Please join us tonight, on this 10th anniversary of the Iraq War, for an evening of politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet every Tuesday at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00pm. Some people show up earlier for Dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle tonight? Check out another DL meeting over the next week. Tonight the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. The Longview and South Seattle chapters meet on Wednesday. And for Thursday, the Spokane chapter and Drinking Liberally Tacoma meet.
With 205 chapters of Living Liberally, including fifteen in Washington state, four in Oregon, and two more in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter that meets near you.
Hey, if it’s Tuesday that means it is time to drink liberally as you’ve suffered another week of Kap’n Kornflake – Serial RENEGER ceaseless spamming these comment boards with his nonsense.
And if it is Tuesday it marks yet another week (21 and counting!) since Kap’n Kornflake Serial RENEGER lost the wager he offered me on President Obama losing the election, and which he has reneged upon his obligation ever since.
Gee, has any wingnut troll here EVER paid on a debt? First it was Mark the Welsher, now it’s Serial Reniger. Seems to be a pattern here….
Well said:
ooh! the pressure!
@3 Didn’t they used to boast that Reagan outspent the Russians into oblivion? And cost was no object when Chimp decided to kill the guy who tried to kill Daddy Bush — spent over a trillion dollars of taxpayers’ money on that. Spending is an issue with Republicans only when Democrats want to spend on things that actually help American taxpayers — Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, infrastructure, unemployment benefits, food stamps, etc. Why are Republicans such irresponsible, mean, selfish bastards? Were they born that way, or did their mothers drop them on their heads?
How’s the trolling going?
From 4,
I would like to see Social Security totally free of politics. The only way that can happen is if we stop letting the government get way with paying next to nothing to borrow the funds. If politicians want to borrow those retirement funds, then they should be prepared a much higher rate of interest.
@6 Social Security will never be free of politics as long as Republicans continue scheming to destroy it.
Think about it. Social Security has its own dedicated tax and revenue stream, has run surpluses for decades, and has a gigantic trust fund. Yet Republicans claim we have to privatize Social Security because it’s “broke” because there’s “no money in the trust fund” because the government borrowed it all.
Funny how Republicans insist that every other debt in the universe must be repaid, without exception, yet they automatically assume the most creditworthy borrower on the planet — the U.S. government — will default on its borrowings from itself, never mind the government can repay this debt simply by printing more money at zero cost.
Personally, I would rather lend my Social Security funds to Uncle Sam for 1% than lend it to Lehman Brothers or MF Global for any interest rate you care to name. For some strange reason I trust the government more than I trust banks or Wall Street.
Medicare is a different story, because there the benefits (and therefore program costs) are highly variable, the actuarial math isn’t as sound, and unlike Social Security the program is running current deficits and doesn’t have as much “money in the bank.” If entitlement spending truly must be pared back, and Medicare cuts are reasonably necessary, then my suggestion is repeal Bush’s prescription drug program. Just shitcan it.
Why? Because it is a Republican Unfunded Mandate (TM). This means Republicans committed the government to spending hundreds of billions of dollars without providing the government with one cent of revenue to pay for it. In fact, you’d almost think they deliberately intended to bankrupt Medicare.
I paid Medicare taxes all my working life. I shouldn’t necessarily expect to get back more benefits than I paid for with taxes (plus interest on the taxes I paid), but I did pay for my basic Medicare benefits and so a conservative or libertarian, if he’s honest and consistent, would admit that taking away these benefits to make up for deficits in the general operating budget is “confiscation” and that’s supposed to be a no-no in their scheme of things. Some people call that communism, and as you know if you read this blog regularly, I’m no goddam communist, I’m as capitalist as rabbits come!
But the Part D drug benefits are a different story. I never paid a cent of taxes for this benefit. Neither did anyone else. It is manna from heaven, pure and simple. Or, more accurately, it is manna from Peking Bank, which lends us money to pay Part D bills with. Why the hell should I get this freebie? I didn’t pay for it, I didn’t earn it, I don’t deserve it. If you give it to me, I’ll take it, but as far as I’m concerned it’s “found money.”
So, if you want to cut Medicare, my suggestion is repeal Bush’s massively expensive and deficit-funded prescription drug program. That’ll reduce the deficit by over a trillion dollars right there.
@ 7
For some strange reason I trust the government more than I trust banks or Wall Street.
Funny. Cypriots and Greeks don’t seem to be saying that these days.
So, when RR said:
@5 The next time 20 dead kindergartners are found lying dead in pools of their own blood in the back of a school bus, the grieving parents will know exactly which political party to blame.
earlier today, he must have meant those 16+ members of the Democrat Party who won’t support Feinstein’s assault-weapons ban,
“Dianne has worked so hard on this,” Reid said, referring to the ban’s sponsor, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.). “She understands going back to the day she found the mayor dead in his office. I know that, but right now her amendment, using the most optimistic numbers, has less than 40 votes.
I think the first thing we need to do is shrink our military by about 40 percent, and then take a look at it. We can save trillions by getting out of these foreign entanglements.
if Social Security can cover 100 percent of its obligations for the next century, that’s not good enough for me. I want the system to be t least 200 percent funded. FDR said no “damn politician” should be able to get his hands on SS money, but that is exactly what happened. If these politicos ant to use our retirement money, then they damn well ought to be paying a thirty-year rate of something like 3.11 percent! Heck, that’s just too darn generous to government. They should all be paying some minimum rate like 6 or 7 percent on an APY basis.
@9 I’m not in Cyprus or Greece. Unlike you, I can read a map.
@10 Spineless Democrats (TM; patent pending) are news?
@11 3.11% for 30-year money sounds reasonable if we’re in a deflationary or zero-inflation economy. Hell, I’d take 2% plus inflation. But that’s only on Treasuries. Of course, I don’t invest my money in debt instruments at all — strictly stocks, and I try to make 10% to 20% a year.
