Today is a day full of accomplishments for Goldy. The only problem is, he is largely unplugged and off in the boondocks somewhere trying to vacation or something.
First, he has the distinction of appearing in two pieces in the Seattle Weekly today. The Weekly came out with their Best of Seattle issue, and it looks like, once again, HorsesAss has been voted the Best Local Blog.
David Goldstein’s HORSESASS.ORG blog is the one you like best, presumably because it is reliably liberal, ruthless, and funny. Goldstein also helps host and promote the local Drinking Liberally club gatherings at the Montlake Alehouse, where pols and wonks make regular appearances. Those events are recorded and disseminated via podcast. And this year, Goldstein expanded his liberal empire to the airwaves of KIRO-AM (710), where he holds forth Sunday evenings.
“Liberal empire.” Cool!
Last year, Goldy ran something of a campaign to win the honor. This year, however, I didn’t hear a peep out of Mr. Goldstein about it.
I noticed that Tim Eyman was voted Best Fish Market this year. Oh…wait… that was Best activist/hell-raiser. WTF? I guess voting took place before the I-917 debacle. Feel the love:
TIM EYMAN? You voted for Tim Eyman? The washed-up, citizens-initiative-addicted watch salesman whose obsession with monkey-wrenching worthy public spending knows no bounds? The guy who recently delivered petitions in Olympia wearing a Buzz Lightyear costume? This is some sort of counterintuitive subliminal message you’re sending, right?
Given his spectacular string of failures lately, I suspect this will be Tim’s last “activist award” for awhile. Well…unless he uses The Force….
Speaking of Hell Raisers! Goldy also made the front page of the Weekly online edition for another reason:
Democratic activist, blogger, and KIRO-AM radio host David Goldstein confirms that he played a role in the lawsuit filed on Tues., Aug. 1, against Republican U.S. Senate candidate and former Safeco CEO Mike McGavick. KING-5’s Robert Mak first reported that Goldstein had provided a crucial nexus in the lawsuit.
Wow…Goldy is now a “crucial nexus!”
David Postman at the Seattle Times follows the story up with some incredible journalism!
(Speaking of Postman, he was awarded the Weekly’s Critics’ Pick for Best Mainstream-Media Blog. Congratulations!)
Back to Goldy. If all that isn’t enough, I noticed today that sometime within the last 24 hours, HorsesAss had its millionth visitor (937,000 tallied visitors plus an estimated 63,000 before Sitemeter was installed).
Man…you guys really do like Goldy!
Goldy, you da man!
Hey Goldy – Howya comin’ on saving the taxpayers your first billion dollars? I think Tim is up to $7.8B with a long string of successful initiatives that have given a break to the overburdened taxpaying Producers.
You’d give anything to have even a fraction of the real political impact that Tim is having.
MTR’s mental midget equivalents back in the other Washington are in FULL RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, MTR – where is fellow ignorant redneck Walter Jones on Iraq now? What happened to good old Bob Ney?
French fries back on House menu
French fries are back on the menu in the US House of Representatives, three years after the name was ditched in favour of “freedom fries.”
House Republicans renamed fries and French toast in 2003 to protest at France’s opposition to the war on Iraq.
The patriotic name change hit the headlines at the time but the change back is getting much less coverage.
A House official would only say that fries are no longer being offered under the “freedom” nomenclature.
The Washington Times newspaper contacted aides of the two congressmen behind the move to “freedom fries ” to see if they could shed light on the change back.
“We don’t have a comment for your story,” a spokeswoman for Republican representative Bob Ney told the newspaper.
At the time, Mr Ney, who together with Walter Jones pushed for “freedom fries”, said the action was “a small but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France”.
The move followed the lead of a North Carolina restaurant whose owner said he got the idea from similar protest action against Germany during World War I, when sauerkraut was renamed liberty cabbage and frankfurters became hot dogs.
The switch to “freedom fries” was seen as reflecting the anti-French sentiment among some lawmakers who felt President Jacques Chirac betrayed the US by opposing its policy on Iraq.
Hey, at least Tim Eyman has one fan. Mark the “kill all muslims” Redneck!
Hey Darryl,
Ya might wanna make that read “David Postman at the Seattle Times follows the story up with some incredible journalism!”. Some people are touchy about that sort of thing.
Congrats to Goldy. Keep fighting the good fight.
4 – Something about that Tim Eyman that attracts bet-welshers and persons with no moral character.
Hey, maybe I missed it. When are the local followers of “The Religion of Peace” having the “Not in Our Name” rally or the “Take Back Our Religion” march?
I’m waiting…
“I noticed today that sometime within the last 24 hours, HorsesAss had its millionth visitor (937,000 tallied visitors plus an estimated 63,000 before Sitemeter was installed). Man…you guys really do like Goldy!”
