The Seattle Chapter of Drinking liberally meets tonight. There is much to talk about: Jay Inslee is in for Governor, and is leading McKenna in a new poll. Roger Goodman will run for Inslee’s 1st congressional district seat. Secretary of State Sam Reed is out, leaving three open statewide contests for 2012. Oh…and Seattle police leave an assault rifle unattended on a patrol car!
Please join us tonight for drinks, conversation, dinner, and assault weapons tips at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but a few folks show up around 7:00 pm for dinner.
Actual Google News screencapture:
Can’t make it tonight? There will be a special fireworks edition of Drinking Liberally, Newport Hills on the 4th of July. The fun begins at the Mustard Seed, 7:00 PM. Then, at about 8:30 or 9:00, they’ll make a short trip over to Newcastle’s Lake Boren park for the fireworks.
Finally…Have you registered for NWroots on July 9th? First Congressional District candidate Roger Goodman will open up the conference, announce his candidacy, talk a bit about the disastrous war on drugs, then introduce the current 1st District Congressman and gubernatorial candidate, Jay Inslee. Other featured speakers are 4th Congressional Candidate Jay Clough, attorney Cyrus Habib, “dreamer” Also Chehade, Washington State Labor Council President Jeff Johnson, Congressmen Jim McDermott and Dennis Kucinich, and, a special guest from Canada, former Canadian Health Minister Ujjal Dosanjh, who will address single payer health care. There will be sessions and panels on the media, health care, immigration, labor, agricultural policy, the mortgage crisis, electronic voting issues, and an excellent 25 minute documentary on Afghanistan. There will be a candidates social, a special musical performance by the Total Experience Gospel Choir, and an after-party at Seattle’s oldest saloon. Find more information and register here.
It’s good to see that Nicole is getting the help that she needs.
Well, here’s hoping that David Prosser’s recent election victory* is a very short-lived one.
* And I hope someone sews up the holes in Waukesha County’s ballot bags, too.
As far as assault weapon tips goes, I’ll have to post mine here, as I’ve been unable to attend DL for some time now, due to recent medical problems.
Tip #1: Anytime you’re using a weapon with a high-capacity magazine and automatic-fire capability, you should fire in short bursts (3 to 5 rounds) to conserve ammunition and avoid burning up the barrel, unless you have a drum magazine in which case you can fire longer bursts (8 – 12 rounds) with longer pauses between bursts to give the barrel a chance to cool down.
Tip #2: Grazing fire (i.e., just barely above the ground) is always effective against both stationary and moving targets, because it will bring standing or running targets to their kneeds by blowing their feet off, and will hit prone targets in the head.
Tip #3: In a running battle with an assault weapon, point-and-shoot is nearly as effective as aimed fire (if you know what you’re doing), and you’re a lot less likely to get shot by firing on the run than if you stop, kneel, and take aim.
Tip #4: Being equipped with an assault weapon does not obviate the need to utilize available cover, especially if the other side has assault weapons, too.
Tip #5: Don’t let yourself be intimidated by high-volume fire; as a general rule, the more lead your opponents are throwing at you, the less likely you are to be hit. Case in point: A gun battle in Tacoma in which Army Rangers and drug dealers exchanged over 3,000 rounds across a street and there was no casualties. When someone is simply spraying bullets, your chances of being hit are very small. The guy you should be afraid of is the one who squeezes off aimed rounds, one round at a time, taking his time to do it. In other words, snipers. Be very afraid of snipers. If a sniper is in the vicinity, take cover as quickly as you can, and leave the area as soon as possible.
Tip #6: Throwing an assault weapon at your enemy after you run out of ammunition is seldom effective, which is another reason for conserving your ammunition and using aimed fire instead of just spraying the target area.
Tip #7: If you’re afraid of the assault weapon’s recoil, you may want to use a knife instead, which isn’t much as far as offensive capability goes, but it’s slightly better than nothing in a defensive situation when you’ve been overrun and they’re on top of you.
As for those careless cops who drove around in crowded city streets with an AR-15 rifle perched on their trunk — a weapon that clearly has a magazine in it and therefore is loaded because who you ever heard of cops arming themselves with assault rifles with empty magazines? — I’d bet money they’re in for some Special High Intensity Training (S.H.I.T.).
If I was those Army Rangers’ commanding officer I’d march them out to the practice range at 0500 hours every fucking day until they demonstrate they can hit something.
Yeah, I saw that according to Slog they weren’t sure if the AR with a magazine in it was loaded or not. Perhaps they were really wondering if it had a round in he chamber? Not that it matters BECAUSE YOU TREAT EVERY GUN LIKE IT HAS A ROUND IN THE CHAMBER.
See righties, your hero thinks the interest on the debt isn’t that big of a deal.
Yes and Jay plans to rob an already broke State Pension plan…Great Job!
Speaking of Liberally, over at The Conscience of a Liberal Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman takes a victory lap:
@7. Michael spews:
See righties, your hero thinks the interest on the debt isn’t that big of a deal.
Good job, that is exactly what she said. She probably went further and said that the debt is no big deal also, but that quote was obscured by those dots.
