Please join us tonight for an evening of politics under the influence at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. We meet at the Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Avenue E. beginning at about 8:00 pm. Stop by even earlier and enjoy some dinner.
Not in Seattle? There is a good chance you live near one of the 352 other chapters of Drinking Liberally.
I’d rather you discuss the socialist Obama appointed to the Supreme Court. Her college thesis/paper lauded Socialism. Uh oh, turning the US into Argentina or other formerly great nation.
As for the politicians lining up on the oil spill…yawn…if you don’t like it, approve some nuclear plants…
So does anyone believe the South will wake up from this nightmare of an oil spill and right wing politics and move leftwards?
It’d be sweet justice.
There’s nothing on this earth more right wing and corrupting than the fossil fuel industries. I don’t care if it’s a Putin, Chavez, Bush, bin Laden family or whoever is in charge. The fossil fuel industries have financed the right wing in this country forever and they’re about to screw their southern base over big time with this oil spill, escaping every single bit liability it can get away with – giving the shaft to most of the gulf coast economy in the process.
It’s going to be interesting to see how it plays out.
Argentina is a banana Republic of sorts – producing mostly meat, wheat and wool last time I looked.
THAT is exactly the kind of economy right wingers dream about.
Plundering the earth for easy riches – eschewing the production of goods and services that take years of patient, skilled effort.
ahh, Argentina at turn of last century was plausibly the richest country on earth (i forget the exact year). they had lots of foreing investment (brits owned the rr’s) huge exports…then the peronists and other big gov’t types showed up. now they are a banana republic, albeit still a beautiful place…
Ah yes, the folk on the right that ran Argentina were just lovely.
Go Maria!
Michael; dirty war was nowhere near the apogee of Argentina; arguably near the bottom; after decades of left wing and corrupt, pro union, peronistas. end result a country where rich are rich, poor are poor, and middle class loses out. I fear its where we are headed.
This sez it all about Elana Kagan…
“But Kagan does have an identifiable, though overlooked, track record on one matter and it’s a telling one. As Dean of Harvard Law School in 2004 and 2005 she treated two liberal law professors with kid gloves when they were busted for plagiarism. Her chicanery was so blatant that even a leftist academic said she should be fired for her “whitewash.”
But the way she handled professors Larry Tribe and Charles Ogletree, when they both were caught swiping the words of others, seems to violate basic principles of fairness.”
Hey Libtardos play by different rules!
Doesn’t sound like the righties were all that grand to me.
I never claimed the leftists were saints.
This is what happens when a country is ruled too far from the center. Despite the yelling of those on the far right, where we are right now is your standard issue modern, first world, country.
This information is so easy to find…
Having fun rooting around in the garbage can?
what quota is she filling?
If socialism is so good why is Europe in such a financial mess? Greece is a great example of this mess and now it seems we are in for at least $50 Billion.
Who voted on this $50 Billion?
Who authorized this expenditure?
Wow Michael,
Jewish World Review is the garbage can? Of course an Al Jazeera proselyte would think that!
Hey HorsesASS Wipes at Drinking Libtardos…
That was only one paragraph copied from that link @10. If you checked first you’d “see” that!
If GW Bush did this you’d fools be screaming bloody murder… Butt, just another day in OdumbaVille!
Considering that she was a lefty that hired all sorts of righties to work at Harvard and has been praised by those righties as being even handed I’d call your article something best placed and left in the garbage can.
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
You copied someone else’s material and offered no original commentary. Read the fucking comment policy, dipshit, and learn a little about fair use.
And quit eating babies, for christsake.
Wow, the rich and powerful abusing their station. Shocking! Yeah, that never, ever, happened under W.
If unfettered markets are so great why are we in such piss poor shape after 8 years of W?
Hey Darryl,
Glad to see you are in standard libtardo form only picking on us who think right when we place info on this board. Looks like Goldy’s money will be delayed again.