If my kids weren’t all using the same computer, you’d have a million a day.
“Producers?” You mean those guys who don’t do any work, don’t pay any taxes, and don’t pay their gambling debts?
The big difference between David Postman of the Times and Goldy is that the former gets a pretty comfortable salary, healthcare benefits and a retirement package for his reporting/blogging. Goldy, in contrast, gets pats on the back. It’s pretty easy encouraging someone else to work for free.
In the long run that isn’t sustainable if Goldy continues to take blogging seriously. So I hope that he finds a way to get his economic needs met without having to sell his soul. Deep six the “anything-goes” comments threads and I’d donate to this blog.
(I’m very much looking forward to a time where I don’t have to scroll through JCH’s mindless carpet bombing 24/7. If Mr. Atlas is so rich he can afford to launch his own blog.)
Hey Reddick, I’ve got an idea how to reduce the tax burden — stop the Republicans from stealing our money.
Now that “freedom fries” are gone, all that’s left is ditching …
… and a few hundred others.
Doable. Eminently doable.
Postman is with the Times. Only thing usually worth reading over there.
Mark the Yellowback:
First of all, please produce figures showing money that Eyeman’s initiatives saved versus what they cost because they were badly written (litigation cost, lost opertunity costs, etc.). My guess is that at best, Tim is lucky if broke even.
Second, pay your bets! What kind of scum doens’t pay a bet when he is wrong.
San Diego — Future costs for illegal immigrants in the United States will reach a half a trillion dollars, a Heritage Foundation researcher said Wednesday at congressional hearing in San Diego. The influx of illegal immigrants has effectively “imported about 10 million high school dropouts into the United States,” said Robert Rector, a senior research fellow in welfare and family issues for the Washington, D.C.-based think tank. [……This is OK because the illegals will vote Democrat! 20-40 million new Democrats will turn the USA into “Baja Norte”, and the taxpayers will pay, and pay, and pay, but the true social costs will destroy America. But this is OK because the Democrats will take control. hehe, JCH]
“…Our taxpayer-protection initiatives have saved taxpayers over $7.4 billion so far. Performance audits of government, a smaller King County Council, caps on property tax increases, much lower vehicle registration fees, voter approval for tax increases, and opposition to massive tax hikes…”
Good God Yellowback. You are relying on Tim as your source? To quote Roger Rabbit:
You might have missed it, because you are obviously not so smart, but Tim is a proven liar.
Then again, you are a proven welcher.
Republicans. They cannot name the 10 commandments, but they sure can break them.
Mark the Judas-goat, producer of unemployed Americans.
JDB at 17, are you questioning Lord Redneck’s wisdom?
That is truly foolish. Lord Redneck is All-Knowing. Lord Redneck is Infallible.
This is Good News. We no longer need to stress our feeble brains on any subject. Just ask Lord Redneck. And let all blessings flow.
Hey, Yellowback:
Guess what, Tims says he has 7.4 million signatures on his initiative, only the dog ate them.
JDB, Lord Redneck has spoken, and it is good.
Perhaps we should sing a hymn:
Lord Redneck loves the little moonbats
almost all the moonbats of the world
red and yellow, black and white
they are precious to his sight
except those muslims
who should be ground up into dog food.*
* After removing their gold fillings.
Best Mainstream-Media Blog in Seattle. What exactly was the competition? I mean that’s like giving me an award for best blogger with a pen name that’s also a neighborhood. Hey! Where’s my award?
I have been saying you right wingers are child rapists, now I have proof. Read your paper in the morning. A local excop and right wing radio host was arrested in Tacoma today for – you guessed it, child rape and porn.
The moral majority types who scream the loudest are always the most perverse!
Bundled with the minimum wage increase there is a tax cut for the estate tax. This is great. Will the dems vote for raising the minimum wage along with the tax cuts. If the repubs were smart they should reduce the top tax rate by 2% for every dollar increase in the minimum wage. What will the dems do? Hehehe
It is great when your party is in power. hehe
Wow LT, you are in a testy mood today. You must not have killed a Jew today.
Just a reminder for all you lefties so you dont forget where you come from:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In todays Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Goldy’s story from yesterday:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
I’m gone for a couple months and now Darryl (an unwashed LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWN) is promoting KLOWNSTEIN??
Darryl, I can’t wait for the Welfare & Unemployment checks to be issued so you will give this a rest while you replenish your Thunderbird supply.
Too bad you didn’t stay gone for a couple more months Cyn. Your comments make about as much sense as one of Dubya’s answers at a live press conference.
North Korea has been working closely with Iran to develop its long-range ballistic missiles, possibly using Chinese technology, and is building large bases to prepare for their deployment, a South Korean state-run think tank said. […………………………………………………………………Clinton, Loral, and Bernie Scwartz….Congrats!! The terrorist seeds you planted are growing!!!]
