Last week I listened intently to the TVW stream of the testimony for and against HB 2872, which would raise the state gambling age from 18 to 21, and was surprised to find some of the most vociferous arguments against the bill coming from state lottery officials.
Well, now I understand why. Apparently, the dispassioned bureaucrats at the Washington Lottery have decided that hooking teen gamblers is the hot new market they’ve just gotta get into. The tediously titled “Washington Lottery Business Plan, 2005-2007 Biennium” clearly charts the Lottery’s approach towards “younger players.”
This age group represents the players of the future. It is important that future Lottery games be able to respond to and satisfy the demands of these and upcoming generations of players.
And how does the Lottery intend to create a new generation of players?
The young adult market (18-24 year-olds) is a key market the Lottery intends to pursue
OK, let’s raise the age to 21 to play the lottery.
Good idea.
WTF is the state thinking?
It is a parent’s job to teach chirrens about how stupid gambling is. The problem is that most parents, especially moonbat parents, are too fucking stupid to do it. Most people, especially moonbat people, really and truly don’t know the difference between gambling and investing. So they see stuff about Wall Street and figure it’s the same thing as the lottery; just a different form of “investing”. I have actually heard people use the words “lottery ticket” and “investing” in the same sentence. Really…
Here’s how to splain it to yer chirrens:
If you go to Wall Street, you will eventually become wealthy.
If you go to Vegas, you will eventually become broke.
Fascinating political phenomena when it’s OK for the state and Casino Americans to promote gambling, but if a private company wants to do it, moonbats goes fucking crazy.
screw that we should just legalize all forms of gambling and just tax the shit out of it.
Mark the Redneck @ 3
“It is a parent’s job to teach chirrens about how stupid gambling is. The problem is that most parents, especially moonbat parents, are too fucking stupid to do it.”
Yeah…like you have any moral authority to discuss issues of family.
In fact, given your lack of integrity overall (e.g. not making good on you bets), I think you should avoid “moral” issues altogether.
And, whatever you do, don’t try to tell anyone about “chirrens.”
As usual, Mark the Reddick throws out a statement–“especially moonbat children”–without backing it up. Hey, moonbat kids aren’t the ones signing abstinence pledges and then plowing the hershey highway because “it’s not really sex.”
Mark lives in a special world, where his modest salary and modocum of easily replaced skills become being a “producer” and “knowledge beyond your comprehension.”
Actually, successlessness may be onto something: make lottery tickets $10 apiece. I think part of the appeal to idiots who play is that you get “so many chances” for only a dollar apiece.
We are so fucking inconsistent in this country. To me, you either are an adult at 18 or at 21. If you can shoot others and get shot to shit in a war, you should be able to drink and gamble. If you aren’t allowed to drink and gamble, you shouldn’t be able to get shot professionally, either.
GOLDY IS RIGHT FOR A CHANGE! We need to find the politicians who are responsible for the current leadership of the Washington State Lottery and VOTE THEM OUT OF OFFICE and VOTE THEIR ALLIES OUT OF OFFICE!
Upon careful investigation, I have discovered exactly who the public enemies responsible for this evil are — GOVERNOR CHRISTINE GREGOIRE AND THE DEMOCRATS.
The Washington State Lottery has a Director, who is appointed by the Governor. The current Director, Christopher Liu, was appointed by Governor Gregoire in 2005.
The Washington State Lottery is supervised by a five member Lottery Commission, whose members are also appointed by the Governor. Two commissioners, Bill Hanson and M. Lyle Jacobson, were appointed by Governor Gregoire in 2005. The other three commissioners, Carol Keljo, Robert S. Scarbrough, and Melinda Travis, were all appointed by the previous Democrat Governor, Gary Locke.
Now we know the solution to the lottery problems that Goldy is pointing out to us — VOTE THE STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN TICKET!
Hey libs,
Just think what fun you guys could have with also legalizing drugs…
We’d be better off w/ no legal gambling, so what if some illegal card games continue…
Easy Question, even for libs…
Has incidence, rate, per capita gambling increased or decreased since it became widely legal?
