Join us tonight for a fun-filled evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at 8PM at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E.
Tonight’s theme song, in support of the Mitt for Michigan movement: Free for all by the Motor City Madman, Ted Nugent.
Not in Seattle? Check out the Drinking Liberally web site for dates and times of a chapter near you.
Dems for the Mittster!
Go Mitt!
I heard on the radio though that turnout stinks. Figures. Who can be motivated to vote for Republicans?
sad, that you are displaying so clearly the “we must tear down others to win something ourselves” mentality and you don’t even seem to realize how telling that is.
it’s called ‘leveling’ and people with something going for them don’t have to do it……..
how about those lawsuits the clinton’s are organizing in nevada? now that’s really democracy in action isn’t it?
3 – Silly Ghost! Republicans have been doing that for years in MI.
It’s payback time!
silly YLB….prove it. and if they have [doubtful…no proof] it would not make it right.
but here’s something that you, and your little liberal friends, might like to discuss tonight while drinking before driving….
discuss amongst yourselves………
re 2: Republicans are always wrong. About everything, and everybody.
No offense.
FDA Okays Selling Unlabeled Cloned Meat
The Republican-dominated Food and Drug Administration today announced it will not require marketers to put warning labels on meat from cloned animals to alert consumers where the it came from.
Roger Rabbit rarely attendes DL but sometimes a clone shows up.
See, piper, this is the problem facing you: You went to a lot of trouble to post detailed rabbit stew recipes in these threads, but if you drill a rabbit, you have no way of knowing whether you got the real Roger Rabbit or a cheap imitation.
@2 “sad, that you are displaying so clearly the ‘we must tear down others to win something ourselves’ mentality”
I suppose next you’re going to deny the fact this is what Republicans do every day, all day, all the way. In fact, I have yet to hear or read ANYTHING from a wingnut that ISN’T tearing down liberals because Republicans have absolutely nothing constructive to say.
Continuing to support Cheap Labor Liberalism and not hold your DL at a union establishment I see. Are you ever going to attempt to organize KIRO?
Deluded rabbit? Yes he is! What did Billary do to Obama? Tear him down.
First it was her NH campaign manager with the cocaine comment.
Then it was Bill with his fairy tale comment.
Then Gloria Steinem in her gotta vote female column.
Then it was Robert Johnson and his out in the community comment.
Little things missed by a dumb bunny with a little mind.
IAFF Fireman: All those Cheap Labor Liberal CEOs backing Hilary.
Half&Half@1: Why didn’t you fly to Michigan and rally the “troops”?
Hey, ghost,
Have you got that vibrator to like you, yet? It’s a bitch when no one, not even a mechanical device, wants to get near you. I’m rooting for you, babe. A good orgasm might release the inner ghost. Go for it, girl!
@10 So now you’re bitching about Democrats behaving like Republicans?
Actually – I do agree (some) with Puddy here. It looks like a concerted hit on Obama. Also I include the Richard Cohen hit piece on Obamas minister being the head of a magazine that complimented Farrakhan (talk about a tenuous connection). There has been a concerted effort to try and take down Obama – a good part of it originating from the Clinton campaign.
Of course the Republican hit pieces of the past tend to dwarf this – like the hit on Dukakis using blatant racism.
I wonder if there would be the same silence from you cowards and hypocrites if it were a Republican who just had his domestic violence charge dropped against him. You all are disgusting. Your silence sickens me. I bet you would stand by silently and watch a woman be raped if the rapist was a Democrat.
I am the only true liberal progressive on this piece of garbage blog.
@2 christmas ghost:
It is just that Mitt has so much money and is so good at tearing down Republicans from the right – that it makes me sad to see him go. Willard doesn’t even know what his own hit pieces on TV are saying…and the other candidates just loath him – you can see it in their eyes and the way they talk to him.
I hate to see that love fest disappear just because Mitt can’t win any primaries despite all the money he is spending.
@16: Can’t even tell what you are trying to say – except that you have a high opinion of yourself for no discernable reason.
Stupid @ 12 – Every hear of modern communications like the net?
