… keep in mind that while a few pissed off people with a penchant for breaking shit are completely irresistible for TeeVee news, so are prostitutes and strippers…

Prostitutes and Strippers Oh My!
KOMO just reported someone was arrested for not giving up their flag pole.
Dumbfuck progressives are looking real stupid in seattle now..
Hopefully they get the shit kicked out of them.
Awwwww.. Here comes our resident hateful racist @1. One wonders if his mommy was around to wipe his butt after he soiled himself at the sight of those mean old anarchists.
Jimmy?? Welcome to the HA comment threads..
A word of introduction perhaps?
Why isn’t ylb down there marching for illegal immigrant rights?
Oh wait, that would require the lazy no tax paying fool to actually crawl out of the basement….nevermind
@3 I’ll get to that. Just thought I’d enjoy the show before introductions. Then… let the poo fly! From hence on they will be affectionately called my “Zoo Monkeys”.
4 – Awww. There he is on his dumbphone. Tying one on at happy hour?
Not too much now… Nobody wants to share the road with a drunk.
Most strippers and prostitutes are single mothers just trying to make a living as best they can. The same can’t be said of TeeVee news readers and their producers.
@5 – Aaha! I think I know who you are. I won’t spoil it.
@5 – It will be great to have your perspective here.
If you are who I think you are then I share your opinion on Yakima. I like the Valley and the industries there in a general sort of way. But that town! Oh my!
What a piece of work, that town.
Btw, this idiot’s running as an R for the house in the 6th LD.
@1 Predictably, the very first post by a jackass troll tries to equate anarchists and progressives opposites …
Another Criminal Organization Is Being Brought To Heel
“Law enforcement sources have confirmed to NBC News that the U.S. Justice Department is conducting a wide-ranging investigation into Murdoch’s media empire, looking into allegations of bribes paid to officials in Russia and China as well as Scotland Yard police officers in the United Kingdom.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This investigation would never happen under a Republican administration. If Rmoney were president, Murdoch would be given a free hand to wiretap American citizens in the United States. This old fart belongs in jail. Or a nursing home.
@11 – Wingers hate everybody who’s not like them; and since they’re only capable of seeing the world in black and white, everyone who’s not like them are the same. Hence, in their moronic world, progressive = anarchist.
This is so old.
Every couple of years some group goes to down town Seattle and smashes up some shit. And every time the media gets all up in arms and spouts the exact same crap they spouted last time and people get upset and they say the same shit they said the last time. And nothing changes.
Nothing changes because the people that are in the streets smashing stuff are there smashing stuff because they’re estranged from society at large and have no power. They have no power because they’re crazy’s and pot heads and can’t work with other people. We’d be fools to give them any power.
Everything that got smashed was insured and will be replaced. The replacement price wont drive down anyone’s stock dividend by a single cent. The streets will be clean and clear by the morning and everything will go on just like it always does. Until Mayday 2015 when some kids get together, go to down town Seattle, and smash some shit.
So Rmoney’s criticising Obama for “politicizing” the killing of OBL while politicizing 9/11. You can’t make this shit up.
Fact: it was the Obama admin that put the focus and resources forward to kill OBL.
Fact: it was Obama that said, yes go in and get OBL.
Obama’s not politicizing anything, he’s just stating the facts.
I think it would be funny of one of the window smashers slipped, then slit his neck, and bled to death on the sidewalk. I would laugh.
I also think it would be funny if the police killed one of them.
@16 I don’t think that’s funny — you want someone to die for breaking glass? What kind of twisted psychopath are you? You’re certainly a charming jerk. Should they riot and break windows? No! Should they be arrested? Yes! But wishing death on someone for that? Is there anyone you rightwing nutjobs don’t want to kill?
@16 (continued) But don’t worry, your turn to be dead will come, sooner or later, one way or another. If your fellow humans don’t bump you off, Mother Nature will take care of you, bye and bye.
Don’t worry all, Owebamma will print a few trillion more to bail all of you progressives out of jail. Have a good life all! 15.7 trillion and counting, 1.2 trillion in mandatory government cuts Jan 1 2013, Bush tax cuts and payroll tax cuts ending, marriage penalty, capital gains and dividends all jumping through the ceiling.