BULLSHITTIUM Alert Daily Kooks lie…
Bob Woodward truth…
Link previously provided by Puddy. Pluto boy can supply it on request from leftist libtard lemmings since he loves to provide Daily Kooks lies.
8 – SS and Medicare are social INSURANCE to which subscribers pay premiums..
The first SS recipients didn’t pay much or might not have paid anything either.
Medicare Part D can be made more actuarially sound if right wing asshole politicians merely allowed Medicare to negotiate drug prices – like the VA Health Care system does..
Second term President Obama to his credit made a significant step in that direction.
15 – So Puddymoron, what has Congress done to fix that?
Another leftist moron in the senate… the big leader Harry Reid
Exactly. And like cigarettes they’re hazardous to your health..
Just ask Breitbart himself.. When Puddyidiot is beamed up by his sky god!!!!
Breitbart and Puddymoron – two pathologically lying FIENDS who deserve each other for eternity!
Did Pluto boy fart?
The ball is in Obummer’s court. Obummer releases eight aggravated illegal alien felons by ICE. Congress gave more money than ICE asked for in FY2013 for detentions. Obummer stops the whitey house visits. Obummer won’t allow budgets to be juggled to stop furloughs. So Obummer is playing politics here. And he is failing. Obummer approval level dropping.
Here is a Breitbart truth Pluto boy…
From 14,
2008 was a lousy year for me, but 2009 thru 2012 were pretty good for me. I’m mostly into equity investments versus fixed income stuff. The key is diversity and patience, for me.
21 – LMAO!!! Breitbart’s lifestyle of serial lying led to him abandoning his wife and kids.
He’s a ROLE MODEL for YOU and your 36,000 plus pastes of RIGHT WING BULLSHIT!
Why We Need More Solar Companies to Fail
The oversupply of cheap solar panels has been particularly difficult for startups and other companies with novel technologies. They’ve had to cancel plans to build factories because of a lack of demand. GE has developed its own alternative to conventional silicon solar panels, but last year it announced that it had to put its factory on hold until the market improves (see “GE Stalls Solar Factory Construction”). Even companies founded specifically to help conventional silicon solar manufacturers lower costs are struggling because no one is buying new equipment, and some of them have gone out of business as a result.
The recovery of the solar market will depend in part on how fast companies are allowed to fail.
I wonder what Governor Inslee would have to say about this.
More DUMMOCRAPT political correctness running amok! Broward County School District – run by DUMMOCRAPTS!
@ 22
The key is diversity and patience, for me.
The key is blatant falsehoods for RR.
To each his own.
23 – ROTFLMBBAO!!! Too bad Puddy posted the truth. You can’t refute that!
Thanks for playing… Sucks to be you!
From 26,
Liars bound in the right wing, also, Serial.
Maybe you all covered today’s 10 year commemoration of the useless war waged upon Iraq for MIA WMD. So sad. After falling down on their watch and presiding over the deadliest attack on American soil in a generation Republicans responded with a war of choice in Iraq.
Well, what are they saying now with the known knowns of hindsight?
@ 28
No argument.
Solyndra, A123, Fisker.
The Obama winning streak on green investment continues.
The Chinese automaker that was in talks to buy struggling Fisker Automotive has backed out, Reuters reports, leaving Fisker without its best bet for avoiding bankruptcy.
Read more:
I wonder what Governor Inslee would have to say about this.
Sure is amazing how HA lemming libtard leftists love Daily Kooks. Seems most of them can’t get through the day without their fix!
“I wonder what Governor Inslee would have to say about this.”
I’d hope he’d say it’s chickenfeed compared to what Republican fucktards blow when given the chance. For example, besides the trillions you wasted in invading the wrong country and getting 4,500 American troops killed, tens of thousands more wounded, 3,500 contractors and 150,000 Iraqis dead – all of that you guys even managed to lose $8,000,000,000 in cash sitting on a fucking pallet. Republicans can just STFU about investing in solar energy. At least we might get something out of it.
Sure is amazing how HA trolls right wing swine love their right wing bullshit.. Can’t get through day without Breitbart, Hot Air, Gatewaymoron, and other right wing swill.
They are addicted to that junk like dope fiends to the needle.
Does anyone ever see the US minding its own business and not trying to establish an overseas empire? We’ve done so much damage in the Middle East that I think we’ll have a supply of enemies from that area to last 1,000 years.
The military/industrial/corporate financial complex has put us up the creek with no options left.
@32 Uncle Puddles – Welcome back you ignorant troll!
Tell us. Did the “Kook” who posted Rumsfeld’s Colossal Twitter Fail get something wrong there?
Please tell us about the “difficult work of liberating 25 mil Iraqis”.
What did you do in this war?
Do you think the blood-gargling psychopath, Rumsfield, deserves your respect & appreciation for the way he ran the war?
GOP has power where it counts: the states
By Roland Martin, CNN Contributor
updated 11:11 AM EDT, Mon March 18, 2013
So while Democrats salivate at the prospect of winning the White House in 2016, Republicans continue to lay the groundwork for taking over the state houses and gubernatorial mansions, and building a formidable team of next-generation politicians to dominate there and in the White House.
In fact, many Republicans have told me they couldn’t care less about Washington, because legislation with real impact is being proposed and passed in the states. That’s why you’ve seen groups quietly backing initiatives on the state level and bypassing the hot lights and screaming media in Washington.
The real battles on same-sex marriage, abortion, education, spending, labor unions, and, yes, the Affordable Care Act are happening state by state. And Democrats are being caught flat-footed because they ignored the admonition of former Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean to create a 50-state party, and instead, created a party that cared more about Congress and the White House.
