Well it finally happened: My hair is ridiculous. Can’t part it. Can’t slick it back. Just a big lump on my head. Swooping. I have had it long before, but this intermediate stuff is probably going to last a while. So I am sorry coworkers, friends and family. You’re stuck looking at this on Zoom for a while.
Anyway, everyone wash your hands right now.
56,000 > 15
35% right direction (Rasmussen)
Press briefings off. Rumors dear leader is a vegetative state and an no longer speak about bleach and Nobel prizes.
Virus death rates:
World – 6.94%
US – 5.68%
From CNN, 4/27/20.
Boo Hoo Dep’t
“The board chairman of Tyson Foods is warning that ‘millions of pounds of meat will disappear’ from the national food supply chain as the coronavirus outbreak forces food processing plants to shutter. ‘The food supply chain is breaking,’ John Tyson wrote in a full-page advertisement published Sunday in The New York Times, The Washington Post and The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. ‘There will be limited supply of our products available in grocery stores until we are able to reopen our facilities that are currently closed,’ he wrote in the advertisement, which was also published as a blog post on the company’s website.
Shorter Tyson: You want chicken, thenlet us kill our workers, and stop complaining about it.
Tyson Foods has a long rap sheet of what Wikipedia terms “controversies” in the following categories:
Environmental Record
Employment of Undocumented Immigrants
Price Manipulation
Undisclosed Use of Antibiotics
Employee Abuse
Animal Abuse
Food Recalls
Position On Cuts To Federal Food Assistance
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Tyson is, in my view, a bad actor and I don’t buy their products. Never have, never will. So if this company goes away, it’s no loss to me.
@2 Well, that’s comforting. We’re slightly ahead of third world countries with no doctors or health facilities in keeping the death toll down, and only 1 of every 17.6 people congregating on beaches or protesting on state capitol steps will be dead by July 1.
Tyson is among the worst mass processors for labor and safety. And they aren’t the only game in town so they’re pretty easy to avoid. Especially if you have a mostly plant based diet.
There is almost nothing they produce that can’t be sourced from somewhere else.
The big ones to avoid:
Tyson obvs
Hilshire Farm
Jimmy Dean
Ballpark Franks
Sara Lee
Gallo Salami
My advice, eat vegetarian. If you won’t or can’t do that eat vegetarian most of the time and find a local butcher. Avoid pork as much as possible. The pork industry in particular is unsanitary, Environmentally fraught, and cruel to livestock. Mass produced beef and chicken isn’t a whole lot better.
Nice piece in The New Yorker.
Seattle’s Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead. New York’s Did Not
Praises the Seattle response and names names.
Bill de Blasio’s career is over. Andrew Cuomo killed a lot of old people.
@ 2, 4
Remove NY, and the US numbers are really quite good. See @ 6.
Now go back to talking about bleach-drinking and other unserious topics.
The Money Honey says Flynn’s gonna walk.
Same crew that let Hillary walk tried to frame Flynn. Nice goin’, Comey. Good work, McCabe.
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, wanna repeat your GE dividend idiocy with GM?
GM suspends its dividend and stock repurchases to preserve cash
Annnnnndddddddd, there’s another woman whom Tara Reade told about Biden’s sexual assault.
A former neighbor of Joe Biden’s accuser Tara Reade has come forward to corroborate her sexual assault account, saying Reade discussed the allegations in detail in the mid-1990s
This woman has the same opinion as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does, in that she supports Biden despite the assault.
And that’s fine. As long as Biden gets the same treatment as Kavanaugh and Trump, if voters then choose to support him despite his sexual predation on underlings, that’s the prerogative of the voter.
Even Anderson Cooper should be able to understand that.
Annnnndddddddd, there’s yet another woman who can corroborate some of the details:
(Same link as @ 10)
After officially announcing the daily Corona Virus misinformation briefing would NOT take place today Donald makes them walk it back so the shit show will go on again today.
Can’t find their asshole with both hands.
Will they mark the Million cases milestone? Will they discuss aerosolized hydrogen peroxide as an inhaler? Will they get to the part where a bare chested orange hero slays the virus with a Tech-9?
Alyssa Milano, go fuck yourself. Rose McGowan is right about you.
Something tells me that the Horse has an inkling of what that gibberish was…poor horse, it should learn how to swim and get off that island.
Biden is going to make one heck of a President!
Now do E Jean Carroll
Donald could slam dunk that one just by giving up a DNA sample. She kept receipts.
If you care about one, and clearly you do, but not the other…
The fat fuck President couldn’t even be a successful Minister, or Witch Doctor.
