No, that’s not Idaho, that’s Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, where Dave Niewert of Orcinus reports on a small rally of genuine neo-Nazis that gathered yesterday across from the statue of Lenin. As Dave explains:
One reason that pseudo-fascism is so harmful is that it creates an environment that positively encourages genuine fascists.
Thus, it is no mere accident that we’ve been seeing increasing signs of a genuinely emboldened white-supremacist far right, with recruitment rising among disaffected young people. It’s no accident that they keep getting bolder and bolder and bolder.
Yeah, sure… there’s only a half dozen or so of them, but we now have Brownshirts proudly marching through the streets of Fremont, for chrissakes! Does anyone doubt that these people are emboldened by the mainstreaming of violent rhetoric from the likes of Ann Coulter? Shouldn’t we be at least a little bit concerned about developments like this?
FYI, Dave has spent much of his career chronicling the Northwest militia movement and other right-wing extremists. He’s a thorough journalist, a great read, and one of the pioneering members of our state’s blogosphere. He’s also nearing the end of his annual fund-raising week, and I encourage all my readers to drop a few bucks in his PayPal account.
Look, it’s the Republican party out on a recruitment outing.
The one on the left if JCH, the other skinny punk is momus.
“Mr. Rossi! Mr. Rossi! Can you condemn this display of Nazi hate speech in WA state?”
“I’m sorry, I’m taking a break from politics.”
It’s appropriate that the Neo-Nazis should gather across from the statue of Lenin. “Nazi” is actually an acronym for National Socialist Workers Party. If you don’t like socialism, then you have to be against the Nazis because socialsim is part of their ideology. Considering othe facts of history, Nazis are a particularly vile group.
Nazi’s are hardly new, and have always and will always be on the fringe.
I personally dont see anything dangerous about them marching here or anywhere else because the fallicies in theior ideology are common. Sure they trigger our NIMBY alerts (Not In My Back Yard) and all, but unfortunately, free speech protects idiots too.
heck, wasnt that long ago that you found them at least weekly on Springer.
Does Coulter contribute to them? Interesting question…one I will have to come back to later. I personally think she is so over the top she is essentially harmless, and she has plenty of peers on the left for the extent of her ridiculous rhetoric, so I dont know why anyone makes her newsorthy by complaining- seems to me she just gets encouraged by the contraversy. I can’t figure her out.
But its a fair question and one I will consider.
Argh. Nazis were “socialist” only to the extent that they believed that businesses which were “internationalist” in nature — see esp. banking — should be nationalized. For German businesses, it was laissez-faire away!
See more here.
I was hoping for a photo of Regina Hacket of the PI (story) arguing for art censorship….
Why Fremont? Good bratwurst stands? Actual covers for the beer steins, to keep the rain out? A really good mustache-trimming barber there? Brown khaki supply store?
And I think you’ve got an awfully touchy blogging finger, Goldy. Sure, MAYBE they were railing against the jews–but maybe there’s a burgeoning problem in Fremont with unruly gypsies or opponents to the Beer Hall putsch. Does it always have to be about Goldy, Goldy, Marcia (er, Goldy?)
Goldy and David —
I’m appreciating your coverage of these hate movement developments. As to #4, above, I think it’s been well established that this rhetoric does lead to violence. If not, the case on Orcinus is quite compelling enough.
Just as in abusive relationships — as the verbal abuse intensifies it can lead to physical abuse which may start out small but increases as time goes on. Same goes for suicidal talk — attention should be paid if someone who talks about killing him or herself as that kind of talk is often prelude to action. Talk, in fact, is a form of action.
Clearly, the anti-freedom administration we’ve got in power now contributes to this environment where haters feel safe.
It’s one of my goals to go back and read the series on fascism, Nazi resurgence, Bush family, border militias and Limbaugh’s “newspeak” on Orcinus. http://dneiwert.blogspot.com/
Nazis are no better than than that murderous lunatic, Stalin. Nor were they any better than Pol Pot in Cambodia. The socialism part was obviouly not their major gig, but it served its purpose of roping in a lot of ordinary Germans into the lunacy of post-WWI Germany.
The crazy thing about Hitler was that he had Jewish ancestors and did everything he could to erase his family’s history in Austria once he came to power. The man was a lunatic and Stalin was, too. Yet there are a lot of whackos out there that idolize both of these despots.
@ 7
This says something about just how great Seattle is. These dumbass Nazis could have had their march in Bellevue, Kent, or even Spokane. They chose Seattle. The quality of life is that much better. All the Nazis will want to march here!
Remember crazy Nazis: Seattle is the place to be!
> During the Clinton Administration I had an extremely good and well paying job.
> I took numerous vacations and had several vacation homes.
> Since President Bush took office, I have watched my entire life change for the
> worse.
> I lost my job.
> I lost my two sons in that terrible Iraqi War.
> I lost my homes.
> I lost my health insurance.
> As a matter of fact I lost virtually everything and became homeless.
> Adding insult to injury, when the authorities found me living like an animal,
> instead of helping me, they arrested me.
> I will do anything that Senator Kerry wants just to insure that a Democrat is
> back in the White House come next year.
> Bush has to go.
> Sincerely,
> Saddam Hussein [GBS]
Seattle is full of loons. Are you concerned about the traitor Gore
spouting off lies about the treatment of detainees to the Saudis?
