See, this is the type of Seattle Times editorial that really pisses me off, not so much because I disagree with the opinion expressed (and I sure as hell do), but because I find its rhetoric shallow, insulting and intentionally misleading… the type of piece we’re told we should expect from a lowly blogger, not the editorial board of a major daily newspaper.
The issue is taxes, which the Times once again opposes, but the premise is absolute bullshit, simplistically framing the budget debate as an either/or between budget cuts or tax increases:
FOR the two years beginning July 1, state government forecasts an $8 billion deficit — a sum equal to one-quarter of the money spent in the past two years. The chasm is not a gap the people can be expected to fill.
Of course not, and nobody—I mean absolutely nobody —is suggesting a revenue-only response to this unprecedented budget crisis during an economic downturn of historic proportions. Yet in their lede, the Times intentionally conflates the notion of using tax increases to fill part of the gap with the paranoid fantasy of using such revenues to fill all of the gap… and that’s just plain dishonest. Or perhaps, crazy.
If the state asks them — and by law, it would have to — they would say no.
Well, if the Times says voters would say “no,” then I suppose it’s just a waste of money even holding a vote. After all, these are the top-notch prognosticators who urged the dismantling of Sound Transit after 2007’s Prop 1 went bust, accusing transit proponents of being delusional, and claiming “the ballot measure failed because the light-rail part was too expensive and created a tax that was too high.”
Can’t get much more in touch with voters than that, huh?
And why should they say otherwise? It is their government. They pay for it, most directly in sales taxes. And they have been buying fewer things for themselves. Some have lost their incomes, or expect to. Others have seen their assets shrink. They feel poorer. They feel less secure. And they are.
Damn right it’s our government, and it’s a government that provides services we need and want. That’s why voters in the most populous regions of the state consistently vote to raise our own taxes, and why even I-912’s proposed gas tax repeal failed by a comfortable margin statewide despite the supposed popular backlash we were all warned about.
And let me just pause here for a moment to comment on the editorial’s headline: “Washington taxpayers can’t bail out state lawmakers.” I mean… what the fuck? That’s just plain disrespectful, and totally nonconstructive.
We wouldn’t be asked to bail out our lawmakers, we’d be asked to keep our government functioning at somewhere near the level we want it. And if the Times was at all interested in promoting a civil debate rather than just provoking a knee-jerk, anti-government reaction, they wouldn’t so shamelessly vilify lawmakers for a budget crisis that they full well know is largely the result of a worldwide economic collapse unseen since the days of the Great Depression.
This Eymanesque anti-lawmaker crap is just mean-spirited and lazy.
They now hear pleas that certain state programs are needed more than ever. Some are. But there is that $8 billion hole. Even when reduced to roughly $5 billion with the timely arrival of federal fill dirt, the gap is still too wide to reasonably be filled with new and higher taxes.
Again… who the hell is suggesting even $5 billion in new taxes, let alone $8 billion? Give us some examples.
Consider some of the tax proposals introduced in Olympia. Sen. Jim Hargrove, D-Hoquiam, proposes a 0.215-percent tax on primary plastic and plastic containers. Rep. Deb Eddy, D-Kirkland, would extend the sales tax to hair transplants and cosmetic dentistry for people who already had a “normal appearance.” Rep. Ross Hunter, D-Medina, would impose a gross-receipts tax on services delivered over the Internet. Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Medina, would add another dollar a pack to cigarettes. Rep. Maralyn Chase, D-Edmonds, would impose a 6-percent tax on small gasoline-powered equipment such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers.
All these taxes together would fill about 7 percent of a $5 billion gap.
Let’s see, 7 percent of $5 billion comes to about $350 million. Hardly the stark either/or proposition postulated in the editorial’s lede. But wait… there’s always that doomsday scenario…
One bill would fill all of it: Senate Bill 5104 by Sen. Rosa Franklin, D-Tacoma. It is a personal-income tax with brackets of 2.2 percent, 3.5 percent and 6 percent, with the break points for a married couple at $50,000 and $120,000. This raises more than enough for the state — and takes it directly from private spending, private saving and private investment, all of which are necessary for economic recovery.
Sen. Franklin proposes her personal income tax bill every year, God bless her, and it rarely even gets a public hearing, let alone a vote in committee. The Times knows that, and to raise the income tax specter now, in this context, with this sweet old lady cast as the political super-villain poised to achieve what popular Gov. Dan Evans couldn’t accomplish at his peak, is a deliberate and dishonest scare tactic, pure and simple.
(Furthermore, the Times also knows that Sen. Franklin isn’t even proposing an income tax as a means of filling the budget gap, but rather as part of a broader restructuring package that would also dramatically reduce the state portion of the sales and property taxes. Whether a restructured tax system that includes an income tax would raise more or less dollars, or remain revenue neutral, is an entirely separate debate from tax restructuring itself.)
