Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. We meet at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E, although some of us will show up a little early for dinner.
Tonight we’ll raise a stein to the earth, celebrate Bush’s great achievment, toast (and maybe roast) Will, and…um, maybe watch election returns from that one state back east…oh, what’s its name….
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally . Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
This is fucking hilarious. Algore’s movie of the ice sheet collapsing is actually a special effect made from styrofoam which he stole from The Day After Tomorrow.;page=2
ABC tried to contact him to find out why his movie is full of fucking lies, but for some reason he doesn’t return any calls. I wonder why?
How many of you global warming fools will be riding an otherwise empty bus to DL tonight?
You heathens MUST follow the teachings of your gawd Algore.
@1,2 Let’s see a show of hands from people who think Mark the Bet Welsher has just proved that polar ice caps and alpine glaciers are expanding.
Not you, Redneck. You don’t have the minimum IQ required to vote on an science question.
Roger Rabbit hasn’t attended DL since January because of illness. He was diagnosed last month with an incurable respiratory disease and hasn’t been feeling well lately. However, you wingnuts shouldn’t get your hopes up that I’ll soon be the late Roger Rabbit. This ailment doesn’t kill you very fast. A car, a peregrine falcon, or old age will probably get me first.
Pay your past-due gambling debt, Welsher. You are a dishonorable lying piece of wingnut dog shit! Which is the worst kind of shit to be.
Hmmm … #5 has a little bit of a Hemingwayesque ring to it. Didn’t know I had it in me!
Let’s have a show of hands from people who think Algore is a fucking liar and anyone who follows his religion is a fool.
Clinton wins PA by 53% to 47%, even though she was heavily outspent by Obama, which apparently is good enough to keep her in the race.
Hey Rabbit – Are you working on getting your neighbors to pay your medical bills so that you have “Free” healthcare?
How many takers? Are you doing any better than Goldy’s pathetic begging?
AlGore is the opening act for the O-blah-blah 3-ring circus.
Hey…how about that Hillary in Pennsylvania.
Rush Limbaugh, Commander in Chief of the Republicans registering as Democrats movement scores another DIRECT HIT!!
@7 Global warming is a reality regardless of what you think of Al Gore. Cripes I hope none of your alleged four college degrees (notice I said “alleged” which means unproven) are in science. Any science degree that may have been erroneously bestowed on you out of sympathy should be summarily revoked because you are a fucking idiot where science is concerned. In fact, you are a fucking idiot across the board! Not to mention dishonest and a deadbeat! Pay your gambling debt, welsher!!!
@9 Goldy makes more from panhandling in 3 days than your annual salary, which explains why it’s taking you 2 1/2 years to pay a $100 bet you lost. Pay up, looooooooooser!!!!
@9 I pay for my own health care. Got a problem with it? I’ll bet it eats the shit out of you that I’m not a freeloader like you.
Mark the Redneck (and he smears the term, “redneck”) is the bitter type of person Obama referenced. How’s it feel, Markie, to hate everybody?
Hey MTR the village idiot, you know that part in An Inconvenient Truth that showed Florida underwater?
Yeah that wasn’t real either… yet.
Only a complete fucking idiot would assume that a representation of events on a grand scale that haven’t happened yet is real.
I guess that is why MTR the village idiot assumed it was!
P.S. MTR don’t feel too bad. It looks like Mr. CyniClown is as stupid as you are!!!
Just tonight, and for one night only, I’d like to tell Hillary, and all of her supporters, to bite my ass.
Hey Redneck! I gave Goldy my entire 2008 tax refund! What are you going to pay him for the privilege of urinating here, freeloader?
I imagine MTR The village idiot doesn’t believe that ice sheets exist in the Antarctic!!!
It is all a conspiracy by them damned book learned scientists!!
What a complete dipshit!
@14 Yeah, I’ll bet Mark is the clingy type — clings to his toy guns and fake religion — that’s probably why his dead crack whore wife divorced him. Plus he was lousy in bed.
@16 Sorry, I’m not a carnivore. But if you can find me a cute female bunny I’ll bite her ass!
I’ll bet MTR the village idiot gets confused whenever he sees a map. He thinks that really is the USA on that map hanging on his probation officer’s wall!!!!
@20 I take Marshmallow Peeps, too.