He should be the next guest at Gitmo.
Looks like they cut Karl Rove out of the picture. I am sure I saw him there.
12, lcm, Gore’s a Jane Fonda traitor. Good point.
The Nazi on the right has to be jaybo. He’s a “leader” in the war on terra.
Christian Zionist? Nah! Christian Identity? Oh yes…
….let’em do their thing….this is America right? All this crap you people are posting is exactly what they want: Attention. If it hand’t been for horses ass I never would have known they were there. Oh well….
Saddam Hussein, making his big push to be the keynote speaker at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, shows up in court today saying (Saddam impression), “Down with Boosh! Down with Boosh! He tortured us all.” I mean, right out of the Democratic Party talking points and exactly as I predicted. So if he keeps it up, you never know, he could be sitting next to Jimmy Carter in the VIP box after he gets his country back before the 2008 presidential race.
“Considering othe facts of history, Nazis are a particularly vile group.”
That’s gotta be the understatement of the year.
Actually, you’ve got a point Sven. And I’d rather have them parading in the open instead of hiding in the shadows — so we know who they are.
“The socialism part was obviouly not their major gig”
So Lib, is this your day for pointed understatements?
“Seattle is full of loons. Are you concerned about the traitor Gore
spouting off lies about the treatment of detainees to the Saudis?
He should be the next guest at Gitmo.”
How do you know Gore is lying? Maybe you’re lying.
“12, lcm, Gore’s a Jane Fonda traitor. Good point. Comment by [JCH]— 2/13/06 @ 3:56 pm”
Looks like JCH is once again attempting to solicit gay sex on the internet.
The guy on the left is Ann Coulter before his sex change operation.
Leave them alone? Are you serious? And miss an opportunity like this? (See #24 above)
23, Roger, Aren’t gays one of the Democrats’ core voting groups?
Oh yeah, before I forget, here’s a photo of a BIAW staff meeting: http://www.gwu.edu/~ww2/pics/march.gif
JCH, I can’t speak for “lower case marks” — you probably should ask him, especially if you want to jerk him off.
Hey, lookee what I found — a relative of Ann Coulter has some things to say about her!!! http://www.oregonherald.com/ef.....readid=255
JCH @18
That was way too funny to be something you came up with. Next time, post a link so I know who to give props to…
” … She has alienated her family, her original friends ….
“In high school Ann was a tramp, a real slut. She would have sex with any guy who could get beyond the smell of her unwashed body. She’s a pig. To this day, she refused to take a shower more than a couple times a week unless it’s incredibly hot. Her guests on her radio program have made comments. She seems to think it’s her natural body smell. …
“I know some will doubt this but it’s all true. Not too many people have been closer to her than I, for most of her life. She is the kind of person who would not be missed …. No one really likes her, except those who attempt to become famous getting next to her. Laura Bush hates Ann Coulter, and her husband doesn’t think much of her either. Chris Matthews can’t stand her, even though she has contracted to be on Hardball. Chris once said of Ann Coulter that, ‘she reminds me of a foul-mouthed bitch in heat, always in heat!’. In renewing his contract is asked that Ann Coulter not be allowed on his program again. …
” … During one taping session, Bill Maher discovered that Ann Coulter had been dating a 17 year old boy whom she called her younger brother, was in fact her date for that night. I know for a fact they spent a night in a hotel room together. I don’t know if they had sex, but then again, Ann has sex with lots of people, including women.
“Ann also practices different lines written for her, at least she did in the last six months. There are two men, David Emmerson and Arnie Kamenski (sp), paid by the RNC to teach Ann Coulter what to say and how to say it. The last time I saw her she was spending half the day practicing her lines, over and over again in from of a large mirror. She was laughing at it all, in fact said how much horse shit it was, but it was a game ….
“I told her this was too important to lie but Ann thinks all this is just a game, that’s it’s the way it’s played. Ann Coulter does not care about anyone but herself. … She has turned into a hate machine, … and has even said that if John Kerry won the presidency, the best way to deal those kinds of Liberals was to eliminate them, any way possible, legal or not.
“That’s when we parted company. And that’s the end of our life long relationship. She’s called me a liar but all her close ‘buddies’ know the truth. Ann Coulter is a Nazi, a cold hearted, Nazi.”
Here’s another post from the same source:
“I met Ann Coulter when in LA a few months ago. I’m a lowly assistant producer …. After work we all went out for a drink and Coulter tagged along …. Anyway, she quickly got drunk and made a total fool of herself, then, strange as it may seen, she got on top of the pool table, tool the cue stick, and said, ‘I need a man’, waving it around. People laughed but not too much. It was really embarrassing, for her, not for us. Then she started crying, then ended up puking. …
“But hell, what a pig she is. She wears so much makeup because of a bad skin problem … off camera, Ann Coulter is a very different person. It’s all an act, I feel. She does act like a pig, no class, no real sophistication. …
“I don’t think she will have sex with just anyone. They have to be pretty rich because Ann Coulter now has lots of money, but my feeling is that she will sleep with any fat Republican if he has influance and money. Now, that’s a whore.”
