Please join us tonight for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday evening at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier than that for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out one of the other DL meetings over the next week.
Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets. On Thursday Drinking Liberally Bremerton meets.
With 204 chapters of Living Liberally, including sixteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting near you.
Congratulations to the residents of Boeing’s new home,SC-01 on its election of the family values and clean government candidate Republican Mark Sanford. Nothing says qualified to design and build commercial aircraft than electing this unethical dolt.
1) Although the national Republicans acted like they did not want him back. Could they be worried about next year more than they appear, depite gerrymandering?
Michigan is open for business! And the business is plunder:
Golly unemployed salt licking moron ylb… here’s another view.
It’s all about the union, not the children unemployed salt licking moron ylb!
Oh yeah, let’s see what Detroit Schools did while libtards were in control… From the “leftist” wikipedia!
Moronic tool @4 and @5…
And Mr. “success” “learned” by video conference back in the day.
What an idiot..
And Detroit has 54,000 kids in charter schools?
Lot of good that did to prevent Snyder from taking over the district in 2011 for what looks like self-serving gain.
It’s the way of the always WRONG wing of American politics. The wing by which wingnut @4, 5 is directed and controlled.
Oh my the unemployed salt licking moron ylb is upset. Since you like dem unions why ain’t you employed by one…? Let’s look at “relationships”:
compared to this…
December 2008, ya jackASS. Granholm said enough… Granholm… DUMMOCRAPT! Sux to be you!
Anyone with any knowledge of South Carolina and its politics could easily see that Mark Sanford was going to win. His winning was pretty much certain.
7 – LOL! Poor tool ignores the no-show charter schools.
A system that the greed head Snyder only wants to expand!
w/ worthless “video conferences” to maximize profits!
Sucks to be you wrong wing bootlicker!
What was amazing about the continual Sanford affair press coverage was the lack of Colbert Busch’s arrest coverage by the South Carolina and national libtard press. Also it seemed Sanford was very successful debating that Pelosi cutout, no matter what HA libtards and their favrit left wrong sites wrote!
Sanford won because SC is a very, very conservative state. It’s that simple. Just as WA is a liberal state, SC is a conservative state.
What is the unemployed salt licking moron ylb screaming about? ABSOLUTELY nuthin!!!
12 – Did you upgrade to the spa package to go with the full size car you miserable tool??
So the plan for Detroit is to sit kids in front of video conference screens?
No end to this fool’s idiocy… Soak your head in the spa tool.. It might wash some of the greedhead filth out.
Only when Mrs Puddy goes with Puddy unemployed salt licking moron ylb?
Got a job yet?
How should Puddy know? You introduced the issue above. Puddy just used the libtard press to excoriate your uselessness!
A lunatic unemployed salt licking moron!
14 – LOL! The salt mines is where you labor most Saturday evenings dumbass after sunset..
And oh my.. How you need HA to pump yourself up for it!
The figures illustrating your silly behavior will be published soon.
Did you spend normal working hours on this “new project” unemployed salt licking moron ylb? Those 132 previous EPIC FAYLE attacks from the crazed databaze were as ineffective as most of your unemployed salt licking moron arguments!
Back to the OKC – Memphis game!
16 – Had it done before the Boston attack fool..
Just waiting for the right time..
It’ll be soon.. Count on it.
A simple question! Something you CAN’T answer!
Enough of PStupid’s idiocy..
In other news, another wrong wing tool (a guy after PStupid’s cold, dead heart) had this to say:
Riiiiight.. Until the terrorist is a wrong wing white supremacist from Minnesota:
Not surprisingly, Faux and Freaks has little to nothing to say about right wing terror in this country.
Now here’s a video you should watch. She discusses how to fudge your data!
We have terrorism because it’s efficient, cheap and effective for those who employ it. See and his comments on terrorism.
oh god, I thought the hateful puddybigot had left…dare to dream.
(PS I knew he’d be an obedient little goose-stepping Cruz fanboy, that was obvious)
Shorter unemployed salt licking moron ylb@21… PuddyFacts destroyed me again!
Did a smelly fart just happen…? Yes it did! SCHMUCKO appeared in the thread!
Shorter ha hero ylb:
PUddystupid’s moronic non-sequiturs proved worthless again!