Answer: of course…its increased. I can gamble every night at QFC, or drive to some Indian reservation, …..
I think we should ban people over 65 from gambling. How dare they use SSI to fund their gambling habits. Most of them are too feeble to even drive to the casinos.
Wait, that wont work, they vote. (which explains how Gregoire got elected).
redneck, regarding: “Fascinating political phenomena when it’s OK for the state and Casino Americans to promote gambling, but if a private company wants to do it, moonbats goes fucking crazy.”
Fascinating phenomena when a someone tries to make a strawman by claiming that their opponents postion is the exact opposite of what they actually said.
Did you even read what Goldy posted? Not that I totally agree, but the way I read it, he is saying that its not OK for the state, you idiot.
Leave it to Dems, on the heels of screwing us up w/ gambling, to bring same stupidity to legalizing meth/pot/qualudes etc. Since you guys botched the last vice, why let you botch the next one.
PS, just make liquor slightly more legal; 21st century and those state stores look like Depression era storefronts….
Wow, righton, thats an aweful big brush you are using to paint with there. And the slippery slope you are on must be a fun ride since you get on it so often.
I get it, youve been studying Scalia again, havent you?
Lets make it simple, you only get to lump legalization of meth with legalization of pot if you add legalization of alcohol and legalization of tobacco.
Otherwise you are talking nonsense, and being nothing but a fine wall for the echo chamber.
What does gambling have to do with the consumption of drugs? At all?
I heard a Democratic congressperson invited Cindy Sheehan to attend the SOTU but she was arrested and hauled away. I guess Dubya is scared of her, huh.
Hmmm … Bush just asked Congress to enact a line-item veto to deal with “earmarks.” I know how that works … all the GOP pork will stay in the budget, and anything earmarked for a district that elected a Democrat will get line-itemed out. So, if you want your highway or bridge, you have to elect a Republican.
Now he’s lying about Social Security …
… he says we need to “set aside partisan politics and get his problem [Social Security] solved.” Yeah right. Hypocrite.
Now Dubya is calling for more nuclear power, but I don’t hear him calling for repeal of the $500 million liability cap on nuclear plant operators. Sorry, Dubya, that’s a deal breaker. No liability, no nuclear plants. Period. Hard-working Americans don’t deserve to lose their homes because of some nuclear contractor’s or operator’s screwups. Insure it, or shut it down.
The U.S. nuclear industry has proven over and over and over they absolutely cannot be trusted. They’ve built unsafe plants, destroyed and altered documentation, and lied to Congress and the public to cover up their unsafe facilities. Why should why risk our homes and communities on the word of these lying incompetents when they can’t even be held financially responsible for the damage they cause?
The issue with nuclear power is trust. The U.S. nuclear industry can’t be trusted. It’s that simple.
Nor can G W Bush.
The state should get out of the gambling business. It’s an immoral way to raise money.
Public Trust? Then resign!
The issue with nuclear power is trust. The U.S. nuclear industry can’t be trusted. It’s that simple.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/31/06 @ 6:52 pm [More people have died in Senator Kennedy’s car than in nuclear accidents in the U.S. [But you trust Senator Ted, don’t you, Rabbit?? hehe, JCH]
MTR @ 2 “If you go to Wall Street, you will eventually become wealthy.
If you go to Vegas, you will eventually become broke.”
that is so fucking stupid MTR, try explaining your theory to the people that invested heavily in ’99 and ’00. Try explaining that to the people that lost virtually everything on ‘Black Friday’. What a friggin idiot you really are
If Democrat blacks are only 12% of the American population, why are they 50% of the AIDs cases? Mr. X, RR, Tree Frog, Please explain?? [hehe]
26, Er, Cougar, That’s how I retired at 50 in Pahoa, HI. No snow, no cold weather, and lots of sunshine and surf at Poheke [outside Shacks]. No, your “guvment” check won’t get you through the community gate!
