McGavick campaign worker shows Dems where they can stick their giant check.
Yesterday was Mike McGavick’s last official day as an insurance industry executive, and to celebrate, the state Dems stopped by to present him with a giant check symbolizing the $4.5 million in accelerated stock options he earned as part of his $15 million golden parachute. Technically, Safeco is constrained by the same campaign finance limits as you or I, but insurance industry lobbyist cum CEO cum senate candidate McGavick is free to spend as much on his own campaign as his new-found personal fortune affords him. How convenient.
Still, after studying the latest Elway Poll, it’s starting to look like no amount of money can buy McGavick this election. The other day I briefly commented on Sen. Maria Cantwell’s impressive 30-point lead, but if McGavick boosters found the headline disheartening, they better flip on their pacemakers before delving into the cross-tabs. I can’t post a copy here (I shouldn’t even have one myself,) but I’m happy to share some of the juicier tidbits.
As I previously reported, Cantwell enjoys a 55 to 25 percent lead over McGavick, but when you break down the numbers McGavick looks even weaker. Indeed, Cantwell’s margin actually improved when matched against McGavick than in the abstract re-elect/replace question. While Cantwell’s support holds steady at 55 percent, McGavick polls seven points behind a generic candidate, and those saying they will “definitely” vote for Cantwell rises from 24 to 31 percent. Of those who originally were inclined to vote against Cantwell, only 66 percent said they would vote for McGavick, with 11 percent deciding they would vote for Cantwell after all.
McGavick fares worse than a generic opponent. Ouch. But Elway tries to soothe the sting:
This is a familiar phenomenon early in the campaign, when the opponent is not as well known. In the abstract, respondents get to imagine their ideal opponent, a standard that real candidates can rarely live up to.
That may be true. But it should be remembered that McGavick first kicked off his campaign back in July… and again in October… twenty-four more times in January… and once again as recently as February 15. Furthermore, the sample was taken well after McGavick’s six-figure introductory TV ad campaign that ran in high profile slots during the Seahawks Super Bowl run. And yet according to Elway, Cantwell leads McGavick in every area of the state, in every demographic except Republicans… and by “significant margins.”
Clearly, whatever McGavick has been doing, hasn’t been working… and so he’s called a press conference for Thursday morning to present to reporters his “central campaign themes”… which if he’s smart, won’t be the same themes he’s stressed thus far.
While McGavick’s early ads tried to sell him as someone who can cut through the partisan strife in the other Washington, voters in this Washington simply aren’t buying it. By a 44-26% margin, respondents said a Democrat incumbent is more likely to reduce partisanship than a Republican challenger, while 45-28% of respondents saw a Democrat as more effective at reforming Congress.
[Cantwell] has a sizable advantage on her issues and she even appears to be beating McGavick on his own issues.
At least 51% of respondents graded Cantwell “satisfactory” or better on each of the 7 issue categories polled, including traditional Republican issues like “government spending and taxes,” “national security,” and “moral issues like abortion and gay marriage.” Um… what the hell is McGavick going to run on?
And all this comes in the context of an absolutely terrible political climate for anybody running with an “R” next to their name.
Winning statewide as a Republican in Washington state has not been easy for about a generation, but it looks especially difficult this year. Nationally, pundits are talking about a “reverse 1994” when the GOP swept the board and took control of Congress. Some Democrats are thinking that it’s comeback time. That may or may not pan out nationally, but in Washington state the early signs point that way.
President Bush’s job approval ratings are about 5:3 negative in WA (compared to 5:4 negative nationally,) with 46% of respondents saying he is doing a “poor” job. Even 22% of Republicans give Bush a negative rating. Meanwhile, Democrats hold a 15-point edge in the generic voting for Congress question (6 points higher than the national average.)
And it gets even worse for Republicans. Half the respondents said divided control of Congress “works best for the country,” and when combined with those who favored Democratic control, 73% were disinclined to vote Republican. Finally…
When asked directly about this Senate race (“If McGavick were to replace Cantwell in the US Senate, that would strengthen the Republican majority in the US Senate”) respondents said that was a reason to vote for Cantwell by nearly 2:1, including a 22-point gap among independents.
In this climate, even McGavick’s strengths seem to work against him, including the classic Republican tactic of running a successful businessman as a political outsider.
Typically, the outsider mantle has been an advantage when voters seem ready to throw the bums out. The voters in this survey, however, by a 4:3 ratio, rated the fact that McGavick was a CEO and not a politician as a reason to vote for Cantwell. She even had a 2-point edge on this point among people employed in the private sector.
Double ouch.