It was particularly fun posting that because noted homophobe and Obamaphile Roland Martin was handed his walking papers today:
“Last day at @cnn is April 6,” Martin tweeted Tuesday morning. Zucker hand in Martin’s exit was not far away. “New boss wants his own peeps,” Marin responded to one of his social media followers about his departure.
Which is not exactly to say that things are getting any better at CNN:
CNN has increasingly turned to Van Jones, former Obama administration “green czar,” as its African American male commentator during special events.
Yeah, you’re not doing too well when your coverage can’t be distinguished from one of The Onion‘s parodies:
After two Steubenville High School football players were sentenced to juvie for the rape of an unconscious girl, CNN’s Candy Crowley and Poppy Harlow delivered a reaction that exactly mirrored The Onion’s SATIRIC piece from 2011. It’s uncanny. The two videos could easily be swapped. You’d never know.
Home of Candy Crowley, Obama’s main lifeline in that live Who Wants to be a President game show he did with Romney last Fall.
“The Obama winning streak on green investment continues.”
The Republican losing streak includes Cambodia, the Mayaguez, Grenada, Beirut, ignored warnings of 9/11, two senseless wars in Iraq and the failure to go after Bin Ladin. The country really can’t afford to give Republicans the chance to extend their losing streak.
@37 Steve,
No sense in arguing with the idiot. Besides being wrong most of the time and a RENEGER, he just can’t get it.
Cripes, if the best he can come up with in a claim of bad Obama economic policy is “Solyndra, A123, Fisker.” it just goes to show his weak hand.
Hell, his candidate Rmoney destroyed more jobs than those and did so willingly.
Bush destroyed the whole fking global economy.
And his comeback is Fisker?
Fk him.
Why bother refuting moronic bullshit?
Well, I gotta run, but I do hope to read one of our trolls here tomorrow morning defending the blood-gargling psychopath and war criminal, Rumsfield and the sick bastards whose bidding he did; Cheney/Bush.
I wish whoever owes money to whomever just pays the darn debt so people will stop harping about it.
So can any wingnut tell me how Paul Ryan’s FY 2014 budget balances in 10 years without raising any sort of revenue?
His FY2013 budget took what? 20, 25, 30 freaking years? WTF has changed?
I’ve heard some voodoo about “magic asterisks”.. Maybe a wingnut know-it-all or two can elaborate on those “magic asterisks” in Ryan’s “plan”..
@ 42
You’ll get used to it. It’s what MBS does instead of having sex with another human being.
I like this tweet, in response to @RumsfeldOffice:
Heh. Finally I find a Republican who dares to talk just a bit of sense about Ryan’s crazy-ass budgets:
Ryan and his sycophants in the House of Representatives are such frauds.
Man the unemployed psychopath Pluto boy sure runs and changes the subject. DUMMOCRAPTS think it’s legal to hunt humans!
@ 46
That’s nearly two years old. Your critical Republican took issue with Ryan’s growth projections. Since then, Ryan has produced two more budget proposals, with updated growth projections.
YLB, since by your own admission @ 43 you don’t know the difference between Paul Ryan’s 2013 proposal and his 2012 proposal, don’t you feel just a little bit fucking stupid posting a critique of his 2011 proposal (which you probably also don’t understand)?
@ 46
And what did blue Maryland think of YLB’s Republican Hero, Roscoe Bartlett?
They bounced his ass out of office.
Democrat John K. Delaney defeated Rep. Roscoe G. Bartlett in a district redrawn to snatch the seat held by Bartlett for two decades.
Well done, YLB, well done. You clearly have been studying the Roger Rabbit method.
So??? Yes I’m aware that Ryan has proposed three completely idiotic budgets..
Yeah I know. He did more than that actually but I’ll get to that in your next idiotic response.
Let’s say for the moment I don’t…
I asked for some clarification did I?
Where is it in this moronic response of yours?
@ 50
I asked for some clarification did I?
YLB, there’s little point explaining calculus to someone who can’t do long division.
‘nite, girlfriend.
ZzzzzzZZZZzzzz… Democratic Maryland happened. Whoop dee doo! Better than tea bagger shit any day!
blah, blah, blah..
Well done Bob, well done.. You’ve completely ran like a frightened chickenhawk from your party’s batshit insane standard bearer, Randroid Paul Ryan..
Yeah Bartlett had a bit of a crazy reputation but he worried about our energy situation and from reading further from that piece I quoted he believed Ryan didn’t cut spending ENOUGH!
Who’d thunk Bartlett like Ron Paul at times could possibly be crazier than Ryan himself????
LOL!! Spoken like a true misogynist, right wing bullshit artist and coward..
No drama.. Just the facts youngster..
You’re a liar.. And so are your beloved sources of “information”..
As if that’s a surprise to anyone around here.
Maybe that’s why he’s still unemployed with all those jobs out there!
Stooooooooopid, as God made purposely him. Demonstrating his God given gifts each time Pluto boy posts on HA!
Umm dipshit unemployed Pluto boy… Puddy provided the video of Feinstein saying it.
Stooooooooopid, as God made purposely him. Demonstrating his God given gifts each time Pluto boy posts on HA!
Good night Pluto boy. Puddy cashing it in tonight!
55 – Yawwwwnnnnn. You pulled this same shit with Hillary Clinton and “eugenics”…
U R a miserable liar, the slime at the bottom of the rotten right wing barrel.
Heh.. What???
Thanks for confirming that R-Money was as useless as we all thought..
American people made the right call. Thank you for that.