Piddles whines about teacher salaries, but not a peep from him about what CEOs pay themselves.
@26 It’s worse than that, drooling fool. I’m here now, too.
@23 Is Fred your main source? That would explain a lot of your comments.
“Fred … has worked … for … The Washingtonian, Soldier of Fortune, Federal Computer Week, and The Washington Times. He has been published in Playboy, Soldier of Fortune, … and suchlike. … He is by all accounts as looney as a tune.”
I anticipate, now that the metaphorical lights have gone on, that puddybigot will skitter away like a cockroach…
“Hasn’t changed at all.. We have a new Carter in office..”
@11 We get that South Carolina is the kind of state whose voters would elect a guy like Sanford.
puddybigot seems to have gone *POOF*
@10 Personally, I think the act of running for Congress ought to get a person arrested, and this is by far her most serious offense.
Her other brush with the law involved committing a contempt of court to protect her children.
@34 Like a soap bubble.
@33 Roger, and do we get that the type of people who would support and elect Sanford, a politician even the national GOP would not support, are the people Boeing’s Chicago “managers” should design and build the airplane you fly?
The admittedly conservative and Republican leaning electorate of SC-01 could not find and support anyone better to represent them than the “disgraced” Mark Sanford.
Remember to check where that 787 was built before they close the door.
@37 Hmmm … just because people are willing to fly in airplanes they build themselves doesn’t necessarily mean you should fly in them, too.
Ummm DUMB Wabbit, this all started over HA’s unemployed salt licking moron ylb trying to foist some retarded newspaper article on charter schools, very easily refuted with facts.
It really a shame how low your mind has sunk over the years. You can’t follow thread conversations anymore. No telling what this memory leak has done to DUMB Wabbit logic. Maybe Puddy should have been more suspicious of your ever worsening condition with your Stafford County, VA. commentary. But alas, Puddy struck that up to you being the effervescent libtard ASS you were. Now the memory leakage very telling.
You… smelly fart… naaah that’s a direct reference to YOU, SCHMUCKO!
The sound made when the latest SCHMUCKO post arrives… Of course the beforehand smell is your first warning!
Which, of course, was never mentioned by the libtard press! If that’s the spin, why wasn’t it ever delivered?
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. The DUMB Wabbit made Puddy’s case.
Hey SCHMUCKO, Puddy has a great life. It’s not here 24×7 like unemployed salt licking moron ylb or DUMB Wabbit! Puddy just posts from different time zones. Puddy knows unemployed salt licking moron ylb has cataloged where Puddy is and if Puddy is using a MAC or PC. That’s the way unemployed salt licking moron ylb is. He lives vicariously through others, since he doesn’t seem to have the skillz to get a job all these years. But he will attempt to write some half-breed code that sometimes fails. Especially on searches of his lunacy. Must be some filter he accidentally wrote.
@39 “can’t follow thread conversations”
In the interest of not wasting my time on meaningless drivel, I only read every 16th word in every 8th comment that you post, and even that much is devoid of any substance whatsoever.
@42 “was never mentioned”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Are you a liar, or merely too lazy to do a simple internet search that took me all of 15 seconds?
The Post and Courier, published in Charleston, is South Carolina’s 3rd largest daily newspaper. It published the story above on April 22. This is what they reported:
“Colbert Busch also had a difficult divorce and aftermath. She was granted a divorce from her first husband, Robert W. Legare, in August 1987. Court records show the couple continued to fight in court over unpaid child support, insurance and Legare’s visitation rights. In November 1988, Family Court Judge Mendel Rivers Jr. issued an order saying they had ‘failed miserably’ to resolve their differences in the children’s best interest and ordered them both confined to the Charleston County jail for 24 hours.”
And then there’s this commentary from a blog with a libertarian orientation:
“We’re more than willing to give Colbert-Busch the benefit of the doubt in all this. After all her first ex-husband was on America’s Most Wanted … so it’s safe to say there was an elegant sufficiency of crazy on his side of that marriage …”
So here we have a libertarian website giving Colbert-Busch the “benefit of doubt in all this” (i.e., her 24 hours in jail) because the judge also threw her, ahem, TV star husband in the (literally) cooler. Hey, divorce gets tumultuous, sometimes. Think family court judges have an easy gig? This judge locked ’em both up until they cooled down. Nothing newsworthy about that. Happens every day all across this great land of ours. If newspapers had nothing else to report, people would have quit reading newspapers 200 years ago.