Perhaps the only ray of hope Elway could find for a non-politician like McGavick running against an incumbent, was that voters said “stands on specific issues” and “overall philosophy” were more important than “record and experience,” and that with the exception of the top ranked issue — health care — the other top issues were ones the GOP has run on for years: the economy, war, foreign policy, values and taxes. But Elway throws in a caveat:
The caution would be that 69% of those who said “stands on issues” or “overall philosophy” were not Republicans: 25% were Independents and 44% were Democrats. For the Democrats in particular, what they want to hear about the economy and the war is unlikely to be what a Republican will be saying.
Quite frankly, McGavick’s timing sucks. Republicans have long considered Cantwell to be vulnerable, but her job approval ratings have steadily climbed, even as the political climate for WA Republicans has all but tanked. McGavick has so far failed to gain any traction with voters, but as weak as he is, Cantwell’s strength should not be understated… indeed, her 55% re-elect compares quite favorably with Sen. Patty Murray’s 49% standing in February of 2004. Murray went on to win with 55% of the vote. As Elway notes:
The voters may not be wild about Maria Cantwell, but they like her better than they used to, and they are not greeting Mike McGavick with flowers and candy.
Of course the election is still nine months out, and after a ton of paid media, it’s hard to imagine the race won’t tighten… but if it doesn’t, the repercussions will be felt far outside the U.S. Senate. A Cantwell cakewalk could only help Darcy Burner’s challenge in the 8th Congressional District, extending coattails from the top of the ticket, and freeing up money that might otherwise be spent defending an incumbent senator. The Reichert-Burner race is already shaping up to be a nail-biter, and if McGavick fails to create a little drama, the media will turn its attention to the 8th CD, further enhancing Burner’s profile.
Yeah, it’s only a poll, it’s only February, and this is only some idle speculation. But you can be sure that if these numbers were flipped, it’d be the bloggers on the other side who were doing all the speculating.
Five bucks says he relaunches twice between now and the election.
Qhat a wonderful read to start the day. Thanks Goldy for the information. Mike might need to spend his entire ‘parachute’ to get 34% of the vote this November. After this failure in politics, he will probably just go back to being a complete RepubliCON Shill and lobbyst.
errata What
Watching Mike blow his golden parachute on this election will indeed be a pleasure, but he does not need to go that far to demonstrate the failure that is tinkle down economics.
Sad to see the democrats pull stuch a stupid stunt.
Just let him do his thing.
Just shows democrats and republicans have plenty of idiots in their parties.
This is going to be a wonderful year. If for no other reason than all the rethugs will do what cowardly rethugs are known for doing. . . they will tuck tail and run when we mop the floor with their in-bred asses in November.
goldy, cantwell’s numbers also rising cuz…
People compare her to the elder dimbulb, and man maria looks great by comarison.
If Cantwell has this election inthe bag, what’s the point of talking about it?
Let see.
It’s a stupid stunt to point out that McGarvick is getting what amounts to a $4.5 M campaign contribution.
Cantwell is smarter than Murray and since Murray and Cantwell are smarter than McGarvick and Nethercutt, the Democrats will win. This is kinda off message for the elephants, because we all know they just love stupid candidates. We’re supposed to vote for dummies like Bush because they’re so “moral”. You know, like telling bald faced lies about what they knew about Katrina before the storm hit.
If that’s the best the thugs can do, November will be a happy month for me.
Libertarian @8,
I’m not saying it’s in the bag. I’m saying that it doesn’t look good for McGavick, and if these numbers hold, it won’t be a very a competitive race. I think the conclusion one can draw from this poll is that Cantwell is not a very vulnerable candidate, and that McGavick is not a very strong one. Furthermore, there will come time, if the dynamic doesn’t dramatically change, where money will start to look at other races.
Thomas @5,
Why so sad? Most stunts are stupid, but the purpose is to create an opportunity get one’s message out. At the very least this reminds the media that McGavick got a golden parachute from Safeco, and if he ends up financing his campaign with a lot of his “own” money, the media will at least have the information to connect the dots, if only in passing.
I approve of these kinds of teasing, playful stunts. It’s important for people to have fun with politics, and it shows a level of energy I haven’t seen coming from the state party before.
Damn – I wrote a great post, with thoughtful analysis, but ended up with an “unable to connect to server” error. Maybe I spent too much time on it.
Short version: McGavick’s numbers look suspiciously close to Bush’s numbers. I wonder how closely they are related? McGavick’s early adds were just “get to know me as a neighbor” ads – my wife couldn’t even recognize from them who he was, why he was on TV, and if he was running for office, which office. What happens when he tries to get more specific, rather than just trying to get name recognition – will those numbers rise or fall? If he identifies himself with Bush, will his numbers rise if Bush’s numbers rise (they couldn’t get much lower)?