@5 This is whining, pure and simple: “They won’t let us kill our overworked and underpaid undocumented immigrant workers anymore.”
@6 So, as a doctor, how would you grade Trump’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, and what is your estimate of the number of people he killed?
You realize, don’t you, that — notwithstanding your MD credentials — your credibility is nil on this subject?
@ 16
It’s in the courts. Sure, let’s see what happens.
@7 “the US numbers are really quite good”
I fail to see what’s good about a single one of the Covid-19 deaths.
But I understand where you’re coming from. The death rate from Covid-19 is about 3% of known cases, and the death rate in the Vietnam War was about 3% of our troops. I guess from one perspective you could say the fact that 97% of us survived (although not necessarily with all our limbs intact) to be spit on at home was “really quite good,” in the sense it could have been worse (fewer survivors, more spit).
Now do the Covid-19 survivors with damaged organs, shortened lifespans, impaired functioning, etc.: Tell us about the “good” you see in that, hopefully something more profound and uplifting than, “Well, they’re not dead, are they?” (Note: Neither are the five U.S. veterans who lost all four of their limbs in Iraq; you could try using them as a baseline for comparison.)
We need a Pollyanna on HA. You’re essential to our sanity, Dumbfuck. Blogging about Republicans is so damn depressing.
@ 21
I fail to see what’s good about a single one of the Covid-19 deaths.
Some of them were Republicans, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you’re not.
Some of them were millionaires, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, and you’re not.
Doesn’t want to talk about it.
Now do Karen Johnson, grabbed her by the Pussy, Mar A Lago, 2000
Now do Ninni Laaksonen, groped by Donald 2006, Miss Universe pagent.
Weird how when you put those two names into FoxNews.com search….zero results
I know, they don’t matter because they’re just lying bitches, eh deumbfuck? Probably uggos too.
@ 23
Yup, they’re all out there.
Now back to Tara Reade and the silence of Biden. Some reason Biden can’t be asked on the record, during an on-camera interview, about whether it happened and what he recalls of the incident?
Some reason Biden can’t be asked if he’d be willing to let the University of Delaware release his records now instead of two years after he leaves public life, so that Tara Reade’s claims can be further investigated?
You’ll point to where, on record the Orange Messiah has been asked about Mindy McGillivray?
Jennifer Murphy?
Sloppy work dumbfuck. Let me get you a washcloth.
@22 I don’t wish death on anyone, and I don’t dance on graves.
“Let me get you a washcloth.”
Tens of millions of Americans are unemployed. Tens of thousands of Americans have died. America’s deficits and debt are soaring. Russia and China ascend as America descends. Meanwhile, Republicans are drinking bleach and sticking UV flashlights up their asses.
This is a record of failure that will require our dumbfuck traitor to use more than a washcloth to remove the orange shit caked to his face, but it does make sense that he would rather talk about anything else but his fuckups.
@24 Tara Reade won’t change one vote from Biden to Trump. Why? Because even if Biden is a pussygrabber, Trump is a worse one.
Dumbfuck, because you’re a Republican no one expects you to have a moral compass, so let’s discuss this on a level you can comprehend: the purely tactical one.
When your candidate is a prolific liar, ignoramus, cheat, deadbeat, serial adulterer and sexual harasser, racist and bigot, traitor, and corrupt incompetent, that doesn’t put you in a strong position to exploit the shortcomings of his opponent.
You chose poorly.
Federal law requires the Trump and Biden campaigns to coordinate on transition planning in case there’s a new president next January. Democrats are waiting to see if Trump will comply with that law, and are skeptical he will.
Trump and McConnell are maneuvering to cut “blue states” out of federal bailouts. McConnell suggests they should go bankrupt. There’s a complication, though. That would mean “red states” will have to support themselves in the future instead of living off “blue state” taxpayers.
@ 28
@24 Tara Reade won’t change one vote from Biden to Trump.
That’s not where the effect would/should be felt, if Reade is taken seriously by Democrats who choose to demonstrate some consistency in how they treat sexual predation of women by men.
She might change the Democrat nominee from Biden to someone who should have been preferable to him from Day One.
Bernie deserves it most, but won’t get it. But who might? Warren? Harris? Klobuchar? Any of those three would be far preferable to Biden. As much as I hate Warren’s guts, she’s the one best suited to give Trump hell for two or three months straight, no matter what he throws at her. Look what she did to MiniMike – she singlehandedly destroyed the fuck, and rightfully so.
