See, this is why I’m cautiously optimistic about Obama’s chances in November.
Not because Joe Biden is damn good. (And he is.) And not because it looks like we finally have a Democratic presidential campaign that’s willing to fight back hard. (And it looks like we do.) But in this election, all the issues are on our side, and it looks like this is one campaign cycle where the electorate actually cares about the issues.
With unemployment topping six percent and the misery index at a 17-year high… with the home equity piggybank that fueled our economy for much of the past eight years smashed on the hard rocks of reality… with stagnant wages unable to keep up with skyrocketing costs of food and fuel, let alone college tuition… with record high budget deficits, a record low dollar and a depleted military diminishing our power and influence abroad… with tens of millions of Americans struggling to maintain access to health care while tens of millions more have no access at all… I just think that voters are looking for a bit more of a substantive debate than they have the past couple cycles.
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe enough voters will once again fall for the Republicans’ relentless efforts to brand themselves as The Party of God. Maybe there are enough swing voters out there who think John McCain should be given the Oval Office as compensation for the years he spent in a Vietnamese prison. Maybe an irrational fear of terrorism is enough to hand our nation over to yet another warmongering administration.
But outside of the South… I don’t think so.