McGavick is representative of everything that is wrong with this country today. He was a former highly-paid insurance lobbyist. He agreed to work for Safeco for an obscene salary. He turned around and laid off 3000 local employees. They compensated him with millions; while the line workers for the company slaved away for 1/100th of his salary.
The middle class got the finger from McGavick while he padded his wallet. And now he wants to expand his corporate back-scratching show into our Senate seat? Nor friggin way.
In the end this race will be within 2% and it will take every democratic vote to win, even those D’s who are upset with Cantwell over her stance on Iraq and the “safe votes” she has taken on Alito and other issues.
He needs to pull cheney and bush in to stump, then take another poll!
5 — It is called Goar the Toad. Present in all campaigns.
13 — I agree with you. As much as I would have it the other way. Dino taught to how to – Dems can take nothing for granted.
Goldy — use you prowess to get 20,000 new registrations in King, Snohomish and Pierce. Now that could make Maria a winner.
All the progressive blogs ought to join in a campaign to get folks registered now, and keep at it up to the deadline.
Chair the effort Gody, the media will annoint you with the winning effort if it is close. And just good old fashioned grassroots. No tricks. All progressive candidates are helped this year and next.
I can’t see where running as a CEO or “businessman” can help in this day and age.In the public mind business leaders are associated with looted pension funds , the loss of our manufacturing base, the loss many, many jobs in both the blue and white collar areas, the illegal destruction of Unions , the illegal squelching of Union organizing —- and let’s not forget those huge salaries Ceo’s get for destroying the country.
And along comes McGavick with his ,”Trust me , I’m a savvy businessman!” approach. Republicans can forget about successfully using that gambit ever again. Trust and Ceo in the same sentence are like water and oil.
Libertarian @ 8
“If Cantwell has this election inthe bag, what’s the point of talking about it?”
What…we can only discuss issues with high uncertainty here???
The point of talking about it is that…well…this is a liberal political blog, and many of us are quite interested in this political race.
If it bores you, surf your ass over to
Dimbulb – I guess I am confusd. is tht Patty M. who creamed her last opponent into the ground .
Is that Patty M. who haas been the voice in the US calling for more port security — and, guess what — the issue of the day.
Or, restoring money to Vets, becoming the champion of same across the Us. How very dim can you be….
Interestin how just trowoing insults replaces politcal memory and the truth……. And Patty has the guts to lead a call for Impeachment..
I love the woman, have met and spoke with her many times. Wish I went to high school with her. A true political wizard – oh, but it all is happening by accident — not, fools.
Off Topic no matter who is voted in will it be a valid election. This state is not the only state lacking voter trust check out the New York Times. Dean Logan when will that Federal Audit take place to restore that TRUST?
The efforts to modernize the system have proceeded at a glacial pace, even with the infusion of federal money. The State Legislature dragged its feet on passing a state law to overhaul the election system because the issue became tied up with a partisan squabble over appointments at the state’s Board of Elections.
The law that it passed and that Gov. George E. Pataki finally signed last summer left many of the biggest issues unresolved. It was left to the counties to decide what brand of voting machines to buy, and to the State Board of Elections to set the standards telling them which types of voting machines will be acceptable.
The board has yet to set the standards, and localities, including New York City, have complained that the most recent proposals are unacceptable.
Election officials say that they plan to model their statewide voter database � which was supposed to be set up by Jan. 1 � on a system used by the State of Washington.
Aren’t Harry Poon and Roger Rabbit the same guy?
dj – Is it slow at work today?
Stupid tricks, dimbulb, who cares, NY doesn’t trust their elections. These are poor excuses for response.
C’mon now, why should anybody vote for McGarvick. How’s he going to challenge Maria?
Stupid tricks, dimbulb, who cares, NY doesn’t trust their elections. These are poor excuses for response.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/2/06@ 10:13 am
Dean Logan your boss Ron Sims must be blushing with success. When is the Fed’s finishing the audit to restore TRUST in King County?
klake: It is an insult to our intelligence to have a fool like you whipping that dead horse on a Liberal blog. When are YOU going to get honest and clean YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE.
You scum-sucking ,lieing piece of crap.
I’ve already explained, flake, Chris Vance has shut up about that. It is obvious that it was he who hid those 1600 ballots in 2004, he doesn’t want to go to jail for it.
“This is a familiar phenomenon early in the campaign, when the opponent is not as well known. In the abstract, respondents get to imagine their ideal opponent, a standard that real candidates can rarely live up to.”
Why wouldn’t this work both ways?
I see SCOTUS justice Alito sent a “thank you” note to Rev. James Dobson for the latter’s “support.” So much for separation of church and state.
Oh well, it could have been worse … at least Alito didn’t send a note of appreciation to Caligula … wait, that guy’s dead. Hmmm … somebody should look into whether genocidal madwoman Ann Coulter got one of those Alito notes.
