Please join us at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally for an evening of politics under the influence. The festivities take place at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at 8:00 pm. Or stop by earlier for dinner.
Not in Seattle? The Drinking Liberally web site has dates and times for 328 chapters of Drinking Liberally spread across the earth.
Using that queer word when talking about gays is offensive.
I wonder when that show “queer eye for the straight guy” is going to be yanked off the air.
Imagine the outrage if there was a show called “straight eye for the queer guy.” Damn, would those, as steve and gbs calls them, “faggots” be offended.
The President Who Hates His Country
When people in other countries are seeing it you know it’s a problem.
Dear Uncle Marvin
Please do not change. Ever. You are perfect just like that. And make sure to donate lots to Caribou Barbie, Joe (the alleged) Plumber, Mitt, John, and and Rush.
Jim, a genuine musician who has not, is not, and will not attempt to operate a bagpipe assembly.
Too many rats in a cage turns rats into homos.
Dont know why but its true. Democ(RATS).
Coincidence? I think not!
Dear Marvin,
This article of from Joan Swirsky. She is simply not credible. She thinks the tea parties are the most important thing since….well, since ever.
Not only that she can’t write, spell or think.
First, she is either sloppy or stupid. It should read scan YOUR memory.
Second, she formulates a straw man argument. The point is not that Obama hates america – but that the rest of the world hated Bush and how he treated the rest of the world.
Anyone to thick to understand that simple truth should not be writing anything about foriegn policy. Swirsky is simply too stupid to make any relevant observations and the fact that an idiot like Marvin quotes her (as a “foreign observer”, hahhaha) as a credible source tells us plenty about Marvin’s lack of intelligence also.
All she writes about is about how Obama is bad…and all Marvin quotes are the same tripe.
The honeymoon with Oblama is just about over. He is an absolute disaster for America as is any democrat. God they suck.
Damn, she really scares you democrats doesn’t she.
There is no “stop olympia snowe” PAC.
There is a “stop sarah palin” PAC.
If sarah was the losing proposition you and your fellow lefties believe, why would you want to help the republicans and convince us to throw her under the bus.
Let me ask a question…
I understand you and your fellow lefties hating sarah palin, mitt, rush, etc.
Why the hate for joe? Besides asking obama a question that he answered honestly, why the hate?
And why is the left attacking miss california for answering the question about gay marriage the same way obama did?
Marky you cum-drunk child molester! LOL yeah the honeymoon is over – right – in your dreams you cocksucking, asslicking, inbred traitor. PRESIDENT OBAMA’s approvals are higher than ever. He’s one of the most popular figures in the world. He’s started to pull the economy from the brink of disaster where your boy that drunk-driving, AWOL coward Bush left it.
You keep dreaming bitch. Maybe you will wake up in an alternate universe where Karl Rove fucks you in the ass each night and you can be happy.
@1 Marvin is a piece of shit who fucks goats.
@8 “Let me ask a question…
Why do you fuck goats?
I gave you my address in that thread you asked.
Let me reiterate, if you ever mail me anything I will fly up there and kick your ass. I’ll kick your ass so bad your own mother won’t recognize you. You can consider that my good deed for your mother and uncle.
Did I make myself clear you little skidmark on the shorts of life?
Do you have problems with all “faggots” or just some of them?
61. Steve spews:
That faggot Marvin is such a cunt!
05/03/2009 AT 9:49 AM
You say I fuck goats, that I’m a faggot…
You sure are obsessed with my sex life.
What’s up with that steve.
You already wrote that there aren’t any blacks where you work, any of those “faggots” work there?
In case you missed it, from the “Inglorious Bastards” thread”:
51. KIKE KILLER spews:
Would anybody care to denounce this racist shit? I did. Marvin had a chance but he passed. He must find it to be acceptable. But he’ll go on and on and on about GBS and I, and our calling Marvin a “faggot cunt”.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
@14 “You say I fuck goats, that I’m a faggot…”
That’s right, goatfucker. Don’t like it? Tough shit. Do something about it.
What’s Joe The Unlicensed Plumber And Traffic Ticket Scofflaw up to these days? Awaiting extradition to Arizona?
Roger Rabbit has a bad knee and can’t hop down to DL tonight.
@2 If actions count more than words, Bush hated America more than any other president.
@6 Obama is wonderful.
Thanks for the laugh, Marvie!! I needed that.
Click here for photo of Marvie’s girlfriend.
Marvin you little bitch I didn’t see your address but if I do I will indeed mail you something and the day you grow the stones to face me will be your last day raping little kids on this earth. What’s your address cunt?