I heard a Democratic congressperson invited Cindy Sheehan to attend the SOTU but she was arrested and hauled away. I guess Dubya is scared of her, huh.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 1/31/06 @ 6:20 pm [RR, Do you support Cindi or Senator DiFi?? This should be fun to watch!]
Number of accidental deaths in USA Nuclear power plants from all causes over 40 years — 8
I doubt if very much if Kennedy has ‘killed’ 9 in his car.
LOL I would probably support anyone with contrarian views to JCH.
Oh Rodger – too much time in the burrow.
End the Lotto – as a moral issue? Why stop or start ther – go dry. End all liquor sales, as a morality issue.
With America in the grip of neo fascist politics and you fold are conderned about the negative impact of the Lotto – I guess I have been around too many people who are very, very serious about politics.
Not a time for banal trivia.
JCH “If Democrat blacks are only 12% of the American population, why are they 50% of the AIDs cases?”
Keep ’em coming JCH! You are doing more to destroy the right wing than anyone I know!
I just love picturing JCH in his parents leaky basement posting his lunatic racist ravings!
You are a godsend for liberals, JCH. Keep the batshit posts coming!
Come on Donnageddon, we should not pick on imbeciles like JCH. He is probably 15 years old, living in a tin shack in Hawaii, and sneaking out of his hole to try to be a big guy. No one here takes him seriously, and yes, he is the official ‘poster pimp’ for the Radical Wing Nuts’
bill @ 14
vice=vice. dems love vice, and historically the party of rum, rebellion, etc
you botched legalizing gambling; what makes us think you know any more about legalizing drugs?
(and i’m not talking about tobacco which harms nobody except the person and taxpayers, nor alcohol which while sometimes bad, certainly is a known beast)
It is interesting that Goldy says the LEGISLATURE needs to pass laws (such as raising the gambling age) to stop the WASHINGTON STATE LOTTERY plans. Especially when the Director of the Washington State Lottery was appointed by GOVERNOR CHRISTINE GREGOIRE, serves at the Governor’s pleasure, and can be replaced at the Governor’s pleasure.
I strongly agree with Goldy that the Legislature needs to keep the Gregoire administration in check — and needs to halt some of Gregoire’s plans dead in their tracks. THAT’S WHY WE NEED MORE REPUBLICANS IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE.
I doubt if very much if Kennedy has ‘killed’ 9 in his car.
Comment by Drivel — 1/31/06 @ 7:26 pm [Drive, I’ll bet he comes close!!!]
35, Cougar, Tin shacks in Hawaii on 3 acres with an ocean view can run 1.5 mil. And you?
33,…….JCH “If Democrat blacks are only 12% of the American population, why are they 50% of the AIDs cases?â€
Keep ‘em coming JCH! You are doing more to destroy the right wing than anyone I know!
Comment by Donnageddon — 1/31/06 @ 7:31 pm [Er, Don, The answer to the question is…………? [hehe]]
I doubt if very much if Kennedy has ‘killed’ 9 in his car.
Comment by Drivel [ Let’s ask Mary Jo’s parents if Teddy has killed anyone else! I bet they know!!]
JCH “Er, Don, The answer to the question is…………? [hehe]]”
Naw, why would I answer the voices you hear in your head?
42……Perhaps whites should “shoot more smack”, smoke more crack, take more drugs, and enjoy homo “anal Tookie Williams sex” so that blacks are no longer 50% of the HIV/AIDs problem. Anything less would be racist!!! [hehe]
Keep ’em coming JCH!
Don, If this AIDs discussion is too personal for you and Mr. X, perhaps we could “bite the pillow” and discuss something else!
righton, Lets say it all together one more time, I am not a democrat and think all registered dems and reps should be arrested and thrown in jail as the traitors they are. Here is news for you, the right has lied so much that the center is also starting to call you on your bullshit.
Are you seriously suggesting that alcohol and tobacco are not drugs? Did you also fall down a lot as a child? Are are you somehow suggesting that the drugs you abuse are ok, its just those wierd things those people over there do that are bad?