“Um… what the hell is McGavick going to run on?”
How about, “I’m not a Republican?” Oh wait … he already tried that! You remember — his TV ads didn’t mention the GOP. Which isn’t exactly a platinum label these days.
[From an Old Frat Buddy…..It’s worth the reading time……..I missed a turn off over in St.Louis yesterday and had to go down Page Ave.for quite a way to get back to the Highway.Wow what a trip.Groups of young men standing on every corner drinking in the streets,wearing their gangster clothes,music so loud you could hardly speak to the person next to you in the car even with the windows up and the streets full of trash and drug deals and beater cars worth a few hundred dollars with $2000 sets of wheels.This was at 1pm in the afternoon on a work/school day.According to their Democrat leadership I am somehow supposed to feel sorry and pay for this human rubbish…I don’t think so. [Dems turning America into a third world shit hole Hillary Village one city at a time. Not a Republican around for miles!]
[From an Old Frat Buddy…..It’s worth the reading time……..I missed a turn off over in St.Louis yesterday and had to go down Page Ave.for quite a way to get back to the Highway.Wow what a trip.Groups of young men standing on every corner drinking in the streets,wearing their gangster clothes,music so loud you could hardly speak to the person next to you in the car even with the windows up and the streets full of trash and drug deals and beater cars worth a few hundred dollars with $2000 sets of wheels.This was at 1pm in the afternoon on a work/school day.According to their Democrat leadership I am somehow supposed to feel sorry and pay for this human rubbish…I don’t think so. [Dems turning America into a third world shit hole Hillary Village one city at a time. Not a Republican around for miles!]
Roger Rabbit is dusting off his own redistricting plan, in case SCOTUS gives a pass to Tom DeLay’s Texas gerrymandering! Washington’s congressional district map looks like a jigsaw puzzle. My plan would create a much neater-looking map, pleasing to the eye:
Draw 8 west-to-east lines through Washington to create 9 horizontal geographical strips with equal populations.
This means Seattle and Spokane would be in the same district. Why not? They lie at the same latitude. Mt. Vernon and Brewster would have the same congressman, and so would Bellingham and Kettle Falls. And why shouldn’t Vancouver and Tri-Cities?
Think of the advantages! Our state would be united as never before: Every little burg in eastern Washington would have a “sister city” on the coast. Every one of our congressmen would have an eastern Washington constituency, ensuring that part of our state would not be neglected or ignored by the majority of our congressional delegation. And every one of our congressmen would be a Democrat — and we would be rid of Doc Hastings.
This is way off topic be needs to be said:
Regardless of our position on how we should deal with the continuing “war in Iraq,” I hope that you people take the time to examine in full the recent Zogby survey of our troops. Of all of the results listed, the item that I find most disturbing is the fact that nearly 90% of our military men and women believe that the Iraq war is being conducted “in retaliation for Saddam’s role in 9/11.” Given that it has been shown time and time again that Saddam had no role in the attacks of September 11, 2001, I’m dumbfounded that our military is not aware of this fact; I find this to be both telling and disconcerting. The perception by our troops that Saddam was somehow involved in or responsible for 9/11 clearly shows that our current leadership has shamelessly lied to the troops and purposefully kept them in the dark about how deceitful the administration was in the run up to war. Our troops are, after all, a captive audience and primarily dependent upon this administration for their news and information. What’s even more telling is the fact that, in spite of their belief that we’re in Iraq to retaliate for 9/11, by an overwhelming majority, they still want the United States to withdraw our troops within the next year.
I believe that we’re standing on the edge of a precipice. The way I see it, we have the choice of three paths: 1) stay the current course and simply trust that everything the President and his minions tell us is the truth; 2) proactively support the President by refusing to question his motives and by berating those who would dare question his judgment; or, 3) stand up for our nation and tell everyone that we know about how our country, our future and the prospects of our children have been hijacked by an administration that is only interested in creating an American monarchy, raping our nation’s treasury, sacrificing our youth, and invading our bedrooms. Everything that the current administration has done was crafted to suit their hypocritical definition of morality and, moreover, to fatten their wallets and ensure their ability to quash any dissenting voices. I am and always will be a proud American. There is an enormous difference, however, between being a proud American and an oblivious sheep on its way to the slaughterhouse.
Thanks to Dr. E’s blog today
Brokeback Abused Sheep’
New York Post, by Cynthia R. Fagen Original Article
Posted By: GOPJihad – 3/2/2006 2:33:19 PM Post Reply
The makers of the gay cowboy flick “Brokeback Mountain” were too rough on sheep, an animal-rights group charged yesterday. In a letter to director Ang Lee, The Humane Society also complained about the way the horses and elk were treated. [Bob From Boeing, Cougar, GBS, RR, What were you thinking?????????]
