School officials in San Francisco and elsewhere are grappling with the difficulty of getting students to accept free or subsidized lunches because of the social stigma.
Or, um… maybe the kids would prefer to eat real food rather than pizza and corn dogs?
On a more serious note, my first thought in reading the article was, why the fuck are the free and reduced price lunch kids being identified as such? It doesn’t work that way in Seattle elementary schools, where kids have accounts from which the cost of meals are deducted. Who’s to know? So why are free and reduced price lunch kids forced to stand in a separate line in San Francisco?
Most of the separate lines came in response to a federal requirement that food of minimal nutritional value not be sold in the same place as subsidized meals, which must meet certain nutritional standards.
Gee, well, I suppose one simple solution might be to eliminate this federal requirement. Or — and I don’t want to get too radical here — perhaps we shouldn’t be serving school kids “food of minimal nutritional value”…? Which of course, gets back to my first comment: corn dogs? Yuch.
take that back.
I’m with you. Corn dogs, bleh. Where are the vegetables and fruit?
There are stigmas to certain things. Why try to hide it? I think it’s character-building to have the kids learn how to deal with it. If they don’t deal with it when they are younger, how will they learn how to deal with it when they are older? Don’t hide the fact certain kids have to get subsidized lunches. Teach them how to handle the shame and stigma that comes with it.
What is wrong with corn dogs? They have 2 of the three essential foods groups. The only food group missing is Beer.
If the parents ever buy a $4 Starbucks fancy coffee or have a cellphone, the child should be eliminated from free or reduced lunch.
Many of the problems of the poor among us stem from Starbucks, cell phones and other non-necessities.
Perhaps “FREE” Lunch should be prepared in a wok at the lunch table promote self-esteem.
Only gun nuts REQUIRE beer in their diets to survive:)
re 5: You sound like Paul Harvey in 1962. Nobody ever pumps up your self-esteem here.
So, what the hell are you talking about? I say give the little bastards all the corn-dogs, potato chips, and Pepsi™ they can stomach — and lots of French’s™ mustard and Ketchup to dip and slther things in.
Please shut up and go away.
Goldy, is the check engine light on, on your server? The site seems to be behaving irratically today.
@3 Even better, have a large pyre in the lunch room, and just burn the little scofflaw bastards at the steak.
There have been some really cool experiments with kids helping grow some of the school lunch food in school gardens and helping with cooking and menu planning. In the end thing were cheaper and better for the kids. I’ll see if I can dig up some links.
Way back in the day when I was in grade school the free lunch kids had to line up first for lunches.
@5…typical blame the victim tripe. Conservatives believe the poor should blame themselves for their lot and build golden calfs to worship rich people because, despite all evidence to the contrary, if you have lots of wealth you are obviously ‘superior’.
And if those poor stop buying Starbucks and cell phones, won’t investors suffer? We can’t have that now, can we?
@5…yes, the answer is to starve the poor. Much along the lines of Jonathan Swift, perhaps the answer is to simply put the poor out of their misery…shoot them all. Just think of the savings: No more free lunches, no welfare, reduced taxes, the elimination of the Dept. of Health and Human Services….fucking paradise!!!
Those left will all be rich! Pray tell at that point how the market mechanism will work to insure the laundry still gets done, the lawns mowed, and the toilets cleaned? Import some more Mexicans? But then, won’t you be right back where you started?
Damn the poor to hell.
Burning them is cheaper. Cost IS the issue.
Yes, the simple solution is to get rid of the federal requirement. Why on earth should people in Washington DC be telling an elementary school in Seattle what they should be feeding their kids?
Typical of the reich wingers. Make the children (children who are already born, that is) suffer. These children are the ones who are most vulnerable and easiest to bully.
Then, blame the non-reich wingers for the problems that this creates.
Meantime, “Teach the children how to handle the shame and stigma that comes with it.”
How compassionate.
Goldy channeling peta said:
Where do you live? Do kids in your world actually rather eat fruits and vegetables than pizza and corn dogs? And then when you consider it’s the kids of poor parents, their diet is probably junk food 24/7. Can’t buy food at whole foods or trader joes if you’re poor.
What is not being talked about is how the rich white kids of liberal/democrat parents are making the poor feel like second class citizens for eating a free lunch.
How do we solve the problem? Easy, teach the rich white children of liberal parents not to look down on minorities and the poor.
@15 Republican Idea #1 – And let’s not overlook the idea of forcing the poor who can’t feed the kids they already have to bring even more poor kids into the world.
Why are you guys jumping on the corn dogs and pizza….the pic is a picture from 2004 at Taft Highschool in Chicago. Nothing do do with Seattle or San Fran…
Saw this bumper sticker once on a car: Can’t feed ’em? Don’t breed ’em.
