The Secretary of State’s (SOS) office announced today that Lyin’ Eyman’s most recent $30 car tab initiative (or YATDCT—“Yet Another Thirty Dollar Car Tab” initiative) failed the random signature test.
In order to qualify for the ballot, 224,880 valid signatures from registered voters are needed. The SOS office recently documented that Eyman turned in only 266,006 signatures prior to validation.
The embarrassingly low number of signature prompted Eyman to launch into an attack on the SOS office, claiming that the office had lost signatures. Furthermore, Eyman claimed that the SOS office provided him with a receipt for 300,353 signatures on the very day that signatures were turned in. In the end, Eyman’s “evidence” amounted to little more than this scrap of paper.
The SOS office describes the “receipt incident” this way:
On July 7, 2006, the deadline for submitting signatures, the sponsors of I-917 returned and submitted additional petitions to the Elections Division.
After submitting the petitions at the Elections Division offices, Mr. Eyman immediately went to the Capitol Building to hold a press conference in the lobby of the Office of Secretary of State to announce the submission of petitions on I-917.
At that press conference, and while election workers were counting the pages on this initiative a few blocks away, Mr. Eyman presented to the receptionist at the front desk a piece of notebook paper with the number 300,353 handwritten on it and requested that the receptionist date stamp the notebook paper as received by the Office of Secretary of State.
The receptionist did date stamp the notebook paper but because the cameras did not capture that event, Mr. Eyman asked the receptionist to stamp the paper a second time so the cameras could capture the event.
Rather than submitting the document to the receptionist after the stamping process, Mr. Eyman took the document back and turned to the press to announce that the Office of Secretary of State had just verified receipt of 300,353
At the time of the press conference, the Elections Division was in the process of counting the pages on I-917 at the Elections Division. The Office of Secretary of State did not know at that time how many pages or signatures were being submitted that day.
Uh-huh. Who would have guessed…Eyman lying about that original receipt?
The low number of signatures means that, at most, 15.46% of the signatures can be invalid. The SOS office did an initial estimate of invalid signatures using the ‘”random sample” process authorized by state law:’
Election officials examined 10,819 ( or a 4% sample) on I-917. From that inspection, it was determined that the measure had an invalidation rate, including duplicates, of 17.96%.
State law requires that the OSOS now conduct a full check of every signature submitted for Initiative 917. The full check will begin immediately following the completion of the random check of Initiatives 920, 933, and 937.
How likely is it that the full check will result in enough signatures to qualify? Not very. If we can assume that signatures were truely selected at random, a standard statistical test puts the odds at well under 100,000 to 1 that the true signature error rate is less than 15.46%.
Better luck next year, Timmy.
Update: HomerTheBrave has an even better receipt from the Secretary of State’s office.
C’mon, man … stop confusing us with the facts!
Oh, was that a chi-square test? :-)
I think Eyman’s antics demonstrate the level of respect that he has for his constituency: none. He thinks they are stupid enough to fall for his “dog ate my petitions” dodge. Let’s see if he is correct in that assumption.
THAT is Eyman’s “receipt?” HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR Having worked in state government, I can tell you exactly how to get a “receipt” like that … you walk up to the front desk, slap a piece of paper on the counter, and say to the flunky receptionist, “can you date-stamp this in for me, please?” Click-bam! and you’re got yourself a date-stamped “receipt.”
Don’t even need to do handwriting analysis on this one.
Yo Darryl, did you see this?
N in Seattle @ 1
Oh, was that a chi-square test?
In fact, it was! I got an X^2 value of 51.7 with one d.f. The p-value was something like 6.5E-13.
A z-test give a similarly tiny probability of the initiative qualifying.
On the other hand, there may be some non-independence in selecting signatures. I am not sure if they, for example, randomly drew signature sheets and counted all signatures from that sheet. If so, the odds improve. But probably not by much.
A couple days ago, a troll posting under the name “fireman” attacked me for exposing the GOP’s votes against federal funding for equipment to enable first responders to communicate with each other during emergencies, and claimed many firemen who — “fireman” says — “understand the issues better” than I do vote Republican.
I don’t know who firemen vote for. I haven’t asked them. But I do know this — for many people, politics is far more emotional than intellectual, and a good propagandist can get people to vote for their worst enemy — so it wouldn’t surprise me.
Anyway, here’s the latest example of how Rerpublicans treat our nation’s hardworking, heroic firefighters:
“Senator Apologizes for Assailing Firefighters
“(July 28) – Sen. Conrad Burns apologized Thursday for criticizing a firefighting team for their work on a blaze in southern Montana, saying his frustration came from a meeting with upset landowners.