Too bad Hillary is winning by a 6 point margin. I was hoping that we’d hear the last of her after tonight. I’d gladly take Obama over that harpy!
BTW, watch the boozin’ & drivin’ tonight, DL folks.
Oh Boy! McCain is only getting 72% of the vote in PA.
And he is running unopposed.
Man, it must suck to be a Republican!
The Blatantly Obvious said:
“Oh Boy! McCain is only getting 72% of the vote in PA.”
There must be a lot of Ron Paul guys writing-in Ron. That’s what I plan on doing in November. No way I’m voting for McCain or Hillary/Obama!
Ron Paul 16%
Huckleberry 12%
16% for Ron Paul sounds about right for the nation as a whole.
Well Roger I truely wish you the best, and hope they find a cure for your illness very soon! Munching on a few carrots and some truely good wishes I am sure will help!
You keep up the faith and I look forward to your compelling posts for many years to come.
Mark The Redneck-CarbonSpewer said, “You heathens MUST follow the teachings of your gawd Algore.”
Do you have something against Heathens and other Neo-Pagan faiths, Redneck?
OK Roger so Hillary won tonight, but duh that was totally expected.
Her dunces pulled out a state everyone knew she would win.
She’s outa Money! Obama’s got mega plenty
Rush and Kirby are all helping her get the votes and fund her continuance and arogance to the end.
So happy spending all the way to the convention..
I’ll be munching a few Carrots watching this one.
Oh, there’s little doubt that folks who choose to send their children to private schools rather than public schools believe that private schools offer a better value. The question is whether or not that belief is justified by actual data. I rather strongly suspect that most of those parents “know” things the same way you “know” things.
04/21/2008 at 11:48 pm
Oh, you must be referring to those unbiased studies comparing a 1st year charter school in the inner city for troubled kids to a public school in Beverly hills conducted by your liberals cronies. You have a right to your opinion, but when it comes to kids I trust their parents a whole lot more then any study you might dig up. Most reasonable people would also, of course when have liberals ever been reasonable.
Well, I am certainly not happy that Clinton is continuing this vanity campaign. The only way she can win now is to have the convention overthrow the popular vote, and the seated delegates.
But even if that train wreck happens, I will vote for her.
I will even send her money and campaign for her.
But my heart won’t be in it.
But the only other choice in that scenario would be her or John “hundred years in Iraq” McCain.
Not a difficult choice at all.
But please Clinton. drop out already. For America. For the world.
Take one for the team!
Funny how RUFUS comes out @ 31 with a post that makes no sense at all.
It references a post that hasn’t even been made here.
That kinda demonstrates the good learnin’ RUFUS had. As if that fact weren’t all ready evident by his support of neocon hustlers who are more than happy to rip him off, kick him in the balls, and tell him that he likes it.
Typical wingnut moron.
“You have a right to your opinion, but when it comes to kids I trust their parents a whole lot more then any study you might dig up.”
In other words, in your book, popular sentiment trumps a careful study of actual results, to which I have a two-word response: Celine Dion.
In other words, in your book, popular sentiment trumps a careful study of actual results,
The studies that I view as most credible show a way lower drop out rate and higher percentage of students going to college when they attend private schools. That is good enough for me.
One of the major liberal talking points on why private schools show better results than public schools is because of money. Wrong. Many private schools get less money than their public schools counterparts and still blow them away in results.
Of course the biggest problem with public schools is liberalism. Liberals just have to shove their ideology down the throats of children. It not a big surprise that there are so many home schoolers.
@23 The fact wingnuts hate Hillary was a good enough reason for me to vote for her, even if there hadn’t been any other reasons.
@25 “There must be a lot of Ron Paul guys writing-in Ron. That’s what I plan on doing in November.”
Good! The more of you dupes who throw your votes away in November, the better! You’ll help us elect Hillary or Obama!
@25 (continued) So … you like the idea of a 40% federal sales tax?
@29 Not to be overlooked is that Republicans have turned a formerly respectable religion, Christianity, into a heathen faith.
@30 It bothers me that Obama can’t win the blue collar vote against a candidate as bad as Hillary. Sure, the Gen Y’s and academia types and Oprah love him, but without the working class he’d lose in November.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the 3 finalists in this year’s presidential sweepstakes are a black lawyer, a female lawyer, and a white guy who was too dumb for law school?