As far as gambling being a vice, what exactly is your definition of vice? Anything you don’t want to do should be illegal, lets leave your hobbies alone though?
Try coming up with logic to justify laws other than your religion says you shouldnt do something so noone else should.
Better yet, lets quit trying to legislate morality and limit laws to preventing people from hurting other people or infringing on other peoples rights. Oh, sorry, that would pretty much eliminate most of the rep political agenda, wouldnt it?
OK, Let’s say Bill and Don are Democrat gays, have “homo anal Tookie Williams love”, and both get AIDS. Should ALL the Horseass.Org liberals have to pay for the millions of dollars of costs Don and Bill required for their self inflicted AIDS medical care? If any Democrat on this board doesn’t pay “his fair share”, are they racist?
Case in point righton, that is exactly why the reps have been losing in the polls and why people like me are starting to oppose your party. At best either party is one third of the population at best. Yet you feel the need to insult anyone who is not a party member. You really can no longer offer me anything that would make me want to keep you in power. That clowns blather is normal for your party now, if someone is in the center, they are actually dems and their vote dont count. Well, your gonna find out how much the center counts fairly soon since your convinced we dont matter.
off topic but funny
Tim Eyman today announced his pending IPO in shares of himself. The new stock symbol will be ‘ASS’ and will go on sale soon. Rev. Ken Hutcherson will manage the stock sale under his recently announced stock plan.
Mr. Eyman’s prior work has included single-handedly crippling the transit system in a false attempt to lower car tabs. However, after a recent string of failed initiatives, he’s decided to branch out into bigotry. Announcing the new initiative, he said, “people oppose important public policy changes being made without voter approval. The voters want an open debate where both sides are given the opportunity to have their voices heard and to persuade the voters on the issues involved. And after months of deliberation and discussion, the voters want to have the final say so that the decision can be made without fear of retaliation or intimidation.”
Evidently, Mr. Eyman missed the past twenty-nine years of public hearings on the varied incarnations of the bill. After twenty-nine years of public debate, Mr. Eyman feels that we haven’t heard quite enough. However, this is a good fundraising opportunity to promote his agenda in an otherwise slow year. This should help increase his revenues for 2006, which will help prop up his sagging mail-order watch business.
Are you a necrophiliac? I mean, you brought it up, right?
Hmmm — Goldy says we should raise the gambling age to 21 years, because gambling is harmful to younger folks.
Maybe we should also raise the age of consent for anal intercourse to 21 years (from its current level of 16 years), due to the unique health problems posed by anal intercourse. Far more people die every year from the results of anal intercourse than from the results of gambling. Make it illegal for people under 21 years to engage in this practice at all, and impose even more serious punishments on people over 21 years of age who provide anal intercourse to minors.
While we are at it, raise the legal age to possess or use tobacco to 21 years as well. Tobacco use kills far more people each year than alcohol use (legal age 21 years), gambling (legal age 18 years), or anal intercourse (legal age 16 years or less for the partner, with no lower limit on legal consequences for the victim).
JCH “The Poster Boy for Liberal Victory” said
“If this AIDs discussion is too personal for you”
Not too personal at all. I just enjoy watching you place the noose around your neck.
Such a law, of course, would have to be nondiscriminatory, due to the 2003 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down a Texas law which prohibited the practice only when two men were involved. And Lawrence v. Texas did not consider age of consent laws, since the Texas law outlawed this practice for men of all ages. I figure if things such as alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and gambling can be prohibited on the basis of age, particular sexual practices with high potential for harm can be prohibited for the same age groups.
BTW, JCH keep the insane posts coming!
Pope, how can you support such a law? It would be against your best interests! It seems like your attempts to get elected to public office are your replacement for anal intercourse. Each time you run you sure get ‘reemed’.
Off subject;
Just found Mr irrelevants comments on U(SP) for all he trashes goldy….Did anyone else see Finkbeiner’s speech when he announced his new position on the garbage Gay Right’s Bill??? Finkbeiner looked and talked exactly like an Al Qaeda hostage. He really looked shaken to me….and his tone lacked even a shread of sincerity.