Easy for you to say. Words (especially if you are a troll on a liberal blog) are cheap.
#17 Roger Rabbit says:
Name the republican that is forcing these poor people into having unprotected sex.
@21 Ah c’mon, Marvin. We can’t have people taking personal responsibility for their actions. Why that’d almost be like saying that actions cause consequences. And we all know that only Republicans cause consequences…for EVERYTHING! Government exists to *shield* people from any unpleasantness. Right?
@21: Rich women have unprotected sex, too, but they will never be ‘forced’ to bear unwanted children. Abortions will always be available to them.
Thus your ‘point’ is, er, pointless.
“Name the republican that is forcing these poor people into having unprotected sex.”
Any republican that is opposed to Griswold v. Connecticut. Take “man on dog” riccky ticcy Santorum for instance.
If we just starve the children of the poor people who are making moral choices that I think are wrong, then they’ll learn. It’s the only way, animals that they are.
@25 What hyperbolic crap! No one is advocating “starve the childres of the poor people…”. At least come up with a lie that is half way believeable, for Christs sake. Even the other dims around here won’t believe that one.
Starve them? No, we should just make sure that their nourishment is not comparable to those of the other students with whom they are competing and inadequate to support optimal learning. After all, keeping children from breaking a cycle of ignorance and poverty that was none of their doing is in all our interests.
Which is why Republicans should support sex ed, free accessible family planning and contraception for all and the right to an abortion.
We can’t hope to achieve anything close to equality of opportunity in America unless we can guarantee equality of education. Local funding of education should end to prevent the rich from being educated in super-funded schools while the poor are taught in shitholes. This, BTW, is not a federal problem.
You need to read more carefully. I said I saw a bumper sticker that said that. I, myself, did not say that. Nor did I say I believe that.
The DoE, though, should cut off federal funding for schools whose lunch programs for everyone are not nutritionally sound.
30 T
That’s OK, we’re used to Republicans mouthing objectionable sayings they don’t believe.
And ones they do.
Daddy Love @ 31
That would be an excellent solution.
Here’s an idea — since the Air Force gave the tanker refueling contract to the French, our public schools and government cafeterias in Washington should start serving Freedom Fries in protest!
Thank you, Richard. I’m something of a blind squirrel, you know.
Question DL,
Let’s say local funding of schools was outlawed, and all schools were funded equally, based on the number of students, from K, all the way to 12. And let’s also say parents could not hold fund raisers for their school, and could also not hire tutors. Let’s take an example. Let’s say Rainier Beach HS got the exact same amount of money per student as Mercer Island HS, and both schools had the same quality of teachers, and both schools got the same for supplies, etc., at the end of 5 years, which school’s student’s do you think would score the highest on the SAT’s and why?
I say let’s adopt the republican way of thinking here. We’ll spends hundreds of millions to try to stop people from having abortions – but once those kids are born – fuck em. Let em die of malnutrition – starvation – illness.
You have to admire the absolute lack of intelligence that makes the republican mind work.
Is racism forcing an inner city boy to spend his time hanging out with his friends after school instead of going to the library to study?
Troll@39: why ask such stupid questions – instead find an inner city kid and tutor them. Go to where they live and see the great “study” spaces they have and the great parental examples.
Your questions just show your total ignorance and lack of knowledge.
Goldy: Good post. Our kids should all be getting healthy food – serving them crap just sets them up for unhealthy eating habits later in life and chronic debilitating diseases like heart disease, diabetes and hypertension.
If anyone actually looks at the data for the US – diabetes is an epidemic and it used to be called “adult onset” – but thanks to our lack of exercise and lousy diets – more and more kids are getting this preventable disease – now called Type II.
SATs are a flawed measure. So although equal funding cannot erase every difference in a system that in so many ways rewards the rich and punishes the poor, it would go a long fucking way.
The relevant question is not “who would score higher on the SATs” but rather, “How would relative scores on SATs change due to this shift from where they are now?”
39 T
No one has yet mentioned racism. Why do you? Do you think that only black or brown people are poor? White people are virtuous?
And just fyi for y’all…feeding poor kids is no way about color.
39 T
Yes, we all know how shiftless those black kids are, right?
39 T
Oh, I’m sorry, I meant “inner city boy,” because of course there’s no way you were thinking or meaning “black” when you wrote that, right?
“inner city” = code for “white kids of parents living in $2 million houses on Capitol Hill.”
Damn, of only those rich white kids weren’t so irresponsible that they habitually hang out with their friends instead of study! What a paradise this world could be.
You know what I’m sayin’, right dawg?*
* typical language of white kids of parents living in $2 million houses on Capitol Hill.
