For months now, pundits have been trying to explain Donald Trump.
“He’s not serious,” we heard in the early days of the campaign.
“He’s a Clinton plant,” some right-wing insiders have declared.
Following his “ban Muslims from entering the U.S.” statement, some have claimed Trump is trying to stir up feelings of oppression among one fifth of the world’s population in order to catalyze world-wide Islamic jihad.
The Truth is out there…and Jeb!™ knows the truth. During last night’s G.O.P. debate, he made a startling revelation:
So Donald, you know, is great at the one-liners, but he’s a KAOS candidate, and he’d be a KAOS President.
That explains it! It all makes sense now: totally serious, not a Clinton plant, not a jihad-enabler.
Trump is running for President of KAOS. It all makes sense now.
Donald Trump for President…of KAOS!
Mr. Trump would totally be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency of KAOS.
Nominating Hitler for chancellor looked like a good strategy to the opposition until he won.
Another GOP talking point gets blown to smithereens:
“FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday that San Bernardino shooters Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik did not post jihadist messages on Facebook before she came to the United States. … ‘We have found no evidence of a posting on social media by either of them at that period of time or thereafter reflecting their commitment to jihad or to martyrdom,’ he said, calling reports to the contrary ‘a garble.'”
Republicans want private charities, not government, to be responsible for social needs. Here’s a sampling of what such a world might look like:
“A Kentucky homeless shelter said that it has banned all women and children in an effort to stop them from having sex with male residents. Emergency Christian Ministries Director Billy Woodward told WYMT that he had to put a stop to the ‘sex problem.’ … Emergency Christian Ministries forced up to a dozen women to leave, according to WYMT. It was not immediately clear if the women had been able to relocate because Emergency Christian Ministries is the only shelter for the homeless in Williamsburg. A female-only KCEOC shelter in Gray, Kentucky was reportedly accepting women. However, that shelter is a 40 minute drive from Williamsburg.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sounds very Muslimy to me — you know, if a woman is raped, the man goes free and she’s stoned for adultery. How can we be sure this preacher isn’t running a mosque?
Meanwhile, if I were a homeless woman with kids in Kentucky, I’d rather depend on the government for aid than some religious fanatic running a shelter that locks out the “ungodly” and leaves them to freeze on the wintry streets.
@3 those dirty heterosexuals.
This is KAOS! Ve don’t “thppppt” at KAOS!
More like Emperor of Turds.
Damn. They got to him. They got to Comey.
Those bastards.
Puddy as our vocal Christian , did the private Christian homeless shelter do the right thing?
Another GOP talking point gets blown to smithereens:
This was carried in every libtard paper. Not a Republican talking point moronic TURD Roger senile!
PuddyCommentariat: Boom shaka-laka!
PuddyCommentariat: DAYUM you are stoooooooopid!
Sux to be Roger senile! Senile yesterday, senile today, and senile forever in the future!
And the babbling jackass troll repeated it like a good little tool..
The most credulous, the most stupid of trolls
It really sucks to be a Republican right now:
“Who would be a more dangerous president: Donald Trump or Ted Cruz? This ghastly parlor game lacks a satisfying answer; either would be toxic for America. That the question is not fanciful makes it all the more terrifying.
“Trump’s deficiencies are evident, increasingly so. He is a demagogue and a bully. He lacks both preparation for the office and ideological convictions. He has thought deeply about nothing, except how to promote Donald J. Trump. … [He] craves adulation; poll numbers are his crack. …
“Cruz is a different, and in many ways more dangerous, character. Where Trump is emotional and impulsive, the first-term Texas senator is contained and methodical. … Where Trump needs the ego balm of adoring masses, Cruz couldn’t care less what others think of him …. Just ask the Senate colleagues who join in remarkable, scarcely contained bipartisan loathing of the man. … Cruz simply wants to amass, and exercise, power. … Cruz is by far the more doctrinaire and ideologically extreme.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Dangerous — that’s the term serious journalists use to describe the GOP’s two front-running candidates. One is irresponsible, the other is ruthless. And GOP voters are flocking to them like flies to shit. Carly Fiorina is half-right about one thing, even though she lies about everything else: Half of this country — the Republican half; the populace she panders to — has no character anymore. The current polls make this abundantly clear. And Puddy is one of the loudest flies buzzing over the turds.
Bssst! Bssst! Bssst! Bssst! Bssssssssssssssst!
Comey has been turned. And a sly one he is.
Obviously Comey’s statements on Wednesday disavowing the social media terrorism reports are part of a vast, Soviet style disinformation campaign to hasten the takeover by the Islamo-fascist-Kenyan-usurper-Socialist-dictatorship conspiracy of hippies. He is but one of many infiltrators. Enemies from within.
Ted Cruz has in his hand a list of names.
8 i know thats not a fair question of puddy, if he says no, then he’s admitting that some conservative Christians are wrong, and if he agrees, then he’s publicly admitted he’s no better than the taliban.
@12 I’ll bet he’s the guy who leaked the Enigma codes to the British, too.