David KLOWNstein threatened to OUT an unidentifed Republican Legislator if he did not change his stance and vote on this Bill. Remember that? KLOWNstein has never, ever since discussed that threat. Apparently, mission accomplished.
What do you think was the bottom-line here??
Posted by Mr. Cynical at January 31, 2006 03:29 PM
You think Mr Irrelevant hasn’t been around cause Goldy is going to out his BIAW ass as well.
Of course, if it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business whether or not young adults ages 18, 19 and 20 engage in anal intercourse, then why should it be anyone else’s business whether or not these same young adults drink, smoke, or gamble?
Biggest Thread at U(SP) Beastility…go figure.
bill; re you and your headache…
yeah, tobacco is not a drug that harms me in any way. OK, it inflates my taxes or insurance, but if my neighbor smokes 4 packs a day I don’t fear him bashing my car or other nonsense.
I do fear LSD users, crack users, and maybe even full blown pot users.
Gambling has always been considered a vice.
I think you can still study for the WASL…
If we cant stop a Seattle liberal from getting but fucked by a horse than how can we stop this?
RUFUS, I am sure Mark The Reddick would object to you calling him a liberal.
RUFUS, is that the truth? I have on good rumor that it was YOU who loves horses up the ass
Drivel, Let me “axe” you the same question I “axed” Don. Why, if blacks are 12% of the American population, are they 50% of the AIDs/HIV positive cases? And why is this Bush’s fault? Or Reagan’s? Or Newt’s?
Did you see Hillary [PIAPS]’s face when Bush said he was still going to use the NSA to monitor towel head terrorists? She was not a happy camper! [BTW, the Muslim vote in Michigan goes Democrat big time! Those are Hillary’s voter slaves!!]
Finally after this long drought passing along some “real world” news…”81% report a positive attitude toward the Lottery” ??!
Thanks for bringing this up Goldy, it’s worse than I had thought. The buck stops at the Gov on this one.
JCH @ 64 YES!
Keep up the good work, JCH. You are destroying the neocon movement with each post!
More lunatic racist comments! They are my favorites!
I am beginning to think that JCH is actually a progressive Liberal learning to use the dirty tricks of Karl Rove.
High Five!
Sorry, Don, the pizza man is at the door!! Early surf tomorrow at Kapoho. [Look it up on Big Island Google] Nite!!
Nite, JCH! Keep ’em coming my friend!
Lord, that JCH is hilarious!
“Early surf tomorrow at Kapoho.” is code for “Have to get to the donut shop in Kent early. You think them donuts make themselves?”
Cougar @ 26 – Enjoy your poverty. Freeze to death while you’re starving in the dark. Don’t ask me for help. I tried…
MTR, Why in the hell would I ever need to ask you or one of your ‘ilk’ for help. I am very happy with my situation, life is good, my own business is growing exponentially and again, why would I ask a sick welsher like you for help? After all, I do not have any gamlbing debts.
“If you go to Wall Street, you will eventually become wealthy.
If you go to Vegas, you will eventually become broke.”
Not necessarily. On Wall Street it generally takes a little longer to go broke.
Art – Enjoy your poverty. Freeze to death while you’re starving in the dark. Don’t ask me for help. I tried….
Cougar – Losers like you ALWAYS want to be insulated from the consequences of your stupid choices. The time will come when you feel “entitled” to help yourself to the fruits of others’ labor.
I find comfort that Mark The Reddick is not “inulated from the consequences of (his) stupid choices”
In the morning his bed is cold (due to hatred of vaginas), and when he shaves in the morning he finds him self staring at a worthless tool of the neocons.
in other words righton, you have no justification, you are just spouting something you heard someone else say. Youve not found (and wont find actually) any data on violent acts performed by pot smokers so you just are gonna lump them in with crack addicts.
You have no justification for your declaration that gambling is a vice, so you say everyone feels that way. In short, you are pulling shit out of your ass and saying what you ‘feel’ as a fact, just like every other conservative. Dickhead.
