The GOP wins control of the US House in November, while making big gains in the Senate, and just a month later the unemployment rate falls to 9.4 percent, the lowest rate in 19 months. Wow, those Republicans sure did move fast to turn this economy around… even before they actually took office.
Of course I’m joking, but if unemployment continues to fall, dollars to donuts the GOP will attempt to take the credit during the 2012 election. See, that’s how it works. Booming economy and budget surpluses by the end of the Clinton administration, and that’s thanks to the policies put in place by Ronald Reagan. Near historic economic collapse and record deficits after eight years of Bush administration mismanagement, and that’s all Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress’ fault. Any recovery we see between November 2, 2010 and November 6, 2012… well clearly, it’ll be all the House Republicans’ doing.
And the funny sad thing is, a lot of Americans will buy it.
I’m not worried. The economy sticks to the President, for good or ill.
You mean the House Republicans who wil not get any of their crazy/stupid policy ideas thruogh the Senate?
By the way, on the same day as the Republicans were “reading the Constitution” (well, parts of it anyway), they allowed two Congresspeople who had not been duly sworn in to cast votes, in violation of, you guessed it, the US Constitution.
Then they ran to the Democrats to ask them to say it’s OK, which they refused to do because it’s not.
Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican House of Representatives.
And what actual bills will the GOP be able to cite that they passed and the President signed?
Probably none that come out of the house.
I love how the GOP is already lying and obfuscating on day 1.
They fail to read the entire constitution – leaving out the parts they would like to forget about.
They fail to swear in 2 members who vote – illegaly. And the members may have violated ethics laws by holding a fundraiser at the capitol.
They institute new rules for deficit reduction – and then promptly break the rules so that their pet tax cuts for billionaires and repeal of the health care bill can go forward (both of which screw the deficit).
The new republican speaker of the house (who can cry but can’t think straight) says the CBO report on health care that finds that the republican replacement bill (favoring the insurance companies) will cost 230 billion over ten years is “wrong” – becuae, well…he doesn’t believe it.
Yes, we are back to voodoo economics and total (360 degree) lying and corruption – ain’t it grand the republicans are back in control?
@2,3 Daddy – Quit channeling me!
Don’t give the wingnuts any credit. These numbers are distorted because they don’t count people no longer looking for jobs. And that number is accelerating, although I could not find specific statistics. The devil is always in the details on any government statistics. Things remain very, very bad for the rotting middle class.
@7: U6
@7: U6 is the number that the Gov used to use in the Depression and as I link above, the current number is roughly equivalent to depression era unemployment (20-25%).
The real issue and what makes the current travails worse than the depression is that 8-10 million of those jobs are never coming back.
BTW: Corporate America made 1.5 million jobs last year — off shore.
Links to NYT and CBS
Maybe slightly off topic, but when driving around yesterday listening to a radio conversation between the talk show host Ed Schultz and Nancy Pelosi, the latter said exactly this verbatim: “Ed, the reason that we lost the Congress…”
And in the context of the conversation, this did not seem like a slip where she might have meant that they lost only the “House”. She was really talking and acting as if the Democrats had lost the Congress!
A lot depends on spin. Are we in the Obama recession or the Bush recession? Politicians take credit for successes, and blame their enemies for failure. These habits don’t change simply because the politicians in power change.
Goldy is right, but this means that the Dems have to take their credit where it’s due. The rope-a-dope strategy is not working.
Wasn’t it Bill Clinton who said something like, “Live like a Republican, vote Democratic.”
Don’t ever expect the Rs to make sense or tell the truth.
David Cross on Conservatives
If the Democratic party could ever get its message out, they’d be a powerhouse. Instead, the media schedules whackjob Republicans to comment on everything.
So that leaves Goldy and others to get the message out.
@12: Obama’s already co-opting Republican policies–they just decide they’re against a particular policy once he endorses it.
Individual mandates–Republican idea.
Bipartisan blue-ribbon panel on the budget–Republican idea.
Significant pieces of the financial reform act–Republican ideas.
Extending all tax cuts for two years–Republican idea.
