Please join us tonight for a special Drinking Liberally with Living Liberally co-founder Justin Krebs.
Justin is on his “538 Ways to Live, Work and Play Like a Liberal” book tour. The book is about the little ideas for embracing your progressive values in everyday life, as well as the big ideas of what it means to be a “liberal” in America today.
Bring your copy of the book (or the Weekly Standard cover, for that matter) for Justin to sign. Copies of the book will be available at the event.
We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Starting time is 8:00 pm, but feel free to earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 229 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
Well, yay.
Yeah…that’ll work all right!
Isn’t it time to get this done????
I DO like thos guy!
Wow, that’s just stunningly stupid. Someone ought to clue him in that the earth doesn’t have an oil filled, chewy, nougatty, center.
@5 Cain probably thinks the Earth’s crust is stuffed with cheese.
@5 But you see, they do believe the center of the earth is hollow and filled with oil, and that oil seeps upward (defying gravity) to refill oilfields. This is called the “abiotic” theory of oil replenishment and was concocted by a couple of Russian “scientists.”
Police Arrest Woman For Videotaping Them
Rochester (NY) police arrested a woman for videotaping a traffic arrest from her front yard after she defied their orders to go back into her home. You can read the story and find a link to her videotape here:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In the tape, you’ll hear the police officers tell the woman they don’t feel safe with her “standing behind” them. The incident took place at night. She responded that she had no weapons and only had a video camera. She was formally charged with a misdemeanor called “obstructing government administration.”
There have been numerous such incidents throughout the country. Every cop in America is aware of what happened after the Rodney King beating was caught on tape by a citizen. Cops don’t like to be videotaped, period.
But this is America, where police are public servants, and don’t have a right to order citizens to not record their official actions. They are acting like KGB agents in a society that supposedly isn’t a police state.
In America, you don’t have a right to be recorded in public, no matter what your job title is, or who you are. Tha president doesn’t have that right, and neither do police officers. No such right is written anywhere.
The claim by the police officers involved in this incident that they didn’t feel safe is bullshit. There were several cops on the scene and they all had guns. They had no reason to believe this woman, whom they knew from previous encounters, was a threat to them. It was obvious what she was doing — she was going to film them, not tape them. It’s equally obvious that they perceived the videotape, not any threat of bodily harm from her, as a threat. Shades of Rodney King.
I have no doubt this charge will either be dropped by the prosecutor or thrown out by a judge. If it isn’t, she should request a jury trial, because there’s no way the City of Rochester find twelve jurors who will agree to convict her of a crime for this, short of bribing twelve street drunks.
But it shouldn’t end there. She should file a false arrest lawsuit against the Rochester police department. And if I were on the jury, I would give her $50,000 for her night in jail, just to teach these cops a lesson. The lesson, of course, is that this is America, not the Soviet Union.
Erratum: @8 should read, “In America, you don’t have a right to not be recorded in public …”
Having Herman Cain thinking about energy is better than having John Holdren as Obummer’s Science Czar…
While everyone was discussing how to be a liberal, did anyone discuss Bernanke and the economy? Otherwise with no money how can you “enjoy” those 538 ways to act libtardo…
Wait… all ya need is another guvmint handout!
Hmmm… is this one of those “erudite” HA posters?
Come on and admit it.
I bet many of you HA leftists are proud of this congresswoman. For those who have never been to Israel, why not take a trip with Glenn Beck and you’ll see just what’s going on in that area. I was there before.
Seems Bill Keller is admitting
1) > 90% of American newsrooms are occupied by libtardo nitwits
2) This left tilt is well known
3) The leftist tilt in news coverage
4) He has PDS like yelling loser beta boi by claiming journalistic horror
5) His own leftist bias instead of being a fair and balanced editor
6) Now we know why Keller asked for y’all to join on that Palin email witch hunt which proved nothing
7) Oh yeah now I remember and it was without a useless databaze too… It was the Slimes who “investigated” Trig Palin as being her son when arcxix (Charles Hartley) of Daily Kooks fame claimed Tirg was Bristol’s son…
Then later on in the next paragraph he tries to think for Palin. Why can’t libtardo journalists and their editors deliver the news straight without their biases?