Sometimes Puddy likes to tests the HA waters. You continue to flunk the test.
Tell SJ I’ll try and see him tomorrow!
Michael going whackamole again…
Race baiting again Michael?
Of course the truth is lost on Congressional Dummocrapts. It will be a fun season.
Poor Stupes. Your cut and paste is for naught.
We progressives don’t think that much of Kagan. Some like Lessig think the Court will still be tilted to the right after her rise to the bench.
But this middle-of-the-road appointment will sail through with hardly any trouble.
You and your miserable teabagging crowd fail again silly fiend.
Ahhh arschloch,
Kagan is not middle of the road fool. Anyone who writes socialism is great is NOT middle of the road.
Butt being an arschloch you always bring up the rear in any thread.
Puddy been bring up Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac for a ling time on HA. Yet you “Wipes” claim there is no problem…
Well it’s now $137.5 Billion and counting into Fannie and Freddie, and now Fannie wants another $8.4 Billion and Freddie wants another $10.6 Billion. Even the NY Slimes knows this is an issue for DUMMOCRAPTS because they continue to ignore it.
Fannie Mae lost $11.5 billion last quarter. Freddie Mac lost $8 billion last quarter.
Please Barney and Nancy… Keep ignoring it!
You figger it out Michael! That’s your words in the blockquote…
There’s nothing racial in that statement. It says is that she cares more about how well someone can teach the law than where their personal politics lay.
To the Person Playing Puddybud,
“Glad to see you are in standard libtardo form only picking on us who think right when we place info on this board.”
Psssss…dude…you are the only commenter that seems to be violating the letter and spirit of the comment policy in this thread. (BTW: What is it with you Wingdings, that you are completely unable to take responsibility for your own bad behavior?)
“Looks like Goldy’s money will be delayed again.”
Looks like I was right…you are a dishonorable liar!
“Sometimes Puddy likes to tests the HA waters. You continue to flunk the test.”
Oh? Well maybe I’ll decide you need to take a break from commenting until you can get your meds adjusted….
“Tell SJ I’ll try and see him tomorrow!”
A senior thesis in College. Wow scary. Just like Hillary’s paper on Saul Alinksy – what a deflated right wing balloon that turned out to be.
So she thought it was “sad” that the U.S. doesn’t have a strong socialist party. The kind that would fight for such “out of the mainstream” programs like Social Security and Medicare or better working conditions in the sweatshops back in the day – really unpopular shit like that.
Lots of countries have socialist parties stupid. France? Whose last two governments were right wing? Chile just had a socialist President who had been tortured by a right wing hero – Pinochet.
But to you stupid teabag cultists, Oh that’s too scary. Bunch of frightened, braindead fools.
It’s Puddy’s money and will give some to Goldy when YOU stop being a righteous ASS. Then Goldy will see the bucks in his hands. The more you whine, the longer it will take Goldy to see the cheeze!
See ya.
Puddy will read your “retort” tomorrow!
Darryl has zapped a couple of my posts for the exact same reason he zapped yours.
Still bringing up the rear.
Life just passes you by.
BTW you never took Brenda Helverson on for calling one of your peeps a “spick”.
Good job fool!
See ya.
31 beat me to it.
Pretty ridiculous to get all indignant about one reference in one paper in college when you have her entire career to look at. Well, except when you look at her entire career and all you can find to get all indignant about is one reference in one paper in college.
The Republicans in the senate are saying that barring some skeleton in the closet she’s going to slide right through.
When? HA! and you’ll condemn your fellow teabagger’s racism WHEN 50+1 is reached or we all dance to your tune. Fiend you have no intention of supporting Goldy EVER!
If I was Goldy, I’d return any miserable coppers you’d send his way with a big
Already addressed that.
You prove again you can’t read for shit.
She was speaking FIGURATIVELY you buffoon! She did nothing wrong.
so Kagan has either a great career as a lawyer, but with no written record…but then when we find a written record, you claim we nitpick
How can you pick a judge w/ no record?
ok….incoming…give me all the souter etc quips.
