We had a gay old time at Drinking Liberally last night, celebrating Referendum 65’s demise by packing our panel with gay men. (Um… so to speak.) Helping us rub Tim Eyman’s nose in his latest failure were two of the state’s better known homosexuals, 43rd LD Rep. Ed Murray and The Stranger editor and nationally syndicated sex columnist Dan Savage… plus The Stranger’s lesser known (and lady-dazzled) Eli Sanders.
Joining me (Goldy), Ed, Dan and Eli in nondiscriminatory political discourse were Mollie, Will, and Carl. When Will wasn’t brown-nosing Dan, our topics of discussion included the dramatic collapse of the anti-anti-discrimination movement, prospects for gay marriage in WA state, "An Inconvenient Truth", who we really want to run for president (hint: watch "An Inconvenient Truth") and smelly buses vs. glittering monorail. Did you know Mollie once killed a man on a city bus? It’s true. Give it a listen.
The show is 54:08, and is available here as a 34 MB MP3. Please visit PodcastingLiberally.com for complete archives and RSS feeds.
[Recorded live at the Seattle chapter of Drinking Liberally. Special thanks to Confab creators Gavin and Richard for producing the show.]
“We had a gay old time at Drinking Liberally last night, celebrating Referendum 65’s demise by packing our panel with gay men.”
If this means y’all were packin’ fudge, I don’t care to hear about!
I love this. Orwell strikes again. The homophobes fail to pass the Senate with the I Hate Gays Constitutional Amendment and laud the fact that they got “several” new votes? You mean the fact that they got the same exact number of yes votes they got last time is “several” new votes? Are these fucking idiots that stupid?
Commentby BushWentAWOL— 6/7/06@ 8:43 am
BushWentAWOL now that is a name of a coward who should be exposed for what he/she really is, like a gay hiding in the closet. There are certain words that you use in such a fashion they are rendered useless due to toxic way you express yourself. Anyone who disagrees with you has to be homophobe which slams all the doors on what you want to present. Now the rest of your gutter language is not worth addressing but it does show you poor communication skills. What has been pass into law today will not benefit those who are gay but expose other gays to life changes that they were not prepared for or willing to make today. From your point of view you do not give a dame about gays but only your hidden agendas. Like I hate Bush so much that I do not care who has to pay for my emotional out bursts. You would betray anyone including your country just to belittle the President of the United States. This really renders you to such a small insecure little person. Really you have no fear of posting you real name because it would be a waste of time slapping some sense into your head.
Goldy sez:
“When Will wasn’t brown-nosing Dan,”
You sick bastards!! And in a restuarant….with young impressionables?!
Is that the latest “alternative” turn-on???
My God Goldy…what’s next???
“Did you know Mollie once killed a man on a city bus?”
Was he a Republican? I’m jealous.
Just kidding — haw haw haw haw haw
“Are these fucking idiots that stupid?”
Since you asked, yes, they’re that stupid.
Sounds like Ms. Cynical is jealous? Wishes she could have gotten ahold of some of that fudge?
Was Jim West there too?
What have we hear? klake lecturing us on civil discourse?
Good one, klake!
“Really you have no fear of posting you real name because it would be a waste of time slapping some sense into your head.” Commentby klake— 6/7/06@ 4:56 pm
JCH has no fear of posting his real name (http://www.soundpolitics.com/archives/003060.html), so why don’t you go slap some sense into HIS head?
Six months ago the trollfucks were complaining that Dean Logan disenfranchised Lt. Wataba, and now all of a sudden it turns out they think Lt. Wataba is a Democrat.
Since available data indicate that roughly 80% of Army officers vote Republican, there’s a 4 out of 5 chance that Lt. Wataba is a Republican.
Would any of you trollfucks like to explain your fellow Republican Lt. Wataba’s reneging his soldier’s oath? Pretty embarrassing, following on the heels of your fellow Republican Mark the Reddick welshing on his gambling debts.
JCH has no fear of posting his real name (http://www.soundpolitics.com/archives/003060.html), so why don’t you go slap some sense into HIS head?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/7/06@ 5:10 pm [………………………….None what so ever!!! And you??]
A promise, contract, or oath isn’t worth spit when it’s made by a Republican — just ask the GOP wives whose husbands cheated on them! http://www.americaheldhostile.com/cheating.html
“The Republican Wife-Cheating Hall of Fame
“The Internet Web Page Considered ‘Public Enemy
Number One’ by the Hypocritical Republican Party!
“Many toothless, militia-sympathizing morons like to believe that Democrats somehow own the franchise on wife cheating, probably because of the legend of John F. Kennedy and the ‘Bash-Clinton’ psycho cottage industry which employs retard inbreds like Kenneth Starr and Paula Jones’ attorneys. But when you tally the facts, there are a huge number – more than three times as many Republicans who have cheated on their wives than Democrats. Let’s count up the Randy Right Wingers……
“Rep. Susan “Congressional ‘Ho” Myrick
“The Republican Adultery Honor Roll of Shame:
“Rep. Henry Hyde Broke up a family during his seven year adulterous affair!
