Charles Alan Wilson, the crazed, concealed-weapon-toting righty charged with threatening the life of U.S. Senator Patty Murray, apparently attended a Tea Party rally outside a Murray event in Yakima, only days before his arrest:
On April 1, the previous Thursday, over 100 tea party protesters rallied outside a Murray appearance at the Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce, according to a report in the Yakima Herald-Republic.
In the April 4 message, Wilson allegedly said:
“Oh, you were in Yakima last week. How come you didn’t give a big speech to the people outside waiting to see you? Yeah, we were outside waiting for you, hopefully you would come out and explain to us how come this health-care bill that you rallied on so highly is going to create the biggest drain in American history.”
One can only imagine the tragedy had Murray addressed the small crowd of angry Teabaggers. “I do pack, and I will not blink when I’m confronted. … It’s not a threat, it’s a guarantee,” Wilson later told an undercover FBI agent.
The official Tea Party folks claim Wilson was never a member, and of course disavow his threats after the fact, but that’s not really the point. Condemning the actions of those inspired by one’s hate-filled, violent rhetoric, while continuing the rhetoric unchanged, is meaningless. Charles Alan Wilson is the logical product of the radio and TV hate-talkers, the Teabagger fervor and their sponsors in the Republican establishment. Wilson may be a malignant tumor on the Teabagger movement, but he’s their tumor.
I’ll save the bible study for Sunday morning, but my advice to Rob McKenna, Dino Rossi and other ambitious Republicans hoping the embrace of the Teabaggers might boost their electoral fortunes is to choose their friends wisely.
I saw in this morning’s news that Rep. Michelle Bachmann (Idiot-MN) was telling her constituents not to return census forms until Republican leaders told her to cool it because an undercount might cost Minnesota a seat in Congress — hers.
That would be poetic justice.
Would-be, not would be.
“The official Tea Party folks claim Wilson was never a member”
Yeah, right…NOW they do.
What “official Tea Party folks” would that be? There is no Tea-Party organization, Goldie. Furthermore, I’m sure you already know that. Nice try at obfuscation though. What I think is that some people who attended the Dem party events last year then when on to rape women. Therefore *anyone* who attended a Dem party event is a potential rapist.
I-Burn @5,
Follow the link I helpfully provided:
As for your rape analogy, it might be more applicable if the Dems were advocating rape. Whereas we have video of Tea Party events with speakers advocating killing Sen. Murray.
Charles Alan Wilson – Do Pack Flakeur
when Wilson says “we were outside waiting for you”
he sounds like he perceives himself a part of a group
@5 “What I think is that some people who attended the Dem party events last year then when on to rape women.”
Asserting that you “think” is stretching it.
Troll @ 3,
“‘Would-be,’ not ‘would be,'” not “Would-be, not would be.”
As far as I can gather, hate is the only unifying commonality among teabaggers. Their ideology is rather poorly defined. They all hate, though.
How is this not stalking?
There’s some similarities to the Columbine Highschool style shootings. Disaffected, deranged malcontents broadcasts that they’re going to do something heinous. Then they do. And everyone’s shocked, shocked that something so heinous could happen.
As Condi says, “No one could have foreseen…”
I’m glad the FBI took Wilson’s threats seriously. He was a ticking time bomb. And clearly mentally ill. I hope he gets the help he needs.
Heck, he was just following so called Republican Tea Party Promoter Sarah Palin’s lead and taking the next step.
David Neiwert is my north star on all this hate speech, hate crimes, and eliminationist stuff.
Way back when, I was merely uncomfortable with all the fruitcakes. Neiwert’s work, such as The Eliminationists: How Hate Talk Radicalized the American Right, convinced me to take the violent language seriously.
Neiwert’s work jives with our current understanding of social and individual cognition.
Say something enough times, and it becomes truth. Cultists and propagandists have known this forever.
Repeat violent rhetoric enough times and you become desensitied to it. Works alongside reducing your enemies to subhuman status.
The methods and techniques are time proven. The goal is obvious. The perpetrators, those playing the role of Henry II (hat tip rhp), are well known.