Hope you all have a 2nd job in 2013.
How many innocent civilians are your drones going to kill today President Obama?
Obama is part of the 1%..he does their bidding. Anyone who supports Occupy but then advocates voting for the president is a hypocrite. And part of the reason why the 2 party system is destroying this country.
YD @ 19:
“…Hope you all have a 2nd job in 2013.”
I’ve had a second job since Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” in 1994. I’ve had a full-time job with overtime, a side business, AND a part-time job, during the Bush II years, until at the end my full-time job with overtime simply became a salaried job (lots of overtime, no overtime pay).
My wife had a full-time job and a side job until the 2002-2003 rescession, at which point she lost the full-time job, now she works part-time (30 hours or so a week) PLUS helping out in the family side business.
At one point in the early 2000’s my daughter was a full-time student with an athletic scholarship PLUS a side job. Currently she’s finishing up her college degree taking 12+ hours per quarter, along with a full-time job (35+ hours per week).
During the Bush II years my son was a full-time student with a full-time job. Now he merely works 60+ hours per week, but at least gets paid overtime. He is trying to go back to school along with work, but the overtime is making it difficult to schedule classes.
So for us, having me go back to a full-time job plus a part-time job would be a considerable improvement over the Republican’s vision. Their vision is simple: we work multiple jobs with no benefits and little pay under degrading conditions so they can live in multiple million-dollar mansions complaining that their 15% unearned tax rate is too high and needs to be lowered, then (maybe) they would consider letting us use a small portion of that money to shine their shoes.
# 17: He doesn’t necessarily want to see someone killed for breaking glass, In his delusional state, he equates all glass-breakers with minorities, all minorities with progressives, and all progressives with Democrats. This way, he figures he gets to kill them all, in order to re-make society closer to his his dream of an all-white male-dominated society. Much like that killer in Norway (or was it Sweden?), and the guy up in North Bend who ended up killing his family and dog and then trying to hide out in a survivalist bunker up in the hills.
@ 21
Have some cheese with your whine?
Whose job is it to provide benefits to your family in the ‘family side business’?
Your wife lost a job 9 years ago and it’s still worth bitching about?
Your daughter got free college money and now has to work for money? The free stuff didn’t go on forever?
Your son gets time-and-a-half for 20+ hours per week?
And the rest of us are supposed to commiserate with you?
Reality check. Every member of your family is employed. Your daughter is being educated Your son has been educated. You have a family business in addition to all those jobs.
Look around you and be thankful that your family is doing well. Be thankful that your daughter’s athletic prowess saved you some money a few years back. Write off all those expenses your family business permits you to deduct that most of us just pay out of pocket.
Oh. And stop whining.
Democrats throw bricks through the windows of the Mayor’s house.
You people amaze me.
23 – Oh Bob! You miss the point. You’ll always miss the point.
But we get yours. Oh my do we get yours.
Just be thankful you get something even if it’s increasingly looking like less than your parents got. And don’t punish the “job creators” like Mitt (R -Money) whatever you do. Hell they’re slicing and dicing operating businesses in a joyous process of “creative destruction” celebrated on right wing talk radio and the Sunday talking heads shows.
If you escape the temptation to punish the “job creators” you will surely be “trickled on” or “dumped on”… Whatever..
@ 25
Things shouldn’t ever change, right? And if things change they should change for the better, otherwise it’s going to be someone’s fault and someone will owe you something in return.
Demographic shifts so that there are more retirees and fewer workers now? Well, someone’s to blame. Has to be. We can’t make changes in what we provide due to changes in our reality and what’s coming in.
Let’s……… Let’s blame someone for it and tax someone else for it. Taxes are POPULAR when it’s someone else and not us paying for it.
It’s hard paying for that second car and that HBO Plus package that includes fast-streaming internet and that smartphone. It’s hard paying for that mango in January and that iPad 3.
Life is so much harder than it was when there was red meat on the table, a car with fins in the driveway, and a cigarette with an asbestos filter between everyone’s fingers. Someone must be to blame.
Whine, cheese.
The only whiney motherfucker here is YOU, shithead.
Where were YOU when the assholes passed the Medicare giveaway, started TWO illegal and unfunded wars and reduced tax rates to people making way, way, waaaaayyyy more that a clown like you can? Where were you when this resulted in a THREE TRILLION DOLLAR increase in the deficit and blew up the budget balance the Clinton Administration achieved.