Hey? What’s wrong with socialism?
You could attack her for having ties to Goldman Sachs from which was paid (gasp!) 10 grand. But that doesn’t fly too well.
A college senior theses – too stupid for words – just like Hillary’s too scary paper on Saul Alinksy – that bad old radical who inspired that right wing joke – JOKIII.
It causes right wingers to crap their pants. They stink the place up.
It’s pretty hard to be a lawyer and have “no written record.” It’s also pretty hard to get to be the president of the school of law at Harvard (or any where else) without writing things down and getting them published.
Pretty hard to do the above and not leave a written record.
The complaint is that she’s never been a judge. There have been no shortage of really good supreme court judges that haven’t been judges before being on the court.
I’m not complaining that the socialism comment is nitpicking. I’m saying that a senior thesis on “the socialist movement in New York City in the early 20th century” isn’t out of line for a history major! It’s 2010, Kagan got her A.B. in 1981. There’s nothing, in a life lived in the the public realm, writing all sorts of stuff, to suggest that she’s any sort of socialist.
The complaint is the you insult out intelligence to suggest an Obama appointment, lifelong Dem, Clinton worker, would be anything other than left wing.
@43: But you do not have any intelligence to insult.
If she makes you wet your pants, then I support her nomination.
Clinton? You mean the Dem who governed like a Republican who pushed through NAFTA? For which even Rush Limbaugh gave a stamp of approval?
I get it. Obama should nominate a Federalist Society type.
Nominate someone Anne Coulter would approve of – now THAT would be an insult.
For better or worse, Kagan will sail right through and there’s nothing right wingers can do about it.
It’s not much of a complaint seeing how she sailed right through the senate to get her current job and the Republicans in the senate seem to be saying they’ll confirm her again.
Quite the thread. Puddy’s incomprehensible blatherings intercept a post that should have been about Maria Cantwell. Damn, she’s good. As a lawyer, I want to think that only we with JDs have the skill of cross-examination. We are, alas, not alone in that skill. Maria eviscerates McKay here.
McKay says that BP will pay “legitimate claims.” Anyone know what that means? It means that BP will define “legitimate” somewhat differently than the common law defines the term. Stunningly, I’m sure you’ll agree, BP’s definition will cause it to pay fewer claims than the law might suggest it should pay. Off to court we go, go, go. Good for people like me, I suppose, but not so good for those living on the Gulf of Mexican coast.
I’m damned glad we have a senator of Cantwell’s quality.
righton vomits: “The complaint is the you insult out intelligence to suggest an Obama appointment, lifelong Dem, Clinton worker, would be anything other than left wing.”
Even you wingies out there, try to tell us what righton is trying to say.
righton, m’lad,
Any chance you’ll learn English grammar or spelling, or some means of communicating in our language before you post again?
Please, spare us your faux outrage based of faulty principles.
This is why reasonable people insult your intelligence.
Open wide Teabaggers, the Liberal agenda is about to be rammed down your throats for decades to come.
Let’s all pray to God that there is a horrible hunting accident the next time Dick Cheney and his favorite SCJ go hunting.
Let’s all pray to God that one of the Bush appointed SCJ gets terminal cancer right after the elections, the Dems have 63 seats in the Senate, and Obama appoints Hillary Clinton as SCJ.
yawn, and typing is poor, ok, its not like this is a brief or something.
she’s a lefty. the spin by WH is that she’s moderate. HA. she’s for all the classic liberal things; pro abortion, pro gay rights, pro redistributive tax policies, pro criminal.
Elections have consequences. Get used to it.
If you Reagan Republicans didn’t spend us into massive debts, lost two wars, let Osama bin Ladn escape Tora Bora, allowed Pakistan to make “peace deals” with al Qeada, dumped over 8 million jobs, let trillions of dollars out the fed window unaccounted for, relaxed regulations on everything from Wall Street to oil well drilling you’d still be in power.