Free speech and fire = time to round ’em up!
Recent, personal story…
I have a “conservative” acquaintance, someone I considered a friend. He wrote some stupid things. Hate speech, cut and dry. So I challenged him on it. He told me to “get a life”. I told him in that case, we were done. He blew me off.
I’m kind of saddened by the interaction.
I’m doubting that my prescription of shaming these loons is a winning strategy. This person definitely doesn’t need my approval.
I can put up with a lot of bullshit from family. When they start up with the nonsense, I’ll very sternly push back. There’s usually some sort of adjustment, yielding a new detente.
But friends and acquaintances? Not so much. Life is too short. There’s no shortage of people in my monkeysphere, so I cull the loons from my life without cost.
Maybe the shame thing can only work person to person.
Also, if we start omitting loons from our lives, and there’s plenty of loons around to form their own communities, I fear that our society will continue to become segmented, separated.
leftist @ 11
Yup. The very definition of a mob.
burn @ 5
You’re saying it’s all spontaneous?
You know the Tea Party had a conference, gets funding, has mailing lists, coordinates events, is fielding primary challengers, etc.
How is that not an organization? If that’s not an organization, what is?
burn @ 5
> What I think is that some people…
Non sequitur for the win.
Please. Your rhetoric is weak. Try harder.
The classic angry dumb mob. It’s existed throughout history. They all use social security, medicare, and want an ever increasing military budget….but want their taxes cut and states rights (no Fed government) unless the states want gay marriage, legal marijuana or assisted suicide, then they want the Feds to stop these actions.
Just angry dumb people. No? You disagree? Ok, fair…WHAT DO THEY WANT? I don’t mean what don’t they like (taxes, Obama, liberals, etc). If tomorrow we had a Tea Party President and Congress…WHAT would they cut from our budget? What laws would they overturn? Do they want a libertarian government (ie. gay marriage is up to individuals), or do they want a social activist government who tells us what drugs we can take and who we can marry? What would they do if elected?
@11 Actually, they want, and most of all, they fear. Even they are smart enough to realize that life ain’t exactly milk-and-honey, and see it getting even worse. So someone comes along and tangles the carrot of “restoring Uh-murrika’s greatness” and “pur-tecting FREE-dum!” and channels all their “fight-or-flight” hormones into hatred of ill-defined “others” perceived as taking it all away from them. That makes it easy to forget they never had it.
This is exactly what the Nazis did in Weimar Republic Germany.
Here’s a prophetic headline and article by Jeff Schneider on Huffington Post
“Will the Next Act of Terrorism be Domestic?” Read through to look at the nexus of right wing groups involved. We ignore the dangers at our peril.
“What would they do if elected?”
I understand that our faux-libertarians, like Lostinaseaofblue, want women’s wombs regularly inspected to make sure that no little American blastocysts come to any harm. I reckon that’s one role they see for the Fed. You see, government getting between a patient and her doctor is A-OK when it comes to abortion.
You’re surely not accusing lost of hypocrisy, are you?
re 5: If there is no official organization, then how do they get permits to demonstrate — like they do in Issaquah on 4/18/10?
re 3: No taxation without representation, not: No taxation.
While we are railing against Republicans and Tea Partiers in general with their outrageous comments, we must stop and take note of, and give major props to Republican Sen. Coburn of OK.
He stood tall in front of his constituents and said while he’s 180 degrees opposed to Nancy Pelosi politically she was a very nice person.
In my opinion Sen. Coburn went a long, long way to dialing back the rhetoric.
We could say it’s a calculated move realizing that the appearance of being uncivil, angry and the party of “no” isn’t good politics, but we must and should promote the goodwill none the less.
I never thought I’d do this but:
Thank you Sen. Coburn. I’ve sent an email to your office applauding your action to return civility to public discourse. I would encourage every person regardless of their political stripes to do the same.
Too bad your “slander” efforts to try and paint all Tea Party members like Wilson is failing miserably.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
I have repeatedly warned you KLOWNS that it will be your undoing as those in power to try and paint those not in power as a bunch of kooks with anecdotal examples like this.