If Dems run an awful candidate twice in a row, Steve won’t be able to blame Putin for your stupidity. I mean, he will blame Putin, but he has so little cred left these days that he’ll just be stuck next to ‘froggy and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron when he does.
Dems, you’re about to fuck this up. Again. Just look at Cz-252’s approach. Are you really that stupid, Dems?
@31 If you were consistent in how you treat sexual predation of women by men, you’d suggest replacing both parties’ presumptive nominees.
What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander, doc. Nobody listens to hypocrites, so I doubt you’ll get traction with the Democratic powers that be.
“I mean, he will blame Putin”
Always the dumbfuck. I blame you for everything.
Gotta blame somebody. Why not blame a dumbfuck traitor like you?
Here’s the thing. So what if Biden harasses women, is corrupt, or might shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue? If Republicans can vote for someone like that, so can the rest of us.
@ 34
If Republicans can vote for someone like that, so can the rest of us.
Somebody tell Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit that too many of you already did, when the alternative was The Chardonnay Lady 2.0.
Nominate a shitty Dem this time around and you’ll likely see the same result this time around.
This is why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has to lie about being a millionaire. He’s too fucking stupid to be one IRL.
@35 The Dumbfuck Theory of Everything: The way to beat a shitty candidate is to nominate an even shittier candidate.
That strategy will get you a lock on the Republican vote every time.
@35 I’ll give you this, your dividends won’t be cut. Now you’ll have to excoose me while I go count mine.
Where’s Doctor Dumbfuck? He must have gone to count his dividends.
“He told CNN that he hosted around 1,220 churchgoers for a Palm Sunday service at his church.”
Let them worship, then quarantine them. They have a right to their beliefs, but they have no right to put others at risk.
The New Federalism might not be great for a suburban island with no industry beyond an obsolete NAS and dependent upon state tax payer subsidies for access to basic services.
Oh well!
Donald’s CDC, “You can’t use WHO tests. We’re developing our own.“
Donald, “Were not responsible for providing tests. Not government’s job.”
Governors, “We need tests and masks!”
Donald “Get theM yourself, not my problem.”
Governors bidding against each other for supplies, price increases.
Governors, “Why did the federal Government seize our supply shipments.”
Donald, “We need to replace the national stockpile so we can deal with shortages.”
Governors, “We are the shortage. We’re reordering from strategic supply.”
Donald, “Those are OUR supplies not yours. The government is the supplier of last resort. “
Governors “But we paid for them with state funds and you literally stole them.”
Donald, “Those were ours. Go get your own. Not from us. We won’t supply what you need. Last resort. And I’m getting great TV ratings number one on Facebook.”
The dude hasn’t been serious about anything in life. He’s a complete failure. Has been from day one, even the mother and father knew about it. But I’d hate to see him jump from a bridge himself.
Hey kids! It’s time for today’s polls! Not keeping you in suspense …
General Election, USA Today/Suffolk: Biden 50, Trump 40, Biden +10
Trump Job Approval, Rasmussen: Approve 44, Disapprove 54, Disapprove +10
Battleground states (most recent):
Arizona (4/7-4/8): Biden +9
Florida (4/18-4/21): Biden +3
North Carolina (4/14-4/15): Biden +1
Michigan (4/18-4/21): Biden +8
Pennsylvania (4/18-4/21): Biden +8
Wisconsin (3/24-3/29): Biden +3
“But I’d hate to see him jump from a bridge himself.”
Not me. What’s one less traitor?
Senate (most recent):
Arizona (4/7-4/8): Kelly (D) +8
North Carolina (4/14-4/15): Cunningham (D) +7
Maine (3/2-3/3): Gideon (D) +4
Michigan (4/18-4/21): Peters (D) +10
@45 I don’t wish death on anyone. Who you talking about?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News History Channel – Never Forget How China-Demorats Tried To End Travel Ban, Flood America With China Virus –
House and Senate Democrats are responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the United States by supporting measures to effectively strip President Trump of his authority to impose travel bans to protect American citizens.
While Trump has implemented travel bans on China and Iran — two of the most coronavirus-affected nations in the world — House Democrats are looking to roll back the president’s authority to enact travel bans from regions of the world.
The “No Ban Act,” introduced by Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA) and co-sponsored by 219 House Democrats, would have prevented Trump from immediately implementing a travel ban on China once the outbreak of the coronavirus spread past its origins of Wuhan.
Instead, the No Ban Act would have allowed travelers from Wuhan to continue to arrive in the U.S. while the president received guidance from Congress.
