Via The Other Side Online, a photo of the Rossi signs that have been popping up all over Eastern Washington. Notice there is no “paid for” notice as required by law, allowing Rossi to deny responsibility, but really… we all know these professionally printed signs are as much a part of the Rossi campaign as the BIAW’s multi-million dollar media blitz.
But you know, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If it’s okay for Rossi to stoke anti-Seattle passions in Yakima, while the media covers for him back here, then I think Seattle voters deserve to see the same message, paid for by equally anonymous benefactors. So I’m going to anonymously check out what it costs to put up this sign on a prominent billboard in downtown Seattle, and then anonymously launch an anonymous fund drive to pay for it.
i would anonymously donate $10 to that cause
Does the addition of the Republican Party “elephant” logo give reason for pause? I would think that’s an endorsement or indication that the Republican Party is behind these.
I would donate $10 to that cause and put my name on it.
Mr. Rossi lost the election last time because he’s a loser. He’ll lose it this time cause he’s still a loser.
I would donate a large portion of my yard for some of these, anonymously, of course (now how in the hell did THAT get there?!)
Seattle stealing the election? Like Florida? Rather ironic dont you think?
Goldy I am in for $100. But what shall we say? We need to come up with a lie at least as big as Rossi’s lie. The problem is, he’s such a piece of shit – that it’s hard to lie about him effectively – since most anything negative you could think of to say is probably true.
Maybe we could do something like…
Rossi – he lied about being a Real Estate Broker. What else is he lying about?
But that’s true. He DID lie about that. Oh well. See my problem?
Common perception state-wide is that King County DID throw the election to the Dems through less than legal means.
Yeah yeah, not enough proof in court, etc. So what? It doesn’t stop people from _thinking_ that KingCo elections WAS crooked and still could be.
Christine is going to have a hard time explaining away the 1.2 million reasons she gave the tribes a free pass from revenue sharing. $140 million goes a long way to filling the budget hole the D-controlled legislature has spent us into.
Actually, yard signs are specifically exempt from the sponsor identification requirement under state law. RCW 42.17.510(6).
On the other hand, billboards would require sponsor identification, since they are not exempt.
You KLOWNS are pathetic!
I thought your platform was to take the high road & be ethical??
You should be worried about a solution to the $2.4 BILLION upcoming deficit yer gal pulled out of the ass of a huge surplus in just a couple years by adding 8000+ new State employees and other mismanagement.
Focus on the issues.
That’s what most voters care about.
Not this small stuff.
I’m trying to get worked-up into a rage over a yard sign, but I can’t seem to do it. Sorry.
Let me see if I got this right. I’m supposed to be outraged over an innocuous yard sign, but ignore Gregoire’s sleazy and corrupt deal with the Tribes because we belong to the same political party?
Kaz You’re still a moron huh?
Please regale us with real URLs, not those used by clueless idiot where he gets his daily dose of warm white sticky man-made kool-aid, which shows the election was stolen in Florida.
Ohhh, OTOH, you mean the election where Gore tried to steal where he only wanted 4 donkey counties recounted and not the whole state? Wow, I just figgered that out from your “pithy” vomit above.
So we have the most corrupt party in the world – the GOP – trying to cast suspicion on CG because there’s nothing else to run on. The righties have been getting their asses kicked across the nation lately using this tactic. We need to fight back with facts. The inbred right 20% of all GOP – you know the real right wing fruitcakes, will believe anything Lush Flimbaugh tells them to. The rest might be tempted (for the first time in their lives) to look at a fact. If they do, the Rossi campaign will have to plan a bogus “We was robbed” approach again and AGAIN – all we will find in court is that the only illegal votes came from republicans.
Richard@8, as always you know the facts. Too bad others are factless here!
For those not paying attention and prone to listen to cowardly, baby-raping liars like Puddydick (how was your gay wedding in California Lil Bitch?)
1) Republicans sued in the most republican county in Washington saying “We was robbed.”