@22 “The key is diversity and patience”
Sure, this isn’t rocket science, kids could do it. You wait for a correction, then buy name-brand blue-chip stocks that yield at least 3% and raise their dividends every year, and sit on them. In the market we’ve had since 2009 you couldn’t miss. For example, I bought Walgreen last June for a little over $30 and my total return (unrealized capital gains + dividends) is 48.5%, or roughly 65% annualized. That’s one of my best stocks, most don’t do that well, but with a few of these it’s not hard to get over 10% a year even if some are earning nothing except the dividend.
@26 “blatant falsehoods for RR”
About what? Let’s start with a presumption you’re making an empty cheap shop, which is your general style anyway, and you can build your case from there.
@30 “No argument.”
Of course not. Rightwingers lie through their teeth every day. How can you tell a Republican is lying? His lips are moving.
@41 You never met Mark the Redneck did you? That welsher was before your time. Basically what happens is one of our dumber trolls feels so smugly sure of how an election (or some other event) will turn out that he makes a bet on it (usually $100) with the proceeds to be paid to a charity designated by the winner of the bet. The trouble is, they don’t pay up, which really isn’t surprising is it? I mean, you wouldn’t take a check from a Republican, would you? So we send our in-house collection agency after them, and hound them until they pay.
@45 What’s really funny about Ryan’s budget is he uses revenues from Obamacare taxes to balance it while saying he wants to repeal Obamacare.
The way this works, of course, is he would repeal only part of Obamacare. Benefits gone, taxes stay. That’s how he does it.
Think of the possibilities here. If he extended this concept to Social Security and Medicare, i.e. eliminated all the benefits but made workers keep paying FICA taxes, the government would be running massive surpluses in no time.
Then Republicans could use that money to pay for another war. Maybe invade Venezuela or something.
Which were her words useless unemployed moron Pluto boy!
Where is Fascist Pigsty and her “solution” to gun violence in Chicago? Oh wait it’s remove assault weapons. Well your unemployed lazy ASSed skirt wearing friend Pluto boy kept throwing up “links” but no mention of assault weapons in them.
So Fascist Pigsty… where is your solution?
@43 Brilliant! I love how, when you don’t have a good comeback, you make fun of him sexually! That really showed him your character! How Right you are!
Apparently this report is very true. Obummer video backs it up.
Very telling the actions of your preznit Obummer
7 Marines die and Scary Harry Reid blames it on sequester. Obummer tweeting final four pics. Yes this preznit loves the military… NOT!
And for the 1%ers, the benefits stay and the taxes are gone.
You can call it Ryancare for the rich.
# 24: You are supprised that the price of solar panels has been dropping? I’m not.
In the absence of U.S. manufacturing in this area, China, Japan, and other countries who see the future of solar energy have invested considerably in solar energy, some of which has been exported to the U.S. We are still playing catch-up here – it takes time to develop the manufacturing skills and efficiencies of mass-production.
Unfortunately, the best market for solar panels is new construction, which has been on the sidelines until recently (thanks to Bankster policies and Republican attempts to keep the economy in the ICU to give them the best chance in the last election). So as inventories of housing decrease, and new construction begins again, the market will absorb the extra solar-panel capacity – without needing existing firms to go bankrupt.
Or don’t you believe in capitalism and Adam Smith’s “invisible hand”?
Heh.. Happy tidings are happening in our household the next couple of days.
I’ll be leaving the deconstruction of Bob and Puddyidiot’s miserable worthless lies and right wing bullshit to my fellow liberal colleagues.
See ya’ll Friday!
Same link I left yesterday. What a liar and ugly clown the right wing idiot @ 64..
I’m outta here now.
Here is yesterday’s thread for all to see the unemployed dipshit Pluto’s postings. No where will one find the link proffered in #71.
Lying sack of shit you unemployed moron Pluto boy! Get a job and earn respect! Loser!
Open Thread 3/19 for all to see the unemployed dipshit Pluto’s postings. No where will one find the link proffered in #71. Puddy tried to link to it butt the HA filter now captures HA thread heads!
Lying sack of shit you unemployed moron Pluto boy! Get a job and earn respect! Loser!
So – Republican policies have pretty clearly gone far beyond what can be ascribed to by mere negligence, and are indeed intentional. Let’s review:
Nixon promised the N. Vietnamese a “better deal” if they withheld any peace agreement in the talks of 1968 until after the election. The end result was four more years of war, and lots of American lives lost.
Reagan’s henchmen told the Iranians to hold back on releasing the hostages in 1980 until after Reagan was in office, so he could win the Nov. 1980 election and take credit for their release (claiming the Iranians were “afraid” of him).
Reagan sent Marine “peacekeepers” to Lebanon in an indefensable position at the airport, then started naval bombardment of Muslim militia positions in the hills (gee, you would have thought they would know the difference between U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marines, wouldn’t you?). The end result was a couple hundred or so dead Marines in Beirut.
Reagan’s henchmen tried to play the Iranians against the Iraqis, with the result that both sides decided the U.S. could not be trusted. The Iraqis hit a U.S. destroyer with a guided missle, the Iranians decided to start a nuclear arms program. In the meantime, Reagan’s “arms for hostages” program made profits to fund a war in Central America against the Nicarauguans, but only resulted in the taking of more hostages in Lebanon.
Bush Sr. sent an ambassador to Iraq to tell Saddam Hussein that the U.S. took no position on Iraqi/Kuwaiti oil and territorial disputes, giving Saddam an expectation that the U.S. would submit to an Iraqi military invasion of Kuwait. (This could be mere negligence, except that it was accepted as a “truism” in the Bush family that only a war president goes down in history as a great leader).
When Bush doesn’t finish the job in Gulf War I, his son starts the Iraqi war on the pretext that it has something to do with WMD’s and Iraqi conspiracies with Al Quida. The end result after ten years is Saddam Hussein is dead, Iraqi is torn by sectarian violence, thousands of American troops and contractors have died, but the French oil contracts were canceled by the new Iraqi puppet government and awarded to U.S. oil companies instead.