Hey kids,
Who does this sound like?
a) A Republican Frat boi..
b) a planned parenthood clinic picketer
c) a jerk that Puddydope, Klynical or the asshat troll would buy a beer for?
So whatcha gonna bitch about now that your hero says the debit isn’t a big deal?
Those dots were, I believe, were noting a pause in her speech.
Puddydope said this guy was a lefty. Oh really!
I should have read this guy a LOT more:
This guy is an excellent check on the junk economics that are often published in the fish wrappers.
@6 Even if it isn’t chambered, assuming there are rounds in the magazine — and why wouldn’t there be? — any kid could pick it up and chamber a round and God knows what happens next.
@7 This isn’t Obama’s debt. Clearly or otherwise. 90% of that debt was already there before Obama came to office, and most of the debt Obama added was necessary to save the country from a depression that was caused by idiotic Republican policies.
@9 If you guys don’t like debt why didn’t you think about that before you ran up the debt?
I don’t like debt in any form — either owing or owning. I don’t owe any debts, and I don’t own other people’s debts, either. I’m 100% equity — in my house, my vehicles, my personal property, and my investments. I don’t owe a penny (except the monthly float on my zero-interest credit card) and nobody owes me a penny.*
* When I give money to down-and-out friends, and they promise to pay me back, I tell them it’s a gift and make them promise they won’t pay it back. That way neither of us lose sleep over a piece of paper. A friendship, I figure, is worth infinitely more than an uncollectible IOU.
As I predicted in a previous thread, city prosecutors have declined to prosecute a woman who was arrested for videotaping police making a traffic stop, and she is going to sue the stupid cops.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If I were on the jury I would give her a LOT of money, even though it’s taxpayer money, because this KGB shit has to stop. I don’t give a fuck that cops don’t like being videotaped. They videotape us citizens when they pull us over, so why can’t citizens videotape them when they pull us over? This isn’t the fucking Soviet Union or North Korea, this is America, land of the free! And if it were up to me, either that cop wouldn’t be a cop anymore. If the chief of police refused to fire him, and the mayor refused to fire the chief of police for refusing to fire him, I’d vote the mayor out of office and put in a new mayor who has more respect for our civil liberties than these cops do. I say if Rochester’s cops can’t do any better than this, then put ’em all in shipping containers with a two-week supply of food, water, and toilet paper and send them to some country that wants that kind of cops and get new cops for Rochester’s police department!
@13 Personally I think 4% is hopelessly optimistic and I’m investing accordingly.
@14 “This guy is an excellent check on the junk economics that are often published in the fish wrappers.”
Newspaper headlines are an excellent predicter of stock market movements. The best time to sell stocks is when the newspapers say everything is rosy, and the best time to buy stocks is when the newspapers say the end of the world is nigh.
Default??? Naaaah..
Seems simple doesn’t it? Just pay the interest first and make do with the rest..
Just one problem.. “Making do” means cutting ALL spending by at least 34 percent. ALL OF IT – Iraq, Afghanistan, Homeland Security, Social Security, Medicare – everything!
@22 Right, what she’s saying is keep mailing the rich people their coupons, and cut off granny’s social security so she can’t buy the dog food she survives on.
@17. Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 If you guys don’t like debt why didn’t you think about that before you ran up the debt?
That is a good point. I don’t think Republicans do very well on average, but much better than dems. You may recall that Repubs did make a serious effort in the balanced budget constitutional amendment, which was killed by dems.
Darryl deleted one of my comments in another thread today. If you’re curious, it was a news article that Bachmann’s former chief of staff said today Bachmann isn’t qualified to be president.
Go ahead, Republicans! Pull the default trigger! I’m ready! I’ve been selling stocks to you guys and hoarding the cash so I can buy my stocks back from you for 40 cents on the dollar. I LOVE TAKING MONEY FROM REPUBLICANS!!! And it’s so easy.
Working For Republicans Is Harmful To Your Health
Mrs. Rabbit and I were grocery shopping this afternoon when she ran into a former co-worker she hasn’t seen since she retired several years ago. The two of them had a long chat which consisted mostly of the co-worker informing Mrs. Rabbit of who has died. And it seems a lot of Mrs. R’s former co-workers have died.
Just before I retired, one of my co-workers pressed a chart into my hand that showed a stunning correlation between retirement age and longevity — the younger you retire, the longer you live.
This correlates with another statistic: Over the last 30 years, the productivity of American workers has gone way up, but the workers haven’t gotten one penny of the nation’s GDP gains over that time — every cent of it went into the pockets of the rich. In other words, slavedriving employers are making workers work harder than ever before, and workers are dropping dead at increasingly young ages, but employers are taking ALL the money the workers’ extra work produces!
In other words, the selfish rich are literally KILLING our workers to make themselves even richer.