@42, when someone makes a non-political post, and Roger Rabbit starts talking about Republicans, do you remind him that no one was talking about Republicans? No, you do not. So you WILL NOT be lecturing me about how no one has brought up racism.
Case closed.
48 T
Touchy, touchy. No wonder you guys lose.
I like corn dogs.
You and me both, brother. But I like American Idol, too, and everyone knows that’s bad for you.
@29 You do understand that the problem isn’t funding per se, right? The biggest success indicator is parental participation and involvement. Why do you think private schools, and home schooled children do, on average, better academically?
Unless you’re mandating that every parent spend the appropriate amount of time with their children, then funding alone will not solve the problem. Note: I’m not saying this ‘neglect’ is the result of indifference, or racism, or anything else. I am saying that equal funding by itself won’t resolve the problems that you apparently believe it will.
I like popcorn. Unsalted, unbuttered…
52 IB
The relevant question is not “who would score higher on the SATs” but rather, “How would relative scores on SATs change from where they are now due to this shift?”
I’ve heard that somewhere.
Would you argue that because a measure will not solve every conceivable problem that it should not be implemented? Because that would be, you know, stupid.
52 IB
BTW, you do understand that there isn’t a “THE problem,” but that rather there exist more than one, right?
Plenty of good research points to public school kids doing better than home schooled and private school kids.
Look it up!
hey drooling troll…
…I don’t suppose you’ve noticed, not being very bright and all…that this is a Progressive, Liberal blog which identifies heavily with the positions and candidates and officeholders and policies of the Democratic Party.
Most of us DETEST republicans, especially the current edition of the local, state and national republican party.
A good many of us are very, very politically active and are working as hard as we possibly can to defeat this wretched excuse for a political movement know as the local, state and national republican party.
So if we bash republicans, and republican policy and what passes for republican “thought”…we in no way try to be fair, balanced or anything else. And furthermore, most if not all of us take your painfully stupid bleatings (and those of the equally moronic right-wing commenters here) with at best a “grain of salt”, but more generally as the fabrications and misinterpretations of actual events and or the truth that they inevitably turn out to be.
I, for myself, would hope your pathetic excuse for a framework of governance is splintered and crushed and denigrated and mocked for the next thirty years.
In other words, I wish you to be treated the same way you and your side have treated us Democrats for the LAST thirty years.
In closing I wish to leave you with this thought:
FUCK YOU! You and your selfish, greedy, racist, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, religionist bastard fellow travellers.
FUCK YOU! If you all believe in hell so much, for what you and the fellow spawn of Dick Nixon and Ronald Reagan…for the crimes and misfeasance and malfeasance you and you agents have perpetrated on this great and noble land and it’s people…may you burn in the hell you so fear…
…again I say sir…
Fuck you!!!
I just can’t get enough of this:
A “knockout blow” to The Smartest Woman In The World. Both of them get the repudiation they so richly deserve.
I just relish quotes like this “…Mrs. Clinton’s advisers have suggested that she will bow out of the race if she falters in either state, after 11 straight losses.”
I’m just wondering if she can stand doing committee meetings with the likes of Patty “Dimwit” Murray.
That goes DOUBLE for you redneck…you dyspeptic, misanthropic jerk.
Rujax, you don’t know much about politics if you think there is more than a speck of difference between the Democrats and Republicans. How many U.S. oversees military bases (used to control and prop-up brutal, undemocratic regimes) were closed under Clinton? (None). How many soldiers were sent to Vietnam by the Democratic Presidents JFK and LBJ? (Close to a half a million). Tell me about how Truman wasn’t a xenophobic racist on the dates of August 6th and 9th, 1945.
Take some valium or something…
@60 Truman was NOT a xenophobic racist for ordering the atomic bombs to be used. There were very good reasons to do so, among which: saving a half-million American lives, and probably 2-3 million Japanese.
@55 DL, you did notice that I said “problems” not “problem”, right?
I rest my case you irrelevant fool. Apparantly your reading comprehension matches your grasp of contemporary history.
58 MTR
Yes, what a humiliationit is that a Democratic candidate could run dead even in delegates and votes and survive longer than every Republican challenger. It’s surely a shameful performance.
What do you tell Mitt Romney?
63 IB
Thanks for bringing up a nearly irrelevant detail to help you avoid any relevant point. You’re good.
Yet, you DID say that “equal funding by itself won’t resolve the problems that you apparently believe it will.”
So I feel compelled to point out that equal funding will improve outcomes for students previously underserved by our current funding model. Do you argue that it will not? That’s a yes or no question.
@60: Troll idiot
How many needless wars have been promoted by Democrats in the last ten years?