“This bill imposes limitations on the President’s authority to suspend or restrict aliens from entering the United States and terminates certain presidential actions implementing such restrictions,” a summary of the legislation reads.
“I don’t wish death on anyone. Who you talking about?”
I’m not wishing death on anyone. I’m saying I wouldn’t mourn the death of a traitor. After all, why should I?
Doctor Dumbfuck fucks up again.
@godwinha spews: Tuesday, 3/3/20 at 1:21 pm
US deaths from coronavirus infection (so far):
756,797Tennessee deaths from last night’s tornado (so far):
2124More people have died of CORVID 19 in a couple of months than died of Influenza and pneumonia (55,672) in a year.
“Open it up” protests
Fox News. These are the real patriots. Love their country and don’t want to see it harmed. We need more pastors defying this law and using their freedom to assemble.
200 Peson House Party Southside Chicago.
Also Fox News
Why aren’t the police cracking down on this irresponsible behavior? Some arrests need to be made, this is unacceptable.
Can someone shed some WHITE on why the different coverages?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Travel Bans Are Racist Bombshell News – Demorat-China Axis Tries To Shift Blame From China’s Deliberate Worldwide Spread Of Virus By Blaming Trump & Republicans –
By Mu Lu Source: Global Times
Republican lawmakers have invested most of their efforts in ducking responsibility for the pandemic, leaving the US in dire situation: More than 939,000 Americans have been infected with nearly 54,000 coronavirus deaths as of press time, and the numbers are growing.
Republicans will not stop attacking China over COVID-19 as they see it as a life-saving straw, especially facing a fierce election campaign. But by threatening to remove China’s immunity, the Republicans have gone too far, aiming to shake the entire international order, a move that will lead to consequences the US cannot withstand – no matter how strong Republicans believe their country is.
Politico reports on the least surprising story of the day. The Democrats, some of whom called President Trump a racist, fear-mongering xenophobe when he shut off travel to and from China, are now prepping to blame him for what coronavirus has done to the economy.
Priorities USA, one of the main Democratic super PACs opposing Trump, has begun airing TV ads in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan attacking Trump for his response to Covid-19
@48 is a freaking bot…
Or the virus has started to rot its “brains” (if you can call shit brains).
Already debunked garbage from 3/11? Even dimfuk wouldn’t post something this stooopid..
Donald’s IRS wants to kill you.
(These are OUR masks part Deux)
I hope the poor sap has considered that his condition might improve if he were to drink some bleach and shove a UV flashlight up his ass.
“Leader of North Carolina anti-lockdown protests tests positive for COVID-19”
Walking Reade back from “RAAAAAAPE” to a possibly mishandled HR complaint involving senior staff from thirty years ago is The New Winning!
Oh well. There’s always The DUUUUHRham!!!!!!!
Stories like that just make me feel so blessed to be alive right now to watch this dumpster fire go off.
Let’s not forget, these are the good times.
Peters in MI in double digits is a coffin nail for President Professor Doctor Clorox.
And Cunningham up 7/8 in NC is a coffin nail for Moscow Mitch.
Associate Justice Gang Rape is really bringing it home for the away team!
Flynn was set to “walk” sixteen fucking months ago. That was his deal with prosecutors. That was their sentencing rec.
Instead he’s spent most of the last year buying up the rake inventory of every lunatic 8chan hardware store just so Sidney Powell could teach him to clog dance among them.
At this point, a pardon from Trump is nothing more or less than your weird neighbor inviting you to his free “performance art piece” at the local community theater. And Q Clearance Pussy is psyched!
At 13 The Q Clearance Pussy has now taken to swearing angrily at imaginary “frenemies” as if they are present and can hear him.
Didn’t Shortbus go through something like this right before he was locked up?
Diamond and Silk lost their Fox gig.
It would appear that saying 56,000 aren’t really dead it’s all a hoax to hurt Donald is a line.
@62 Are you sure they merely lost their gig? Have you checked the morgues?
“‘The only way we can become immune to the environment; we must be out in the environment,’ the since-deleted tweet read. ‘Quarantining people inside of their houses for extended periods will make people sick!'”
The reason I ask is because they sound like people with a death wish.
I’ll go out on a really thin limb and say that Diamond and Silk didn’t like gay people. Oh well, bigotry has no boundaries. Even the oppressed like to oppress. Even the people that are victims of bigotry can victimize too.
Just think Mayor Pete would have made a GREAT President. Oh well.
Only 17% of Americans being polled right now responded that their state’s COVID-19 restrictions were too strict.