“Mike Bowers Cheated on his wife for FIFTEEN YEARS!
“George Bush Linda Tripp says had he an affair with a woman named ‘Jennifer’
“Newt Gingrich Dumped his ex-wife while she was in a hospital bed suffering from cancer….
“Bob Dole Cheated on his first wife with his current wife, Elizabeth Dole.
“Former Rep. Bob Dornan Reported to have cheated on and beaten his wife.
“John Linder Has a wandering eye for his female staff members.
“Ronald Reagan Dumped Jane Wyman by cheating on her with several Hollywood starlets
“William Cohen Dumped his white wife for a new black one.
“Guy Millner Has been married three times, partly because he has sex with women he isn’t married to….
“Rush Limbaugh Fat as he may be, he cheated on two of his three wives…
“Mitch Skandalakis Hired hookers from his Las Vegas hotel room!
“Michael Deaver Was so drunk he doesn’t remember hiring hookers…
“John Warner Dumped his wife for Elizabeth Taylor…
“Bill Randall A Florida Congressional candidate and minister, he fathered an illegitimate child during his affair!
“Bill McCartney Promise Keepers founder who didn’t keep his Promise to his wife and then lied about it for 20 years!
“Rep. Dan Burton Had at least six adulterous affairs, and fathered a bastard son who, today, he ignores!!
“Rep. Bob Barr Cheated on all three of his wives – and coerced one into having an abortion – then lied about it!
“Rudolph Giuliani Boffs his assistant in Gracie Mansion while his wife stays home with the kids!
“Sen. Strom Thurmond Cheated on his fourth wife at age 88!!
“Gilbert Davis Paula Jones’ attorney, who allowed himself to be videotaped DrUnK during his adultery!
“Bob Packwood Drank huge amounts of hard liquor and then tongue-kissed his female staffers against their will!
“Gov. Kirk Fordice Got so hopped up by his mistress that he crashed his Jeep Cherokee and got himself hurt!
“Beverly Russell The Christian Coalition coordinator who molested his stepdaughter Susan Smith, who later killed her own kids.
“Marv Albert Calls himself a Republican, bites his longtime mistresses, and has sex with her while wearing women’s panties!
“Other Horny Republicans:
“N.C. Rep. Sue Myrick – Who cheated on her husband and left him for another man!
“LA. Rep. Bob Livingston – The GOP Speaker-to-never-be, who cheated on his wife Bonnie – with at least four women!
“Michael Huffington – The Former GOP Congressman who cheated on his wife Arianna – with other men!
“Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin – Who had an adulterous affair with her Security Guard – a state trooper!
“Rep. Helen Chenoweth – Who screwed most every married male member of the Idaho Legislature!
“The Charleston County, S.C. Solicitor, a Republican, who had an extramarital affair – a GAY affair with another man…..
“Jim Bakker – Who eventually got locked up in chains and sent to federal prison.
“Jimmy Swaggart – Who broke down crying after he got busted with an ugly hooker!
“We really should mention John Tower, the infamous alcoholic woman-chasing midget U.S. Senator, but he’s dead, so he doesn’t count!
“Don’t forget – Republican women can be adulterous, too! There are lots of cheating Republican ho’s on our list!”
Hey, can any of you illiterate trollfucks tell us what the 7th Commandment says?
Sounds like Ms. Cynical is jealous? Wishes she could have gotten ahold of some of that fudge?
Was Jim West there too?
Commentby LeftTurd— 6/7/06@ 5:04 pm
One thing I ain’t is a cocksucker like you!
And besides, Goldy is just funnin’ around with words….horseplay.
Ooooooops, I apologize for the Horseplay reference.
After all, you freaks lost a loyal Seattle KLOWN in that Enumclaw debacle when your felow KLOWN got screwed to death by that horse. The KLOWN was from of all places THE FREEMOUNT DISTRICT!!!
Craig — got a problem with “Roger Rabbit?”
“One thing I ain’t is a cocksucker” Commentby Mr. Cynical— 6/7/06@ 5:35 pm
How do we know? Are we supposed to take your word for that?
Mr. Cynical
[ ] 1. is
[ ] 2. is not
a cocksucker.
Mr. Cynical
[X] 1. is … 143,577 votes
[ ] 2. is not … 114 votes*
a cocksucker.
* 96 of these votes were cast by Momus, 3 by Cynical, and 15 by a dead guy name Mervin Fudgepacker III.
Roger Rabbit is a
[ ] 1. cute, lovable, furry bunny
[ ] 2. cocksucker
Roger Rabbit is a
[X] 1. cute, lovable, furry bunny … 143,577 votes
[ ] 2. cocksucker … 0 votes*
* Although 114 votes were cast in this category, all of these votes were disqualified, because none of the three voters who cast them are eligible to vote.
Roger! WUZ UP?
LT Watada knows the consequences of his actions and I feel confident that the US Army will take the appropriate administrative and legal actions against him. I feel sorry for the soldiers working under him and I am hopeful that he will get the maximum punishment allowable under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice.)
