Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. Officially, we start at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. Some folks show up early for Dinner.
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally. Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because I’m busy growing lettuce. I made $600 in the stock market today and get favorable tax treatment — for doing absolutely nothing. Sure beats working. Adios, I gotta go water my garden! Fuck a Republican and feel good.
Hey all you wingnuts can happily jump in your GMC Yukon, Suburbans, Hummers and the like fresh with a $100 plus tank of gas and head on over to your local wingnut watering hole. There you can puff your chests out and brag who is more “conservative” than who.
You can raise a glass to Dino, to Sheriff Hairspray and especially to John Flip-Flop McSameOld who in his old age seems to forgot he got tortured, co-authored McCain-Feingold or somehow didn’t get too enthused about Chimpy’s tax cuts.
But… Now that’s all changed. He’s just fine with you all. So raise a glass that he’s seen the light and indeed he will be the Same Old Same Old!
Don’t anybody say they’re a.. republican. Only whisper it.. If you have to..
Remember you all “prefer G.O.P. Party” now…
Roger Rabbit rarely attends DL because I’m busy growing lettuce. I made $600 in the stock market today and get favorable tax treatment — for doing absolutely nothing. Sure beats working. Adios, I gotta go water my garden! Fuck a Republican and feel good.
Typical liberal. Nothing is stopping them from paying the top marginal rate but refuse while complaining taxes are too low. Of course when is a liberal not a hypocrite.
Actually we are going to idle our SUV’s outside drinking liberally making sure we aim the exhaust toward the front entrance while patting each other on the back on how patriotic we are for protesting the war on global warming. Ah, this summer is going to be a scorcher. heheheehe
Where’s animal control when you need them?
Maybe we should get a bunch of patriots together at the next DL and form a freedom posse that protects the lives and property of Democratic candidates from the cowardly traitors on the right who’d rather burn someone’s home down than face defeat in an honest election?
Straw man.
Why the hell should Roger Rabbit or any other liberal cede a competitive advantage to all the GOP Partytards? Money is power, and while me and many of my liberal co-conspirators may favor tax reform that might impact Roger Rabbit’s income unfavorably, that doesn’t mean we think it is a good idea to allow GOP Partytards a disproportionate advantage. Don’t be so fucking stupid.
November – Obama Wins
December – Roger and most everyone else in the stock market dumps their capital gain stocks etc etc so they don’t lose their favorable treatment before Obama is sworn in. Bye Bye stock market and American way of life.
2009 Democrats can’t wait to pass their massive tax loads
2010 Republicans prevail
There was a fire today and I read the thread. I chose to comment here. Too many leftist pinkos in that thread!
Darcy, don’t like your politics, don’t like those who carry your fire, but I hope all works out for you and your family!!!!
HAs clueless idiot@5: down the street coming for your lazy ASS.
Do you really think that anyone on the right believes that McCain is a conservative? What do you expect the Republicans to do? Seriously. Most conservatives don’t want the candidate they have so the choice ends up being, stay home, or hold your nose and vote for the candidate that at least somewhat represents your values. You lefties would do the same thing, if Obama wasn’t a flaming liberal. So your little tirade really makes no sense…. Surprise!
Video of Christopher Hitchens being waterboarded.
11 – Ha! Ha! Ha! If you think “conservatives” are so smart then why is McCain pretending to be one?
He’s flip-flopped all over the place. The man is a mockery of integrity.
He belongs with Mr less than 30 percent. Here’s the perfect photoset:
He’ll be every bit as bad if not WORSE and that’s hard to imagine.
Hey Rog–
I meant to share this with you about Wells Fargo. It is one of the reasons I bought it as a dividend play. The next dividend of record date is approx August 8th. I expect it to remain $.31/share X 4000==$1240 taxed at 15%
Read this history:
Wells Fargo Announces 11% Dividend Increase
San Francisco — July 24, 2007
Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) today announced a quarterly common stock dividend of 31 cents per share, up nearly 11 percent from the previous dividend of 28 cents per share. The dividend is payable Sept. 1, 2007, to stockholders of record on Aug. 10, 2007. The Company has approximately 3.4 billion shares outstanding.