Reading this article almost convinces me that Trump’s popularity with the GOP rank-and-file will hold up, and he’ll be the nominee:
“Growing talk of a ‘brokered convention’ misses the essential fact of GOP politics today. A significant majority of Republican voters in next year’s presidential primaries and caucuses will almost certainly feel an intense antipathy toward the insider power brokers and large corporate-oriented donors who run the GOP establishment today. …
“To dramatize the magnitude of the ascendance of the anti-establishment wing of the GOP, consider the new Washington Post/ABC News poll released Tuesday. In this survey, support for Trump stands at 38 percent, support for Cruz stands at 15 percent and support for Carson stands at 12 percent. This poll puts the net percentage for these three vehemently anti-establishment Republican candidates at a whopping 65 percent — not to mention the turnout advantage that probably exists for them because of the intensity of opinion of their supporters.”
And the best part is this:
“The potential nightmare for the GOP establishment is compounded by a second fact, one whose importance is dramatically underestimated by political analysts and the media: The political views of anti-establishment GOP voters and candidates are dramatically out of touch with mainstream America. A runaway convention taken over by anti-establishment delegates would create high odds of a dramatic Election Day victory by Hillary Clinton large enough to return control of the Senate, and potentially the House, to Democrats. … The very reasons that make Trump popular in the GOP make him likely to lose in a landslide to Clinton, according to polls. Ditto Cruz.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s often written that Republican voters keep voting against their own self-interest. This is usually attributed to the GOP’s success at exploiting “wedge” issues. But time may be running out on this game. These voters know they’re being screwed, and they have a pretty good idea of who’s screwing them. The Kochs and Adelson may be well advised to keep their wallets shut, because trying to buy control of the party and candidates may piss off these voters even more. In 2012, initiatives to raise the minimum wage were on the ballot in four red states; and despite opposition from business, passed in all four states. That was a warning shot over the GOP establishment’s bow; today’s typical Republican voter feels besieged and has no love for bankers, billionaires, Wall Street, or K Street. The latter have lost control of the party they thought they owned and now its rank-and-file are turning on them like packs of rabid dogs. Hell hath no fury like people who feel betrayed …
The moronic twit @8,
Your worn out commentary is usually skipped by Puddy. So what are you babbling about?
Another fascinating aspect of this race is this: If Trump and Cruz are to be stopped, who’s going to stop them? All eyes are on Rubio, but he doesn’t look like a bullet with much stopping power. Who else is there? Jeb! is at 3%, so is Kasich, and Christie’s recent surge is more ripple than tsunami. If Cruz wins Iowa and Trump wins New Hampshire, it’s likely a two-man race, because “the GOP has never nominated a guy who lost both Iowa and New Hampshire.” The GOP establishment could be frozen out of this race by February.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump has led the GOP polls for five months and just keeps soaring higher and getting stronger; unless that changes drastically in the early primaries and caucuses, he’s going to be their nominee, and the party establishment will have to suck on it. We’re witnessing nothing less than a political earthquake inside the GOP, and the GOP will never be the same again.
@16 He responded to @3. What’s it to ya? No business of yours.
Looks like Christie wouldn’t win his own state in a general election.
Raw Story Roger senile? They are as credible as Daily Kooks Markook Moulitsas on the San Bernadino shooting.
Trump Gains Key Endorsement
Now that Putin has endorsed Trump for president, the hair should rise even further in U.S. polls.
@20 This from a parrot who regularly squawks the Moonie Times.
I find it very interesting how, from very early on when the evangelical coalition fronted by the Family Research Council began balloting to choose which Republican they would back, they eliminated Carson from consideration. Even before their Nov. 30th meeting Carson was out of the running with this group. Which is strange, considering how Carson was polling at the time. That Trump was out early is no big surprise. He’s just not one of them. He may not even be religious in the conventional sense, which is all that matters to these folks.
But Carson is full-on crazy with the faith, baby. Literal truth of the bible, hates reproductive medicine and gays, denies science, etc. Firing on all cylinders. Better even than Rubio, for sure.
And yet, Carson was out early, even as he was polling way, waaaay, ahead of the field (minus Trump, of course). Huck and Santorum, I get. Huck at the time was polling in the low threes, and Santorum not even registering. But compared to Rubio and Cruz, Carson was a big hit with evangelical voters, and plenty of mainstream(ish) primary voters too. At the time of their first balloting, Carson was coming down off his high of being the only candidate to best Trump with numbers in the mid 20s while Rubio and Cruz were single digit. At that point in time, he was the only horse in the race with a proven ability to outrun Trump, and he’s a full-on religious nut. Seems like he’d be just the guy for the group to back.
So I wonder what exactly it is about Carson that makes these influential evangelical leaders doubt his ability to win the nomination and go on to success in November.
Must be something. Just can’t figure out what.
Vlad Putin is Trump’s kind of guy even though he invades countries and kills journalists and political opponents.
“… MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough asked Trump whether he’d considered the brutality of Putin’s tactics. Scarborough pointed out that Putin ‘is also a person who kills journalists, political opponents, and invades countries. Obviously that would be a concern, would it not?’ Trump responded, ‘He’s running his country, and at least he’s a leader, unlike what we have in this country.'”
Now we know what Trump’s idea of leadership is …