After the collapse of the U.S. banking and investment systems, the Republican response was to attempt – by every means at their disposal – to make it as painful and long-lasting as possible, in the hopes of getting votes in the 2010 and 2012 elections.
These guys all ought to be brought up on charges of treason, stripped of their offices, and sentenced to life in some middle-eastern prison, without the possibility of parole.
@ 70
Solar panel production by China has less to do with demand in the US, or demand anywhere for that matter, than subsidy by local governments in China.
Follow the link and maybe go from there. The major reason panel prices have fallen is a manufacturing glut, not a consumption slowdown. Consumption actually is growing as well, largely driven by more subsidy at our end, but not nearly fast enough to keep up with the manufacturing glut.
Think less about ideology and more about mechanics. It’s the mechanics of the situation.
rhp336033… In the slanted words of the DUMB Wabbit from yesteryear… Puddy likes our crooks better than your crooks.
With all the argument over tax rates and proportionate shares, let’s note the following:
(1) the budget has been within sight of being balanced twice since WWII. The first was in 1980, when it was clear that the Carter budget cuts, along with no new tax increases, would have the budget balanced within eight years. This was confirmed by David Stockman, Reagan’s first budget director. It didn’t happen because of the Reagan tax cuts and the expansion of military and police spending (attempts to call ketsup a “vegitable” in school lunches notwithstanding).
The second instance was when a balance budget was clearly achievable in 2000, after the Clinton Presidency. Basically, we outgrew the previous debt due to efficiencies in business due to computer growth and the internet, and new spending required a matching revenue source or budget cuts. George W. Bush threw this out the window with tax cuts, off-budget wars, no war taxes, and unfunded mandates for the “no child left behind” laws and the Medicare drug program (which was just an attempt to bribe votes from seniors).
We can avoid a lot of problems if we resist the temptation to link everything together. For example, the rich should be taxed at a higher rate on investment income than that of the earnings through labor of workers because it’s the right thing to do. It supports the middle-class, discourages greater income disparity, and allows those who most prosper from our country to pay a greater share of it’s benefits.
Similarly, low taxes for the wealthy has nothing to do with job growth. This is a fairy tale which has been bandied about by the right wing since the 1980’s as a justification for Reagonomics, (I think it has it’s origins in some business school study in the late 1980’s) and has been proven untrue a multitude of times since then.
Third, cutting the federal budget does nothing significant with response to the total federal debt. At best, if delays some spending a bit, except that we pay more later. The only way out of the George W. Bush budget deficits is to keep spending in check until the economy recovers, then use that growth to pay down the federal debt.
What rhpee6033 fails to mention on David Stockman is he said we need to slash spending ACROSS THE BOARD. So if you ballyhoo Stockman on one thing why do you purposefully forget his other comment?
Did rhpee6033 miss what Bill Maher said to Rachel MadCow?
@75 “Puddy likes our crooks better than your crooks.”
We gather that, but we don’t understand why? What have your crooks ever done for you?
Puffy must get a little tingle inside of him after reading a story like this.
@58 I regret to inform Cereal Bob that Walgreen’s stock is up another $1.45 today, which means more FREE MONEY for Roger Rabbit! Why anyone bothers to work under a system that taxes wages but not dividends, and hands out gobs of FREE MONEY to rabbits while humans have to pay 4 bucks for gas, fight commuter traffic, and put up with jerk bosses is a mystery I can’t explain. Everyone should be a rabbit!
I’ve made $2,100 in the stock market this morning and I’m not even awake yet. I just got out of bed. I don’t understand why people pay me that kind of money to sleep in, but what the hell, I’m only a rabbit so I go with the flow.
Puffy is a fan of Bill Maher now. Puffy, prove that anyone pays 50% federal taxes or all taxes combined, Federal, State an Local.
And being the overtaxed person that you are how about releasing your tax return or tell us what percentage of federal tax you paid last year. You are the biggest idiot on this Blog. You take the Cake and you eat it too. Go play with your Bible in a busy street.
It’s that time of year again, time to vote for new members for REI’s board of directors. This year, as with much of the last decade, the board has recommended we vote for a gaggle of stylish, but completely useless, upperclass white collar noobs. Michael’s recommendation is a “no” vote on all three of them.
Looks like many libtard institutions of higher larnin are cooking da books. But a Christian school isn’t. Well now we know how libtards are taught to lie and cheat in college. It’s pummeled into them.
Ummm no gleeeeeeeeeeeeman, Puddy didn’t read the story. And since you offered it Puddy will NOT read the story!
Are these noobs standard Seattle or King County libtards? If so, Puddy agrees!
There he goes again. gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman makes up horse manure. Puddy put forth a comment from Bill Maher who now sees what his vote hath wrought on his wallet.
To Puddy thats
For 5 years Puddy offered the challenge of what Puddy pays in tax and offers to charity against any HA libtard. No one took up the offer gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman. So park that where you place human appendages!
# 77: Stockman came into the Reagan administration believing in it’s own rhetoric – that the Republicans planned to keep the budget in check by slashing “waste and abuse”.
If you bother to read his book, you will note that the first thing they found was that there was no significant “waste and abuse”. Carter had even canceled the cleaning services in the White House and Executive office buildings to once a week, and told everyone to empty their own trash cans in the interim. He also charged Congress a fee for their breakfasts at the White House. The first thing the Republicans did was shudder at the dusty desktops and order cleaning reinstated daily, and quite charging guests for White House meals.
Then things got even worse – he tried to cut the defense budget, and was told it would increase instead! Same for most other departments. And that was the Republicans! The Democrats didn’t have to object at all!
