Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We begin at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E, but some of us will be there early for Dinner and to watch the Republican National Comedy show.
Tonight’s activity is a contest to turn this flow chart into a board game:
Tonight’s theme song could only be Sarah Smile by Hall and Oats:
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Watch the booze intake tonight, folks.
Note to wingnuts:
A new opportunity for you all courtesy of “the sun”:
By the end of the McCain/Palin term in 2017 the North Pole will be no bigger than an ice cube. heheheheheh
Oh dear God, I lol’d until my water broke.
/(don’t worry, I’ve still got some time. Think I’ll play a few hours of WoW)
Sarah’s whacky ways have been too distracting.
Let’s put the focus back on that GOP Partier that pooped-out on the convention:
Dino “Bedrock” Rossi.
You know the guy whose website is missing the word “Republican”?
Mike McGavick (who?) was an insurance company shill.
Dino is a Real Estate shill. Anyone had any problems with their lemon of a crackerbox house or condo like they got shafted by their insurance company?
Why would you want to vote for someone who comes from something like that? What did you expect McGavick (?) to do if he had won and got into the Senate? What do you expect Dino to do?
How about a Edwards and Clinton cheat on your wifes flow chart…Now that would make you dizzy.
6 – How about a Republican hypocrisy celebration at the convention?
Great speeches from Laura and Pres Bush, Fred Thompson and Joe Lieberman.
How about a Edwards and Clinton cheat on your wifes flow chart…Now that would make you dizzy.
Yeah, I can see Edward’s decision tree right now, “Is your wife’s cancer in remission”…. Yes… go to step three “OK to romp mistress”…. hehehehehehe
6 Killed In Skagit County Shooting Spree
At least 8 people have been shot, 6 fatally, in the Mount Vernon area. A sheriff’s deputy is among the dead. He apparently was shot in the head upon entering a home where a disturbance was reported. Another person’s body was also found in the home.
The shooter apparently then left the home and randomly attacked people, including 2 construction workers gunned down at a work site, and a gas station attendant who was shot in the arm.
The shootings, which began shortly before 2:30 p.m., occurred at 7 different locations. Police chased the suspect south of Mount Vernon on I-5. A motorist who pulled over on the shoulder was shot and killed.
The suspect, who reportedly has mental health issues, was not hurt and turned himself in at a police station.
Remember how the wingnuts called Sandy Berg a “traitor” for taking a few copies of classified documents home with him? Well, guess what Alberto Gonzalez did? Do you hear the wingnuts saying anything about that?
(crickets chirping)
@8 A great speech from Laura would be a statement into a police tape recorder that she splattered her ex-boyfriend intentionally.
A great speech from Shrub would be an announcement that after Jan. 19 his forwarding address will be his ranch in Paraguay in order to avoid extradition.
A great speech by Fred Thompson would be that he’s decided to give up politics and stick with acting.
A great speech by Joe Lieberman would be that he now realizes sucking up to Bush was a mistake and he’s going to atone for it by becoming a monk at a remote monastery in the Austrian Alps in one of those orders where the monks never speak.
@9 Edwards got that idea from your buddy Newt. Oh, and let’s not forget that John McCain ditched his wife for a young heiress after a car accident left her disfigured and not pretty anymore.
There’s something about being rich that makes people think rules don’t apply to them. Of course, that’s the whole point of being rich, isn’t it?
Ah wabbit he actually got it from me, anyone up for a waitress sandwhich. burp.
Just for the record he got the “date and drown” manuever from me also. **hickup**
@14 No, he got it from Newt, who cheated on his wife when she was laying in a hospital dying of cancer.
There’s something about being rich that makes people think rules don’t apply to them. Of course, that’s the whole point of being rich, isn’t it?
Hear hear wabbit. I know many rich people like that…. what… Hey why is everyone looking at … hicup… me.
@8: Great speeches from Laura and Pres Bush, Fred Thompson and Joe Lieberman.
Maybe if you dropped acid beforehand. Lieberman was positively AWFUL. I’m glad you guys have Senator Droopy Dog now.