There is the problem for Democrats who would send a tax package to voters. If their tax does the job, it will be an economy-killer. If it is a bearable tax, it won’t do the job.
I guess if they say it often enough, that this is an either/or option, they hope their readers will believe it true. But it’s not. If the legislature sends a tax package to voters it will be to fill part of the budget gap, not all of it.
The remaining option is cuts. They are painful, but they will have to fill most of that $5 billion gap.
The state must cut, cut, cut.
Actually, there are three options: budget cuts, tax increases, and deficit spending, and considering the essential services at risk—not to mention that every $1 billion reduction in state spending is estimated to cost about 15,000 jobs—it would be irresponsible for lawmakers not to at least consider all the tools at their disposal.
So my suggestion to lawmakers is don’t allow yourselves to be cowed by the Seattle Times’ irresponsible demagoguery; the real reason they don’t want you to put a tax package on the ballot is that they are afraid it will pass.
Goldy spews:
Then were are the Budget cuts??
Gregoire has made things much, much worse due to her unwillingness to acknowledge the deficit and non-subtantive actions to do.
Goldy, even Gary Locke and Locke’s former Budget Director deemed her “window-dressing” cuts as “INSIGNIFICANT”.
First, Gregoire should have never increased spending by $8 BILLION the past 4 years in the face of a recession while PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGING her spending was not sustainable.
Second, the writing was on the wall well over a year ago. Rather than make substantive cuts which would have resulted in lay-offs, employee wage freezes and Benefit cuts, she did nothing.
Every day that has passed, the inevitable has gotten worse.
Gregoire is beholding to the State Employees Union. The tax increase on the ballot will be framed State Employees Union vs. everyone else.
Goldy, why are you so desperate to increase State Revenues in a recession??
Had Gregoire held the line on Government Spending at rate of inflation, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
We need Affordable and Accountable State Government. Today we have neither.
If the voters reject all tax increases (the only way to rein in government), we will take a giant-step toward both.
Goldy spews:
What’s with this WE shit?? You must be talking about yourself and a frog in your pocket Goldy.
Goldy spews:
Again, what is this WE shit???
Goldy, you have no ability to question government services and how to provide them more cost-effectively.
Our Legislators have shown ZERO intent to do so in a meaningful way. Just some INSIGNIFICANT showboating?
well, nh wants to secede, i’d go for that. we can have a good christain country. let ny schlep. by the way, i read something today that reminded me of you brainwashed liberals. a guy at the mass general hosptal had his stomach removed. and he was 100 per cent healthy!!! yup his parents died of stomach cancer and they told him he was at risk. jewish medicine wants u to believe everything is in the genes. whats a bunch of suckers. and now this guy is walking around with no stomach. yeah, lets secede from new york, palm beach and hollywood. goldstien just stay the fuck out
Goldy, I challenge you to put down the newspaper and go out and create and write a story from scratch. Why not go out and interview someone? I think Darcy Burner would be a fascinating interview. How about the Governor? How about one of the council members that wants to replace Sims?
I wasn’t a big fan of schools anyway.
“We” are the people who keep defeating your candidates.
Goldy spews re: Rosa Franklin:
If Income Tax isn’t be used for a tax increase, THEN WHY ARE YOU BRINGING IT UP NOW??
Seems we need to focus on the issue at hand.
And THE TIMES knows no such thing that Franklin isn’t going to use this to fill the Budget Gap.
So where do we set the Revenue Goals for the Income Tax??
If it is not intented to fill the gap, then we set Individual Tax Rates to garner the same revenue as TODAY! No chance.
Checkmate Goldy!
Frank Blethen was down in Olympia last week pleading for a tax cut for the Seattle Times. They don’t even want to do their share.
So Daddy Love–
You are then testifying to us that you are 100% pleased with how every single tax dollar is currently spent??
Or is that you don’t care???
How can you argue with a blank-sheet, zero-based budgeting approach to the role and cost of government in these times?
I thought you were more intellectual than that.
Nice you have confidence in Gregoire, a 39 year Career Bureaucrat to do all your thinking for you!
Gee, I wish I had Cynical’s time to troll the other side’s blogs and take multiple potshots all day long. Not sure where I would get all his satisfaction, however.
Perfect Voter–
Rather than engage in a legitimate discussion, you choose to obfuscate.
Wish I had your time to post NOTHING.
Anyone who dare question the Progressive overspending and ask for some semblance of Affordable & Accountable Government has too much time on their hands???
You are obviously a State Employee ASSKLOWN who ought to be terminated.
Lost are the days when the print media or the TV Radio media would lift a finger to present the facts of a State crisis like this to as many residents as can be reached. So far, only up front has made any effort. The Times as further proof of how morally corrupt they are, chose to exploit the gradual public interest in this issue in order to grandstand and present their one sided view. This served no one!