Hey, there’s more! To wit:
“I’m a conservative woman and I voted for George Bush but I when I saw this forum I just has to give my opinion. By the way, that photo of her in a Nazi uniform surrounded by hate and death is just about right. That’s what happens when she opens her mouth. I have no love for this rather lightweight, not too bright, hypocrite, Ann Coulter.
” … She also attacks children …. A nine year old girl wrote a story in her grade school newspaper which was negative of George Bush … and … Ann Coulter had the audacity to call this young kid stupid. The girl had to stay home from school because after Ann Coulter’s remarks about this little girl, the children in the same school, kids of conservative adults threatened her, and slapped her around. The principal of the school did nothing because he’s Born Again. … She gets away with it, day after day, because the press are afraid to say anything.
“If Ann Coulter had to survive by her own statements in a fair society, she’d be dead now …. If she believes those pies tossed at her were the end game, she’ll be horribly surprise when someone uses something lethal to toss at her. It wouldn’t take much, just someone who has been the butt of her thin faced lies and go after her. That’s not a threat, just common sense. …”
Wow! — a conservative talking about Coulter getting bumped off! Lessee if there’s more … there is!!!
“I suspect she would have married Hitler had she been born in Germany about a hundred years earlier. At the least, she would not be bothering us now if that were true.
“Liberals may as well celebrate her death day much as England celebrates Guy Fawkes Day, for she is as much a threat to democracy as Guy Fawkes was to Parliament.”
“I call upon someone, ANYONE AT ALL. A far-left, moderate democrat, republican, whatever. I don’t say this to insult her, or accuse her, I am here to state that this woman is a fascist. She is a brutal monster, a foul wretched thing, a threat, she will try you, and execute you if her party gets in power. … I curse you, you foul, dirty person, you beast.”
What do you mean, IF her party gets in power? Her party IS in power.
“Hello folks, I am a Canadian … I am happy to see that even many americans do not support her, its insecure, ignorant and prostituting fools like this that have strained canada-US relations. … She is a fasciast ….”
As you may have guessed by now, Ann Coulter is not very popular on the Public eForum of OregonHerald.com. However, as a supporter of equal time, I consider it my duty to quote one of the posts on that web site which supports Coulter:
“she’s smarter than any of us. that’s why we’re on the web and she’s on tv. but yes, i’d totally bang her. or at least shove something in her mouth”
Hmmm, the conservatives seem split on Coulter, see #’s 33 & 38 above.
Roger, wasn’t Senator “KKK” Sheets Byrd a “fasciast”? [see post 36] Isn’t “KKK” Byrd a senior Democrat in The US Senate? [hehe]
The Nazi on the left has to be WrongOne aka righton.
Or prr.
Although Sen. Byrd has a less-than-admirable past, he did something you trollfucks — and no other Republican — will ever do: He realized he was wrong, and changed his thinking and behavior.
One and the same. righton = prr = Kevin Carnes
Roger and Gang Kerry still in the race!
Kerry Still Thinks He’ll Get Nod in ’08
If at first you don’t succeed…
A former top campaign fundraiser to Sen. John Kerry insists that when the smoke clears in the race for the 2008 Democratic nomination for president, Kerry will once again be the party’s nominee.
Hillary Clinton is the front-runner and she has the money and the organization to capture the nomination.
Other potential candidates, including Joe Biden, Evan Bayh and Mark Warner, don’t have the money and will run out of cash before the race is over.
Not John Kerry, however. He still has millions of dollars left over from his previous campaign – plus the financial support of his billionaire wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, who can afford to pay whatever it might take to keep Kerry in the race.
In the end, then, it will come down to Clinton vs. Kerry.
But Clinton is “too polarizing” to win the nomination, the fundraiser told NewsMax, leaving Kerry to get the nod.
When asked if Kerry himself wasn’t “polarizing,” the aide pointed out that if just 60,000 Bush voters in Ohio had voted for Kerry instead, the Massachusetts Democrat would have won the election.
“He’s a proven vote-getter,” the Kerry supporter declared.
If the scenario plays out, Kerry could also wind up as the first Democrat since Adlai Stevenson to come out the loser in two presidential elections.
Last count there were 32 republican members of the Senate and House who had strong ties to the Nazi or KKK party. Something to be proud of no doubt if you’re a typical right wing, baby raping, inbred, coward and traitor like most republicans.
Is Ann Coulter a female Hitler? http://www.reload.ws/blog/mkac.htm
Roger they are having more fun in Paris than Freemount.
East and the Muslim world, 4,000 Islamic demonstrators march through Paris denouncing the cartoons and the alleged (and convenient) lack of respect towards Islam.
When they arrive at La Nation, they are met with two figures wearing slightly different costumes and slightly different signs.
One, in red and white, is (silently) wearing a sign with the Danish flag saying “Support Denmark, Support free speech”. Besides (silently) wearing a sign reading “Free Cartoonist” on it, the other, the founder of the BAF protest warrior-type organisation, is holding a (fake) severed hand, a pen among its fingers.
Voices start to ring out. “It’s provocation!” “You tread on 1.5 million Muslims!” “Connards!” “Rat faces!”
“Ignore them, they are idiots!” reply others as a crowd starts to press around. A rhetorical question rings out: “Would they be carrying out the same provocations in other types of demonstrations?!” (Actually, Monsieur, yes we would and yes we have.)