Eighty three percent of all Americans think their state’s restrictions are either okay or not strict enough.
Frankly, I’m a little disappointed. I know it’s a stable demographic that I can rely on. But I was really hoping that my #reopen(yourstate) grift would have a larger audience. Now I know how Mitch McConnel feels.
Well, they’re big Trump supporters. So it kind of goes without saying. They also don’t like taxes, Mexicans, machine gun restrictions, public schools, environmental protections, and recently Chinese.
When the state re-opens, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and others 65 and older will be left behind.
@ 65
Only 17% of Americans being polled right now responded that their state’s COVID-19 restrictions were too strict.
Shorter QoS McHillbilly: Latest estimates are that 17% of Americans are either newly unemployed or face imminent unemployment due to their states’ COVID-19 restrictions.
Ah @ 64, Mayor Pete.
Q: What do Mayor Pete and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have in common?
A: Neither one is a millionaire.
Warren’s takedown of Mini-Mike is a close second, but for me this was the highlight of the 2020 Democrat primary season:
This statement applies to every single one of you motherfuckers.
57,000 > 15
Donald took a moment to finally acknowledge the dead at yesterday’s shit show with all the warmth of a glass of Chardonnay (see what I did there), compassion of David Duke and love of a praying mantis.
Republican doctor tells protesters to impersonate health care workers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good news for Doctor Dumbfuck, he’s not the only stupid doctor! Maybe they should get married. They have a lot in common. She probably doesn’t invest in Varian, though. She seems more like the type who invest in costume jewelry and Nordstrom Rack.
Stories like this will play through November.
The Los Angeles Lakers with a value estimated about $4.5Billion and $434million in net revenues in the 2018-19 season shamed into returning $4.6m to the GOPs Payday Protection Program
In the meantime the inter webs are ripe with people stating they have direct deposit, rent is due in three days and they have nothing in CARES Act funds. If it does arrive they be getting a separate letter (included with physical checks) about what a great job on Covid-19 response Donald did. There will not be another letter for May rent unless Moscow Mitch deigns you worthy.
Jeannie Buss got her check. That’s the important thing.
@70 That’s unfair to Chardonnay. Even a refrigerated bottle of Chardonnay has more warmth than the reptile in the White House.
And I’m not being fair to reptiles! At least they can attain room temperature. Trump makes liquid nitrogen shiver.
@ 71
Republican doctor tells protesters to impersonate health care workers.
And during the Act 10 protests in WI a Democrat doctor gave physician’s notes excusing absences for medical reason to any protesting teacher who asked for one.
Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. There is politics in medicine, too. You fucking clown.
@72 You didn’t expect this to go smoothly, did you?
@74 Did he tell the teachers to dress up as doctors?
Do you dress up as a cop when you do 90 on I-5?
We know you vote for a clown who dresses up as a president.
@69 What would Republicans know about purity?
Oh, that’s right. Children. Young children.
That’s why you all become Scout leaders.
@ 72
Cz-252 wants mo’ money. You need Congress for that, Cz-252.
Want something from Congress? Now you know where to start.
@78 No more USPS parcel delivery for you. You’ll have to pick up your Special K refills at the ferry dock from now on.
Meanwhile, Anderson Cooper sees and hears nothing.
The 15 minutes that never ends.
She’s Beto, without the hit-and-run attempt/DUI and the laughably incompetent national campaign effort.
Shorter @ 81 Stacey Abrams:
We’re just circling the drain. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Those ingénues who believe troops are being positioned to “ensure food security” will be among the first to discover otherwise. Get away, and stay away from crowds. It’s the indispensable first step.
Yep, that pretty much sums it up: stay away from crowds!
And when it comes to equipment and supplies – good enough and plenty of it!
Dumbfuck doesn’t think about the role of VP in a Campaign.
What can they deliver?
Kamala Harris will lock down California. But then again a city councilman or even a Diner owner from South Dakota wouldn’t lose California.
Stacey Abrams pushes GA and possibly FL a little more to the blue so definitely worth consideration.
Note the framing
Sure increase funds for people who really need it. The PR nightmare for Donald and the GOP is a shit ton of businesses and people who actually needed money (your local independent espresso spot, your favorite mom and pop sports bar, your hair salon) got nothing or next to nothing while billion dollar “small businesses’ hoovered up the existing approved money.
Typical Dumbfuck/Republican. WE GOT OURS FIRST! Now bug your congressman for yours.
@80 What Biden did 30 years ago won’t change a single vote. Trump has 42% and that’s all he’ll get. You’re one of those dumbfucks.