It’s hard to compromise with or borrow ideas from a group that have decided that anything you like must be bad.
What’s wrong Goldstein? Your vagina sore now that the arrogant cunt Wicked Witch of the West Nancy “We should pass the bill so we know whats in it” Pelosi gets her ass handed to her?
Poor baby. Can dish it, but can’t take it.
Get a job.
@16: Name calling? Really? Good to see that an enlightened discourse is possible in this country.
I like your new handle. I’m sure the space will be filled quickly given the level of lunacy our trolls express. I do feel so sorry for Cynny’s goat. He has so much more time on his hands to visit the goat shed now that he’s not posting. Ugh. I shudder at the thought.
Oh yeah…like the stupidest motherfucker in congressional leadership violating the Constitution on the VERY FIRST DAY of the new Congress.
Assholes and losers TJ. You are the local face of the party of assholes and losers. Lookit…you got your very own goat to fuck!!! Yippee!!!
Boener gave an impressive speech where he pledged that the new Congress would never be afraid to debate a bill.
Then only a few ours later, said that didn’t apply to the GOP attempt to repeal the Health Care Reform Act. Now he claims that he didn’t mean “every bill”.
I guess he mean that he would allow debate on Democratic bills, assuming they ever get out of committee and onto the floor of the house, but not Republican bills.
What’s really amazing is that the Republicans manage to keep saying their sound bites with a straight face. You expect that one of these days one of them is going to start giggling, and then crack up laughing, unable to continue any further.
Yeah, Goldy. Obama liked Bush’s one trillion dollar deficit so much he tripled it. Get a fucking grip, willya!
Yeah, one of the standard lies of Republicans. Like cutting taxes for millionaires means an INCREASE of tax revenue to the US Treasury. 100% bullshit from top to bottom, but conservatives believe it. Go figure.
Now, here’s a Republican Congresswoman who brings something of value to the table. You go, girl!
@18 “Zotz
I like your new handle.”
Yeah, I like it too. Too bad about the goat. I kind of blame Goldy. If he had outed Klynical we could have mounted a rescue operation and we would have likely saved that poor, hapless beast.
Re: Ladies and gentlemen, your Republican House of Representatives.
The reason they gave for missing the swearing in was because they were at a fundraiser in the Capitol Visitors Center. Which, not only could very well be unethical and maybe even illegal, it violates the Visitor Centers rules – “Visitor Center space may not be used for any fund-raising purpose…. Visitor Center space may not be used for political activities, including political campaign, political party, or political action committee activities.”
Of course they now say it was not a fundraiser (the $30/person was a fee for some BS) and that they raised their hands while watching the ceremony on tv.
More wingnut wetdream.
And the funny sad thing is, a lot of Americans will buy it.
There just returning what they bought in 2008, because it didn’t work!
Pls see #27.
Please work on word usage…”moran”…LOL
A good name for Glenno is coprolite.
That’s awesome!
The right wingers in these comment threads were doing their damnedest to blame the 2008 economic collapse on the Congress that went into session Jan 2007.
They mixed in a bit of Carter, Clinton and something Barney Frank was doing while Republicans were in the majority.
Sorry right wingers, according to you, there was nothing lower taxes and less regulation could not do. And all that’s been done in spades since before Raygun.
notice how rujaxoff has posted numerous times in this thread, yet the only thing he does is try to insult and bash. He has yet to even address the topic of the thread.
talk about a stupid shit with nothing to say.
run along rujaxoff and stop vandalizing churches.
you are a little child in a mans world.
Now how many of them come from the tech industry? Lots.
Remember when Steve Ballmer claimed the he would send jobs overseas. Maybe he did?
You see… You HA liberals love to scream about corporations and their job transferrals, but when you look at the FACTS… these same corporations continue to jockstrap DUMBOCRATS while sending jobs overseas… Take GE here and here . So while HA Liberals rail about jobs going overseas many of these jbs come from companies who bankrolled and jockstrapped Odumba and DUMBOCRATS!