LeftTurn — you forgot to mention that Republicans fuck horses, too. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....se15m.html
Fucking Ann Coulter probably is very similar to fucking a horse. She looks like a horse, and probably fucks like one, too.
Dr E. your German Friends had a few words to say about Bush.
The cover title 11/2004 of Germany’s left-wing weekly magazine stern is one of the most disgusting examples of anti-American reporting from the hell’s kitchen of the biased German media:
How America Lied To the World
The war lie – We know with certainty that the justifications for the Iraq campaign were pretexts. Stern reporters outline in detail how the entire world was deceived.
The Stern cover picture shows a US President, who with an imperial gesture – memories of the Hitler salute are brought to mind – is optically standing in the middle of the devastating fires of a war of conquest.
Last count there were 32 republican members of the Senate and House who had strong ties to the Nazi or KKK party. Something to be proud of no doubt if you’re a typical right wing, baby raping, inbred, coward and traitor like most republicans.
Comment by LeftTurn— 2/13/06 @ 5:59 pm [Total nonsense! Left Turn, You have zero credibility. ROTFLMAO!]
That’s weird. The guys over at SP always seem obessed with that Lenin statue in Fremont, too. It’s a piece of art, yet the SP kids think of it as some kind of profound statement for Seattle leftists, despite the fact it was placed there because the matron of Fremont (Suzie Burke) wanted it there. And she gave $1k to Bush in the last election.
-One reason that pseudo-fascism is so harmful is that it creates an environment that positively encourages genuine fascists.-
Yeah, the last time this little wave of “movement conservatism” hit the country, we got the Oklahoma City bombing.
Ann Coulter would have made a fine Eva Braun.
Although Sen. Byrd has a less-than-admirable past, he did something you trollfucks – and no other Republican – will ever do: He realized he was wrong, and changed his thinking and behavior.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/13/06 @ 5:48 pm [Right…..And Kennedy didn’t kill Mary Jo. You libs are total BS hypocites!]
After 6 months in 2 and 3 star motels, no more swimming pools, room service, maid service, amd little bottles of Black Velvet for New Orleans black Democrats? Time to ramp up the buses, and get the welfare trash back to LA in time to register to vote!!!
Roger and Gang here is your chabce to support your Friends in Europe;
Dr. E. you can join in on the Fun also and please bring Boing Bob.
Call for demonstration at Dam Square on Holland’s Remembrance Day
Compiled and translated from the weblog Nekklachten
Monument for fallen Dutch Resistance Fighters during the Nazi occupation of Holland.
Situated in the centre of Amsterdam a ten minutes walk from the main railroad station Centraal Station. In the sixties a rendez vous point for flower power hippies, later a favourite spot for African and Arab drugdealers and hustlers.
Everybody who wants to support Freedom of Speech:
Come to Dam Square in the center of Amsterdam on Saturday February 25 at 13:00 o’clock.
The purpose of the demonstration is to show the politicians that the Dutch are sick and tired of the religious frenzy around the famous Jyllands Posten Cartoons, and even more tired of the demands for restrictions of our Freedom of Speech.
We shall not tolerate as much as 1 millimeter of restrictions of our rights to free speech.
Roger and Gang media bias is also running a muck all over Europe and the Social Democrats are having the same problems there as here in the states.
The Danish People’s Party goes from a total of 11 % of the Danish vote during the latest elections to 17.8 % if elections were to be held today, according to a poll by the Ramboell institute.
The Social Democrats stand to lose nine seats in parliament and now has support from only 21.6 % of the voters. A complete disaster for the Social democrat party, despite all the completely grotesque manipulation by Denmark’s two TV stations DR and TV2, which both seem to have decided to support left wing and muslim positions, and broadcast a wide range of propaganda day and night.
Media bias
Nowhere could I find any mention of the demonstration in Odense today in the Internet edition of Odense and Funen’s biggest local newspaper Fyens Stiftstidende, while there were numerous articles about God knows which obscure ‘initiative’ from muslim organizations (there must be one organization for every four muslims) and left wing / muslim alliances.
“Let em eat klake” 51
Perhaps it is not a lie. How is your German? what did the article say that was untrue? Have you done any reading besides GW’s bookclub choice. ” My pet goat”?
Dr. E some more of your European friend have a few word to share with you.
Rantings of a Sandmonkey
Be forewarned: The writer of this blog is an extremely cynical, snarky, pro-US, secular, libertarian, disgruntled sandmonkey. If this is your cup of tea, please enjoy your stay here. If not, please sod off
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Boycott Egypt
Freedom For Egyptians reminded me why the cartoons looked so familiar to me: they were actually printed in the Egyptian Newspaper Al Fagr back in October 2005. I repeat, October 2005, during Ramadan, for all the egyptian muslim population to see, and not a single squeak of outrage was present. Al Fagr isn’t a small newspaper either: it has respectable circulation in Egypt, since it’s helmed by known Journalist Adel Hamoudah. Looking around in my house I found the copy of the newspaper, so I decided to scan it and present to all of you to see.
Klake –
Last I checked, Egypt wasn’t part of Europe.
By the way, if you want a liberal point of view, Stern isn’t exactly the best place to get it. Der Spiegel is much better, in just about every way.
Glody nothing new that crap happens all over the world;
Rioting at Link�ping Nazi demo
Published: 29th October 2005 14:59 CET
Around 100 people have been arrested after rioting broke out in Link�ping during a neo-Nazi demonstration, police have said. One person was charged with intention to assault.