8) Now all can see how the NY Slimes became the third rail of the DUMMOCRAPTIC Media Machine.
9) During the 2008 Campaign… Remember how the Slimes slimed John McCain… Well Oopsie, that bias shines again…
Bill Keller, another creepy libtardo editor who allowed his biases to shine through the 8 years he was the Slimes Editor and admits what we all knew… 90% of American journalists are biased leftists!
Butt then I always wondered who this was too…
The Republican War on Women continues.
It’s worth noting that this is a Black Woman in North Carolina.
Heh. The database just yesterday exposed a certain KLOWN trying to fob off his sockpuppetry on a certain dope.
Toooooo… Daaaaaaamn Fuuuunnnny!
I just run the thing once or twice a month and I get too much entertainment from it!
Well that clears up the path ahead, send the debt team back to their seats and Mr Obama, if I may suggest:
1. Follow Greece’s path of debt and defitit (available at for 14.6 trillion – But heh, no sales tax!
2. Pardon Bernie Madoff and hire him as your chief Economic architech
17 – LMAO!!! Nice catch!
Bought and paid for tools… Like our trolls.
Source material:
What Liberal Media?
Can’t wait to see the dope of these threads (Puddybud) cry victimhood in commiseration with Cain.
Oh yeahhhhhhhh….
RR @ 8: The usual procedure is for the cops to intimidate the videotaper into surrendering their tape and sending them away, telling them that it illegal for them to tape the officers. If the person doing the videotaping knows otherwise and stands their ground, the cops then arrest them for “obstructing”, “interfering”, or simply “refusing to obey” (which is a law intended to deal with an officer directing traffic). The tape is held as “evidence” or part of an “ongoing investigation”, which never reaches a conclusion, and after the videotaper spends a night or so in jail waitin gto get bailed out, the prosecutor eventually drops the charges.
The cops don’t care that the prosecuter has dropped the charges. They made their point – that they can arrest someone and make them spend the night in jail (sometimes longer) on one vague charge or another.
Even if the charges are dropped, you are never going to get that day back in your life. Lawyers are reluctant to take such cases as civil actions because it’s hard to find a jury where the majority thinks that police officers ever act in any manner other than heroic, and the damages assessed are typically rather low.
During the Bush administration, local police and even the Secret Service were used to pull anyone who MIGHT not be an ardent supporter of Bush from an event, and then held until after the event was over. No charges were ever filed, but the deed was done – a person had effectively been arrested on no charge other than suspician of partison disloyalty, and their right of free speech and to petition their President for a redress of grievences had been held in abeyance during one of the few times it could effectively be voiced.
What is badly needed is a law which clearly states that the video recording of police officers in public is a right which cannot be impeded.
Of course when Jon Stewart mocks a conservative black man misogynist conservative woman hating rujax runs and hides. But Herman Cain is a stand up man, something that really scares misogynist conservative woman hating rujax, cuz misogynist conservative woman hating rujax is STUCK on STUPID on the reservation! (focus on the 26 second mark and beyond) Lt. Gen. Honore was thinking about you too misogynist conservative woman hating rujax.
Ahhh yes he reverts to his Rip Van Winkle mantra.
This is why misogynist conservative woman hating rujax is so easy to identify. He’s just too stupid to know his problem, stuck on the reservation!
Nope. Stewart mocked what Cain said.
Cain keeps sticking his foot into his mouth.
Nice try stupid.
Uhhh… Asshats???
They DO pay taxes..
Again.. If you don’t like their tax money..
Speak softly…
And carry A BIG STICK…
Hey – “Good old Ronnie Raygun”, that old practitioner of trickle-down slaponomics raised taxes 11 times:
But we sure can’t do that now can we?
Ummm No yelling loser beta,
Stewart mocked Cain using an Amos and Andy voice. Listen carefully as I understand listening is not your forte!
using an Amos and Andy voice.
Nope. I heard Stewart using Cain’s voice. Doing impressions is in-bounds in comedy.
3 page bills – gee I thought that was reserved for “lefties” like Hank Paulson. What’s Cain doing that for?
The guy is totally out of his depth.