Where does the dumb cinder block get his jobs creation numbers… Kook-aid site. While Puddy knows of this site (used before) ask the dumb brick databaze failure ylb to verify…
Here rujax read and weep fool! Hahahahaha…!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
And nary a peep from Lib Unscientist. Well he could be in some “medical” emergency.
Hmmmmmm…THIS asshole’s post is actually CONTENT-FREE!
Nice…I LOVE your work.
Liars LIE and the puddybitch will piss of his lord and savior and burn in hell with the rest of us infidel if he keeps this shit up.
Has there ever been a smarted dumbass than colonelsandersfavoritechicken?
Still waiting for the dumb cinder block rujax to refute the actual job facts.
Wait a minute… this fool called Puddy a bitch. Puddy doesn’t bend over and take it up the ASS like you do each day here BITCH!
Refute the US Government job numbers BITCH!
Wait a minute… Facts and the dumb cinder block are diametrically opposed particles. And all the dumb cinder block can do is BITCH!
Remember, Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson love Kentucky Fried Chicken, BITCH!
Fuck the “puddybitch”.
When the puddyBITCH gets called on his ass-hattery…”he don’t do yo bidding, sucka”!
Well back at YOU fuckwad.
Hell’s gonna be crowded with fucks like the puddybitch.
I meant *LYING fucks*
Rujax! regrets the error.
Once again still waiting for the bent over BITCH dumb cinder block rujax to refute the US Government job FACTS.
Wait a minute… the bent over BITCH dumb cinder block rujax has no facts. Just HATE 24x7x365.25.
Tick Hate tock Hate tick Hate tock
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor!
Of COURSE…all the sm,artest dumb motherfucker on this board had to do was click on the LINK at comment #27 to access the information from the United Sates Bureau of Labor Statistics .
I forgot.
The allergy.
The puddyBITCH is allergic to facts.
Again, regrets.
Hey dumb ASS bent over BITCH – Puddy gave you the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS in his presentation above@35 ya dumb ASS bent over dumb cinder block BITCH!
And this was in the BLS presentation which Gallup did discuss
YEP, 2.6 million people no longer counted against the 9.8% unemployed. So now we know how the number dropped from 9.8% to 9.4%
Just don’t count 2.6 million unemployed Americans. That makes the unemployment number look good. Yeah, dumb ASS bent over cinder block BITCH rujax, that’s how Stinking UnProgress trumps up their story! And of course it’s from a leftist site so the bent over dumb ASS cinder block rujax just laps it up!
This proves to everyone rujax is an idiot! Doesn’t see the the bls facts and rants on about nothing as usual!
1) LEARN how to READ.
2) TRY to COMPREHEND something other than what your knee jerk right-wing-jack-offs TELL YOU is right.
The puddybitch is STILL the smartest stupid motherfucker on the board and probably won’t go to hell for lying ’cause his lord knows the dumbfuck doesn’t know better.
Sleep tight jack-off.
The puddybitch is defending BUSH?????
As the Wall Street Journal noted in the last month of Bush’s term, the former president had the “worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records.” And job creation under Bush was anemic long before the recession began. Bush’s supply-side economics “fostered the weakest jobs and income growth in more than six decades,” along with “sluggish business investment and weak gross domestic product growth,” the Center for American Progress’ Joshua Picker explained. “On every major measurement” of income and employment, “the country lost ground during Bush’s two terms,” the National Journal’s Ron Brownstein observed, parsing Census data.
(from thinkprogress)
C’mon dumbshit…the fucking WALL STREET JOURNAL…that famous dirty fucking hippie rag…thought Bush sucked!!!
C’mon…the puddybitch is embarrassing himself…the puddybitch is SUPPOSED to be smarter than this.
Still waiting dumb ASS bent over dumb cinder block BITCH rujax. Facts still elude you!
I give you the same answer you always give me asshole…
The facts are the facts and if you can read they’re there for you.
Republicans pro-life puddybitch????
Like this:
…and this:
…and THIS???
What a hypocrute you are.
Yeah bent overdumb cinder block ASS BITCH rujax, Sudeep Reddy leftist reporter from Slate wrote the Wall Street Journal article. He used straw man attacks. And in his zeal to destroy GW Bush he admits Reagan created 18 million jobs.
