While we’re slamming school officials, let’s take a little poke at Federal Way School Board Member Charles Hoff, who told an audience in State College, PA (not surprisingly the home of Penn State) that it had “a far better gene pool” than the district he represents. State College is a mostly white, middle to upper middle class community.
Hoff said that because of having several smaller high schools within the Federal Way school district, our test scores are among the highest in Washington State.
Instead of attributing this fact to more one-on-one attention, student’s efforts or stellar teachers, Hoff went on to make the argument that if Federal Way students can achieve high test scores while attending small high school, imagine what the sons and daughters who come from “a far better gene pool” would accomplish.
Since Hoff’s remark came to light, those familiar with Hoff’s views said that this remark was not uncharacteristic for Hoff.
Hmm. So Hoff is suggesting that the real solution to our educational problems is….?