Well, hey, piddles didn’t go to journalism school (like I did before I went to law school), or work for a newspaper (like I did before I became a lawyer), so you can’t expect him to have even a rudimentary understanding of what is news, and what isn’t. And he doesn’t, as he demonstrates (again) in this thread.
@43 “… not here 24×7 like … Wabbit!”
Assuming you’re referring to me, I’m not here 24×7, not even close. Actually, I spend most of my time sleeping. Most days, I don’t even get out of bed before noon, and the stock market pumps money into my account while I’m snoozing. For example, today I made $1,800 in the stock market before I work up! Explain to me, piddles, what’s so bad about a life like that?
Oh DUMB Wabbit… It was someone else post you decided to skip over.
Okay DUMB WABBIT, let’s replay what Puddy wrote above
then Puddy adds never mentioned in #42, Who mentioned it first DUMB Wabbit? Sanford did, not any REAL newspaper. And now we see you running to a LIBERTARIAN website? So the LIBERTARIANS are now main stream libtard rags? Puddy is sure Pudge would get a real chuckle on that one! From the second link, since you delivered it… the paragraph starts out… “What didn’t we know?”… proves Puddy right.
Puddy understands your mental comprehension is on the downward slope! Google search results DUMB Wabbit…
Ahhh yes… the leftist smear campaign over Benghazi already started… “This is how Obama’s thugs roll.”
Oh no Puddy… that’s not Daily Kooks!
puddybigot, have you considered that the ‘libtard press’ did not cover this because it was not germane?
She and her ex seem to have been mired in some pretty nasty divorce and custody negotiations, and the judge sent them both to jail for a night to move them along.
Seems like private family-court kind of stuff. Not like abandoning your state, your job, and your family to walk the Appalachian Trail.
What are you banging the drum on this for? Run out of stories about MOOOSLUM TERRAH?
*BOOM* You never fail to disappoint….
Malkin on the ‘smearing’ of the ‘whistleblowers’…you are a parody, puddybigot.
One highlight…
Malkin even gets some
Michelle Obama is ‘snooty’ in there. Comedy.
You still haven’t commented on this bit of trenchant commentary, puddybigot, from your favorite, the Weekly Standard.
Weekly Standard, purveyor of misogynist humor above, shoots self in foot, and undermines entire BENGHAAAAAZZZZZIIIIIII!!!!! narrative.
Seems puddybigot has gone *POOF* like a soap bubble, again.
I’m sure it’s because he has to attend to the errand his employer has dispatched him on – he’s such a loyal and dependable employee. I wonder if he got to drive a full-size rental on this errand? It always seems to excite him when he gets to drive the big car, or stay in the big house, that is, a Marriott Concierge Floor ™.
I would love it if the Republicans stopped parading about, rending their garments and generally wailing and gnashing over Benghazi and 4 dead Americans (dead partly because of Republican cuts to embassy security), and ask themselves how and why we have 4000+ dead Americans because of Bush II and Iraq.
Never. Gonna. Happen.
Here is a very handy-dandy compendium of right-wing BENGHAZZZZIII myths, and reality-world facts to counter them.
Oh Piddles?
Riddle me this? The whole “new revelations” cover up hinges on weather four special ops, who may or may not have been able to get to Benghazi two hours earlier than the seven man team that was sent were ordered not to leave Cairo.
So of course it’s a conspiracy. No one might think keeping a second embassy safe is important during a protest.
“Why didn’t Cairo send their most trained guards? Obviously they wanted the Ambassador dead. Lying to Bob Scheifer is an impeachable offense.” Pathetic losers. Obama will be President until January 2017. Get over it.
This is also very helpful, in a contextual kind of way…
There’s this, too…
I love DailyKos!
Oh, my….Bob Corker, ranking Repub on Senate Foreign Relations, has this to say on BENGHAZZZZZIIIIII!!!!!
Can you hear the air hissing its escape from Issa’s inflated ego?
