Buckley was. That was back when conservatives had ideas and found it valuable to market them to intelligent people. What’s interesting is that the tables are turning so much that this might even become something of a populist movement before it’s changed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Turning circles while holding an axe in outstretched arms isn’t conservatism, it’s merely vandalism.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What I’m saying is, today’s Republicans aren’t conservatives, they’re merely vandals.
proud leftistspews:
George Will is a columnist whom I’ve always read, though his politics are almost always wrong. Mostly, I read him because he is an outstanding writer–he’s gifted when it comes to the English language. (William Safire is as well, if we’re to look at the limited few in this category from the rightwing. Charles Krauthammer, for instance, does not count.) Lately, I’ve started to detect some latent liberalism in Mr. Will, suggesting that perhaps that’s why he is such a good writer. He wants to get out of Afghanistan (compare Dick Cheney’s position). Now, he recognizes that some legalization of drugs is on its way. Imagine that, reality slapping a conservative’s cheek. Reading George Will is a good thing to do.
Especially when he writes about baseball. Go Phillies!
i’m wearing hemp pajamas.
Sludge Puppyspews:
Safire was a great writer. He doesn’t write any more. Damn! gonna miss the man.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Safire … doesn’t write any more.”
That’s hard to do when you’re dead.
Alki Postingsspews:
Legalize the “devils weed”? Impossible! This could cut into corporate profits (re: Budweiser). We can’t let the stupid little “people” be able to just grow a plant in their backyard and takes the place of a corporate product! The people must be convinced by corporate paid scientists that this is bad. Say, can we get some of those “scientists” from the tobacco industry that said smoking didn’t cause cancer, or some of the the oil companies “scientists” that say global warming is a liberal conspiracy. We need valid “unbiased” opinions like theirs to stop the people from damaging corporate profits!
Politically Incorrectspews:
“For heaven’s sake, legalize it and tax the crap out of it.”
Sounds good to me! It is long past time to end Prohibition.
Bill Buckley was way ahead of George Will.
For heaven’s sake, legalize it and tax the crap out of it.
We got a lot of debt on stupid wars to pay back.
Buckley was. That was back when conservatives had ideas and found it valuable to market them to intelligent people. What’s interesting is that the tables are turning so much that this might even become something of a populist movement before it’s changed.
@2 Turning circles while holding an axe in outstretched arms isn’t conservatism, it’s merely vandalism.
What I’m saying is, today’s Republicans aren’t conservatives, they’re merely vandals.
George Will is a columnist whom I’ve always read, though his politics are almost always wrong. Mostly, I read him because he is an outstanding writer–he’s gifted when it comes to the English language. (William Safire is as well, if we’re to look at the limited few in this category from the rightwing. Charles Krauthammer, for instance, does not count.) Lately, I’ve started to detect some latent liberalism in Mr. Will, suggesting that perhaps that’s why he is such a good writer. He wants to get out of Afghanistan (compare Dick Cheney’s position). Now, he recognizes that some legalization of drugs is on its way. Imagine that, reality slapping a conservative’s cheek. Reading George Will is a good thing to do.
Especially when he writes about baseball. Go Phillies!
i’m wearing hemp pajamas.
Safire was a great writer. He doesn’t write any more. Damn! gonna miss the man.
@7 “Safire … doesn’t write any more.”
That’s hard to do when you’re dead.
Legalize the “devils weed”? Impossible! This could cut into corporate profits (re: Budweiser). We can’t let the stupid little “people” be able to just grow a plant in their backyard and takes the place of a corporate product! The people must be convinced by corporate paid scientists that this is bad. Say, can we get some of those “scientists” from the tobacco industry that said smoking didn’t cause cancer, or some of the the oil companies “scientists” that say global warming is a liberal conspiracy. We need valid “unbiased” opinions like theirs to stop the people from damaging corporate profits!
“For heaven’s sake, legalize it and tax the crap out of it.”
Sounds good to me! It is long past time to end Prohibition.