Here are my blogging resolutions for 2014:
- I’ll post more content than just “Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza” and “Drinking Liberally” this year.
- I’ll make every effort to avoid posts about Fibonacci sequences or Taylor series expansions.
- I’ll only blog professions of love to genuine offspring.
- I will not use the term “cephalonomancy” in a blog post this year. Period.
- I’ll scrap the draft about wetbacks with body parts the size of cantaloupes.
- I won’t blog about degrees of legitimacy regarding rape or about fecundability following rape.
- I’ll ALMOST shut down HorsesAss until Goldy agrees to getting lower internet connectivity, more limited resources, and crappier response time. Because FREEDOM!
- I’ll avoid uncomfortable sexual posts referring to unlubricated ass-fucking or the extra-plentiful quantity of pussy I have to eat at home.
- Oh…and I’ll avoid smoking anything while in a drunken stupor. Not even for the free munchies.
- I won’t write about a certain co-blogger’s pteronophobia
- I’ll refrain from commentary about dynasties, Dynasty, ducks, ducts of any sort, or even about about how to “die nasty.” Nuh-uh. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent!
- I’ll eschew hackneyed clichés like “hackneyed clichés” and “Happy New Year!”
(Yup…it’s another open thread.)
I guess Limbaugh calling Pope Francis a Marxist would be expected, but I never expected Sean Hannity to agree with what Limbaugh said about Pope Francis. Hannity is a Catholic, but I guess only on the Social issues.
I’m going to stop pushing for the development of more championship golf in Eastern Washington.
@2 How about tractor racing?
I have only one New Year’s Resolution: Roger Rabbit will keep on kicking unpatriotic self-deluding troll butts for a 10th straight year. I do this as a public service.
I protest the decision to forgo reporting about Fibonacci sequences and other such stuff.
Doing so would render this Blog a wasteland of flat-earth derpitude and leave it to the book-burner types like SpittlePuddles.
Gee, thats a nice bridge you have there. It’d be just too bad if something were to “happen” to it. Whatsay you apologize to the Governor and go ahead and offer him your endorsement? Believe me, he was as upset about this little misunderstanding as you were, and would just hate to see it happen again. It would benefit everyone if this story would go away. This isn’t helping anyone to see this issue keep popping up in the National press.
Oh, by the way, a modest contribution to his campaign fund would go a long way to helping your own career. Otherwise, we’re going to have to find a suitable replacement, as your recalcitrance in this matter cannot be sanctioned.
Just sayin’.
Wherein Jim Miller counts workers earning $15/hr as being among the world’s wealthiest people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I have to admit this is one of the more attention-grabbing diatribes against raising the minimum wage that I’ve seen recently.
@7 Well, Jim does have a point (other than the one under his hat)…there are people in other parts of the world subsisting on less than $15 per month.
Yeah, funny how that works. The same can be said for other “crimes”. Like auto theft, burglary, murder, rape, robbery, child molestation, insurance fraud, insider trading, arson, vandalism, assault with a deadly weapon, driving while intoxicated, perjury, misprision of Felony, and possession of a prohibited drug.
Typical TeaBaggist moron. You guys just keep fuckin those chickens. One day, you’ll get a cluck or two out of the deal.
Adam Kline To Retire From State Senate
The Seattle Times reports that Sen. Adam Kline has announced he won’t run for re-election in November. Kline, 69, says he wants to spend time with his family and friends. The comments below the article reek of the usual rightwing hate.
Editorials in two major newspapers, The New York Times and The Guardian, have called for leniency for Edward Snowden.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The Obama administration’s treatment of whistleblowers is disappointing, to say the least. Our government has violated our constitutional rights and lied to us about it, and Obama and Holder have taken the hardest of lines against whisteblowers who exposed that fact, threatening them with espionage prosecutions. That’s what we’d expect from the likes of Bush and his crowd. It’s not good enough. Snowden is no spy. He didn’t sell our secrets to a foreign power for money. He’s a Daniel Ellsberg, not a Robert Hanssen.
From 11
Yes, your commentary is absolutely correct. We HAVE lost a lot of our Constitutional freedoms due to actions of the government.
Repeal the Patriot Act, withdraw all US military forces from all countries everywhere! and mind our own business. No more empire – we can’t afford it!
I remember some guy saying that Julian Assange should be “tried for treason.” How can we try an Australian citizen for treason against the US?
11, 12, 13
Yes. Snowden is a whistleblower who has done us all a great service, at extreme personal risk and cost.
Yes, the Obama administration has been terrible on both spying/privacy and whistleblowers in general.
Yes, the empire must end – but not because of cost, but rather because empires are evil – they are big, complex, and unresponsive to the people – they are in the service of the few – always have – feature not bug – undemocratic war and profit machines that exploit both colonial/client people as well as the citizens of the realm – all are pressed into the service benefiting the the few at the top.