I support peaceful protests for any cause, but I am tired of the protestors in Olympia who are destroying property and overtaxing our law enforcement officers. It really disgusts me that LT Watada is allowing himself to be used as a pawn in the political arena of war by Anti-War protestor groups.
When he puts on his uniform, he carries a big responsibility to follow orders of Officers above him and the Commander in Chief. Soldiers don’t get to pick the wars they fight in, that is the job of Congress and the President. They approved this war and have funded this war and make no mistake, it is a LEGAL war.
His soldiers are much better off without him and so is the Army. With any luck, he will spend a long time in a military prison learning what it’s like to do unpleasant things.
SGMMAC, when were you in the service?
“California Wants Answers on Oil Prices
“California’s Attorney General has begun hauling the CEOs of major oil companies into his office – demanding, in closed door sessions, that those executives tell him, under oath, why gas prices are higher in California than almost anywhere else in the nation.
“The attorney general is also taking a hard look at refiners’ profit margins, which soared by 130 percent at a time when the price of crude oil increased by 14 percent.
“‘They intentionally short the market using exporting or control of the refinery production,’ says Tim Hamilton, a petroleum industry consultant hired by a consumer group to investigate why California’s gasoline stockpiles run so much lower than the rest of the country, another factor driving high prices. ‘Our tanks are constantly on empty,’ says Hamilton, ‘and it causes us to have price spikes.'”
“Roger! WUZ UP?”
Dunno. Some guy whose vote for Rossi wasn’t counted wants to quit his job.
“When he puts on his uniform, he carries a big responsibility to follow orders of Officers above him and the Commander in Chief. Soldiers don’t get to pick the wars they fight in, that is the job of Congress and the President.”
Hard to argue with that. If he didn’t want to accept his orders or fight in whatever war he was sent to, he shouldn’t have accepted the commission. When you join the Army, the Army owns your ass – lock, stock, and barrel. If someone doesn’t like those terms of employment, the solution is they shouldn’t enlist in the first place.
Yes RR the rethugs are CONSTANTLY reminding us that most of the military votes GOP. So when they quit, when they rape, when they beat prisoners, when they shoot unarmed women and children and when they torture, they accurately depict what the GOP stands for.
I agree 99% with you. However, if he truly believes that an order is unjust or unlawful, he has every reason, and in fact must, reject that order. However, he must face the consequences. If he is right, history will hold him up, and events should step in. If he is wrong, he gets the punishment he deserves.
It is, after all, civil disobedience. The whole point is that you must pay for your actions, but you believe that it is worth what you pay. As Gandhi and King proved, if your actions are just, in a civilized society, you will be rewarded in the end.
I also have problems with any property destruction. There is simply no justification in this case. Chain their gates if you will, but expect your chain to be cut. God knows, this war deserves to be protested, but property destruction misses the point. I also think that protesting the shipment of support equipment to soldiers isn’t that helpful (unless you admit that it is a purely symbolic protest). Your problem lies with Washington and the GOP, not with the soldiers that are doing there job. This just drives away those you need to convince, and, guess what, a lot more of those soldiers agree with you than you imagine.
In his current circumstnaces, Watada can render his best service by joining his unit and using his position as an officer to make sure that HIS men, at least, carry out their duties lawfully and do not get involved in unlawful killings, torture, or atrocities. If recent events are any indication, God knows we need more good officers and non-coms in Iraq than we’ve presently got — for the sake of Iraqi civilians.
It seems that, in the trollfucks’ minds at least, “when they quit, when they rape, when they beat prisoners, when they shoot unarmed women and children and when they torture, they” suddenly are Democrats. Commentby LeftTurn— 6/7/06@ 7:11 pm
You can be very sure that if 80% of the troops voted for Democrats, the same people who bleat about military voters being “disenfranchised” would work overtime to disenfranchise military voters.
The far right and wingnuts have to be cringing at Ann Coulter’s meltdown. Here she is, giving away all their secrets.
Her main shrill cry right now is her attack on the victims of 9/11. But she is giving too much away. She has basically admitted that she cannot debate a person’s ideas, she can only attack a person. She can’t say “I disagree with the 9/11 widows for these reasons, she can only call them harpies and say they enjoy their husbands death. Even if that is true, that doesn’t mean they are not right. But Ann is upset that if she calls them harpies that people say you shouldn’t say that. No one has said you cannot debate them, and she doesn’t even claim that ever happens. But without her ability to attack, she is nothing, so she is throwing a fit on national television saying “if I can call generic Democrats traitorous murderous pigs, why can’t I call specific people that. That’s all I have, and that’s how I make my living.” She is the victim because without insults, she is nothing.
Hmmm … this is interesting … in Vietnam, the M-16 rifle was a piece of shit; 35 years later, in Iraq, guess what the M-16 rifle is STILL a piece of shit.
In Vietnam, many Marines preferred to pack AK-47s if they could get them; 35 years later, in Iraq, many Marines prefer to pack AK-47s if they can get them.