2) Republican judge responding to republican lawyers for proven liar Dino Rossi made their republican case.
3) Republican judge in republican county asked republican Sec of State Reed to testify.
4) Republican judge in republican county listening to republican witnesses and republican lawyers ruled CG won and that the only illegal votes were from – now wait for it – republicans!
I am curious to know what sort of plans the right has to try to steal this next election. Again – we will have to make sure Democrats turn out in big numbers as poll watchers. We need to take every legal step to document what will no doubt be record attempts by the GOP to stop blacks, Hispanics and anyone who isn’t white from voting.
Bye Bye @6,
The point is to put the Rossi sign above on the Seattle billboard, so that Seattleites can see what Rossi really thinks of them.
So Goldy@17, the tag line will say
“Paid by your friends at HorsesASS”?
waaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
@17 Sorry Goldy I didn’t get it. I am still in.
Puddy @ 14: If Richard knows all the facts (as you have proclaimed), then how do you explain his conversion from being a Republican to being a Democrat? Oh, yea, maybe it’s because he knows all the facts!
Mr. Cynical @ 9
The state budget under Gregoire has never run a deficit. In fact, state law prohibits running a deficit in any event. The $2.4 billion is just one economic projection that might apply to the upcoming 2009-2011 biennium budget — either more taxes or less spending would be required to maintain the projected level of spending versus the projected level of tax revenues.
I am far more concerned about the federal deficit. Bush took a $250 billion annual surplus and turned it into a $450 billion annual deficit. These are actual dollars which are being borrowed to finance federal spending. $450 billion a year is far more alarming, than the possibility that the state budget for the next two years MAY have to be adjusted by as much as $2.4 billion to stay in balance.
Rhp6033: Facts on billboards vs yard signs vs. party affiliation? You are stretching it there just a weeeeeeee bit!
The PudddyBitch is actually voting for the Democrat for Pres. this election….so he ought to leave the dark side and vote for his OWN interests for a change.
That is…Vote Democratic!!!
@19: Gee bybygoober, seems par for the course EVERY FREAKING DAY!
Rossi must’ve recuited his campaign team from a Junior High School student body election.
Thank God for the Washington State Republican Party! Thank you for helping keep Washington Blue!!!
RudeASS? What are MY interests?
1) Higher than normal black donkoinfanticide levels promoted by Planned Parenthood? Need to see the commentary from PP again since you forgot?
2) Continual inner city dilapidation of schools and other vital structures for poor black children
3) Continual ignorance by your party of inner city educational needs of my people
4) Failed war on drugs in the inner city where my people are incarcerated at a much higher rate that the burb boys coming in to purchase their “hits”
5) Police force tactics where the cops shoot first any minority and then can skate when the jury says “it’s justified”
So, those are my interests? NOT
It’s not who votes that counts: it’s who counts the votes.
Richard Pope spews:
“The state budget under Gregoire has never run a deficit. In fact, state law prohibits running a deficit in any event. The $2.4 billion is just one economic projection that might apply to the upcoming 2009-2011 biennium budget — either more taxes or less spending would be required to maintain the projected level of spending versus the projected level of tax revenues.”
We are talking about the Governor’s race. The projected $2.4 BILLION deficit is not just a number Gregoire’s Budget Forecaster pulled out of his ass. It’s a projection based on current actual data. This serious negative turnaround has happened on HER watch. Part of any election is holding the person running for re-election accountable. The buck stops with her. We can talk about the Federal Deficit too. But it doesn’t change the fact that Gregoire has overspent and added 8000+ new State Employees.
You seem to be marginalizing and minimizing accountability for Gregoire. This State, despite having some diamond employers like Microsoft, Boeing & Weyerhauser….has overspent and overhired State employees.
The chickens are coming home to roost.
Did you see the increased Unemployment numbers today??
Washington has lagged the rest of the Nation….but is not immune.