Isn’t it fun to watch Kevin Carnes (aka “righton”) try to rationalize away the impending GOP electoral disaster?
“If Cantwell has this election inthe bag, what’s the point of talking about it? Commentby Libertarian— 3/2/06@ 7:39 am”
Do you mean, let’s skip the campaign and just rig the voting machines so McGavick wins?
“Damn – I wrote a great post, with thoughtful analysis, but ended up with an “unable to connect to server” error.”
I get those, too, so it must be happening on Goldy’s end and not in my (new) computer. The remedy is to highly and click on “copy” before you post, so you don’t have to retype your post. Tedious, but I’ve lost enough of my posts this way that I do it with most of my posts now (including this one).
“highly” should read “highlight”
I would < "gulp">, have to agree with Goldy that Cantwell has this election in the bag.
The negative impact of Bush has a huge affect. Bush is a clown who puts himself on the defensive every time he opens his mouth. His policies on our borders, spending, deficits and foreign relations are inconsistent. He is lazy and way too trusting of those who surround him. He went into a shell at a time when he should have been out front every single day.
I have never been a supporter of Bush. I thought his father was worse….but I’m wrong about that too! These people are not conservatives.
I voted for Ross Perot….twice.
I still believe their is room for a 3rd Party…..if folks like McCain, Lieberman, Feingold, Lindsay Graham and several others truly had the gumption.
The Far Left are even more absurd than Bush. Socialism/Marxism isn’t the answer either.
I am trying to learn more about McGavick. His CEO background does not help his image in this day & age….but it does, for me anyway, provide some comfort that he knows how to build a team around him. And he is a decent guy. Maria Cantwell is also a decent person.
Flaky klake @19
Give it up. The only people in Washington who think Democrats stole the election from Rossi is die-hard Republicans with reality issues. The same people who think the Rapture is just around the corner.
“Aren’t Harry Poon and Roger Rabbit the same guy? Commentby Yossarian— 3/2/06@ 9:57 am”
Hmmm, interesting … I missed the same turn in 1970, and nothing has changed since then. Even worse, I was driving a convertible with the top down, when I found myself in a, um, disadvantaged neighborhood and all these guys converged on me … I just stayed cool, told ’em I was lost, asked for directions to the highway … they must have decided from the out of state plates that I wasn’t there to challenge their turf or anyway they let me leave alive …
I’m kinda wondering, though, JCH how you managed to drive from Hawaii to St. Louis?
That does, however, sound like the St. Louis I remember — so I believe you were really in St. Louis.
“Of all of the results listed, the item that I find most disturbing is the fact that nearly 90% of our military men and women believe that the Iraq war is being conducted ‘in retaliation for Saddam’s role in 9/11.'”
That’s not surprising. If you had conducted a poll of German troops in December 1939, over 90% of them would have said the invasion of Poland was being conducted “in retaliation for Polish provocations.”
Human nature being what it is, soldiers want to believe their labors and sacrifices are for a good cause, or at least not in vain, or at least not for a bad cause. It’s hard enough to fight in a war, even harder to fight in a losing war, and hardest of all to fight in a war that never should have been fought at all.
Asking our troops in Iraq to accept the fact “their” war has nothing to do with 9/11 is equivalent to asking them to believe they’re fighting another Vietnam. That’s not what they want to hear.
However, it eventually will sink in to them that they were used and betrayed by Bush and the neocons. Then, Republicans will have hell to pay with their military “base.”
Maybe I should say, it eventually will sink in to them that they were used, abused, and betrayed …
They’re certainly being betrayed by Bush’s efforts to slash medical benefits for veterans in order to pay for another $70 billion of tax cuts for multimillionaires.
Mr.Cynical: What do you like most about Lieberman: his support of South American death squads or his firm stance on making it more difficult to declare bankruptcy?
How about businesses that declare bankruptcy and loot the retirement fund? Is that another great third party idea you are pining for?
And McCain! Rove and the whole Bush machine shit all over him, his wife, his military record, his beloved daughter and what’s McCain’s response?
He is 100% in favor of the Dubai deal. He has never stood up for himself and his own over those lying bastard neo-cons.
Cynical — you’re lying again and you’re still an idiot. Keep voting for Perot.
And they were abused by Bush’s refusal to pay for body and vehicle armor in order to pay for the first $400 billion of tax cuts for multimillionaires.
But most of all, they were abused by being sent in harm’s way for a lie.
Yep, there’s gonna be hell to pay, and the GOP will do the paying.
The advantage for Democrats in Republicans having 100% control of the government is that every single fiasco, betrayal, scam, blunder, and betrayal of the Bush era is solely the GOP’s fault, and cannot be laid on the doorsteps of both parties.
“RR, What were you thinking?????????”
