Back in August, Democratic challenger Darcy Burner concluded her unprecedented $123,000 netroots fundraiser with an innovative, Internet town hall meeting on Iraq. Hundreds of concerned citizens from around the nation tuned in to the live stream that afternoon, to hear Burner announce her intention to work with military experts to develop a coherent plan for both pulling out of Iraq, and reconstructing that shattered nation in the absence of our armed forces. On Monday, March 17, Burner will present the fruits of her labor to the Take Back America conference in Washington D.C., along with an impressive group of military experts and fellow challengers.
Joining Burner at the unveiling of the Iraq strategy document will be Chellie Pingree (ME-1), Donna Edwards (MD-4), Jared Polis (CO-2), and Tom Perriello (VA-5). Eric Massa (NY-29), Larry Byrnes (FL-14) and George Fearing (WA-4) have also signed on to the plan, with many more to challengers come. It is an impressive and ambitious plan that calls for the sort of diplomatic and economic surge that the Bush administration has ignored for all too long. It is anything but “cut and run.”
One of the criticisms routinely launched at Burner is that she lacks the experience and accomplishments to recommend her to Congress… as if a prior legislative career was ever a prerequisite for higher office. But if this is the type of energy and leadership Burner displays as a mere candidate — bringing together retired generals and other military experts along with congressional challengers from across the nation on such a difficult and divisive issue — just imagine what we can expect from Burner as the congresswoman from Washington’s Eight District.