Chief Financial Officer Howard Atkins said this is the 20th consecutive year Wells Fargo has increased its dividend and its 25th dividend increase since 1987. Wells Fargo is among ten percent of the more than 10,000 North American-listed, dividend-paying, common stocks classified as a “Dividend Achiever” – a publicly traded company that has increased its dividends the last ten or more consecutive years.*
“Since 1988, Wells Fargo dividends have increased at a 15 percent compound annual growth rate,” said Atkins, “with the Company’s annual dividend payout now exceeding $3.8 billion, the 15th largest annual dividend of any public company in any industry in the U.S.”
It’s a good conservative old fart play.
I’m in at an average cost of $24.225/share.
Right now today it’s trading at $24.47
You wisely held on to 2/3 of your NOV.
GBS is doing great with those energy stocks ME and JRCC.
I love seeing folks take risk and make $$.
Even cranky old libs like you!!
11 IB
What I know is that as soon as he loses you will all say it’s because he was not sufficiently conservative.
And we have, many times. It’s one reason that in the past some of our candidates lost, as McCain will this time.
He’s not, you know. And right now he’s running hard to the center (likewise McCain). But after eight years of the Boy Retard, Democrats are detemined to regain the presidency and Republicans are worn out by the criminal excesses of the administration and their own corruption scandals. Similarly, in 2000 Republicans were very determined and Democrats were tired from all the Clinton brouhaha. McCain’s going to lose, and Obama’s probably good for two terms, so just start your planning for 2016.
Did you notice Obama now supports Bush’s Faith Based Initiative?
Google Obama supports Faith Based initiative. Even National Pinko Radio is listed. So much for the man who now knows he’s got to swing right or else he loses the election.
Obama knows from his polling the pinkos (that includes you Steve – HAs biggest dingleberry; and others) will not win this election for him.
Did you know Obama is for women’s rights?
How about that FricknFrack, Tlazotoetl, Horse Whisperer, etc.? Yet he underpays his female staffers. You mean ya didn’t know this?
“While Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has vowed to make pay equity for women a top priority if elected president, an analysis of his Senate staff shows that women are outnumbered and out-paid by men.
That is in contrast to Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s Senate office, where women, for the most part, out-rank and are paid more than men.” – Read and weep!
That’s cuz Puddy reads. And the more I read about Obama the more my stomach becomes nauseous.
Did you know Obama was for the WA DC gun ban before he was against it?
Wow. Looks like HAs source for the warm sticky man-juice is getting pizzed over Obama:
It will be an interesting summer for this non- presidential voter.
Since I already don’t like McCain and you lefties point out his foibles, I’m gonna have some time reading more about Obama.
LMAO!! Stupes is lacking in intestinal fortitude. Friendly suggestion (not an order).
Go home. No drugs necessary..
And over at HAs favorite site for a cup I read this:
“Ideological contortionist, Barack Obama, marches toward his personal goal of causing one million progressives’ heads to simultaneously explode.”
Ya just gotta love it.
HAs clueless idiot@21: It takes intestinal fortitude to realize your personal beliefs overshadow the need to set a precedent.
I realize these truths are exploding your brain like in post #22.
WASHINGTON — One of John McCain’s Republican colleagues says he saw the presumed GOP presidential nominee roughly grab an associate of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and lift him out of his chair during a diplomatic mission to the Central American nation in 1987.
Sen. Thad Cochran, R-Miss., said he saw McCain, who has a reputation for being hot tempered, rough up an Ortega associate during a trip to Nicaragua led by former Sen. Bob Dole, R-Kan.
“McCain was down at the end of the table and we were talking to the head of the guerrilla group here at this end of the table and I don’t know what attracted my attention,” Cochran said in an interview with the Sun Herald in Biloxi, Miss. “But I saw some kind of quick movement at the bottom of the table and I looked down there and John had reached over and grabbed this guy by the shirt collar and had snatched him up like he was throwing him up out of the chair to tell him what he thought about him or whatever …
“I don’t know what he was telling him but I thought, ‘Good grief, everybody around here has got guns and we were there on a diplomatic mission.’ I don’t know what had happened to provoke John, but he obviously got mad at the guy … and he just reached over there and snatched … him.”