A large group of demonstrators from Anti Fascist Action (AFA) had also gathered in the town, 200 kilometres south of Stockholm, in response to the demonstration.
Riot police have been brought in from Stockholm and regular police from the neighbouring S�rmland and J�nk�ping counties. It was unclear at the time of writing whether police in Link�ping would require further reinforcements.
At 1pm, a march which the National Socialist Front had permission to hold had not been able to start. The neo-Nazis gathered in Borgg�rden where the march was due to start
Klake –
Last I checked, Egypt wasn’t part of Europe.
Comment by Dr. E— 2/13/06 @ 6:44 pm
Dr E. you have not been to England or France lately;
Flaky Klake @51
Since when are German newspapers supposed to shill for the GOP?
P.S., anti-Bush and anti-American aren’t the same thing, but pro-Bush and anti-American are the same thing.
Hey Klake — if you think I just called you an anti-American POS, you’re right.
Dr. E. your friends are really proudof themselves;
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The burning of EU flags, rather than the Stars and Stripes, should be a source of pride to Europeans
posted by Erik @ 7:00 PM
…the fact that a dozen cartoons – drawings, really – of the Prophet Muhammad that appeared in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten on Sept. 30, 2005, have led in these early weeks of 2006 to a dozen deaths in Afghanistan, the burning of the Danish Embassy in Beirut, riots in Gaza and appeals for calm from the White House, suggests the rising anger between the West and the Islamic world
writes Roger Cohen in an article whose print version was titled Something is rotten, but not in Denmark (Dan Bilefsky, meanwhile, has the latest news about the Jyllands-Posten editor who published the cartoons).
Yes, anger. Western societies are increasingly exasperated at seeing the Muslim perpetrators of suicide bombings, beheadings and other violence against “infidels” or “apostates” justified or sanctified through references to Islamic texts, be they the Koran itself or the traditions of the Prophet.
These societies are ever more dismayed when they see Islamic radicals, be they from Al Qaeda or agents of Iran’s permanent theocratic revolution, claiming to represent a more authentic or pure Islam than the great mass of moderate Muslims. And they wonder why that great mass seems so passive before this affront.
Mail a check for the airfare, ground transportation, hotel, meals, and personal expenses to Goldy — and I’ll go. Please allow sufficient time for your check to clear, and please make sure it’s not drawn on a Nigerian bank.
I thought you guys were already boycotting Egypt? along with Canada, France, Germany, and California?
“Klake – Last I checked, Egypt wasn’t part of Europe.”
Klake uses a flat-earth map.
Yeah, I agree, if the kid had a gun and blown those fuckers away, I’ll bet they wouldn’t do it again! Swedish liberals must arm.
P.S., Klake did you notice that I called you an anti-American POS?
In case you missed it, Klake is an anti-American POS.
71, RR, Nigeria is a black country. Do I detect a little racism from a liberal Democrat? Is this a “hate crime”? Should REV Al, Jesse, and Louis pay you a “Tookie” visit?
RR, No date AGAIN tonight?
Goldy, was that a picture of the BIAW’s uniformed wing?
Anonymous does bring up an interesting question. I Also wonder if we have anyone out there, say an active duty Personellman, with access to the BuPers database. . . .
The fun thing about Hawaii is that being Caucasian does tend to make you a minority, particularly when you are ‘off the reservation’, i.e. away from ‘the club’. When you hear the shout “Hey, Blondie!” it isn’t always a friendly greeting. . . . .
Unfortunately, “JCH” is a closeted self-loathing homosexual whose first name is Kevin, and who hangs out in Olympia, pining for the days of Jim West.
Comment by Anonymous— 2/13/06 @ 7:23 pm [Yes, You’ve “outed” me!]
Thank you, Kevin! However, just as an exercise, I think we can examine the possibilities in Pahoa. . . .Perhaps my buddy in Kaa’awa can speak to his relatives over on the big Island. . . .
Now, now TFF….violence only lends itself to violence. Are you sure this can happen? And without tracing it back to you? It is tough to be a lady, isn’t it?
Well this thread is original, a bunch of commies complaining about a few Nazis.
RUFUS @ 86
“Well this thread is original, a bunch of commies complaining about a few Nazis.”
Commies? What the fuck?
Are you scared of imaginary people under your bed, Rufus?
Horror of horror. —- where is the community based United Front Against Facism?
Oh, too busy integrating the neo Fascists into the mainstream.
The Homos will march in protest. Wearing the Pink Triangle with Pride.
Why would I be scared of you commies? You guys are hilarious. We will keep beating you in national elections like we have been doing for the last 30 years. As long as Perot stays out we will be fine.
Rufus and mrks are just upset that they couldn’t crowd into the picture when the photo was shot. . .
RUFUS @ 88
“Why would I be scared of you commies? “
There, there, Rufus…really, there is nobody under you bed.
Nobody in your closet, either (unless…um…you put him there).
Be a good boy and don’t cry, Rufus…lights out.
What is your definition of cry? You mean like how you donks cried when Bush beat you in 2004? You mean like a convulsive tear pouring cry like that? Hehehehe
Is that closet job a homophobe, Rufus?