Since you ask, I was thinking: JCH, what the hell are you doing to my sheep?
Republican: “You guys stole the election! We’re mad becasue we wanted to steal it first!”
“Bush is a clown who puts himself on the defensive every time he opens his mouth. His policies on our borders, spending, deficits and foreign relations are inconsistent. He is lazy and way too trusting of those who surround him. He went into a shell at a time when he should have been out front every single day.”
If Bush doesn’t like the job, he should quit and let someone with more motivation do it.
After 5 years in the job, it doesn’t look like a good fit, as a corporate personnel guy would put it.
If Cantwell has this election inthe bag, what’s the point of talking about it? Commentby Libertarian— 3/2/06@ 7:39 am”
Do you mean, let’s skip the campaign and just rig the voting machines so McGavick wins?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/2/06@ 11:51 am
Roger , I thought the machinges WERE rigged!
It wouldn’t break my heart!
“These people are not conservatives.”
Well, Cynical, I gotta give you credit — you’re not a totally mindless, brainless shill for these people. You realize you’ve been had. If you’re willing to stand up and say, “these people are not conservatives,” at least you’re true to your conservative beliefs. That’s a good start. As I understand it, conservatives are against dictators of any stripe. You guys need to help us get rid of the neocons before we end up with a dictatorship in this country that neither of us wants. Then we can go back to being cats and dogs … er, I mean liberals and conservatives.
Harry Poon–
I liked Harry Truman and Barry Goldwater you faggot!
Marxists like you Harry suffer from chronic low self-esteem. You need the guv’mint to take care of all your needs.
You want someone to tuck you in at night with your warm “blankey” and tell you that everything will be ok.
Unilateral disarmament and ban the military, right Harry!!!!
I doubt you were named after Harry Truman….
more like Harry Reems!!
Response to 58
I take back what I said in 59 about you not being a lackey and shill for the neocons, Cynical. My mistake.
I would hope you’d see that paperless electronic voting machines are as big a threat to you as they are to me, but I guess that was hoping for too much.
I have to force myself to look at a broader time perspective….after all 10-20 years is like a needle in a haystack when you look at eternity…..Right??
The neo-cons will self-destruct…..just like the lunatics on the Left will self-destruct.
Most of my friends are Democrats. They hate Bush/Cheney et al….and they hate idiots like Barney Fag, Jesse Jackson, Ted Kennedy, Kerry, Gore etal.
The names I hear as being admired are Feingold, Lieberman, McCain, Graham, Ford and a few others.
The neo-cons actually have gotten their power from the Lunatic Left. The rabid, vocal minority of Berkeley has-beens has empowered the neo-cons. Think about it Rog.
I’m never one to choose friends based on a few issues. I can find something wrong about every highly visable politician. When I look at ones to admire, I focus more on character than a handful of decisions.
If Feingold ran against Cheney, I’d vote for Feingold.
“You want someone to tuck you in at night with your warm “blankey” and tell you that everything will be ok.”
What’s wrong with that? Beats hell out of sleeping in a hole in the ground — especially when it rains.
Cats have it made. They get to sleep on couches and beds.
I’m not ready to deal with eternity yet. Check back with me in, say, 15 or 20 years.
Boo Hoo, Mike McGavick made a lot of money and Goldy didn’t.
You just keep tellin’ yourself that it’s all looking good for Cantwell. Afterall, Kerry was going to win big too.
Don’t you have some indoctrinating anti-Bush teaching to be doing down at your daughter’s school? Capitalism is bad, bad, unless it happens to put money in Eccentric Software’s cash register.
Oh, and how bout’ them Unions, destroying big Auto in the US. Keep up the pro-Union posts, each one is another commercial for privatization and conservativism.
With enemies like you guys, who needs friends.
McCain used to be admired by some of us on the “left” (i.e., left of Bush), but he’s pretty much thrown that away. I would have voted for him in 2000, but I won’t vote for him in 2008. He’s done nothing since 2000 to earn respect. McCain has reduced himself to the status of JABBL.*
* Just another Bush bootlicker.
“The rabid, vocal minority of Berkeley has-beens has empowered the neo-cons. Think about it Rog.”
I HAVE thought about it, and I’m way ahead of you, Cynical. The rabid, vocal minority of Berkeley has-beens ARE the neo-cons!
I love to see the trollfucks crying into their coffee.
Rog sez:
“I would hope you’d see that paperless electronic voting machines are as big a threat to you as they are to me, but I guess that was hoping for too much.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/2/06@ 12:31 pm”
Of course their MUST be audit trails. I’m a systems kinda guy. The lack of Voter Registration and Voter Database management and internal controls is absolutely mind-boggling. We need uniformity and audit procedures NOW. Paper trails are always a good idea….hard copy dude.