Where the fuck were YOU???
Where the fuck were you when the Bushies and the Banksters deregulated the Financial sector to the degree that the WORLD FUCKING ECONOMY almost crashed.
Where was that pathetic piece of shit known as you?
@ 27
I was paying taxes at the highest marginal rate, paying 1.5 – 1.8% B&O, funding my employees’ retirement.
Same thing I’m doing now.
You guys bitch about how my rate has gone down since the tax cuts of a decade ago. And yet the taxes I pay keep going up. It’s why I don’t buy your argument that it’s my fault. I do my 60-65 hours, come home, and turn on the tube or fire up the laptop to find one of you guys saying I don’t pay my fair share.
Rujax, man up. No one owes you anything. We’re all better off than we were a decade ago. We’re definitely better off than we were a generation ago. It’s been an upward curve. You just can’t handle the bumps.
Why is it that a fuck like you would think that I am complaining about MY PERSONAL SITUATION?
I’m sure it’s because you are so fucking self-absorbed that it’s ALL about you?
Seniors in this country are disposessed and have no retirement and no value in the home they worked hard to pay for because of economic policies the benefitted only the richest of the land…
…and there are so many more examples.
Here’s a clue…I care less about myself than I care about the general welfare of the furture of my children and grand children and the future of the kids and grand kids in this country.
This austerity anti-tax austerity mania will cripple our future and actually destroy lives.
But for a selfish fuck like you, bobbeee-babeee…well it’s only about you, bobby-poo.
(or should I say: emperor max-minidick aka kaiser bun the first)
25 – Shorter Bob: Not my problem! Get off my lawn!
And I detect a bit of whine on your part as well.
Yes, your federal rate went down and yes State/Local has gone up somewhat (how much you don’t say) as it had to with declining support from the Feds and a shrinking economy.
Over 42000 factories closed since 2001 tends to do wonders for the tax base.
and 2 expensive wars, a costly new entitlement to buy votes and largess from Big Pharma.. You voted for it Bob!
29 – No way is Bob that racist prick..
That’s an utterly delusional statement. Who’s “we”???
15 percent of the population in this country are on FOOD STAMPS!
Record foreclosure rates…
Over 42000 factory closures since 2001?
These are “bumps”????
@ 32
Yes, bumps.
You are looking at 2012 vs 2007 and saying Woe is Me.
Look at life expectancy increases in the past 50 years. Past 100 years.
Look at what people on food stamps have. By and large they have things like refrigerators, TV, phone, internet in-residence or available, perhaps a vehicle. Now look at what they had 30 – 40 years ago.
It’s an upward curve. With bumps, but an upward curve. Factories close because of many things – consolidation, inefficiency reduction, outsourcing, obsolescence. If a machine does now what three men did before is it the responsibility of the employer or the government to ensure that those three men are just as well off as they were before the machine replaced them? Or does the employee bear some responsibility in staying current in what is happening around him/her as well, and preparing for obvious changes that will occur?
Yes, there are fewer factories, but vehicles are better made and last longer despite not having as much human labor involved. Someone’s fault? Really? That’s your argument?
The point “bob” is not that “bumps” happen, because they do…but that much of this current mess was caused by DELIBERATE MANIPULATION for the PERSONAL GAIN of a very few.
Right YLB…but this one’s bitching is reminiscent…
@ 34
Deliberate manipulation for the personal gain of a very few is World History, abbreviated version.
Like turning $1K into $100K in a month by investing in cattle futures despite no prior experience.
Or turning a box of slides alleging global warming into a huge cash cow and a Nobel Prize. Hundreds of ‘green’ companies now sucking at the government teat, illusions of jobs ‘created or saved’ by green technology. Until they aren’t. Jobs classified as ‘green’ which truly are far from it. Attempts to avoid bankruptcy until after the election.
I could go on but you get the point.
The housing markets were deliberately manipulated, don’t forget, but not by the people you want to be responsible. Common sense holds that some people are too stupid or too irresponsible to own. Not in Barney Frank’s world. Someone let AIG overleverage itself. Perhaps not intentionally but we might not know. AIG might actually come out whole but that doesn’t excuse what happened.