The Phoney Rainy Day Fund came from underfunding the Pension Fund.
Gregoire is a clever finance manipulator. However, eventually you cannot manipulate anymore. Her deck of cards is crumbling.
Will be interesting to see how underfunded the State Pension will be on 6/30 with the poor stock market performance.
Wow Cynical just can’t stop lying. So in one place he says Bush isn’t responsible for a recession that is HAPPENING NOW and in another he says that the POSSIBLE, PROJECTED financial problems are a threat to CG. Really Cynical? Is that the best you have? Then get used to four more years asshole.
Washington is in great shape compared with most states. And you’ll have trouble selling your lies to anyone who has an IQ bigger than their shoe size.
Washington is a great place to be. Look at the stats on republican states like Mississippi, Alabama, etc. Is that the kind of government you want Cynical? Pack up your Yugo, empty your double wide and get the fuck up the road then.
Maybe since people are moving to Washington State in droves, and construction is still booming, the state has increased it’s workforce. Just guessing here.
It also takes a lot of money to make up for the help we “used to get” from the Federal Government, that seems to only want to pay defense contractors, and pay for nothing else.
Since the conservatives want smaller government at any cost I have an idea. All the flood victims in Illinois, and Iowa can put on their applications for assistance if they are conservative or not. If they say they are cons, they get nothing. Just what they want.
“Washington has lagged the rest of the Nation….but is not immune.”
Yes, who can escape the wrath of the Republican President’s incredibly naive fiscal policies?
#12 I guess Jeb Bush, and Katherine Harris kicking tens of thousands of legitimate minority voters (thousands of them vets) off the rolls in Florida should be ignored right Piddly? How about keeping millions of Americans abroad from voting? You know. The ones that overwhelmingly vote for Democrats. The GOP survives on election fraud. Too bad 1/3 of their voters have left their party….. Too bad for them. Good for America.
I haven’t even mentioned Ohio, or for that matter Siegelman getting a 3,000 vote switch in Alabama in the dead of night. Look it up.
Anyone that thinks Republiconvicts can lead our state, or our nation belongs in a straight jacket. Anyone that helps Republiconvicts get elected belongs behind bars.
Rossi supporters have no problem with lying, whining, or having an asshole in charge. What would sink him forever is for him to appear weak as well. Maybe he’ll be so buried in PDC complaints that all of his time will go to defending those then to actual lyi–I mean, campaigning.
I’m not an accountant, but it seems as though a state shortfall might have something to do with the feds slashing funding on that level so that they can make the down payment on the debt for the war and spending spree that is on the next generation’s credit card. It would be like the employer cutting your pay 10%, and then telling you that you’re fiscally irresponsible because you have 10% less money. You know, just a thought from a lowly, um, voter.
Richard Pope called you out on getting the law wrong. Please salvage your reputation by admitting you are wrong…in an update. Anything less would suggest you hold yourself to a lower standard than you hold others to.
Fuck @36 Goldy – you don’t have to respond to inbred trolls from the right.
The PuddyBitch who thinks Republicans are his “friends” is just NOT fucking paying attention.
Which party continuously blocked and continues to block civil rights and votong rights legislation? Which party’s President and Administration allowed an ENTIRE AMERICAN CITY to be destroyed in the aftermaath of a catastrophic natual disaster? Which political party infamously declared that New Orleans didn’t matter because it was “too black”? When conservative racist southern Democrats bolted the party after thee implementation of Civil Rights Legislation…which political party made these racist feel at home.
Which political party began the electoral strategy using race to divide the elctorate (hint: 1972, Lee Atwater)….which party used the CIA (and Ollie North’s South american buddies) to flood black neighborhoods with cocaine?
Go ahead dumbshit…be a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. Dems aren’t perfect but all you get from republicans are “Uncle Tom”‘s like J.C.Watts and Lynn Swann and whacked out nutjobs like Alan Keyes, Michael Steele, and the incomprehensible Clarence Thomas.
