The last Tuesday of the primary season is upon us, with primary elections in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Delaware and Rhode Island. (Okay…we’re ignoring the 13 Sept primary in the U.S. Virgin Islands.) So please join us this evening for some electoral politics over a pint at the Seattle Chapter of Drinking Liberally.
We meet tonight and every Tuesday evening at the Roanoke Park Place Tavern, 2409 10th Ave E, Seattle. The starting time is 8:00 pm, but some folks show up before that for dinner.
Can’t make it to Seattle? Check out another Washington state chapter of Drinking Liberally over the next week. The Tri-Cities, Shelton, and Vancouver, WA chapters also meet on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Bellingham chapter meets. The Bremerton chapter meets on Thursday. And next Monday, the Aberdeen and Yakima chapters meet.
With 203 chapters of Living Liberally, including seventeen in Washington state, three in Oregon and three in Idaho, chances are excellent there’s a chapter meeting somewhere near you.
Meanwhile in real news today we learn…
PuddyCommentary: Optics man, optics. Obummer cares less about anyone, just Obummer’s sorry ASS!
Dayum… The NY Times joining in on Obummer?
PuddyCommentary: This is what happens when DUMMOCRETINS erect a community organizer with no real foreign experience who claims “I am the anti-Bush”. Well the world isn’t about being anti somebody, it’s about being a leader. And everyone in the world can view Obummer is not a leader!
Anyone hear anything regarding the American Taliban that were planning to protest the Cowboys Game due to hiring of Micheal Sam. Was anyone listening to them? The Amercan Taliban stopping freedom in its tracks, they trample all over the Constitution.
Puffy trying to leave commentary like Roger Rabbit. Do you ever do anything original or do you always have to copy people?
Sounds like you are speaking about the American Taliban!
You big APE! Bananas, Bananas, Bananas, Bananas, Watermelon, Watermelon, Bananas.
About DAYUM time people see flthy rich DUMMOCRETINS are the problem…
So the other day Puddy brought up how Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz was jock strapping her support of the Arizona lawyer woman running for congress who provides services for male wife and girlfriend abusers. Then we watched Ray Rice, woman abuser, deliver a elevator knockout to his now wife Janay. If you remember from the article posted by Puddy Blabbermouth attacked Scott Walker for rhetorically attacking wimenz with “the back of his hand”. Well Ray Rice delivered a left cross knockout. Earlier this year we saw Ray Rice drag out his fiancee at the time from the elevator. You remember how the basest vile leftist DUMMOCRETINS on HA got their scrotes all tightened when Puddy reminded them of how they react over Republicans doing the same thing and how their howl to the moon over it.
We see the standard non-apology from Blabbermouth Schultz when she claimed she “shouldn’t have used the words I used”. Butt no apology to Scott Walker who has never been accused of anything close to wife or girlfriend abuse! Being a DUMMOCRETIN means you never have to say your sorry for the BULLSHITTIUM that flows from your lips.
Meanwhile Ray Rice’s contract was terminated yesterday by the Ravens. Maybe some voters should terminate Blabbermouth’s right to be in Congress! Butt they are too stoooooooooopid to figger it out!
Once again the stuff causing the empty tea bag to have a puffed butt is causing brain problems.
Da Perfessa asked years ago for all to add personal commentary to any copied articles. You being the stoooooooooooooopid loony DUMMOCRETIN you are didn’t read or get the memo from Da Perfessa!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Too much “stuff” has caused a puffed butt on the empty tea bag!
Ho hum….the puddibigot seems to be off his meds…who knew ICE holding cells had WiFi connectivity?
Wow, less than 2 minutes and the edit function fayles!
Wassermann Schultz should never have apologized for her comment about douchebag Scott Walker.
Teahaddist/Kocksucker social policies disproportionately hurt women, among others.
Do any of the sane people around here get what the puddibigot is trying to convey (I lost my psychopath decoder ring) by bringing up Ray Rice?
Is he just mimicking (again) the FoxNews shrieking fool who was demanding that “Obama lead” on the issue?