Take my word for it, the stress of working for selfish Republican employers just isn’t worth it! You’ll die young for nothing so they can get rich from YOUR work! Nobody should work. I don’t work. I flip stocks, and 98.6% of the time, my stock flipping is taking money from Republicans, not Democrats or independents or George Soros. Trust me, robbing Republicans in the stock market is much more profitable and satisfying than letting Republicans rob you in the workplace, and much less stressful, so you’ll live longer too! Why anyone still works is a mystery. But not to worry, Republican economic policies are rapidly making work obsolete for everyone (9% unemployment and counting) and pretty soon we’ll all be flipping stocks.
yelling loser beta boy discussing Mark Zandi…
Also his mentor Lawrence Klein
Really sucks to be you yelling loser beta boi!
Even conservatives think a balanced Budget amendment is a bad idea.
Or this fine column
@28. Wow puddy. Extra scrambley.
How soon before you move to your conservative utopia of Somalia?
# 21: I can’t remember who it was, but one big stock investor said he knew the 1929 stock bubble was going to burst when he heard the elevator boy talking about his stock picks. He claimed that when even the elevator boy is in the stock market, it means it’s time for the serious investor to get out.
Looking at 2006-2008, I did the same thing, except without thinking about it very much. I used to buy a house every couple of years, do some rehab work to make it look better in the multiple listing photos (and fix any easily correctable problems), and sell it for a modest profit. But with by 2005-2006, the market seemed to be acting crazy, and I decided to sit it out for a while. There were shows on TV called “Flip this house”, which were encouraging others to pretty much do the same thing I was doing (well, I was doing it a bit differently, but that’s another story). By 2006-2007 everybody was trying to flip houses, many without doing any work on them at all and counting on being able to sell them for more before they even closed the original deal. When that sort of activity happens, you KNOW you are in a bubble, and it’s time to get out, fast.
As far as balanced budgets and federal debt is concerned, the last President to be seriously concerned about it was Andrew Jackson. Jackson wasn’t an economist by any stretch of the imagination, but he realized that banks had too much power over ordinary people and even governments. He felt he had lost the previous election because the fellow in charge of the United States Bank had used bank money to fund his opposition. So once in office, he scuttled the United States Bank, and insisted on a budget which paid off all federal debt within a short period of time. He saw federal debt as a transfer of money from the taxpayers to the wealthy, and he was going to end it as soon as possible.
Right now, the financial services industry (banks, credit card companies, investment houses, etc.) has so much money they pretty much control Congress through campaign contributions. There are something like 300 lobbyist from the financial services industry for each Congressman.
Generally speaking, I am in favor of a balanced budget and paying down the national debt. If we had followed Carter’s budget policies, the budget would have been balanced in 1986, but because we had twelve years of Republican presidents, it wasn’t balanced until 2000. If we had followed Clinton’s policies from 2000 onward, the national debt would have been paid off by 2008. But instead, we had George W. Bush in charge between 2000 and 2008, and ended up with a huge budget deficit and national debt.
Why would anyone believe a Republican when he says he’s suddenly worried about the national debt?
and he was McSame’s chief economic adviser.
He’s a Republican stupid! Damn you’re dense!
@26: I say the Senate should pass a clean bill raising the debt ceiling, then adjourn for the summer.
Let the Republicans in the House be responsible for (further) wrecking the economy if they think it’s the right thing to do. See how long it takes their millionaire and billionaire donors to order them to pass the debt ceiling bill.
Is there a Governor worse then WI Gov Scott Walker?
Yes, FL guv and medicare fraud specialist Rick Scott:
For the love of money, the love of money…
I predict we will soon hear the cackle of a certain dumbshit asshat troll over this one.
In Michelle Bachmann news, yesterday her former chief of staff went public with his opinion that she’s not qualified to be president, and today the media reports that a health clinic run by her husband has taken over $137,000 of Medicaid funds since 2005.
And Tom Petty told Bachmann not to use his song “American Girl” at her campaign events anymore.
Republican Crook # 11-000713845-09A
A prominent billionaire who chaired the finance committee of the Florida GOP and profited from lucrative fuel delivery contracts with U.S. forces in Iraq is under investigation for bribery.
I’d rather have single payer, a public option or non-profit health insurance companies like Germany and Switzerland has but I’ll take this for now:
Fuck you Bobby Mac.
It’ll be a miracle if this survives the Roberts Court clusterfuck but hey you take what you can get.
Maybe Bachmann can replace “American Girl” with one of the following songs:
1. Psycho killer (Talking heads)
2. Dumb lyrics (Nirvana)
3. Little Lion Woman (I really f#$%%% up this time)
4. Did I day that? (Meatloaf)
The Righties are ALWAYS getting busted for using music w/o permission. It’s like they don’t care about the rule of law or something!
Haha… News Corp. screwed the pooch on that one.
@30. No Time for Fascists spews:
Thanks for the link to the kook blog but I was referring to the 95 amendment;
Senate Democrats dealt a severe blow to the Republican legislative agenda Thursday, killing the heart of the GOP’s campaign platform–a constitutional amendment that mandates a balanced budget in seven years. Conceding a significant loss of momentum, grim-faced Republicans immediately set out to exact political revenge, blaming President Clinton and targeting six Democrats who voted against the proposal even though they had backed a virtually identical measure only a year and a day earlier.