MSNBC calls it for Romney.
That means more weeks of Republicans spending their money to eat each other.
I love it.
If Dino Rossi had strangled, abused, and beat his wife, and the charges were dropped today, would you be outraged? Yes you would. But you, and the other cowards on this site are remaining silent about Richard McIver abusing his wife, and having the charges dropped today, because you are both of the same political party.
22 – You live in Seattle? Don’t vote for him.
Otherwise? Screw off, sanctimonious prick.
you, and the rest of the cowards and hypocrites on this site are disgusting human beings. You are human garbage for not speaking out against this injustice.
Then go the fuck away. This is a liberal website you blathering dope!
Thank you for your opinion.
Now kindly go fuck yourself.
Troll asshole @ 24
“You are human garbage for not speaking out against this injustice.”
The charges were DROPPED, numbnuts. That means he is not guilty of the charges. This isn’t the fucking Salem Witch Trials…so, we actually require a conviction prior to hanging or burning someone at the stake, ya fucking babbling idiot.
Here’s an idea…get some meds to get your anger problem under control.
Darryl, I repeat, I believe if you were witnessing a woman being raped, you would remain silent if you knew the man doing the raping was a Democrat.
“Darryl, I repeat, I believe if you were witnessing a woman being raped, you would remain silent if you knew the man doing the raping was a Democrat.”
I believe you believe that…because you are a fucking idiot!
Richard McIver abusing his wife, and having the charges dropped today, because you are both of the same political party.
01/15/2008 at 6:32 pm
We all know Queen Chrissy was a racist. This doesn’t suprise me a bit.
i really think the first sentence in this article says it all. and this point is not being missed by others either…..
look…if democratic “voters” are going to skew an election by voting for the unelectable republican candidate…don’t you think, if you were really smart, you wouldn’t have been broadcasting that idea so much that EVEN an AP reporter gets it? ya think???? although being an AP reporter instead of calling it EXACTLY what it was he basically says the people in this state are in a way he does point out that democrats are stupid. i am using HA logic here.LOL.
every time i think liberals can’t act more like spoiled children…they do.
and ,really, what is the point in doing this?what do you gain?
i would vote for a democrat for president if there was a candidate that i thought was a good candidate. richardson…though too liberal for my taste, was a good candidate. but all of you are so fixated on having “the first” [insert black man or white woman here] president that you have lost sight of what is at stake.
besides…we already had the first black president, remember? and i think carter can count as a girl…so there you are.
when you vote just think about it a little. be responsible….hey, what have you got to lose, there is a first for everything and everyone. but if you wouldn’t choose your surgeon the way you are choosing your candidate then you are off base…to say the least.
and i have a feeling that none of you would even choose your car mechanic the way you are choosing your candidate. granted, you poor saps really don’t have anyone to choose from…but whose fault is that?
“Darryl, I repeat, I believe if you were witnessing a woman being raped, you would remain silent if you knew the man doing the raping was a Democrat.”
I believe you believe that…because you are a fucking idiot!
Hear hear Daryl. These trolls are something else. I can understand killing, but raping is out of the question….. well unless you are my nephew. Burp..
i am sure a lot of you have seen the political cartoons by “troubletown” right? they are running one in this week’s north coast journal and i am wondering if maybe they are running the same one in the stranger. anyway, the cartoon is about obama and it had my skin CRAWLING. if you get a chance to see it, tell me what you think please. i think it’s about as racist as you can get.
i just want a liberal take on it…….
ChristmasGhost why not link it?
Half&Half@21: Exit polls showed only 7% of Michigan Moonbat!s voted and most of them voted McCain. Most of the independents voted McCain.
Most Republicans voted for Romney. Source Clinton News Network.
Sucks to be Half-wimp, Half-chicken – – – YOU!
puddy…i would have to scan it in and then …well, copyright problems and all that. i went to his site ,but it wasn’t there.
it’s appalling. it really is. i showed it to one of my employees and he couldn’t believe it…..
so…. it’s syndicated, it’s not in the stranger?
it “may” be nothing more than the guy is the worst cartoonist i have ever seen but his drawing is well…..racist. there’s no way around it.