@60. That’s old news. Pay no attention that that. It only matters to librul socialist commies. Not real Amuricans. Bush was a Republicans and it’s different when at happens to a Republicans.
Don’t you know there is a black democrat in the white house now. That’s much more relevant why BENGHAZZZZZIIIIII!!!!! is so important.
58) There is also the denial of fighter jets that the whistle blowers said would have scared them off. The Pentagon said that they had no tanker assets available to refuel them. One of the reasons our pilots are still flying F-15s and F-16s is their replacements are delayed and had cost overruns(i’ll admit, that was bipartisan).
One Alternative energy generation method(not exactly renewable) that is not well known is Waste to Energy. In some Scandinavian countries, it’s caught on, and that is the problem. Apparently, Norway and Sweden are running out of trash, and are talking about importing it. To think we complain about disposing of ours.
# 62: More importantly, there were no trained observers on the ground with communication capabilities to sort out the good guys from the bad guys and “paint” only the bad guys as targets.
Too bad the asshat troll little maxee is miserably defunct these days..
Take heart little maxee with the rest of your 14 percenter crowd stuck in your own private Idaho stroking the popgun like asshats in places like Newtown and Columbine..
Heh. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy dept..
Oh my it’s a SCHMUCKO sighting… So let’s review…
If the mainstream press pointed out as the DUMB Wabbit did above how Busch went to jail to fight for
To Puddy those a legitimate concerns, demonstrating she cared for her children… So SCHMUCKO, are you saying parenting and sticking up for your children is not germane to the type of person one is? Do tell because we see what type of person you are. All Arschloch! And… that’s very germane to your every day postings.
More richness from Elijah Cummings…
But didn’t the Obummer whitey house and State Department say they weren’t blocking anyone?
‘Cause just anyone can get a high-level security clearance, right? ‘Specially ones who were involved in revealing the name of a covert CIA agent to the press. You know, individuals who’ve shown a history of not safe guarding classified information. They TOTALLY get a top level clearance when they ask.
Give it up Piddles. BOMBSHELL DAY….no one cares outside the (generously calculated) 10% of Americans who listen to right wing radio. (“GASP! the CIA kept some details classified until they investigated. Why, that’s…that’s OUT…no, actually, that’s just what we expect them to do. They’re a covert agency” -100% of non-mouth breathing Americans)
Oh no… CBS is making Obummer look bad… Good old media bias!
What’s hilarious is how CBS News (probably channeling their inner Dan Rather) apparently views her work as a reporter who is doggedly seeking truth Benghazi that many of her colleagues have purposefully and scrupulously ignored these past 8 months. Remember it was Attkisson who blew the lid on Fast and Furious not Fox News SCHMUCKO!
Seems Attkisson was hushed up by CBS News. After two days of sharp reporting through Twitter, she went dead silent. Puddy wonders if Obummer had anything to do with it?
And of course Politico is right-wing eh SCHMUCKO?
Not this same retread horse manure again eh checkmate? Going back to that used playbook again?
That’s because the libtard news media is the Praetorian Iranian Republican Guard for Obummer’s sadminsitration. They would have trumpeted this to God’s third heaven if this was Bush!
‘Praetorian’? strange choice of words. I heard a RW radio blowhard use the phrase ‘Praetorean media” not more than an hour ago in the car. Funny.
Puddy hear, Puddy repeat. Facts not needed.
If everyone agrees the movie was not the narrative for the Benghazi attacks, why is the film maker still in jail?
Former Ambassador Bolton supposedly said that Benghazi could be the downfall, but today he may have slipped up. At least on whether to shift troops from the embassy in Tripoli.
Well, the film did touch off riots in Cairo. ‘Member, linked to the footage today…protesters climbing the walls of the embassy, stole the flag…ring a bell?
He’s in prison for violating the terms of his probation on Methamphetamine Manufacturing conviction in 1990s and then plead guilty to Bank Fraud in 2010. He was convicted of lying to his probabtion officer and sentenced to another year in prison which is not yet completed.
But if you want to hold what most would call a career criminal as a martyr to your grand conspiracy theory…good luck with that.
Daily Caller….funny.
Is now a mouthpiece for leftist pinheads? H I L A R I O U S.
Media MORONS? H I L A R I O U S.