The crisis we face demands that the news media break from tradition and produce a real academic explanation of the constraints our government faces as we seek to find the best path forward.
Everyone down in Olympia knows their is no tax only answer. Though some continue to demagogue, most know that their is no cut only answer either.
Finger pointing is fun politics but does none of us any good. The facts are that the Gov, is required to present her budget by the deadline she met and prior to the last two very negative revenue reports/forecasts. Everyone is working long hours to patch together a very broad solution to the budget challenge. In the end I expect it will be 70% to 80% addressed by cuts and the average citizen will feel these cuts the day they take effect. The remaining problem of 20% – 30% will likely be addressed with taxes and fees and we will all feel these as well.
As the budget writers press on, the best thing for all of us would be to become informed. The issue is huge. If the sales tax was raised another nine cents, for instance, we would still not fill the hole in the next budget cycle.
they wouldn’t so shamelessly vilify lawmakers for a budget crisis that they full well know is largely the result of a worldwide economic collapse unseen since the days of the Great Depression.
You’re kidding yourself. Alarm bells over a housing/credit bubble were being sounded at least 4 or 5 years ago, yet governments at all levels were raising spending rapidly when they should have understood much of the revenue it was based on was generated by these bubbles.
This problem just didn’t appear out of the blue: people – lawmakers and government leaders included – chose to ignore the warnings because times were just too good. As a result, they contributed to the severity of the problem that we now face.
morons, its all planned. the jew barney frank takes f his orders from the jew alan greenspan who takes his orders from the rothchilds in london. fools, dont you know how to read. cant u look with your own eyes. u think billionares like george soros have just been sitting around giving their money to charity. idiots
@ 14
Alarm bells over a housing/credit bubble were being sounded at least 4 or 5 years ago, yet governments at all levels were raising spending rapidly when they should have understood much of the revenue it was based on was generated by these bubbles.
Hm.. Weren’t you the one who said that we shouldn’t pay any attention to Economists? Or, are you saying that people other than Economists were raising these alarm bells? And, if so, upon what would one base the credibility of the people who were raising these alarm bells?
Show me some “analysis,” John, that shows you aren’t simply sitting here in judgement relying entirely on the benefit of 20/20 hindsight.
Liberal local talk radio host Dave Ross is going to some sort of meeting tonight to discuss the decline of newspapers. Bloggers have also been invited to discuss whether or not they can replace them.
Why hasn’t Goldy mentioned anything about this meeting? Is he refusing to go? If so, why?
I like the frog reference. The legendary Chick Hearn used that phrase on his pre-game call in show before LAKER games.
Oops, I shouldn’t have brought up basketball with the sonics escaping town.
Instead you take potshots without doing any research.
Yet another example of the right wing family values crowd showing their true worth. Bush appointed this pervert. GOP can’t find anyone who isn’t a perv.
yeah like i would ever click on a link from msnbc….joke
@16 if so, upon what would one base the credibility of the people who were raising these alarm bells?
Curious what you think about someone like Barry Ritholtz? He seemed to be on top of things from what I’ve read on his blog.
Is the tax money being spent on the big 3 automakers to help the automakers or reward the union voters.
The vehicles owned by the Obama administration’s auto team could reflect one reason why Detroit’s Big Three automakers are in trouble: The list includes few new American cars.
Among the eight members named Friday to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and the 10 senior policy aides who will assist them in their work, two own American models. Add the Treasury Department’s special adviser to the task force and the total jumps to three.
The Detroit News reviewed public records to discover what many of the task force and staff members drove, but information was not available on all of the officials, and records for some states were not complete.
American made cars are good for the tax paying little people, but not for the staff of obama.
Priceless… except for the working people that are forced t pay taxes.
President Bush appointed. Who was it that confirmed him?
Don’t know why I bother…
so the dow closes down 250 today. boy, people really have faith in our first black president.
yup, i’m sure glad we voted for the race of a president rather than qualifications
@ 22
“The Big Picture” is one of the econ-related blogs currently in my subscriptions folder. Has been for a while.
But, that doesn’t really answer the question, does it? We can say that Ritholtz got it right now, but John wants to take our political leaders to task for failing to listen to people like Ritholtz at the time. That strikes me as more than a bit unjustified.
@ 24
President Bush appointed. Who was it that confirmed him?
Well, you could look it up, or you could read the article. The complaint was filed in 2007 and referred to behavior that spanned a “four-year period, culminating in March 2007…”
@26 “The Big Picture” is one of the econ-related blogs currently in my subscriptions folder. Has been for a while.
So what do you think of him?
17. Troll spews:
I think Goldy has been trash-talking Blethens so much the past couple years that he is probably afraid to go. I wonder if Goldy’s mama ever put hotsauce on his nasty tongue??
