
I’m sure all kinds of right wing propagandist idiots that you love got a seat at the Republican clown show.
The difference is, like Ziegler, hardly anyone knows who they are!!!
They churn out loads of right wing bullshit so idiots like you can repeat it here!!!
Does Puddy believe that abortion is murder? Is Puddy good with a sign that reads, “Abort Obama, not the unborn”?
@58 You’re a liar and you have no honor. You know it and I know it.
So what are you saying? The Jews are God’s chosen people except for those Jews who contradict your right wing bullshit?
Israel promoted Hamas. That’s a fact. They’d better find a way to co-exist peacefully with them because short of extermination they’re not going away.
Saraah Palin was a political unknown who proved herself to be a vacuous boob in real life, and it wasn’t the media who made her that way. She didn’t make sense in excerpt OR in full.
Now, as a vacuous boob, she attracted a lot of attention from Republicans, because they LIKE that. But she will not beat all of the less idiotic Republicans in a presidential primaries. And Piyush Jindal the Rhodes scholar would destroy her.
Another reason you are the bottom feeding HA clueless village idiot; you forget what you wrote:
Fool, the only topic was Okla City Cop and his illegal sign removal.
So where was it waved fool? Where are your cojones? Great try at topic change.
No one’s following this, but for your information, one evening last week BBG or somebody was going on about Puddy being an “oreo”. I took exception to that kind of talk. Puddy later even referenced my comments taking exception to what BBG said. He made a big deal of it. Today Puddy claims I was silent. Puddy is a liar and he damned well knows it. He’s a liar and he has no honor whatsofuckingever.
Like the New York Times?;st=cse
I’ve seen you quote the grey lady. Are you a left wing kook? Of course not, you’re a right wing idiot and one of your guiding principles is guilt by association so that puts you in bind of your own making.
You make your bed now lie in it.
Considering the results, obviously yes.
Unlike the left-wing propaganda you believe, I believe that the rich is somewhat divided equally between reps and dems, although in congress the dems dominate the rich. Unlike you, I also believe that business owners are also equally divided between reps/dems.
So moore being a good businessman? Okay, he’s made more money in his life than 99% of the population ever will. In my opinion, that would make him a good businessman.
You mean besides the blatant lies and misdirections he routinely uses. And the fact that while he was complaining about haliburton he was profiting off his haliburton stock. Yet another good business decision.
Another reason you are the bottom feeding HA clueless village idiot@63; you called the WSJ right-wing Murdoch bull.
Now you use WSJ for your benefit? What a fooltard.
When I asked you earlier this week why you don’t call for Hamas to recognize Israel’s right to exist all we saw was white noise…
Yep, another foolish post from the clueless village idiot debunked…
65 – I didn’t write that idiot.
Man you’re losing it totally.
But not in the presidential box like moore was.
Big difference.
@ 25
Go back and see the vile commentary about Reagan here.
As opposed to the “vile” commentary here about Carter and/or Clinton? Compare and contrast, Puddy. A vast majority of liberal dislike for Reagan was driven by his policies. A vast majority of conservative hatred about Clinton and Carter has to do with the fact that you twits just didn’t like the guys.
And, for the record, Reagan was an idiot. Doesn’t mean I hate him personally.
Wow, clueless village idiot had to google search for one of his list on the gray lady, while all of them are on the left wing kook-sites he visits. Trying to change your bottom feeding ways clueless village idiot?
You can’t they are too entrenched…
Don Joe, I commented on how the Obama’s Press Dude claimed tonight’s speech will be Reaganesque. You and the other HA fools have left the reservation bringing up worthless points. If Reagan is so reviled why would he say it will be “Reaganesque”? Duplicity? Yep.
What a moron!
I not sure which would be more hypocritical…
Me complaining about trolls or your comment.
Your comment wins, I wouldn’t complain about trolls.
69 – You memory is going as the gas escapes from between your ears through the hole in your pin head.
I said the editorial page has always been right wing nutjob. I fondly remember you called that right wing bullshit “MSM”. Your dishonesty or ignorance was exposed then as it has been many times before and since.
The newsroom has been one of the best in the country.
Now Murdoch is destroying that with all the force he can muster. Good articles like the one I quoted – their days are numbered.
@70 I wrote it. “Waving” was a figure of speech. The guy had it displayed in his pickup truck. Puddy refuses to answer @61. Why? Here it is again.
Does Puddy believe that abortion is murder? If so, is Puddy good with a sign that calls for our nation’s President to be aborted?
Answer the damned question, Puddy, or shut the fuck up.
So moron@70, you didn’t write post #51 agreeing with Steve? When you plagiarize someone else it’s just like you wrote it.
Do tell clueless village idiot.
Waving is a “figger of speech”?
Regarding your post @61, everyone knows my abortion position. So Steve why don’t you figger it out. You claimed I never said anything about Mark Foley or Larry Craig. Now that you are a proven liar what should we trust from Steve?
Move along liar. Gotta go for a while lying Steve.
If conservatives liked carter/clinton they would have endorsed their policies? So conservatives don’t object to liberal planks/policies?
Then why aren’t they liberals.
@75 Like I give a fuck what you think. You’re just another racist that Puddy chums with.
Nelson Mandela never renounced violence at the orders of the repressive South African state. He insisted that the apartheid regime renounce violence first.
Israel must enter into good faith negotiations with all parties involved. Then Hamas can recognize Israel. Any two state solution will of course require this.
Clear enough for you?
I thought Reagan was both a moron and a backer of despicable public policies. But he gave a helluva speech.
I said the sign is a dog whistle. I didn’t say anything about it being waved.
Shades of MWS’ reading comprehension.
In the end, Puddy takes no exception to a sign that calls for the murder of an American president.
@83 He did crack me up with the “five minutes” thing at the microphone. He was probably the last Republican to display a sense of humor, even if occasionally inappropriate.
Strange, a person that admits they profited off white privilege, that works in a profession that doesn’t even employ a black person in their area is calling me a racist.
Re: the media and Obama, here’s a piece that illustrates why he didn’t NEED the media to be in the bag for him to win.
The basics: McCain tried to needle Obama for “wasting money” on the presidential helicopter fleet. Obama outmaneuvers him.
Excerpt of incident:
Another writer’s coment on teh incident:
Obama can do this all day long. With that kind of skill AND McCain flipping off the media daily through his campaign, the 2008 elction was a walk.
Isn’t ABC News the “emmmmessssemmmm”?
Why would they say something like that? I thought you were a victim of the conspiracy they’re involved in to merely report the utter failure of your discredited ideology.
If conservatism was so hot, our economy wouldn’t be contracting now until 2010 when Ben Bernanke thinks it will START to recover.
A lot of hurt can happen in a year and the blame will be assigned to YOUR SIDE.
Don’t look at me – you voted for it and shilled for it here.
@87 I risked my career standing up to that shit. I lost my job doing so. I still work to see change. So go fuck yourself.
@ 54
show all of us where the Okla sign was waved.
So, the OK sign was, well, OK with you so long as no one waved it?!
Fool@89: Back now. clueless village idiot, reaching again? Victimhood is your side’s attack method. It’s your side who claimed Reagan was a loser. What was his electoral college rating? Something like 524 to 13?
Why would Robert Gibbs use Reaganesque unless he was trying to make a point?
But as always this point was lost on cluless village idiot.
It’s curious no one comes to your aid on your side. See what Puddy means when it comes to you being the bottom feeding clueless village idiot? No that point is lost on you too.
Don Joe, it’s your side that says “Abort” is the removal of something.
Sucks to be you…
Moore is the modern equivalent of the political pamphleteer than has been around since the dawn of the Republic.
I’d say his stuff is pretty tame compared to the shameless trash put out by the right wing. And the points he makes in his books and films need to be made.
Hey, you’re the one who claims almost every day that your side’s failures are the fault of the emmmmessssemmmm.
You’re whining victim all the time without even knowing it it seems.
You’re too sad.
Don Joe:
The secret service said the sign was freedom of speech. It was the Okla policeman who thought otherwise until his captain told him he was wrong. Betcha that policeman was Democratic. You have issues with that?
Sucks to be you…
@ 93
Don Joe, it’s your side that says “Abort” is the removal of something
Thanks for the complete non-answer to my question. A simple “yes” or “no” will suffice. Do you think it’s OK to put up a billboard saying “Abort Obama”?
@ 96
The secret service said the sign was freedom of speech. It was the Okla police who thought otherwise.
I know what the Secret Service said. I’m asking you for your opinion.
Fool!@95: And Puddy proves it with MSM words every day. Our people didn’t get a thrill up their leg.
Don Joe, I stated my opinion in another thread against a leadless douchy sock puppet. Search for it.
@97: Sure do. It means remove something. In this case remove Obama.
Don Joe when have you ever given a yes no answer? Show us a link.
So a couple of definitions
To cease growth before full development or maturation. Remove Obama before his term is up.
To terminate an operation or procedure. Remove Obama from his term before he takes us to oblivion.