ChristmasGhost is this the one?
Next hint: Fabian Movement & Early 1900s American Progressives
Hey YLB, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. was talking about YOU “…Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” From his majority opinion in the Buck v. Bell Supreme Court case of 1927.
More on the turn of the 20th Century American Progressives Hilary aspires to soon.
Idiot @ 35
The guy we wanted won. You see this digit in the middle of my right hand pointing up towards you?
IdiotGhost @ 31
Again, again, Republicans have “skewed” Dem primaries in Michigan for years, e.g. Republicans voted for Wallace in ’72, Jesse Jackson in ’88 and Geoff Feiger in ’98.
These Republicans “broadcasted” this tactic at least to one another.
So put yourself in a Michigan Republicans shoes. I know empathy is beyond you but lets pretend.
How does it feel?
Republicans voted for Jesse Jackson in ‘88
What is wrong with Jesse if you are a democrat???? oh that is right, wrong skin color and hair type. Nevermind.
shit-eating cur @ 40
You bore me to tears. Eat shit and bark at the moon over the loss of your beloved ACVR.
Visit their website for old times sake:
King County District Court Judge Linda Thompson ruled Tuesday that the 911 calls and statements McIver’s wife made to police after an altercation Oct. 10 would not be admissible as evidence in the trial, which was scheduled to start Wednesday. The ruling was based, in large part, on Marlaina Kiner-McIver’s demeanor when she spoke with police and a 911 dispatcher.
Would it have been admissible if the 911 were accidentally picked up by a Grandma and Grandpa driving in their Oldsmobile picking up cinnamon for ginger bread while having their two way scanner on? Just wondering.
YLB, more of my latest Puddystudy.
Remember the minimum wage? Want to know how it started and why?
Progressives, in part for eugenic reasons, wanted to make women and other groups unemployable. Their chosen tool: the minimum wage.
…these progressives argued that minimum-wage-induced disemployment was a social benefit. Legal minimum wages and other statutory means of inducing undesirable groups to leave the labor force were, in the progressive view, a eugenic benefit.
Progressives, Eugenics, Women and the Minimum Wage by Stephen W. Carson
Remember this is the Hilary Clinton position.
More to come.
Jim McDermott: They only count if they live in Florida and then sent you the tapes!
Puddy The Prognosticator… says:
Jim McDermott: They only count if they live in Florida and then sent you the tapes!
01/15/2008 at 9:47 pm
Well I for one am glad we don’t have a double standard.
So the guy you wanted won, not because of tactics you supported. He won because the Republican people wanted him, not because of Daily Jerks. You really are Clueless and a moron.
The Idiot Gene is very strong in this one Obi-Wan.
So you are displaying your IQ, thanks, we knew that already.
Thanks for playing Eugenics Project.
Actually Eugenics_Project@41:
Post #40 is funny and appropriate for racist enablers such as yourself!
Jane’s Dog! Keep up the good work. You made Puddy laugh at the double entendre!
Eugenics_Project@41 is still pissed Republicans were the ones who passed the VRA and the CRA while friends of Eugenics_Project@41, Al Gore Sr, Richard Russell and Robert 3K Byrd voted against both of them.
{Ron Paul beat Rudy and Fred Thompson in MI. Hillary won the Dems, but “Undecided” took #2.}
Watch the drinking and driving home from DL, lads and lassies.
@17 “this piece of garbage blog”
You like it, or you wouldn’t be here.
@25 Darryl, you can’t expect wingnuts to grasp the concept of innocence (especially when it comes to torturing furriners).
@42 Only if you’re a Republican with friends in high places.
Moronic Loser @ 43
Here’s the answer to all your further “questions”:
who gives a shit?
I certainly don’t. Go bark at the moon with your buddy doofus. Your head’s full of shit as it is.
I see the conversation is hitting its usual high intellectual level.
The Piper
Piper: The Eugenics_Project at 1, 3, 20, 21, 23, 26, 39, 41, 43, 52 always delivers his attempt at a high intellectual level.