A big, scary bump, but a bump. We had Vietnam, got through it. We had Pearl Harbor, got through it.
No one said it was easy. I smacked down a guy for bitching about his wife’s job loss a decade ago, which is totally irrelevant. Jesus, I got fired once, in 1987. Is that relevant? No.
33 – 50, 100 years??? You’re blathering.
How about the last 30 or 40 years Bob when right wing policies in this country were ascendant?
2007 vs 2012?
15 percent of Americans are on food stamps NOW Bob. It’s only gone down slightly with the modest uptick in jobs created. Because? People still qualify? The newer jobs always pay crappy! And of course your beloved Republicans in the House want to cut food stamps. And cut your taxes to 25 percent. Oh and they also want to close some loopholes. They just won’t say which ones! Fuck! Not even the Raygun of 1986 could do that.
Bob. Look at the freaking Constitution.. “Promote the General Welfare”..
Yes it’s in the founding document Bob. You don’t have to be a socialist to conclude that our government is falling on its ass in that department letting too many of its citizens fall through the cracks. Factories closing down? Oh things will get better – they always do.. Record foreclosure/personal bankruptcies? Oh! These things happen. Couples have to work full time to have even a modest middle class life and their kids are raised in day care? Have some whine with your cheese!
Lots of debt due to 2 dubious wars started by Republicans? Mega corporations getting egregious subsidies, paying negative tax rates? Corporate welfare? Not my problem! Get off my lawn!
Vote Republican!
I’ve assumed that Bob is not my friend Max.
“Look at what people on food stamps have. By and large they have things like refrigerators, TV, phone, internet in-residence or available, perhaps a vehicle. Now look at what they had 30 – 40 years ago.”
Actually, Bob, plenty of the poor could have had things like a refrigerator, TV, a phone and maybe a car. I can look back to the 50’s when I was a kid on welfare and we had all but the car, as did everybody else in the projects. A few had cars. It might seem outrageous to you, but most of us also had old wringer-type washing machines as well. You’re right on one thing though, Bob, the poor of 30-40 years ago didn’t have internet access.
We can look back to the 50’s and taxes on the “job creators” were way higher and somehow we managed to have record economic growth and record growth of the middle class..
But the Bob’s of this world think their world is going to end if their tax rates go back to what they were under Bill Freaking Clinton.
Or some hedge fund freak paying the same tax rate as the office help.
2 expensive wars not paid for.. A major new entitlement not paid for.. Tax cuts not paid for..
Yes, there are people on food stamps. We actually go looking for those eligible to increase the number of people we can give them to (not that there’s anything wrong with that, I think we should be doing the same with S-CHIP):
Of those whose income was low enough to qualify, only 54 percent actually signed up in 2002, but that rose steadily to 72 percent by fiscal 2009, the latest USDA figures show.
USDA researchers said the jump in the participation rate happened because of actions by state governments. In a report released in August 2011, the Office of Research and Analysis said:
USDA: States have increased outreach to low-income households, implemented program simplifications, and streamlined application processes to make it easier for eligible individuals to apply for and receive SNAP [food stamp] benefits. Most States also have reduced the amount of information that recipients must report during their certification period to maintain their eligibility and benefit levels, making it easier for low-income households to participate.
When you actively seek to put more people on food stamps and the number (and percent) receiving them increases (college students, too, at least in some areas), it skews any effort to compare statistics over a time frame, like, say Bush v. Obama.
Yes, 14-15% are on food stamps.
And 47% pay no federal income tax at all, a significantly higher pecentage than existed previously.
“You are looking at 2012 vs 2007 and saying Woe is Me.”
For a laugh, I prefer to look at how wingnuts view 2012 versus 2007. An incompetent, bumbling idiot who trolls like to call Odumba and other infantile crap, is somehow successfully executing his decades-long, dastardly, well-schemed plan that was laid out before he was even born, to hand America over to Muslim terrorists. Or the commies. Or the brown hoard. Which boogey-man is it today?
I may not agree with my progressive friends on all things but at least they’ve got a fucking grip on reality. In this era of crazy fucking wingnuts, that’s common ground to treasure.
@ 40
That’s tax-paying wingnut to you, bub.