Or was it a “well since I cant win we are not playing” type cry like when you donks tried filibuster Alito. Do you mean that type of cry DJ?
I wonder who you would keep in your closet, Rufus? Jim West? Karl Rove? Guckert-Gannon?
RUFUS @ 92
“What is your definition of cry? You mean like how you donks cried when Bush beat you in 2004? You mean like a convulsive tear pouring cry like that? Hehehehe”
Naaa…just the cry of a frightened little boy who thinks there are commies under his bed….
Dick Cheney didn’t have a required $7 upland bird stamp on his hunting license when he plugged a fellow hunter this weekend. Geez, you can’t expect a guy who compromises a major U.S. intelligence operation by leaking a covert CIA agent’s identity and then destroyes evidence and lies about it to pay 7 bucks for a bird stamp, can you? Scumbag.
Maybe it’s just you, alone, in the closet, Rufus.
RUFUS @ 94
“Or was it a “well since I cant win we are not playing” type cry like when you donks tried filibuster Alito. Do you mean that type of cry DJ?”
Nope…just the cry of a little boy who is scared of them commies under his bed.
Roger Rabbit, if it’s $7 for an upland bird stamp, how much is it for a lawyer? Does a VP get a discount?
Nope…just the cry of a little boy who is scared of them commies under his bed.
Comment by dj— 2/13/06 @ 9:27 pm
Ah, talk to the hand the face dont want to hear it. It is alwight widdle DJ. The diebold monster was all made up.
“Well this thread is original, a bunch of commies complaining about a few Nazis. Comment by RUFUS— 2/13/06 @ 8:31 pm”
Doofus, it’s safe to say you’re the least original poster in this thread.
I know, Prick Cheney can be our answer to Jaba of Baghdad. If we take up a collection can we send him over there?
Maybe it’s YO who is in Rufus’ closet. . .
“What is your definition of cry? You mean like how you donks cried when Bush beat you in 2004? You mean like a convulsive tear pouring cry like that? Hehehehe Comment by RUFUS— 2/13/06 @ 9:14 pm”
No, I think he means like how you cried when Rossi lost, or how MTR cried when he had to pay a $100 bet (which remains unpaid).
GOP = crybabies … waaaaa waaaaaa waaaaa!
If you’re a lawyer and you go hunting with Dick Cheney, your life is worth about 35 cents, or however much a shotgun shell sells for these days.
The best cry was from Wabbit when those swifties shined the truth on Kerry. “All 150 of them are liars” heheheheh hahahaha. Ah we got to keep those rants. They are golden.
What I am surprised by is the fact that Cheney was using birdshot in a choke-style shotgun. . .With his asshole rhetoric I would have expected at least a “street-sweeper” Browning loaded with 00.
Now, now, Rufus, dry those tears. . .Dunno Lossi lost, but you can at least stop blubbering.
RUFUS @ 101
“Ah, talk to the hand the face dont want to hear it. It is alwight widdle DJ. The diebold monster was all made up.”
Sure…whatever (Note: dj has never discussed Diebold here).
You, on the other hand, seem to think there are commies everywhere! (You might want to discuss you hallucinations with a physician, Ruf)
Of course, Cheney doesn’t pay for his shells. He bills it to the taxpayers through a Halliburton subsidiary, under the Katrina disaster relief account.
Rufus needs to up his dosage. Perhaps 500-600 mg. of mellaril per day?
Since when do rabbits have “hands”? You are an idiot! Do these http://berlinbear.com/cascade......puppet.gif look like “hands” to you, dummy? Sheesh.
That’ll probably help to quiet those voices in your head as well. . . .Rufus. Now pay attention, this is for your own good.
Roger Rabbit @ 113,
Of course he charged the shells to the taxpayers. He was, after all, using his shotgun in his official capacity to uphold the constitution!
“The best cry was from Wabbit when those swifties shined the truth on Kerry. “All 150 of them are liars” heheheheh hahahaha. Ah we got to keep those rants. They are golden.”
Only Republican take pride in being liars.
Now, now, YO, if you’re a good boy they’ll up your dosage as well.
Speaking of crying, you liberals have been on a roll lately. You liberals stuck it too the man last week. And the funeral wasn’t bad either. Talk about your diehard liberals. geeeesh.
Hey Yo — wanna suck my dick? For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT
Now you,re becoming incoherent, Rufus. You really should consult someone. . . .
DJ — shooting a Republican lawyer is one of the better ways to uphold the Constitution these days …
@ 115
Oh, dear. The semi-necrotic chromosomally abnormal blastocyst is flopping around again….
Only Republican take pride in being liars.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/13/06 @ 9:54 pm
I am sure wabbit has the “donkuments” to prove it. Courage wabbit, courage.
Roger Rabbit @ 125
“DJ – shooting a Republican lawyer is one of the better ways to uphold the Constitution these days …”
Maybe Cheney is testing the waters for a new tort reform agenda?
The meds, Rufus, the Meds. Just relax, they’ll kick in soon, There there now. . . . .
‘Uphold” the constitution? I thought I swore to “uphole” the constitution. Ahhhh…just go fuck youself…big time!’ — Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States.
Reply to 127
Read it and weep, pinoccio. http://swiftvets.eriposte.com/
” … what a terrible indictment of the military these charges are and how once again the Republicans have absolutely no limits in terms of how fully they are willing to trash the American institutions they allegedly love in order to win.