It was a rhetorical question…..
President George HW Bush appointed…..
The Democrats confirmed him in the Senate.
The DOW tends to look FORWARD 6 months or so.
When it became apparent Obama was going to be elected in October, the DOW was at 11,000.
When he was Inaugurated, the DOW was at 8,300.
Today it is at 7,100.
Obama is quite simply not trusted by the JOB-CREATORS! He is soooooooo inexperienced…he has stepped on his dick sooooooooo many times in the first month, it’s pathetic.
Tax Cheats.
Delivering constant negative news about the economy when he should be the voice of optimism. Clinton bitch-slapped him for that.
Now he tells “rich folks” they are going to pay for his Porkulous and other Socialistic wet-dreams.
Change we can Believe in????
Obama is giving us “change” alright…
BAD CHANGE we can choke on!
As Obama continues to TALK the Dow down…he will also continue to lose support.
How is the State Retirement Fund looking today?
And who in the hell are those on the Investment Board??
They ought to be jailed for taking such ridiculous risks with Retirement Funds in a system where WE THE PEOPLE, taxpayers, must someday cough up BILLIONS because of their irresponsiblity.
How come you KLOWNS aren’t concerned with $15.6+ BILLION in losses???
there is going to be civil unrest. one problem. we are not brazil, where u have one guy eating porridge and on the same street the other guy eating lox and bagels. that wont happen here.
Well it’s not too difficult to see the problem.
If revenues are falling, then cuts in spending have to occur. The proposed budget for 09-11 is actually greater (laughably) than the 07-09 budget….
Cuts in spending to levels that revenues support. Living within our means….
Yes that means police, fire, first responder..It also means education, welfare and entitlements…
32 RS
If revenues are falling, then cuts in spending have to occur.
Wrong. If revenues are falling, one or more of three things “have to occur:”
1. Raise revenue.
2. Cut spending.
3. Borrow money.
The proposed budget for 09-11 is actually greater than the 07-09 budget.
Funny how that works—that in an economic downturn coupled with a growing population, social costs rise. Sounds like time to raise revenue.
Maybe you think that communities with no fire protection, no police, and no schools would just be heaven, but as with all GOP schemes it turns to shit pretty quickly.
@ 27
So what do you think of him?
Ritholtz gets some things right. He gets some things wrong.
@ 29
It was a rhetorical question…..
I gathered that. It did, however, appear to be based on faulty information/assumptions.
President George HW Bush appointed…..
The Democrats confirmed him in the Senate.
The article says that the behavior in question spanned a four-year period ending in March of 2007. Saying that “The Democrats confirmed him” when talking about a Republican-controlled Senate strikes me as more than a little shading of the truth. No?
@34 – Ritholtz gets some things right
when you were following him earlier, back a couple of years, you weren’t buying his arguments about the housing and credit bubble then, but do now? i think i learned about him on this board, maybe you.
The Republican nightmare scenario: A country in which the middle and working classes earn a larger share of national income, in which educational attainment is rising rather than flat, in which people are healthier and live longer, and in which crime is lower and fewer children grow up in poverty. Truly a frightening prospect.
Puddy almost stood up to manoftruth’s hate the other night. Almost. Then, after a six word sentence from manoftruth, Puddy decides that manoftruth’s a good guy after all. Today Puddy’s new “bestus bud” manoftruth spews:
“we can have a good christain country” “let ny schlep” “jewish medicine wants u to believe” “yeah, lets secede from new york, palm beach and hollywood. goldstien just stay the fuck out” “the jew barney frank takes f his orders from the jew alan greenspan”
Maybe Puddy will take a moment to explain to us the attraction he has for his newfound racist and bigoted friend. What was it he said to you that moved you to condone the hate?
Too bad the righties can’t even find judges who aren’t perverts to represent them.
This is why Marvin the confirmed child rapist is a Publican. He identifies with the pervs.
@ 35
[W]hen you were following him earlier, back a couple of years, you weren’t buying his arguments about the housing and credit bubble then, but do now?
I don’t recall exactly when I added Ritholtz’ blog to my NetNewsWire subscription list, but it was some time ago (more than two years). To the extent that timing matters in answering your question, I doubt I can do better than that.
As for whether or not I’ve bought Ritholtz’ analysis on the real estate and credit bubbles, I don’t recall disagreeing with the bulk of what he’s had to say, though it’s entirely likely that I might have quibbled with him on some detail or another. He and I might disagree, for example, on the relative importance of the role that ratings agencies played in creating the current crisis.
Does that answer your question?
Do you get it now?
I dare you to run your financial “house” the way the state gov runs our “house”….