It won’tt work…and only fuels the resolve of the minority.
It worked to get y’all elected.
Then you need to change the tact to LEADERSHIP.
LEADERS do not mock, ridicule, name-call etc.
Too late for you folks.
I have several friends involved in Voter Registration Drives. It’s amazing!!
The more you Atheist Progressives squeal and try to protect the Oba-Mao Regime…the more new voters!!
Keep up the bad work!!
Monday, April 05, 2010
When you start screaming KOOK at these kinds of numbers…that’s a huge mistake.
The Teabag phenomenon will be very short-lived. Hatred does not produce a strong and lasting bond. I just don’t see dimwitted, hating racists as being much of a force in American politics.
No we just chuckle at Rasmussen’s routinely disproved results and proffesionally questioned polling methods. Really Cyn, is there something about actual research that causes you pain? Is it all that hard work? I mean… If you wanted us to listen to you, you’d think you’d find results from respectable organizations that would cut us to the quick. Instead you’re constantly regurgitating these silly pre-picked cherries. It’s almost like you want to be mocked. Ah well whatever floats your boat.
Speaking of dimwitted, hating racists – Maxine Waters, then and now:
@32..that dumb bitch waters just got owned…but you know, the lemmings that elected her probably will vote for her again….
she needs to go back to that shit hole in Inglewood CA….
PL @ 30:
I think I know what you mean in that hatered doens’t win elections, but you are dangerously wrong if you don’t think that hate binds people.
Hate is exactly what binds the most dangerous type of people, like racists.
Skin heads, KKK, and terrorists types are tightly bound by hate, if not their only true sense of bonding.
Tea Party Nation…..
Tea Party Express….
Tea Party Patriots…
Yeah, there’s no ‘organization’, it’s all spontaneous. Well, it was when it only included the Libertarians that started it, only to be co-opted and swarmed under by sociopathic Rethuglican pricks like you.
The FBI arrested a California man for threatening Speaker Pelosi. Probably just a Dem, disgruntled that we didn’t get single payer HCR. No way it was a teabagger. We all know that none of those freaks would ever entertain the thought of committing acts of violence against our elected Democratic officials.
GBS @ 27: In addition, he criticized Fox news, and encouraged his constituants to get their news from various sources, including CNN. He said that he himself reads the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal daily.
27 and 37
What’s up with Coburn? A responsible Republican Senator? I thought the mold for that species had long ago been smashed to bits.
keep drinking the kook-aid PL and continue living in that fog your in….
Yeah I saw that comment on Fox News by Coburn. Normally, I’d pounce all over it, but since he was being a stand up guy, I opted to leave it this time.
Hard to do I must admit, but getting above the fray was more important this time. Too many politicans are being threatened and that is dangeours to our form of government.
leftist @ 30
> Hatred does not produce a strong and lasting bond.
Apparently what cured the goons of McVeigh’s generation is they grew up, got married, had kids, and got mortgages.
Hard to fight The Man when you’ve got to run off to your kid’s soccer practice.
Maxie @ 39
Will do. Thank you for your concern.
31. Montanto spews:
Show me your proof dumbass.
The pollsters for Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton disagree with you–
Even far-left Blogger Nate Silver said Rasmussen is the one he would want with him on a desert island!!
So despite the fact that Fordham University’s independent poll also showed Rasmussen as the most accurate in the past 2 Presiendtial Campaigns AND it was actually DEMOCRAT-Leaning in the Massachussetts Senate Race…Rasmussen had it a toss-up and Brown won by 5!!
Despite this and other overwhelming evidence of Rasmussen’s accuracy track record BASED ON FACTS..some Pinheaded Lunatic on pulls this unfounded allegation out of his a$$!!
How funny.
Show me the facts KLOWN..
You can’t. That’s why the Oba-Mao Regime is going to be one term and the Dems will lose control by 2012.
Arrogance and stupidity.
Bad Combo Montanto.