FACTS are FACTS rujax! And.. post#45 is spot on!
Fuck you…whatever the fuck your real mane is you disingenuous bastard.
This is a classic classic classic case of your god damned pathological inability to be wrong. Or to believe that anything YOU THINK IS RIGHT…is wrong. Six fucking years I’ve watched you. Such a condescending shit.
You…whoever the fuck you really are…are wrong. Facts are inconvenient to you. FACTS are FACTS. Bush DID destroy this ecomomy. Job creation under Bush was NEGATIVE. Bush LIED to get us into a war…two wars. Bush squandered a budjet surplus. Republicans ARE incompetent…and WAY more corrupt than Democrats…and BOTH parties are bad.
Your puerile view of religion and politics? You’re lied to and manipulated and you’re too stupid to get it? You who is supposed to be so smart?
You sir are dead fucking wrong and I’m fucking glad I don’t have to live and/or work with an arrogant piece of crap like you. You may be brilliant…and I know people who know you and they say you are…on their say so I’ll concede that…they say you do what you say you do and fine for you…
…but you are an insufferable PRICK.
If this blog folds you are NOT going to be one I miss.
We’re done man. Have a nice life.
Looks like the bent over dumb brick ASS BITCH progressive side has arrived again. When you are confronted with the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS facts, you lose it! Puddy uses the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS and the bent over BITCH claims Puddy is wrong. But the bent over BITCH hasn’t shown where Puddy is wrong. This is standard operating procedure for the bent over ASS BITCH! The only facts this biomass knows are leftist blog facts!
His brain is mashed potatoes! Oh goody no more rujax!
Rujax, Rujax, Rujax, you know better…
You’ve been here far longer than I. When will you realize that Pud’s purpose is to disrupt, destroy, infuriate.
He will never ever ever respond reasonably, or earnestly, or honestly.
He plays at this, and it is a clever act, but there is no there there. There is not a person behind the “Puddy” persona that is interested in debate or discussion. He exploits the willingness of good-intended people to engage in debate (god knows I went for it for awhile), but very clearly he is a bad-faith actor. He twists and turns and changes the subject and ignores facts and runs and hides, only to spring up later spouting his twisted insults and bizarre non sequiturs.
See this chart for guidance.
He is a hostile, emotionally violent, know-nothing who is disturbingly armed with a modicum of smarts. Just enough to be dangerous, and to impersonate a genuine, thinking, well-intended intelligent person – which he most certainly is not.
I’ve grown convinced that he is only here to get in the way of other people’s conversations. I certainly spent a great deal of time and energy earnestly responding to his posts, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt, to engage honestly – to no avail. He is a creepy little shit who refuses to participate in honest discourse AND he is determined not to allow anyone else too, either. Based on some experience with sociopaths, I imagine he is a socially-stunted, vengeful, rageful man with the emotional development of a small child, lashing out at those he perceives as having slighted him, or not sufficiently appreciated his ‘brilliance’, or do not share his deeply bizarre beliefs.
And he thinks the earth is 6000 years old.
And Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs.
And Emperor Penguins were magically transported to the Noah’s Ark departure pier for the cruise, and then back to Antarctica.
Give it up, my friend Rujax! you have far far better things to do than feed that troll.
Ok so who the F cares weather they are republican or democrates? They are all liars and thiefs that have done nothing for the american people but steal thier hard earned money and waste as much as possible a bunch of complete f-ups if you ask me!!!! They all need to go including the idiot currently in office. Give me a break!
Then he comes right back and screams his head off.
You bet there are only one set of facts from the BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS. Puddy actually linked to them above. Still looking for your link. Puddy distinctly pointed out the true use of the facts, not some chart created by Pelosi with an strangely arbitrary data way into GWBush’s term and then boldly trumpeted as gospel by Stinking UnProgressives. Then you in your catatonic moronic state gleefully posted them here. PRICELESS.
You linked to them? Where? In post #27? Wrong again bent over ASS
Your rants prove otherwise.