“What these people are saying is that the US Navy awarded some of its highest medals for bravery to a coward. The many officers who signed those glowing fitness reports and awarded those citations are either liars or they are incompetent. The word of his shipmates, even the man whose life he saved, are worth nothing. You can’t believe military documentary evidence. It was all bullshit, every last piece of it.”
Now read this:
“And because of this it can now be said that all medals awarded for bravery are suspect. A superior military record is no longer a recommendation.”
“The conservative attack on the military is, on the other hand, so small minded, so parochial. For puny, partisan reasons they are accusing the military of widespread corruption — merely to excuse the behavior of their … candidate.”
Did you read that, YO? Especially the part where the Swift Boat Liars are accusing the Navy of being liars, and faking their medal documentation? Kind of disrespectful to our military guys, and to all veterans, don’t you think?
Hey YO, how come you Republicans despise the Navy and hate veterans?
Any hunter with Cheney’s eyesight could use tort immunity.
RogerRabbit@131 These are the same slime-suckers who also want us to turn our eyes away from a male prostitute coming and going to the Whitehouse at all hours, day and night, with fake journalistic credentials. The rise of Neo-Fascism is not limited to Fremont.
The meds, Rufus, the Meds. Just relax, they’ll kick in soon, There there now. . . . .
Comment by Tree Frog Farmer— 2/13/06 @ 10:03 pm
Are you DJ’s trained pet yorkie?
Actually, an incident like this isn’t funny. I once knew a guy who was shot in the head in a hunting accident. He survived but was blind for the rest of his life and died prematurely. The careless hunter who shot him had his hunting privileges revoked for life. Same thing should happen to Cheney.
If Dick Cheney wants a good time, all he has to do is call 1-800-RRABBIT.
And because of this it can now be said that all medals awarded for bravery are suspect. A superior military record is no longer a recommendation.”
“The conservative attack on the military is, on the other hand, so small minded, so parochial. For puny, partisan reasons they are accusing the military of widespread corruption — merely to excuse the behavior of their … candidate.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/13/06 @ 10:11 pm
All Kerry had to do is sign the release for his medical records and all this would have been debunked. But he didn’t did he. He is yet to sign it to this very day. He is guilty as charged until he proves otherwise.
Rufus, if you have a hard time telling me from a Yorkie, you really do need meds. . . .
Actually, if YO and Rufus love things military so much, perhaps they should engage Jeff Gannon/Guckert ‘for a good time’. I believe they can find him through “Hot Military Stud.com”
What part of his medical records didn’t Kerry release, Doofus? Another lie … your credibility is in tatters.
RUFUS @ 136
“Are you DJ’s trained pet yorkie?”
Nope…he isn’t. You see, no conspiracy is necessary. Didn’t you hear? The liberal HA regulars elected you the official “community idiot” for this week.
You’re doing quite well, so far. In fact, we were thinking about pitching in for a small prize, like buying you a hunting trip with Dino Rossi!
If they really love the military, they’ll catch the first Starlifter flight to Iraq.
YO … DOOFUS … when the drill sergeant hands you an M-16, it’s VERY important to follow these instructions EXACTLY:
1. Point the end with the hole at the target.
RUFUS @ 139
“He is guilty as charged until he proves otherwise.”
Hmmmm…this doesn’t seem like a very American principle.
Are you a closet commie or something?
The meds are supposed to help your grip on reality, Rufus. Oh, dear, they just don’t seem to working in your case. Perhaps your lobotomy is interfering. . . . . .
Wabbit- you dont get to be the hero by providing zero.
“by providing zero”
How’s that, Doofus? Oh, I know — I cited a real source instead of a wingnut web site.
If you do go over to Iraq, Rufus, they have a shocking arrangement at Abu Ghraib that might help you. Unfortunately the attendant who is most skilled at applying the shocks, Lindy England, has a prior engagement.
Doofus is a good example of what’s wrong with the Republicans.
No facts
No logic
No sense
These people are impervious to everything except their ideology.
Hey Doofus, do you really think the Navy faked Kerry’s medals?
Hey Doofus, do you really believe Dubya fulfilled his Guard duty?
Hey Doofus, why do you think the Earth is flat?
Wow! This thread is already over 150 posts! That’s more than Stefan’s pathetic little blog gets in six months.
Speaking of which, Stefan, why aren’t you going to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against Dean Logan and King County with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Is it because you’re a selfish prick, or because you can’t hold a job and need the money?
Hmmmm…let’s see. It says:
Can you say, “Swift Boat Veterians for Hypocracy?”
RUFUS @ 139
“He is guilty as charged until he proves otherwise.”
Hmmmm…this doesn’t seem like a very American principle.
Are you a closet commie or something?
Comment by dj— 2/13/06 @ 10:30 pm
No not as all DJ. The “court of public opinion” is alive and strong in this country. It is a sign of a free society. The court of public opinion doesn’t believe OJ is innocent even though he got off. They also don’t believe Kerry. It is not like Kerry didn’t have his chance to prove otherwise. The fact that he didn’t release his medical records speaks volumes.
“Can you say, ‘Swift Boat Veterians for Hypocracy?’”
I think Swift Boat Liars is more accurate.