It’s always adorable when he tries to mimic people who actually have, you know, command of the English language.
Keep trying, puddibigot!! You’ll get it someday!
Does anyone remember which American President made the Middle East a vastly more nasty cesspool of free weapons and unleashed tribal hatreds (than it already was)?
How much did we spend to accomplish that?
Weren’t we going to be out of Iraq in weeks, having spent a few million dollars?
Who did that?
@8 “Da Perfessa asked years ago for all to add personal commentary to any copied articles.”
So why did you wait until now? Did you, for some reason, think that didn’t apply to you?
@9 I’m surprised he’s out of quarantine already. Didn’t he arrive back in country only yesterday? TSA should keep him isolated at least two weeks to see if he picked up Infectious Brain Rot during his travels abroad. He’s certainly showing symptoms.
@10 Must be operator error, because it works for me.
@12 “Keep trying, puddibigot!! You’ll get it someday!”
Man, you’re optimistic.
The USA, and it’s sane allies, need to make the Middle East irrelevant.
We need to eliminate the petrostate and the destabilizing nastiness that these (almost) universally corrupt and undemocratic regimes spawn in their neighborhoods.
It’s also an absolute global imperative that we humans stop burning carbon fossils for our energy. Yes, because climate change is real, and it’s very very dangerous.
To remain relevant we need to immediately divert a large fraction of our spending on weapons, along with other income streams like higher taxes on wealth and high income, and spend it on capital investments.
TVA. Manhattan Project. Interstate highways. Moon landing. Medicare. National Institutes of Health. When we dream big, we create tremendous engines of wealth generation.
The biggest, nastiest lie of the right wing (oh what a target-rich environment THAT is) over the past 30-40 years may have been the ‘government is evil’ canard. Democratic government is US. It is the vehicle for doing things that either an individual or a corporation won’t/can’t – yet is necessary nonetheless. We’ve been sold a lie, based on fear and resentment, that has resulted in fewer and fewer people getting vastly wealthy, and the rest of society becoming more and more impoverished.
We need a very lenient and generous immigration policy – because immigrants (like my grandparents and puddy’s great-great grandparents, albeit against their will) built this country. Instead of exploitation, however, and the enriching of a few, immigrants, and workers in general, need be celebrated and nurtured. People are dying right now crossing deserts to get here – these people want to work, want to contribute. Make a haven for the dispossessed who just want to live and contribute – the human mind and human spirit is far and away the greatest natural resource on the planet – we should try to corner the market on this.
Free excellent education for all. Through college or graduate school. Put private schools out of business by offering for free the best possible education. INVEST in the future by nurturing the children and young adults now. Teach, train, nurture, unleash. Not a test-centric approach, but a brain-centric one.
A job for every person who wants to work…a fair paying job with which one could support a family. With paid time off, and enforced rules against wage theft and unsafe conditions and other depredations of unrestrained capitalism. Strong unions, and/or other mechanisms for worker input into the governance of the workplace…you know, like that economic basketcase Germany.
Related to jobs, we need a massive infrastructure investment – in the Trillions of dollars. We need a rebuild electrical grid, distributed solar and utility-scale wind installations. We need free, public high-speed high-bandwidth internet not in the control of private corporations. We need to subsidize or otherwise encourage an electric car infrastructure. We need intraurban and interurban clean, efficient public transportation – move people efficiently and foster density – creeping subsuburban development is ugly, dehumanizing, bad for community and utterly destructive of wild spaces and nature.
Universal, one-system, all-access excellent healthcare. Prenatal to grave. Wellness-focused instead of illness-focused. Investment early in staying healthy (closely related to generous time away from work). A culture of peaceful and appropriate passing….one thing I’ve noticed as a doctor, one whose practice is heavy on the elderly and chronically ill…when I mention that we are all, all of us, going to die at some point – about 20% of people look at me like I’m crazy…there’s a pervasive and unhealthy unreality that leads us to mindlessly spend billions keeping sick elderly people alive for a few more weeks in a profoundly undignified state of tubes and wires in the ICU…this must stop (and we have to laugh fools like Palin off the stage when she shrieks “Death Panels…SQWACK…Death Panels”)
A healthy community. A clean energy system. A productive, HAPPY populace. An educated, innovative workforce. A shared prosperity. An eviscerated foreign threat, disabled simply by us doing the right thing at home.