I would also hope Rog that you are bothered by Dean Logan stonewalling his “transaction logs” that were requested 5 months ago in a formal public records request. 5 months! These are public records and will show all adjustments to the database, who did them and when. Logan is obviously feeling the walls caving in on him. I don’t blame the Democrats for Logan…but I do blame Sims. I think Sims naively bought into the Logan “image” of the most knowledgeable Election Director. The problem is knowledge of the law does not necessarily translate into good management and implementation.
Logan’s day of reckoning is fast approaching.
You may not like Stefan….but you gotta admire his knowledge and tenacity. Logan never dreamed he was up against a database manager who can think rings around him.
Mr. Cyn-Ir, Perot did not run in 2000, or in 2004.
Who’d you vote for then?
ok socialists..
didn’t maria benefit by overvalued stock; how is she more worthy of the money than mcgavick?
66 Scapegoating again boo hoo? No wonder you are crying…you can’t make any sense out of yourself or your ridiculously outdated sophistry.
5. Thanks Mike, I needed an extra million bucks. Got anymore?
4. I don’t want this to be a political football…unless that Cantwell woman gets reelected.
3. I let the people of Washington decide their oil futures, and now you let me decide the future of ANWAR.
2. Slippery, I mean Slade, told me this would be a good thing.
1. “Permanently postpone”? bwaaaahhhaaawwww. I meant til hell freezes over, or that Cantwell woman gets reelected, whichever happens first.
klake: It is an insult to our intelligence to have a fool like you whipping that dead horse on a Liberal blog. When are YOU going to get honest and clean YOUR OWN DAMN HOUSE.
You scum-sucking ,lieing piece of crap.
Commentby Harry Poon— 3/2/06@ 10:32 am
What intelligence do you claim to have Harry Poon? Explain Liberal blog? I’m not whipping a dead horse but I do see you head up a dead horse ass. The last I look the maid did great job of cleaning up the house. For character assassination yours would be a wast of time.
I’ve already explained, flake, Chris Vance has shut up about that. It is obvious that it was he who hid those 1600 ballots in 2004, he doesn’t want to go to jail for it.
Commentby Voter Advocate— 3/2/06@ 10:58 am
Dean would you provide more details on that statement.
Has anyone else noticed that the Trolls have gotten exponentially more insane and incomprehensible in the last few day?
It has to be tough to support the policies and people they vote for.
But then again, fuck ’em.
Hey, klakker, I don’t ask you to support your fantasies. Don’t ask me to support mine.
Do you mean, let’s skip the campaign and just rig the voting machines so McGavick wins?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/2/06@ 11:51 am
No Roger that isn’t necessary with Dean Logan working for King County.
He’s got no chance. No Repub does state-wide for Senate or Gov unless the Dems nominate a totally unlikeable candidate (see the last Gov’s race for an example).
Cantwell is likeable. She gets 55% minimum, and the RNC quits any tangible support for Mike by September, recognizing this as a lost cause.
Goldy @ 10
The stunt is stupid because:
1) It reduces discussion to the event – instead of the message
2) It shows a definite lack of professionalism….something non-commensurate with the US Senate in any sense, shape or way
3) It makes the presenters look infantile.
Fun is one thing. But this moronic, pre-school suggests that the issues aren’t relevant — the idiocy trumps that.
Having fun supporting one’s own candidate is great. Taking cheap shots at one’s opponent is just rude.
This event just proves the Dems have a long way to go. Especially since you, de facto voice of the party, have lent your support to the folly.
Attention: Any one taking the “Bird Flu” vaccine, and having any negative reaction, please contact the Law Firm Of Silverstein, Lowenstein, Loeb, and Goldberg, ESQ as soon as possible so we can sue those evil drug companies and drive them out of business! In addition, and problems with polio or and other vaccines, call us!! Myron, Hymie, and Sal will be waiting for your call to start yet another lawsuit against any firm with “deep pockets”!!! As always, we love “minority” clients, and will find a “minority” jury to award millions!!! Salaam!!!
Why did you lie about your military service?
What I think is interesting here, now you are picking on Bush and Chertoff and maybe rightly so on Katrina is Mike Brown did have a clue. But will a donk admit they could be wrong on Mike Brown when he said Katrina was going to hit, get some more assets there and let them yell at me? Hell no. Being donk menas you never backtrack even when the evidence points in another direction!
So horsewhisperer, you were soooooooooooooooo nasty and negative on Mike Brown. So Goldy you were soooooooooooooooo nasty and negative on Mike Brown. Many other ASSes Donks were too. Well the evidence supports his side of the story! Looks like the MSM loves Mike Brown because it makes Bush look bad. How fickle the MSM is! And how dumb you ASSes are! You swallowed the donk MSM kool-aid then and now when you should be retching, you all are quiet! Typical, typical donk!