“Burns confronted members of a Virginia firefighting team at an airport and told them they had done a ‘poor job,’ according to a state official’s report obtained Thursday.
“‘In retrospect, I wish I had chosen my words more carefully,’ Burns said in a statement. ‘My criticism of the way the fire was handled should not have been directed at those who were working hard to put it out.’ …
“Members of the ‘hotshot’ wildfire crew said Burns confronted them in the Billings airport Sunday while they were awaiting a flight home, according to a report by Paula Rosenthal, a state Department of Natural Resources and Conservation employee.
“‘The toughest part of the conversation was the point where the senator was critical of a firefighter sitting across from us in the gate area,’ Rosenthal wrote. ‘I offered to the senator that our firefighters make around $8 to $12 an hour and time-and-a-half for overtime. He seemed a bit surprised that it wasn’t higher.’ …
“Casey Judd, business manager for the Federal Wildland Fire Service Association, which represents federal firefighters, said he was disappointed Burns confronted the hotshot team. ‘We have expressed our support for him in the past,’ Judd said. ‘But to make a point of blistering a bunch of hotshots, it’s really disconcerting.’
“Burns, a Republican facing a tough re-election challenge this fall, said Thursday he has since addressed his concerns about the fire’s handling to the proper officials.”
Maybe those $8-an-hour firefighters ought to rethink their support for Republican assholes like Burns. Ya think?! You can bet Burns apologized ONLY because he’s fighting for his political life and needs their votes, and if this wasn’t an election year, the Grouchy Old Poobah wouldn’t grovel to mere $8-an-hour heroes by apologizing for verbally abusing them for doing their job.
What an asshole. And as I said yesterday, if $8-an-hour heroes insist on voting for CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES with small brains and big mouths, I can walk away from ’em and let them wallow in the pig shit they chose to swim in.
The solution to problems like this is obvious: Don’t vote Republican, because Republicans are assholes.
The above article was quoted under the Fair Use Doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
klake is a nazi
wow! this thread is almost up to 10 posts already! That’s more than the pathetic little competing blog gets in 7 1/2 weeks.
Unbelievable, Darryl. You actually know what a Chi square test is! I am impressed.
It has been 23 years. Can you give me the fast and dirty version?
what is d.f. and the p-value?
wow — don’t be shy; share:
“McGavick says … (h)e does not support privatization or a phasing-out of Social Security … (b)ut … (h)e would give younger workers the option of placing their benefits in voluntary personal accounts … (to) help restore confidence in the system and ensure its solvency.”
Talk about a RUBBERSTAMP … not only for Bush’s reckless privatization scheme, but also for the Social Security-hating wingnut propaganda machine’s BULLSHIT claims that “Social Security” is “borken.”
It’s true some Americans lack confidence in Social Security. Why? Because wingers have spent millions selling them a pack of lies about Social Security’s “looming insolvency.” More or less the same way you perpetrate on-line scams: By advertising.
Okay, Mike!, I’ve got a question? for you.
How do you “restore confidence” in the system and “ensure solvency” by diverting a trillion dollars of its revenue stream — which will be needed to pay benefits — to risky personal accounts for young workers?
Mike? McGavick is nothing but another rubberstamp for the CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVE agenda to destroy Social Security — in order to create a huge new pool of desperate, starving senior citizens who will WORK CHEAP.
“When you cut right through it, right-wing ideology is just ‘dime-store economics’ – intended to dress their ideology up and make it look respectable. … ‘Cheap labor’. That’s their whole philosophy in a nutshell …. The more desperately you need a job, the cheaper you’ll work, and … (i)f you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool forced to work cheap. …
“Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our ‘afety net’ … (b)ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing … they want you ‘over a barrel’ and in a position to ‘work cheap or starve’. “Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions … (they)
have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception … (they) like budget deficits and a huge national debt (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any ‘social spending’ ….”
Here’s hoping Timmy moves to Texas before his child is old enough to attend public school, if it isn’t already. There aren’t many public school teachers who are fond of this asshat, and once his kid is old enough, he’ll probably be out trying to get an initiative on the ballot to force all teachers to buy school supplies for their students (which many of us do already) or increase the school day from 8-6 so his kid has free day care while he stumps for more chumps to bankroll his savings and retirement accounts. Gee – how does he pay for the gas for his SUV and his boat on a watch salesman’s salary?
He’d fit in well in Texas – particularly Crawford – where he’d have stiff competition in his quest to join the exclusive club of the biggest lying sacks of shit in existence. Rod Paige and Margaret Spellings also hail from there…. I’m sensing a trend – positive correlation between lying public officials and being from Texas….??