What party talks about fiscal conservatism and balanced budgets – but spends us into the largest budget deficits in history? What President is the only one to have a budget surplus at the end of his term in the last 20 Years?
How many corrupt politicians have organized loobyists for “Republicans only” like Karl Rove and Jack Abramoff?
How many Democratic Presidents have approved torture lately?
How many Democratic presidents ignored the constitution and have started illegal wiretaps on US citizens?
If you think the Democrats are the same as the Republicans – you have not been paying attention or you are a fool.
@58 – Mark or so:
Regarding Patty Murray – given the level of your posts – you should not be calling anyone a dimwit. Really – how could you judge and why is name-calling the best you can do?
Murray and Cantwell are asking for an “investigation” into the tanker deal, they are implying there were some illegal issues.
@66 I wasn’t avoiding any point, DL. Equal funding would undoubtedly help in at least some cases, but WOULD NOT be the panacea you apparently believe it to be. It’s that simple. Not every problem can be resolved by throwing more money at them.
If every school did receive equal funding, what would you then recognize as success?
If stammering Marvin/puddyprick,Ass-burn, and Mark the Simian had had fruits and vegggies as kids, they might not have so much brain damage. That would solve a few problems in the world, no?
@70 And if whimperpimper was really as smart as he thinks he is, he wouldn’t have to wear diapers all the time. Hows the toilet training going, anyway, pimper? Just keep your hands out of it this time, huh?
Hope. Change. Change. Hope.
Elect me! I know where the White House bathrooms are from day one!
@73 Awesome, maybe you can show sempersimper how to actually use one of them…
72 & 73
I just hope to keep some of my spare change if, God forbid, the democrats cheat their way into the White House.
You are what you eat
That shit-eating cur is certainly what he eats.
Change of tone:
I love corn dogs. Slathered in mustard. State Fairs, county fairs, out of my freezer…I thought they were a food group.
What isn’t shown in that cafeteria picture is the kid have choices. There is some healthy foods there, but there is also junk food.
Will Johnby McCain run on his platform that he is batshit crazy, a guy who cheats on his wife, or a flip flopper?
17 You want a welfare check, submit to drug testing and
after six months you still want a check sterilization.
Also the way things are run around here we need drug
testing for our elected officials.
Will Johnby McCain run on his platform that he cheats on his wife
No. That only works on Donks. Well that and rape.
wow the righties in here aren’t too bright, are they? and they seem kinda bummed out and bitchy too. i guess their soon-to-be permanent minority status here in the US as well as washington state has them a little bit cranky, and that’s sad. let’s all be extra nice to them, especially since their anachronistic worldview and irrelevant carpings are soon to have all the significance of a fart in a whirlwind, or the idle chatter of ghosts that civilization left behind. but this is as it should be — can you even imagine living in the wealthiest and most powerful nation in human history, and still not wanting to see healthcare and education provided for everyone therein? what small-minded silliness, and how unworthy of a human being. such benighted souls must surely go the way of the dinosaurs, as evolution is continuing whether they agree to it or not — and the evolutionaries are about to take the house AND the hill.
71 Assburn:
What a stunning and incisive riposte! What a clever and admirable display of your literary skills! How impressed we all must be with your antepenultimate skills, and how breathlessly we await your next devastating sortie!!!
I am cut to the quick. Devastated and rent asunder by your brilliance. I simply cannot go on after your scintillating remarks, life is no longer worth living! I shall wrap the draperies of my couch about me and lie down to extinction! ALAS!
etc, etc, etc.
@80 Mark
It’s obvious you fail your drug tests. You can’t possibly be this way naturally.
Puddy @ 75
I thought you were a wealthy producer and network genius, whose skills are unequaled in the known universe, so you must have LOTS and LOTS of change.
Hell, if my middle-schooler eats a corn dog or pizza for lunch I can live with that. If the choice is healthy vegetables or nothing, he is very likely to/ will eat nothing. I can live with getting some decent food into him in the am and at dinner. Mostly it is important that he eat something to get him through the afternoon so he can focus and I mostly just don’t want him getting all chemically wacked out from sugar foods.
I think right now he eats a chicken sandwich most days at his school.
Goldy, does your daughter enjoy a nice salad from the salad bar at her seattle school? I used to help with lunch when my son was in elementary school and there were kids that patronized the salad fruit bar, but my son wasn’t one of them. And seriously, he would go hungry, to his detriment, if that was all there was.
@83 Whatever. I note that you waited several hours before you responded, hoping I’m sure, that I’d miss it and you could feel like you “won”.
Well go right on ahead. Obviously, you have nothing else to validate your pathetic little life, so take it where you can get it, fool.
Was that kosher bacon next to the corn dogs? Yum Yum!