By the way witness that Marvin the child molester is one of those Christians :)
By the way Goldy – my offer stands – you need money – I have money – just out Puffybutt, CYNCYN and Marv the child molester and I’ll help you make your rent. All I need is their true identity.
It’s not me that wrote the shit you quoted nor was it me that used the “faggot” word as an insult. From your actions, you must be offended by “kike” insults and not “faggot” insults.
So to belittle me you call me a “faggot?” Obviously to you being a “faggot” is an insult.
(note to steve: you’re digging yourself deeper into that homophobic hole of yours. Stop replying to me)
11121 N. Sepulveda Blvd
Mission Hills, CA 91345
My left foot and I grew up in the same area, we’ve emailed about it. He’ll verify my address.
And remember you little shit, DON’T MAIL ME or else.
Hey fuckface Marvin – the child rapist. Mail is on its way cunt. Now – show your child raping face at my door. I REALLY HOPE you surprise me and bother to show up I REALLY do.
Now is this address you’ve sent me a gay bath house? I am assuming that’s where you live.
Oh yeah – tell us about your Christian love again – I love that story :)
FUCK YOU BITCH! I said that. What you gonna do about it?
So Marvin the pervert posts the address to the police department. Is that because he spends so much time at the booking desk being arrested for raping babies? Marvin you little cunt the reason we beat you and your party like a drum is that you are all lying cowards. You’re impotent, irrelevant and utterly worthless. But I’d love to tell you that to your face. Let me know when you get out of the sex offender unit. I’ll pick you up.
It doesn’t bother me at all, I consider the source. You’re the one that has to resort to childish name calling. The day I call you a “faggot” is the day you get the best of me.
And I am doing something. And it’s pissing you off.
Mail is on its way? I bet you are lying.
What say you?
I sent a letter to the LA PD saying you threatened me and represented yourself as a cop so we’ll see what happened. It’s going to the address you gave me you child rapist. Again – what you gonna do about it bitch? Why not recite some of the bible for us? LOL!
So anyways, Mr. Klynical and his little buddy Marvin are out for a drive in the country, driving past farms and pasture land. Eventually they come across a goat with it’s head stuck in a fence. Mr. Klynical pulls over, jumps out of the car, hops the fence and proceeds to fuck the goat with Marvin watching, a shit-eating grin on his face. Finishing up, Mr. Klynical calls out to Marvin,
“Hey, Marvin, you want some of this?”
“Oh yes, Mr. Klynical! Yes I do!”
Marvin hops the fence too, pulls down his pants, bends over, and then sticks his head in the fence.
“OK, Mr. Klynical, I’m ready!”
Mr. Klynical then looks at Marvin, a look of anticipation coming over his face.
“Oh, Marvin, you faggot! You’re such a cunt!”
I am glad there are child rapists like Marvin the Pervert out there advocating for the GOP – only makes it MUCH more likely we’ll continue to beat them like left-handed, red-headed step children.
America voted on NOV 4 and the GOP was REJECTED! You too Marvin you pervert.
Good one Steve – and probably pretty close to the truth.
@30 Marvin the goatfucker says, “What say you?”
I say that you’re a faggot and a cunt. You also fuck goats.
Don’t like it? Do something about it.
@34 Thanks, BBG!
Q: How do Mr. Klynical and his little buddy Marvin go about practicing safe sex?
A: They paint a big “X” on the goats that kick.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
Of course you believe calling me a “faggot” is an insult.
Is this what you learn in church? Now I see liberals say that Christians like you are so homophobic. I’ve never seen Puddy call people “faggot” like you do.
How sweet. Steve giving byebyegoober props.
I can appreciate you trying to get back on my good side reposting the joke I like.
Sorry steve, but your “faggot” insults are too extreme for me to overlook. Christians like you need to learn how to practice tolerance for gay people.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
I call you a faggot cunt because you’re a faggot cunt, Marvin. Just like when I call you a goatfucker – it’s because you fuck goats.
Don’t like it? Quit your pathetic whining and try to do something about it.
Like I said, when you push me over the edge and I lose control and call you a “faggot” you win.
Your childish insults only bother me because I think your views about gays are offensive. Beating your ass wouldn’t make you more accepting of gay people.
Since both you and Puddy believe in God, why doesn’t Puddy hate “faggots” like you do?
Steve, instead of posting why don’t you open the bible and read a little about how a true believer behaves.
Do you believe that Jesus would call people “faggots?”
I don’t believe he would.
That’s why I see you as a fake Christian.
Hmm, taking it and liking it seems to be Marvin’s idea of winning. Freak. Maybe you ought to talk Mr. Klynical into letting you fuck him now and then. Maybe then you wouldn’t come off as being such a cunt.