Liberals must arm — with AK-47s! Any questions?
WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter wants Vice President Dick Cheney to stop trying to influence his committee’s review of the White House’s warrantless surveillance program.
“It is neither pleasant nor easy to raise these issues with the administration of my own party, but I do so because of their importance,” the Pennsylvania Republican wrote Cheney in a three-page letter Tuesday.
Looks like the righties are having trouble getting along again! GOD how I love watching republican train wrecks!
31 May 73 TO 31 May 03,
Fort McClellan, Fort Lee, Fort Carson, Hanau FRG, Fort Sill, Stuttgart FRG, Fort Irwin, Fort Bliss, Bamberg FRG, Fort Lewis…
US, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Japan, & Thailand
For photo of “Dick Cheney Meets Arlen Specter,” click here:
Enjoy your retirement, Mac, and be glad you got out when the getting was good.
gee what a great win in ca.your a bunch of lossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssers you lost go fuck yourself.oh yea roger rabbit eats shit and tries to bark at the moon
Yo (which is a contraction of “yahoo” as in “trailer park yahoo” and is properly spelled “Y’o;” like Stefan Sharkansky, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name correctly) thinks going from an 18-point margin to a 4-point margin in two years is a “great win.”
I certainly hope you guys keep on “winning,” Y’o!
Roger, I am enjoying my retirement. I forgot Fort Jackson on my list.
Hey Y’o! Will you bark if I moon you?
Y’o — wanna lick my cottontail? For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
like Stefan Sharkansky, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name correctly)
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/7/06@ 8:04 pm
Roger Rabbitt can’t spell his name correctly either.
Yes RR the rethugs are CONSTANTLY reminding us that most of the military votes GOP. So when they quit, when they rape, when they beat prisoners, when they shoot unarmed women and children and when they torture, they accurately depict what the GOP stands for.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/7/06@ 7:11 pm
Hey we Kennedys know something about rape and murder. It one of few attributes that get us elected each and every time.
I just watched Dateline To Catch A Predator. All of RUFFASSSSSS’s relatives and pals were on the show. The first 10 guys were all “religious.” Proves what I have been saying all along. Right wing religious taliban types are child rapists and pervs.
Laura Bush killed a guy!
47 continued
If you think we Kennedys are bad you havent seen us teamed up with Robert Byrd yet. Hehe
Media reports are now circulating that prosecutors are in quiet discussions with the office of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, DEMOCRAT, to offer her some sort of plea agreement. This way, as the rumors go, she would avoid any jail time for hitting a Capitol Police officer. Just what sort of punishment could she expect? Who knows…probably a fine and probation. Or community service. But you can bet there would be no jail time.
That’s too bad that they’re offering her special treatment and coddling her. Anyone else…they would be sent up the river. Had it been a white male that slugged the cop, would they be offering a plea deal to him? Nope. It is only because prosecutors fear McKinney’s cries of racism that they’re trying to cut a deal.
And you also have to ask yourself…what would have happened if John Q. Public had done this? Try that the next time you’re pulled over by a cop. Just take a swing at one and see where you wind up. I can guarantee you it will be the inside of a jail cell…that is after you’re wrestled to the ground and handcuffed….probably after having experienced the business end of a Taser.
Even after all this is settled, will Cynthia McKinney, DEMOCRAT, GA, be re-elected this fall? No doubt. You think she’s bad .. you ought to see the people who elected her.
just watched Dateline To Catch A Predator. All of RUFFASSSSSS’s relatives and pals were on the show. The first 10 guys were all “religious.” Proves what I have been saying all along. Right wing religious taliban types are child rapists and pervs.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/7/06@ 8:34 pm
Why dont they make it easy on themselves and sneak up on a public school teacher after school let out. Thats bank man. Of course dont let the WEA know. Hehe
RogerRabbit@36 My preference would be a Dragunov SVD, with a POS-1 mounted. It has been mistaken for an AK-47 and can readily chamber and function well out to 600 meters with standard 7.62 54 MM R rounds. There are several special rounds available, more or less, that let it function well out to 1,000 meters.
If you want full auto, you’ll have to re-machine a receiver on your AK. The SVD and ‘Tiger” are readily available as ‘hunting’ weapons in the US now.
An AK 47 is to messy. May I suggest a 1965 Oldmobile convertible instead. Hehe
Goldy, why such a need to be so in your face about your sexuality? Get a room, keep it private. That’s what normal people do, both gay and straight.
And why aren’t you at Yearly Kos? Couldn’t afford the trip? You waste way too much of your time blogging for free.
“The SVD and ‘Tiger” are readily available as ‘hunting’ weapons in the US now.”
Hey can I get a bazoooka too can I can I huh?
So how do the results in CA 50th yesterday bode for the Republicans? A 4% win in a district with a 15% GOP registration edge — and where the same Democrat candidate lost by over 20% in 2004 — is hardly a resounding victory. It can’t be blamed on Democrat millions being poured in, since the GOP poured in twice as many millions.