As Stupid Solution Steve sez – Projection Again…? It’s a Psych 101 Thing! The most priceless comment in this thread is
Nailed IT!
Wrong fool! Puddy reminds everyone the folly of liberalism and progressivism each day from the oral and written words of liberals and progressives. You can’t stand the heat so leave the kitchen idiot! The Open Thread where Puddy delivers the FACTS on the gambling and liquor industries and who they jock strap in elections are IRREFUTABLE FACTS from OpenSecrets a web site dedicated to election contributions. Instead of debating those facts you accused Puddy of some ideology from the web site. This is why you are a dumb brick bent over ASS cinder block rujax. You can’t argue the facts, without going ad hominem. That’s why @33 NAILED IT!
See ya!
Now onto Lib UnScientist
Wrong again. Puddy delivered FACTS you can’t stand either. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Zotz told the world 1.5 million jobs went overseas. It’s known fact HA progressives always blame corporations headed by Republicans for those job losses. When Puddy reminds people of the FACTS of how many jobs liberally led corporations send overseas, your ilk gets their pink panties in an uproar. Hence you see the reaction of the dumb cinder block bent over ASS BITCH rujax above. Truth is like a two edge sword. It cuts liberal BS both ways, slices and dices.
Speaking about yourself again Puddy sees. When confronted by the OpenSecret FACTS of liberal millionaire CEO and liberal billionaire peeps who jock strapped Odumba you tried to change the subject. You are a nice version of rujax. Better educated by still as stupid to FACTS.
Oh really? Puddy been to DL 5 times. Puddy gave David Goldstein money so he could keep this blog alive so Puddy could kick your progressive ASS all over this blog. Puddy loves Roger Dumb Bunny. Puddy prays for the health of Roger Dumb Bunny. Why? Because Roger Dumb Bunny will magically appear, make some useless generalization and Puddy will use the words of HA progressives to immediately refute the generalization. Puddy wants Roger Dumb Bunny to live a long life. REALLY!
Puddy doesn’t hide. Puddy has a life other than this blog. Puddy has a beautiful wife who asks Puddy to go with her shopping, fix something wrong in the house or requests cuddling. Those take priority over anything moronic you write here. It’s you who changes the subject. Just in the other thread you claimed Puddles was over on another thread ranting and crowing that no one would dare respond to him.Wrong again mental one. Puddy was commenting about you only and on your lack of blog civility and telling off the dumb cinder block rujax about his moronic behavior. You are always on this blog attacking Puddy over what? Acting like a childish progressive. It seems that’s the only thing that gets your attention because FACTS from reputable web sites fly over your head.
Projection again? Psych 101 thing? You don’t know Puddy. You haven’t seen the other side of the tracks. You probably came from a middle class family and you parlayed that into your career. When Puddy came out of university way back when Puddy’s starting salary was 3X my mother’s pay working in a factory. We were poor. Puddy bought his first set of Chuck Taylor’s with his paper route money in 8th Grade. Puddy had to drop out of Eagle Scouts because Puddy couldn’t afford the scouting trip costs. But unlike many progressives, Puddy became educated and overcame that and left the progressive reservation. That’s what sticks in the craw of many liberal progressives here. How can an educated black man be conservative. EASY. Puddy has seen how white liberal progressives talk smoothly to my people and never deliver anything. So you don’t know Puddy and your generalizations are 100,000,000% asinine like your arguments each day!
Wrong again. You come her with all the bluster and bravado of the standard HA liberal progressive thumping your chest over your thoughts and dictates. When challenged by FACTS you change the subject. Benefit of the doubt? Cry Puddy a river. You never debate in honest fashion. You run to kook-aid sites like most here.
Wow you identified most HA liberal progressives here. It’s amazing how you project yourself and your hatred onto others. Puddy sleeps well at night knowing you progressives were soundly rejected in the last election. Your ideology was thrown out by INDEPENDENTS. How would you react Lib Unscientist if some faceless leftist moron such as headless lucy called you a field nigger and the blog owner NEVER repudiated him? Now this same person has over 40 different personas on this blog. You see Lib Unscientist, it’s your ilk who are the psychopaths, who can’t deal with anyone disagreeing with them. It’s you ilk who calls them all types of scientifically “important” names all the while excusing worse behavior on your side. HYPOCRITE! Bizarre beliefs? Liberalism is a mental disorder. Just look at rujax’s commentary above.