OK, cuts are not the ONLY solution. However the budget shortfall is not due to declining revenues. The state took in slightly more revenue this year than last 2007-2008. So, how do we get so upside down? Increased spending on “projected” reveune growth. Well the “projected” revenue growth didn’t happen, so IMO the same projected spending shouldn’t happen.
Growing population? According to the census ~10% 2000-2010. Yet the budget growth far outpaces population growth.
I missed this at first but seems ironic an angry, potty-mouthed LEFTIST like yourself would shriek for “Civil Debate”.
That’s funny stuff Goldy…
Goldy, The Queen of Civility!!
@ 40
I stand corrected. Thanks.
hey steve , i’m just taking the opposite approach of new york times editorial writer richard rosenthal who said “white chrsitian power structure”, i’m just countering his point. is he your cousin by any chance? maybe you could ask him why he mentioned chrsitians….
If the Times are “pissing” Goldy off, then something is being done right.
@44 “richard rosenthal who said “white chrsitian power structure””
From the Rosenthal editorial:
“Google the words “Bill O’Reilly” and “white, Christian male power structure” for another YouTube taste of the Fox News host assailing the immigration views of “the far left” (including The Times) as racially traitorous.”
A NYT editorial writer took on Bill O’Reilly’s bullshit. Because of this you feel free to spew your racist, bigoted bullshit here on HA. And Puddy thinks this a fine excuse for someone to spew such hate? And for this Puddy will overlook your racist, bigoted bullshit and declare you a “bestus bud”? That’s as pathetic as it gets.
asswipe steve, who said “white christian” rosenthal or oreilly?? moron,,, i didnt go to your jew controlled publik skools
and another thing moron, what does puddy have to do with me??? unfortuantely we christians are like fucking peas in a pod like u guys
@47 You don’t like blacks much either, do you? You’ve had more than a few comments denigrating them. Why is that?
@47 “who said “white christian” rosenthal or oreilly??”
O’Reilly spewed:
“But do you understand what the New York Times wants, and the far-left want? They want to break down the white, Christian, male power structure, which you’re a part, and so am I, and they want to bring in millions of foreign nationals to basically break down the structure that we have.”
well, he’s right
i dont recall if i have made insult remarks about blacks, other than the phoney liar u just elected, but i do feel bad for them, first they get enslaved , then when they start to make it on their own, like in sports, they get taken by yentel sports agents
@ 39 Does that answer your question?
More or less. Krugman has wondered how anyone could have missed the housing bubble in view of the data:
“The big mystery is the failure to see the housing bubble. The data screamed ‘bubble’, even in real time. And there was no excuse for believing that such things don’t happen in efficient markets, not with the dead body of the dot-com bubble still warm.”
Data like this:
where it was pretty clear by early 2005 that prices were just skyrocketing in various areas. I imagine you were hip to this stuff by then, too, and the spreading sub prime problems which began to receive coverage not that much later.
also, u recall what eric holder said, we cowards about race. hey i got an idea, hows about we all quit our jobs, and watch schindlers list and roots all day, and sue people who use hate speech, and make new protected classes and whine all fucking day
Hey Steve, manoftruth has not said anything negative about blacks except Obama and his policies.
And manoftruth gave you the easy way to end your sob story. Can you find the story now in the gray lady? Do you possess the skillz?
Care to provide proof otherwise since you are the only one screaming here.
Say, Puddy, what was it again that you admire about manoftruth? His hating Jews is good with you provided he directs some of that hate towards the NYT Jews too? That elevates him to “bestus bud” status with you? With that you readily forgive him his previous posts denigrating blacks? You overlook all the Jew hate? Is that how it goes? I just want to be clear on this. And you hope for what out of this unholy union? A tax cut? Is that the price for which you’d sell your soul?
@55 “Can you find the story now in the gray lady? Do you possess the skillz?”
Yeah, sure, Puddy, I just made up the editorial content I quoted @46.
“Hey Steve, manoftruth has not said anything negative about blacks except Obama and his policies.”
Not true. You and everybody else here knows it. What is true is that you ignore the hate and choose the likes of him as your friend and ally.
“you are the only one screaming here”
Still making shit up, are you? Of course, that’s your style.
Like manoftruth says, you’re “two peas in a pod”. I’m curious, though. Who hates Jews more, you or manoftruth? Do you hate blacks as much as he does? More perhaps?
actually, i’ll tell u what i’m looking for. about 50 years ago, all judges were white males. then people whined about diversity and affirmative action, now every tv show, movie and commerical that has a court scene in it has a judge thats either black, female, asian, or the twofer, black female. so now, i just want to apply affirmative action to hollywood, instead of all producers being jewish, we should allow blacks, chrsitians and muslims to be producers. and do it with all the whining we heard all these years about the corporate world.