@81 Anne Rule probably could have written a bestseller about how you got a hospital job.
Harley-Davidson shares up 14% right now. Earnings results reported after the bell.
Someone’s speculating on good news. Which would be bad news for Steve, since it would be good news for the country.
But remember, I’m the one in bed with the Russians.
Working from home brings its own special challenges.
Like checking the camera angle when you’re dressed only from the waist up.
In the Dumbfuck Rabbit household the little round thing at top of the screen is called the Catheter Cam.
@88 Harley’s problem is that their product appeals to a generation that’s aging out of the market, and younger people don’t have the same affinity for motorcycles.
I can’t explain today’s 15% bump, because I don’t follow this stock anymore. I turned a nice profit on HOG after the financial crisis. Possibly it just got too oversold. As a stock investment it’s still only a sad shadow of what it used to be. Value Line’s sales projections for 2021 are well below the 2014-2015 peak.
@90 You’re mistaking me for someone else. I’m not into Trump remedies. That’s your crowd.
“President Trump is expected to sign a five-page executive order under the Defense Production Act today that compels meat processing plants to remain open ….
“The administration is also working … on issuing guidance about which employees should remain home … to protect facilities that are required to stay open from liability issues. …
“The President … underscored that ‘there’s plenty of supply. It’s distribution. It was a unique circumstance because of liability,’ he added.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Note this is all about protecting companies like Tyson from “liability.” Trump doesn’t give a damn that hundreds of workers in these plants are getting Covid-19 and some are dying. At a time like this, somebody’s gotta be sacrificed to keep profits flowing.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns shares of Hershey, but doesn’t own shares of meatpacking or food processing companies.)
As of about a week ago, a single Chinese-owned meat-processing plant in Sioux Falls accounted for half of South Dakota’s Covid-19 infections, and nearly 100% of Covid-19 cases in Sioux Falls were plant workers or those who had come in contact with plant workers. Many of the plant’s workers are immigrants. That plant was closed. Now President Bleach Injections is reopening it, and Doctor Dumbfuck and every other Republican dumbfuck will vote for this.
“Georgia men guzzle disinfectants in misguided attempts to stop coronavirus”
You’re just saying that because the fucking Trial Lawyers Association thinks they’re losing a lucrative opportunity if the can’t sue good employers and business owners out of house and home.
You lawyers are a bunch of greedy motherfuckers, that’s for sure!
@96 “You lawyers are a bunch of greedy motherfuckers, that’s for sure!”
Yes, we own NBA teams, restaurant chains, and other corporate titans scooping up small business relief funds, and we’re also cornering all the supplies of masks and gowns to resell at 1000% markups. Honest Christian Republican businessmen never do things like that, so it’s gotta be the lawyers.
Isn’t it interesting that GOP donor John Tyson’s company needs legal immunity and the government forcing workers back onto the production lines for its business model to work.
And it’s equally interesting that the GOP needs donations from people like Tyson, massive vote suppression, and the collapse of the U.S. Postal Service for its political model to work.
The fact a party depends on people not voting tells you everything you need to know about that party and its policies.
“Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday toured the Mayo Clinic without wearing a mask despite that renowned medical facility telling him that masks are required for visitors and everyone else there to slow the spread of the coronavirus.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Reopening beaches. Forcing workers back to petri-dish processing plants. Refusing to wear masks in medical facilities. It almost feels like Republicans want to kill us all so they can have this country to themselves.
The worst 2016 Democrat candidate imaginable is going to endorse the worst 2020 Democrat candidate imaginable later today.
On the night of the first Tuesday in November, Steve will blame Putin for the charade being aired as this is written.
Now, now. Let’s be fair here.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s greed has been very unsuccessful. And since just before his 50th birthday, because of his ED he has had to pay others to fuck his mother.
@101 “The worst 2016
Democratcandidate imaginable is going to endorse the worst 2020Democratcandidate imaginable later today.”ftfy
I’ll let you figure out the rest. Also why he waited this long to endorse himself.
@102 My mother isn’t a horse, so I know you’re not one of the giggolos fucking her. You’re a giggolo with other tastes.
@88 “Russians” @101 “Putin”
No surprise to see that the dumbfuck traitor who left thousands of pro-Putin hashtags in these comment threads still has Putin and Russia on the brain.
Ohh, they’re not only on his mind but he feels them in its heart and the penis too. Poor horse being two timed.
“Former Republican Sen. Jeff Flake says a ‘sound defeat’ of President Donald Trump in November’s election would be better long term for the Republican Party ….”