The rest of your rant is useless liberal ideology.
See ya!
Like the Chinese drilling American oil from Cuban waters. “Facts” from the Beck show. Crap like that..
HA! Like from Breitbart and Free Republic!
I won’t miss you fool. Have a great life.
Yeah, one last comment on Lib UnScientist and his 6000 year hard on… Puddy was going to skip over it since this is so hard for you to fathom another opinion (standard liberal progressive orthodoxy)…
From Jewish Rabbis who claim the earth is less than 6000 years old, they have to be wrong. Lib UnScientist sez so!
This is year 5771 to Jews. So all those millions of believers have to be wrong per Lib UnScientist. How moronic you are. Are you are a follower of Rabbi Natan Slifkin?
Get a life!
Never followed your orders you mean? You’ve been ordering him around since your first comment here.
Good on Goldy. I love it when he ignores your “dictates”.
Yep. Those old pre-flood patriarchs must have had a hell of a time avoiding being eaten by T-Rex.
It’s “Take the test, Take the Test, oh it’s fake”… ylb appearing.
Chinese drilling in the gulf dumb brick ylb. Let’s visit the site Puddy introduced you to… Politifact…
And since it’s fact ylb uses Daily Kook-aid whenever possible. That is fully true.
Dictates? Being a rational human being rejecting headless lucy’s filth is a dictate? So when Lee and Darryl rejected it they were reacting to Puddy’s dictates instead of being a rational human being? Did you reject headless lucy? No? Why? A Puddy dictate? Then you were not a rational human being? Well we all knew that! You sit on your ASS crusing leftist whack-job web sites all day while Puddy and most others work for a living. Again you prove to all the idiot you are. Please keep blogging today. Oh my ylb the truth stings.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor.
See ya!
63 – Your words idiot:
Present tense as of 6/15/2008. Politifact says nothing about “slant drilling” – that’s right wing bullshit. Politifact says no drilling is happening as of that time – Apr 2010.
64 – And he ignored much much right wing filth – from JCH, Troll, mark and others – until he couldn’t do it anymore as in the case of that guy he just banned.
You ignore it too by and large – if it’s right wing, it’s shit don’t stink.
Oh my ylb? Dictates? You still haven’t answered the question. Are you a rational human being? Your writing proves otherwise! Your lack of condemnation proves otherwise. Lee and Darryl were following Puddy’s dictates per your crazed reaction above.
Right on time… The fool whips out the Databaze. Still failing in it’s use. Regarding the drilling method
So they were looking at it back then. Okay the drilling hasn’t started. Still half true.
64 – No fool. I never thought HL’s unfortunate slide into that kind of name-calling was ever wise.
I do remember you telling HL to “shut up” about Bush stealing the elections right before HL released his first N-word bomb.
Was that wise? No it was obnoxious and you being a wannabe dictator.
Shut up? Wanna be dictator? Did you use the databaze to revisit that ylb? Still an idiot. Dictates on racism? You claim identifying racism and condemning it is a dictate. You are still an irrational human being. Still can’t condemn due to dictates!
Using Maury Povich’s voice… You ARE the idiot!
Nope. The only “truth” is that you’ll use anything to fig leaf your need to swallow any kind of right wing bullshit that “reputable websites” like Breitbart and MRC feed you.
Yep. Let’s look at it.
IIRC “Lucite” was a name your tag team partner PacMan crafted for HL..
No that does not excuse HL. But what if someone said that to you asshole? How would you react?
Yep PacMan, another DL visitor on 2 occasions. Lucite, because PacMan could see right through headless lucy’s swill and PacMan identified headless lucy’s racism, something still a DICTATE to you ylb? Still using the databaze eh fool? Didn’t you claim PacMan and Puddy were the same? Yep and it’s right in your databaze!
