Join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of electoral politics under the influence. We officially meet at 8:00 pm at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Many of us will show up earlier than that and enjoy the excellent cuisine while watching returns from the Potomac Primary.
Tonight’s theme song is inspired by Republican State Chair L. Esser: Lesser Things by Jars of Clay. Thanks for all the giggles, snickers, ROTFLs, and guffaws, Luke!
If you find yourself in the Tri-Cities area this evening, check out McCranium for the local Drinking Liberally (I heard a rumor that George Feairng, now officially a 4th CD candidate, may attend). Otherwise, check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Afghan winter kills hundreds
All those opium crops really help your friends in Afghanistan survive the coldest winter living history. Yes Al Gore will bring help to these poor souls by fling in food and fuel in his private jet. No second though there is a shortage of grain in the USA due to making fuel for your bio diesel busses. Maybe if they send all that opium to Seattle and you ride bicycles instead of taking buses. Then you could use the grain to feed the hungry kids in Afghanistan. The next question is what would you folks use the opium for in Seattle? Maybe Roger Rabbit could use it as substitute for his meds’? Hell Seattle is better known for its drug users rather than being green to the world.WOW do you believe in global warming? Yes the first time in how many years the roads to the Eastern part of the state been closed? But what the hell we have lots of Bio diesel to burn in the parking lots on our freeways. Yep more taxes for the state as they burn fuel waiting for the roads to clear of vehicles. In the mean time folks die for the lack of fuel and food because Seattle doesn’t ride bicycles and instead of moving closer to the cities. Yep there is plenty of room in the Green Lake area to house all the folks in the surrounding King County. No need for buses or highways if everyone lives in the same neighborhood. Yes with all the money save all those folks like Roger Rabbit will get their meds’ free. Now what does Seattle used the opium for with meds’ being free?
Afghan winter kills hundreds
The harsh winter has pushed up prices of food and fuel. Last month, the World Food Programme appealed for additional food assistance for 2.5 million Afghans until the next harvest in June.
@1: Roger TM
I love it when right wing nuts think they are on to something – like disproving global warming because of this phenomenon called “winter”.
Must be tough to realize that scientists studying global warming have been aware of the phenomenon of “winter” for over 6,000 years. But hey, Galileo, publish a paper on how things are colder in the winter and I am sure you will eventually be famous. Be sure to include the part about the mountains also being colder – that will really solidify your cogent observations.
Roger Rabbit will not attend tonight due to illness.
Can’t make it. Will the DL podcasts start again?
Looks like collard greens on Air Force One.
To quote Klake (Roger TM)
Good…er .. point (Roger TM)
To quote mark
“Racist I am”
We already knew that, Mark. Thanks.
Good job, wingnuts!
Rog, bout time you got to feeling better!
Eat a few more carrots, I’ll toss a few your way!
@1 “Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen” by Mark Bowen
From King County Library system:
“Censoring Science is the true story of the Bush Administration’s censorship of the world’s preeminent climatologist, Dr. James Hansen, and the science behind global warming that the government doesn’t want you to know.”;SORT=D
“Preeminent climatologist and leading NASA scientist Dr. James Hansen has been studying climate for over three decades. … In January 2006, news broke that the Bush administration had been attempting to censor Dr. Hansen ….
Now, … Mark Bowen … exposes the truth behind the administration’s spin doctors, and shares the inside story of one of the most important and influential scientists of our time.”;sr=8-1
Note about the author: Dr. Bowen is an MIT-trained physicist.
You can read more about Dr. Hansen here:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Honest people aren’t afraid of honest debate of scientific issues. If global warming was bunk, then the Busheviks could easily debunk it. They wouldn’t have to censor government scientists, secretly alter federal agency reports, etc. The sheer dishonesty of the Bush administration in dealing with scientific evidence of global warming should be enough to convince people of even modest intelligence that there’s something to it.
For the rest of history, George W. Bush will be the failure that bad presidents of the future are compared to.
@9 He’s not even the worst president in the last 30 years, so thats doubtful.