Now, not so much.
Speaking of “pro criminal” when’s the last time you sent a letter or care package to Randal “Taking it in the Duke” Cunningham?
“yawn” Do you want to communicate or not? I hope to hell she is a leftist. The Supreme Court needs to have a solid leftist. It has not had one since the Brennan/Marshall days. The Court is wretchedly rightwing currently. The country is well to the left of the Court. I hope Kagan is something to the left of “moderate.”
Gee I hope so. A breath of fresh air after years of Thomases, Sculias, Scalitos and Roberts’.
Sorry. Sotomayor and Kagan don’t strike me as all that left. Not Federalist society but certainly not the top picks of progressive activists.
To the Person Playing Puddy,
“It’s Puddy’s money and will give some to Goldy when YOU stop being a righteous ASS.”
Aside from the fact that a role-playing character doesn’t really have money, I don’t give a rats ass whether your character (or you) “intend” to donate to Goldy.
And you are completely fucking insane if you imagine that anything I do or say is going to be affected in any sense by “promises” of a demonstrated habitual liar!
Funny how its a WA Sen who seems to be looking out for the interests of Gulf residents more than their own representatives.
What? (gasp!) A medical pot dispensary abusing why it exists? Nah, no one saw that coming! Stoner Lee needs bail! (gasp!) Good day all.
President Obama seems to be holding his own in recent Rsmussen Polls.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 28% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -13
The wingnut TeaBaggers have got to be concerned.
@34 Puddy: “BTW you never took Brenda Helverson on for calling one of your peeps a “spick”.”
Puddy holds the moral high-ground on this issue so you all had better defer to him. You don’t believe me? Just take a look at how he neatly smacks down Troll for using the “N” word:
Wow right wingers, here’s a video by a “Marxist Radical”..
He asks for our government to “step up to the plate”. How “socialist”!
Why can’t he “let the market decide”?
Awwww, Pudpuller got DELETED again! Read the insructions, Stupid, and if you still don’t understand the posting guidelines then e-mail Darryl and ask him for tutoring help.
@62….seems as though your post on the new Rossi thread got deleted too…perhaps you should take your own advice…”ex” lawyer…LOL
@1 If the clusterfuck in the Gulf is the best capitalism can do, then give me socialism, baby!
Kagan’s not going to be confirmed, but not for the reasons any of you are probably thinking of.
Seems she isn’t too keen on the DMCA and believes copyright law should accommodate “fair use”–and she hired Lawrence Lessig into the Harvard law faculty.
The “Pigopolists” in Hollywood and the software industry are going to do whatever it takes to keep her off the Supreme Court–and they usually get their way.
@64…I think I would take the gulf oil spill over Chernobyl….or the numerous, monstrous oil spills in the sea of azov….
once again, progressive short memory strikes again…
So you’d rather have the kind of ecological disasters such as occured in the former Soviet Union, or East Germany? Truly the ‘blessings’ of socialism in action, there…
Think? Hilarious..
Chernobyl? TMI.. Apples, oranges.. Neither here nor there..
Sea of Azov??? Heh.. This kind of thing isn’t supposed to happen in good ole US of A.. Down in the deep red south where they “take care of bidness..”, where they “git ‘er done”.
Oh well.. There goes that Gulf Coast life cherished by so many good ole rock-ribbed right wing boys and girls..
They’ll “take it” just like you say they will over.. whatever.. Yeah, we’ll see..
@68…you dummy YLB, you completely missed the point..but I am not surprised. try reading the post I was responding to, you out of work, lazy piece of shit.
its sad that so many progressives seem happy about the oil spill and its effects on the people in the SE…just so they can “make a point” – or so they think.
the oil spill has nothing to do with socialism or capitalism…its a fucking industrial accident, nothing more. why do progressives always look to use accidents or human tragedy for political gain? we know why….