Has nothing to do with killing, except in a libtard’s mind… because y’all know abortion is killing unborn children so you are all reacting this way.
Too bad you all overreact to nothing…
@ 101
It [“Abort”] means remove something. In this case remove Obama.
If that were the intended meaning, then why not simply say, “Impeach Obama”? Doesn’t the whole point of saying “Abort Obama” lie in the word play?
Here’s the Gibbs quote:
What’s the big fucking deal? Reagan believed in his own bullshit. He believed tax cuts were the greatest thing in the world. And of course that didn’t stop him from raising taxes 5 or 6 times after the first big cut.
So Reagan was optimistic.
Obama is the same way. That’s all Gibbs was saying.
But as usual you want us to dance to your tune.
Nice try.
We already know how the libtards react to the word Impeach. Seen it over the last few years.
I’m sure the news people said similar things when Ronnie Reagan flapped his gums.
I remember reading in the WSJ that Reagan’s voice was “soothing”.
Nice try.
Stay on point clueless village idiot. You rant about Reagan above and then you post #104.
Another coffin nail for the bottom feeding clueless village idiot.
Sorry to hear you’re unemployed.
Does anyone else think it’s creepy that Puddybud refers to himself in the third person? I’m starting to think he’s not really a person, but actually some kind of computer algorithm that generates mindnumbing responses invariably featuring the phrase “clueless village idiot”. It must be sad to be literally incapable of having an adult discussion about anything. Wow.
@ 105
We already know how the libtards react to the word Impeach.
You’re dodging my questions again. Doesn’t the whole point of saying “Abort Obama” lie in the word play?
clueless village idiot said:
Nope that was the NY Times. Peggy Noonan said he used soothing words in the WSJ.
What a fooltard.
@110: Only to you Don Joe and the Okla Policeman.
109: Newbie:
Puddy speaks in the 3rd person on purpose. These libtards don’t deserve anything else. Puddy has attended DLs before so the HA leftist faithful know who Puddy is. Darryl gave Puddy a great lead on an inexpensive base guitar amp for my son.
Puddy does what Puddy does. If you can’t dig find another gig sucka.
We claimed his policies were disastrous. Look around you. They were.
What good did Iran/Contra do except to kill a lot of poor slobs in Nicaragua. Daniel Ortega today is President of Nicaragua – no I’m not a fan.
What good did B1 bombers or “peacekeeper” missiles do except at the end of the day pass out paychecks and bonuses to Republicans?
111 – Alright smartass. What was the title of the lead editorial in the WSJ the day after Reagan was elected in ’80?
I remember it clearly.
And you’re sad that your manipulative bullshit got no traction.
Awwwwwwwwwwww. Poor Stupes.
Foolish bottom feeding fool clueless village idiot@114:
The B-1 program was conceived in 1965 as a replacement for the B-70 Valkyrie. The B-52 needed replacement. Carter lost because he killed the B-1 and it was later seen as the way for a quick strike force.
Puddy’s manipulative what clueless village idiot?
You can’t stay on point so you have to shift because your clueless village idiot commentary is annihilated so easily.
@ 112
Only to you Don Joe and the Okla Policeman.
So, you believe there’s no ambiguity in the use of “Abort” in this context?
Getting a thrill up his leg isn’t enough for your side. They demand more, and if they don’t get it, then those getting the thrills must go.
Got me clueless village idiot. Not important for Puddy to place in bubble memory. What was the WSJ editorial?
Marvin, when they leave the reservation they have to go!
Don Joe it’s your side that calls abortion something else. So now the definition was thrown back at you the libtards go apoplectic, just as you are doing now…
117 – And we’re still flying B-52’s today.
Carter preferred Stealth aircraft over the B1 but he couldn’t talk about it.
As rhp pointed out the Republicans shamelessly raked him over the coals for trying to save the American taxpayer’s money.
It was Mandate for Change.
Now here we are 28 years later and we’re finally going to get some PROGRESSIVE change!
Notice I said some. Not nearly all I believe we need.
@ 123
Don Joe it’s your side that calls abortion something else.
Again, I’m asking you what your opinion is. You talking about anything but your opinion is simply being evasive.
So now the definition was thrown back at you the libtards go apoplectic
I don’t see anyone, except, perhaps, some Okla policemen, going apoplectic, and anyone with rudimentary skills with a dictionary is capable of seeing that the word “abort” has more than one possible meaning.
So, again, I ask you. Do you think there’s no ambiguity in the word “abort,” and, if so, how do you reconcile that opinion with the fact that nearly every dictionary gives multiple definitions for the word?
WTF is with Rupert Murdoch these days?
He’s apologizing for even ONE piece of right wing ugliness in one of his papers?
The guy’s getting soft. Death Valley days may be in the offing.
Here it is Pavlov’s Dog.
Where is the word soothing? Could you point it out? I’ll wait.
Don Joe: My opinion is in another thread. I’m sick and tired of having to repeat myself here. First Steve, now you. If you can’t read have a great day. And I stay with my statements above and reject your attempts at twisting words for your benefit. So looking for the yes or no answer ain’t happnin.
@ 129
My opinion is in another thread.
And I have way more important things to do than to try and find that one needle in the haystack of Puddy blatherings. It certainly can’t hurt you to repeat it here.
I’m sick and tired of having to repeat myself here.
Funny. You seem to take great glee in using the phrase “village idiot” over and over again. Seems you’re only “sick and tired” of repeating yourself when having to do so will make you look stupid.
And I stay with my statements above and reject your attempts at twisting words for your benefit.
First of all, I don’t see how noting that a word has multiple meanings constitutes “twisting” them in any way whatsoever. Perhaps you can explain that.
Second, while you explain your concept of “twisting words,” you might want to answer my question about how you reconcile your opinion with the known facts. So far, it looks like your method of reconciling your opinion with known facts is to ignore the facts that aren’t convenient.
Have you met her or are you going on the impression the media gave you?
Let’s hear how a liberal that met her feels about her being an idiot.
Starting around the 5 minute mark-
JOHN ZIEGLER: Oh wait a minute I, I urged people and I urge you Matt because you’ve been up to Wasilla. You, you know Sarah Palin. You know that this is a lie that she’s some sort of an idiot or a moron.
MATT LAUER: No, no, no. Okay but that’s, but that’s an extreme state-
ZIEGLER: You know it! Tell, tell America right now what you know.
LAUER: That’s an extreme, that’s an extreme statement. I’m just asking you-
LAUER: -when she-
ZIEGLER: Is it not a lie that she’s an idiot? You know it Matt.
LAUER: Of course it’s a lie. Nobody, it’s-, yeah.
ZIEGLER: It’s a lie? So you’re acknowledging that the media perception of her is a lie?
LAUER: No wait a second. I don’t think, I don’t think that everybody in the media ran out saying, “Sarah Palin is an idiot.”
From the same video-
LAUER: So before I get into specifics is this a documentary in the truest form of the word or is this a documentary in the form that a Michael Moore tends to bring to the screen.
That’s codespeak for moore lies and misrepresents in his so called documentaries.
Don Joe what are the “known facts”?
The Okla policeman was wrong.
His captain said so.
The secret service agreed there was nothing there around the person’s first amendment use of the word abort which meant remove from office!
My opinion matches the facts.
Spin on fool. There are no “other” facts except those you are conceiving in that “questionable mind” of yours.
BTW your point around the multiple meanings is funny. First your side says aborting is not killing. But if some one puts abort and Obama together it means killing.
To be honest, I’m not as offended by the left turning on chris and his leg of thrills as much as the way the white liberals at dailypus turned on this black guy when he took a small step of the democratic plantation.
Hey Horses ASSes looks like Gallup is tracking close to Rasmussen.
Man that’s gotta suck! Looks like when you ask 1500 people the approval drops. Hmmm…
What questionable spin is CNN and ABC asking…?
128 – Hey nice catch there Stupes!
Now did I say the word “soothing” was in THAT editorial?
I remember reading it in another WSJ piece from that time as CLEARLY as I remembered that editorial.
No I can’t recall the exact article. It was 27, 28 fucking years ago.
Face it fool. The WSJ Editorial page backed Raygun 1000 percent! They might not have used the word “tingle” but they used plenty of other superlatives.
Opinion changing fool clueless village idiot:
Puddy asks “What was the WSJ editorial?”
Puddy asks where’s the soothing?
Puddy answers YES YOU DID.
See ya foolish moronic clueless village idiot.
Strange that so many of the left-wingnuts here are bothered by the abort obama sign.
Did any of them complain when it was about the death and killing of bush?
CafePress has some nice kill bush merchandise.
Video of someone that wanted to kill bush
I can think of only one Republican who can be a problem solver — that is Vice President Dick Cheney if he would just take George on a hunting trip,
re: the (dumbass known as) puddybiotch-
c’mon…you guys aren’t STILL arguing with this moron…
…what’s the point?
Idiot @ 131
Palin’s words on the record and her actions in Wasilla and the Alaska Governor’s chair were more than enough to prove her unsuitability for national office.