Eugenics_Project@everywhere as spotted, I in my latest Puddystudy are proving to everyone the real NEW Progressive Democrat Party per Hilary Clinton were race, women, and mentally deficient people haters. It was her words that prove who you 16%ers really are. All I’m doing is posting the truth about you NEW Progressives and I’m providing the material I find veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnteresting about y’all.
So maybe you don’t care but I do. So why did I start my latest Puddystudy?
I kept wondering why you guys can’t step up and chastise Headless Lucy. You would need to reject your history. And when I was reminded of her quote last year:
“You know, it is a word that originally meant that you were for freedom, for the freedom to achieve, that you were willing to stand against big power and on behalf of the individual. Unfortunately, in the last 30, 40 years, it has been turned up on its head & it’s been made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government, totally contrary to what its meaning was in the 19th & early 20th century. I prefer the word “progressive,” which has a real American meaning, going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. I consider myself a modern American progressive, someone who believes strongly in individual rights and freedoms, who believes that we are better as a society when we’re working together and when we find ways to help those who may not have all the advantages in life get the tools they need to lead a more productive life for themselves and their family.”
I recognized code words. So I decided to investigate. People wanted to be free to support eugenics – Oliver Wendell Holmes, a hero to many on the left was a leader in the Eugenics movement along with your great buddies Sidney Webb, George Bernard Shaw, T. S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence and Irving Fisher. They all associated with Margaret Sanger. This is the history of the Progressives in America in early 1900s.
More later!
Eugenics_Project@everywhere (YLB): Imagine if your parents wanted to lead a more productive life for themselves and their family what would they have done back in the “day”? Euthanized someone like you being a possessor of an Idiot Gene. The Idiot Gene is strong in that one.
Imagine if the society when we’re working together decided to put women back in the home? Mses. FricknFrack or Horse Whisperer or Priscilla or Exelizabeth or Tlazolteotl were wanted out of the workforce, so use the minimum wage to force women from working. That’s the early 1900s progressive of Hilary Clinton. Now she’s exactly what you all call yourselves, The NEW Progressive.
So I understand why you all are champions of Darcy Burner. She believes in all the same things of a NEW Progressive from the early 1900s. IT EXPLAINS MUCH NOW!
You can repaint your old bodies but the leopard can’t change their spots?
The Puddystudy continues.
Eugenics_Project@everywhere (YLB)
Protecting Family and Race The Progressive Case for Regulating Women’s Work By THOMAS C. LEONARD
ABSTRACT. American economics came of age during the Progressive Era, a time when biological approaches to economic reform were at their high-water mark. Reform-minded economists argued that the labor force should be rid of unfit workers—whom they labeled “unemployables,” “parasites,” and the “industrial residuum”—so as to uplift superior, deserving workers. Women were also frequently classified as unemployable. Leading progressives, including women at the forefront of labor reform, justified exclusionary labor legislation for women on grounds that it would (1) protect the biologically weaker sex from the hazards of market work; (2) protect working women from the temptation of prostitution; (3) protect male heads of household from the economic competition of women; and (4) ensure that women could better carry out their eugenic duties as “mothers of the race.” What united these heterogeneous rationales was the reformers’ aim of discouraging women’s labor-force participation.
Immigrants, blacks, and those deemed defective in character or intellect [YLB, Rujax! and many of the 16%ers] were regarded by leading labor legislation activists less as victims of industrial capitalism than as threats to the health and well-being of deserving workers
and of society more generally. Mostly neglected by historians of American economics, these invidious distinctions crucially informed the labor and immigration reform that is the hallmark of the Progressive Era.
Fair use and copy left to Princeton.
So Mses. FricknFrack, Horse Whisperer, Priscilla, Exelizabeth and Tlazolteotl; this is your party not mine!
Mses. FricknFrack, Horse Whisperer, Priscilla, Exelizabeth and Tlazolteotl: To protect you from the temptation of prostitution, I sugggest you all quit the work force. – Hilary Clinton, New Progressive of the 1900s.
puddy@37…yup…that’s the one. what do you think?