The oil spill has a hell of a lot to do with improper regulation of industry, which can happen under any system.
I don’t see anyone that’s happy about it.
Heh. a fucking PREVENTABLE industrial accident that’s well on its way to wiping out an economy and a way of life.
And government rules and regulations and inspections and fines for cutting corners which so hurt or threaten an executive’s bonus or stock options for not meeting quarterly numbers are oh so burdensome, so “socialist”..
Now who down there is going to turn up the Limbaugh and Faux News for comfort down there?
More than a few I’m sure..
@70…YLB would be just ONE example…
I don’t think any of Hollywood or big software’s more draconian fantasies have gained all that much traction in the U.S. Senate.
But big banking and energy. Yeah, those guys OWN that place.
72 – Yeah I’m really happy when the predictable consequences of right wing policies come to fruition.
I’m really happy when it takes something like this catastrophe to wake people up from their right wing hate talk radio stupor.
Really happy.
@71…lots of industrial accidents are “preventable”…so what? Shit happens because nothing is perfect all the time… need to get out of the house more and away from you computer. I know your tender girly-hands probably have never even been near an industrial or heavy commercial site, but they are dangerous places that depend on imperfect humans to function.
as far as your second paragraph – it makes no fucking sense…simply there for ad hominem..
same goes for you assinine 3rd paragraph. So tuning into keith olbermann or rachel madcow will make things better? LMFAO…not.
The people on the gulf coast have a big fight in front of them – but they are hard working and industrious and will deal with this just fine without the help of the tender-handed limp wristed geeks from seattle.
@74..then when you gonna walk the walk and park your car and do away with all products made from petroleum?
nut up or shut up.
and yes YLB, people like you are happy about the oil spill, because your pathetic little life revolves around playing “gotcha” and in your twisted little minds, you think an industrial accident somehow proves your “right”(right about what? who the fuck knows….)
75 – Oh so this was just a “glitch”.. Completely understandable. Shit happens. Kind of contradicts your Sea of Azov rant doesn’t it? According to the name-calling coward who “works so hard” in these comment threads.
And your whole tenure here has made so much sense. From hating and broad-brushing Seattle as “limp-wristed” to every other stupid right wing bleat.
Oh this is interesting. What will they be fighting? Are they fighting the oil fouling their beaches and fisheries? I guess. Anything to deflect blame from the negligent greedhead idiots who put it there.
I love how your puny right wing mind works. A fisherman who right now can’t fish understands “industrial accident”. A housewife who takes her kids to the white sand beaches for the day and sees ugly tar balls ruining everything in sight understands “industrial accident”. Hell even a developer draining yet another wetland for some tony Condos by the water understands those tarballs and the stench as an “industrial accident”.
I’m sure you and every right wing southerner can tune into Monson and Limbaugh and get filled in on the nature of “industrial accidents”.
However, this time, I have my doubts that everyone will be listening.
you mean like your broad-brushing of the people in the SE as rednecks?
..and no, it does not contradict what I said about Chernobyl or the Sea of Azov..but see, I dont expect you to get it….you are clueless.
so are you going to park your car and forgo any petroleum products? talks cheap bitch.
@79..clueless, racist YLB still doesnt get it.
80 – Got a cite fool? Of course not. You talk shit and don’t back it up.
Yes, it does. Those are “industrial accidents” too. They were “preventable” too. And in your words “so what?”
My family has always practiced conservation. Our family car was bought brand new in 2003. It has barely 40,000 miles on it.
Can you claim that?
It’s “sad” that so many right wingers seem so depressed about that “industrial accident” in the Gulf. How that’s happy, drilly baby drilly thing working out for them?
Well they can cheer up by listening to some right wing hate talk radio. Perhaps an upbeat interview with an oil exec analogizing Prince William Sound to the Gulf like his bathtub to the Pacific Ocean will reassure them.