There are really outstanding Black legislators in the Democratic Party. Most recently, the outstanding Donna Edwards in Maryland.
How about John Conyers, Charlie Rangel and the other THIRTY-NINE or so Black Members of the United States House of Representatives…ALL DEMOCRATS (that doesn’t TELL you something? Not ONE Republican???)!! Oh…and that Obama guy….
Off topic, but when has that ever mattered here….
Okay, its still early, only FIVE more months to go in this campaign (sigh). But under what electoral college analysis can the Republicans expect to win in November if they lose Ohio, Florida, and Pennsylvania??????
Where do I send my contribution?
@7 “Common perception state-wide is that King County DID throw the election to the Dems through less than legal means.”
No, only among the gullible fools in the thinly-populated red counties who are easy pickings for GOP propaganda.
Anyone will half a brain understands that where there’s no smoke, there’s no fire, and when your side spends $2 million on lawyers and two weeks presenting evidence to a hand-picked Republican judge in the state’s reddest county and you end up with 4 less votes than you started with, something is missing from your story line.
Like facts. Reality. Proof.
The smart people in this state all realize that GOP claims of a “stolen” election are hot air.
We need a PayPal account and link.
@8 Well, I don’t see a problem with that, Richard. We’ll put up the billboard and sign it, “Sponsored by individual donations from the usual gang of liberals at HorsesAss.”
@9 “You KLOWNS are pathetic! I thought your platform was to take the high road & be ethical??”
No, we behave like your side now.
@18 Now you’re clicking, puddy! For once, you actually got an insight into something. We’re going to use Rossi’s own advertising against him! Is that brilliant, or what?
@39 What’s really fun is Obama’s 50-state strategy. That doesn’t mean he can win all 50 states, of course. It simply means he has a lot more money than McCain, so he can force McCain to burn his campaign cash defending red states, leaving him little or nothing to fight with in purple states.
Obama could take this by 100 electoral votes.
That’s the first time I’ve seen Obama ahead in polling in Florida. He’s starting to really take off.
When this election is over, we should kick the Confederate states out of the Union, so no Republican will ever win the White House again.
Perhaps the illegitimate Queen can have her own giant billboards too, paid for by the tribes. Then again, that may cause horendous traffic accidents, drivers being distracted by her ugly mug. But wait, there’s nothing fishy about their deal right? Time to answer up Crissy, we’re all waiting for your “spin” on this immorality.
The best you LEFTISTS can do is blame Bush for everything. I’ve never been a Bush Fan when it comes to his economic policies. Bush is a dipshit on his borrow-and-squander approach.
However, Gregoire is responsible for Washington State. Boeing gets plenty of Fed $$.
We have Military bases here that take in Fed money.
We have Farmers getting Fed money.
I doubt Washington State is a net loser when it comes to Fed benefits.
Most folks posting on this Blog are tired of costly over-reaching government at all levels.
Need to get all these career bureaucrats out of Washington State.
Being a huge Port State in a time of massive importing of goods has benefitted Washington State coffers immensely. Ironic that imports have cost this Country manufacturing jobs but created high-oaying Union Port jobs.
If you cut imports in half–
what would happen to the Washington Economy?
What would happen to tax revenues, including Gas Tax?
Have you noticed how many trucks roll across this State?
Many interesting issues to debate.
If we can only restrain ourselves from using the F-word so much and engage in an honest debate.
Richard – apparently underfunding the state pension plans passes constitutional muster, but in the big picture it still means deficit spending is happening. But you can’t NOT reward the teacher’s union, when they paid for your campaign… so bigger, yet underfunded pensions
Back on Topic;
The Republicans seem to be getting burned a lot lately because they have always had one message they give to their “base”, and another they present to the public. But in an era where there are video cameras and tape recorders everywhere, and YouTube or blogs such as this one to post a candidate’s comments for the entire world to see, it’s getting much more difficult for them to do that. Just ask that ex-Senator from Virginia, who thought it was funny to call a person a monkey in front of a “friendly” audience.