I am so sick of you conservatives pushing your touchy feely crap onto the rest of us, you are entiteled to ‘feel’ however you want, but stop pushing it onto the rest of us, ok.
I really dont give a damn if you cant control your own impulses, you are responsible for following your own damn religious rules, if you cant you can go to your hell, I am in no way obliged to follow your religious prescriptions because your too damn weak to follow them yourself without a law.
I find it odd that both the right and the left start from opposite ends of the spectrum but end up in the same repugnant spot.
The religious right are a bunch of weaklings who can stick to what their god told them to do, so the try to make everyone else stick to it. The left decided that the state is responsible for people hurting themselves as well as preventing harm to others. Somehow they both end up with ignoring civil rights and hating the Constitution.
And for some reason the middle is filling up with do-nothings like Libertarian who just cant be bothered with ‘minor’ encroachments on civil liberties.
Maybe I am an idealist, but when did it become somehow wrong to believe in civil rights?
And half yall are not defending a postion or even trying to convince anyone that you are right. You really dont care if you are right, youd defend the ‘flat earth’ paradigm if it was party policy. You are only here to insult your true enemy, the opposite party.
Stop and think for a minute, are you looking out for the good of the state and country, or are you trying to score points in a game? Or is it ultimately all about how much money you can get during the next quarter, to hell with ten years from now?
I guess ultimatly its nothing more than laziness. Why bother proving you are right if you can just get a law passed that declares you to be right. If you say it often enough then everyone will believe it, since they will stop correcting you, then it will be true cause everyone believes it, right?
Hey, how about a law that says tomatos are a fruit, or, I know, pi is too complicated, lets just declare it to be 3 and get it over with.
You know, Machievelli reads well and it sounds pretty good. But before you continue using his playbook, you really should pick up a history book and find out why he wrote ‘The Prince’ and look at what happened as a result of following that ‘advise’.
Oh, and roger, regarding nuclear power. When you avoid cherry picking data and actually compare safety of nuclear power with that of coal or even oil, you’ll find that its safer than anything but the sources that are still to young to economically be used.
I find it odd that you object to the rights echo chamber while posting the party line of the lefts echo chamber.
Sorry bill, I appreciate your posts but sorry to break the news to you: tomato is a fruit
to·mato: soft juicy red or yellow fruit eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable
bill: roger said that the nuclear industry cannot be trusted because they lie and doctor evidence.
there is absolutely no agreement on the left about nuclear power any more than there is any agreement about gun law.
and what is this shit about the left hating the constitution?
you’re insulting us groupthinkers by… generalizing everyone into strawmen so you can insult them.
you put yourself above the fray… you will never accomplish anything that way.
off topic but I just wrote a letter to CNN (you know, the one with the liberal bias)
I have always been an avid viewer of CNN and your newscasts. With the apparent hiring of a “political hack” the likes of Bill “it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime … you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down.” the bigot Bennet my views will never be the same. How can a creditable network such as yourselves stoop to the bottom of the barrell for ‘rightwing political commentary’? I am sure there are thousands of better choices available to you. Or were you ‘Abramoffed’ into the deal?
The statement that the state lottery is trying to “hook teens” is utterly ridiculous and has absolutely no founding. This is a good display of how “liberals” and conservatives are the same fucking thing. One lies outright, The other twists the truth until its unrecognizable and equally as dishonest.
Like i mentioned in the past, 18 year olds can be sentenced to death, executed and sent to war, why the hell do you have a problem with them gambling… responsible enough to be executed should be responsible enough to gamble!!.. Do you just like to mother everyone so as to inflate your ego? but such mothering is a push towards fascism… You have got your priorities completely wrong!!!!!!!!
in a previous post you said that “most voters believe the legal gambling age already is 21.”.. perfect argument against voting. but i highly doubt it.
If an 18 year old can be sentenced to death for committing murder, then they have a right to buy a lotto ticket.