DEARBORN, Mich. — The embattled Ford Motor Company said late this afternoon that its second-quarter loss was $254 million — more than twice the loss it previously announced, because of pension-related costs. It also said it expected its luxury car group to lose money for the year. The disclosure by Ford, in a regulatory filing, is the latest setback for the 103-year-old auto company, which is struggling… […………………………………………………Looks like the Democrat controlled UAW union is about to run Ford into “BK”. Live and learn, commie libs!]
Of course, after a week of guest-blogging by Darryl™, the Weekly’s Momentum Polling™ shows that Sound Politics has far surpassed HorsesAss as the pre-eminent political blog.
(j/k, Darryl! You’ve done a terrific job. If I were Goldy, I couldn’t get back here fast enough to pry your fingers from my keyboard.)
Honorable Rep. Kennedy:
Ford, and the bulk of the American auto industry, sealed its fate in the late 70s, when it responded to superior products from Honda and Toyota, products that lasted years longer, had fewer service problems and produced megatons fewer emissions, by continuing to produce crappy cars and whining for tariffs and quotas.
They sealed the deal, once they realized that their brute force engineering could never compete, by getting their stooges in the soporific Reagan administration to exempt SUVs from CAFE standards. I’m from 5 generations of American auto industry forbears, and I’m having a hard time making a case for its survival past 1985.
Gregoire said in her press conference last week that she wasn’t aware of anyone “playing games” by filing for office with a same name, but if they were playing games, she said “Shame on YOU!”
Isn’t it interesting that the attorney who filed for the Supreme Court position works in the law office that is representing the little shareholder???????
Props to Goldy for making the Seattle Weekly, a newspaper I read only when I’ve pawed through the PI, the New York Times, the Economist, and The Stranger.
No. Seriously. It’s good.
Since this is a kind of fluffy, content-free thread, and the gang’s all here, I wanted to pick up on something that HowCanYouBeProudToBeWhatever was asking the other day:
“Why don’t you bring your campaign for a ‘modicum of decency’ to the other ‘progressives’ who play in this sandbox?”
Well, it’s still not my job, and I love almost all of you, but being in a good mood (it’s Wednesday. In Soviet Canukistan, all the Commerical Drive Liberals drink on Wednesday), I will say this:
Our annoying righty trolls are seriously damaged goods. They are crude, crass, ill-mannered, and most importantly WRONG.
They come here because we pay attention to them. They have the minds of damaged six year-olds. Bad attention isn’t as good as good attention. It’s TEN TIMES BETTER!
I have been guilty of this. You, my fellow progressives have also been. They post shit, you may try to argue with them reasonably, you may try to fling shit back at them.
Stop. Hurting. This. Blog.
Stop responding to our trolls.
Every now and then, a reasonable (but still WRONG!) conservative shows up on this blog. Engage. Debate. Fine. That’s all good. When some fucking idiot like JCH leaves droppings on this blog, just let it go. A few weeks of no response, and he’ll be bored of talking to himself, and will get some sun on the beach like a reasonable haole.
You know the guilty parties. Do the right thing.
Muchos besos a todos.
It’s just hard to keep from poking the monkeys with a stick once in a while, just to hear them shriek. Gotta have a hobby.
I just checked and it looks like Steffy’s blog won the award for best blog by a gay traitor.
“I noticed today that sometime within the last 24 hours, HorsesAss had its millionth visitor (937,000 tallied visitors plus an estimated 63,000 before Sitemeter was installed). Man…you guys really do like Goldy!”
If my kids weren’t all using the same computer, you’d have a million a day. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/2/06@ 8:16 pm
I’d guess he’s at 950K. 50K are your repetitive entries Rabbit
publicans. They cannot name the 10 commandments, but they sure can break them. Commentby JDB— 8/2/06@ 9:10 pm
You JDB are a damnable liar. Liberals are the irreligious bunch. Remember Barak Obama last month saying moonbats must reach out to the evangelicals?
Boy, I’m use to wingnuts being wrong, but you are up there in JCH land:
Colbert also noted that Westmoreland signed onto a bill to hang the Ten Commandments in public buildings. Then he asked Westmoreland to name the commandments. He got two or three, then said he couldn’t name them all. Colbert smirked.
Robinson said that, during the interview, Westmoreland actually got up to about seven of the Ten Commandments before petering out, but that part was edited out.
“I challenge anybody outside of the clergy to try to (name them all),” [Westmoreland press secretary Brian] Robinson said.
But you have to admit, they sure are good at breaking them.
Given all this publicity, Goldy’s official title should be upgraded from “Dear Leader” to “Great Leader.”