It’s totally doable, except for the hateful, fearful, tribal, nasty, shrill, sniveling, destructive ravings and manipulations that are so beautifully captured by the performance art stylings of our own puddibigot. He’s doing us a service, really…encapsulating the essence of evil and failure each and every day for us all to see clearly.
Thank you, puddibigot.
Piddles favorite Republican Mike Rogers is calling bullshit on Fox News Benghazi book scoop.
Flat out called the report fake and an effort to sell books. But I guess the Republican Chair of the House Intelligence committee is just trying to get Obama re-elected so he’s hiding the truth. It’s not like he has access to any actual classified information being the chair of the House Intelligence Committee and all.
schmuckosmegma… So you applaud Ray Rice delivering the S M A C K D O W N in the elevator? Do tell! Well it’s par for the course for you schmuckosmegma! You are one sorry buffoon! Puddy doesn’t watch teevee during work hours. Butt, your sorry ASS is a prime candidate for a S M A C K D O W N!
@18 Don’t want much, do you, my friend? Most of that looks impossible, or at least improbable, to me. Our country is now run by people who only care about extracting rents, and don’t seem to care whether our society or even the planet survives. They seem to think they’ll do alright in any event. This clearly isn’t what the majority of people want, but the elites have found ways to circumvent the will of the people, by buying off the political system for one thing, and there doesn’t seem to be much of anything the people can do about it. I don’t know what the answer is. I guess we’re all going to die. But the selfish bastards who care about nothing but their own greed are going to die right alongside the rest of us. I don’t think they’ve really thought that through.
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… Global Trusted Traveler you moron! So easy to go to and fro now a days when you are vetted!
Sux to be you!
Barack Hussein Obama!
Sux to be schmuckosmegma!
Oh no the libtards at Politico don’t like bipartisanship!
DUMMOCRETINS want to stifle free speech because free speech identifies DUMMOCRETIN for what they are…
American Talebangelists… they want to SHUT UP the opposition any way they can!
You know what’s amazing about the puddibigot character – the ability to stay perfectly concrete, express rigidly fixed ideas, absolutely no nuance, absolute certainty, absolute black/white differentiation, no instance of ever agreeing with whom he defines as ‘enemy’.
It’s remarkable, and textbook mental illness.
It’s also hysterical, in a pathetic kind of way, when the puddibigot accuses people of being “Talebangelical”
Another instance of his appropriating others’ criticism of him, without having the insight into the criticism in the first place.
Like using a portmanteau employing the work “Evangelical” as a slur, coming from a Bibul-thumping, 6000-year-old-Earth believing, evolution denier.
Pure hilarity.
Do conservative “Deep Thinkers” ever tire of being wrong. In this case, if you raise taxes all the wealthy people will move. Not so much.
A few nuggets that suggest people will stay in great places to live even if their taxes go up…
The door is wide open for Mr. Hannity to leave the state as he famously said he would. (H/T to Jon Stewart) You can go by bridge, ferry, tunnel, there are three international airports in the greater NYC area, a cruise ship terminal, the port authority Greyhound or your own feet and leave if it’s so bad. But you stay put. Why’s that?
What happens if on appeal the Prosecutors can’t provide quid pro quo evidence on Bob McDonnell? Doesn’t he walk upon appeal?
What happens if Rick Perry proves there was no quid pro quo? Perry gets off and he can then prove this was a DUMMOCRETIN witch hunt like many believe the Travis County DUMMCORETINS are doing like they tried with Tom Delay and failed EPICALLY!
@ 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 10 ,20, 22, 23, 24 (10 out of 26…and counting probably…or 38% of the comments)…
The affirmative action baby, the nihilist idiot puddypussypissypants really steps in it this time!!!!