In other needs, Howard Dean refused to apologize to Katherine Harris for comparing her to Stalin. Why should he? What he said is dead-on accurate: As Stalin said, it doesn’t matter who the people vote for, what matters is who counts the votes. And Harris is as crooked a vote counter as they come. Harris was a criminal conspirator who stole a presidential election from the people to put America-hating fascist traitors in power. She should be hanged! Hey, just kidding! hahaha
Harris sure is an ugly old crone, and I ain’t kidding about that.
Wonder how much it’ll cost the taxpayers to hand-count Eyman’s signatures? Rightfuck wingliars have no problem with wasting taxpayer money when they’re the ones wasting it.
Of course, everyone would know that he didn’t have enough signatures. Why the charade? Certainly it would be embarrasing for him not to be able to make the ballot, especially after the embarrassment a month or so earlier when he failed to make the ballot on the gay marriage issue. But the deception would quickly be discovered, and Tim would be known not only as an initiative promoter who failed, but as one who lied about it as well. How in the world does that benefit him?
I guess we have to look to Dunmire, who writes the checks for Tim. Presumably Dunmire paid Tim for 300+ signatures. Is he going to demand a refund? What if Tim doesn’t have the money to pay him back? Maybe Tim just wants to buy some time so that he can stall Dunmire until he gets more money, or he offers to “credit” it toward Dunmire’s financing of his next initiatives?
Assuming Tim purchased the signatures from a signature-gathering company, it would be interesting to see their reports and invoices. You would think that if Tim knew the “petitions” were stolen from him, he would be waiving those documents around to show he had enough signatures, rather than this so-called “receipt”. But Tim isn’;t showing those reports to anyone.
After ExxonMobil Corporation announced on Thursday that it had made a profit of $10.36 billion during the second quarter of 2006 Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called the oil company’s profits “shocking” and part of the GOP’s “backhand to the American people.” But on Wall Street, the ExxonMobil second quarter performance drew raves.
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Owns Between $1,001-$15,000 In Chevron Texaco Stock. (Sen. Harry Reid, United States Senate Financial Disclosure Report, 5/16/05)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) Owns Between $1,001-$15,000 In ExxonMobil Stock. (Sen. Harry Reid, United States Senate Financial Disclosure Report, 5/16/05)
Mark the Dunmire has a “thing” for Tim, he’ll just accept the excuses.
So, Herman, you can’t own stock in a company and express dissatisfaction with their ethics? That’s how the republicans work, though, isn’t it? Once you’re a party member, you toe the party line even if everyone is a crook. That way you don’t have to even think, not that you’re capable.
RR at 12:
“(i)f you are a wealthy elite – or a ‘wannabe’ like most dittoheads – your wealth, power and privilege is enhanced by a labor pool forced to work cheap.”
Boy, that comment about “wannabes” sure took me back.
When I was 15, I got a summer job working at a small country club, filled with those “wanna-be” millionaires. They weren’t really millionaires, but they did have just a bit more money than their neighbors, and they wanted to make sure everyone knew it.
I’ve never worked with a more obnoxious group of people in my life. Maybe if they had some real money, it would be different, but they spent an awful lot of effort trying to pretend that not only were they richer than those around them, but that they were better (smarter, harder working, etc.). I thought this was pretty funny at the time, since they spent a good part of the work day sitting around the pool or the bar, drinking themselves silly, while my own parents were hard at work.
It was the summer of 1972 (I remember Mark Spitz was winning a bunch of gold medals in the water at the Olympics), and the presidential race was heating up. These guys were Republican to the core, and talking about how Nixon had “won” the Vietnam war by being tough with the Soviets and China, and castigating the Democrats for “not supporting our troops”.
Gee, almost 35 years later, and not that much has changed, has it?
In response to #6.
There is a reason that Senator Burns apologized, and another reason he probably even made the comments in the first place. Montana Democrats are on the rebound, and Burns took money from Abramof. He is scared and needs every vote he can get. John Tester might be from Big Sandy, but he seems to be a good guy. When I was in Malta(In the hot and dry eastern part of the Big Sky State) last week, I saw some of Tester’s commercials. Montana has had there own Enron(Montana Power), and in 2004, the balance of power in Helena swung(term limits helped) back towards the Democrats, Independent-minded Democrat Brian Schwietzer won the Governor’s Office(with a Republican running mate, saying that he would make it work). Montana has had some independent-minded politicians within political parties before who have become famous for going there own way. Jeneatte Rankin, only COngressmember to vote against WWI and WWII, voted her own pacifist way, and paid the consequences both times. In her district, a young, idealistic man won the 1942 Election, Mike Mansfield, who later was elected to the US Senate and was a Senate Majority Leader.