@31 I’m not against private schools, dog. (You could sure use one.) I’m only against paying taxes to send other people’s kids to private schools.
@31 Thing is, dog, private schools get to pick and choose the brightest students, whereas public schools have to accept everyone. The test scores shouldn’t even be close, and if they are, that sure doesn’t make the private schools look good.
@32 I might agree with you if I saw Obama getting the blue collar votes without which our party can’t win in November. She has pretty much run the table on him in the big states, and the working class vote is flocking to her. That makes me think twice about jumping on his bandwagon or being quick to write her off. I also have concerns about his vulnerabilities. Most of the superdelegates are elected officeholders in tune with their constituents, and their votes will reflect the will of the people they represent and also their judgment of what is in the party’s best interests.
@35 And you will see the same results when you look at the same demographic in public schools. I graduated from a public high school that sent 90% of its graduates on to college.
I have no problem with private schools. They’re not entitled to public money, that’s all. If they take public money, then voters are entitled to elect the boards that run them, and they’ll cease to be private schools.
Of course, that’s not what wingers want. They want to give our public money to private schools with no accountability for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn. I won’t agree to that, and no one else should either.
@37 Liberalism isn’t an ideology, it’s a set of principles for running a society that has consistently worked well over a long period of time. On the hand, the last 7 years have definitively proven that rightwing ideology doesn’t work at all.
@ 46 Roger, I don’t think the blue collar vote will not vote for Obama if he gets the nomination. They know that McCain is just gonna screw them over the way Bush has. And as far as vulnerabilities… well, I think Sen. Clinton has just a few of those as well.
But, whoever the Democratic nominee ends up to be. I will give them my money and my time. This election is just too important to not do everything we can.
Take care, Brother Rabbit.
And give me a heads up when you might make it to DL. I will do all I can to join you there.
That is respect, Sir!
* edited to change “to” to “too”. That is my story and I am sticking to it.
“The studies that I view as most credible show a way lower drop out rate and higher percentage of students going to college when they attend private schools. That is good enough for me.”
Of course it’s good enough for you. You have a foregone conclusion, and you’re quite willing to embrace any data, no matter how questionable, that supports that conclusion while off-handedly dismissing any data that would contradict that conclusion.
But, that’s not good enough for policy decisions. You want to come up with a reasonable policy position, you have to take into account all of the relevant information and apply an equally critical eye to that information regardless of which position that information tends to support.
“One of the major liberal talking points on why private schools show better results than public schools is because of money.”
No. As both Roger and I have pointed out many times, the most significant factor in determining the relative performance of private vs public schools is the fact that private schools get to pick and choose which students they’ll teach. Any study that doesn’t control for this basic difference isn’t worth the paper used to print it.
Having said that, you’ve come up with precisely one private school in the Seattle area, a school that only teaches through grade 8, with a tuition below the state average per-student expenditure. And, you’ve assumed, despite ample evidence to the contrary, that tuition is the sole source of funding for private schools in order to make the tuition vs expenditure comparison something remotely resembling an apples-to-apples comparison.
All told, you’ve conjured up one of the most dismal arguments in HA history. Quite an accomplishment considering the calibre of HA wingnut regulars.
At least the British are waking up to the corn for fuel debacle.
Nothing from correctnotright or rhp6033 on these elevated food prices due to corn for fuel?
At least the British are waking up to the corn for fuel debacle.
Nothing from correctnotright or rhp6033 on these elevated food prices due to corn for fuel?
business .timesonline. business/industry_sectors/ consumer_goods/article3799327.ece
For Roger,
I’m not a wing-nut, Roger. I think the conservatives are just as fucked-up as liberals like you.
If I choose to vote for Ron Paul then that’s my choice, just like you’re choice to vote for Hillary even though Obama has the better chance of beating McCain in November. By not voting for one of the two main candidates, we show the powers that be that Democrats and Republicans are equivalent evils. They just differ their methodology.
Roger said:
“Roger Rabbit hasn’t attended DL since January because of illness. He was diagnosed last month with an incurable respiratory disease and hasn’t been feeling well lately. However, you wingnuts shouldn’t get your hopes up that I’ll soon be the late Roger Rabbit. This ailment doesn’t kill you very fast. A car, a peregrine falcon, or old age will probably get me first.”
Probably true enough, Roger: only the good die young!