The first presidential debate will take place Monday between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There are a few liberal debate-watching parties you might want to join. Here are the ones I know about:
- The Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally and will host a party from 6-8pm at our regular venue, the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. You’ll find us in the small room at the back of the tavern.
- A debate-watching party, hosted by The Ave, will happen in Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood at the Hotel-Hotel bar, 3517 Fremont Ave N, Seattle. The program features guest and commentator Joe Pakootas, congressional candidate for E Washington and Chief of the Colville nation.
- KUOW Public Radio and Humanities Washington will have a debate-watching party, hosted by Ross Reynolds and Zaki Barak Hamid at the Naked City Brewery and Taphouse, 6564 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle
- The Tacoma Chaper of Drinking Liberally will host a debate watching party starting at 5:30 PM at the Tacoma Parkway Tavern, 313 N I St #1, Tacoma
- The Yakima Chapter of Drinking Liberally will host a potluck & BYOB Watch Party for the presidential debate. The Party starts at 5:15pm at the Strader’s residence, 10 N. 45th Ave., Yakima. Please RSVP Rob at 509-728-4188.
- Portland Monthly is hosting a Presidential Debate Bingo event during the first debate. Some folks from the Vancouver, WA chapter of Drinking Liberally will be there. The event will be at the Lagunitas Community Room, 237 NE Broadway, Suite 300, Portland, OR
And on Tuesday, plan on joining us for our regularly-scheduled Drinking Liberally. We meet every Tuesday at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. We start around 8:00pm.
Can’t make it to Seattle on Tuesday? Check out one of the other DL meetings this week. On Tuesday, the Tri-Cities chapter also meets. On Wednesday, the Burien and North Spokane chapters meet. The Woodinville chapter meets on Thursday. And the following Monday, the Yakima and South Bellevue chapters meet.
There are 185 chapters of Living Liberally, including twenty in Washington state, three in Oregon and one in Idaho. Find, or go out and start, a chapter near you.
After months of lying, race baiting, and strutting, this pied piper is almost tied with Hillary in the polls. Shows you what can happen to a country that neglects mental health care.
There is a rumor that Donald Trump while in military school got a tramp stamp that he is owned by god. It’s possible that Hilliary being a American politician also has one. When god comes up during the debates will the moderator take a stand and demand that the candidates show their tramp stamps!!!!
@1 Hmmm kinda like the Gipper in 1980. RR are you having flashbacks to those debates too? No way that Ronald Reagan fellow ever should have become President. Not qualified. A cowboy. Not presidential. How did that work out?
I hope Hilliary is not going to completely try the policy wonk thing it didn’t fly in that election and won’t fly in this one. She needs to make a human connection. Something Trump as unliked as his is able to do. He’s going to take the road that the leader is into the big picture, and well he has gotten that leader thing right more than a few times this election.
So in the event that folks get to actually say Donald Trump please remember most of you will not make good on the threats of running away to Canada. After the first million American refugees they will shut down the border. After the first 100,000 Mexico will shut down it’s border, and put it’s army on the border. Remember there is a better solution called rye whiskey try some out tomorrow night during the debates, no matter what candidate you support. (Oh yeah Jill and Gary won’t be there; talk about a corrupt rigged system; hey Trump is right) there is always rye whiskey.
Republican Gov. Pat McGrory’s notion of “balancing public trust” with “officer safety” is signing a law that means the public will NEVER get to see police dash-cam and body-cam videos. Cops 1, Public 0.
Mark Adams @ 3,
“…most of you will not make good on the threats of running away to Canada”
My guess is that folks won’t “make good” on that “threat” because they didn’t make that “threat.”
I honestly can’t really tell when this sock puppet is drunk. But I think it might be.
I’m expecting Hillary to lose this debate for the same reasons Al Gore lost his debates to Bush: appropriate derision. I’m also expecting Trump to find a way to back out of the rest of the debates.
Once again the Oregon moron decides that a leftist isn’t leftist enough, it strikes and the commentary is H I L A R I O U S! Mark Adams is almost as left as the Oregon moron butt that is not enough for HA’s most ignominious moron!
Mark Adams is one of the more sane leftists here and the Oregon moron attributes his saneness to being inebriated!
Ahhh yes the double post with the editable one first. Watch QPPS’ head explode!
Once again the Oregon moron decides that a leftist isn’t leftist enough, it strikes and the commentary is H I L A R I O U S! Mark Adams is almost as left as the Oregon moron butt that is not enough for HA’s most ignominious moron!
Maybe the debate will center around that Obummer redacted email pseudonym used on And we know that all presidential email is confidential from inception how will Careless Crooked Heilary explain that away? No wonder the FBI hid this information back in August!
Since the fish rots from the head (Pennsylvania Avenue) and it is summarily carried to 430 S Capitol St SE (Blabbermouth Schultzie’s old hangout), we now know in this case the smelly email fish stinks to high heavens! So HA DUMMOCRETINS the big question for tonight… “What did the president know and when did he know it?”
This particular Obummer presidential lie calls to question the entire James Comey FBI legal inquiry into the Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton server (and her Colin Powell lie)! Yeah, that important investigation whose credibility was femtometer thick in the first place and has now completely vanished with that Friday Night FBI dump! Trey Gowdy was right again and Elijah Cummings is just a real lapdog eating the horsesASS manure from 430 S Capitol St SE!
Gotta love it for the debate tonight! Maybe we’ll learn more on the Hillary Coverup Operation!
Jon Lovitz sez… Yeah, that’s the ticket!
Maybe Donald Trump will bring up this interesting timeline…
Willie Cigarman Clinton meets with AG Loretta Lynch Monday, June 27 at McCarron Airport Tarmac
The FBI interview is finally setup, with Careless Crooked Heilary Clinton at the FBI Headquarters in Washington that next Saturday morning July 2 during the July 4th HOLIDAY WEEKEND! STRANGE! Cheryl Mills is allowed to attend after gaining “Just us” (or is it Just Ice) Department immunity!
From the NY Times…
FBI Director Comey makes his strange and absolutely bizzare presser that not gonna do it Tuesday July 5, 2016!
That would be a great question to ask Careless Crooked Heilary!