Ok, I’m coming in late here, but there are a few things left to say.
First, assuming that we’re speaking primarily about primary and middle school/junior high, I have to jump into the “why is there junk food on the cafeteria menu anyway?” crowd.
Yes, I know that the third graders would prefer textured offal surrounded by artificially colored corn flavored vegetable product, cooked in genuine lard, with pasturized processed cheese food stuff. Yes, I realize that we have “progressed” to the point where declaring ketchup to be a vegetable is no longer a joke (as it may be the closest thing these kids get to a vegetable).
So what? “Freedom of choice” applies to adults. They are welcome to bring junk from home, if their parents wish to allow it. Everything on a school cafeteria menu should at least meet the minimum standard for subsidized meals.
Next point. So, Mr. Cynical (and others) believe that if mom or dad makes bad choices (by their particular standards) then the kids can just starve?
It might surprise you to understand that even liberals understand that people often choose badly. Heck, we got two terms of President Bush, and I presume that not all of those votes were generated by Diebold.
So, along with listening into our phone calls and reading our e-mails, you folks want to become the family budget police? We’re going to follow folks around checking to see if they buy a latte or a pack of cigarettes?
(Oops, sorry. The smokes are ok, it’s the latte that you object to.)
The point of the subsidized school meals is that we know that parents often choose badly, and their kids suffer for those bad choices. With the school lunch program, we can be certain that the money is going into the kids bellies, rather than into another 12 pack for mom’s boyfriend.
Good grief. School lunches are where liberals and conservatives should be able to agree.
Of course we agree but why should kids getting free lunch NOT be identifiable. You wanna fix this .. put the kids in unoforms!
The Big Dipper says:
Of course we agree but why should kids getting free lunch NOT be identifiable. You wanna fix this .. put the kids in unoforms!
You certainly are a big dipper of shit. I’m sure you’re putting us on. No normal human would have an attitude like that about children.
John Barelli–
Could point about the cigarettes.
Beer & alcohol too.
If the rest of us are going to support bad parents by taking care of their parental obligation to feed their children, you bet there ought to be conditions.
Leftists like you John immediately focus in on what the government can do. As long as you enable thousands of parents to not worry about feeding their children, that the government will do it, you will have an “entitlement” centered society.
So having conditions on how parents spend money on non-necessities & extravagences seems reasonable.
PS–Our family has contributed money to Food Banks for years. I know some of those folks could do more for themselves, but the majority are truly down on their luck.
It’s not the same for the Free Lunch crowd John.
Does it make you feel all swollen up with pride to enable folks to not meet their parental obligations???
Wow…how noble of you.
With all due respect – the same thing happened in Britain when chef Jamie Oliver started his campaign to ‘improve’ the quality of the food in the school lunch programs there. He drastically increased the fruit and vegetable content and severely cut back on deep fried foods. Once the kids tasted the ‘healthy’ foods they started bringing their own lunches.If memory serves there was a 10 to 15 percent reduction in kids who used the program. Kids like what kids like. Having raised a couple, getting them to eat a balanced diet is an exercise in frustration. I suggest that it is not the stigma but the content of the meal that is turning the kids away.
I find your point of view refreshing, but step back for a minute and think here.
A big problem a lot of conservatives have with the welfare state in general is that it generates “moral hazard”. In short, if you get $320/week for going out and making minimum wage, and $300/week (or more) for taking the dole, people will have no incentive to work, and that’s bad.
We’ll ignore that hopefully most people have aspirations beyond a $300/week lifestyle, and say that nope, we do not want to be encouraging people to sit on the dole. That’s fair.
Is someone going to pass up work so that their kid gets one square meal a day in school? This seems to be the logical end-point to your argument.
Simply put, there’s a fine line between being pragmatic and just plain mean. I’d put your argument on the mean side.
Mr. Cynical
No, I don’t get all warm and fuzzy about meeting someone else’s parental obligations. I just recognize that some parents don’t meet their obligations. Many can’t, but some just don’t.
Either way, however, it isn’t the fault of the kids, and they are the ones to suffer.
It is even tempting to say “then take the kids away”! Leaving aside all of the emotional and psychological and ethical answers about that, there are purely practical reasons why that answer doesn’t work except in the most severe cases.
The foster care system is more expensive per child, and in many (most?) states, is strained to the breaking point.
Bottom line. Even if we wanted to, we can’t.
Look, Mr. Cynical. At least some of us in the liberal camp share some of that cynicism. But on this program, even the most cynical among us should find some common ground.
Little Billy isn’t going to take his baggie of chicken ala king down to the street corner to swap for crack, even if his mom is a junkie. He’ll get at least one decent meal that day, and we know that the money is going where we intend it to go.