Actually it would have been great to see Lieberman address all the donks who tried to overthrow him with a grin and two middle fingers saying “Who is Senator now beyotch”. hehehehe
@15 It’s unfortunately true that Teddy Kennedy …
Was a young senator from Mass.,
Who found a nice piece of ass;
But after he found it,
He fucked up and drowned it;
And now his bright future is past.*
* Anonymous rest room poet.
Well, what can I say? Besides the fact Laura Bush killed a guy. He killed a girl. Maybe his was payback for hers. So that’s one for each gender. Nah, just a couple of random tragedies. Happens every day.
You can’t excuse Ted (or Laura) for the heedlessness that took innocent lives, albeit in each case mens rea was lacking and the homicides were deemed non-criminal accidents.
But Ted went on to live a selfless life of exemplary public service. He has been one of our nation’s greatest champions of the poor, minorities, disadvantaged, and elderly.
Laura went on to become a librarian, which is laudable but unspectacular, and marry the shmuck who became the worst president in American history, which is spectacular but unlaudable.
Between these two individuals, who cost society an innocent life apiece, Teddy clearly is the more useful and valuable. Laura? Merely a pretty decoration in the house of horrors known as the Busheviki White House, cowering like Anastasia in the shadow of the Tsar and Rasputin (Bush and Rove).
@19 We won’t need him after November.
@10 The slain sheriff’s deputy is a female.
Aside from pointing out her shortcomings and inconsistencies, there seems to be a lack of a specific, overall message — like a context — in response to the Palin pick, how about this one: John McCain was afraid to pick someone who would challenge him, or outshine him, or overshadow him. This puts the hatchet in McCain’s hands as the one critiquing her lack of experience. He’s the one saying she’s a lightweight who will not hog his spotlight.
Roger @ 12:
While we’ve talked about the likelihood of George II’s exile to avoid likely charges of crimes against humanity and war profiteering, his rancherita in Paraguay may not be a safe haven for much longer, after the quasi-fascists that ran the place lost power in elections earlier this year. Like most of Latin America, Paraguay has moved to the left (albeit slowly and very recently), and I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if the new government there would happily hand over the Shrub if such a situation arose.
Q: Juneau where John McCain’s running mate is from?
A: No I don’t, but Alaska.
Todd Palin was convicted of traffic misdemeanor for unlawfully driving an off-road vehicle in a wildlife refuge. Case 3PA-02-02239CR State of Alaska vs. Palin, Todd M
11/05/2002 Sentencing Info Magistrate Zwink Sentence: Fine: 200.00, Susp: Costs: 10.00, Susp: , Incl: N Jail Start: , days: , Jail End: susp days: , susp time: Points: , Lic susp: , Dr Ed: N Susp start: , days: , Susp end: Clearance Date: Mod: , narr: , Lic flag: Dr sch: N, DUI sch: N, Rest: Prob type: , start: , days: , End: Charge #1: 5AAC95.515(4)(m): Traffic Violations (Little Susitna Public Use Facility) 0.00
11/05/2002 Defendant Found Guilty After No Contest Plea Charge(s) 1 disposed with a disposition of Defendant Found Guilty After No Contest Plea Charge #1: 5AAC95.515(1) Use of off-road vehicle in Susitna Flats Game Refuge 0.00
11/05/2002 Defendant Found Guilty After No Contest Plea Case disposed with disposition of Guilty After No Contest Plea on 11/08/2002. Charge #1: 5AAC95.515(1) Use of off-road vehicle in Susitna Flats Game Refuge 0.00
11/05/2002 Surcharge Due within 10 days of sentencing Charge #1: 5AAC95.515(1) Use of off-road vehicle in Susitna Flats Game Refuge Receipt: 4187 Date: 11/05/2002 10.00 0.00
11/05/2002 Fine Due On: Charge #1: 5AAC95.515(1) Use of off-road vehicle in Susitna Flats Game Refuge Receipt: 4187 Date: 11/05/2002 200.00 0.00
10/28/2002 Hearing Set Event: Arraignment: District Court (Out of Custody) Date: 11/05/2002 Time: 8:30 am Judge: Zwink, David L Location: Courtroom 1, Palmer Court 0.00
10/22/2002 Hearing Set Event: Arraignment: District Court (Out of Custody) Date: 10/24/2002 Time: 9:00 am Judge: Zwink, David L Location: Courtroom 1, Palmer Court
Sarah Palin’s son-in-law-to-be (?) Levi Johnston owes several hundred dollars in delinquent criminal fines from two citations for unlawful fishing issued in July 2007. I wonder if any rich Republican donors are going to help him pay these off before the shotgun wedding?