Let’s see if I follow this gibberish of yours. You resent the fact that judges are no longer just white Christian males. You don’t like seeing people of color in movies, television shows and commercials. Because of the above, you hate Jews, particularly those who are Hollywood producers.
Well, I have to say, that makes as much sense as anything your friend Puddy ever posted here.
thats not what i said at all, you’re just trying to confuse the issue. i only want to apply affirmative action to hollywood producers, just like we do to everything else. is that hard for u to understand? or do u want to use another nonsequetor?
OK, so you’re saying that you hate Jewish Hollywood producers just as much as you hate Jewish New York Times editorialists?
Say, didn’t I already give you a lesson on how to use the shift key?
Oh, bye the bye, I believe that “nonsequetor” is spelled “non sequitur”.
Puddy and manoftruth. “Two peas in a pod.”
no, i didnt say my “point” was i hate jewish hollywood producers, although its not illegal if i did, i said i want to “apply affirmative action to them. are u purposley not understanding?
Moronic Steve@56:
What is it you admire about bybygoober?
Oh yeah he likes goats too.
He abuses them like you but he likes his goat stewed while you like it raw!
steve and bybygoober a co-joined pea in no pod
Steve, why do you support bybygoober? Why is his commentary such music to your ears?
@64 Well, with all the grammatical errors in your posts it’s not easy understanding what it is you’re trying to say.
It’s not like you rage against producers, bankers or whatever. You always say Jewish banker or Jewish producer. You did the same thing with blacks. It appears to me that you’ve got something against Jews and blacks.
by the way, sean penn (half jewish by the way) can suck my dick
The usual name calling. Tiresome, Puddy.
I see you made up something about BBG out of whole cloth. Run out of ammo again, have you?
Hmm, do you have issues with goats or something? I haven’t mentioned Republican goatfucking in months but you, Cynical and Marvin all seem to be hung up on that one. You all keep bringing it up. Touch a nerve, did I? Yes, I suspect you guys really do have issues.
Here, for old times sake, show us once again how you can utterly ignore the Republican pervert and pedophile problem:
Whether it’s spewing hate or raping children, Puddy is good with it as long as it’s Republicans doing it. Yep, Republican rapists and haters – just more peas in Puddy’s pod.
Don Joe – Just able to get back to this. Curious when it became clear in your mind that we had a housing bubble – 2007? You sound like you have an economic background.
“actually, i’ll tell u what i’m looking for. about 50 years ago, all judges were white males. then people whined about diversity and affirmative action, now every tv show, movie and commerical that has a court scene in it has a judge thats either black, female, asian, or the twofer, black female. so now, i just want to apply affirmative action to hollywood, instead of all producers being jewish, we should allow blacks, chrsitians and muslims to be producers. and do it with all the whining we heard all these years about the corporate world.”
Crawl back into whatever cave or pond scum from whence you came……
What a bunch of Neo Nazi, my mommy didn’t hug me enough, my daddy is in jail, biggoted, racist, hateful idiot you are…
Puddy- A word….
For the sake of of all that is good…DO NOT encourage this fool…
Throwing insults is an occurence on every comment thread. “manoftruth” goes way beyond the pale….
He’s a spineless tadpol, afraid of his shadow, hiding behind his bigotted-hatful beliefs…
He’s no Christian, just uses that as a convienient vehicle to spew his neo-fuckhead nonsense…
Cast him overboard
@72: I agree Rightstuff – woman of falsehood is a race baiting fool. I may disagree with you (rightstuff) some on policies – but I respect you as a person of integrity. Different people can disagree on policies and politics – but MOT is beyond the pale. Really, there is nothing there but small-minded racism.
lol,,,,so lets see, all the tv ads that have court scenes have black judges, and all the tv ads for house alarms like adt show white burglars. but u dont see that. and we are colorblind in this country but we didnt vote for obama because he was the most qualified, we voted for him becuase he is black. you are all idiots
and we have a tax cheat running the treasury, u should all fucking bow your head in shame. and why did they vote him, well, gingrich, whom i ‘m sure u all hate, said that he is fronting for the new york bankers. lol….its not just me…madoff, schumer making fun of the pork in the stimulus, frank saying fannie and freddie are ok, giethner the tax cheat…the wool is falling from people eyes
oh by the way, why dont u fucking fund more things like robert maplethorp putting christ in a jar of urine, so even more people can hate u!!
“we didnt vote for obama because he was the most qualified, we voted for him becuase he is black. you are all idiots
So you voted for President Obama?
Manoftruth, what’s the matter with you? Or are you just full of “white pride” and all?
You don’t know how lucky you are to live in the USA……So many have paid the highest sacrafice so that YOU can have the freedom to be a small minded, hate filled, shit fer brains, dickless, puss nuts, neo-nazi asshole..
You should walk around and generally say “thank you” to everyone you meet for tolerating you.