Cochran, who has complained about McCain’s temper before, said only a handful of senators took part in the trip, including former Sen. Steve Symms of Idaho. He said he didn’t know who the man McCain grabbed was except that he was an associate of Ortega.
The newspaper posted the audio of its interview on its Web site.
Asked about the incident, Cochran spokeswoman Margaret McPhillips told The Associated Press: “I think his quotes in the Sun Herald speak on that issue.”
Looks like more HA heads will explode as Rush Limbaugh just signed for another 8 years at $400MM. So if Clear Channel is making oodles of money off of Rush, I guess it means you need the “Fairness” Doctrine since Scare Amerikkka is doing so well…
Gawd-it must be awful being Puddybud. I mean read his posts. Even in this sewer he comes across as deranged and he does this shit day after day after day after day. I wonder what drives him? The poor miserable bastard.
Stupes, you’re a funny little man. Remember Obama was not my first choice but even Edwards would haved tacked to the right. I remember Edwards’ speech to AIPAC.
Either way Obama will make a fine President much better than YOUR “new” candidate: John Flip-Flop “Frenchy Airplane” McSameOld.
Check this out Puddypud:
25 – LMAO!! Wasn’t it the head of Clear Channel who gave Alex Rodriquez $250 million?
Great. After eight years of President Obama, that limpblows moron will be totally washed up doing a Clinton re-run.
…Limbaugh at the wheel, in a black Maybach 57S, which runs around $450,000 fully loaded. He had half a dozen similar rides on his estate.
“I have these cars for two reasons,” Limbaugh said. “First, they are for the use of my guests. And two, I happen to love fine automobiles.”
He also loves space. There are five homes — all of them his — on the property. The big house is 24,000 square feet. Limbaugh lives there with a cat. He’s been married three times but has no children.
I suspect that Puddypud lives alone with a cat,or a hamster, but certainly not as well as his hero Rush does.
The netroots’ finest hour will NOT be the Presidency of Barack Obama.
It will be engineering the override of an Obama veto.
People power! Always…
Fool@30: Sorry but a cat and hamster, living alone? Wrongo! I’m sure one of these days I’ll bring the Mrs to a DL “party”. After y’all check her out you’ll see living alone is not my life…
Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Maybe I’ll call PacMan and have him square it with you…
Idiot@28. No I will not check that link. If you need to hide it then I don’t need to see it.
#26 You don’t read my posts. Otherwise you’d see I report from many left-wing sites their thoughts.
Hence, you prove you are a liar!
HAs clueless idiot: Why do you continually claim McCain is my candidate? Are you an ESL student, pendejo?
Do you have McCain Derangement Syndrome – MDS? You and bybygoober are a like in many ways, except you a least are married to a kool-aid drinking SEIU member; while he dreams of married conservative wimen while he jacks off each hour!
Another “friend” of the goldfuck”.
@1 Rodent:
If you make as much as you claim, then why do you have dial-up internet and can’t afford to care for–what was it a little dog or something? I suspect just another one of your subjective fairly-tales. The day you actually step foot in the flesh out of your little den and expose yourself to the big bad world, is the day we will all be ducking under flying pigs.
35 – You just said you had the intestinal fortitude to go with your personal belief over setting a precedent.
If setting a precedent is electing Obama, then your personal belief is elect
Bob DoleJohn Flip-Flip “Frenchman” McSameOld.He loves torture (at least now he does).
He loves tapping your electronic communication.
He for sure loves endless wars.
He wants to cut your taxes again.
He’ll put Scalitos and Roberts’ on the SCOTUS.
What’s there not to love for you? The color of his skin?
Go home. Go home to what Scaife, Moon and Papa Murdoch want. What they want, you want.
Your stomach can’t handle what you’re doing now.
HAs clueless idiot@29: Hmmm… Alex Rodriguez – I guess you hate success.