Billy’s mom isn’t the person bearing the consequences here.
And while you can argue about teaching little Billy about personal responsibility, the fact is that little Billy is not the cause of the problem, and is otherwise powerless to solve it. Bottom line. The children are not failing to meet their responsibilities, but they are the ones bearing the burden.
Unless you subscribe to the “Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?” school of philosophy.
John Barelli:
Liberals aren’t interested in finding any common ground. It’s all about driving the Stalinist boot heel into the face of humanity at every chance.
Odd, as I’m a liberal, and here I am trying to find common ground. I don’t even own any Stalinist boots (although I have a very comfortable pair of Ugg boots).
And somehow I just don’t see how making sure that grade school kids get a decent meal, regardless of the failings of their parents, is Stalinist. Stalin left people to starve. Liberals (and most conservatives) think that keeping folks fed is a better idea.
Since it is the “conservatives” (actually neo-cons) around here that seem to be in opposition to this very reasonable and practical program, it would seem that you folks are the true followers of Stalin.
Just a bit of a recap.
– Stalin supported monitoring of private correspondence.
– Neo-cons support monitoring of private correspondence.
– Liberals oppose monitoring of private correspondence.
– Stalin supported warrentless searches.
– Neo-cons support warrentless searches.
– Liberals oppose warrentless searches.
– Stalin supported interrogation by torture.
– Neo-cons support interrogation by torture.
– Liberals oppose interrogation by torture.
– Stalin sent people to prison camps without trials.
– Neo-cons send people to prison camps without trials.
– Liberals oppose sending people to prison camps without trials.
– Stalin supported unilateral military intervention in other countries.
– Neo-cons support unilateral military intervention in other countries.
– Liberals oppose unilateral military intervention in other countries.
Stalin also had a way of co-opting words to make them mean exactly the opposite of what they have traditionally meant. He called his country “democratic”, and spoke out for “freedom”, even though his “elections” were rigged and the people’s rights were trampled on.
Just like you neo-cons.
John@96 says-
“Little Billy isn’t going to take his baggie of chicken ala king down to the street corner to swap for crack, even if his mom is a junkie.”
John, if Little Billy’s mom is a Junkie, shouldn’t he be removed from the home??
We in Washington already fund an extraordinarily large & ineffective DSHS Budget. They view Little Billy’s Mom as a “client”. I view her as an irresponsible parent.
While I understand the economics of investing in children born into this type of travesty, there is a fine-line between helping the child and promoting irresponsibility. Seems like we can agree on that. Unfortunately, the free & reduced school lunch program, without accountability for the parents conduct seems to cross the line to promoting irresponsibility. I think any parent participiating in this owes it to Society to be accountable for how they spend their money. Fancy coffee, smokes, alcohol & dope should ==Disqualified. I’m not concerned about the parents “self-esteem”. Perhaps seeing their kid starve is the “bottom” most addicts need. A lot of these handout Programs enable ireesponsible parents from hitting bottom…which is a bad thing.
Regarding types of food…I totally agree the menu’s are attrocious. You should see the “snacks” parents pack for their kids…cheese & crackers, soda pap, high sugar BS etc.
The menu’s should have affordable, nutricious meals…period. But trust me…some kids are so addicted to junk food they will not eat it.
It all comes back to Parents Responsibility for their Kids vs. Government Responsibility.
I lean strongly toward Parent responsibility unless the child is physically taken away from the irresponsible parent.
Don’t you know the difference between Conservatives and Neo-Cons?? I am a Conservative with a strong Libertarian bent. I don’t like Big Government. Do I like Bush?? On many issues…absolutely not…particularly regarding spending and borrowing (fiscal issues). I believe the Federal Government should provide cost-effective infrastructure and defense. PERIOD. They should empower people to do good things for society. Bush has failed by not watching the Defense Dollars and not protecting our borders and not eliminating earmarks and other silly spending. Bush is a Neo-Con…I am not. I do agree we must go after terrorists whereever they are…but not provide defense around the world for our “Allies” and others. But we must go after terrorists, those who support terrorists…whereever they are.
That’s why I reject your Liberal tag and call you a Seattle New Age Progressive Leftist Pinheaded Klown.
When I started posting here, everyone who disagreed with folks like you was labeled a Neo-Con. Nothing could be further from the truth in most cases.
Hence, it seemed only fair to label folks who disagreed with me something on the other end of the spectrum.
Mr. Cynical
You’ll note that my little rant about neo-cons was not directed at you. Read through the description. Most conservatives I know are at least as angry about the abuses of the current administration as are liberals.
More so, in some cases, as the folks abusing our Constitution are labled as “conservatives”, even though their programs and policies bear little resemblence to traditional conservatism.