79) I take offense to that remark, because I have had a hole in my head, my skull was partiality cracked when I was mugged. I also said that before I found that link, he was saying something different.
Meanwhile, before I was distracted by puddybud’s abrasive name calling, was about to post this story. Seattle City Light has been doing an ongoing upgrade project for it’s biggest generating project. The turbine upgrades at Boundary Dam, will add 230MW. This is an example why I wished the Cascade Curtain was not that entrenched. In a way, Seattle is providing jobs for a rural country. Boundary Dam is on the Pend Orielle. River in Pend Orielle County.
To leftist pinhead? HAHAHAHA! HOHOHOHO! HEHEHEHE! Puddy was discussing microcephaly, you leftists of very small mind! You know… leftists with the standard head size 2-3 SD below that of standard people.
Who knew you were mugged? Not Puddy. Glad you were not hurt. But the leftist truth must hurt… So leftist pinhead stands!
Cheryl Mills, ex-SoS Clinton’s Chief of Staff tells Greg Mills not to talk with Congressman Jason Chaffetz when he visited the Libyan embassy to look at the Benghazi issue.
Interference! Even Elijah Cummings Ranking Committee DUMMOCRAPT admits there needs to be additional hearings on this matter!
Do you try to sound this stupid, puddybigot, or does it just come naturally?
Here’s Colbert-Busch talking about her ‘jail time’…
Good Christianist Foster Freiss, who is largely responsible for bring us Rick ‘Frothy’ Santorum, and who was supporting Sanford, brought it up in a VERY smarmy email, and may have been behind a push-poll ‘getting it out there’.
You seem to allege that the ‘libtard MSM’ was avoiding it to protect her. I argued that it was not germane to the race. You seem to think that going to jail to protect her kids from an abusive ex-husband somehow shines a poor light on her. Or, it might be construed that you’re alleging that the lack of ‘MSM’ coverage of exculpatory information about her is…indicative of something.
As usual, the disorganization of your thoughts leave an antagonist with only contempt, or pity.
Tell me this puddybigot, should the ‘libtard MSM’ have beaten the drum for Foster Freiss’ below-the-belt attack?
Should good Christianists stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the adulterer Sanford?
Up North, it looks like, after slipping in the polls, The BC New Democrats have gone on the attack, against the BC Liberals. The Liberals responded with an attack of their own, that was quickly banished to YouTube. The Broadcast consortium objected to using footage from the leaders debate, because it was copyrighted.
The gains in the polls for the BC Liberals, were not at the expense of the New Democrats, but the actual BC Conservatives. The current BC Liberals are not affiliated with the Federal Liberals, but are a center-right party that rose to power by attracting disillusioned SoCreds(Social Credit Party)that were turned off by Premier Bill Vander Zalm, and his social conservatives, and his scandals.
c’mon puddybigot, take it apart on the merits. Show us how it’s wrong or misleading or unfair.
Pass the popcorn…
I’ve noticed that, too. If I use a slightly non-common polysyllabic word, it often appears soon after in one of puddybigot’s posts.
Mimicry is the highest form of praise.
Puddybigot? He who disclaims Michelle Malkin… Using John Bolton after denigrating John Bolton all these years SCHMUCKO… H I L A R I O U S!
You are a real lunatic SCHMUCKO! Nuff Said Sucka!
This moron SCHMUCKO loves to twist what others write… Let’s revisit what Puddy wrote above…
Bu the way, the former SoCred premier I mentioned, he pushed for an initiative and recall process(he said, but it was sent to the voters by his successor), and was the first to use it. He redeemed himself on that one, as it was the challenge to the controversial combined Federal Goods and services tax, and the Provincial Sales Tax. Don’t expect a BC version of Eyman, yet, as the logistics are different. First, you nerd signatures from a percentage of voters in each of the 85 electoral districts, plus a witness as they are signing.,_1991
@49 “Who mentioned it first DUMB Wabbit? Sanford did, not any REAL newspaper.”
The Post and Courier, which has been published since 1803 and has a daily circulation over 80,000, isn’t a “real” newspaper? So what’s your idea of a “real” newspaper? Don’t answer that, because if you do, you’ll make an ass of yourself by saying “Washington Times.”