I wonder if Schwietzer will go down in history as another Mike Mansfield.
By the way, I was making $1.65 per hour at the time – below the federal minimum wage. They justified it by pointing out that they didn’t have enough employees to be required to pay the minimum wage. And I had to listen to them complaining about how hard it was to get “good help”, and how overpaid the help was.
Commander Ogg @ 11
Can you give me the fast and dirty version?
That would be a simple z-test of the hypothesis that 0.1796 is less than or equal to 0.1546 given a standard error of the binomial process [ SE=sqrt(0.1796*(1 – 0.1796)/10819) ].
what is d.f. and the p-value?
d.f. means “degrees of freedom.” Essentially it is the number of “free” parameters in the model (one, in this case). It is typically computed as the number of categories in the observed distribution minus one. The categories were “good signatures” and “bad signatures”.
The p-value is the probability that the observed distribution of good/bad signatures (based on the small sample) is, in fact, within the error rate needed to qualify I-917 for the ballot. In this case, it is a tiny value, suggesting almost no chance to qualify.
So, Herman, you can’t own stock in a company and express dissatisfaction with their ethics? That’s how the republicans work, though, isn’t it? Once you’re a party member, you toe the party line even if everyone is a crook. That way you don’t have to even think, not that you’re capable.
Commentby Anonymous […………………………………………………………Ass, This is kind of like Teddy Kennedy pushing for stiffer drunk driving laws. [Mary Jo could not be reaced for comment.] Better, it’s like the Kennedys backing the death [Fed Estate Tax], but using Family Trusts to insure they pay zero. Classic Dem hypocrites. Get it now????????????]
Another Montana Related issue, that came up when that mention of Senator Burns came up, was how initiatives are certified in the state. The NBC Affiliate out of Havre did remote newscasts from the stations Great Falls affailiate, and the stories were from around the state. One of them was a lawsuit in the works against Cascade County Election officials for taking too long to certify some initiatives counted in there county. These were not county initiatives. In Montana, all ballot measures have to have the petitions submitted to election officials in the COUNTIES where they were collected, and they are then counted, and sent on to Helena, where the Secretary of State counts those tallies, and declares if they will be on the ballot. Cascade County almost missed the 5PM July 21st deadline.
Cascade is not the equivilant of King County, as it’s County Seat is Great Falls, I believe BIllings, over 100-200 miles away, is still the biggest in the Big Sky State.
By the way, I was making $1.65 per hour at the time – below the federal minimum wage. They justified it by pointing out that they didn’t have enough employees to be required to pay the minimum wage. And I had to listen to them complaining about how hard it was to get “good help”, and how overpaid the help was.
Commentby rhp6033— [………………………………………………………………….RHP, It’s a free country. Why did you not just quit and do something else?]
As for the current crisis in Olympia. I wonder, is there any rules on how these reciepts are issued? Like on official Secretary of State Stationary?
I love watching a republican train wreck and lately it looks like Timmy Lieman has been the train conducter on a regular basis.
REP: First paying job, and being under 16 they were kind of hard to get. That’s why I didn’t quit. I didn’t mind the pay so much at the time. Since I couldn’t drive yet, I didn’t have much to spend it on.
I just didn’t like hearing drunk guy who obviously only spent half a day at the “office” (as he was at the bar by 3:00 PM every day) complaining that everyone else, other than him, was paid too much.
but it cetainly gave me an insight into the mindset of the “wannabe rich” Republicans. Maybe that’s why I became a Democrat?
PS to REP: I did quit, in that they asked me to come back the next summer, and I told them I had other plans. My plans were to work ANYWHERE ELSE I could find a job. It worked out okay – I got a job for that summer and the next one, and the people I worked for in the summer gave me part-time jobs during the winter too. Much better class of people, a pleasure to work for them, even though the pay was only minimum wage. They KNEW how to work for a living, so we didn’t want to let them down.
By the way, I don’t doubt that Timmy’s signatures have a high failure rate. During the drive, a signature gatherer outside the QFC in Bellevue tried to get my boss to sign, even though he told her he was a Japanese citizen. She told him to sign anyway, “you can always register to vote later”.
What do Tim Eyeman and JCH have in common with all other conservatives?
They’re fucking liars.
JCH, tell us again how you did or didn’t washout of Naval Flight school.
