Longtime CNN Baghdad correspondent Michael Ware blows apart McCain’s attempts to claim that the “Surge” was responsible for the drops in violence in Iraq.
The real reason for the reduction was from a willingness to engage in diplomacy with some of our enemies and by bringing insurgent leaders like Muqtada al-Sadr into the political process – things that the Bush Administration vehemently refuses to say they do, but are eventually forced to do by circumstance. Yet this fundamental flaw in how both Bush and McCain see the world and how it functions is still seen by many as an asset. America’s standing in the world will continue to diminish until we put people in charge who understand this flaw and work to fix it. This, more than anything, shapes my decision on November 4, and it’s not a tough call. Obama and Biden understand this stuff at a level that McCain, Palin, and the current folks in the White House just don’t reach.