She’s nothing more than a modestly clever opportunist who has no business being near the national spotlight.
It’s not the asking, that’s the spin… It’s the sandy berger school of document retention method of keeping track of the answers they don’t want to make public.
Questioner: Are you for or against the biggest payday-advance loan in the history of man?
Citizen: Against. I’m opposed to rewarding failure
Questioner: Oops, your answer just got burned up.
NEWS FLASH, klooless kombo…
…you dumbshit and your pals LOST!
Remember the Presidential Election???
See Above.
Now shut the fuck up. You HAD your chance…your time…your way.
Bye bye, losers.
You challenged my memory on the “soothing” remark and I demonstrated that my memory is good enough thank you very much.
Your little fact checking expedition came up empty. How’d it feel moron?
The evidence is there for all the see clueless village idiot. You brought it up spontaneously in Post#106. I didn’t spur anything in you moron. Nuthin. Remember you told the world you don’t take orders from me.
Spin on fool.
You have only the liberal media’s view on her with which you make your judgement of her.
lauer met her and knows she’s not an idiot.
Aren’t you as smart as matt lauer?
Marvin@137: I brought this up to clueless village idiot and he ran away with some google results.
I think he needs Xanax for that anxiety disorder.
I didn’t spur or challenge anything in that clueless idiot moron@142. Nuthin. Can’t challenge a memory that is seldom apparent.
rujax is starting to take on the posting style of byebyegoober.
NOT ONLY are you done, but your side is STINKING things up more and better than before!!!!
Say good bye (and a FOND good riddance to the toxic christian religionist klownservative) rethuglicant party.
When Michael (OW!! Those fake oreo cookies HURT!!!) Steele gets done…there’ll be NO rethuglicants elected ANYWHERE!
Good Times!!!! YAYYYY!!!!!
143 – You’re a liar.
I disagree that the clueless one ran away. I think he stuck his head in the sand so he wouldn’t have to concern himself with the truth.
Why is the clueless one so scared of facts? Something from his childhood?
Feel free to link to any of those pesky facts that don’t prove your position.
Oops, that’s why you don’t use links to prove your point unless it’s some opinion diary off dailypus.
@148: clueless village idiot. Puddy collected your thoughts as scary as that is. Puddy blockquoted your words. So from your words and Puddy is the liar.
So you don’t remember you telling the world you don’t take orders from me. Then you remember something because I told you too? I’m ROTFLMBBAO. So I’m a liar on that too?
You want me to take the right wing’s view of her “executive experience”?
I saw people on the right wing blog (un)SP say her trip to Iraq and Alaska’s proximity to Russia were good qualifications.
She was so qualified she took a guy’s call posing as the President of France. I guess she was just practicing. Nice to put on a resume I guess.
And she charged up that rich Republican’s credit card for nice clothes. I guess she was warming up for the White House where after McSame’s death from a relapse of cancer she can reward all her high school friends and church members with lucrative jobs and contracts.
151 – Show me where I said “soothing” was in that editorial? I said I read it in the WSJ. I remember it clearly just like I remember the lead editorial after Reagan was elected.
Why do I have to repeat myself?
You’re such a bankrupt losing fool.
Notice how clueless village idiot discusses the Palin clothes issue as on a “Republican’s credit card.”
Do you remember how the media told it?
Yep, and too dumb to boot.
@ 132
Don Joe what are the “known facts”?
Somehow, I get the feeling a few facts are going to be omitted here, while a smokescreen of irrelevant facts will be kicked up like sand on the beech. Let’s see.
The Okla policeman was wrong.
True, but irrelevant. We’re having a discussion about the meaning of words. The only relevant “facts” are what dictionaries have to say.
His captain said so.
Even more irrelevant. We’re talking about facts. The opinion of a police captain is irrelevant.
The secret service agreed there was nothing there around the person’s first amendment use of the word abort which meant remove from office!
Fact: the secret service investigated the Olka hick with the sign, and determined that he was not a threat to the President.
Fact: One of the Secret Service agents said, “There are better ways to make a political statement than to say ‘Abort Obama.’ That’s going to get our attention every time. We’d rather be safe than sorry.” (Agent Adrian Andrews).
Fact: As long as we’re being sticklers for fact, the sign, in its entirety, read “Abort Obama not the unborn.”
So, let’s see. Puddy ignores inconvenient facts? Check. Puddy makes up facts (the word “abort” has only one possible meaning)? Check.
Looks like you’ve been nailed on both counts, Puddy. Pretty pathetic, actually.
clueless village idiot@153: Puddy posted the thread conversation. Can’t change what you stated or said. You can hope. Call Obama he has much of it for you.
You can spin spin spin. O’Reilly will want to meet the Xanax kid.
@ 137
Strange that so many of the left-wingnuts here are bothered by the abort obama sign.
So, you admit that the “Abort Obama not the unborn” sign was intended to suggest that Obama should be killed?
Palin worshipper Stamn:
Did she cheat or was she just busy?
Spin on Don Joe. Why is he an Okla hick? That’s your spin. Ugly spin too. The whole issue was what the Okla policeman assumed. If anything he’s the Okla hick. He was trying to stifle free speech. He assumed wrongly. His captain said so. No spinning there.
Puddy doesn’t avoid any facts. It wasn’t a threat. So the secret service agent must view abortion as killing the unborn child too? You are still trying to spin a story where abort means remove.
So Don Joe why do you support removing unborn children, killing them?
Per Don Joe: Abort Obama means kill Obama but Abort unborn doesn’t mean kill children. What a fooltard.
clueless village idiot, spin lie spin lie spin lie.
Remember you posted it after saying you don’t take orders from Puddy, so why would you post “your memories” from a Puddy inquiry?
Such a Liar! Either you listen to Puddy or you spontaneously posted the soothing comment. Which is it lair?
Is the seattleweekly considered the legacy media?
Another obama pick that, well, has a long history of being a democratic. From the “don’t recall, can’t remembers” to the profiting off tax breaks to special favors for family members he’s proven himself to be a democratic.
Of course, there was that memory loss and all those “I don’t recall . . . I don’t remember” statements to Congressional investigators in 1999, probing his gubernatorial campaign fund-raising efforts; the astonishing $3.2 billion tax break he gave to Boeing while never disclosing he paid $715,000 to – and relied on the advice of – Boeing’s own private consultant and outside auditor for advice; and those favors for his brother-in-law (who lived in the governor’s mansion), including a tax break for his relative’s company, personal intervention in a company dispute, and Locke’s signature on a federal loan application for the company.
Uh. yeah fool. That’s a fact:
You say you didn’t vote for it but you support it nonetheless.
And idiots like Stamn whined about $400 haircuts. That was an extravagant indulgence but compared to this? Hardly anything. Well, to the right wing this is apparently change they can believe in.
I call it more of the same. It was rejected last Nov 4.
BTW Don Joe the actions of the Okla policemen are very relevant to this discussion. If he was looking for armed menacing blood thirsty bad guys on the street, this conversation would never happen.
moron liar@163 clueless village idiot: That’s not the spin of the libtard MSM media I listed in the google link.
Do you read or is it in the eyes and out the asshole with no internal processing?
How soothing huh?
What’s your point, she’s really a democratic?
Not sure if she cheated or things changed she wasn’t aware of. From your link-
Did you catch this from your link, yet another democratic tax cheat.
If tax problems are a concern to you, why aren’t you posting links about all those democratic tax cheats. And a BIG difference, at least with palin she would have been elected, the democratic tax cheats are being appointed by the president and his great vetting skills.
@ 160
Why is he an Okla hick?
I’ve been to Oklahoma. “Oklahoma hick” is redundant.
That, of course, is my opinion, and I don’t recall attempting to pass it off as anything but my opinion. Why does it bother you?
Puddy doesn’t avoid any facts.
Sure, Puddy does. I just cited a few relevant facts that Puddy managed to omit in Puddy’s recital of relevant facts. That’s a pretty good definition of “avoidance”.
You are still trying to spin a story where abort means remove.
I’ve pointed out that “abort” can have multiple meanings in this context. This is the most telling fact that Puddy wants to ignore. It is, in fact, why the Secret Service chose to investigate in the first place. If the word “abort” has only one possible meaning, then there wouldn’t have been any grounds for investigation.
So Don Joe why do you support removing unborn children, killing them?
Do I? When have I ever advocated wholesale abortion of unborn children simply for the sake of aborting fetuses?
Also, if we’re going to be sticklers for facts, a fetus is not yet a child.
Abort Obama means kill Obama but Abort unborn doesn’t mean kill children.
“Abort Obama” could mean “kill Obama”, and unborn fetuses are not yet children.
This is the second time in this thread that Puddy has either ignored facts or simply made them up.
Fascinating insights into the fantasy world of Puddy.
To make a fool out of you. You either didn’t know or had the answer from your search waiting to trip me up.
So that didn’t work. So now you bullshit about things I didn’t say.
Do you not understand the google.