Hannity stated why he is staying right now checkmate. Didn’t your left wrong sites tell you that?
Can anyone demonstrate where Puddy’s tag line is what ruPRICK wrote?
NOPE cuz as always ruPRICK is a dope!
@22 “Global Trusted Traveler … So easy to go to and fro now a days when you are vetted!”
I don’t doubt that carrying your Bibul with you everywhere protects you from the TSA and vampires.
In other words, the benefits of living in New York State are greater than the burden of taxes even though I go on the air daily and rant about taxes. In other OTHER words Hannity is full of shit. But we knew that all along.
“I will have such revenges on you both
That all the world shall—I will do such things—
What they are yet I know not, but they shall be
The terrors of the earth. ”
-Sean Hannity, or words to that effect.
Man what a senile old moron NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is
24 hour moonbat moronic memory malady!
A fast Google search proves your mind is a terrible waste and sits on an ASShole… PuddyCommentary all the way back then NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!
Sux to be senile, and moronic; two Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit qualities being expressed more and more on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@28 WTF are you babbling about now? Do you know a damn thing about law or legal process? Of course not! McDonnell is already convicted, dummy, and appeals courts don’t tamper with juries’ findings of fact, they only look at whether there’s evidence to support the findings.
The oppression charges against Perry don’t require a quid pro quo. There is, however, a quid pro quo that prosecutors can use to convict him of bribery — he offered her a staff job in return for resigning from her elective position. If I were a juror, I’d have a hard time trying to rationalize how, if she’s not qualified to be the elected prosecutor, she’s qualified to be a staff prosecutor? That looks like a bribe to me.
And, of course, puddyidiot is overlooking the fact that a Republican judge, an independent special prosecutor, and a grand jury of impartial citizens all had to find sufficient cause for this indictment. Somebody saw not only smoke but roaring flames in this case.
Wrong again checkmate… Hannity specifically stated why he’s still on Lawn Giland! Apparently your trusted sources are clueless hence you expressly demonstrate the same qualities!
Clueless checkmate!
checkmated again!
And if Roger NoBalls is wrong on Virginia law… Puddy will keep that comment in the Puddy vault!
@37 Don’t hold your breath.
Well NoBalls you are right about one thing this year. Puddy travels with the PuddyBible. So do others on planes. Puddy sat across from a couple who had their Bible front and center between them!
When McDonnell’s conviction get upheld, we’re in for an ocean of squid ink. McDonnell who? Puddy never heard of him. I should archive this thread so I can rub his stupid face in it when the time comes.
Remember HA DUMMOCRETINS schmuckosmegma@26, told everyone on HA that Hamas had nuthin to do with the three Israeli teenagers being kidnapped tortured and killed. Butt as always schmuckosmegma is just a dangling penile organ looking for attention coated with smegma… Useless until washed!
Look at all those look at me moments above in this thread. Nothing useful was offered… just ad hominem attack after ad hominem attack! Hate filled spew!
Sux to be schmuckosmegma!
Puddy wrote above Bob McDonnell long ago Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… Your memory is really bad just like Puddy proved above with PuddyCommentary@34.
You need medical help old man! STAT!
Optics… Obummer never understands Optics even after discussing with NBC News the official voice of Obummer’s sadministration. You see libtards Koch companies are in almost 60 countries and employ more than 100,000 people worldwide. What does Tom Steyer do?
Piddles doesn’t like to think when his “sources” are questioned. The three main counties on Long Island are Queens, Nassau (where Hannity lives) and Suffolk. National ranks for median assessed property tax value of those three counties is #194, 2 (Where Hannity lives) and 12 respectively. New York County, which Hannity was railing about the taxes going up and he doesn’t live is 54th. Nassau, where Hannity lives is the fourth highest county for property taxes in the Nation.
Sales taxes in Nassau, where Hannity lives is 8.625, fourth highest in the state and a mere .25% lower than New York City. That’s right by living in Nassau, Hannity saves a shiny quarter for every $100 dollars he spends near his home. Spend $1000 dollars Sean and you’ve saved up enough for the Sunday edition of the New York Times.
