As Oregon US Senate candidate Jeff Merkley was recording this video explaining his reasons for signing on to the Responsible Plan for ending the war in Iraq, even more Democratic challengers were coming on board, including Faye Armitage (FL-07) and Cheryl Sabel (AL-02).
Meanwhile more national security experts are adding their public endorsement, including Rand Beers, a counterterrorism expert who served on the National Security Council under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush:
“The Democratic challengers that produced this responsible plan to end the war in Iraq prove that Democrats can successfully and responsibly discuss national security issues of the first order, and discuss them in ways that represent real solutions to the real problems that we face.”
But, then, what do a bunch of generals and national security experts know about this stuff compared to the man who took 18 years to catch the Green River Killer?
Update: Darcy Burner will be on KUOW (94.9 FM) at 1:50 pm today to discuss The Responsible Plan — Darryl