That’s why most of the Republican fundraisers in the Seattle area over the past two years have been invitation-only events at private homes in Medina – I suspect even those friendly audiences are told to leave their video cameras at home.
So it’s getting a lot harder for Rossi & McCain supporters to say one thing east of the mountains (“…well, you know, you can’t vote for Obama because he’s BLACK, if you haven’t noticed, and he’s a Muslim besides….”) and completely opposite things west of the mountains.
McCain has even bigger problems – the current slide shows comparing his current statements with those he’s made previously offer the prospect that McCain could have a presidential debate with … himself.
The Republicans are having a harder time with Gregoire & Obama. Gregoire has been pretty consistent. One of her drawbacks is that she isn’t a dynamic campaigner, but that also means she’s carefull doesn’t make many mistakes when she speaks. She seldom speaks off the cuff, anyway. With Obama, the downside for the Republicans regarding his “lack of experience” (as they allege) is that he doesn’t have as long a record of public comments which they can use against him (as can easily be done with McCain). Instead, they are having to dig up every tape of every speaker who ever attended Obama’s church, and try to smear him with third-hand innuendo. If that’s the best they can do, then this election is already over.
@38 – yo Rujax, Iowa will have suffered more flooding for a longer period than New Orleans when this current flood is over. They will pick themselves up and get on with life and NOT be living in FEMA trailers 4 years from now. Most of New Orleans wounds were self-inflicted.
King County Election: Vote early and often!
@48 – Nice Roger – I don’t question your patriotism, I just wonder who it’s for exactly?
Instead, they are having to dig up every tape of every speaker who ever attended Obama’s church, and try to smear him with third-hand innuendo. If that’s the best they can do, then this election is already over.
That, and making up the existence of tapes where Michelle Obama refers to ‘whitey.’
Re Rossi: Hell, the guy lives west of the Cascade curtain, but he’s a Republican, so you can’t expect that he wouldn’t slander his neighbors in order to kiss conservative ass on the east side of the state. Dood, there’s a reason that the Seattle metropolitan area has a lot of political clout in this state – a large percentage of the PEOPLE in the state actually LIVE HERE. What a typical Republican whiny-ass titty bitch.
Let’s deconstruct some of Cynical’s comments @ 50:
This is a blatantly false statement (actually, a combination of them) disguising itself as a fact.
“Most folks on this blog” is not a majority consisting of Cynical and Puddy spending the entire day making multiple posts. (Are they professional Republican operatives working on the “Astroturf” campaign? one has to wonder). In fact, most folks read this blog without ever posting, so you are in no position to know what they think. Since this is a liberal blog, I suspect that most people who read this blog are NOT neo-con Republicans.
Well, I’m tired of the Bush Administration, with the support of the former Republican Congress, of subverting personal liberties by detention without trial or habeous corpus, warrentless wiretaps, subversion of the Justice Dept. for political purposes, etc., etc. But I don’t think that’s what Cyncial was complaining about. I suspect he’s complaining about environmental regulation. Is the BIAW paying him to sit at a computer all day and make these posts? There seems to be a similarity in writing styles between their newsletters and Cynical’s posts.
“…at all levels….”
This is a deceptive Republican strategy to deflect blame and anger focused against the Bush administration and the previous Republican Congress, and imply that somehow the current Democratic Congress, as well as Democrats at every level of government, must share that blame. It’s a blatantly false tie-in, similar to their attempt to hijack voter’s desire for “change” away from the Republicans Party, and instead use it against the recent Democratic Congress or local Democrats – the very ones who have been fighting for change for most of this decade. Why should I want to change my state government, when all objective indicators show that it is one of the most cost-efficient and best-managed state governments in the country????
Roger @ 48: I understand your sentiments, but gee, Roger, didn’t we have a war to KEEP them in the Union? Lots of men died on boths sides fighting over that argument, it seems a bit late to change course on that.