Ron Paul is a conservative. You’ll notice that while we liberals may disagree with him on lots of things, we don’t seem to dislike the man. He’s reasonably honest and rather consistent. We can deal with that.
Back to the topic.
Yes, if little Billy’s mom is a crackhead, he should be removed from the house, although it isn’t as easy as it sounds.
For example. There is something to be said for random drug testing for anyone on public assistance. Heck, you can’t get a job stocking shelves at Home Depot unless you can pass a drug test.
But… Leaving aside all the privacy and dignity issues, what do we do when Billy’s mom tests positive for THC? Yank Billy from the home? It’s a thought, but where do we put him? Drug counseling and observation? Great! But where does the money come from to pay for it?
Most social workers have large case loads that barely allow for an occasional home visit, and drug treatment programs have long waiting lists even for even the most basic outpatient programs.
My point in this case is that regardless of the failings (which are legion) in the various support systems, this program is one that we should all be able to agree upon. Common ground, as it were.
Dr. julian /if you want to kill someone. you would feed him this.
Dr. julian /horrible, all right reap box , and you must be exhaust. You just destroying your body, which of this would you like? I can give you the whole list, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart diseases, heart attack. when I look at this table half of the surgeries in U.K will be emptied out . if the people switched this rubbish food. You put three cubes in one cup of tee!
Lisa /not keeping wise of putting sugar.
Dr. julian /so it’s maybe more then that?
Lisa /I put 5 to 6 sugar cubes in one cup.
Dr. julian /6 cubes in one cup of tee !? it’s drug attic, it’s sugar attic, there is no difference really ,but the sugar is legal do you hate your self that’s much, you want to destroy your body this seriously ?
Lisa / at the moment we tired to cook and make our lunch to the next day. it’s never ended circle.
Reader / Oh dear even their fate is donuts shape. but what the diet doing to their health. First up a quick look at John tongue and Dr. julian has his diagnosis
Dr. julian /this different cutes all adumbrates to that John have lost vitamin B.
Dr. julian/ the healthy tongue should not have any crack in the middle. it should be completely free of cracks.
Reader /Lisa next and her examination is a real eye open in her.
Dr. julian/ Lisa people can be sure when they put their eyelids down and if they very very wild pink or white and their Iron deficiency .it should be nice pink, I think you have anemia, did you have a heavy period lately?
Lisa /I do. Yes
Dr. julian/are you period always heavy ?
Lisa /yes indeed.
Dr. julian/you need you eat foods that’s with high iron like vegetables, lettuce, with dark green food ,not just red meat iron from, can you please show me you tongue
Dr. julian/ ohh ,you get all these cracks Lisa!? I believe that you have a zinc deficiency,
Let me look at your fingernails, let me see of there is a sign of zinc deficiency let me see here, here you get a white spot.
Reader /and after that quick test , Dr. julian deliver her opinion .
Dr. julian/ I believe that’s Lisa sterility and you have a hard time in your period,
Dr. julian/ am I right ?
Lisa/ yes.
Reader/ is she ever wrong ? Dr. julian suggests Lisa to lose weight to help increase to get pregnant, research shows that’s 1 in 5 women are obese.
Obese women 60% less chance of pregnancy .obesity can lead to:
Irregular periods.
Ovulation problems.
Disturb uterus lining.
Embryo implantation fails.
So Lisa must lose some weight , if she wants more chance to get pregnant.
Dr. julian/ did you know that your stomach did’ have any teethes ?
John / I know that, but …. !
Dr. julian/ so what do you expects your stomach will do with a whole piece of food ?
John / I don’t know what to say.
Dr. julian/ your stomach Lisa is better then John, so you’re breaking down all the rubbish food
Reader/ Perfect , how the (Drake’s) will effects with the new diet?
Dr. julian/there are a little food that you must not have, what is the food that you don’t like ?
John/ everything that you put in that list.
Reader/ And will John will ever learned to love Dr. julian/ list? Crashing the scales that joint 256 Kg, John and Lisa drakes fast food diet have let them Fad un fit, Lisa wants kids but been a obese can half her chance to having a Baby, for prove that they eating badly Dr. julian sent blood sample of Lisa and John to the laboratory to analyze them, the result….. Later.
But, first she must take them away of all fast food, and but then in a diet that she thinks that will help them to lose weight.
Something Like: peppers, courgettes, tomatoes, sweet potatoes
Salmon , cod , lemons , trout , tofu , leeks , dill ,plums.
It’s all 8 weeks plan.
Dr. julian/ will then what you think ?
Lisa/ that’s little improving.