I would assume Bush’s approval in the WA 8th is somewhere in the low 30’s — and over 10 points less than the votes he got in 2004. The kind of numbers where nearly every Democrat hates Bush, few independents like him, and most Republicans either disapprove or have extremely unenthusiasic approval.
Darcy Burner may very well be able to pull it off if Bush’s approval remains so low. In spite of her lack of experience and several indicia of flakiness. Especially if Goldy comes up with some dirt on Reichert come October.
“you havent seen us … yet. Hehe” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 6/7/06@ 8:48 pm
Sure we have. http://images.encarta.msn.com/.....90871A.jpg
How did you get pictures of Byrd’s last victory party? Man I hope they dont have the one of me and uncle Ted with the waitress. Yikes!!
In Vietnam, many Marines preferred to pack AK-47s if they could get them; 35 years later, in Iraq, many Marines prefer to pack AK-47s if they can get them.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/7/06@ 7:23 pm
Roger you can add the 9MM with the other junk. I prefer the M14 and the 45 still, the both knocks the caps flat on their ass.
Ummm, dunno about the ‘zooka. However, if you wish, you CAN modify the receiver of that ‘old,useless’ collector, the Mosin-Nagant and use it in your AK. . .
However, as it happens, it only takes about ten minutes and a cross-cut file to take the lug off from the receiver on a MAC-10 single shot civilian model.This is quite similar to the battle field ‘mod’ sometimes found on vintage M-1’s.
Roger Rabbit >”…in Vietnam, the M-16 rifle was a piece of shit; 35 years later, in Iraq, guess what the M-16 rifle is STILL a piece of shit…”
You are waaay too polite; “piece of shit” is a compliment when discussing the M-16 (nice profit magins tho !)
And the aholes in that CBS story are completely LOST as is the Army; “…The army issued a final report last week that concludes in essence that those test results are wrong and misleading. It argues the 5.56 has the “same potential effectiveness” of the 7.62 during the heat of battle…”
Obviously written by someone that never saw combat (“heat of battle” etc)
Semper Fi
“There are three kinds of men:
1. The ones that learn by reading.
2. The few who learn by observation.
3. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves.” – Will Rogers
FOR and RE: Commentby Richard Pope— 6/7/06@ 9:46 pm
Interesting insight…
Closing the Books on CA 50
daCascadian@64 I am not familiar with the report you reference, nor any broadcast discussing it, but it sounds like the Army is following more recent Soviet Doctrine, as evidenced by the emergence of the AK-101 and AK-103, which chamber 5.56 MM rounds. These give rates of fire of 600 rounds per minute, and suppression effects out to about 300 meters. My ‘druthers would be a more ‘traditional’ AK-47 configuration allowing suppressive fire to lethal effect out to beyond 1000 meters with the 7.62x39mm round.
Since Venezuela is now manufacturing the AK-103, perhaps Hugo Chavez will support sending some here along with his cheap home heating oil. . . .
My preference still is the Dragunov, chambering a 7.62 54 mm round. . .it has an energy load of approximately 4000 joules as opposed to the 1900 joules for the 5.56 mm. round.
More bad news for Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA). Tonight, Tom Casey, former CEO of now-defunct software company Audre Inc., told NBC News that in 1993 Lewis asked for stock and favors for his friend, lobbyist Bill Lowery, in exchange for a multi-million-dollar earmark:
Casey tells NBC News that after he made campaign contributions to House members of both parties, Lewis informed him the Pentagon would get $14 million for the testing, and that Casey even could write the language.
Lisa Myers: You were allowed to write language for an appropriations bill yourself?
Casey: Yes, I did. That was Congressman Lewis’ suggestion.
Casey says Lewis repeatedly urged him to hire a lobbyist, former U.S. Rep. Bill Lowery, Lewis’ close friend, and when that didn’t happen, pressed for another favor.
Casey: Congressman Lewis asked me to set up stock options for Bill Lowery in our company.
Casey says Lewis suggested he issue the stock options in Canada — in someone else’s name.
Yes, Smegmac, murder is a sin, but what is even worse is that the murderer occassionally DESTROYS PROPERTY in the course of the murders!
Ann Coulter is the Larry Flynt of political smut, and anyone who reads Coulter’s political porn is a pervert.
Reporters have to be “objective” and report both sides of a controversy — even if one side is totally wrong.
FOR and RE: Commentby Richard Pope— 6/7/06@ 9:46 pm
Interesting insight…
Closing the Books on CA 50
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 6/7/06@ 10:16 pm
CA 50 could be in danger in November 2006. The special election occurred when all the party primaries were being held. 27% of the voters in CA 50 are registered independent or 3rd party, 29% Democrat, and 44% Republican. Presumably, the Democrat and GOP turnout yesterday was considerably higher — as a % of their registration — than that of independent and 3rd party voters.
Bilbray got only 1,000 more votes than the number of people who voted in the GOP primary that was also held yesterday. Either a lot of Republicans didn’t vote for Bilbray, or he got practically zero votes among voters who weren’t registered Republicans.