Do you realize how easy it is to prove that you routinely make shit up.
Not only are you a liar, you’re not even a good one.
Hmmm.. That’s she’s change a right wing fool like you can believe in?
I’d advise you to look at Jindal but I’m sure he has problems of his own.
@ 164
Don Joe the actions of the Okla policemen are very relevant to this discussion.
The discussion is about ambiguity in meanings for the word “abort.”
If he was looking for armed menacing blood thirsty bad guys on the street, this conversation would never happen.
And that resolves the ambiguity? I’d love to see the Puddy explanation for that one.
@108 “Sorry to hear you’re unemployed.”
Sorry to hear you’re so stupid. That happened seven years ago.
Poor Don Joe spinning this like he did with his 2004 oops 2008 data in the other thread.
Where did Puddy ask or reference that? Worthless spin.
To you an unborn child is not a child. Yet when people look at the ultrasound golly it’s a child. It’s not pup, kitten, joey, or anything else but a child When they are aborted do they have human child characteristics?
Yes or No Don Joe?
You can’t live with dissent. How can anyone work for you?
@ 169
Do you not understand the google.
He said, “Idiots like Stamn.” You even quoted it.
so why would you post “your memories” from a Puddy inquiry?
So you you did it on your own. That was my original question damn liar. ROTFLMBBAO. Caught. Busted. EPIC FAIL.
Thanks fool. You are the HA bottom feeding clueless village idiot.
Thanks for playing. Puddy has to go now.
@ 173
Where did Puddy say that.
In your comment at 160. You claimed that I support abortion without any qualifications whatsoever. That is, in fact, not true.
To you an unborn child is not a child.
That’s a biological fact.
When they are aborted do they have human child characteristics?
Sure. They might even have most of the characteristics that we would associate with being a child. They do, however, lack the most important characteristic: that of surviving outside of the mother’s womb.
I asked “So Don Joe why do you support removing unborn children, killing them?”
Don Joe claims I said the wholesale abortion of unborn children simply for the sake of aborting fetuses.
Just can’t seem to find that comment. White noise……….
174 – Yes thank you.
I looked through the google search Stamn provided and noticed that he called Obama an “empty suit”.
Funny that the “empty suit” has just passed the largest stimulus package in history and there’s practically no end in sight to his legislative juggernaut.
Another “empty suit” (an EXPENSIVE empty suit) is Sarah Palin who had to give back her suit in a trash bag leaving hot air I guess.
She’s also having trouble keeping up with her taxes.
Now Stamn would have no trouble calling a Dem in tax trouble a “cheat” but Sarah Palin?
Run away liar.
Obviously you got over that lack of black problem.
So that “courageous” stand was years ago, and now you’re back to the lilly white job?
That’s a lot like that courage sean penn talked about at the oscars. Bragging about his courage to speak up about gay rights in front of the hollywood elite but when he was hanging with dictator chavev or hanging with the “hate america” crowd in iran he didn’t mention a word about gay rights.
Too bad for blacks your efforts didn’t produce any positive results.
179 – That article says a lot about how tough times are due to the horrible policies of the Republicans.
But nothing about Obama’s approval rating.
It’s at 59 percent. A lot better than the Republicans in Congress at (drum roll)..
19 percent.
A historic day in the life of the clueless one…
Someone stood up for him.
@181 Like I could give a shit about your lunatic ravings.
Puddy back now clueless village idiot.
Thanks for showing everyone you lied again about yourself @175. Sorry for you but Puddy displayed your worthless diatribe @136.
Sucks to be you liar.
And you don’t know if Sarah cheated? I thought conservatives were blessed with moral clarity.
Just can’t seem to find that comment.
Do you deny that you failed to apply any qualifications whatsoever in your comment at 160 above?
185 – We can settle this now fool.
Show me where I stated that “soothing” was in that editorial published the day after Raygun’s election.
I said I read it in the WSJ.
Show me the proof sucka. You can’t. Cuz you’re a fool!
Marvin, remember Steve has been parading the Republican sex perverts thread saying I never denounced them. In this thread I prove to Steve he either has no memory or is a bald face liar, just like clueless village idiot here in this thread. Steve is still stung and pizzed he’s been outed. Keep reading…
@185: I don’t need to settle nuthin or prove nuthin to HAs clueless village idiot. I don’t take orders from you, but I’ll post your worthless clueless village idiot comments so all can read what a liar you are.
Can’t back out now. Well if Goldy erases the thread.
Don Joe, great hijacking technique. Unfortunately for you Puddy pastes his whole comments so you have to stay intellectually honest.
My comments in #177 stand on their own. Your accusation is not found anywhere in this thread. Just white noise………………………………………….
You’re right that Stupes has no honor. The poor fool was so shamed he left for while.
He couldn’t hack it as a liar. A liar has to remember the lies he told.
Go ahead Stupes. Challenge me to show Steve the link.
I think I may have already a while back but it’s so much fun to replay the tape.
You refuse because you made shit up and you know it.
And Stamn accused me of making shit up. You were bald faced about it in this very thread!
Hey Stamn: nice guy you run with.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
@ 190
Don Joe, great hijacking technique.
First of all, I didn’t hijack anything. You chose this tangent by making a statement about my opinion regarding abortion.
Secondly, the ambiguity in our comment at 160 is not my fault. I merely resolved that ambiguity by supplying an interpretation that is consistent with the words you used.
I hereby predict, however, that Puddy will never accept responsibility for the ambiguity in his remarks, that he will continue to accuse me of putting words in his mouth, and that he will, not once, own up to the fact that this entire little tangent started when Puddy chose put words into my mouth.
@28: Read the rest of the quote Puddy- you ignore any information that does not match your world view. It basically goes on to say that the way Rasmussen is asking the question is BIASED. That is exactly what pollsters should try to avoid – bias. So yes, Rasmuseen on straightforward polling is fairly reliable with a republican bent. But on some specific questions they introduce bias in the way they ask the question. In particular, the polls that you and a few other right wingnuts have cited are BIASED. So your conclusions from those polls are wrong and contradict all the other poll results.
Great hijacking technique because the comment went with the other sentences. So yes you hijacked the single sentence.
Hereby resolved, if Don Joe sees the argument not going his way he will:
change the topic
claim points are inconsequential because they make him look bad
assume I said things I didn’t say (you can see his attempt above) and declare himself the winner like he tried in thread 13008 against others
claim his word is the best.
Can you imagine working for a person like that? Not for Puddy…
Notice his comments are around ignoring the actions of the Okla policeman and Don Joe ignoring the comments of the captain. To Don Joe the captain is not germane to his argument. Of course Don Joe, the captain blows your argument apart. The captain said the policeman’s actions don’t pass the smell test.
See ya Don Joe. I’m finished with you cuz as I said in another thread, if it doesn’t agree with Don Joe it’s summarily dismissed as inconsequential.
Dr NotRight: Yep, everyone know Rasmussen has a bias, but the link said taking that into account he’s also accurate. See and look at where Gallup has the poll.
See ya
HAs clueless village idiot, how did I make anything up when I used your words to make my point. I blockquoted your entries.
Your words so I guess your lies. Yes your lies.
clueless village idiot, that would mean you take orders from me. So sure, let’s see your links where you said you were leaving and then changed your name the same day.
Show Steve the two links where you said you were leaving HA November 10, 2006 10:00 AM and then returned at 5:07 PM and your recent January 2009 one where you changed into a name morphing fool.
In both Biblical scripture and per Webster’s, it’s not inappropriate to use the word “child”. “She is with child.” Exodus 21:23 refers to “child” in this way.
So what? There’s not a single Biblical law that condemns abortion. In fact, 21:23-25 goes as far as to differentiate between causing the death of a child in the womb with an act of murder that calls for a “life for life”. Further, no one can say for certain when ensoulment occurs. It may well occur with the first breath of life. Regardless, in America, we have no state religion. Religious beliefs are not to be imposed on thee or me. Further, there is nothing in our constitution that addresses abortion. Even the conservative Justice Scalia has observed that the issue of abortion has nothing to do with the Constitution.
We can call the unborn a child, fetus, embryo or blastocyst – it makes no difference. What is clear is that right-wing zealots consider abortion to be murder. When a right-wing zealot displays a sign that reads “Abort Obama” (and who but a right-wing zealot would do that?), he displays a sign that, for all intent and purposes, says “Murder Obama”.
199 – I never said the word soothing was in that editorial. You’re either dumb as a brick or you are lying. I shamed you on that editorial. I obviously remember political things from long ago. Not everything but enough to show you for the fool you are.
200 – Yaaawwwwwn… You bald faced lied about MWS. You were exposed and then you were too stupid assed to remember you lied about your own sock puppetry. ATJ shamed your ass into leaving and then you gave bullshit reasons about returning. You said “my word is my bond”. LMAO!!!
Your behavior here has made anything I’ve done look pale in comparison.
Looks like the apocalyptos aren’t gonna get their “end times” scenarios.
Tough news for the puddingbrain.