I mean, really puddy, even a libertarian website has a problem with Sanford trying to make a campaign issue over Colbert-Busch’s ancient “arrest” over a divorce proceeding tiff with her “America’s Most Wanted” ex-hubby.
As I explained in a previous post, it isn’t news, and any professional editor trained in a reputable journalism school would play it about the same way the Post and Courier and the libertarian blog did.
@62 “Not real Amuricans.”
You probably don’t remember Mark the Bet-Welshing Redneck, he was before your time, but according to him the proper spelling is “Murkans.”
@64 Waste to energy plants spew dioxin into the air. Not to mention a lot of other unhealthy crap.
The biggest political achievement of my life was helping to stop Seattle from building a waste-to-energy plant in South Seattle. Mrs. Rabbit and I were members of the original group of 8 activists who initiated the campaign that led to Seattle’s recycling program. We worked on that campaign for 5 years.
@68 So what’s your point? Is there one? Or is this just more of your incomprehensible random babbling?
@73 Oh yeah, I’m sure Obama can muzzle a CBS reporter by picking up a phone and talking to her boss. Just like JFK did in the movie “Thirteen Days.”
@91 “Should good Christianists stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the adulterer Clinton?”
Not on that.
94)Always a drawback. Unless the Europeans have designed a scrubber for that.
The Republicans voter suppression efforts are all about combating Voter fraud, they say. With advance voting underway, the Premier cast her vote , and accidentally voted for herself, even though she lives in a different district. Honest mistake, voter intent is all that counts, but critics pounced anyway.
One aspect of the way they vote in Canada, is it is mostly paper ballots, although the ballot box is too simple. When there is a referendum on the same election, it is usually a separate ballot, and ballot box. No slow lines like Florida 2012. Also, an independent body, who reports to the legislative speaker(which does not have to be from the governing party), not the Premier.
Looks like All Aboard Florida, the private passenger train proposal, is making progress. They plan on building the Miami station this year.
Was there some sort of BENGHAZZZZZZZIIIIIII!!!!! thingy today?
Was it in the news?
Did Obama resign?
Did Hillary commit seppuku?
Did everyone just yawn at Issa’s ridiculousness? I didn’t see that puddybigot had any triumphant pronouncements, best I could tell from the gibberish above.
Of course not and SCHMUCKO knows why… The libtard news media is the Praetorian Iranian Republican Guard for Obummer’s sadminsitration. They are purposely blocking all information!
Here’s another one not covered with the standard Bush fanfare… Obummer meets privately with energy CEO’s. When Cheney did that all hell broke loose in the libtard media!
SCHMUCKO… Let’s review about the libtard media… Here they admit being leftist libtard pinheads… And it’s from the HuffPo SCHMUCKO too! The worry of libtards… we know the LA Times touts our agenda especially only covering Benghazi or Fast and Furious very superficially! We can’t have the Kochs’ owning a liberal bastion on the left coast now! What would happen to California? Oh no!
Oh Old DUMB Wabbit… More press intimidation by Obummer’s gang… Of course you forgot this, being of unsound mind…
Puddy Commentary… “Just might begin to report the news objectively… One can only hope. But their Praetorian Iranian Republican Guard masters will block them like Sharyl Attkisson covering Benghazi! BTW Old DUMB Wabbit, Puddy covered it… just ask the unemployed salt licking moron ylb. Every Puddy missive is in the crazed databaze.
Of course the Old DUMB and DECREPIT Wabbit forgot when Joe BiteMe’s staff demanded a reporter delete photos… Well BiteMe does say stupid things all the time but pictures?
Or the Old DUMB and DECREPIT Wabbit forgot when BiteMe’s staff placed the pool reporter in a closet so he would not cover an event?
Of course the Old DUMB and DECREPIT Wabbit forgot about Gene Sperling’s treatment of Bob Woodward when he reported the Sequestration truth!
Old DUMB and DECREPIT Wabbit forgets a lot these days!
So what’s your thesis here, puddybigot?
That Obama is a secret MOOOSLUM and aided and abetted the murder in BENGHAZZZZIIIII!!!!!! because he is covertly working on the destruction of the USofA as sleeper-agent-in-chief, and that we’d all know about it and be outraged, if it were only for the mind-control and mafia tactics of said Obama cabal keeping the entirety of the media in line, except for the intrepid souls at places link PowerLine and the Weekly Standard?