@82…LMFAO..hard to put on any miles when all you do is stay home and collect unemployment checks.
and post 68 would be a good start….
once again, park your fucking car and forgo ALL petroleum products..nut up or shut up tender-hands YLB….
84 – Sorry. I don’t take orders from stupid right wingers. Go do something anatomically absurd with yourself with those rough, callused hands of yours.
Electric cars are coming and not a moment too soon. I’m looking forward to it.
Couple that with clean nuclear or renewable energy and the sad environmentally destructive era of fossil fuels will wind down. Can’t happen soon enough.
I don’t see the word “redneck” in post 68 like one would see “limp-wristed” in a lot of your garbage posts. But thanks for trying anyway.
Our family “lives” in our neighborhood in Seattle. My kids attend the local public schools. They play sports in the local parks. We’re just as likely to enjoy a quiet evening of cards or board games as again, walking, to the local multiplex.
People like you are always running away from something you fear and loath. Like the “limp-wristed” people in Seattle or the darker-skinned people with funny last names.
C’mon Max, how many of those dark skinned people have you loaded into a van from a Home Depot in your career?
How many miles has that fear and barely-concealed rage contributed to your’s car’s odometer?
@87 C’mon Max, how many of those dark skinned people have you loaded into a van from a Home Depot in your career?
that would be zero…just like your earnings for the past 2 years…
88 – Heh. That struck a nerve. You must be lying Max. Naughty little boy.
Racist YLB is projecting again….
90 – Stupid Max is being stupid again.. zzzzZZZZZzzzz… And so it goes..
The OIl Spill
Can anyone doubt that the cause of the oil spill is our drug war in Mexico?
It is fucking obvious that the guys who built this platform were stressed out because they could not obtain legal marijuana and may have been frightened that some drug runner would seek refuge on the platform.
@92….lol…yes indeed – the most pressing subject that this nation needs to address is….drum roll please….POT!
only a stoner would come up with that…
Puddy don’t have the money? Role playing or not, Darryl you blathering idiot, Puddy has the money! It’s your mouth inhibiting Goldy from possessing it in a timely fashion!
Poor FartyArt… paying attention are you…
Odumba just signed another BP waiver and you are TOO STUPID to know it!
Puddy knows you live on KosKook-aid!
Hey dick for brains arschloch…
April 2009, Odumba’s guvmint signs waiver for BP so this “preventable” accident happened under his watch with his approval. Why do you think Henry Nostils Waxman has been very timid in his congressional hearings this past week on the cause and effect argument? Wait a minute… you’re too stupid to answer that. You bring up the back end of any thread being the thread arschloch!
BTW fool, BP gave much moolah to Odumba’s campaign… Why ain’t Odumba giving it back or to charity?
You are a fool FOOL!
C’mon arschloch, how many of those dark skinned people have you loaded into a van from a Home Depot in your career?
Better yet arschloch being from Seattle, how many of those dark skinned people have you loaded into a van from Pioneer Square in your career? How about the corner of MLK and Othello?
Good for you arschloch… Must not get many miles when you file online, eh? Is your “wife” using her ORCA Card?
Nothing to do with your stupid ass. It’s never your ilk’s fault.
But again, who gives a flip about your money? Spend it on stupid right wing bullshit.
You’re good at it.
98 – None of your GD business. Go join your buddy the Minnow and take a long walk off Greenlake’s short pier.
zilch. But unlike maxie the hateful coward (and in my view, apparent liar), I’m telling the truth.
The truth. Imagine that. As Darryl pointed out above (and remember he’s actually met your miserable ass), the truth is something you have some problems with.
Max only hires union labor.
Wow Stupes. So BP really DOESN”T give a flying flip about worker safety (11 people DIED) or befouling the Gulf Coast with tarry goo and ruining thousands of people’s livelihoods and the places they live.
They actually went to the “guvmint” for permission. Please Uncle Sam! May I please!