Dr. julian/ where is your excited? Come on this is very different, this is the kind of food that’s going to bust your elements ,eating this way let you save more money then you spend now,
Lisa/ it’s a lot of green’s for John, it’s take time to used to it.
Dr. julian/I think the mean problem John that you never had a healthy meal,
John/that’s my way to chose the easy way.
Reader/but, not any more, say goodbye John to all Junk food
And welcome (fish kebab) a dieter dream
Dr. julian/ salon,tona and lemon, Delicious and high with (Fatty Acids), which, burns Fats guys.
John/ I love lemon, lemon with a fish lovely.
Lisa/ ammm
Reader/ Lisa sugar snacks will be swat natural food.
Dr. julian/ it’s not sweeter with sugar, I used rice milk, which has sweet taste. it give the body more energy. it’s fills you with great power, but not the way like crazy energy that in (Red bull)
Dr. julian/did you like it? yeah?
Lisa/ ammh, yeah
John/ I didn’t dislike it.
Dr. julian/ that’s is a good start John.
Reader/ John energy drinks has swat for green food and Beans which booth has Zinc to supply John with energy.
Dr. julian/ I brought brown beans, Haricot Beans, and green beans. Great source of Dietary Fiber, clean you out inside.
Reader/ hmmm, all ready they exchanging glasses,
Dr. julian devise tow months of menus to keep them in the traffic.
They will start eating: great libido boosters, walnuts ,strawberries , fish, avocados, mean wild back to the laboratory another old fiend Doctor. Sanj btale has bad news for John.
Dr.Sanj/ he is got vitamin B deficiency it’s mean he feels very tired and change the moon all the time. He is also has deficiency of zinc which effects enzymes he got, Lisa test results, she is have lower zinc and zinc is very important not only to keep us healthy but’s it’s helping us with the (B.M.T)
Dr. julian/ Lisa has zinc deficiency as well as John, I think Lisa can found a hard time to join our diet, if she want’s children she must try the diet.
Dr. julian/ has sent to the (drakes) healthy food stuff, but in week one trying to work out.
Lisa/ it’s organic beans, any idea ?
Reader/not only she have to get her head and her mouth to work it out and also Dr. Julian enfolder menu.
Lisa/ Soup for breakfast !
Reader/ As (yummy) as (mock).
Lisa/John don’t like vegetables and green food.
Reader/John will say it’s……. let us see.
Lisa/ I don’t feel that’s John will eat it.
Reader/but John must to keep in open mind if he is not going to be hungry. today’s breakfast (Porge) made of (kinwoa) and water.
John/I don’t believe that.
Lisa/if you don’t want to eat dear it’s okay you will not eat anything today it’s only this.
Reader/ (kinowa) contains zinc and it’s in every supermarket.
John/you don’t expect me you eat this?umm it’s like paper glue, that’s just gross
Reader/I don’t think that’s in option in Dr. Julian diet ,John refuse to eat that’s food in the the doctor menu, not Surprising
John/ I found a hard time to work at 1 or 2 in the midnight, when I need that energy. and I need wakening up and go to work,
Reader/something Lisa know very well. John has used to drink (red bull) after (red bull) which full of sugar and Dr. Julian worried about John maybe he will leave the diet and go back .
Dr. Julian/your sugar drink it’s like 112 cup of coffee,
John/oh.Gosh all this in my body. it’s shocking.
Dr. Julian/ you know what? I think you should drink all these 112 cups right now to give you the energy that you want !.
Would you do it?
John/ NO.
Dr. Julian/ you get to help him Lisa.
Lisa/I will. I will not let him drink this stuff again
Reader/caffeine have no value of energy the body don’t need it. At any function ,more then 10 caffeine it’s drinks a day, it’s increased risk of : high blood pressure , panic attacks, severe headaches , heart attack, three weeks in Lisa having a healthy BBQ with salon and vegetables, but John’s still not a happy eater so Dr. julian back to put him in the trace again.
Dr. Julian/ what is the food that you don’t like?
John/everything that you put in the list, I just don’t like it.
Dr. Julian/ so you can eat beans ,meat, vegetables, green things, eggs bread, so what you missing ?
John/fish and chicken is fine.
Lisa/ am going very well with whole the menu, I missed tee with sugar but it’s okay.
Dr. Julian/ it’s great, that’s this far, I want a promise that you will be open mind.
John/I don’t need to give a promise, I will continue.
Reader/ in the week five Dr. Julian/ helps them with joint step it’s appears that’s it’s working Lisa will burn 600 cals in one hour in house working.
Reader/ tow months passed and she want home to see them after the healthy life style. How is the now Lisa looking today?
She did never feel better, she lost 13Kg.John also dropt 13Kg of his weight and he is looks Great.