Here’s what Dr. Hansen has to say about global warming deniers (quoted in “Censoring Science” at p. 215):
“Skepticism, an inherent aspect of scientific inquiry, should be carefully distinguished from contrarianism …. Skepticism about the existence of global warming and the principal role of human-made greenhouse gases has diminished as empirical evidence and our understanding have advanced …. However, hard-core global warming contrarians have an agenda other than scientific truth. Their target is the public. Their goal is to create an impression that global warming or its causes are uncertain. Debating a contrarian leaves the impression … of an argument among [scientists]. Sophisticated contrarians do not need to win the scientific debate to advance their cause.”
@10 He is easily the worst president since Grant, and probably the worst since Buchanan.
George W. Bush will leave office without being able to point to a single positive accomplishment. At the same time, he will leave behind him a legacy of heretofore unimaginable corruption, dishonesty, and incompetence.
@12 Bullshit. Peanut-head Carter takes the cake and your delusional ranting won’t change that one iota. Had that idiot had the brains God gave a, hell a rabbit, our country wouldn’t be in the mess it’s in, in the Middle East. I was around then too, Roger, I’m not speaking of something I read somewhere, or heard. I was there. He was a fucking idiot and no matter what you think of Bush, Carter was a worse president.
@13 I want to make something clear. I’m not defending Bush, as much as I’m denigrating Carter. I don’t think Bush is a good president, by any means. Just better than Carter, which with the bar being so incredibly low, isn’t such a difficult feat.
B O You are the racist. McCains favorite food is collard greens. I knew you worked on MLK day you bastard.
Obama would say, “Why can’t we just all get along”.
@14 Jimmy Carter was a vastly better president than Dumbya. I’m not saying Carter was a good president. I’m merely saying he was vastly better than the present one.
@15 I don’t think Carter was a good president, by any means. All I’m saying is Bush is a horrible president, so bad that he’s the top contender for worst president of all time.
However, Bush deserves credit for helping to elect America’s first woman or black president, in the same sense that a Ted Bundy or Gary Ridgway deserves credit for bigger police budgets.
If history remembers Bush as the man who destroyed the Republican Party, I suppose that could be considered a positive contribution. His only one.
Anyone who thinks Bush is a better president than Carter has serious issues.
Yes Pelletizer is a HorsesASS.
PuddyStudy 2/13/08
Jimmy Carter comes to WA DC – Prime Rate 6.50
Jimmy Carter leaves WA DC – Prime Rate 21.50
If fact (like always), the prime rate was double digits from
1978-10-13 10.00
through the rest of his term…
Yeah baby he really knew how to screw the leetle peeps on cars, homes, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, etc.
No wonder Pelletizer looked up to him…
Jimmy Carter (D)
House of Representatives Control (D)
US Senate Control (D)
Facts! But I know most 16%ers don’t believe in PuddyStudies so look it up!
Need Puddy say more?
BO – KLake served our country over 30 years rising to the rank of Master Chief. If he decides to write with bad grammar that’s his prerogative.
That’s the reason I respect Carl Grossman, GBS, Rob, and KLake. If I forgot others well the Puddy mind is overworked right now…
You on the other hand are another military retiree hating leftist idiot.
By the way BO you don’t rise to that rank sucking on the guvmint teat like Pelletizer did with WA State.
Fact: GWB had a budget surplus when he came into office and has turned it into the largest budget deficit in HISTORY.
Fact: Respect for the US worldwide is at the lowest point ever – Robert Gates of the current WH – said recently that the Europeans “don’t even trust us in Afghanistan enough to help us go after al qaeda.”
Fact: the US spends more than the rest of the WORLD on defense – and what do we get for it? Thousand dollar toilets and useless weapons systems – but not enough armor for soldiers of humvees.
Fact: The list of Bush administration appointees and other prominent republicans that have been indicted, convicted or resigned in disgrace is larger than any administration in history.
worst president in history: No contest – Bush
Lowest popularity for the longest period of time: Bush
The only president coming close to Bush is Nixon – who resigned in disgrace.
Just counting the Bush lies is a full time job.