Thanks for filling us in fool!
perhaps there was a specific, technical reason for the waiver. Waivers like this are not just granted for shits and giggles, especially by the govt.
There is more to it than the laymen here will ever know..or understand.
To the Idiot Playing Puddy,
“Puddy don’t have the money?”
Try to keep up there, Slick. When I use the name Puddy, I am referring to a fictitious role-playing character of your creation (and I have been reluctant to use your real name, even though you have used it on these threads, so I am trying to be civil here). A fictitious character has no money.
“Role playing or not, Darryl you blathering idiot, Puddy has the money!”
Incorrect. You, my friend, probably have money. I make no claim either way. Puddy, on the other hand, as a fiction, has no money.
“It’s your mouth inhibiting Goldy from possessing it in a timely fashion!”
So? I really don’t care. But, I really don’t need to care, because you are a habitual liar. It seems just as likely that you are lying about making a contribution.
C’mon, man, tell us a little about “Puddy,” that self-righteous, hypocritical spewer of horseshit. I think he’s going down a bit in his personal life, if I were to analyze his posts. But, I’m not a psychologist, so I’m not going there.
Proud Leftist,
‘C’mon, man, tell us a little about “Puddy”‘.
Okay. I can tell you a little bit about the person who plays Puddy, anyway.
When I met him, I found him to be friendly, alert, and…almost charming. He was a charming, friendly, and hansom black man. He didn’t exhibit some of the negative characteristics that his role-playing character has:
1. He wasn’t an asshole.
2. He wasn’t illiterate.
3. He didn’t have difficulties conversing in rational, logical sentences.
4. Conversations with him didn’t leave me with that “Puddybud feeling”—you know, that empty feeling when one realizes one has just wasted several minutes of one’s life at the end of the interaction.
Of course, my live interactions with the person playing Puddy pre-date the disappointing experience of him lying to me for no apparent reason (he even admitted it). I had an experience in high school with a friend who turned out to be a pathological liar. He was a great guy in many ways, but he just couldn’t help but build up his own esteem by lying–it was a psychological disorder I am quite sure. I couldn’t tolerate the increasingly spectacular lies that were verifiably false, so I excluded him from my life. Likewise, I suspect Puddy has something similar going on. I sincerely hope Puddy does better than my former HS buddy, who, it seems, killed himself some years later.
Thanks, Darryl. Puddy once wanted to meet me. Now, we just hurl crap at each other, though I feel my crap is well aimed and I don’t know where he is hurling. His posts seem to be less and less focused. I braved up and met one of our wingies once. That would be Piper, who doesn’t appear here anymore. On a personal level, I kind of liked the guy. We stayed in touch for a short time. Like Obama, I believe that trying to understand those on the other side has some value, even if those of us who believe in reason really can’t understand those who don’t so believe.
Proud Leftist,
Thanks, Darryl. Puddy once wanted to meet me. Now, we just hurl crap at each other, though I feel my crap is well aimed and I don’t know where he is hurling.
The difference is, you are constrained by what you believe. Sadly, Puddybud just says whatever promotes the agenda of the character. It isn’t real.
“I braved up and met one of our wingies once. That would be Piper, who doesn’t appear here anymore. On a personal level, I kind of liked the guy.”
Cool…yeah…Piper seemed like a person worth meeting.
“Like Obama, I believe that trying to understand those on the other side has some value, even if those of us who believe in reason really can’t understand those who don’t so believe.
Indeed. In my work, I get to meet people from all ends of the political spectrum and interact with them on non-political problems. I enjoy knowing we can work well together on technical problems even if we would disagree in politics. It highlights the genuine intellectual respect that is involved.
BTW: I also once met Pacman at DL. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of setting up the podcast, and couldn’t spend as much time with him as I would have liked. But I found Pacman to be very interesting, intelligent, and charming. I believe he said he ended up being an Obama supporter!