You Assssssss – hoooooooooole.
“Why did you not just quit and do something else?]
Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 7/28/06@ 2:33 pm”
Yeah, this butt-fuck sure knows about “quiting” and doing something else. You fag, you washed out of flight school and lied about your military service.
You know what else Timmy, JCH and conservative have in common?
They’re pathetic.
“WASHINGTON (July 28) – Republican leaders are willing to allow the first minimum wage increase in a decade but only if it’s coupled with a cut in inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates, lawmakers said Friday.”
GBS, Wasn’t it YOU that was “Court Marshaled” back to E-3? I did my 7 years AS AN OFFICER. YOU were kicked out as a SHITBIRD!!! AS AN E-3!!! Total SHITBIRD!!!!
33, Perhaps a little brig time would help your shitbird attitude!
Roger Rabbit is willing to allow a cut in inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates if it’s coupled with the imprisonment of all Republicans and the execution of their leaders.
Just kidding hahahahaha …
If REP Cynthia “Bitchslap” McKinney, DEMOCRAT, GA, and William J. “Icebox” Jefferson, DEMOCRAT, LA had a child, would he look and think exactly like GBS? Who would “Gets da welfare guvment check?”
Roger Rabbit is willing to allow a cut in inheritance taxes on multimillion-dollar estates if it’s coupled with the imprisonment of all Republicans and the execution of their leaders.
Just kidding hahahahaha …
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………….RR, Us Kennedys are all for the estate taxes for everyone else , but our Kennedy family will never pays a nickel as we have Family Trusts to “end run” around the Federal estate [death] taxes. And, dumb ass Democrats like you will continue to vote for us!!!]
Among the things the right-wing paid signature-gatherers told my Japanese boss, who told them he was a Japanese citizen, and obviously spoke English with a pretty thick accent:
1. It wasn’t necessary for him to be a voter before he signed the petition. He could sign now, and register to vote later.
2. Signing the petition “doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a request to have a democratic election. It’s means you are in favor of democracy”.
3. The estate tax would take away all his money when he died, leaving none for his family. Even if he lived in Japan at the time he died. Because he had worked here once, the state would take away all his money if he didn’t sign the petition, and his family would be destitute.
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t heard it for myself. At the time he didn’t know my boss and I were together. But my boss looked at me, and asked in Japanese: Junto????? (meaning, is this really true?). I had to crack up at that point. I just asked the signature gatherer if the bill to abolish the estate tax was the Paris Hilton Tax Relief Act, and she just turned red in the face.
And he’ll be shocked all the way to the bank with his dividend checks too…….
He needs to take his ass back to Searchlight and stay there.
“Court Marshaled”???
strange spelling there………..
Hey, even Benjamin Franklin was in favor of hefty estate taxes. And he was one of the wealthier men in colonial America, having sold his printing business and “retired” when he was in his early 40’s, but continuing to receive a rather large salary from the Crown as the colonial co-postmaster of the 13 colonies.
He felt that a person should accumulate enough to get by and leave his family a modest remainder, but beyond that he was merely the fiduciary of society’s wealth, charged with the responsiblity of using it wisely to improve the common good during his lifetime, and to be returned to society for re-distribution upon his death. He never applied for a patent on his stove, bifocals, or his electrical inventions, instead making them “gifts” to the public.
But I guess using MTR’s analysis in previous posts on this board, that would make Franklin a “loser”, a public servant who was a parasite upon the taxpayer.
A Mexican man who lied about his citizenship to become a U.S. Border Patrol agent and admitted helping illegal aliens to enter the country was sentenced Friday to five years in federal prison. Oscar Antonio Ortiz, 29, had pleaded guilty to conspiring to bring in more than 100 illegal immigrants, falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen, lying in order to get a gun, and owning a gun despite having entered the country illegally. [……….100 new Democrat votes in California!!! [Baja Norte] Just another 50 million more illegals and the Democrats will rule!!!!!!!!!]
rhp6033, Us Kennedys agree. Lots of Federal Estate Taxes for everyone but not forus Kennedys, as we have “Kennedy Family Trusts” to “end run” the Death Tax Laws. BTW,remember to vote for a Democrat Kennedy!!!!
Wonder how many people could go to a ranch, drink beer, shoot somebody in the face with a shotgun, and then go home without so much as a lahddy fucking dah from the cops? I guess if you’re WHATADICK Cheney, the second biggest crook in the country (first is Bush) you get away with attempted murder!
47, Mary Jo would agree, but she is not available for comment.
Herman says, essentially, that the Kennedys are smarter than their republican fat-cat cohorts?