So of all the places Hannity and his anti-tax schtick could choose to live and pay Property taxes, he chooses to remain in the Second highest because something, something, ooh i’m mad about my taxes so I live in Nassau instead of Westchester something I might move.
So we go back to it. The advantages of living and working in New York outweigh the burden of taxation so Hannity stays and wants you rubes to believe that he’s going to pack it in and go. Hey Piddles, is that some bullshit I smell on you cause you’re swallowing a lot from Mr. Hannity. Nothing is keeping him there against his will. He lacks the courage of his convictions. And you Rubes think he’s a fine brave American telling the truth like it is.
Just one of many links in case you can’t find public information…
Noooooo Tom Steyer was for coal before he was against it?
PuddyCommentary: A DUMMOCRETIN against something is usually after that same DUMMOCRETIN making a financial killing over the same thing. Why allow others to benefit from something that me them rich. That’s the DUMMOCRETIN way!
Meanwhile Koch Industries provides jobs for Real Americans! That’s why Harry Reid is against Koch and for Steyer! Mixed up priorities as always!
Funny, some blow dried blonde on Fox News uses the word optics and for the next several weeks the Piddles character keeps dropping the word optics.
Wonder what would happen if three Fox shows all on the same day used the word callipygian. I imagine Piddles would start dropping references to Sir Mix-a-lot.
Here, let me help out the affirmative action baby, the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants:
Hmmm…21 out of 47 for the narcissist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants.
ohhhh ruPRICK… More Psych 101 Projections from ruPRICK! Sad so sad. Looks like ruPRICK forgot to close his blockquotes. Stooooooooooooopid as ever!
The ruprecht character you refer to rePRICK was after Puddy blew up OWS racist deadtoad with the racist deadtoad’s attack. Even worser cracked up on it ruPRICK! ruprecht appeared 24 hour later ruPRICK!
This is why ruPRICK is a chronological idiot just like the monomaniacal crazed cretin and the crazed cretin’s Mike Webb grave dancing attack. No concept of time on a blog. No wonder ruPRICK is a day late and way short with rePRICK’s aim!
This is why you are as stoooooooooooopid today and you will be tomorrow ruPRICK!
Wow. I really shouldn’t have read the comments section.
@49, A helpful translation
“I know you are but what am I! I’m rubber you’re glue.”
You’re welcome
Read the rest. It’s strong stuff. With idiots like Puddy there, railing about the wrong stuff and believing everything they get from FAUX News and BreitBRAT and Drudge…the bad guys got Puddy and his pals by the balls.
(Snark, snark)
And of course ruPRICK gets the correct manure from Daily Kooks, Americasblogus, CAP, TPM, Media Morons, Digby, Alternet, etc. etc. etc. the cretins of libtard land!
How do you go bankrupt running a casino?
The guy is living high on the hog and then goes bankrupt – what a farce of a businessman……Do taxpayers (consumers) end up paying this guys debts?
And he wants to be a President and some people actually backed him. The only thing Republicans know about is spending and running up debts and then blame someone else or expects nobody to pay for their debts.
Re: @49…
Here’s my five:
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
Regularly shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes
Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Requires excessive admiration
Lacks empathy, e.g., is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others
Get ready for another load (of the seemingly ENDLESS supply) of that FINE BLACK squid ink!! As the narcissist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants slithers away.
checkmate making up BULLSHITTIUM again… checkmate can check sources all checkmate wants. Just don’t offer left wrong sites. Still waiting for checkmate to explain why Sean Hannity is still living on Lawn Giland! Of course checkmate can’t!
Apparently checkmate started farting other left wrong web sites without knowing what the real content was about. Typical of checkmate!
@ 52 Rujax
The people that SchizoPud seems to admire and quote the most, and the websites he links to often are the same people that speak of Black folks as being obsolete farm machinery and not intelligent enough to vote correctly in any case, so they shouldn’t be allowed to vote at all.