Personally, I think the South is beginning to be ripe for some conversion. The Republicans milked the working-white vote for years by using fear and division – fear of blacks taking their jobs, and making fun of Democrats as “Ivy-league elitists” who don’t have common sense.
But the past few years have been an eye-opener for them. The wasteful spending of the Bush adminstrtion and the previous Republican Congress (2000-2006) really goes against their “fiscal & personal responsibility” values. The moral scandals involving Republicans over the past couple of years has revealed them to have been playing them, and their Evangelical faith, for fools. And nothing pisses off a southern working man or woman like somebody making him look foolish.
Jim Webb is a great example – a Marine and proud defender of his Scots-Irish “redneck” roots, he has undergone a conversion from being Reagan’s Secty of the Navy to being one of the Democratic Senators from Virginia. I think if the Democrats are carefull with what they do after the 2008 elections, the South could be voting Democratic pretty solidly again.
@27 “What are MY interests?”
Promoting and enabling fascism in America? Just a guess.
What is it about the mere fact of Chris Gregoire making a decision about gambling that happens to benefit some Indian tribes, and their subsequent legal campaign donations to the State Democratic Party, that has everyone’s panties in a knot?
If you’ve got tapes or e-mails of a conspiracy here, or even a witness to relevant conversations, produce them. If you don’t, then there’s nothing going on here. Certainly nothing any different from the BIAW creating fron organizations to run hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ads attacking Chris Gregoire for Rossi’s benefit.
It’s all totally above board. Despite your fevered imaginings, it doesn’t take a conspiracy for Indian tribes to figure out that supporting Democrats, who tend to favor their interests, helps them more than supporting Republicans, who fiercely oppose their interests. Duh.
These are the rules we have, and it’s how the campaign wil be played. If you don’t like it, change the rules.
Richard Pope….
I agree that one does not have to include the paid for line on a yard sign, but this in no way exempts the funder of the signs from reporting the campaign expense or in kind donation.
We all know that if Rossi did not buy the signs through the campaign that he knows who paid for them. “Friends” like a candidate to know that they are friends after all.
So if they constitute an in kind donation from the party and were not reported and Rossi knows about it, then both the party and Rossi campaign are in violation of PDC law. And if the BIAW, for instance, paid for the signs I expect the cost would put them over the legal limit unless it could qualify as an independent expenditure. In the latter case they would be in violation for not reporting the expense.
But the core issue here is not what the sign says. Rather it is that these signs represent a supporters method of giving more to the campaign than the law allows. Rossi campaigns has used this method for a long time and this cycle you can see where his travel on private planes is undervalued or attributed to fake companies.
This guy is a crook in business and has always run his campaigns as a crook. He just can’t help himself.
Hmm, according to the Republicans, if the tribes “profited” from the compact with the State, and the tribes contributed to Gregoire’s campaign, then that in iteself is convincing evidence of corruption?
Maybe it’s time to review why Abrahamoff is in jail for trying to fleece the tribes for money which went into Republican coffers? Or Tom Delay’s forced resignation and pending trial for attempting to circumventing the campaign finance laws? Seems to be mountains and molehills, to me, at best.
Wouldn’t you think that after Abramahoff, the tribes would be willing to contribute toward Democratic candidates – at least they wouldn’t be collecting from, and representing, both sides of a dispute, as Abrahomoff did????
While we are at it, let’s use the Republican’s same analysis to consider Cheney’s involvement in pushing for the Iraq war, and the resultant billions of U.S. dollars given to Halliburton & KBR in no-bid contracts, of which Cheney probably retains an interest.
You people are fucking idiots. Goldy is playing you for suckers. He has you all worked up over A FUCKING YARD SIGN. If you had a quality higher education, like me, you would be stepping back from this and asking yourself, “What ISN’T Goldy saying?” “What ISN’T he talking about?” “What is he diverting our attention away from?”