49…..No, I’m saying that the Democrat Kennedys are hypocrites. Kind of like the Kerrys paying Federal taxes at 12%. And you stupid libs eat this shit up, swallow, and ask for more.
49, Goldysteinberg, Are you going to wear a uniform, or are you going to sue the Islam terrorists, throw spitballs and then take depositions? Just “axin”?…….
50, cont………Kind of like Gore burning thousands of gallons of JP 5 in a private Gulfstream G5, riding in a SUV, and then telling you dumb ass idiot Democrats he is “carbon neutral”. You libs eat that up like you are swallowing cum at a gay parade!!!
Did the GOP kick the corrupt Rep. Jefferson out of Congress? Nooooo, even though he’s a Democrat. Makes you wonder why …
Commentby Roger Rabbit [………………………………………………………………..RR, Could it be that the Black Congressional Caucus had an issue with booting Jefferson? My thought: William J. Jefferson and Cynthia McKinney are the best and the brightest of the Democrat Party, and need to be in the MSM, on FOX, and on Rush’s show EVERY day!!! Anyone who disagrees is racist!!!]
So, REP thinks all the tax-avoidance tricks should only be available for use by Republicans, and not Democrats. That way their political contributions will have more of an impact.
Nice try. More Republicans than Democrats benefit from tax loopholes. Fix the system, rather than throwing the baby out with the bath-water.
12-Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our ‘afety net’ … (b)ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing … they want you ‘over a barrel’ and in a position to ‘work cheap or starve’. “Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions … (they)
have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception … (they) like budget deficits and a huge national debt (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any ’social spending’ ….”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/28/06@ 1:56 pm
Rabbit, I know it’s hard for a liberal to focus, but try to explain how NAFTA and CAFTA helped the working class. Cantwell(D-Mexico) voted for both. I guess you think it’s fine to screw American workers as long as a Dem does it.
Remember when Al Gore talked about “saving the poor” and then made charitable contributions of $438 [help me here for the exact figure] on income of 400 plus grand? Typical Democrat. Classically funny, and you dumb ass libs ate his shit up and swallowed every bite. hehe, JCH
[Number 56 update……..Just did my homework….ENJOY!!!!!] As a Democrat, he believes in centralized government that has the capability to regulate on a federal level. Instead of permitting each community to establish its own environmental standards, Gore attests to the need for national regulation. Instead of supporting a privatized Social Security system, Gore calls individual retirement accounts “a risky scheme” for permitting individuals the right to invest their money.
Instead of favoring voluntary charity, Gore prefers the welfare state. Instead of responding to demands for school vouchers with open arms, he says, “We shouldn’t give up on public schools.” And instead of opposing campaign-finance reform and holding candidates accountable for their decisions while in office, Gore has called repeatedly for an end to soft money (as if that would solve the problem of corruption in elected officials).
These government-mandated initiatives are intended to take the place of individually sponsored charity. While he is less than generous when it comes to helping others — in 1997, Gore had an income of $197,729 and gave only $353 to charity — he is willing to spend other people’s money on his own needs: Last summer, in spite of the fear Gore has so often expressed about the depletion of natural resources and harm to the environment, he didn’t hesitate to waste 96 million gallons of water (costing taxpayers $59,000) just for a photo-op of him canoeing down the Connecticut River. When it came time for Gore’s children to begin their education, he appears to have lost sight of his previous dedication to public education — one by one his children were enrolled in private schools. And most recently, in the absence of government regulation (ignoring for the moment his characteristic disregard for the law), Gore broke his promise and spent soft money before George W. Bush.
I want to pay Federal taxes at the 12% rate like John and Terrrazzzzzza Kerry!!! hehe, JCH
SEATTLE – Police and SWAT teams are responding to reports of several shots fired at or near the Jewish Federation Center at 3rd and Virginia in Downtown Seattle. The situation is still fluid and the suspect or suspects may not be in custody yet. Video from Air 4 showed at least one, perhaps two people in police custody, but there may still be more suspects. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..NOTE: GBS has NOT posted all afternoon. Goldystein, where have YOU been today??]
Responding to JCH just encourages him . . . and gives legitimacy to his swift boating tactics. Why not do some agenda setting of your own rather than reacting to his?
Jeanette Burrage has announced for the Supreme Court against Tom Chambers. Richard Pope, you went to law school with her. Even though you might agree with her ideologically most of the time, you must agree she’s an idiot and completely inadequate intellectually for the Supreme Court. She is empty upstairs except for rightwing–really rightwing ideology. Chambers is the most able judge we have on our highest court. God, is politics all that matters?