Increase the turnout rate of independents and 3rd party voters to the same as that of Democrats and Republicans in November, and Bilbray could be in a lot of trouble in a rematch.
How did you get pictures of Byrd’s last victory party? Man I hope they dont have the one of me and uncle Ted with the waitress. Yikes!!
Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 6/7/06@ 9:52 pm
KKK Byrd was one of only two Democrats to vote against gay marriage today in the U.S. Senate. The other was Senator Nelson of Nebraska.
anyone who reads Coulter’s political porn is a pervert.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 6/7/06@ 10:50 pm
The only time I ever read Coulter is when Goldy’s posts it on Horse’s Ass. What Goldy does in the privacy of the bedroom is his own business.
But then again rape between democrats establishes the social hierarchy. You know like President vs intern or public school teacher vs student. A very important tool in the modern democratic society.
Well I am off. Gots to vote you know. Bye all.
The following is quoted from Juanita Broaddrick’s sworn affidavit:
“4. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family’s privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.”
From Wikipedia:
“According to Jack Nelson, Washington bureau chief of the Los Angeles Times, … “This is a story that’s been knocked down and discredited so many times …. Everyone’s taken a slice of it, and after looking at it, everyone’s knocked it down. The woman has changed her story about whether it happened. It just wasn’t credible.” Joe Conason and Gene Lyon’s book “The Hunting of the President” argued that Broaddrick’s claim is not credible and contains numerous inconsistencies. In contrast, Michael Isikoff’s book “Uncovering Clinton” and Christopher Hitchens’ book “No One Left to Lie To” both argue that Broaddrick’s claim is credible.” (footnote omitted) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juanita_Broaddrick
Leave it to idiots like JCH and Dufus to uncritically swallow Broaddrick’s allegations. Hey JCH — I “accuse” you of whacking off at your keyboard! Because I “accused” you of it, it must be true.
roger @69 i guess your wife is a pervert.
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaida-linked militant who led a bloody campaign of suicide bombings, kidnappings and hostage beheadings in Iraq, has been killed in a U.S. air raid north of Baghdad, Iraq’s prime minister said Thursday.
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said al-Zarqawi was killed Wednesday evening along with seven aides.
The Jordanian-born militant, who was believed to have personally beheaded at least two American hostages, became Iraq’s most wanted militant, as notorious as Osama bin Laden, to whom he swore allegiance in 2004. The United States had put a $25 million bounty on al-Zarqawi, the same as bin Laden.
I hope the evil Raghead enjoys his Virgins.
May he rot in Hell instead.
If you’re sick of the right wing, anti-semitic, and racist blowhards on this board (Mr. Cynical, RUFUS, JCH/REP, MTR, Puddy, etc) take a moment to remember Rev. Dale Turner, who showed us that not all Christians are creeps, and that many people of faith really do care about all mankind http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/.....bit08.html
Too bad all the fake Christians who hang out at SP will mever have a clue as to what Jesus’ true message was. Rev. Turner figured it out before many of these phoney “movement” conservatives were born.
Oh well, war, poverty and discrimination all seem to come a lot more naturally for the Sharkansky-Bush KKKult.
Yeah, Richard. It would be “mission accomplished” if it wasn’t for the fact that everytime we kill one hapless al-Zarqawi, another five competent terrorists rise up. Real effective (like most of the stuff you post)
Keep feeding the racist bigots like Mr. Cynical, though. These cretins are starving for (fake) good news lately!
FACT. The world would be safer if we’d never gone to Iraq. We had less to fear from Iraq when Sadaam was in power. Now we’ve created a haven for terror that will most certainly end up with attacks on our soil, something that would have NEVER happened if Baby Bush had followed his own father’s advice. Papa Bush said to stay out of Iraq. Baby Bush didn’t listen. Now we’re all at risk. When the terrorists make their way here, and believe me they will, I hope they start with Ann Coulter’s neighborhood.
The loons over at (un)SP have been packed a County Council
meeting Monday with Republicans and Greens bemoaning the move to vote-by-mail. The vote on the measure was held until June 19 so
that Dean Logan can appear to answer questions.
Logan appears to remain tone deaf in regard to dealing with voter unrest, and was not present June 5. He was either in Spokane, or on vacation, or his dermatologist — somewhere. The school of minnows have made much of his absence.
Dow Constantine, my councilman, hit the nail on the head, however.
“I think that’s a bunch of right-wing blog nonsense,” he said. “I think what’s important is the answers he gives when he appears before the council.”
Those loon packed the meeting. The may have been packed at the time, but I have no evidence of that.
LT – a true American doesn’t hope that a fellow American is killed by terrorists. It is truly pathetic that you wish harm to those who share the same freedom of speech that you have, and that are guaranteed by our unique system. Do I question your patriotism? No, just your moral and ethical core.
Hey you traitorcrat liberal socialists – Al Zarcawi is DEAD. TERMINATED. Yet another VICTORY by GEORGE W BUSH, the ONLY one who fights for America instead of surrendering to the terrorists.