He’s taking the heat off of our corrupt Governor, who isn’t just dissing Seattle on a yard sign. She’s dissing our constitution by trading favors to Indian Tribes for money to her party.
NEWSFLASH FOR TROLL! When a crook like Dino is out there seeking to become our governor, the fact that he breaks or bends every law aimed at his actions is information voters should have.
@63 “If you had a quality higher education, like me”
Proud of that home skoolin’ of yours, huh? Education? Thanks for the laugh.
If you were as smart and as patriotic as you claim to be, you’d be a liberal by now.
Where do you want to start?
Jan 26 when Bush, the 6 day-old Commander-in-Chief, who was briefed by President Clinton the USS Cole bombing and the war plans he had in place waiting on confirmation to execute those war plans. Then when the confirmation came from the CIA and the FBI he said “fuck it”?
On Bush’s first visit to NATO he listed the top 5 threats facing the West – none of which included al Qeada or bin Laden
Ignoring the Aug 6. PDB “bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States?
lyingshading the truth about Iraq and the need to go to war there?Not catching or killing bin Laden.
Not destroying al Qeada which is now stronger than it has been since any time after 9/11.
The economy?
Gas prices?
Doubling our national debt?
Squandering a federal surplus and making it the largest federal deficit in history?
Spying on Americans?
Getting rid of the Great Writ?
Approving of torture even though our first Commander-in-Chief said not to otherwise we are no better than our enemies?
Cutting VA benefits?
Hiding his own children from this war he created?
Where are Mitt Romney’s sons?
Where the FUCK do you want to start you butt-fucking RETARD!!
63 T
You don’t even have your talking points right. One would think that a “higher-educated” being such as yourself would be spreading that meme that Governor Gregoire “traded favors” to Indian Tribes in return for money FOR HER CAMPAIGN. Oooh, such an near miss for a smart feller like you.
But it’s OK, pal.
Dino Rossi does not believe that humans cause global warming, or even that increased carbon dioxide does so (which is why he loves the idea of building ever-more roads). He has opposed reducing greenhouse gas emissions by State government, and has opposed legislation making Washington state government a leader in clean energy consumption.
Dino Rossi campaigned against Initiative 120, which protects choice in our state. (Washington Law & Politics, April/May 2004; Spokesman Review, 12/10/03; New York Times, 4/22/04; File video)
Dino Rossi voted to allow insurance companies to discriminate against women by denying women coverage for birth control, even if they cover other prescription drugs like Viagra. (SB 5512,3/9/99; Seattle PI, 3/10/99)
DIno Rossi has consistently voted against reproductive health care for women in our state, particularly low income women. (SB 5465, 3/16/99; SB 5186, 3/9/01)
Dino Rossi was a sponsor of a bill seeking federal dollars to fund dangerous, non-scientific abstinence-only sex education in Washington public schools.(SB 5592; Seattle PI, 3/17/97; Seattle PI, 7/24/97; SB 5592, 3/15/97)
Dino Rossi backed an initiative to end affirmative action and backs President Bush’s proposals to limit stem cell research and write discrimination against same-sex couples into our constitution. (Seattle Times, 10/14/2004)
Bottom line?
Just like George Bush, Dino Rossi doesn’t support a woman’s right to choose
Just like George Bush, Dino Rossi still questions global warming
Just like George Bush, Dino Rossi sides with the special interests
Just like George Bush, Dino Rossi opposes stem cell research
Just like Geore Bush, Dino Rossi wants to cut more kids off healthcare
Go Goldy! Your little plot would force the MSM to report on the Rossi Posse’s illegal campaigning for once.
Troll @ 63: I’ll take Goldy’s attempts at distraction over your attempts to hijack the thread. If you think it’s so important, put up your own blog and then you can decide what you want to post there. But nobody would read it, would they? Or perhaps you don’t know how to do it. Therefore you are here, trying to cajole and insult people into following your train of thought, and ignore that of the author and owner of the website, and they whine that others aren’t following you in that quest to your satisfaction.