Does anyone know any good Palin-dromes?
Nice work on the snowmobile tickets, that’s some fine policework there Lou.
In the interests of full disclosure: I have gotten multiple speeding tickets on State AND Federal Highways.
The McCain campaign is a blast from the past. First we have the recent past of the Hillary campaign, with McC going with the “ready on day one” theme. We also have echoes of 2000 and 2004 with Palin saing she fought big oil, channeling the old Bob Shrum “fighthing for you” nonsense. And now we hear Lieberman saying Johnny M is “his own man” which was ripped from Gore’s 2000 acceptance speech. Was that Shrum, too? I think the “McSame” thing is dopey, but it sure fits here.
Sandy Burgler intentionally took, what everyone presumes to be incriminating, documents FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES years after the fact.
Gonzales failed to maintain proper security on current documents during daily use.
Laura Bush had a traffic accident with another car at an intersection. Her boyfriend was in the other car and died.
Ted Kennedy drove drunk off a bridge and LEFT his passenger to die, while he went off to try and find a scapegoat.
Intent differentiates crimes from accidents.
Delbert @ 29
Your speeding tickets were probably civil infractions, punishable only by a fine. Todd Palin’s driving an offroad vehicle through a wildlife refuge was a criminal misdemeanor offense, for which he could have been sent to jail.
All I know is that, if Obama wins, Hillary will NEVER be prez!
And that’s a good thing!
Ted Kennedy’s life has been an alcoholic haze of limousine liberalism, self-indulgent privilege and nanny-state legislation of the worst sort.
His family’s worth $300 million and they’ve managed to donate all of $150k to charity over the years. Jason Mattera has great video putting that question to the senior drunk from Massachusetts. Apparently, they gotta keep something in the legal defense fund in case, one of the next generation goes off raping women (nephew) or driving while xanax’ed (son). Again.
Sheesh, I switched over from the movie I was watching and old Fred was having a seizure or something right there at the podium (Note to self – what’s the average age of Republicans these days??). It seemed distasteful to watch the old fart die in High-Def so I quickly switched back to the film. After the movie ended I went back to the convention and there was Ol’ Joe, reminding me of why he’s sucked so heavily since the day he first came to my attention back in the 90’s. What was Al Gore thinking?? Why do candidates lose it over VP picks? Anyways, I needed to find something better to watch, anything would be better than Ol’ Droops, so I changed channels again, quickly settling for a Head On commercial.
I checked back later and, damned if Fred didn’t survive. What’d they do, give him CPR on stage or something?
“A great speech by Fred Thompson would be that he’s decided to give up politics and stick with acting.”
No…a great (well, a pretty good) speech by Thompson is prima facie evidence that he’s decided to give up politics and stick with acting.
Palin’s decision to to to the speaking engagement when she was practically ready to deliver suggests a certain recklessness. Her behavior after her water broke suggests she’s not terribly good at making rational decisions under pressure. It’s a little like….well, like sitting in a classroom reading “My Pet Goat”, and then boarding Air Force one and flying aimlessly around the country, while the nation is under attack! Or maybe, like subsequently starting a war in a country that didn’t have a fucking thing to do with that attack and wasn’t in a position to pose a threat to anyone.
6 And John Edwards and Bill Clinton are running for…..??????
This explains that strange “I must get back to Alaska even though I’m in labor” story. If you are a secessionist, it would make perfect sense that you would want your child to be born in Alaska. Ya know, just in case.
Maybe if the Republicans succeed in extending our national nightmare another four years, Alaska will be officially designated as an “undisclosed location”.