Stockman became disenchanted at the vast distance between Republican actions and rhetoric very quickly. When he spilled his guts to a reporter, he got “taken to the woodshed”, and not long thereafter forced to resign.
So no, I’m not picking and choosing from Stockman. I’ve never embraced his Republican leanings. I just point out that he learned the hard way that there’s one way to tell when a Republican lies – he has his mouth open.
Couldn’t resist…
Heh. One of them is this:
A senior administrator at Claremont McKenna College resigned after admitting that he falsified admissions test scores submitted to U.S. News
Which has big time ties to this:
The Claremont Institute, which shares no official affiliation with the consortium of seven interconnected schools that make up Claremont Colleges but which lists a number of Claremont McKenna College faculty as fellows or scholars,
What cheating “libtard” school provides scholars to a right wing stink tank like The Claremont Institute which in turn produces tea bagger right wing tools like Christine O’Donnell?
Only in the mind of an idiot like puddymoron..
Well well well Pluto boy is back… Did Pluto boy read many. Let’s review for the HA gutter dweller…
Butt, this doesn’t stop the HA moron 24x7x365.25 hater from spewing horse manure. Reading comprehension is lacking in that lower life form. Maybe the reason he’s still unemployed all these years. We’ll see what higher larnin institution your spawn get into. Maybe they’ll be lucky and stay at home with their unemployed father. Did you search for three jobs this week Pluto boy? Of course this was missed by Pluto boy
Thanks for playing Pluto boy.
Puddy was discussing Stockman’s recent comments to reporters. Cuts in spending ACROSS THE BOARD!
Does rhpee6033 support cuts in spending ACROSS THE BOARD?
# 84: better research the history of the Iraq war and the varioius alumni of Liberty University before making any statements in favor of Christian universities in comparison with secular ones.
(Full disclosure – my wife attended a Christian college, and came within one semester of graduating before re-evaluating her major and deciding to to finish. I attended state Universities (secular) for both my undergraduate and graduate education.)
LOL! Why would I do that stupid??
Still flunking arithmetic??
Of course you are.. Bill Clinton noticed that you right wing morons like Ryan can’t do arithmetic to save your lives..
# 9: I was referring to his experiences in Reagan’s administration, as told in his own words. I’ve not heard any of his recent comments, nor do I need to. If he is indeed calling for across-the-board cuts, I don’t agree with that. I’d invite him to start at Defense, NSA, CIA, Homeland Security, etc., then we can talk about the rest.
But supplies right wing tools to a right wing stink tank..
Keep up the stupid.
rhpee6033 What part of cuts in spending ACROSS THE BOARD don’t you comprehend? He said EVERYTHING!
Pluto boy… your comment @90 stands by itself. You made it now you are backtracking.
Moronic unemployed gutter dweller. So what happened to see you Friday? You were in view mode?
@ 83
Puffy, prove that anyone pays 50% federal taxes or all taxes combined, Federal, State an Local.
Highest Federal bracket is 39.6%
Highest CA state bracket is 13.3%
Highest CA earners therefore exceed 50%. Not all of them have enough deductions to pull them out of the highest brackets. Larry Ellison, for instance.
Asked, answered.
What is this moron babbling about now???
You saw me?? So you’re stalking me now? Glad I didn’t see you.. Your ugliness would turn any decent person’s stomach.
Later everyone.. I leave this liar and bigot for you to wrangle with a while.
YLB @100,
Watch out, the ButtBanger wants your goodies!!!
You know, if you skip the ButtPutty’s moronic posts, then the signal to noise ratio improves tremendously. In fact there is nothing like the ButtPutty to make Dr Bob seem absolutely brilliant by comparison.
Note to troll feeders:
If you decide to feed the ButtPutty, please make note of it in your posts. That way I’ll know and won’t bother to scroll back to ButtPutty’s idiotic drivel.
None of them are locals. One more reson to vote agains them.
Bill Maher just claimed he did on his HBO show. What? You don’t watch the big donkey? You saying Bill Maher is a liar gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman? They misogynist gave $1,000,000 to Obummer’s PAC you idiot!
gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, another stooooooooopid leftist!
From Pluto boy who can’t remember what he wrote a few minutes before…
Then this useless drivel… After Puddy reminds him he was supposed to have left
Did Puddy claim Puddy was stalking the most lunatic idiotic leftist on HA just before ekim? Must be unemployed jackASS Pluto boy is really ekim’s goat. Or goat supplier? Who’s stalking whom? Unemployed jackASS Pluto boy whips out PerfectPuddyProse all the time from the crazed databaze. Who’s stalking whom? Unemployed jackASS Pluto boy!
So how would ekim know about unemployed jackASS Pluto boy’s goodies? Did he sample them? Must be. Puddy wouldn’t call anything coming from or on Pluto boy a goody!
Unemployed jackASS Pluto boy and ekim… twin dodo birds Whatever!
@102 A cursory sampling of Puddy’s gibberish would suggest that those paying more attention to him are either indulging in morbid curiosity (like a “gawker slowdown” after a traffic accident) or are seeking evidence of what kind of man he might have become had his Mommy not dropped him on his head so many times.
Of course FartyArt gives a pass to all the libtard gibberish on this blog.
Waytogo Libtardo!
Do you think it is evil to make money in the stock market? I’m detecting a little hostility in your comments when you make money in the market. I would hate to read your comments on a losing day!
Funny how neither of our trolls who twice voted for Cheney/Bush and their blood-gargling psychopath and war criminal, Rumsfield, want to pick up on my question of whether or not they deserve our respect & appreciation for their proud role in history for the deficit driving Iraq war and illegal occupation.
From 109,
Yes, the Republicans have a tremendous amount of blame when it comes to the $16.7 trillion debt we currently owe to the rest of the world. That debt will take decades to repay, and we haven’t even started to stop the increase in the borrowing!