Of course I agree with him, and not just because Trump is a terrible president, but because I think we need two funcitonal parties, so competition will keep them from going off the rails.
Fintan O’Toole: Donald Trump has destroyed the country he promised to make great again The world has loved, hated and envied the US, Now, for the first time, we pity it
Abject surrender
What used to be called mainstream conservatism has not absorbed Trump – he has absorbed it. Almost the entire right-wing half of American politics has surrendered abjectly to him. It has sacrificed on the altar of wanton stupidity the most basic ideas of responsibility, care and even safety.
A good read
U.S. Covid-19 deaths: 58,313 and counting
U.S. Vietnam War deaths: 58,209
Pretty soon y’all gonna need Biden to withdraw in order to take the heat off the FBI.
@110 Nobody cares.
A pattern is emerging.
(1) There’s a coordinated effort by rightwing propagandists to downplay the seriousness of Covid-19 (e.g., “its just the flu”).
(2) There’s a coordinated push to get workers back into factories, processing plants, etc., before it’s safe.
(3) There’s a coordinated campaign to pass legislation shielding employers from lawsuits by workers who get Covid-19 on the job.
The loud-and-clear message: Workers are expendable.
@ 108
Fintan O’Toole: Donald Trump has destroyed the country…
I have to wonder if The Even Bigger Fucking Moron recalls John Kerry’s 2004 claims about all of the world leaders who contacted him to tell him they wanted him to win. We were never told who they were.
Didn’t much matter, did it?
Ireland declared itself “neutral” in WWII. Irish soldiers who fought with the British against the Nazis were treated as deserters by their own country.
You’re a fucking imbecile, Tbe Even Bigger Fucking Moron. There is no good reason anyone should give a shit what Ireland thinks of us. Especially someone who makes his real living as a “drama critic“.
You make a wonderful drama queen, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron.
Two new polls today:
General Election, Emerson, Biden 48%, Trump 42%
North Carolina, WRAL-TV/Survey USA, Biden 50%, Trump 45%
Net impact of latest Tara Reade allegations: Zero.
If anything, Biden is going up in the polls; he led by only 1% in the last North Carolina poll (April 16).
@ 112
Since 2005 you’ve regaled us with endless claims of how much money you took from stupid Republicans with your stock trades, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You never once told us how many children of lower-wage earners you fed in the process.
You’re married, now, to your laughably pitiful brokerage balance, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your wife is a moron for sticking around after the failed career you have had and poor investment decisions you have made.
What little profit you have made is essential. You’ve never given two shits about the employees of the companies in which you invest, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@113 “There is no good reason anyone should give a shit what Ireland thinks of us.”
You probably don’t want to know what your horse thinks of you.
Dow, S&P and NASDAQ down today..
And pos rapey mcdimfuk is havin’ a hate fit.. If the freak’s mood was any worse, it would be hate FRENZY time..
But nope the markets aren’t to blame..
It’s Biden’s improving numbers..
That’s entertainment!
@115 “Since 2005 you’ve regaled us with endless claims of how much money you took from stupid Republicans with your stock trades, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I’ve done all right. I retired years before you did.
“You never once told us how many children of lower-wage earners you fed in the process.”
I know how many you fed. None. That’s because any worker earning your idea of a minimum wage is feeding his/her children with food stamps.
“You’re married, now, to your laughably pitiful brokerage balance, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
You’ve got me here. My dividend income has gone down more than yours has.
“Your wife is a moron for sticking around after the failed career you have had and poor investment decisions you have made.”
She knows I’m not perfect, but she also realizes some other wives have it worse; I’m not out in the barn fucking the horse.
“What little profit you have made is essential.”
For what? I don’t have to buy hay to get laid.
“You’ve never given two shits about the employees of the companies in which you invest, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
As I’ve said before, I’m a lot like you. We’re both capitalists. We’re both greedy and amoral. We both vote for sexual harassers. I don’t have anything better to do than post here. Really, the only difference between us I can think of is that I fuck my own species.
“@110 Nobody cares.”
Anything to distract from the colossal failures of Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron.
“Net impact of latest Tara Reade allegations: Zero.”
Women should be believed when they’re believable. Reade has too many problems with her story line.
The doctor’s other problem, besides America’s women already hating him and his orange moron for damned good reason, is that, as tens of thousands of Americans are dying because Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron royally fucked up big-time, it really only serves to remind America’s women during this awful pandemic of these two morally bankrupt accuser’s moral failings in regards to them, which are off-the-charts fucked up.