Goldy, Did I really not deserve a hat tip?
LOL.. Not anymore he doesn’t. I’m sure there are stupider things to say to an FBI agent, but not by much.
Wow Cynical looks like that hit a nerve. Have you talked with anyone about this temper problem? Wouldn’t want you to bust anything. We worry about you, dude.
As for proving you like to be mocked, I’m afraid it was just a working hypothesis. In my defense you make it easy to jump to that conclusion.
But see how easy it is to site multiple sources? Makes your rants sound better already. Keep it up and we all might even regard you as a worth adversary. Of course that would require a work ethic, but baby steps right?
In closing I’m afraid you were only half right. It’s just arrogance. But when dealing with you it’s well earned.
We’ve had a huge a amount of change in our world in the last 20 years or so. The Tea Party folks are the late adopters who, for one reason or another, couldn’t keep up with the changes. In their case being scared, angry and confused is understandable. I don’t think there’s a thing in the world wrong with being angry, scared or confused. It’s what you and people in leadership roles in our society do with that anger, fear and confusion that’s the issue.
46. Montanto spews:
Once again, you fail to provide even one smidgeon of evidence to support your rant about Rasmussen being unreliable.
What a fooooooool!
Nothing substantiave to offer Montanto???
You know Puddy, the FACTS make these KLOWNS overwhelmed and turn their l’il peanut brains to mush.
Montanto—No Facts. ZERO NADA NONE.
Grow up and wise up.
The Washington state man who was arrested for threatening Murray was not a tea partier, according to his own voice mails. You can read the transcripts of them in the police report here – he calls them “tea party baggers”. He may have shown up at a place they were protesting, but no one who actually considers themselves a member of the movement would call themselves that.
The We he’s referring to are Tea Party folks. He’s one of them.
@49 akw 04/07/2010 at 7:28 pm,
An indicted nutjob couldn’t possibly be a teabagger cuz teabaggers are known to be rational, reasonable and intelligent?
@51…when you get on your “intelligent” rant, are you also referring to the obama supporters who thought that “I won’t have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won’t have to worry about paying my mortgage” once obama was elected?
is that the kind of intelligence you are talking about? just curious…..
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
Plus, all the other hate filled crap he’s shoveling is the same hate filled crap the other Tea Party folks are shoveling.
akw @ 49,
‘he calls them “tea party baggers”.’
Oh? What page and line was that on? I’ve looked at the document a couple of times and didn’t notice that phrase being used.
What I did notice was numerous rants against “socialism”, death panels, etc. That shit sure sounds like a man who has been brainwashed by Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh/Sarah Palin and the other heros of the teabaggers….
He is indeed one of yours. Claim him, he is what you are. And, by the way, you are not a “movement.” You are a noisy bunch of freaks who the media gives too much attention to, and who will have no impact on the next election because you do not have any clue what you stand for. History passed you folks by quite some time ago; you just don’t recognize that fact quite yet.
He’s cribbing from line #15. But, Wilson goes on to talk about being in a Tea Party crowd that protested outside a Murray event, uses an awful lot of we’s for someone that’s not part of a group, calls her a socialist, a baby killer, talks about end of life classes… The same tired, old, Tea Party nonsense.
Goldy: The nutjob that flew his small airplane into a building recently was a voting, registered Democrat. Ditto the Hutaree militia guy. Make something of that, loudmouth.
I think it goes to prove that there are people on the left and the right who are fed up with the federal government. It is run by crooked, self serving polticians who have pissed away all our money, as well as our kids money and grandkids money…and their only answer is “give us more money”.
the idea of being self-reliant has been pissed on and trashed by people who’s desire to stay in power is solely based getting people to be dependent on the largess of the government.
– you’re gonna love my nuts..
or is it
the idea of being self-reliant has been pissed on and trashed by people who talk about it all the time, and then take or steal from the pathetic losers who buy in to this crap. The grifters spewing it are laughing all the way to the bank (Citibank, AIG, Palin, ….)
and you think federal govt is any different?
One and the same…
– you’re gonna love my nuts..