“oh by the way, why dont u fucking fund more things like robert maplethorp putting christ in a jar of urine, so even more people can hate u!!”
I think you should volunteer to be the subject of his next piece. Just let us know so we can drink lots of water before hand…
Right Stuff, while I think much of manoftruth commentary is abhorrent, he is a kindergartner compared to bybygoober. So as long as the left gives a pass to bybygoober, I have no comment on manoftruth. So long as the left gives a pass to leadless douchy and all his sockpuppets, I have no comment on manoftruth.
Hatred rears it’s ugly head. I am not a censor, and I haven’t heard one libtard tell bybygoober to stop when he goes into his black tirades. Do you understand the full definition of calling someone an oreo, beyond the standard black on the outside and white on the inside. If you do then good. If you don’t sit down with someone from the inner city and let him/her explain it. That’s what bybygoober does when he wants to attack. Yet, no one takes him on from the left. So a big up yours to the leftist here if they expect me to tell manofotruth to shut up. Clean your own house first.
Who am I to say anything about a rightie. When you lefties shut his pie hole I’ll say the same thing I told JCH. Until then listen to the white noise… So am I the arbiter of commentary? Uhhh… Nope.
Steve, I always have ammo. All I need to do is visit the left-wing kook-aid sites. Or the WaPo? Or the Boston Glober? Or the NY Times? Or Phila Enquirer? On and on…
Ammo galore.
The Gov. should correct her mistakes in last years budget, Remove all the waste full money on raises and all her get me elected scumbag schemes. Now we can remove all artist millions on new construction. Increase the sin tax to $2.00 that included everything. Mandatory parking charges for ALL who report in Olympia and UOW for work including Gov. to $15.00 per day, The state Restaurant should be turned into a school cafeteria and all our servants who eat there will be feed the same food our kids get in school by school staff. All employees will be required to remove all personal stuff from state computer with in 5 working days or be fired.
Anyone using state computers for personal use fired on the spot. All mobile phones to be turned off unless on break failure to do so fired on the stop. All state vehicles except crime control will no longer be used as a personal car. Any employee using a state vehicle for non-emergency and found speeding by a taxpayer will notify 911 and report them.
No longer will our legislators be paid for not getting a budget done in time.
No more state balls or formal receptions on our dime.
We need our State auditor to get into the books of waste a fraud increase his staff by half. However this time he finds wrongdoing they get fired. He should also investigate pay scales at the UOW.
NO pay increases until we have a 6-year surplus.
No jail time for drugs like weed fine them $5,000.00 or do city work to pay off the fine during a working week.
Left, Right republican, democrat, gay, straight, black, white, Jew, Gentile…..
The hatred and vile biggotry of MOT’s comments are what I define as evil…From a very dark place. I believe in redemption, so he may yet be saved. In the mean time, any and all like him, are trash in landfill of man kind…
The difference here is that I’m not going to wait for “the left”, or anyone else here to denounce “their own”….I’m sure everyone who is regular in these comment threads, knows who the racist-biggoted asses are…..My point is simply this…. Why wait for someone else to show leadership? Why not be an example? So that others who are of the same mind can rally to you rather than let evil lie?
my .02
@82 You’re the one showing leadership. You’ve handled this far better than I have. Well done.
I’ve said something once or twice about that oreo thing but next time someone goes down that road I’ll be more forceful in expressing my opinion that it goes too far.
Right Stuff, go ahead be my guest. I fully support your position but…
You aren’t the one being racially attacked.
I’m not playing their game of denounce MOT while bybygoober gets a pass.
I’m not playing their game of denounce MOT while headless lucy and all his sock puppets continues to get a pass from September 9, 2005. A real blog moderator would have given a warning to all on both sides and then banned them for their comments. That’s one of the dinner topic discussions between Cynical and me. How come liberals are so race nasty on HA? You see Goldy banned JCH. I commented on JCH before he was banned. Yet only eight lefties have commented on headless lucy and his sock puppets. He continues to post his vile racial hatred in more subtle ways.
As for Steve who says
golly Steve I missed “those one or two comments” reading all the threads so they really didn’t happen did they Steve? I’m still waiting to see Steve to demounce bybygoober.
That’s the same type of rant you give me on Republican perverts when I told you over and over I denounced them from Mark Foley to Larry Craig. Yet every week or so you resurrect those same tired rants.
Nuff SAID Steve. Let’s see some real change!
@84 “golly Steve I missed”
Liar. You even referenced those comments yourself. It’s become quite evident that you have no honor.
@85: Really Steve, produce my words then and I’ll recant. I can play your game too. Oh I have honor among my friends. A friend gives them money when they are down. A friend provides a warm bed when needed.
@84 “dinner topic discussions”
Did you bother ask Cynical at dinner why he felt it necessary to inject race when he posts lists of troubled cities with black democratic mayors? I doubt it.