@119 When I say “nobody cares,” what I’m saying is that Biden isn’t Trump, and that’s all anybody cares about. Anybody but Trump will do. If the Democrats ran a dog, it would get elected.
So I guess it’s safe to say The Q Clearance Pussy doesn’t think too much of Ted Cruz.
Funny, that. Cruz was “supposedly” on of his temporary man-crushes before he fell head-over-heels for The Access Hollywood Tape. Hell hath no fury…
Zounds! Gadzooooks! Such an opportunity!
Mateo, 47, a documented guest worker living in shared housing with seven other guest workers who sends home monthly remittances to his family in Honduras, becomes ill, is hospitalized briefly before recovering, and is stuck with a substantial hospital bill because his food processor employer terminates him and denies his state worker’s comp claims. Before getting sick and losing his job Mateo was earning $11 per hour with infrequent overtime. He owns a 17 year old Dodge Dakota, a few pieces of silver jewelry, and some clothes.
Indeed. Very, very lucrative.
All those big fancy firms on the view floors of glass towers have a vast practice in worker’s compensation law.
Remember the noise made by Trump and his underlings about reinstating the captain to his ship?
They didn’t mean it.
@122 No problem. A strip mall bankruptcy lawyer will take care of his medical bills, he can hitch a ride on a shrimp boat back to Honduras, and he’s all good to go.
“Meat plant workers to Trump: Employees aren’t going to show up”
Elon’s directors probably won’t, either.
Bad news, in fact terrible news, for Doctor Dumbfuck:
“Multiple female politicians are throwing their support behind former Vice President and apparent Democratic nominee Joe Biden as he responds to a sexual assault allegation from 27 years ago.”
It’s too late, dumbfuck. The statute of limitations has run on the GOP’s nominating process. You should’ve picked a different candidate. The one you’ve got makes Biden acceptable, no matter what he’s done.
You chose poorly.
Reade has too many problems with her story line.
Most such allegations look that way at first. This is somebody attempting to recall with reasonably precise detail events that they claim took place almost three decades ago. It’s pretty natural to expect there to be a few details missing, incorrect, or out of chronological order. Even with an accuser who has had many months to prepare to go public and worked with attorneys and other advisers.
The real weakness lies in the overarching fact that despite breathless, fervent whispers from the Trumpian media, the allegations so far can’t be born out in any way. Despite literally thousands of journalists as well as dozens of Boat Full O’Dildos “investigators” digging for anything more to build on the detail or corroborate the key claim, nothing has turned up.
So The Q Clearance Pussy neeeeeeeds there to be a vast conspiracy among journalists to somehow “overlook” all the “evidence”. But that conspiracy would by necessity have to include all the Boat Full O’Dildos “investigators” like Jacob Wohl, James O’Keefe, and Jim Hoft, as well as the Trumpian media itself like OANN, Breitbart, and FOX. They too must be in on it.
It’s probably inevitable that someone whose identity as a troll is so closely tied to his claims of wealth and investment prowess will be losing a shit ton of investment savings in 2020. What’s hard to comprehend is why it would choose to compound that by making itself into such a glaring subject of ridicule and humiliation with all this Q anon conspiracy garbage. But still very fun to watch.
Yeah. Sounds pretty lucrative to me. Guys like that rank highly on K Street and spend lots of time working closely with their Senate “colleagues” working out favorable legislative language. Sure.
Unlikely to save them any money.
What it will do is deprive the board of any independence. They’ll show up. But they’ll be owned by Musk, and thus so will the investments of every single investor in the company.
These days he does not strike me as the kind of person I would trust with my money.
Amash announcement should cost Trump an easy 10,000 votes in Michigan. That’s another 16 EVs out of the 38 needed. With Amash on the ballot MI is a flip.
One state down. Two more to go… before we can begin building the landslide that carries the Senate. PA is solidifying nicely. And even Wisconsin is coming around thanks to Trump’s new “Fuck The Workers” slogan. So the obvious next stop is North Carolina.
I wonder how many of the “reopen” protesters are going to apply for the vacant $7.25-an-hour jobs in chicken processing plants after the regular crews refuse to return to work?
I mean, here’s an opportunity to work, if they’re serious about their “right to work.”
making itself into such a glaring subject of ridicule and humiliation with all this Q anon conspiracy garbage. But still very fun to watch.
That’s entertainment!
Thank you, pos rapey mcdimfuk…
now if only the babbling butthole would return after sunset on fridays and saturday’s.. oh wow.. that shit was sooo funny!