The SchizoPud is a liar. His only real purpose coming in here is to shit up a thread with nonsense and hyperbole. In a sense, it’s all “squid ink”. He has no real opinions of his own, its all about parroting whatever he saw on television that day. It seems to be his only source of information. I ceased to attempt to reason with him a long time ago. He just doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to learn.
In that, maybe the Conservatives are right. Perhaps there should be an intelligence or literacy test to establish whether or not certain people should be allowed to participate or be allowed to speak on the subject of national affairs. But I strongly suspect that would eliminate too many European-Americans, the ones the Conservatives call “traditional” Americans, from the right to vote.
As a “non-traditional” American, I think that he’d be a little more self-aware as to what that actually means. After all, Jews were “non-traditional” Europeans, and still are considered as such by many, many people in Europe. Hell, the revolutionary government in Ukraine has already instituted mandatory registration for Jews there.
Piddles apparently thinks Long Island is some mythical state of it’s own.
Last I checked, if you register your car in Long Island, you’ll get New York plates. Last I checked, if you live in Nassau County Long Island you are a resident of, and taxed by the State of New York.
Travels the globe, allegedly, doesn’t know a fig about geography.
@39 “Puddy travels with the PuddyBible. So do others on planes. Puddy sat across from a couple who had their Bible front and center between them!”
I’m sure that’s especially comforting on routes transiting the Indian Ocean or Ukrainian airspace.
@42 squid ink
@44 more squid ink
@50 That’s almost always a bad idea.
@ 58, 59, 60…
We’ve run em’ all off except the fuckwad puddles.
@58 “Perhaps there should be an intelligence or literacy test to establish whether or not certain people should be allowed to participate or be allowed to speak on the subject of national affairs.”
We rabbits think humans should be required to pass an intelligence test before they’re allowed to reproduce. I give you puddyidiot as Exhibit A.
The quote of the day, by way of a Republican congressman talking about President Obama’s policy on confronting ISIS:
“We can denounce it if it goes bad, and praise it if it goes well and ask what took him so long.”
@ 65 RR
“The rabbits became strange in many ways, different from other rabbits. They knew well enough what was happening. But even to themselves they pretended that all was well, for the food was good, they were protected, they had nothing to fear but the one fear; and that struck here and there, never enough at a time to drive them away. They forgot the ways of wild rabbits. They forgot El-ahrairah, for what use had they for tricks and cunning, living in the enemy’s warren and paying his price?”
― Richard Adams, Watership Down
We are all such rabbits.
Except for me. I’m a Frogg.
I actually like Puffy using the commentary cite. It a briefer to figure what he’s talking about, if you have the decoder, and you can the just skip right over the commentary. Saves me time.
More BULLSHITTIUM from checkmate…
No where on this thread can checkmate prove this. This is what checkmate does… all the time when caught…
Still waiting for checkmate to explain why Sean Hannity isn’t leaving Lawn Giland yet! Notice checkmate will not answer the question?
bloviate, deflect, obfuscate, bury, run, change the subject, etc. etc. etc.
worser@66 still the moron as always… What did HA DUMMOCRETINS do on this blog when GW Bush was president?
” denounce it if it goes bad, and praise it if it goes well and ask what took him so long”
You really are one stoooooooooooopid leftist pinhead worser!
Well then NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit that would remove 98% of the HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd. Why? They get their national affairs info from left wrong libtard web sites!
Sux to be them and you called them out NoBalls!
Deadtoad@58 you’re an idiot! Really racist deadtoad! Then what are you? Certainly not a truth teller.
Wanna revisit that last rant of yours where Puddy caught you plagiarizing Daily Kooks? Tried to pawn it off as deadtoad original thought. When caught you disappeared for four days with no comments whatsoever! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! Or wanna revisit that rant earlier this year over some leftist you liked who was a wall street raider type where your were destroyed by Puddy?
Do tell all about Puddy when you live in that fragile glass house racist moron!
I’m sure that’s especially comforting on routes transiting the Indian Ocean or Ukrainian airspace. – More useless pellet BULLSHITTIUM from the senile old Wabbit!