Oh yeah…and Ben Stein didn’t get an Oscar.
Where did you do that?
Oh in 136.
Anyone with a brain who looks at that will surely see YOU as either a liar or an idiot.
Good people I speak from experience.
It’s both.
Why oh why do these KLOWNS attempt to get into a debate with a guy who has a photographic memory??
Puddy, I know you do not drink or smoke dope.
You are debating with a gaggle of KLOWNS who do both.
That’s unfair Puddy.
You ought to give them some sort of handicap….although I think the only way it would be close to fair is if some doctor where to anestisize you and put you in a coma.
Then you would be pretty close to their level of competence and recall.
Crystal clear “photographs” of hallucinations like in 136 don’t count for much.
Cynical, that was funny. Yes God did give me great recall ability. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. I call it bubble memory.
I blockquote HAs clueless village idiot’s words in #136 “I remember reading in the WSJ that Reagan’s voice was “soothing”.” comments and he says “I didn’t” [say that] – his post #142. He has to lie about what he said.
Cynical, he is one of the bottom feeders and he doesn’t even know it. No one comes to his aid cause they too know he’s a bottom feeder, the clueless village idiot.
Rujax! Puddy wants all of Obama’s appointments cleared. Because then when the terraists strike per Joe Biden, we’ll be able to view the decision process that led to that person leading the attack.
Also Puddy thinks Obama was stung by the Cole relatives outcry over his allowing a ringleader to get out of jail. Obama worries about his “image”. Puddy remembers and will replay the whole outcome if it happens rujax! So let them approve La Raza Queen Tax Cheat Solis.
Jason E: See Puddy does talk in the first person when needed. Puddy normally doesn’t becuz it’s more fun this way.
Cynical did you see the latest Real Clear Politics polling? Notice how the old media has the numbers out of balance with the other polls? Gallup – “Obama Job Approval Dips Below 60% for First Time
Fifty-nine percent now approve as more express no opinion on his performance.”
Liar, liar.. You said:
I said in 188
You then said in 190
Like a little spoiled middle-schooler, you can’t back up your bullshit.
You’re such a pathetic failure.
“Yes God did give me great recall ability.”
I find your self-described “great recall ability” to be rather selective and situational. It’s quite obvious that your memories are tailored to suit the needs of the moment. As in “oreo”. So is Puddy just forgetful or is he a liar? I believe your memory is good enough and that you’re just a damned liar, and that you’re certainly someone who should never to be trusted.
Anyone with a memory or even the ability to follow your links knows the truth.
When steve is overwhelmed by the PuddyFacts you throw at him he appears to single-mindedly throw back the rep sex perv link in reply. His school yard trick of saying “you too” doesn’t work as well online.
It is strange that he is so intent on you and us other trolls to denounce the actions of people we have never met yet he refuses to denounce the activities of the democratic perverts, tax cheats, criminals, etc. that he supports.
213 – Stupes couldn’t remember that when posing as his sock puppet MWS that MWS denied when cornered that he was really Puddybud.
Another TJ challenged Stupes to leave if it could be proved that MWS lied. If ATJ couldn’t prove it, ATJ said he’d leave. Stupes was so confident he said, “my word is my bond” (total bullshit).
ATJ proved it and Stupes was so shamed that he actually left for some weeks. He made up some ludicrous bullshit excuse for returning. It was was bet welshing.
The “bubble memory” is a myth like so many other myths dragged in here by Stupes.
Still waiting for your link to prove otherwise.
Thanks for the compliment.
Now if you said I was running with headless, byebyegoober or some of the people you run with I would consider that an insult.
This is a lie. Prove she cheated on her taxes.
I haven’t checked out all the threads to see if you have already posted this…
Did you notice the gallup poll comparing the last 7 presidents at the one month mark.
The obama has a higher disapproval rating than bush had at this point.
The scariest part of that poll is that at this point jimmy carter had the highest approval ratings.
As Don Joe pointed out, I said idiots LIKE you. Not YOU in particular.
But it wouldn’t surprise me if you did crow about the 400 dollar haircut. You’ve whined about a ton of other right wing sound and fury signifying nothing.
Pssst. Obama is President…
And you most certainly did not mind 200k worth of clothes for Queen Sarah.
Wow. No guilt over association with a known liar?
See 215.
That kind of association would cloud your “moral clarity”.
@213 “When steve is overwhelmed by the PuddyFacts”
That’ll be the day.
Not surprisingly, you’ve missed the entire point of my calling you turds out as goatfuckers, pedos and pervs. Republicans have no moral authority whatsofuckingever. That you don’t get it means you have no brains whatsofuckingever. But we’ve long known that to be the case.
He had a tax lien since 1993.
Have you ever had a tax lien against you?
Were you able to use your connections to get away with it for 16 years? Want to explain how they got away for so many years without paying their fair share?
I wonder why she would blame it on her husband when she listed it as one of her main assets.
Solis’ recently filed financial disclosure forms list the business as one of the couple’s main assets, worth between $50,000 and $100,000.
Records show Sayyad had two liens, from 1994 and 1996, for $1,255 in unpaid state sales taxes. The remaining two, from 1994 and 1995, are for $786 in unpaid county health and safety fees.
It’s funny the excuse being used is that he didn’t know…
Sam Sayyad, were unaware of liens against his auto repair shop until USA TODAY asked about them
If he was a traveling circus performer and had tax obligations in all 57 states, I could see how he might have given out different addresses of the hotels he was staying in. But to believe that the government didn’t send letters and certified letters to a business that was at the same address is ridiculous.
Which day?
Yester or to?
God beat Puddy to it.
gore did.
Now he’s removing the lies he put in his documentary.
Former Vice President Al Gore is pulling a dramatic slide from his ever-evolving global warming presentation.
I’m linking to the left wing new york times… nothing like using leftist propaganda sites.
@ 196
Puddy’s recap:
change the topic
Exactly when did I did I do that? I’ve been talking about ambiguity with the word “abort” in the context of the sign that was confiscated by an Oklahoma policeman.
Puddy, on the other hand, made several attempts to either avoid answering my questions or to deflect attention away from the fact that Puddy is ignoring this very ambiguity.
claim points are inconsequential because they make him look bad
Puddy brought up this strange notion that the actions of an Oklahoma police officer are, somehow, relevant to the various meanings that people ascribe to the word “abort”. Which makes this complaint rather strange. Puddy’s attempt to start talking about the Oklahoma police officer was his own attempt to divert attention from the shades of meaning of the word “abort”. Why Puddy would do this, one can only guess, but, absent any reasoned attempt to make the point relevant, the blame rests solely with Puddy, not me.
assume I said things I didn’t say (you can see his attempt above)
Here, Puddy displays still more confusion about the English language. He conflates the difference between “assume” and “interpret”. Puddy’s words were ambiguous, and I resolved that ambiguity with a particular interpretation. Puddy didn’t like that interpretation, but, rather than clarify his remarks, he blames me for his ambiguity. I predicted that Puddy would do this, and he has come through in spades.
declare himself the winner
I generally declare myself the winner when Puddy has run out of bullets. The funny thing is, Puddy also declares himself the winner, and at precisely the same time: when Puddy has run out of bullets (as in the present case).
claim his word is the best.
That, frankly, is a lie. I’ve never claimed any special authority whatsoever. Puddy knows I’ve never done so, and can’t cite a single instance where I have. But, lying suits Puddy’s ends.
I’m finished with you cuz as I said in another thread, if it doesn’t agree with Don Joe it’s summarily dismissed as inconsequential.
Again, Puddy lies. I’ve never summarily dismissed anything as inconsequential. I’ve given reasons for saying that something is inconsequential, and people, including Puddy, have provided no counter to that reasoning.
Now, imagine working for Puddy. Without justification, he applies rigid meanings to words that are ambiguous, yet he never takes responsibility for the ambiguity in his words. If you don’t understand Puddy, it’s always your fault, not his.
Puddy would be the quintessential “Sea Gull” manager. He flies in, screeches a lot, craps all over the place, and then leaves at which point everyone else is left having to clean up the mess.
Glad to see I can surprise you. Shows how badly you’ve misjudged me. I’m not surprised at anything you’ve written.
I’ll admit, I was surprised that steve admitted he worked in an industry in the seattle area that doesn’t employ blacks.
Didn’t care at all.
You see, the difference was the money spent on her clothes was not money taken from me by threat of force.
clueless village idiot, talking about someone forgetting his leaving and returning. When I confronted you about my words you couldn’t find them ATJ came to your rescue because you are a clueless village idiot. You seem to have forgotten that.
See link 199 for the clueless village idiot chronology and his mental issues around leaving and coming back under another name.
Ain’t that amazing… He runs from this.
His complaints above regarding my capture of his words is also amazing. This thread has his words. I didn’t force him to post in this thread. Yet he calls me a liar for posting his words in chronological order. What a fooltard.
So here it is for the last time…
Puddy says@111: Nope that was the NY Times. Peggy Noonan said he used soothing words in the WSJ.