Oh, and my higher education is just fine, thank you. I’ve got a couple of college degrees from respected universities, I don’t need any more right now. I’ll let you know if I need any help from you in getting any further education, but I wouldn’t sit by the phone waiting for a call, if I were you.
rhp6033, I hate to break this to you but the Dem Primaries showed us who exactly uses race to divide and who the working class white people of the south vote for based on race alone.
But don’t let these facts get in the way of your self righteous prejudices.
@70 Of course Republicans use race to divide and weaken this nation, you silly goose. Party before country and all that.
The show me your critical thinking skills. As far as I can tell, you’re just a yes man for whatever Goldy writes.
Particle Man @ 61
There are numerous technical provisions of the campaign finance laws. If the state Republican Party (even though it is NOT the party Rossi “prefers” this year) wants to, it can give Rossi very substantial in-kind donations. Those would simply be reported on the next periodic C4 report schedules — due on July 10 for the period 06/01/08 to 06/30/08.
If the BIAW did this, they would have to either coordinate with Rossi on this matter or give the signs to Rossi’s campaign to be considered a contribution. Otherwise, it is an independent expenditure.
If the BIAW gives an in-kind contribution, only Rossi has to report this — on the next periodic C4 report schedules — due on July 10 for the period 06/01/08 to 06/30/08.
If the BIAW does this as an independent expenditure, then they have to report this, and I am not sure of the exact deadlines — but there would be some deadline (probably still in the future) to do so.
Hey PU how come you’re afraid to give me your address? Or are you just too busy sucking real veteran’s dicks to have time to show up?
As for Puddylink – like you, he’s a coward who didn’t show up TWICE. And I’ll be waiting for him (AND YOU) if you come Saturday.
Then again, you’d have to get permission from your parole officer and we’d have to find a place 500 feet from a school due to your conviction as a pedophile.
Show up if you have the stones. You’re wife will be there sucking my dick so stop by and say hi.
In post #38, Rujax describes Alan Keyes as a whacked out nut job.
Alan Keyes is both eloquent and intelligent … I think post #38 tells us more about Rujax, than it does about Alan Keyes.
Alan Keyes for President 2008 (Independent Candidate)
America’s Independent Party National Committee
Well looks like Ol’ “savvy” really isn’t and is a whacked out nut-job himself…who knew?
Oh…and HOW ‘BOUT that Obama guy?
(“savvy” you effing dumbass)
Do Metro Transit instead of a billboard. You can zone the downtown area and get more eyeballs than a billboard. Most of the billboards are not in the heavily traveled areas of Seattle. You can probably get 10 bus ads on the back of the buses for less than 1 billboard.
As a very proud member of one of washingtons largest tribes, I am doing all I can to reelect the governor. Rossi would be a disaster to all Native Americans. Gregoire has given us advantages over non-indians that we should have always had. But we are not satisfied. Only one tribe is allowed to sell gas without collecting the 36 cents a gallon gas tax. THAT WILL CHANGE! Only 2 tribes have been allowed to open casinos in locations not on Indian land. THAT WILL CHANGE! We will open casinos whereever we Damn well want.
As sovereign nations will will DEMAND the right to do what we want, without permission from Whitey.
Please contribute:
Savvy @ 80
Alan Keyes wants to run for President? Why don’t you run him in this state under the banner of the “G.O.P. Party”, instead of the “America’s Independent Party”? Since Dino Rossi decided to bolt from the “Republican Party” in favor of the “G.O.P. Party”, it would be nice for him to have a presidential candidate heading up the ticket of his new party (assuming he makes it past the Top Two primary).
Um, is it slander if it is true? There was one stolen election in 2004 and the person responsible is Ron Sims.
Wow! What a bunch of Spew!!!
Hey Goldy. Guess what: Dead people don’t vote!