Last night I posted a rant about how, in a “post-9/11 world,” common sense has surrendered in the pursuit of pseudo-security. I used an example from an Indian student at Purdue University who is on trial for his inflamed political rhetoric on an internet chatroom.
Twelve hours later, Kos diarist chiniqua posted this diary detailing her experience of being the target of an investigation based on her perfectly legal web page.
Apparently, her MySpace page elicited concern when, using her handle China, she said:
China’s Interests:
The eventual destruction of the capitalist system and the military industrial complex, revenge, culty TV shows, narcotics trafficking and naps.
Wow. Terrorism, drug trafficking, pop culture and sinister siesta speech all in one brief sentence!
She also linked to the New York Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) Underground, after getting a myspace friend request. The CCRB investigates complaints against the police department, and chiniqua used to work as an investigator for the CCRB.
Clearly this woman is a terrorist who presents a clear danger to those around her. Well…she presents a danger if you’re a cowardly, bed-wetting, irony-impaired idiot!
So she was being investigated by an NYPD-FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force team:
The detective pulled out a folder and took out a piece of paper. It was all the pictures from my myspace page printed out. He pulled out some more papers and (basically) said this:
Some ‘concerned citizen’ was trolling myspace and came across CCRB Underground. Somewhere on [the CCRB underground page] there was the quote from Back to the Future about how Doc got the uranium to power the time machine by stealing it from some Libyan nationalists: “They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn, gave them a shiny bomb-casing filled with used pinball machine parts.” This citizen took it upon his or herself to look at who the friends were on this site and found me. […]
He or she then sent an email through the site saying (as far as I can tell) CCRB Underground was some sort of terror group and I advocated armed revolution and narcotics trafficking. Somehow this ended up on the Mayor’s desk the Commissioner got upset and then the gears went into motion. A priority investigation was launched and, they said, the original CCRB Underground guy had his computer confiscated.
The detective proceeded to ask me if I traffic in narcotics, if I am involved in terrorist activities or armed violence, what is my primary email address, who do I live with, where do I work, what do I do, how long have I been there, whether I had travelled outside the country in the last ten years, who the other people in the pictures on my page were, if I knew anyone involved with CCRB Underground, or recognized any of the people from the page.
Investigated for a fucking MySpace page? Computers confiscated for quoting Back to the Future? (But…but…but isn’t Libya a partner nation in the War on Terror™ now?) Yeah…this kind of thing is making us safer.
I wonder if this is how it happened to the Roman Empire, too?
It is always amazing to me how culturally illiterate the wingers are…first it was the mayhem over the lighted characters from Aqua Teen Hunger Force from the Cartoon Network, and now taking a hilarious quote from a MOVIE and turning it into a threat! What a bunch of maroons. (note to wingers who visit this site–“maroons” comes from Bugs Bunny cartoons. You can put away your guns and plastic sheeting and duct tape now…)
The only thing that’s free in our society are the thoughts they want us to have.
actually ,my pet, the roman empire was taken down by narcissistic self indulgence….kinda like what goes on in seattle every day.they didn’t work, they complained constantly and the populace became non producers.
sound familiar? it should…….
actually ,my pet, the roman empire was taken down by narcissistic self indulgence….kinda like what goes on in seattle every day.they didn’t work, they complained constantly and the populace became non producers.
sound familiar? it should……
Wingnut welfare brought down the Roman Empire?
Wingnut welfare to a moonbat is when a republican stops paying his taxes. Yes, that is exactly how it happened. hehehehe
Well that’s what happens when people who have never read a book or seen a movie get put in charge of anything more important than cleaning toilets.
@1 “You can put away your guns and plastic sheeting and duct tape”
N.B.: Although your spelling is technically correct, when speaking to wingnuts you’re supposed to say “duck tape” or they won’t know what you mean.
@3 How the hell would you know what took down the Roman empire? You weren’t there. Based on my reading of the history books, it was taken down by corrupt government and military boobery. Kinda similar to what’s going on in America right now.
@3 “they didn’t work, they complained constantly and the populace became non producers”
Wasn’t the first time Republicans destroyed a country and won’t be the last.
In Rome, dearie, the “producers” were the slaves. Kinda like America circa 2007 AD.
The citizens sat in the Coliseum watching gladiator fights while barbarians were assembling at the gates …
@5 Republicans don’t pay taxes. Never did, never will. All Republicans do is bitch about taxes other people pay. See, e.g., Leona Helmsly.
Considering this guy named Edward Gibbon wrote three volumes about why and how Rome fell, it isn’t something that can easily be nailed to one particular cause or another. OTOH, I could say something vapid like: human nature destroyed the Roman Empire. I’d be correct, without really saying much of anything.
I should add that I think there are a LOT of similarities between the Roman Empire and the current nascent American Empire.
“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” – George Santayana
14: We already learned what you get with 40 years of Moonbat! led congress.
Broken Schools – 1st to 23rd
Broken Cities – Slums everywhere
Broken Homes – Welfare Mothers out the wazoo
Here’s what we learned when you get 6 years of Publican led- White House plus 12 years of Publican led Congress…
1. 9.11
2. Largest deficit in US history
3. Largest TRADE deficit in US history
4. Largest governmental agency ever created in US history (Homeland Security)
5. Katrina
6. Iraq Civil War
7. Nearly 4000 dead US Service members (that we know about)
8. Outing of covert CIA operatives
9. 18 indictments, convictions or guilty pleas for corruption at the federal level by Publican politicians
10. Young House interns being raped by gay Publican Congressmen
11. Highest gasoline prices in history
12. Complete loss of respect of the rest of the world
And that’s just the tip of the ice berg.
Anyone care to venture just how low our own Dickie Pope will score on this list? Is it possible to finish in worst than last place? I bet this has you worried Dickie.
re 15: You trot out those tired, old talking points and it’s just sad. Time has passed you by. It’s not 1980 again.
There you go again!
WHO sold out America?
I think we all agree there was a sell out.
It was all of us. It was the the corporations doing the buying and the selling. And if you weren’t selling you were buying.
First thing you do is you kill all the lawyers. But since that isn’t possible you pass laws against the corporations.
what’s the worst they could do, go flee off shore. Seems like they already did that.
GOLDYroger @6,7,8,9,10,11,and 12……..good try toots. as usual your inane comments mean nothing and are boring to boot.