From The Seattle Times:
Rep. Adam Smith announced Saturday that he will backthe House’shistoric vote on health reform scheduled for Sunday,leaving Rep. Brian Baird as the sole member of Washington’s congressional delegation who remains undecided.
And there you have it, almost. Lots of moving parts back in the other Washington, but at this point reliable sources on the Tubes seem to suggest there will be three straight-forward votes in the House, rather than “deem and pass” and all that stuff, and that Rep. Bart Stupak, R-Sepsis, has been told to go infect himself. And as for Baird, I have nothing left to say about him at this point. Call him, don’t call him, it doesn’t matter.
So if this thing passes, it’s either the final communo-nazi-islamic takeover, or it’s a baby step towards getting fair treatment for millions of more Americans when it comes to health care. It depends on which version of reality you choose to live in. For those who choose the Fox Noise version of reality, it must be nearly unbearable.
One thing is certain, right wing hyperbole is expected to reach a crest of 6.9 meters sometime early tomorrow afternoon. Hyperbole sirens are sounding every half hour in the nation’s capital, and the Atlantic Histrionics Warning Center in Palm Beach, Fla., has issued an Exploding Head Watch, effective until 10 pm EDT Sunday.