I will leave you traitors to mourn for your dead terrorist comrade.
No Janet, what is truly pathetic is liberal socialist traitors who say they “support the troops” yet block the ports sending them the vital supplies they need.
Face it. Liberals are traitors.
Why should Bush get credit for Al-Zarqawi’s death? This operation was carried out by military and intelligence personnel who have been hampered all along by Bush’s policies of inadequate troop levels, interference with intelligence analysis, and so on. One has to ask whether Al-Zarqawi wouldn’t have been killed long ago — or whether his organization would ever have gotten off the ground — if we’d had a more competent political administration.
Hey dummy, take some remedial reading classes, then come back and try reading this board again. None of the liberals posting here endorsed the antics of the Olympia protesters.
Janet — if you’re so concerned about ethics, why have you been silent about Coulter publicly calling for the deaths of Supreme Court justices and virtually every Democrat in the country, you fucking hypocrite? Unfuck yourself, Janet.
88 (continued)
I’m always amused by who wingfucks like Janet S. howl, wail, gnash their teeth, and cry when they get a teeny dose of their own medicine dished back to them. What a bunch of crybabies.
Al-Zarqawi is a good start on making the world a better place; now let’s follow up with some airstrikes against wingnut blowhards.
As Coroner I must aver, I thoroughly examined her.
And she’s not only merely dead, she’s really most sincerely dead.
— “Ding! Dong! The Witch is Dead”, Wizard of Oz
This guy has been “killed” so many times before, they had to have the Prime Minister, photos and DNA evidence this time.
Just kidding, ha-ha. No, wait, I’m serious — wait, no, I’m not — whatsamatter can’t you fuckers take a joke, no sense of humor.
98 (continued)
Wingnuts — how about if I wiggle my cute cottontail for you, then you can lick it! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
74, redux
Hey JCH, do you know what juries do to witnesses who make statements under oath, then change their stories?
What’s the mission, Richard? Racking up a body count is neither a mission nor an accomplishment. Nobody ever won a war by attriting the enemy — for every one you kill, there’s two or four or six replacements.
What, exactly, is the “mission” in Iraq? Is there one?
The U.S. currently has upwards of 130,000 troops in Iraq to:
[ ] 1. Capture Saddam Hussein, who is still at large; the guy in custody is a double.
[ ] 2. Find the WMDs, which are still buried in the desert somewhere, including dozens of nuclear warheads, ICBMs, long-range bombers, and missile-launching submarines.
[ ] 3. Grab the oil, which recently has been gushing out of the wells, into the pipelines … and onto the ground.
[ ] 4. Install a democratic government, which will not be considered accomplished until Iraqi Republicans completely control the executive, legislative, and judicial branches and all the imams are guys who were hand-picked by a committee consisting of Ken Mehlman, Karl Rove, and Dick Cheney.
[ ] 5. Keep the war going for as long as possible, because war is good for business, and generates profits for insiders who own large chunks of stock in Pentagon contractors.
Well, I see the stock market is tanking today again, as investors focus on rising interest rates.
High interest rates, high unemployment, and high inflation are caused by:
[ ] 1. Random lightning strikes
[ ] 2. Liberals
[ ] 3. Ted Bundy
[ ] 4. Fiscally irresponsible presidents who spend like crazy, borrow like crazy, print paper money like crazy, cut taxes like crazy, and whose economic policies are crazy.
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the last eight comments. If you don’t like it, you can:
[ ] 1. Fuck an armadillo
[ ] 2. Fuck yourself
[ ] 3. Fuck Janet S
[ ] 4. Fuck Dick Cheney
[ ] 5. All of the above
88, revisited
Hey Janet — in your world of moral certainty, is it okay for a true American like Pat Robertson to hope that a fellow American (e.g., a Supreme Court justice) is killed by God?
Does the morality of wishing death upon someone depend on whether the killing is done by God, or by a terrorist? Does it make a difference whether the terrorist is an atheist, or a devout Christian like, say, the Crusaders were?
Just wondering where you moralists are on this one. Since you’re an expert on ethics, this question should be easy for you.
Hey Goldy—why not discuss LIAR Logan–
Didn’t I tell y’all Dean Logan is a LIAR!!
Thank you Keith…for doin’ yer job!
Where’s Logan? Stories change
By Keith Ervin
Seattle Times staff reporter
Where was elections chief Dean Logan on Monday when the Metropolitan King County Council debated a historic proposal to conduct elections by mail?
His staff at first said he was attending a statewide election administrators’ conference in Spokane.
Then they said he was working, somewhere, on something.
He was actually out of town on vacation, as Logan confirmed by e-mail Wednesday.
Some council members grumbled about his absence Monday when the assistants substituting for him were unable to answer questions raised by citizens and council members. An expected vote was delayed for two weeks in order to hear Logan’s responses to those questions.