WTF @ 69
Another Psych 101 Projection exercise by ruPRICK! Seems ruPRICK gets off from projecting ruPRICK qualities on others.
1) Still believes in the DUMMOCRETIN reservation for black people
2) Still wants inner black children living in squalid conditions
3) Would rather have teacher unions win vs. allowing vouchers and charter schools in the inner city
4) Doesn’t want inner city children to have the same educational opportunities suburban white children have
5) doesn’t want inner city children to have access to the latest technology suburban white children have
6) Would rather have young black boys join gangs vs. getting a better education
7) Still thinks of black women as h o s and b i t c h e s because that keeps them on the reservation with him
Those are Puddy’s Master Seven List of ruPRICK in action!
Pay attention to a thread instead of having your head up someone ASS! checkmate still hasn’t answered the question about Sean Hannity, because he has no clue!
@ SchizoPud.
I don’t generally respond to you because you’re nuttier than a squirrel turd, and utterly full of shit. You say nothing in here that is worth arguing with. The only time I address you in this forum is to tell you this.
Everything you say is bullshit.
But then again, we’re coming up on five years since the same blowhard offered to be waterboarded for charity to prove it’s not torture and despite many, many, many legitimate offers it hasn’t happened.
Because he lacks the courage of his convictions. There really is no more viable explanation. “I will make grandiose pronouncements! And follow through (shrug)”
You choose not to answer because your ASS was handed to you BIG TIME! Yet, you love to create lies and innuendos about Puddy based on your inner psychosis.
Thanks for playing racist deadtoad. Glad to see you fully admit plagiarizing Daily Kooks! Glad to see your love of Wall Street DUMMOCRETINS is still true.
Sux to be you.
Puddy, what is the point of your existence? You spend all your waking hours barking out illegible ravings that no one could possibly decipher to a limited crowd that doesn’t give a fuck what you think. You’re like the schizophrenic bag lady of the Internet. You are totally insane, but I will give you credit for being able to access the Internet with 2 “D” batteries and a tin foil helmet. That’s quite an ingenious feat.
Funny. People and players of the NFL seem to always talk about the “distraction” of gay player but they have no problem with Herero wife beater. Bunch of fuckwads
@80 he has no meaningful job and is a free loader. Worse than an unplowed person
Insane in the
Membrane. Big ape
Over 80 comments in this thread and half of them from the village idiot troll..
Yes, far too many people spend their time in wasteful ways.
Nobody around here on the better side of the isues appreciates klownservative jerk Eric Cantor, village idiot troll..
@73 “senile old Wabbit”
That’s my excuse; what’s yours?
Carpetbagger Scott Brown seems to have won the New Hamphire GOP Senate primary, according to CNN.
Hey scumbag@81,
Puddy discussed Ray Rice in #7. Too bad you are tooooooooo stooooooooopid to read!
Sux to be you!
Trust Puddy puffed butt, you ain’t plowing Puddy.
My thought exactly.
He took a totally obvious statement of fact, and shrieked that is was not true.
He’s unhinged, or the dude doing the puddibigot at home is on one crazed meth bender, screaming at the monitor, yelling “Yee-Haw” like Slim Pickens riding the H-Bomb in Doctor Strangelove.
the puddibigot seems to need to hang out with people who despise him.
He’s (allegedly) a black dude who uncompromisingly supports the party of Dixie, the last redoubt of white male privilege and the right to lynch.
He’s a mindless right-wing Bibul-thumping YEC’er who insists on posting relentlessly on this blog, with a bunch of socialists, or at least liberals.
Which personality disorder is that?
I’m not sure there’s a DSM designation for him.
@ 88
Yeah, just like carpetbagger Hillary won the Senate seat in NY after Bill left office.
Or like carpetbagger Bobby Kennedy who, many years ago, got himslef elected as Senator in NY. As I recall in that election. the then-governor of NY sent Bobby a road map so he could find out where New York State was and not get lost.
Looks like Scott Brown has got lot of company who also wear the carpetbagger label, Roger.