Puddy asks@121:Got me clueless village idiot. Not important for Puddy to place in bubble memory. What was the WSJ editorial?
Puddy@128 asks: Here it is Pavlov’s Dog. Where is the word soothing? Could you point it out? I’ll wait.
End of story. You see his response to Puddy’s question which he now says he didn’t say it.
What a fooltard.
Whatever you say Don Joe@225. My words are crystal clear in this thread. You try and twist them. I’ll let the readers decide.
“I’ll let the readers decide.”
Fine by me. I’ve decided that you’re nothing but a damned liar.
Is HE up for confirmation by the Senate?
No SHE is up for confirmation and SHE was just confirmed.
You guys are left with straws. Losers.
Yes Steve, we’ll let the readers decide.
Let them see you’ve never disavowed kiddie porn when Puddy and others have a track record on HA about this.
Let them see how you continue to attack with the Republican Perv site when Puddy responded back in 2007 on members.
228 – Wow you went to a lot of trouble there Stupes!
Now show me WHERE I said the word “soothing” was in the THAT EDITORIAL I asked you about.
I said I read it in the WSJ (from another piece I read at that time). I NEVER SAID IT WAS IN THAT EDITORIAL.
By the way your google search was lame. You didn’t prove the word “soothing” was never used to describe Reagan’s speeches in the WSJ. You just wanted another stupid ass pissing match.
I bet your silly ass was surprised when you googled “Mandate for Change” and it came up a winner – for me.
You were so shamed you had make this shit up.
Both sides have to agree to the bet fool. I suspected you of weasling just like you’re doing now with “soothing”. Show me where I agreed to bet, where I said “you’re on”.
Eventually once your shame wore off you went ahead and weasled anyway.
I was right, welsher. I’m sure if ATJ is lurking out there, he’ll back me up.
Moronic clueless village idiot,
Follow this thread fool. Encapsulated in #227.
Are you saying the $400 haircut was? Ok let’s say you didn’t care about it just like Queen Sarah’s wardrobe.
Why does so many of your crowd think it’s an issue? More specifically, why is it an issue when a Dem does it and not when a “Diva” (faux news’ word) like Sarah does it?
And the money for Sarah’s clothes may not have been taken by force but some of it was certainly taken by fear. It’s well known that Republicans have no qualms about using fear to solicit donations or influence voting through dirty tricks like push-polling and robo-calling. I wonder what RNC contributors thought about Sarah’s extravagant wardrobe spending since some of it was charged to staffer credit cards that had to be re-imbursed.
235 – WTF are you talking about?
227 is Stamn’s bullshit.
If you mean 228, it proved nothing except that you can’t read.
clueless village idiot, why are you running away from 199.
Oh I know teach.
Why Jimmy?
Makes him look worse than he is…
Correct. November 10, 2006 at 10:00 He left as Clueless, (he job was done) changed names (yos lib bro) and came back. Therefor he lied about leaving, like his lying ways above around the word soothing. Then says in January he’s leaving again and changes his name as Dumbya. Name morphing fool.
Yep, he is Dumb! Ya!
Go ahead and post the thread so everyone can see your whining while the clock was ticking… See ATJ come to your aid.
238 – Did MWS lie about being Puddybud?
Crow about me all you want.
Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a liar and being holier than thou means EPIC FAIL
for your silly ass.
PS: I didn’t lie about “soothing”. You’ve proved nothing!
Don Joe @ 226 gets it.
You’re a liar Stupes and look at what you’re reduced to.
I remember a long time ago when you said you modeled yourself after Bob of the Enzyte commercial.
Sorry, it’s more like Limbaugh during a trip to the Dominican Republic.
That should have been enough right there to tell me to skip over your crap like I did for JCH and Klake the flake.
Witness the pettiness of the sore-losing right wing.
Your candidate lost. Get over it.
And higher taxes to pay for the obama give-away.
Where? When? Taxes are scheduled to go up on the rich in 2011? Back to where they were when Clinton was President? What’s the problem? Rich people got richer back then.
Gee. I think rich people got richer when Eisenhower had the top marginal rate at 90 percent. Not that anyone paid it.
Also, AFAIK if a rich guy kicks in 2010, his heirs won’t pay any estate tax. In 2011 it’s back up to 55 percent.
Who negotiated and signed this “tax hike” into law?
Oh it was that Chimpanzee the right wing voted for twice.
Not Obama.
@231 “you’ve never disavowed kiddie porn when Puddy and others have a track record on HA about this”
Utter bullshit.
Remember larry wide stance craig? No one cared about him being gay. No one cared he was picking up guys in a public bathroom.
The complaint was about the hypocrisy.
Same thing with your guy edwards… He campained on 2 americas while he was spending as much on a haircut as some of his voters made in a week of work.
It was about edwards and hypocrisy.
Like I said, it’s the hypocrisy about your party. Your party is against school choice yet your elected democratic leaders send THEIR kids to private school.
That is bullshit.
You’ve disavowed child porn every time it’s connected to a republican.
Although you have remained silent when democratics are involved.
I was making a point. If the husband of solis made his money on the road, like I did playing trumpet… he would have to worry about different addresses to collect checks, 1099s, different state regulations, etc. He didn’t have to worry about that since his business was in the same physical location the entire time. Like judge judy says, if it doesn’t make sense it’s probably not true. So the question for you to ponder is how long would YOU get away without paying taxes.
Or do you mean the comment about 57 states? That was a little wing-nut humor, like those jokes about sarah palin saying she could see russia from her porch.
Oops, obama actually said 57 states while palin NEVER said she could see russia from her porch.
I am over it.
“That is bullshit.
You’ve disavowed child porn every time it’s connected to a republican.
Although you have remained silent when democratics are involved.”
This, sadly, and unfortunately, is a good example of how many comment threads devolve on HA……
What was the original post about? Kiddie porn?
John, I submit that the anger is more directed at those who knowingly purchased porperties, without the means to support them………
Were people duped? Yes. False documents? Well that’s a felony fraud, right? Those victims will have recourse with those companies that committed the fraud…
The frustration is the couple making 45k a year buying a 800K house….
No house closes without the buyer signing the closing documents, right? It’s still the responsibility of the buyer to ensure the numbers are correct….before signing…..
Caveat emptor of your crap above.
@ 247
The frustration is the couple making 45k a year buying a 800K house….
No house closes without the buyer signing the closing documents, right? It’s still the responsibility of the buyer to ensure the numbers are correct….before signing…..
Frankly, that’s a frustration with which I have very little sympathy, and your rhetorical questions do little to engender any additional sympathy. Who wrote those contracts? Whose profession was to properly assess the lending risk, yet chose to forego that fiduciary responsibility? If you merely want to be frustrated, then the lenders and underwriters are far more deserving of your ire.
Aside from the question of those with whom we should be most frustrated, there is a much more important issue at hand and a very real problem to be solved. A good portion of the present credit gridlock lies in the fact that no one can valuate the current stock of mortgage backed securities. I’ve pointed this out before, but it’s an important factual issue of which we need to be aware: mortgage backed securities are not worthless. Their value is not zero. Rather, their value is unknown.
Why is the value of mortgage backed securities unknown? Because there is no way to valuate them without taking into consideration the mortgage default rate. And, at present, the mortgage default rate is all over the map (a simple web query should suffice to verify that claim).
Something must be done to stabilize the mortgage default rate, or we’re really going to be in some rather bad soup. To that end, the Obama Administration has put forth a plan that’s relatively simple and efficacious.
So, go ahead and be frustrated if you want, but merely expressing frustration (ala Rick Santelli) is nothing more than a load of hot air when that frustration is expressed in the absence of an alternative plan to address a very real problem.
@ 248
Caveat emptor of your crap above.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
You’ve lied about me twice in this thread, and you did so only because it became obvious that your lame attempt to paint me into a corner wasn’t going to succeed.
I’m not sure which is more pathetic, your behavior or your persistent refusal to see the pathos in your behavior. In either case, no one takes you seriously, Puddy.
Or, perhaps you can amaze us all, and, like, start addressing some of the points I just raised in my comment @ 249. Who knows. Wonders do never cease.
Right Stuff has been a voice for civility on this blog for a while now. I hope I’m not the only one to notice.
Hmm, if Puddy and I can find peace, perhaps there’s hope for our nation yet.
steve, the civil master of bating….and goat porn.
Please understand that I agree with you with regards to the fiduciary responsibility of the lender….Of this there is no question. Mortgage lenders did not do their jobs….Those institutions should pay. Instead they get TARP!!!
I still don’t get the logic of throwing billions at banks, run by the same executives that lent themselves into insolvency…
Better to insure the depositors, let the banks go, and reset. By that I mean that if the MEGA banks were allowed to fail, it’s my belief that many smaller regional, healthy banks would emerge from the rubble of the larger beast…You know, Seafirst bank going it alone, Puget sound bank, etc….
I agree that the CDO issue is keeping the system locked down….what are the values? How can there be a stress test without knowing the value of the holdings?