Maybe you should read up on him…
“Since 1996, his first full season, through 2007 he leads the Major Leagues in home runs (HR), runs scored, runs batted in (RBI), total bases and extra-base hits. He is currently first in runs scored and total bases; second in extra base hits and RBI, and 4th in hits among all players in baseball history prior to their 31st birthday. In addition, to this point in his career Rodriguez has more HR, RBI, runs scored and more base hits than all-time leaders Hank Aaron (RBI), Barry Bonds (HR), Rickey Henderson (runs scored), and Pete Rose (hits) did prior to their 31st birthdays. He is the youngest player ever to hit 500 home runs, breaking the record Jimmie Foxx set in 1939.”
“In 2003, Rodriguez gave $3.9 million to the University of Miami to renovate its baseball stadium.”
3-Time AL MVP. You just hate success little boy!
HAs clueless idiot, you love to compartmentalize everything that doesn’t fit you small single celled mind. Strategically we are no learning all about Obama.
Deal with it fool!
39 – LMAO!!! Has he got a World Series ring on his finger?
No. He’s got the Maahhney. Because some right wing fool with more money than sense gave it to him along with the most outrageous contract terms.
Ask the New Yaawk fans what they think of Alex.
Ask any Seattle fan what they think of Alex. Wasn’t it Alex who asked Mariners management to bring in the fences so he could hit more home runs?
He’s an overpaid head case with some obvious talent. Alex is not about the game that’s been so good to him. Alex is about Alex.
But the Maaahnie is all that matters to you Stupes.
Just “Show me the maaahneey” Stupes!! LMAO!!
HAs clueless idiot@41: name me one person who led their team to a title without someone else in a supporting cast.
The Manning Brothers?
I’ll wait fool!
The Yankees have many holes, especially at pitching… The Mariners were mad he left after Griffey. In fact Mariner fans are pining for Griffey to do his twilight here.
Hey Stupes,
Here’s your favorite lefty turned righty writer undergoing a little torture.
You probably missed it because you weren’t directed to it from a right wing bullshit Scaife/Moon/Murdoch website:
You’ll get off on it. 24’s been off the air for a while.
Not working today YLB? Shocker.
Oh shucks I forgot:
Hull and Hull Jr?
I wasn’t thinking of the frozen pond.
Notice how HAs clueless idiot has no retort? Facts are exploding his progressive single celled mind.
42 – Griffey? Not me. I don’t want him back here. There’s another head case with more chops than sense.
So HAs clueless idiot answer the question in #42. You brought up Alex Rodriguez, now you are running away from your comments.
48 – Watch the torture porn in 43 fool. My gift to you.
Gotta go..
@49 YLB:
Gotta go? The unemployed have calendars? WTF? Oh yeah, that DSHS appointment, right?
@9 We’re glad you don’t like our politics! We’d worry about us if you did!
Now even AWB is asking the same questions I have been about the huuuuuuge Budget Deficit Gregoire CREATED (it’s all HER Deficit)–
From Today’s AWB Newsletter:
Senate Ways and Means Committee budget outlook — Now a $2.7 billion shortfall
Bad news from the Senate Ways and Means Committee: A new outlook from the committee shows the effects of the June revenue forecast. Unfortunately, the budget hole has deepened to about $2.7 billion. According to Ways and Means staff: “As they have done in past, it is anticipated that the Governor and the Legislature will use available reserves and implement spending reductions and/or revenue changes
to balance the 2009-11 budget.” What we’d like to know is what those “spending reductions and/or revenue changes” will be. Stay tuned.
50. Mark1 spews:
@49 YLB:
Gotta go? The unemployed have calendars? WTF? Oh yeah, that DSHS appointment, right?”
YLB’s idea of gotta go is gotta go to the toilet and the fridge! I don’t believe today is Unemployment Check day. But he could be shopping at the Food Bank.
@53 Now that was a dimwitted post.
As you are the undisputed King of Dimwitted Posts, I bow to your widely reknowned expertise in this area.
@55 You’re in a league of your own and you know it, you silly twit of a traitor. The question I have for you is, are all America’s treasonous fascists as fucking stupid as yourself? Or are you somehow, um, special that way?
Hey, Cynical, answer me this, why are you American fascists so damned ashamed to admit to what you are? Your close brethren, the American Nazis, must be hugely disappointed in you guys.