The first step in getting out of debt is to borrow no more.
The Last Letter
A Message to George W. Bush and Dick Cheney From a Dying Veteran
Please tell me. After 10 years of war, what do we win?
If you are a wingnut crazy Republican who is invited to speak at CPAC, facts are hard.
If you are Crazy Eyes Michele Bachmann, once leading candidate for the 2012 Republican nomination … well CNN’s Anderson Cooper tells it better
Watch the video
@110 Ten Years After,
You know, there’s a difference between borrowing money which takes decades to pay back for something like a person’s house, or new business investment, or a national highway system, or a world class education for all of our citizens and an unnecessary war that killed or maimed 10-s of thousands of American service members.
Do you know?
Massive cuts to the Bush/Cheney war machine would be a great start.
And what is pro American about vulture capitalists that moved our jobs and manufacturing capacity to China of all places? China? We depend on the good will of China to keep us in manufactured goods?
Speaking of respect and appreciation, I can’t wait to hear the trolls sing the praises of our 4 term senior Senator and Chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee, Sen Patty Murray (D-WA) for delivering to them what they’ve wanted for 4 years, a Senate budget passed.
Heck, she’s only held the Senate Budget Committee chair position for 3 months and by early next week she’ll deliver what they’ve said they’ve wanted despite Republican desires to delay the vote.
According to CNN the Bush/Cheney War of Conquest for Iraqi Oil has cost the USA 2.2 trillion dollars.
So how much Iraqi Oil did we win? Oh Yeah…
U.S. Companies Shut Out as Iraq Auctions Its Oil Fields
@116 Ekim,
The illegal war and occupation of Iraq cost us $2.2 deficit spent dollars? That can’t be correct.
I distinctly remember (as do the intertubes) blood-gargling psychopath and war criminal, Rumsfield’s Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul philandering President of the World Bank Wolfowitz saying:
Remember the start of the Bush/Cheney War of Conquest for Iraqi Oil?
We were promised it would cost only 10 billion and Iraq would pay for it out of oil revenues. Oh, those were the days.
Putz @92 “24×7×365.25”
Looks like an ammunition caliber. What gun do you use it in?
Democrats Target Bank Overdraft Fees
“Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Maxine Waters, D-Calif., have introduced a bill that would limit the cost of overdraft fees and prohibit practices that increase the likelihood customers will overdraw their accounts.
“’It protects banking customers from overdraft practices that the courts have found to be unfair, misleading, deceptive or fraudulent,’ Maloney said. …
“Consumer groups believe the Overdraft Protection Act of 2013 would solve a lot of problems. ‘It’s very clear that banks are gouging customers with incredibly high and outrageous overdraft fees …,’ said Ed Mierzwinski, consumer program director at U.S. PIRG. …
“’Overdrafts have evolved … into a … very high-cost … credit product,’ said Rebecca Borne, senior policy counsel with the Center for Responsible Lending.
“The nation’s bankers oppose the bill. They don’t believe it’s needed and they warn that more government regulation would only limit consumer choice. ‘History has shown that when the government intervenes in how private markets price their services, there are unintended consequences that usually are adverse to consumers,’” said Nessa Feddis, senior counsel at the American Bankers Association.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who do you trust more, a bank regulator or a banker?
“History has shown”???
Fk! Current events show that a bankster’s head should be on a pike in every city and town in this country.
From 114,
From 115,
Yes, a good place to start would be withdrawing entirely from the Middle East and declaring neutrality in the religious war between Jews and Muslims. That would save a bundle, right off the bat!!
Then we should excuse ourselves from the Korean Peninsula and let those folks take care of their issues. Oh yeah, a nice orderly withdrawal from Europe is in order.
All these moves would be towards ending the empire that is costing us trillions and getting us nothing. We’ve been too stupid for far too long, trying to impose our will on other nations who have absolutely no interest in bowing to American “superiority.”
From 122,
Why stop at one bankster per town? I’m sure most towns have more than one bankster. Lots of heads,lots of pikes.
From 120,
The answer is 61,362 the number of hours in seven average years.
@125 Non-responsive to the question that was asked.
@117, @118 We’re still paying for the Civil War.
@111 Whose taxes do you want to raise? What spending do you want to cut? Be very specific.
@100 Yeah, but the thing is, nobody pays the high-bracket rate on all of their income, because it applies only to the income above the lower brackets, so even the highest-bracket taxpayers are paying less than top-bracket rates overall.
@82 I won’t have to pay anything on my stock market winnings because they’re either in tax-sheltered accounts, or they’re unrealized gains, or they’re dividends to which the zero-tax-rate applies. Wheee!!! The only thing more fun than FREE MONEY is TAX-FREE FREE MONEY!!!
@100 yeah right – doesn’t have any deductions to lower his bracket. You are full of shit.
@86 – I never asked you to read it, you moron.
Anyone who complains about taxes ought to put there money where their mouth is and release their tax returns. Funny how they never offer any proof by showing their tax returns. Worked out well for Mit Robme.
Not to brag, but I made 100,000 last year and only paid 15% federal tax. And as a single person I have very little deductions.
From 30,
As for tax sheltered accounts, I think the Roth IRA was the greatest invention since sliced bread. I highly recommend every young person to start a Roth IRA. The tax-free retirement at age 59 1/2 is a wonderful benefit, and a good way for the average person to take care of himself without the government getting any of the retirement money.
@133, I understand the ButtPutty made at least 14 goats and 1 chicken last year.
ButtPutty is such a Putz. Why he nearly got his head stuck in the chicken’s cloaca. Afterwards even the chicken needed a smoke.
Poooooor poooooor ekim,
Such wrong understanding… no wonder you graze with the animal kingdom. Stupid as ever.