You are NOT a rational human being. It’s still a dictate. Lee and Darryl followed Puddy’s dictate. Per your argument they weren’t rational human beings! Even in 2011 you are still an idiot.
Enough of you fool. See you later!
Lee and Darryl can do whatever they want. I have no quarrel with them. They do what they do for their own reasons.
I march to my own drummer as well. And I choose not to play to the silly agenda of someone like you.
Heh. Yeah a tag team just like the wrestlers on TV – they look the same – big, fat and STUPID!
Shit! You are RATIONAL??? That is truly delusional. After almost 30,000 blasts of batshit insanity, more than anyone save for the Rabbit, way more than me even, you have some nerve.
Anyone who says the earth is 6000 years old is batshit crazy – Jew, gentile, raelian, FSM – doesn’t matter the sect.
Again Puddy demonstrates his favored ‘rhetorical’ technique – to try to undermine a point by trying to drive a wedge between his opponent and who he perceives his opponent’s ally to be. It’s a weird guilt-by-association type thing, and likely reflects his deep need for belonging to a tribe (hence his ability to suspend rational thought and embrace the 6000 year old earth), and his hostility to productive discussion among people he sees as his adversaries.
It also is emblematic of the wedge politics favored by the right-wing: the Southern Strategy, the culture wars, Welfare Queens and the like. really a perfect reflection of their focus on destruction.
(I wrote a rather lengthy analysis of the, ahem, discussion above, mostly between Rujax!, Zotz, and Puddy. It really is long, and when I posted it, it seemed to disappear in the ether (or some buffer somewhere). Anyway, I’ll repost now in pieces. Happy day!)
Hey – Rujax! and Zotz and YLB, if you guys are still around…
I just went over the comment thread above, just to see how the flaming and the pie throwing started. I suspected, from prior observation, that Puddy took issue with something that one of the local leftists wrote and then hijacked the thread into a name-calling match. And sure as shit if that isn’t exactly what happened.
The topic seems to have really started @8,9, when Zotz introduced the U6 unemployment measure, and by extension, the fact that there are different ways of measuring a complex entity like “unemployment” in a very large economy, and by extension, the political utility of one type of analysis over another. He also quoted a blog that quoted the NYT and CBS, which in turn quoted The Economic Policy Institute, a non-partisan, but clearly leftist institution focused on issues affecting poor and working-class Americans.
Some chit-chat followed, then @27, Rujax! linked to a thinkprogress article that did a number of things – it claimed that over the past year, obviously during the Obama presidency, 1.1 million jobs were added to the economy. A graph was presented that dated back to the start of the most recent recession (the second one that had a start during the Bush presidency) and showed net change in private sector payroll (remember, that is one of the ways to assess (un)employment). The article also noted that during the Bush presidency, net job creation totaled only 1 million. From this the unfavorable comparison (for Bush) was made between one year of the Obama administration and eight years of Bush.
@35 Pud goes off the rails. He links to a raw numbers table from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (primary source – I love it!). Unfortunately, he does not state what the point of the link is…I think he’s taking issue with job creation numbers above but never says so. Throwing up numbers without analysis or comment is not an effective or honest debating method.
(I’m not sure he’s read or analyzed the numbers he’s quoting in the big data table either – this sort of thing has happened before with Pud – I think is was with Blue John and a discussion of gasoline prices a short time ago – Pud took issue with a comment about the oil industry raising prices under the Bush admin and posted a similar large and dense data table of prices – which in fact perfectly supported his opponent’s point, and not Puddy’s. I think what this reveals is a strategy of Pud’s to muddy the waters and make Pud look informed to the casual observer)
In that same post, he quotes a right-winger site that takes issue with the political comparison made at thinkprogress. He claims that it’s cherry picking the data – and I think that’s valid to a certain degree, and worth debate. I think the larger point is that Bush had an abysmal record on job creation, and of course that point is never refuted by Pud. I think the argument over employment statistics is a valid and worthwhile one, but Pud as ever disappoints and throws out a (dubious) link and declares victory in his typical puerile way.
Pie throwing ensues (which I think is Puddy’s real aim – name-calling and invective that undermines any discussion).