Oh, you don’t like it? Try doing something about it.
Marvin’s a faggot.
Damn, if Jesus says it, then it must surely be true. Marvin is a faggot!
Marvin is also a cunt.
What did Marvin do to piss off Jesus??
@47 “What did Marvin do to piss off Jesus?”
I don’t like people who fuck goats.
Damn, Marvin, you and your goatfucking ways has pissed off Jesus! Holy Goat, you’re in deep shit now!
I don’t hate gays. I don’t call them faggots. It’s you I don’t like, you goatfucking faggot!
Forgive me, Jesus, for calling Marvin a faggot.
“Forgive me, Jesus”
There’s nothing to forgive, my son. Marvin is a faggot – a goatfucking faggot.
Well, Jesus H. Christ, that cinches it – Marvin is a goatfucking faggot cunt.
you are pure class steve.
No, winning is when I pushed you into using the word “faggot” as an insult and mocking your own god. I’m surprised you haven’t asked me to denounce you for your mocking of your god.
I did something about it.
You’re doing exactly what I want.
Bilge this thread…
How about bilging the people that feel it’s acceptable on a liberal blog to use “faggot” as an insult?
Why bother to insult Marvin?
Anyone that stupid doesn’t even deserve insults.
Poor Marvin – trying the third grade I will wup your butt if I ever get up there….really, your intellect and your thoughts are stuck in the elementary school Marvin.
The reason Joe the Plumber has brought on the ire or the liberal media and blogs like HA is that Joe had the unmitigated gall to question the Milk Chocolate Messiah during the campaign. When Chris Matthews says Obama’s victory made him all tingly, you know that the media is pretty much in the tank for the Dems. That’s to be expected, since the Reps made a pretty good mess of things by getting involved in Islamo-terrorist foreign adventures. So, when some non-college-educated working stiff asks the MCM a tough question, the media goes into attack mode: “How dare he, the little piss-ant, ask an embarrassing question of our new messiah?”
@59 The reason Joe The Unlicensed Plumber And Traffic Ticket Scofflaw brought on the ire of the liberal establishment is because he’s a lying piece of shit. He lied about owning a business. He lied about how much money he makes. He lied about being hurt by Obama’s tax proposals. He lied about being a plumber. He lied to the Arizona courts. He’s a lawbreaker with a warrant out for his arrest. The only thing liberals did was ask why anyone should listen to a lying lawbreaker like him.
Of course, being a lying lawbreaker helps him fit right in with the GOP, which is a social club for lying lawbreakers.
Can’t stand Joe the Plumber because he’s a phony and a paid shill for extremist right wingers. He’s their darling..
For what? Who (that is sane) can know?
He has some entertainment value e.g. when he went on stage before an adoring crowd of right wing fools, felt the love and told them he was “horny”. Some value but on the whole he’s pretty boring.
What’s so exciting about yet another phony, divorced-from-reality right wing shill?
If this guy is the best thing the right wing has going right now, they are in a very, very bad place which is good news for the country.
Yup, we make fun of Joe the idiot becuase he can’t string three words together without screwing them up …..and he tried to take advantag of his “instant”fame by becomeing a reporter.
what a joke.
McCain used him, he used the right wing and idiots like politically correct fell for it hook line and sinker.
If you think an idiot like Joe the plumber has asked any relevant questions, you need to go back to grade scjhool and relearn your ABCs. This is the same Joe who did not even know what was in the latest labor bill and who claimed he was against it without knowing.
Simple minded libertarians like simple minded people, I guess. You and that foll Ron Paul can go back and live inthe 18th century. the resto of us adults are in the 21st century and your antiquated ideas and simple minded answers are just plain stupid.
Hey Joe the Plumber – how’d that work out for you right wing turds? LOL!
64 – The right wing doesn’t care. The rank and file right wingers are willfully ignorant like JTP and proud of it.
Yeah? What really, really pisses you assholes off is that Joe had the nerve to criticize the Milk Chocolate Messiah. If he had not said anything to Obama, you guys would have ignored him because, after all, he’s just one of those little people that live somewhere in fly-over country: he and his kind have no place in our Neo-socialist wet dream.
WE know what’s best, and it’s total government control over all aspects of every one’s lives, particularly the little people in fly-over land!
Ahhhhh, once again, bypassing the UNION establishment, while driving in your foreign made car. Another week down, and the hypocrisy lives on in Libtard world. I wonder what would happen if the Union Card Check went into effect for DL’s? Nobody would be able to show up I bet. Always a do as I say, not as I do!