Moron? You wanna read it? The offer was withdrawn. gleeeeeeeeeeman, you need another human appendage this evening. Puddy hopes you get your wish. Puddy doesn’t jump to your wishes.
Thanks for playing.
Hey ButtPutty, you’re still a Putz.
So ekim wants to eviscerate lots of jobs in the NW? How many NW libtards will you want to lose their jobs? You okay if rhpee6033 loses his job? How about another libtard who works in an ancillary industry? You okay with that?
Tell us ekim. Explain yourself for all!
He’s down to name calling. When you gonna call me a racist? That comes next in the libtard playbook!
Just remember ekim
Your hero Bill Maher ain’t happy about his high taxes DUMB Wabbit. I would tell Maher to suck on it cuz he supported the DUMMOCRAPTS and dissed Romney when Romney told the truth about DUMMOCRAPTS and their taxing ways.
Yeah and it raises the debt and deficits much faster than Paul Ryan’s budget. Where is Patty gonna get another $1.2 Trillion in taxes? Not from the rich. They don’t have $1.2 Trillion FlubScout! Then she uses smoke and mirrors for her “nebulous savings” Flubscout!
Poor ButtPutty.
Calling you a Putz is like calling you a troll.
Both are true descriptions of you.
As Puddy previously postulated,
He’s down to name calling. That’s all he has left!
Putz @141,
The sequester passed in the House with zero Democratic votes. If your House REPUGNANTS thought it was such a bad idea, why did they pass it?
And you are still a Putz.
Has anybody kept track of Paul Ryan’s assorted budgets with their magic asterisks? Besides the one that was soundly rejected at the polls, I know at least 30 have been voted out of the REPUGNANT House to die in the Senate in the last couple of years. I think the only other legislation the REPUGNANT House has worked on is regulating vaginas.
And ButtPutty is still a Putz.
ekim offers this comment
Well the truth is something much different from Wikipedia…
“Passed with amendment by recorded vote”[21]
Vote by party Yea Nay NV Total
Democrats – 95 95 3 193
Republicans 174 66 0 240
Total – – – 269 161 3 433
95 yeas on the DUMMOCRAPT side. Sucks to be so wrong for so long ekim PUTZ. Why do you continue to post, Putz?
Sucks to be ekim! The leftist libtard lemming loser putz of HA!
As Democracy magazine points out, “Demographic pressure on conservatives has encouraged them not to broaden their constituencies, but to attempt to dissuade and prevent other constituencies from exercising the most basic of democratic rights.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Progressive scholars, thinkers, lawyers, and activists are grappling with how to respond to the Republican Party’s massive campaign to keep American citizens from voting in their own country. The link above will take you to a series of articles arising from a Carnegie-funded symposium about the latest ideas for protecting voting rights in the face of the GOP onslaught against America’s democracy.
With oil at $100 a barrel for the foreseeable future, the oil industry doesn’t need billions of dollars a year in subsidies..
But right wing degenerates like puddystupid and bob will never get it.
Meanwhile a favrit news location of HA leftists is having problems again!
More Chicago violence and Fascist Pigsty is very very qwiet. Where is her plan for hand gun violence?
Looks like PETA is at it again.
P – People
E – Eating
T – Tasty
A – Animals
Ted Turner’s son knows leftists when he lives with them.
Wow, is this the outcome of ObummerCare?
This is gonna make libtards sick to their stomach… wait… they have their “god” they can pray to.
We were told high oil prices were controlled by evil Bush Administration Republicans. So the high oil prices today are controlled by evil Obummer sadministration DUMMOCRAPTS.
Funny how that happens. Thanks for playing Pluto boy!
Chicogo is awash in guns, and yes, the solution to this epidemic of violence needs to be a holistic one focusing on education, jobs, and poverty. But at the very least, comprehensive, federal gun control can help triage the situation.
As Durbin said, Chicago is “awash in guns,” but most of them are bought (legally) out of the city or out of the state.
@153 Puddybud, you are such a shining example. The way you always refer to the gay man as “she”. Brilliant. Way to reenforce your stance that homosexuality is an abomination. That’s gonna win over hearts and minds here to the conservative cause.
“We” in this statement is the choir of voices in your encephalitic head.. Your babbling here in these threads is an echo of that “choir”..
Other than that, this statement is false.. No one here blamed Bush for high oil prices beyond the debasement of the dollar that happened on his watch.
But we liberal comment thread regular heroes sure did blame crappy taxpayer subsidies from right wing Congresses on him. The Congress was in part guided by Darth Cheney’s energy task force. The empty suit signed the useless taxpayer ripoff into law..
161 – slight correction..
nice ring to it..
When did Puddy call gleeeeeeeeeeeeman “she” in recent history. Produce facts very stooopid conman@160!
Pluto boy… for someone who has the crazed databaze you are one stoooooooooooooopid MoFo!
That choir of voices in that “micro-encephalitic” mind of yours cracks Puddy up!
Thanks again for playing stoooooooopid moron! That was one of many left wrong comments. Puddy chose that one specifically for a reason. Can you figger it out Pluto boy? Or has being unemployed for so long caused you to be so wrong for so long? ID10T!
Since the blog filters anything from HA as a link…
http : / / horses ass . org /? p=2502
Fascist Pigsty runs to Daily Kooks for happiness and mental encouragement? You can’t think on your own two feet? You can’t put a couple of thoughts down without Daily Kooks? You are as bad as HA’s minstrel boy Lib da schmuck!
P R I C E L E S S !
From 126,
The question was not directed to me. It was directed to Putz.
From 128,
I would start with the DOD with a 40 percent reduction in the military. Withdrawing entirely from the Middle East, Europe, and Asia would handle the job. Unfortunately, a lot of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines would lose their jobs.