@45 he again throws up the BLS link (though this link does not work). For the casual observer it appears that Pud is buttressing his argument with facts, which in fact he is not.
@46 Pud bring up the interesting point about the many many unemployed not counted in the ‘unemployment rate’. This is another interesting topic, and another opportunity Pud misses for meaningful discussion. Instead he does this:
What Pud does not acknowledge (?know?) is that the job creation stats are different from the unemployment rate stats, measured differently and give distinct information about the big thing called ‘the economy’.
At 46, 47 49 we see Rujax! struggling more intently to get Puddy to engage consistently and honestly and coherently – to no avail, of course.
At 50, 52 and 54 we see poor Rujax! reaching his limit, and the gnashing of teeth and banging of forehead on keyboard starts. The STOOPID and the disingenuous and the willful dishonesty and the manifest non-linearity of Pud’s posts take their intended toll – the troll toll – and a good man has had enough.
You fought the good fight, Rujax!, but you suffer, I think, under a false premise: that Puddy is honest and interested in really discussing politics and society and the economy, and the like.
No. Quite emphatically, NO. He is here to piss people off, to frustrate, to keep others from meaningful and constructive engagement. And his STOOPID is really really powerful – industrial strength toxic waste. His effective use of the strawman, and the non sequitur, and the appeals to authority are obvious to see, coupled with the corrosive ad hominem and faintly profane and weird weird syntax. He makes no points – he simply tears down. It’s typical Republicanism, or conservatism if you like, or Talibanism – all the same at this point – stifle discussion and silence critics, rather than engage on merits – BECASUE HE KNOWS HE’LL LOSE.
Still LMFAO @ someone who spends time to create and update a blog based upon people posting at another blog.
the phrase “get a fucking life” was never so appropriate…
Not at all, homeslice.
Examining the posing and deception that is Puddy – that he appears to be engaged in debate when he’s in fact muddying waters and inflamming the discourse and name-calling and getting people pissed off – is very important to observe and understand, I think.
You know, I think this illustrates a tactical mistake frequently made by thinking people (AKA leftists) – we believe in facts, and complex systems, and empiric evidence – all of which comes with shades of grey and inherent inability to know everything – to be making best judgments based on unavoidably incomplete data sets. It’s a humble and intellectually honest approach, and we project those values onto others – which I think is inappropriate. I think trolls like yourself and Pud believe your recieved ‘wisdom’ of hate and fear and social darwinism and fealty to money and people with money – and as such
need to be shouted down, because you’re here only to tear down, to drive wedges, to serve the cynical and destructive and brutish world-view of the Western Taliban – the Teahaddists.
You and Puddles want to take advantage of free discourse to destroy that very discourse.
me thinks you take yourself and this place a wee bit too seriously.
but hey, you keep patting yourself on the back..while posting on a blog..hahahahahahahahaahahahahhahahah
btw, you have you written the queen a little bonus check yet?
nah, didnt think so.
78 – Well what more needs to be said? Puddybud is as Puddybud does and it’s not good.
There’s no point engaging him on any reasonable level.
He’s long been just a source of entertainment for me. He goes nutty or holier than thou or hypocritical and I just have some fun with it.
After what the right wingers and their ideology has done to this country, it’s some mild comfort.
at an unhinged bigot and a chickenshit.
Keep up the bad work!
I take it tehchickenshit is something of a movie buff.
I wonder if he’s seen “Rise of the Footsoldier”.
The main character in that movie is apolitical but the mentality is similar – loutish and thuggish.
Reminded me of what an idiot like tehchickenshit troll could become if he’s not that already.
oh poor tenderhands YLBasement….still sneaking around downstairs I see while the wife unit takes care of the family.
just a scared nutless man who is afraid of the light.
some things will never change it seems.
40-grit tehchickenshit – worn to the nub since Sept 2009!
Thanks Lib Scientist, YLB, Zotz and my fellows on the journey.
Yep, I got seriously overheated…wasting time of the very dumbest of dumb sob’s.
Puddy really IS stupid beyond belief..and a pathological liar.
Thanks for helping me calm down.