If adopted by the County Council, the ordinance promoted by Logan and his boss, County Executive Ron Sims, will make King County the largest local jurisdiction in the country to conduct elections almost entirely by mail.
But the changing stories about the reasons for Logan’s absence appeared to undermine the credibility that he had rebuilt since the problem-plagued 2004 gubernatorial election.
Logan told the County Council by e-mail last Friday he couldn’t attend the Monday meeting, explaining that he would be at the Spokane elections conference “most of next week.” Election administrators said Monday that he was at the conference.
But on Tuesday, Jonathan Bechtle of the Evergreen Freedom Foundation pointed out that the conference didn’t begin until Tuesday, the day after the County Council meeting.
A spokeswoman for Sims, when asked where Logan was, responded on Tuesday and again on Wednesday morning that he was “working away from the office.” She offered no details on where he was or what work he was doing.
Later Wednesday, another Sims spokesman said Logan had taken “personal time” Monday, but had no details.
Logan e-mailed The Seattle Times on Wednesday that he was on a scheduled trip. When asked to elaborate about the trip, Logan responded that the questions were “offensive and irrelevant.”
Sims spokesman Sandeep Kaushik said Logan’s trip had been scheduled weeks earlier and that the County Council had postponed its vote on the mail-balloting proposal twice.
“There wasn’t any intent of his ducking being there or anything of that nature,” Kaushik said. “I think the assumption was the presentation [on mail voting] had been made at an earlier session and that Monday might be something more of a formality.”
The changing explanations of Logan’s absence upset several council members, who called the vote-by-mail proposal — which would take effect in 2007 — the most important restructuring of elections in county history.
“Maybe we should hold our next hearing in Kitsap County, where he lives, to make it easier for him to attend,” fumed Councilman Pete von Reichbauer, R-Federal Way.
“It’s pretty clear to me that when major election issues come up, if Dean Logan can be somewhere else he generally is,” said Reagan Dunn, R-Bellevue.
Dow Constantine, D-Seattle, said the details of Logan’s absence weren’t that important.
“I think that’s a bunch of right-wing blog nonsense,” he said. “I think what’s important is the answers he gives when he appears before the council.”
Those answers have taken on a new importance.
Until Wednesday, the vote-by-mail proposal seemed like a done deal because it was supported by all five members of the council’s Democratic majority.
But one of the prime sponsors of the ordinance, Seattle Democrat Bob Ferguson, said he was troubled not only by Logan’s absence (“a serious lapse in judgment”) but also by information presented Monday about staff vacancies Logan has been unable to fill in his office.
“I have to have confidence that the Elections Department has the resources and staff and the ability to make that change. Right now I’m not sure if I believe that’s the case,” Ferguson said.
Janet S is a
[ ] 1. two-faced
[ ] 2. hypocritical
[ ] 3. idiotic
[ ] 4. blowhard
[ ] 5. paid troll
[ ] 6. all of the above
Hey Cynical, here’s a proposal for you. Let’s send Dean Logan to Ohio and give Ken Blackwell a contract to train Logan in the fine points of election administration, to help Logan be guilty of all the stuff you guys accuse him of.
I think Dean is toast.
1. FACT. The world would be safer if we’d never gone to Iraq. We had less to fear from Iraq when Sadaam was in power. Now we’ve created a haven for terror that will most certainly end up with attacks on our soil, something that would have NEVER happened if Baby Bush had followed his own father’s advice. Papa Bush said to stay out of Iraq. Baby Bush didn’t listen. Now we’re all at risk. When the terrorists make their way here, and believe me they will, I hope they start with Ann Coulter’s neighborhood.
Commentby LeftTurn— 6/8/06@ 6:41 am
LeftTurn you have a mind of a defeatist and the President did not stay out of Iraq. The problem he made was not finishing the job the first time. You also forgot Sept 11 2001 those folks were not our local home grown terrorists and their object has not changed. The next neighborhood they set up camp in will more than likely be Bagdad Jim McDermott. The other bad news for you is that they are already living here and probably making plans to enhance your personal fears. The biggest risks that this nation is not from the terrorist but folks like you who cannot control your own personnel emollition and fears. We in the military call that the Chicken Little syndrome (the sky is falling! the sky is falling!). The other piece of bad news is that they respect Ann Coulter’s more than folks like yourself. The other theory is folks like you are a greater threat to them than this Nation Military or any Christian groups. They base that on the many attacks that your friends make on the military and their Christian supporters. They do not want to be your next victim. They see your hatred for President Bush and your willingness to abandoned the troops and encourage treason just to get even for your emotional loss. This nation has made major changes in the world the last forty years and some folks really did not buy into the plan. That is probability the root cause for the many problems in this world. That would be the case no matter who was the major power leading other Nations into the future.
RE: Klake’s great wondrous screed in post #112 above
There are some who would see some degree of irony in people supporting the military in the name of Christ.
Hey Rabbit Pellet and all other Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats: Since you “know”, JCH’s name see if he lives in Pahoa, HI. IF he does then you all need to shut up! If he doesn’t then carry on in the moonbat fashion!