Comment by Richard Pope— 1/31/06 @ 8:48 pm
“While we are at it, raise the legal age to possess or use tobacco to 21 years as well. ”
Why did you have to bring se x into this debate? It seems like a strawman argument directed mostly at gays. My advice would be to not sidetrack the debate when your tobacco argument is much stronger, since tobacco is more widely used by all segments of the teenage population.
The reason I support 21 for the age to play the lottery and other gambling is our ridiculous legal system. Can’t you imagine the trial lawyers eventually getting around to filing a law suit against the state for some poor dumbass who claims he got hooked on gambling as a teenager, and now he’s broke? The trail lawyers will claim the state got him hooked on gambling because they took advantage of teenagers and should bail out the poor schmuck now ’cause it wasn’t his fault!
Raising the age to 21 makes it much harder for the greedy lawyers to bring suit against the state. At age 21, if one hasn’t figured out that the lottery and gambling are not likely to make him or her rich, then he or she ain’t ever gonna figure it out. But at least those persons can’t claim the state took advantage of their teenage years and got them hooked on gambing!
Bill; to deny gambling is considered a vice is to deny reality. Go find a old fashioned paper dictionary and look them up (not lefty wikipedia).
I’ll give you pot, who cares. Rest of em, naw, nothing good about all those drugs.
You are the bunch on the jihad against smoking, which does nothing bad except killing its users…this drug crap hurts lots beyond the actual users…so why fight tobacco but embrace pyscho/pleasure drugs?
Sorry cougar, I meant to say vegetable there, what can I say, my bed time is 11.
righton, that is my point, you lumped them all together, they need to be treated individually.
From Merriam-Webster’s:
Main Entry: 1vice
Pronunciation: ‘vIs
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, from Latin vitium fault, vice
1 a : moral depravity or corruption : WICKEDNESS b : a moral fault or failing c : a habitual and usually trivial defect or shortcoming : FOIBLE
3 : a physical imperfection, deformity, or taint
4 a often capitalized : a character representing one of the vices in an English morality play b : BUFFOON, JESTER
5 : an abnormal behavior pattern in a domestic animal detrimental to its health or usefulness
6 : sexual immorality; especially : PROSTITUTION
You want to point out where gambling fits into that? I mean without refering back to your religion.
its not libertarian to raise the age beyond that of 18/legal adulthood.
“Of course, if it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business whether or not young adults ages 18, 19 and 20 engage in anal intercourse, then why should it be anyone else’s business whether or not these same young adults drink, smoke, or gamble?”
Yeah, what the hell, we let them join the military and that’s as self-destructive as it gets.
“The trail lawyers will claim the state got him hooked on gambling because they took advantage of teenagers and should bail out the poor schmuck now ‘cause it wasn’t his fault!”
Sounds like a cause of action to me! If somebody joins the military and gets hurt, the government takes care of him for the rest of his life, so why shouldn’t the state take care of gamblers it sucked into gaming?
its not libertarian to raise the age beyond that of 18/legal adulthood.
Comment by Sik.Par— 2/1/06 @ 9:44 am
No, it’s not exaclty from the Libertarian playbook, but anything that helps defeat the trial lawyers ain’t all bad. check out Roget Rabbit’s post above. He’s a “guvmint” lawyer and thinks it’s a cause of action for folks to sue the government for their own personal foibles. Raising the age to 21 would help defeat future law suits, and that’s why I have to support the idea.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/1/06 @ 10:04 am
“Sounds like a cause of action to me! If somebody joins the military and gets hurt, the government takes care of him for the rest of his life, so why shouldn’t the state take care of gamblers it sucked into gaming?”
I think this is a better argument for eliminating the lottery than an argument for raising the minimum age to 21.
Comment by Libertarian— 2/1/06 @ 8:17 am
“Raising the age to 21 makes it much harder for the greedy lawyers to bring suit against the state.”
Do you have some proof, or is this just your personal, and very non-libertarian, opinion?
It’s anecdotal, but I think Libertarians would stand with me on this one if it meant reining-in the trial lawyers.