Interesting how DILDO DILBERT always sees the facts in a positive light when republicans are involved…
Laura Bush killed a guy. He was her EX boyfriend and she was pissed. Because she had powerful family, she wasn’t treated like the criminal she really is.
Palin got a DUI. Someone could have died. That’s no problem for DILDO DILBERT – he wants that to be a “traffic” infraction.
Gonzales has violated the law so many times we can’t just call him a crook – we have to call him a criminal mastermind. But his scam is to have his own justice department, run by his appointees, investigate himself. No wonder he’s not in jail.
We could go on to mention how Monkeyface Bush got special treatment from cops – 1) When he got a DUI 2) When he got caught using Coke 3) When he went AWOL and who knows how many other times….
Then there’s WHATADICK Cheney who shot a motherfucker in the face and the cops weren’t even called. Yeah – like that would happen to any ordinary citizen.
Let’s look at the McSame dump your disfigured wife for a pretty, new, rich bitch…
1) Come home to find wife disfigured – decide she’s too ugly to fuck…
2) Have affair with SIN dee who is a rich bitch…cheat on wife, finally divorce her…
3) Avoid being held accountable because can use POW excuse for the rest of life
That’s really interesting bybygoober, like your worthless Keating 5 argument,
Why don’t you read the redacted police report about the accident which happened on some darkened roads at an intersection. Go on enlighten yourself. Maybe you’ll figger out she didn’t know who was in the other car. But don’t let that stop your delusional act here. We love it.
On the other hand Chappaquiddick Kennedy knew who was in the car.
bybygoober, you had to be pizzed there were 5 MoH winners, over two dozen Vietnam War POWs and two Navy Seals in the audience.
Hmmm? Did I miss the military vets last week with the Donkey? Oh yes old standby Wesley Clarke was there.
Watching Keith Olbermann last night was funny.
First NBC pulled him from the Republican convention due to his mindset. He attacks Chris Matthews, Pat Buchanan and Joe Scarborough on the air.
Proves the old line: Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Wow, not only are you fully engrossed in a sexist smear, but you are LYING throughout it, too. For example, her water didn’t break. There is not a single shred of evidence that it did. Leaking amniotic fluid — which is all Palin and her doctor have talked about — is not the same thing as your water breaking, which is a far more serious event.
But hey, being a sexist liar is OK if you’re a Democrat!
A vote for Obama = a vote for tyranny. Vote country, not party.
McCain/Palin 2008
I endorse this message.
Pudge @ 46
Leaking amniotic fluid — which is all Palin and her doctor have talked about — is not the same thing as your water breaking, which is a far more serious event.
According to sources here and here, the two terms mean exactly the same thing. Perhaps you can provide a source that says otherwise?
As a father of three children, all of whom were born after induced labor following leakage of amniotic fluid, I can say that I’ve never read any plausible medical source that makes a distinction between the two, and we never received instructions from our gynecologist that made any distinction between the two. The medical advice we received was, at the sign of any leaking of amniotic fluid, we were to get to the hospitable as soon as possible.
In short. You’re lying. Again.
I agree. If you vote for Obama, you may wake up in a nation where the security services can arrest you and detain you indefinitely on the whim of the President. You may wake up in a nation where the government spies on you. You may wake up in a nation that tortures false confessions out of innocent prisoners. You may wake up in a nation where the government lies to justify war. You may wake up in a nation where government money supports one extreme strain of evangelical christianity, and punishes those of different religions. Such a tyranny is not to be tolerated!!! Only McCain and the Republicans can protect us from such a nightmare.
Sexism, anyone??
Don Joe:
According to sources here and here, the two terms mean exactly the same thing.
They do not. “Water breaking” is one cause of a leak of amniotic fluid, not the only one. You can have a leak without your water breaking.
What’s more, the second source explicitly says you’re wrong, that you can have leakage due to, among other things, “bacterial infection or by a defect in the structure of the amniotic sac, uterus, or cervix,” and that this leak can heal.
Perhaps you can provide a source that says otherwise?
Personal experience and common sense.
In short. You’re lying. Again.
In order to be lying I’d have to be wrong. I’m not, and your own second source proved it.
I’ll accept your apology now.