Is politics all that matters? Absolutely to a right winger. They don’t care about your kids or their own. They care about politics. They don’t care about right or wrong or truth or justice. They care about politics. They don’t care about freedom or America. They care about politics. They don’t care about life or death. They care about politics.
And as soon as the Dems understand that, we’ll start saving the country from an enemy far worse than bin Laden or Saddam.
Trust me, if that AWOL coward Bush thought he could get away with it, he’d install himself as king and burn the US Constitution. History will compare him to Stalin and Hitler.
LeftTurn @ 63, I think I understand what you’re trying to say (and agree), but I’d be careful with comparing Bush to Hitler. Sure, Bush has done lots of bad things, but so far he hasn’t murdered six million people.
Of course, you could argue that Bush’s go-slow approach to global warming will result in a holocaust of a different sort. And unlike WWII, the damage done by global warming won’t be so easy to repair, e.g., I doubt even MTR’s engineering genius can come up with a way to refreeze the polar ice caps.
Because we have entered a new epoch, Bush’s crimes can’t be compared directly with anyone in human history. That’s a big reason why the public has taken so long to figure out that Bush is bad news.
Anyone know what the situation is with the shootings in Seattle this afternoon?
At least five people were shot, one of them fatally, Friday afternoon at the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, and one person was arrested, authorities said.
Is politics all that matters? Absolutely to a right winger. “They don’t care about your kids……..”
Commentby LeftTurn [……………………………………………………………Er, Left Turn, CORRECT! I don’t give a shit about YOUR kids. They are YOUR kids. They are YOUR responsibility. My kids are MY responsibility. The young urban gang kids are NOT my responsibility. Lock them up. Deport them. I don’t care. My kids require 100% of my money, time, and effort. Take care of your OWN problems.]
Trust me, if that AWOL coward Bush thought he could get away with it, he’d install himself as king and burn the US Constitution. History will compare him to Stalin and Hitler.
Commentby LeftTurn [………………………………………………Er, Left Turn….Kind of like Leftist Commies Stalin, Fidel, Kim Il Jong, “National SOCIALIST” Hitler, and Queen Hillary?]
Anyone know what the situation is with the shootings in Seattle this afternoon?
Commentby Harry Tuttle […..Where was GBS and Goldystein today? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm??]
STFU you idiot twit.
Re shooting at Jewish Federation — KOMO News reports 1 dead, 3 critical, and the gunman reportedly made remarks about the “situation between Israel and Lebanon.”
Now Harry, take another heart pill.
Goldy will be there to take depositions and throw legal papers at the shooter.
It’s being reported on NWCN that the shooter said: “I’m a Muslim-American and I’m angry at Israel.”
You truly are a fucking asshole. Why don’t you go eat a gun? You really have no reason to exist.
Well now you fucking pacifists and appeasers have terrorism right in yer own back yard. Howya like it?
Hey Goldy, now that your people are getting shot up, do you still think President Bush is wrong to confront these assholes?
C’mon over to our side. C’mon over to the side of peace through strength.
Now I’m holding my breath waiting for “the religion of peace” to condemn this. I can’t wait until I see and hear the ads proclaiming “Not In Our Name”. When will the “moderates” in “the religion of peace” hold a march on I-5 through downtown seattle condemning this action?
Never mind… I let it out….
The reports say the man in custody is a Pakistani from the Tri-cities area. Family in Pasco.
The full check would presumably detect disproportionately more duplicates than a duplicate check in a 4% subsample.
Man bites dog, that’s not news. Eyman bites dog, that’s not news either. Eyman bites dust, that’s a ‘toon.
“C’mon over to the side of peace through strength.” — MTR
Recall, MTR is the guy who calls for the extermination of the world’s entire population of muslims. In other words, MTR wants to be on the side of a new and improved Hitler II.
Yup, let’s all join the “winning” team.
Harry, 75, Where is the “love”?? Where is your “understanding”? Aren’t you Democrat commie libs the “Party of Compassion”?
Shouldn’t we “understand” the terrorists? After all, they hate Bush. The Democrats hate Bush. Kim Il Jong hates Bush. Goldysteinberg, Left Turn, and Harry Tuttle hates Bush. All have something in common!!!!
I’m not holding my breath that Mark The Cowardly Redneck will do his part to fight in iraq. If a righties thinks we should be at war in Iraq, the rightie should go fight. Anything else is cowardly.
83, Left Turn, Been there, done that. And you?