A video that has Mike Brown talking about something a casual observer of the situation was able to determine — that New Orleans and surrounding area were going to be hit very hard — doesn’t remove the fact that he was unfit for the job and unable to manage FEMA in the manner expected since James Lee Witt ran the agency.
He shouldn’t have been appointed and was unable to grow into the job. He’s still a failure.
windie, donnageddon, headless lucy – you three are the most snotty little bithces in blogdom.
Jus a little true VA, but he did try to get more assets in. Mike Brown said the levees would get hit on the back side counter clockwise winds agreeing with the Weather Service guy. Yet you call that casual observer speak. Yeah right. You and donnod must be cousins! Your ASSes friends said he sat on his ass and did nothing. The video records says otherwise. I’m not sticking up for the man, all I am saying is ASSes said he lied about what he tried to do and when the record supports his words, you all duck and cover! Typical donk, typical.
Roger Dumb Bunny, if you used Firefox to post against ASSes, the back click will redisplay what you typed in. You must use Internet Imploder as your communication method. Stupid is as stupid does! Download Firefox. It’s free. And not too many holes in it either!
The money powers would be wise not to cave to Mike’s campaign for their cash. There’s not a shred of evidence that Mike has any chance of winning in 06. Given today’s news that Mike and Alaska Senator Ted Stevens are now joined at the hip, there should be even less reason consider Mike a viable candidate in 06. Stevens will be chasing all the money he can for Mike – that’s what he does – and that’s all the money people heard when Stevens announced that Cantwell has successfully kept tankers out of Puget Sound. In the DC money world, that means that Stevens is doing what he did for his former aide George Nethercutt – the last big GOP loser. Mike will owe Stevens (and all that money crowd) big time even when he loses badly. Proof that Mike can talk about changing the culture in DC all he wants but with Stevens in DC, no culture change is possible. All Mike did today was play in the constant campaign he pretends to oppose by joining hands with the posterboy for business as usual in DC. And that should scare more Washington voters away. Mike is now clearly no John McCain. McCain is Stevens’ chief nightmare. Watch the next move – they’ll drag McCain out here to say he likes Mike. Message to Mikey: you can’t have it both ways.
ElWK751@88: Wow, now there’s a great post!
windie, donnageddon, headless lucy – you three are the most snotty little bithces in blogdom.
Comment by EIWK751 — 3/2/06 @ 4:17 pm
How ironic!
ElWK751@88: Wow, now there’s a great post!
Comment by Puddybud — 3/2/06 @ 4:28 pm
Double Irony!
ElWK751@88: Wow, now there’s a great post!
Remember donnod, you said double irony!
Let me paraphrase PuddyBud’s contribution @ 85
“picking on Bush .. donk yell at me?
… you were soooooooooooooooo nasty and negative .. ASSes Donks … makes Bush look bad…. dumb you ASSes … swallowed the donk MSM kool-aid ..typical donk! ”
Thanks for your intelligent contribution, PuddyBud!
donnod: Why do you partially parse my words taking them out of context. Oops… dull knife donnod, what was aI thinking. Did you figure out what you wrote last night on the other thread yet?
erratum …what was I thinking…
“RR … IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU GOT LOST. Commentby DA WO— 3/2/06@ 4:13 pm”
You’re not gonna be that lucky.
I see Dumb Ass Wash Out is back.
@ 99, PuddyBud, I have replied to your incoherent diatribe in the other thread. Let me recap it for you:
You are truly insane, or just sufferring from advanced Altzheimer. I feel sorry for Mrs. PuddyBud. You must be a terrible burden on her.
Time for a diaper change, PuddyBud… now waddle on off.
Democrats Cynthia McKinney/Maxine Waters 2008!!! If you don’t support this ticket you are racist and the brothers will burn down your neighborhood.
Sorry Donnod, the last thing I am to the wife is a burden. Maybe that’s why you are single. You were the burdening link. Goodbye.
You seem to have this fetish with diapers. Are you a Depends wearer? Do you sound funny when you walk around the office?
PuddyBud “Goodbye”
Goodbye, PuddyBud!
Mike McGavick is a potentially strong candidate, running at the wrong time. His progressive values and superior intellect might make him a force with which to be reckoned if he were in another race. Don’t let his business background fool you: he is a patron of the arts and a big fan of liberal artsy studies, including the Classics.
The saddest thing about his immediate campaign is that his patronage of the Seattle Shakespeare Organiztion (and that of many of his biggest fans) might be diverted to GOP fundraising instead of art. Bummer.
My vote is for Cantwell but we could do far worse than McGavick. If only his handlers let him deliver messages with meaning instead of emphasizing the need to return to “civility.”