GBS & Rog–
What happened to JRCC today???
Down 22.2% Plus another 3% DOWN in After-hour trading
ICO was DOWN 19.7% and another 9% in after hours.
BOOM Down 9.6% to 30.
I’m feeling good about Wells Fargo only being DOWN 2.2%.
What’s next??????????
@58 If you knew diddly-squat about technical analysis you would have seen it coming.
@58 Here, don’t say I never did you a favor.
If you have been paying attention, you would know I got ALL OUT of the market last year when the Dow exceeded 14,000.
Earlier this year, I made some profitable S-T plays on MSFT, NOV, McDonald’s and Wells Fargo.
Got out of all these ST plays on May 1.
I just bought into Wells Fargo twice with less than 2% of my liquid assets. My average price is 24.225/share. It closed today at $23.59 WFC pays a 5.3% Dividend.
Unlike you Steve who wishes ill-will towards people, I enjoy seeing Lefty’s like GBS & Rog Rabbit who are willing to take risks MAKE MONEY!! I’m happy when they make money. Rog has done real well on NOV…he sold off 1/3 (a good move even though the stock went up after he sold). I’m hoping GBS got out of JRCC before today’s bust. I’m hoping Rog got out of BOOM.
Steve–do you really take stuff posted on here personally?? Think about it. I would love to have a beer with many of these crazy Libs. I have good friends who are crazy Libs. I have relatives who are crazy Libs.
There is waaaaaaaay more to life than this silly shit.
Cynical: for Steve, HAs Biggesst ASShole to not take this personally means he’d have engage his single celled brain to think. Since thinking is not his forte I wonder if the single mitochondrion is operational?
For bybygoober since you never think, Steve does take this blog personally! You and Steve prove to be cousins.
Cynical, we just took a wad out of stock market to hold. I’m thinking of shorting some stocks. Any suggestions?
HAs clueless idiot, you didn’t answer my question on A-Rod.
Why do you run like a chicken when tough questions are asked?
Speaking of tough questions, Puddybud, you never did answer my question regarding your rhetoric against Obama, and yet you said earlier you were voting for him because he’s black.
So which is it, so are you spouting the party rhetoric against Obama and yet still voting for him for president, or are you not going to vote at all, vote for McSame, what?
62. Puddybud spews:
“Cynical, we just took a wad out of stock market to hold. I’m thinking of shorting some stocks. Any suggestions?”
This market is soooooo volatile, I’m not prone to play in that kind of sandbox. I’m more of a long-term investor. I have shorted stocks in the past (back in my high risk taking days)…pretty minimal return. I have done better with an almost all in or almost all out type strategy. I was lucky to get out near tops (last year when Market exceeded 14,000 the 1st time for example) and I got all in near a few bottoms. Plus I missed the bloodbath entirely.
I don’t like Short-Term Capital Gains in my 33-35% Tax Bracket.
Not sure shorting is a good strategy today. Would have been a couple months ago though.
Keep your powder dry awhile.
First, shorting stocks isn’t for everyone. It is highly risky. You should think about playing some protective call options as insurance just in case the stock you’re shorting goes against you. That puts a cap on the amount you can lose, instead of a play that has the potential for unlimited risk.
If the stock truly is tanking a call option will be cheap ~ always. If not, it’s probably not a short candidate. Of course, you’ll want volatility to make it work so make sure there is plenty of open interest in both the call and put quotes. Low interest in the put side means it’s probably not the shorting candidate you think it is. Also, stocks fall much faster than they rise. So you cannot be timid about your entry point or you’ll miss the ride down.
Witness my ICO & JRCC stocks yesterday. Because you never know what will happen in the stock market make sure you always have your “stop limit” orders in place. My coal stocks dropped so fast that by the time my trailing stop limit order triggered @ -7% the market fell 2 more ponits.
Since it was a trailing stop I didn’t lose so much, but at the end of the day the security dropped a whopping 20%.
Rules, rules, rules you cannot trade succesfuly without trade rules.
When I do short stocks I look at this site.
Good luck.