As for Roger Rabbit’s comments, he’ll speak for himself. Hey Roger, anything for ConservativeFirst?
Your handy definition also omitted bestiality…is it therefore not a vice
you aren’t that clever, bring on some better stuff
So now Goldy is guilty of doing the same thing that he vehemently condemns Richard DeBolt of.
Maybe it’s time for Goldy to resign his position as a blogger.
The following news article puts the Cindy Sheehan story in an entirely different light.
“The extraordinary statement came a day after police removed Sheehan and Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. “Bill” Young, R-Fla., from the visitors gallery Tuesday night. Sheehan was taken away in handcuffs before Bush’s arrival at the Capitol and charged with a misdemeanor, while Young left the gallery and therefore was not arrested, Gainer said.
“Neither guest should have been confronted about the expressive T-shirts,” Gainer’s statement said. Gainer added that he was asking the U.S. attorney’s office to drop the charge against Sheehan. The statement also said he apologized to the Youngs and “share the department’s plans for avoiding this in the future.”
“A similar message has been left with Mrs. Sheehan,” Gainer said.
For his part, Bill Young said he was not necessarily satisfied.
“My wife was humiliated,” he told reporters. He suggested that “sensitivity training” may be in order for Capitol Police.
A foreign-born American citizen who was the guest of Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., also was taken by police from the gallery just above the House floor, Hastings said Wednesday. The congressman met with Gainer and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., about the incident.
“I’d like to find out more information,” Hastings said in an interview, identifying the man only as being from Broward County in Florida. “He is a constituent of mine. I invited him proudly.”
Sheehan’s T-shirt alluded to the number of soldiers killed in Iraq: “2245 Dead. How many more?” Capitol Police charged her with a misdemeanor for violating the District of Columbia’s code against unlawful or disruptive conduct on any part of the Capitol grounds, a law enforcement official said. She was released from custody and flew home Wednesday to Los Angeles.
Young’s shirt had just the opposite message: “Support the Troops — Defending Our Freedom.”
The two women appeared to have offended tradition if not the law, according to several law enforcement and congressional officials. By custom, the annual address is to be a dignified affair in which the president reports on the state of the nation. Guests in the gallery who wear shirts deemed political in nature have, in past years, been asked to change or cover them up.”
I guess even Goldy is right once in a while. It is bad enough that the State of Washington encourages people to throw there money away through the lottery, but to run adds to get young people to play more. That is worse that big tobacco.
Comment by Libertarian— 2/1/06 @ 2:01 pm
“It’s anecdotal, but I think Libertarians would stand with me on this one if it meant reining-in the trial lawyers.”
Doubt that, this position against the entire libertarian philosophy.
Your just not all that bright are you righton? Thats not my definition, its out of a dictionary.
The Libertarian philosophy, as I understand it, is maximum individual rights, maximum individual responsibility, and limited government. We DO have restrictions in this country, based on age. For example, no state that I know issues driver’s licenses to twelve-year-olds. It’s a reasonable restriction, I think, but my support of this restriction does not mean I’m not a Libertarian.
Restricting lottery gambling, in my view, is a minor restriction that could potentially negate legal claims agains the lottery system. Besides being a Libertatian, I’m also a opposed to trial lawyers. (I actually heard from a lawyer who taught an estate planning course I took back in ’95 that their are more lawyers in the Columbia Building in Seattle than in the entire nation of Japan.)
ConservativeFirst, Libertarians have myriad views on subjects. Some, unlike me, do not support abortion rights. That’s OK with me, as there are other issues on which Libertarians can agree.
Do all conservatives agree on all issues?
DANW: Apparently you don’t/can’t/won’t read too well. Find some functioning brain cells.
HowCanYouBeProudToBeAnAss went AWOL from ASSHeads while he was taking care of his dead father in Tampa. Upon his death, ProudASS returned to WA State and wrote commentary of HorsesASS. One ASSHole (yes a lefty) decided to denigrate his father’s death. ProudASS decried the comment and wrote he may never post again. Mr Cynical said if ProudASS chose to do that he would too.
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