That said, we have now decided to allocate Tarp 2.0 once again to the same wizards that handed the world the CDO shit sandwich….
Yeah and FDR came from wealth and welcomed the hate of the economic royalists.
We could use a man like FDR again. A man who put country WAY AHEAD the interests of his class. Neither Edwards or Obama had nowhere near his wealth.
I don’t care what people do with their money as long as it’s legal. None of my business. I care what they do when they’re in office.
They’re on my dime then.
Nope. Here in Seattle I had the choice of sending my kids to the conventional neighborhood school or driving them or busing them to the alternative school. There’s a choice of schools for higher performers as well.
We chose to send them to an alternative school which is a choice for kids who have a hard time fitting into the conventional kind of school. We liked the program, the community of parents and kids.
My kids read, write, calculate just fine.
We had choices within our school district. No complaints here. I wish school districts could have choices like Seattle does. Hell I wish Seattle could offer even more than it already does.
But it takes money that right wingers won’t let schools have.
IIRC, Tina Fey playing Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her house.
IIRC the actual Sarah Palin said you can see Russia from Alaska as if that qualified her to sit in the Oval Office.
As for Obama, obviously a guy running for President for two years straight isn’t allowed to misspeak. If he does, right wing yahoos crow about it in comment threads.
Well, I remember Ronald Reagan during his campaign stating that trees cause more air pollution than cars. He wasn’t misspeaking. He actually believed that.
Now he’s a saint. Go figure.
First, you’ve left out a few links in the causal chain from loan originators to financial institutions who were buying up those mortgages and splitting them up into tranches to the credit ratings agencies who were using sophisticated mathematical models designed to give a rating to those securities until, finally, we have the large banks that are holding the securities now. The banks with this paper on their books aren’t the institutions that did the bulk of loan origination.
Second, I think it’s important to note the causal chain, because, ultimately, the full picture one gets is that of markets simply working the way markets are supposed to work. Back in October, Ira Glass, on This American Life, did a really good program outlining how all this worked. CNBC’s recent program, “House of Cards,” covers this as well, though they didn’t really discuss the sources of demand for the mortgage backed securities all that much.
Third, trying to grasp the logic behind the current approach to banks is going to be difficult, primarily because we don’t have the full picture. Woven into all of this is the whole mess of credit default swaps. I think the only people who really have any kind of grasp on the state of affairs are the folks at the various Federal Reserve banks, and they’re not talking. If you read the economics and finance blogs, you find a lot of speculation, but no real hard facts out there.
Lastly, the timing for all of this couldn’t have been worse. We have a new administration that is simultaneously trying to grasp the full scope of the problem and hire a bevy of new people who have the training and intellectual horse power required to deal with all of this. I think that’s the primary reason Geithner’s been so circumspect as to details of the overall plan.
All of this brings me back to the mortgage default rate. You can’t liquidate an insolvent institution until you can place a value on all of that institution’s assets. Until we can place a value on those CDOs, liquidation is a non-starter.
So, what’s left to do in the interim? We need these institutions to continue operations, so we can’t just shut them down until the mortgage default rate settles down to something more steady. At the same time, due, again, to the inability to valuate CDOs, these institutions have a cash flow problem.
At that point, the logic behind TARP is simple: the only alternative is worse.
So you’re saying Hilda Solis’ husbands’ tax missteps disqualify her from leading the Labor Department.
Makes a ton of sense.
I already once caught you saying it was Hilda Solis who was in tax trouble.
Now it’s Puddybud’s turn.
It’s just epidemic with you right wingers – how you run with this kind of bullshit.
I should have added:
Right wing yahoos crow about it in comment threads ad nauseum.
Don Joe, I lied about you. Everything I mentioned in the article I introduced to the blog was “inconsequential” to you. If calling you on your “inconsequential” crap is “lying” so be it.
Fact 1 – The person had a sign in his car Abort Obama not the unborn.
Fact 2 – The Okla policeman stopped the guy.
Fact 3 – He confiscated the sign
Fact 4 – The captain said the guy was wrong
Fact 5 – The secret service called in
Fact 6 – The guy’s free speech was violated
Fact 7 – the cop’s interpretation was faulty and he was told so.
Fact 8 – the person is debating about his legal rights. He told the cop Abort Obama meant remove him from office not kill him. But Don Joe begs to differ…
Every one of those facts was covered by Puddy. But to Don Joe those are lies.
Poor Don Joe is trying to trap Puddy with his typical doom and gloom fear tactics of painting the opposition in broad brush terms. Puddy don’t play that so Don Joe got his lace panties all tight around his little scrote brain. Too bad bub Puddy don’t play dat.
@ 260
Don Joe, I lied about you.
Yes. You did. I pointed out exactly which statements were lies, and you’ve still not provided one iota of evidence that even suggests that your statements about me were true.
Not that I really care, mind you. The point is that you didn’t start lying about me until it became clear that I wasn’t going to let you paint me into a corner.
[Long list of alleged facts.]
First of all, in order for a fact to be relevant to a conclusion, you have to construct an argument that starts with those facts and leads to that conclusion. Simply reciting fact after fact doesn’t, in and of itself, constitute an argument.
Secondly, you happen to have some of your facts wrong. For example, at no point did anyone say that the Oklahoma police officer’s interpretation of the meaning of the words was wrong. The officer went too far in confiscating the sign.
You can take the following statement from the AP article Associated Press article:
And, in isolation, possibly conclude that McCool is talking about the officer’s interpretation of the meaning of the words on the sign, but one could also conclude that McCool is talking about what the sign meant in terms of actual threat to the President.
However, when you take the preceding paragraph into account:
It become clear that the officer was not wrong in his interpretation of the meaning of the words themselves.
Let’s see if we can put this in context. One can ware a t-shirt that reads “Kill Bush”. In fact, as Marvin pointed out, you can buy those t-shirts on the internet. Merely wearing the t-shirt itself doesn’t constitute a threat to President Bush. One has to engage in some specific action in order to pose a threat. Nevertheless, the meaning of the words isn’t the least bit ambiguous.
Similarly, In a sign that reads “Abort Obama not the unborn,” the word “abort” with the object of “Obama” would convey exactly the same meaning as it would with the object of “the unborn”.
Lastly, the mere fact that the Secret Service actually investigated this matter, and as my quote of Agent Andrews above and in the linked article shows, believing that “Abort Obama not the unborn” means the same thing as “Kill Obama not the unborn” is a very reasonable interpretation. If that meaning doesn’t obtain, then there’s no reason for the Secret Service to investigate in the first place.
At no point do you see anyone from the Secret Service saying that “Abort” in that sign means something other than “kill”. Rather, the Secret Service’s conclusion is that the sign is hyperbole–the exact same conclusion the Secret Service would make about someone who merely wears a t-shirt that says, “Kill Bush”.
This is all rather basic reasoning, but Puddy can’t accept any of this. Why? Because it would force Puddy to acknowledge that Democrats are no worse than Republicans. Puddy believe, in that sick twisted mind of his, that he can, somehow, score some cheap rhetorical points. But, there’s no “there” there.
Every one of those facts was covered by Puddy. But to Don Joe those are lies.
That last sentence, Puddy, constitutes the third lie you’ve said about me in this thread. Why do you feel the need to keep lying about me, Puddy? What’s the matter? Can’t you simply set forth a simple and straight-forward argument?
Damn, talk about having your undies wrapped around your brain. Project much, Puddy?
v., a·bort·ed, a·bort·ing, a·borts.
*To give birth prematurely or before term; miscarry.
*To cease growth before full development or maturation.
*To terminate an operation or procedure, as with a project, missile, airplane, or space vehicle, before completion.
*To cause to terminate (a pregnancy) prematurely, especially before the fetus is viable.
*To cause the expulsion of (an embryo or fetus) before it is viable.
*To give premature birth to (an embryo or fetus).
*To interfere with the development of; conclude prematurely: abort plans for a corporate takeover.
*To terminate before completion: abort a trip because of illness; abort a takeoff.
To stop the progress of (a disease, for example).
*The act of terminating an operation or procedure, as with a project, missile, airplane, or space vehicle, before completion.
Computer Science. A procedure to terminate execution of a program when an unrecoverable error or malfunction occurs.
Does this help??
Ahhhh Puddy gets it… You are stuck on stupid. Don Joe@261. You are not referring to the article originally placed on this blog. Now I see why you call Puddy a liar… You don’t have the facts.
So everyone can see here is the article Puddy is referring to. This is article introducing the issue to HA. Read it HA people… here are excerpts Fair Use.
“When the officer asked Harrison if he knew why he had been pulled over, Harrison said he did not.
“They said, ‘It’s because of the sign in your window,’” Harrison said.
“It’s not meant to be a threat, it’s a statement about abortion,” Harrison said. [Just what Puddy said]
He said he disagrees with the president’s position on abortion.
