[In a fit of nostalgia (and laziness), I’m marking my remaining days here on HA by posting links to some of my favorite and most influential posts. If you have favorites you’d like to see, please let me know.]
05/16/2007: Falwell That Ends Well (or An Ode To The Mortal Majority)
Reverend Falwell, fond farewell:
Your soul has fled its mortal shell
And flown across the great divide
To savor at your Savior’s side.
Or so you think… um… so you thought,
Well, so, at least, your Bible taught,
While unbelievers who deny
Eternal afterlife, like I,
Think when you’re dead, well, you just die.But if, when I give up the fight,
I’m strangely drawn into the light?
And there your reverent form I see?
Don’t laugh sir, that the joke’s on me,
For since I’ve never claimed nor known
Your Savior Jesus as my own,
If you should meet this faithless Jew
In Heaven or in Hell’s review,
Well, either way… the joke’s on you.
Say what you will about my punditry, but I’d wager that there isn’t another political blogger in the nation, left or right, who is more skilled at writing rhyming verse. And yet, in my six years of blogging, this is the only vaguely political poem I’ve written. Huh.
Anyway, if you enjoyed this little bit of verse, be sure to check out my epics: “How the Kvetch Stole Chanukah” and “The Little Black Cat’s Big Catch.”
LOL. These are great!
I remember that you stated at one point that you had created riming software — but never made any money from it.
Is this an example of the product of the software
If a koan
makes you groan.
Is there knowledge?
Guess which state is the worst run? Guess which party runs it?
@4: Fine, but it seems to me that the root cause is the school of thought that seeks high services and low taxes based on pay as you go, which has been allowed to dominate mainstream political discourse.
It seems that no singular instance of fraud and abuse can’t rationalize the defunding of government in general, and no tax cut that the public is offered that it doesn’t like.
As a result, we have socialism for the rich, feeble and bankrupt government for the rest of us. We’ve all been played for fools by corporate interests and the rich.
4 – Great article. How I despise the right wing. They run everything they touch into the freaking ground.