Go ahead and try and save face with others who might read this but this is between me and you. You know your a liar. I know you’re a liar. We both know that you have no honor.
@71 Curious when it became clear in your mind that we had a housing bubble
Don Joe, aka Clueless Joe, was just a little late figuring things out, that’s for sure.
Clueless Joe
“We can say that Ritholtz got it right now, but John wants to take our political leaders to task for failing to listen to people like Ritholtz at the time. That strikes me as more than a bit unjustified.”
Paul Krugman, Nobel Prize for Economics, author, “The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008”
“The big mystery is the failure to see the housing bubble. The data screamed ‘bubble’, even in real time. And there was no excuse for believing that such things don’t happen in efficient markets, not with the dead body of the dot-com bubble still warm.”
But apparently the data:
wasn’t screaming quite loud enough for Don Joe and political leaders. Clueless Joe . . . always a step behind.
Hey Steve@88: Whatever you want dude. Don’t need to, ever heard of rhetorical license? You claim I didn’t denounce Republicans so I claim you didn’t denounce bybygoober. You claim I have sex with goats. We know you still do because you were the first to show us the various web sites.
See how that works?
Yeah, I see how it works. You’re good with lying your ass off.
I glad Steve you figgered out I figgered out your tactics long ago. Who is lying Steve? You sure. Me no! Now that you are caught what’s your next move? Tell me I twisted God’s word?
Hey Steve, one of your friends?
You see Steve I posted this link before, you skipped over it.
Your worthless tiresome attacks are the only think that keep you going…
Steve, is this another friend of yours?
“ACLU ex-president charged in child-porn case”
Kiddie porn users, friends of Steve… You’ve never denounced these people Steve, so per your logic you like them…
Steve, is this another of your friends?
“Bernie Ward Busted On Child Porn Charges”
Kiddie porn users, friends of Steve… You’ve never denounced these people Steve, so per your logic you like them…
Steve, is this another friend of yours?
“Mayor Gary Becker (Democrat) Charged, Child Porn Involved”
Kiddie porn users, friends of Steve… You’ve never denounced these people Steve, so per your logic you like them…
Steve, is this another friend of yours?
“Wade Rowland Sanders, John Kerry Character Witness Busted for Kiddie Porn”
Kiddie porn users, friends of Steve… You’ve never denounced these people Steve, so per your logic you like them…
Steve, is this group another friend of yours?
Kiddie sex, friends of Steve… You’ve never denounced these people Steve, so per your logic you like them…
You’re a fucking idiot. Oh, and a liar.
Before I leave Steve, you didn’t acknowledge post#93 and how you are made to look sooooo foolish in #90 and #92.
So now that you see I called out Mark Foley… you are a worthless, hilarious, moronic liar
So when are you going to denounce kiddie porn Steve. We’re waiting…
Steve is ignoring this thread now that he’s been outed as a worthless, hilarious, moronic liar.
Here is another reference Steve.
Here is where My Left Foot dropped it Steve on Larry Craig.
Steve, here is a Larry Craig comment.
Do you understand how disappointed I was in your misrepresentation of where I stood on that oreo comment? You know how I feel about racism. I really thought you and I had made some progress. Although not discussed, we’d both dropped the name calling and vitriolic flaming between us for some time now. Heck, then we couldn’t debate abortion for two minutes without you resorting to calling me names. I wouldn’t have become pissed if you hadn’t done these two things. I’m willing to turn this around. Or are you interested in that?
I’m sure you have your beefs with me. I’ll listen. Maybe we’ll get somewhere again.
Steve, you’ve misrepresented me on Republican pervertness for a long time. Puddy told you I addressed it long ago. Puddy called out Mark Foley and Larry Craig. Puddy told you this multiple times. You kept hammering it over Puddy’s head. So yeah Puddy is pissed.
Then you throw MOT into my face. So yeah you told leadless to drop it, but I don’t remember your bybygoober comments. I said show me and I’ll recant.
As I told everyone here, I will not take on MOT until the vast majority of leftists take on bybygoober and leadless douchy.
Take note: Did anyone say anything about bybygoober since I placed my comment. Nope. So yeah we have common ground but there is a wide chasm created by your continual Republican perv comments. Now that you’ve seen my repudiation, how could you have missed the same links before?
“there is a wide chasm created by your continual Republican perv comments.”
I had dropped all that until our mutual meltdown of the last two days. You know that is true. It was one reason we were able to have an unspoken truce. Of course, I can drop it again. Or not. What’s your preference?
Steve, as you can see I’ve renounced those fools, so we can work on issues where we can civilly disagree.
Well, as long as you always admit that I’m right. (smiley face insert here)
Hahahahahahahaha you funny man Steve…