And is ‘Rmoney’ or ‘R-money’ any less infantile than ‘Odumba’?
For that matter, is ‘wingnut’ less infantile than ‘Odumba’?
I’m sorry, after noting the hypocrisy in your treatment of slurs used by the right and tolerance of those used by the left, including yourself, I failed to see if you had a point to make.
Because of what Bob? 42,400 factory closures over the last 10,11 years. Widespread layoffs in the service sector. Bankruptcies, foreclosures Nah!
What’s the solution? Tax the poor??? Of course that’s always the solution. Especially in this State.
I like your “bumps” argument now that I’ve thought about it. It’s that old time Andrew Carnegie style optimism. In the long run everything gets better and better..
Well Bob – in the long run – we are all dead!
@ 42
And to think I believed it was due to moves like lowering of the 15% tax rate to 10%, expansion of EITC, addition of other tax credits, and the beginning of the transition of baby boomers into retirement rather than wage-earning while more young adults attend college and enter the workforce at a later age.
Thanks for setting me straight on the real reason.
For you, YLB. Because I want to see your head explode:
“Girl, you must be an Obama entitlement program … because you are definitely raising my interest rate.”
I don’t give a fuck about you paying taxes, wingnut. After all, so do I. What the fuck would ever make you think that your tax dollar is so fucking special? Go to hell, wingnut.
@ 45
I assume you have no argument, since you’ve resorted to simple profanity and ad hominem.
I hope you get over that job loss suffered by your wife nearly a decade ago, since for some unexplained reason you felt it relevant to bring up today.
Bob @ 28:
For the vast majority of U.S. workers, that’s demonstrably not true. It will take years, if not a decade or so, for some workers to get back to the economic level they held at the end of the Clinton administration.
It IS true that things have been improving since President Obama took office, but we’ve got a long way to go to get back to the high levels of the end of the Clinton administration. The Bush II administration, along with it’s aiders and abetters (that would be you, Bob), dug an amazingly deep hole. It will take years to completely overcome the damage that was done.
But hey, thanks for playing, anyway. Be sure to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.
Wingnut arguments heard yesterday and today:
All vandals are progressives.
All progressives are liberal.
All liberals are Democrats.
Therefore all Democrats are vandals.
Democrats must not work, therefore Democrats need to get a job.
If Obama gets re-elected, Democrats will need two jobs.
(I argue that everyone in my family has held more than one job since the Bush administration…)
I should stop whining because we have a job.
Lack of linear logic, and circular reasoning, are lost on these wingnuts. Any time you try to reason with them they go off on one tangent or another. They tend to show up in pairs (or they are a single person attempting to pass themselves off as two or more people). They tend to show up a few months before each election. Which makes me think they are paid to disrupt this site with Karl Rove talking points of the day, for the purpose of disrupting this site. A check of the URL’s posting at various progressive webites would be interesting.
The end of the Clinton administration was a more than a decade ago.
March 2000 was the peak of the NASDAQ. Recall the burst of the Dot-Com bubble? Since then we’ve had 9/11 and all that followed it. 9/11 was more than a decade ago as well. NASDAQ is at about 60% of where it was in 2000. For good reason.
If you are bemoaning all those stocks that looked so rosy in your portfolio with the 195:1 PE ratios or the triple digit prices with no history of every earning anything back in 2000, yeah, you’re right, we won’t be there again for a long, long, long time.
You wistfully look back upon a time when people were flush with money made on stocks that had no underlying profits. It was a false economic boom.
Tell me, how is that market different from a housing market bubble built on other false assumptions?
43 – Groooan.. You keep cherry picking that 47 percent figure. You really seem to resent that for some reason. That really sticks.
Of course I see no solution. Do you dare say you like the Ryan plan? What a classic plan! Cut the rates, don’t say where you’ll close loopholes, increase defense spending, divide current medicare beneficiaries against their own kids, abolish ACA but don’t do a damn thing for people without health insurance, cut, cut, cut – 62 percent of the cuts comes from aid to the poor and the sick.
As for Paul Ryan himself?? What about the most despicable politician in the House can I say that I haven’t said already?
And next to Cantor, Boehner, Issa, King, Bachmann – that’s tough. But I still have to put Ryan over those creeps.