LeftTurn, MTR is too valuable to be sent off to fight. His superior intellect is needed to design the gas chambers once they decide to start exterminating the muslims wholesale.
Green Thumb, Maybe the illegals and muslims can all come live with you??
wow! this thread is almost up to 10 posts already! That’s more than the pathetic little competing blog gets in 7 1/2 weeks.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/28/06@ 1:39 pm
And rabbit likes to see himself post forever
LeftTurn, MTR is too valuable to be sent off to fight. His superior intellect is needed to design the gas chambers once they decide to start exterminating the muslims wholesale.
Commentby Green Thumb— 7/28/06@ 7:38 pm
Hey 84 it’s a felony to pretend you’ve been in the service. Watch your mouth or I’ll have the feds serve Goldy with a warrant to find your IP and then have you put in jail with all the other lying fucking soldier of fortune wannabes!
Hey 84 it’s a felony to pretend you’ve been in the service. Watch your mouth or I’ll have the feds serve Goldy with a warrant to find your IP and then have you put in jail with all the other lying fucking soldier of fortune wannabes!
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/28/06@ 9:53 pm
Puddy is right you are stupid left turn. Did you miss your moonbat friend GBS post in #33 about John Craig Herman’s service? Jealous?
I paid my taxes when I bought my car. I don’t need to be gouged by the government later. We should all have to pay the same amount…..let’s look as some old cars not paying much, but polluting more? Shouldn’t they pay more? The government is screwing us all and you just bend over. I don’t know why, but you must like it. BTW- what is it getting you? Nothing! As a life long WA resident, I’m so tired of the socialist mentality and the feeling that we need to take my money and give to others. $30 is more than enough to do the work….as long as we dont’ have to pay Union wages and really even if we do.
I’ll wait for the full count to be really sad at this, but based on our states ability to count I’m not going to hold my breath.
Also, shouldn’t we just put in that everyone pays $30 and those that want to pay more can? Then all of you that want to can and then you can feel rightous and superior to others…..
Rabbit,12-Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like social spending or our ‘afety net’ … (b)ecause when you’re unemployed and desperate, corporations can pay you … next to nothing … they want you ‘over a barrel’ and in a position to ‘work cheap or starve’. “Cheap-labor conservatives don’t like the minimum wage, or other improvements in wages and working conditions … (they)
have hated Social Security and Medicare since their inception … (they) like budget deficits and a huge national debt (because) a bankrupt government has a harder time doing any ’social spending’ ….”
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/28/06@ 1:56 pm
Rabbit, I know it’s hard for a liberal to focus, but try to explain how NAFTA and CAFTA helped the working class. Cantwell(D-Mexico) voted for both. I guess you think it’s fine to screw American workers as long as a Dem does it.
Rabbit is a cheap labor moonbat.
Rabbit don’t care if others pay for the safety net. He got his and he don’t care.
Can you imagine the memory space wasted by all the “intelligent” posts of Rabbit? Just think if he could create cogent paragraphs how much space Goldy could be saving.
I bet Rabbit drinks Mad Dog 20-20, because he’s a cheap labor moonbat. He doesn’t frequent high labor expensive wine stores.
Rabbit hasn’t been able to get through to Cantwell’s(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA) headquarters for help on explaining how Senorita Cantwell’s (D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border) support of NAFTA and CAFTA helped American workers. I don’t think Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted to give social security benefits to illegal aliens)is taking Rabbit’s calls anymore.
Eyeman must not have wanted it on the ballot. I would have signed the damn thing, especially after paying 112 bucks for 2 vehicles and one of them was/is exempt from the weight tax…….
Moonbats like left turn give decent liberals a bad name. Why isn’t he muzzled?
Hey Goldy? How many of Eyman’s signatures on 917 were collected without adhering to state laws about petitions being signed. It might be 10s of thousands.
If so, Sam Reed should have the guts to declare that I-917 failed right now and refuse to do a hand count. Or the sponsors of I-917 should pay for the count.
It’s not over yet. That, and it wouldn’t be the first time a State office “screwed up”. Uuuuhhhh….Dean “Incompentence” Logan a recent dismal failure. Only time will tell. I’d bet if it makes in onto the ballot, it’ll pass. Rightfully so.
Oh great, the spammers are back.
I only ran into a I-917 signature gatherer once. He was shouting abuse at people walking by because (I guess) we were not in an awed circle around him as he told us the “TRUTH” about estate taxes, and clamored to sign his petition. I looked, there were only 2 signatures on the page he had out. Wonder why.
It made me wonder though if the paid signature gatherers need to get a certain quota per day in order to get paid. It would explain much.