CQ thinks Sarah Palin’s Twitter/Facebook endorsement of French-American patriot Clint Didier “puts a little pressure on” HA’s favorite two-time gubernatorial loser:
If Dino Rossi, a former state senator in Washington, gets into the race to take on Sen. Patty Murray (D), it’ll immediately become a contest of Sarah Palin versus the D.C. establishment.
Yeah, I guess. At least that’ll be the media narrative.
Like I said, the top-two format makes it hard to imagine Didier clawing past Rossi in the August primary, but it sure would be fun to watch. And it sure would poison the well for Rossi amongst Tea Party voters in a 2012 gubernatorial primary face-off against Rob McKenna. That is, assuming there still is a Tea Party in 2012.
He looks French! Hahahaha!
Will he put on a tophat and sport a silver-tipped cane while doing the softshoe and singing, Thank Heaven for Little Girls?
Hell, I’d vote for him if he would.
Clint Didier must have a massive ego to think that, with his background, he is qualified to be a United States Senator. He’d compete with James Inhofe and Jim DeMint for least capable of grasping the issues.
“Palin v. GOP Establishment“?
To borrow from Nick Bakay, “Push: there are no winners here.” Both are unpopular, incompetent, and clueless.
Threads about Dino: LOTS!!!! Thanks, Goldy.
Thread about Patty Murray: A couple. Go to any LD Democratic Party website for all you can get.
Threads about Dr. Dre: None. Sucks to be in last place, doesn’t it?
@5..Proud to be a Swallower: teh fail.
I guess Clint is dying to return to DC.
What the heck is the obsession you lefties have with Palin? Granted she has an annoying voice. So does Bawney Fwank, so what? Granted her politics are extreme. So are Bernie Sanders, but that seems to be what his electorate (mystifyingly) wants, so I’m okay with the man being publicly against everything this country stands for. Anyway I don’t constantly bring him up.
You folks on the left are like a friend constantly bringing up a past girlfriend while assuring the listener how little the girlfriend matters. Get over her already.
“the left are like a friend constantly bringing up a past girlfriend”
“Get over her already.”
Um, you’re coming off like someone who doen’t like people talking about his current and really freaky girlfriend. Of course, this “girlfriend” thing you inject tells us a lot more about you than it does about us. It’s a little freaky in itself, if you know what I mean, although you likely don’t. Not getting it seems to go hand in hand with being a wingnut.
RE 9
Good morning Steve.
Not getting it is hardly the province of the right. And I thought and think Palin is unserious and uninteresting. I just am confused by how enthralling progressives find her. She doesn’t matter. Really. She holds no office. She doesn’t impact Republican policies. She just doesn’t matter, and shouldn’t.
lost at 8
Like it or not, Palin is currently the face of the Republican Party. She is plainly your party’s favorite leader. That fact shows the intellectual emptiness of your party.
Not even an issue. Nobody is gonna know Didier’s name after the primary. Rossi can skate to November with barely a peep about his GOP competition. Palin can twit about Didier all she wants. She’s just being nice to a friend of the family (Palin has roots in the Tri-Cities). But NOTHING can stop Rossi from getting to the general election for which thereafter he will be known as “The 3 Time Loser”.
Respectfully, no.
Palin is the noise the teapot makes when boiling. The steam has to go somewhere, and it does.
What the left doesn’t understand is that the majority of Americans are angry at the direction the country is taking, and becoming very vocal about it. Most Americans don’t trust the president, and shouldn’t. Most Americans don’t trust Congress, and shouldn’t. (This was true of Bush too, by the way. Too much government power is always a bad thing, whatever the political theory behind it.) Even if they mean well, they are incompetent idealogues who don’t represent the real heart of this country.
Palin taps this anger and makes a lot of, unfortunatly, meaningless noise about it. That scares you folks, understandably. You want everyone to understand how good a nanny state is for everyone, and how evil individual accomplishment is. They don’t and won’t buy that, mainly. Sorry.
“I just am confused by how enthralling progressives find her.”
You really are confused. She’s as boring as all hell. What’s interesting is the wingnut love given to her and her ilk. Dump her as the face of the “prefers GOP” and small “l” libertarian teabagger movement, and we’ll quit talking about her.
Hmm, the small “l” Libertarian view as expressed by Rand Paul seems to be that it’s un-American to criticize a global oil corporation. After all, shit happens.
Here’s a ranking of the GOP’s most influential people:
Guess who’s number 1? Your blather about undue focus on Palin is quite misplaced. She is steering your freak companions on the right, yet she has not a clue about anything that matters.
The difference between Palin and Sanders (the only socialist in DC, no matter what the echo chamber says) and Frank is reality. Y’see, Sanders and Frank are proud members of the reality-based community, whereas Palin is about as far from it as she can get, though I’ll bet that she thinks she can see it from her house.
Sorry, what was the statistical basis for this? For all I can tell this is one persons’ opinion about who is or isn’t influential in Republican politics.
But you are partially right. The party desperately needs a principled eloquent leader to remind it what true conservative thought means.
It means we respect the Constitution. We neither force people to buy insurance, nor listen in on their phone calls. We accept that the document means what it says, not what we want it to, or change it according to what the will of the people demands.
it means we are optimistic about people. We believe them to be capable of making decisions, living and learning with them, and doing this without government assistance.
It means we think freedom has costs. People willing to bear those costs ought to be allowed to do so.
It means my property is just that. To the extent that I infringe on others regulation is legitimate. Otherwise it is blatantly at odds with the founding intent of this country. To steal my property or money and give it to others is wrong and it is unconstitutional.
So yes, we need a person willing to say these things and live with the political consequences. I personally think it would revitalize the party and bring the heartland of the country back to it.
Consider this-
If JFK were alive today he would be a Republican. After all Democrats are the party of ‘ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you.’ Not a JFK sentiment at all.
How is embracing a proven failure of a socio-economic theory being a realist exactly?
And Frank is a corrupt politicial with no more decency than a tapeworm.
How is embracing a proven failure of a socio-economic theory being a realist exactly?
And Frank is a corrupt politicial with no more decency than a tapeworm.
“If JFK were alive today he would be a Republican.”
Yeah, I think you nailed it. JFK would have been a teabagger today – a small “l” Libertarian wanting to investigate women’s wombs along with you and Pudge.
Nope. Just a middle America Republican. The Democrats would have drummed him out for heresy. After all government in every aspect of our lives, that 1984 utopian dream is what passes as mainline progressive thought now.
Well, I’m off to the cabin for the weekend. Have fun folks.
The Democratic Party has shifted to the right since Kennedy’s day. No question about it. Do you think today’s Democrats would nominate a true liberal like George McGovern as their presidential candidate? JFK most certainly would not be a Republican today.
“that 1984 utopian dream is what passes as mainline progressive thought now”
From the guy who believes 2+2=5. You’d best run off to your cabin now, Lost.
While Sarah Palin was hacking into an AK gov’t computer, Mary Lane was Saving Our State from Dean Logan.
I think Sarah’s chops are a lot smaller than Mary’s.
We’re gonna love Marummy Time Goldy, eh?