@ 50:
47% pay no Federal income taxes.
Depending on the poll, something like 60 – 70% support raising taxes (only) on the top 1%.
I am in the 1% and work long and hard to stay there. Why might I have a problem with so many people, who pay no federal taxes, polling in favor of raising my tax rate? Gee, I wonder why that might be.
Call it selfishness on my part; I don’t care. But in response, I believe it’s disingenuous for someone who pays no federal income taxes to say mine should be raised because I have more and they want more. It’s probably where ‘Get a job, hippie.’ got started.
I don’t have a problem with paying higher taxes, actually. But it should be an across-the-board increase. Shared sacrifice. Everyone should have skin in the game.
Once everyone is subject to higher taxation, the debate will get serious. People will start caring more about where the money goes when it comes out of their pocket as well.
Enjoy your day, YLB/Steve.
51 – Bob, bob, bob.. Open your eyes! Everyone has skin in the game! SSI, medicare, sales.. Are you a landlord Bob? Do you pay your property taxes with your receipts?
Nobody escapes death and taxes!
Yes it is SELFISH for those who have benefited the most from the right wing policies of the last 30/40 years not to want to do more than what they are already doing.
And the worst offenders are not you guys at the more modest end of the one percent. The worst are the Koch Brothers, the Matthew Simmons’, the Sheldon Adelsons’ who resent sending a dime extra of taxes to retire the debt from horrible right wing policies but will spend MILLIONS to obstruct any rational solutions.
@ 52
Your problem is demographics. There aren’t enough of the uber-wealthy to soak to fix the problem.
You know that, you’re a smart chick.
You know, too, that to close the gap with revenues, you need revenues from EVERYONE. Or nearly everyone.
Why don’t you bring it up? Or, more accurately, why doesn’t Obama?
Because he famously promised, in 2008, that those making less than $250K will see a tax decrease. Really boxed himself in, he did. Like when he said he would close Gitmo right away.
What he has to do, rather than lower taxes, is to institute a massive tax INCREASE. On nearly everyone making a decent wage.
Obama saw what happened to GHWB41 when the ‘Read my lips, no new taxes.’ got thrown back in his face when he signed off on a tax increase.
Obama wants to be re-elected.
Hence the real problem, more revenues needed from EVERYONE, cannot be addressed.
Be honest. Admit it. You can tax the uber-wealthy 100% and there isn’t nearly enough from that to handle the deficit. You need to raise the taxes on everyone.
Admit it.
Interesting article, just thought I’d pass it along.
The best way to raise taxes on the wealthy is to raise their taxes. The best way to raise taxes on the working class is to increase their earning power. Increasing the earning power of the working class is going to take a small bite out of the wealthy. While it’s true that a rising tide lifts all boats, this has nothing to do with economics. Economics is a zero-sum game.
@46 “I hope you get over that job loss suffered by your wife nearly a decade ago, since for some unexplained reason you felt it relevant to bring up today.”
You assumed that I don’t pay taxes. I do. You assumed that I have an unemployed wife. I don’t. You think you’re winning a debate. There is no debate. WTF is wrong with your mind? Look, I’m just calling you a stupid goatfucker and you keep proving me right.
“There aren’t enough of the uber-wealthy to soak to fix the problem.”
So what? As an excuse for not taxing the wealthy their fair share, that’s really fucking pathetic.
You know who else works hard: CNA’s in nursing homes and hospitals, garbage men, everyone that’s employed at my local Starbucks, an engineering tech buddy of mine works damn hard. The fact that you work hard isn’t unique and it doesn’t mean that you’re entitled to anything.
Bob, who are the uber-wealthy? Not you certainly. Of course there’s not enough of them.
But there’s plenty of profit making corporations who pay nothing or very little.
And there’s plenty of ridiculously wasteful defense spending.
And there’s plenty of tax cheat/avoidance money squirreled away all over the world.
Everyone else hasn’t got a thin dime to spare. Inflation, shrinking economy, rising taxes at the local level – it’s taken its toll.
I find it hard to see why you insist on raising taxes on people who haven’t had any appreciable rise in income for the last 30-40 years when the one percent has done very well to WAY OVER THE TOP WELL.