Do I understand your assertions correctly?
Heard this on KPLU last night…researcher at UNC and colleagues looked at effects of minimum wage (that job-destroying liberal nightmare) in a setting where barriers to exploiting differences are minimal (ie when business locations are in differing states on literal opposite sides of street)…and found that there were advantages to paying their workers more…in this case low-wage McDonalds workers…that led them to site their business in the higher-minimum state. Advantages like employee retention, and the tendencies for businesses to actually invest in training for workers they were paying more (investment leads to investment, which leads to more money in more hands in the local economy)
Whoda thunk it?
Lots of the original papers are behind pay-walls, unfortunately (alas, cheapshotBob won’t be able to explain the deficiencies in their methodology to us *eye roll*)
puddybigot @104
Good god, you’re an imbecile.
Do you even read your links?
Do you just post links someone tells you to?
How do you explain your incessant use of links that suggest someone else shares your lunacy, which in fact all too often say nothing of the sort, when one of us bothers to look?
In this case you liken the ex-Halliburton-CEO-cum-Vice-President meeting with oil CEOs to craft national energy policy, read here…
You seem to be saying that Obama did something similar, but that the ‘libtard MSM’ isn’t reporting it, and there is no hue-and-cry from the left.
However, from the Politico piece to which you link…
Now, I suppose you can be forgiven, given your limitations, for confusing a still-secret set of meetings between Cheney and his oil buddies in crafting broad national energy policy that benefited all of them, with an Obama meeting with Coastal gas and electric utilities to discuss what to do when another catastrophic hurricane hits.
Even the Politico hack you link to makes the same false equivalence…
Now, Obama is clearly WAAAAY more right and overly business-friendly than I like or expect from a Democrat, but there’s simply no way you or Politico can successfully spin a menacing parallel between what Cheney did with this recent Obama meeting.
Moreover, THIS is also VERY different from standard Cheney (secret) practice:
The only real conclusion to draw from your post, puddybigot, is that you are a complete moron.
Wow! Puddybigot heroine, Sharyl Attkisson of CBS, is both a Benghazi-truther and an VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM flat earther!!
She clearly has feathered a nice nest with her appeal-to-the-crazies franchise!
Here’s some more take-down of Puddybigot’s favorite CBS reporter/crackpot.
Me, @84:
Puddybigot, @91, dodging the question:
What puddybigot misses here, as usual, is the construction and logic of positive correlates or parallels or comparisons, or the underpinnings of hypocrisy.
By bringing up Clinton, puddybigot makes my point for me, though he thinks he’s engaging in a clever rebuttal.
See, puddybigot, Clinton was excoriated by the right for his infidelity, and this was taken from the moral realm into the political, and he was impeached by a moralizing pack of Republicans, and Joe Lieberman.
He remains reviled to this day by your crowd.
Sanford is an adulterer, too. However, the hue-and-cry from the right is muted, and now that he’s won, fairly nonexistent. I don’t think I’ve seen a word penned by you disavowing this Republican.
One could say power trumps morality for those in puddybigot’s camp.
So, puddybigot dodges the question about his and his party’s commitment to the adulterer/liar/job-abandoner Sanford, and does so by bringing up an object lesson in which a Democrat, who did not abandon his job, was the target of the most ferocious political attack, all based in morality, by the right-wing.
Hypocrisy much?
Moreover, The Sanfords clearly had a suboptimal commitment to the bond they forged before their community and their God – they opted for divorce. The Clintons seem to have better honored these vows before God and man and worked through their troubles within their marriage. Seems, in the vernacular of the Bibul-thumpers that the Clintons are better Christians, eh puddybigot?
(Note, as an atheist I care not a whit whether two people decide that splitsville is the better option for their particular situation…I’m merely applying the moralizing judgmental attitudes I find among puddybigot’s crowd, and apply them to further illustrate their hypocrisy)
@112. Good points.
However it’s pointless to write about facts and logic and hypocrisy to Puddy. It really is. He will just willfully misunderstand the post and scream it’s a win.
I know, I know…it’s a guilty pleasure, winding him up and watching him ….spin…spin…spin…