“I’ve found you can do pretty much anything you want if you do it with a smile on your face. It’s amazing what you can get away with if you do it with a smile on your face.”
— Dino Rossi, September 11, 2007
Looks like Dino Rossi has set up yet another sleazy front group to shill his non-campaign. Check this one out…
Imagine that..another liberal City Council member is accused of violence against women and Goldy is strangely silent. But of course some bullshit story about Rossi is SO much more newsworthy. I guess if your name isn’t Jane Hague you can rape a woman or beat her up and Goldy doesn’t give a shit.
You are a complete parody of yourself and actually a mirror image of Eyman. Both of you are unapologetic peddlers of partisan bullshit without any self-awareness or ability to critique those with whom you ideologically agree. You each lack basic fashion sense as well.
You’ll probably remove this as off-topic because you lack the balls to be so thoroughly called out.
Looks like Rossi will fit in well with the “new” republicans and their mantra:
corruption: (Just-us dept, K street and Abramoff, sex scandals, Alaska dirty B-club etc)
Who is paying Rossi?
incompetence: (Iraq war (who knew there would be insurgents?)Katrina, Justice (I had no idea what they were doing, Gonzalez)
Now that Rossi was caught – pay me off and pretend it is not a campaign
Denial and evasion: Start a new front group with the same big money donors and fool the people again (hey, it worked the first time!)
How about McIver beating the crap out of his wife, Goldy?
Going to ignore that? Didn’t happen or doesn’t fit the news you can abuse?
As for this Rossi smear, the Washington Democrats should put up a site about Governor Gregoire using taxpayer money for focus groups for her campaign.
But again, that wouldn’t be reported by Goldie’s Ministry of Propaganda. That is just good stewardship of taxpayer money?
C’mon, Goldy, sack up.
Washington State has a domestic violence law on the books because Democrats pushed for it back in the late 70’s. Republicans opposed domestic violence becoming a crime as they thought the state shouldn’t interfere in family matters.
You’d think after giving the same stump speech for four years in a row, Rossi would get over the “ums” and “ahs.”
He didn’t have the money to go to “the Hilton every weekend.” Seriously? That’s his best example of an out-of-reach opportunity. I can’t even afford to go to a State Park every weekend.
I’ll let Dino lecture me about hard times when he gets a real job.
1 and 3
This blog makes no pretense of being nonpartisan. Are you two too stupid to recognize that? Accordingly, failing to say anything about McIver is hardly hypocritical Fox News, on the other hand, does claim nonpartisanship. Ergo, its hypocrisy is legion. Is it your understanding that all media, all the time must adhere devotedly to the right’s fantasies? Go play with yourselves.
Redundant assholes at @1 & @3,
Eat me. This isn’t a newspaper. I’ve been out all morning and didn’t even know about the McIver thing until I read my comment thread. Not that it’s a subject I would necessarily write about as a) I’m not sure what to add, and b) it’s Stefan’s job to trash Democrats, not mine.
Speaking of which… either of you trash Stefan in his comment threads for not covering Hague’s drunk driving?
Slight correction…Technically seattle city council (not allowed to spell with cap’s, per Mayor Quarters) offices are non-partisan, so traditional Demo/Repub labels aren’t applicable.
The Piper
Whether or not McIver fucks pigs in the middle of Fifth Avenue, doesn’t make Rossi any more qualified to be governor, or whoever posted #1 and #3 above anything but a schmuck.
Yeah whatever there Goldy. Kinda like Queen Crissy campaigning on our tax dollars; around $120K to be exact under the guise of “town hall” meetings, where she supposedly wants to “listen” to the people. Listening to our tax dollars circling the bowl is more like it……I’m glad to see Rossi is still an enormous threat to you lefties though; that certainly puts a smile on one’s face.
Local Whatcom-County drunk-driving Democrats:
Pete Kremen, Kelli Linville. But wait, they’re D’s so nary a word here….
Actually Stephan has posted an unflattering discussion re: Hague’s DUI. Once. No “newspaper” mind you but 1x more than your deafening silence about 2 recent libs who beat the shit out of women and/or raped them.
You’re much more Eyman-esque…weird, sweaty, and appealing only to an echo chamber of moronic assholes with nothing to offer the body politic but zombie like defenses of their fellow travelers no matter what the facts are or what women are raped or beaten.
“I’m not sure what to add”. Try this — “hey liberal elected officials, please stop choking your wives and raping women…you’re distracting from my razor-sharp insights about Jane Hague’s college experience and Dino Rossi’s non-profit.”
Your hard-on for Darcy Burner is the only contribution you bring to the web…albeit in the form of comic relief.
Mark1 @ 11- First, I don’t follow Whatcom County politics. It’s hard enough to get Sno. Co. news here on the border.
Second, the Hague story is as much about the abuse she threw at the officer and the pattern of ducking responsibility.
And M1 @ 10- I assume you are proportionally more outraged at Bush using Air Force 1 for campaign purposes.
Sadly, NOW and the women’s rights advocacy groups who would be screaming for a Republican wife-beaters balls on a stick will be as deafeningly silent as you are, Goldy. You have as large of a double standard as any sleazoid Republican bloggarts who remained silent during Foley or now with Larry Craig.
Um… Is it a bit too much to point out that jumping on Hague, Foley and Craig happened after all the relevant facts were in the public domain?
@13 K:
Not my fault you don’t take in all news.
@14 K:
That bothers me very much too-yes. But, you being a typical liberal and being ignorant, paint anyone and everyone who may have some conservative opinions and views as a Bush-lover, which I certainly am NOT. As far as WA. State politics go, that’s what we’re discussing on this thread-Rossi vs. the illegitimate Queen.
@16 what relevant facts are missing in the McIver case that are present in the Mark Foley case? The fact that one was arrested and one wasn’t?
I finally got to read the McIver story in Blethen’s Bugle, and it describes him as being “hawkish” about saving the taxpayers’ money, given to grilling bureaucrats and hostile to half-baked notions. How does that sound as “liberal”….so on what does Mr. Trollfuck above base his assumption of McIver’s “liberalism”? Is it simply based on his holding elective office in Seattle, or on his being African American?
Oh, yeah…the story also points out that His predecessor in the same seat resigned after being charged with domestic violence. (What the hell…does this particular council seat have some sort of hex on it?) That guy was a cop, and it seems not many of them tend to be particularly “liberal”. What would/did you say about that incident–or were you still in Kindergarten back then?
All that being said, when I realized who McIver’s wife is, I practically did a spit-take with my coffee. Marliaina Kiner made a hell of a lot of enemies at the University of Washington in the early 70’s and provided the right with a great deal of ammunition to use against affirmative action. She was using her power as the head of the federal Office of Civil Rights in Seattle, hassling departments with staffs of a dozen, not allowing them to fill open positions because the available applicants didn’t help fix “statistical inequities” of having maybe 1.6 too few employees who were Black, or 0.7 employees with Spanish surnames.
Two points:
1) If Mrs. McIver had that job in the early 1970s, wasn’t she a Nixon appointee?
2) hah @ 1, before you declare McIver a liberal or a Dem, check the Dino Rossi donor list for 2004.