Combine everything I’ve mentioned and throw in jumpstarting economic growth to the 5 percent level and you easily control the deficit. Running in the black will perhaps take more contribution from EVERYONE..
Is it a deal?
“I am in the 1%”
So someone who makes $500,000 a year or has equivalent wealth in inheritance, coupon clipping or whatever, likes to post insipid comments on HA. Heh. I always wondered what the 1% does for kicks.
All these trolls are the more or less the same. Just so much bullshit and horseshit. I suggest that there’s no such thing as “better trolls”.
re 16: “I think it would be funny of one of the window smashers slipped, then slit his neck, and bled to death on the sidewalk. I would laugh.”
I suspect that the window smashers were plants — much like the window smashers of the labor movement turned out to be (surprise! surprise!) hired management stooges.
Because “that’s how we deal with things like that around here.”
Does that mean that since I disagree with the idiot I get to take my shotgun to his signs?
They’re a handful of powerless idiots. Stopping them from smashing a few windows every couple of years would probably cost more then letting them smash them and would be on the public’s dime instead of the insurance companies.
Plus, it gives the local news something to talk about.
This was a very interesting take on Austerity
1) Austerity has been sold that, by cutting payments, benefits and services to the populace, Prosperity will occur.
2) Then after a couple of years of this, the populace gets tired of never getting any Prosperity and tell their elected officials that it’s not working and try something else, like raising taxes of the 1%.
3) The politicians ignore the populace and continue with Austerity, getting their orders from someone other than the populace.
4) The populace start to get mad and protest and/or vote the politicians out, or they descend into despair and desperation.
5) The politicians get upset with the people who not buying into the benefits of Austerity.
6) The politicians start stripping Democracy from those who don’t commit to Austerity.
Look what they are doing in Michigan
What do you think?
America’s romance with sprawl may not be completely over, but it’s definitely on the rocks.
I agree with this. We lived in the Exurbs till 2008, but a 43 mile all free way commute, each way, was getting too long. It was taking 2 to 2 1/2 hours to get home on Thursday and Friday. I love living back in the city now. I can take bus. I have 6 different grocery chains and a fruit stand within 2 miles. I could live carless if I HAD to. Luckily I don’t. It’s impossible to live the exurbs without a car.
You’ve got that right. All I heard on the radio on the commute home last night was “Chaos in Seattle!!!” “Roving Vandals put the Public in Danger!!!” “Why the police can’t control the anarchists!” “More at 11:00 (P.M.)”
I guess since it’s too late for a winter snowstorm, and the flooding season seems to be abated without too much problem, they need something to do to keep us scared and coming back to the support their ad revenues.
‘Oh yeah, this guy sounds like a stirling gent.
Wasn’t so long ago that folks like this were righty folk heros.
Chaos in Seattle, please… A couple of broken windows on one block doesn’t equal chaos in Seattle.
Eight arrests isn’t chaos.
They still ARE folk heroes amoung the knucle-dragger crowd, who will be here to defend this monster in five…four…three…two…
Nah, once you kill two kids you get your folk hero status revoked. Anything short of killing two kids seems to be OK.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
In another of those Mass Shootings Of The Day (TM) that are so rare they happen only a few times a week here in trigger-happy America, a gunman killed 4 people — including an 18-month-old girl — and himself in Arizona today.
The shooter was a neo-Nazi, militia leader, anti-immigrant “Minuteman,” and candidate running for county sheriff.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can’t help wondering whether this guy should have been allowed access to guns. In hindsight, that doesn’t seem like such a hot idea. Shouldn’t we have at least a little bit of regulation over who can get guns?
In Europe, the conservatives’ economic plan — slash gummint spending, lay off workers, cut wages and pensions, and don’t tax the rich — isn’t working so well.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Been there, done that, doesn’t work here either.
What are you talking about? The plans in Europe are doing a great job at concentrating wealth, bring back social and economic classes, and transforming europe into a neo-feudal society. The plans are doing exactly what they’re designed to do and doing it quite well.
Guess who??
Hint: I despise this guy only a little less than the Koch monsters.
Throwing rocks through the windows of the mayor’s house was an act of terrorism.
re 76: Yes. The FBI had supplied these anarchists with what they thought were real rocks, but they only bounced harmlessly off the mayor’s house.