““I asked the officer, ‘Do you know what abort means?’” Harrison said. “He said, ‘Yeah, it means to kill.’ I said, ‘No, it means to remove or terminate.’” [Just what Puddy said]
Harrison said his sign was to be interpreted as saying something like: Remove Obama from office, not unborn babies from the womb. [Just what Puddy said].
According to Harrison, the supervisor said the Secret Service had been contacted on the matter and had told them the sign was not a threat to the president. [Just what Puddy said]
McCool said the officer who pulled over Harrison misinterpreted the sign. [Just what Puddy said]
“We had an officer that his interpretation of the sign was different than what was meant,” McCool said. “You’ve got an officer who had a different thought on what the word ‘abort’ meant.” [Just what Puddy said]
McCool said the sign basically meant Obama should be impeached and it was not a threat. [Just what Puddy said]
“(The officer) shouldn’t have taken the sign,” McCool said. “That was (Harrison’s) First Amendment right to voice his concern.” [Just what Puddy said]
McCool said although the sign should not have been confiscated, the situation was made right in the end. [Just what Puddy said]
“We always try to do the right thing and in the end we believe we did the right thing by returning the sign,” McCool said.” [Just what Puddy said]
You can read the article and decide who is telling the truth.
Since I didn’t read the AP article, Don Joe formed his opinion from it. Since Don Joe didn’t read my article here it is Don Joe.
Enjoy Don Joe. This is the Puddy article first placed here by Puddy. You should read more or not cherry pick an article…
Damn, Puddy was right Don Joe. My three lies as you call them aren’t lies after all. Maybe you should read my links fool!
@ 263
Since I didn’t read the AP article, Don Joe formed his opinion from it. Since Don Joe didn’t read my article here it is Don Joe.
Actually, Don Joe did read Puddy’s article. Since Puddy chose not to read the AP article, Puddy remains unaware of facts in the AP article that are not in the article Puddy quotes. In particular, the AP article has additional facts which would contradict Puddy’s interpretation of the facts.
Does Puddy care about these things? Apparently not. Puddy thinks that all he needs to do to support a conclusion is to list some array of facts without either using any reasoning to draw a conclusion from those facts or making any attempt to reconcile all of the facts with that conclusion. Indeed, Puddy doesn’t even understand, it would seem, which facts are relevant to the conclusion he wants to reach and which facts are not relevant to the conclusion he wants to reach.
As an example, consider Harrison’s statement about the sign:
“I asked the officer, ‘Do you know what abort means?’” Harrison said. “He said, ‘Yeah, it means to kill.’ I said, ‘No, it means to remove or terminate.’”
To reach Puddy’s conclusion, we have to also believe that Harrison wasn’t shading his own reading of the sign as an attempt to remove himself from suspicion, and we have to conclude that Harrison is completely unaware of the fact that “terminate” is a colloquial synonym for “kill”.
To reach Puddy’s conclusion, we also have to completely ignore what Agent Andrews said about the Secret Service investigation.
This is yet another manifestation of the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry.
My three lies as you call them aren’t lies after all.
Puddy’s three lies weren’t about the particulars of this case. Puddy’s three lies were about Don Joe. And, to date, Puddy hasn’t supplied one iota of evidence to back up the statements Puddy made about Don Joe.
Can Puddy even remember what Puddy said about Don Joe? It seems he’s completely forgotten those remarks.
Maybe you should read my links fool!
Maybe Puddy should find all of the facts before reaching a conclusion. But, Puddy won’t. The Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry is a well-known and well-documented fact.
Ahhh Poor Don Joe… Blown out of the water with facts. Then he says…
Nope you dope… that’s what the article says. I presented the article for all to see how Don Joe, when losing will systematically disambiguate the referenced article for his purposes.
Then Don Joe enters the smear merchant mode. He does it really slick…
What a crock. I posted the article. Everything I said referred to the article I posted. But Don Joe had to reject my article and get the AP’s version which leaves out pertinent interactions between the person, OKLA Police and the secret service. So why did you do that Don Joe when you admitted above
You can find what Puddy was referring regarding Don Joe and how others feel about Don Joe and his analyses in and earlier HA threads. Jane and ejn eviscerated him over his economic analysis.
In closing this argument Don Joe, Puddy puts his money into the things Puddy cares about. So big mouth on blogs being a Principal Software Engineer you make good bread. How much do you give to the needy? I bet it’s a pittance.
See ya.
Oh, and Puddy @ 196
See ya Don Joe. I’m finished with you
Kinda looks like Puddy wasn’t finished with Don Joe after all. Will Puddy figure out that he just got pwned?
Don Joe,
When I saw how you incorrectly characterized my correct comments about the article you read, I had to come back and clear my name.
LMAO!!! Your name is spattered with the mud of right wing bullshit. There’s no cleaning it off.
When confronted with the lies of the bullshit you declare victory and stand your ground with name-calling.
You lie! You lie! You lie!
clueless village idiot, as you can see by the white noise………………………………………………………………………………………… around your comments from the HA faithful, you never had a name.
And regarding the soothing… it’s all there for everyone to see. How does it feel being my Pavlov’s dog… Arf arf arf.
And regarding the Okla policeman and his handling of the sign, show me where I lied? It’s all there for everyone to read.
It really sucks to be you…. Yes Ross Perot, all us hear that vast sucking sound when HAs clueless village idiot posts.
@ 256
Nope you dope… that’s what the article says. I presented the article for all to see how Don Joe, when losing will systematically disambiguate the referenced article for his purposes.
This is truly amazing. Puddy is utterly and completely incapable of distinguishing between a statement of fact and a conclusion based on the facts. Puddy makes no distinction between Mr. Harrison’s statement and Puddy’s conclusion that Mr. Harrison’s statement is completely truthful. Puddy merely makes this assumption, and expects all of us to accept that assumption without any justification.
Puddy never constructs a cogent argument, because he’s under the mistaken belief that he never has to. Never does Puddy realize that there is a very real distinction between a statement of fact and a conclusion based on the facts. How truly sad.
Which brings us to this pathetic complaint:
But Don Joe had to reject my article and get the AP’s version which leaves out pertinent interactions between the person, OKLA Police and the secret service.
First of all, we now have Puddy lie number four. At no point have I “rejected” Puddy’s article. I have pointed out the absence of any reasoning in Puddy’s comments.
Secondly, I didn’t subtract, in any way, from the facts stated in the article Puddy posted. I merely added to the set of facts at our disposal, and pointed out how Puddy’s conclusion fails to account for some of these additional facts. As yet, Puddy has done nothing to account for those facts. As I said, it’s the Puddy Parade of Partial Punditry. He’ll cite some facts, but he will rarely account for all of the facts.
You can find what Puddy was referring regarding Don Joe and how others feel about Don Joe and his analyses in and earlier HA threads.
That’s not even the thread that Puddy thinks he’s talking about. In the thread that Puddy linked, there’s one comment from Jane which isn’t even worthy of reply. All she did was show that she didn’t understand my point.
I’m not entirely sure which thread Puddy has in mind, because there were a couple of exchanges I had with Jane and “ejn”, but is probably the one.
You’ll note that ejn managed to get in the last word in that thread. As I recall, but the time I got around to reading ejn’s comment, comments were already closed there. So, maybe Puddy thinks I conceded something there. I don’t know. Puddy rarely explains himself clearly.
Had I seen ejn’s comment in time to reply, I’d have probably pointed out where ejn quotes me out of context, though it’s rather clear to anyone who was paying attention that ejn rather carefully excerpted portions of sentences from my comments. I don’t know, but of ejn is Puddy’s example of honest and cogent debate, that would certain explain a lot about the lack of any cogent argument in Puddy’s comments.
Which leaves us with:
In closing this argument Don Joe, Puddy puts his money into the things Puddy cares about.
Frankly, I have no idea what Puddy thinks this comment about what each of us gives to charity will accomplish. I suppose I could throw out a number, but Puddy would only reject whatever number I would throw out without some kind of proof.
So, we’ll have to content ourselves with this news item. Let’s see of Puddy can conjure up a reasonable conclusion based solely on those facts.
270 – Comfort yourself with the Limbaugh and the Faux news porn fool. Your kind is going down and not a moment too soon.
Everyone knows you’re just an idiot wedded to long discredited idiocies.
I laugh at you Stupes. Even the biggest shithead of a neo-con is starting to get it:
Charles Krauthammer:
“Jindal didn’t have a chance. He follows Obama, who in making speeches, is in a league of his own. He’s in a Reagan-esque league. … [Jindal] tried the best he could.”
Maybe you don’t understand…
Giving a good speech does qualify someone to be a great leader.
Nor does giving a great acting performance or musical performance demonstrate leadership ability.
Con-men are great at communicating and connecting with their victims.
Great leadership is demonstrated by voting present.
273 – By your definition, Ronald Reagan was a con man.
I agree.
And he sure must have had you fooled.
Obama IS leading and the people are behind him. He’s got programs, plan a/plan b, a guiding philosophy, great people
trying to make it work. Very definition of leadership.
Obviously you’re not behind him but that’s ok. You can cling to the failed past as is your right.