Via The Spokesman–Review:
Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan, in a fundraising letter for his anti-tax efforts, called Washington Gov. Jay Inslee “a lying whore.”
Fagan, and his co-lying whores, accused Gov. Jay Inslee (D) of lying about vetoing “any tax increase”:
“Candidate Inslee repeatedly promised to veto any tax increase. He said no way to higher transportation taxes in 2013….What a lying whore he turned out to be. In recent weeks, he’s made it clear he’ll sign any tax increase the Legislature unilaterally imposes.”
Holy shit…there are a couple of lies in this brief excerpt alone!
Prior to accusing someone of lying about some action (like not vetoing a tax increase) one really ought to wait until they take the action that contradicts their words. Inslee has not signed any tax increases into law. It is possible that Fagan is a victim of childhood lead consumption and, therefore, doesn’t have the IQ to really understand this distinction (if so, I’d blame his father). However given that two other people signed the letter—his father, Jack Fagan, and admitted liar and initiative whore, Tim “Biggest Lie of My Life” Eyman, it seems more likely at least one of them was aware that Inslee has taken no such contrary action.
Fucking liars!
Secondly, Inslee did not promise to veto “any tax increase.” This is so easily debunked, that even The Seattle Times gets a piece of the action of making liars out of the Fagans and Eyman:
While running against GOP gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna last year, Inslee said, “I would veto anything that heads the wrong direction and the wrong direction is new taxes in the state of Washington.”
However, Inslee never ruled out increasing taxes for transportation and did say he supports sending a tax measure to the ballot to raise money for transportation.
He also has opposed new taxes, although he’s been open to extending existing taxes.
Man…what a bunch of Fucking Liars!
And given that Fagan was lying in order to raise money…that pretty much makes him and is co-liars LYING WHORES.
Fagan and his co-lying whores have even embarrassed the state Republican party:
“There is no question that’s beyond the pale and is uncalled for. No matter what the issue is, it’s uncalled for, and I would condemn such a thing,” GOP Chairman Kirby Wilbur said.
Eyman promises no apologies:
“Kirby Wilbur, thanks for the advice, but no he (Inslee) doesn’t deserve an apology,” Eyman said.
Queue the tearful, “Second biggest lie of my life” apology from the lying whore in three, two….
All Republicans are lying whores. Scum of the earth.
All Republicans are lying whores. Scum of the earth.
Bill Kabasenche, a Washington State University assistant philosophy professor who studies ethics, said the comments could make it difficult to work with Inslee and other state officials on issues affecting the city because they don’t foster good communication, which is important between politicians.
“I think it’s unethical in any case for one person to call another person ‘a lying whore,’ ” he said.
Ethical breaches seem to come ever more easily these days. Right here on this very site, 11:36 a.m.
@3. You whining about “Ethical Breeches” when you wont pay your bets, won’t live up to your promises. Typical.
And you spew, with two spelling/punctuation errors in your first sentence (pretty much your modus operandi), without informed knowledge of what took place, asswipe.
Hey, speaking of “lying whores”,
Serial RENEGER, you “lying whore”, you have not yet met your obligation to me with the wager you offered me and lost; Rmoney would beat Obama.
The election was decided months ago.
Stop spewing your hypocritical lying whore talking points and write a check in the amount of $1,000 payable to Northwest Harvest and mail it to Darryl today.
As a bonus, if you do what you should do, I will never call your lying whore reneging ass a “lying whore” here again.
Let’s compare sins.
I write too fast and misspell words.
You made a promise, then reneged when you lost and won’t write a check to Northwest Harvest.
Be honest, which is worse?
I’m totally surprised. I didn’t think it was possible to embarrass Republicans.
@7 No Time for Fascists,
You’re doing it all wrong.
You don’t admit you’ve made a mistake, you claim that because you spelled it correctly and punctuated correctly somehow else that it is the same thing. You just don’t got it. You’ll never be a reneging lying whore!
@ 9
Here’s the thing, MBS:
You’ve got a substantial portion of the commenters here calling me something having to do with me not making good on the bet, notwithstanding information provided to the pseudo-moderator of the bet, who wisely has gone silent.
You’ve already proven yourself a jerk subsequent to the last bet.
I’m really not materially harmed by what you’ve done, and I’ve got hard-copy proof that I paid off if I ever really felt the need to produce it.
So you’ve overplayed your hand. I have no reason to bet further with you when you’ve been such an asshole of a winner – a paid winner – the last time around.
The first rule of successful pool-sharking, MBS, is to not be so overbearing when you win your first game that you cause your mark to be unwilling to play further.
Too bad, actually. I do enjoy the occasional wager. And Northwest Harvest, no doubt, made good use of the payoff.
@10 Serial RENEGER and pitifully stupid,
No, you certainly do not. You lost to me.
Although I’ve been asking you for months “Did you or did you not send a check to Darryl in the amount of $1,000 payable to Northwest Harvest?”
You only replied last week “No, I did not. I agreed to the wager, not to the method of payment.”
You can weasel word all you like. As I’ve said, you’re a Serial RENEGER. You’re a Republican.
And per the criteria of Spokane City Councilman Mike Fagan you’re a Serial reneging lying whore.
And Serial RENEGER,
I know nothing about pool sharking, and I’m very confident neither do you. We can only guess with trepidation what fantasies go through your deranged mind when it comes to pool cues, but it ain’t a game of 9-ball.
Here’s the thing. Rather than just meeting your obligation and be done with it, you, just like the Republican party’s flip-flopping about the sequester, will gladly continue to spew your persecution complex about what a meanie I am for demanding you meet your obligation.
For you, and most of today’s so called conservative teabagging idiots, winning means not meeting your obligations to others.
Here’s a piece of advice for you, RENEGING Bob, look around the comment board; If you can’t see the sucker on this topic, you’re it.
@3 It’s okay for the Fagans to do it (you don’t criticize them), but not okay for Darryl to do it? I see …
@10 Too bad you have to lose a bet before you’ll make a tax-deductible donation to a food bank. Most people do it because they want to help the hungry.
Oh crap dude… They are all lying whores…
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@16 Take your spam and shove it up your ass where it belongs.