“Asked why he delayed signing the form for so long, Kerry said in a written response: ‘The call for me to sign a 180 form came from the same partisan operatives who were lying about my record on a daily basis on the Web and in the right-wing media. Even though the media was discrediting them, they continued to lie. I felt strongly that we shouldn’t kowtow to them and their attempts to drag their lies out.'”
Hey Doofus — wingers not only savaged Kerry and Cleland, but also one of their own, McCain, who is a bona fide hero … while supporting a guy who joined the Guard to avoid Vietnam and went AWOL from the Guard … do you see a pattern here?
Hey Doofus, why do wingers like you hate the military? Does knowing you’re cowards and wimps give you guys an inferiority complex?
RUFUS @ 159
“No not as all DJ. The “court of public opinion” is alive and strong in this country.”
Yep…just like the Salem witch hunts….
“It is a sign of a free society.”
Sure…I see you wingnuts have expressed your freedoms by exercising your right to build your world around lies. Good going…
“It is not like Kerry didn’t have his chance to prove otherwise. The fact that he didn’t release his medical records speaks volumes.”
But, RUFUS…he did release is medical records. Man, you wingnuts have sure locked yourselves up in a prison of lies….
RUFUS @ 159
“No not as all DJ. The “court of public opinion” is alive and strong in this country.”
Yep…just like the Salem witch hunts….
“It is a sign of a free society.”
Sure…I see you wingnuts have expressed your freedoms by exercising your right to build your world around lies. Good going…
“It is not like Kerry didn’t have his chance to prove otherwise. The fact that he didn’t release his medical records speaks volumes.”
But, RUFUS…he did release is medical records. Man, you wingnuts have sure locked yourselves up in a prison of lies….
Cool, I am sure you can provide me with a copy of the medical records since the Boston Globe never published it. Where is it. Prove me wrong Bunny.
Oops…sorry for the duplicate post.
Oh I cant wait to see the official medical records. Com on guys dont let me down.
Hey, Doofus, since you seem to love all things military. . .when are you leaving for Iraq? Perhaps you can send back some first hand experience to us. . .like maybe tell me if Jabba of Baghdad is really as good as he says he is. . .and if he is using a Dragunov SVD. . .or if he is using a special steel core round or just scrounging up Saddam’s old standard issue 7.62’s. mmmm?
DJ can provide me with the link to the official copy of Kerry’s medical records, right?
“The ‘court of public opinion’ is alive and strong in this country.”
Yes — it is, isn’t it? http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm
Dont try to change the subject yorkie. DJ is going to get me those medical records I just know he is.
Crickets…… more crickets…
Hey where are those medical reports. Bunny, DJ are you out there.
Crickets…… Hello….
Rufus @ 170
“DJ can provide me with the link to the official copy of Kerry’s medical records, right?”
No I will not. I ain’t your Google monkey (unless you are up for paying my standard consulting fee of $200/hour).
The Boston Globe requested the records, not me. The Navy provided the records to the Boston Globe, not me.
I rest my case.
No I will not. I ain’t your Google monkey (unless you are up for paying my standard consulting fee of $200/hour).
You wont because they dont exist. That is why.
Rufus apparently doesn’t believe that Kerry signed a release to have his records given to the Boston Globe.
But, Rufus is the first person to cite the Globe’s report of Kerry’s mediocre grades.
Rufus is a fucking hypocrite!
(But, boy does he make a good community idiot!)
“prison of lies”
Prison of lies … I’ve never seen it put better, dj.
There was another political party that built its power on lies. When the lies caught up with them, that party simply ceased to exist.
You don’t think Kerry would trust YOU with his medical records, do you Doofus? I think he only wants RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE looking at his records.
Rufus @ 177
“You wont because they dont exist. That is why.”
Boy…you are stupider than any of us ever thought. They exist in a minimum of three places.
1. The navy’s record archives
2. In Kerry’s possession
3. At the Boston Globe.
Ohhh…that’s right…RUFUS thinks the Globe, Kerry, and the Navy have lied about the transfer of the records to the Globe. Poor sap.
The records, which the Navy Personnel Command provided to the Globe, are mostly a duplication of what Kerry released during his 2004 campaign for president, including numerous commendations from commanding officers who later criticized Kerry’s Vietnam service.
Why didn’t the Boston Globe just print the records?
I still want Doofus’ first hand report on Jabba of Baghdad. I know for certain John Kerry had what it took to have nothing but threequarter inch marine plywood between himself and a 7.62 round. I would think a wingnut like Doofus could do the same. . .with ballistic grade armor and an up armored humvee.
“Ohhh…that’s right…RUFUS thinks the Globe, Kerry, and the Navy have lied about the transfer of the records to the Globe. Poor sap.”
No, Doofus just ignores facts that don’t neatly fit into his ideology. He would have done well as a government bureaucrat in, say, A.D. 1150.
Not that government bureaucracy has advanced very much since A.D. 1150 …
FEMA, for example …
Wabbit. You make me mad. I am going to have to spank you for lying if I ever catch you at Greenlake. Danm lying sack of Hare shit.
RUFUS @ 183
“Why didn’t the Boston Globe just print the records?”
Ahhhh..because that is not what newspapers do, you fucking dolt! Your question is…ummm…naive.
1) If the Globe made the request and paid the expenses for procuring the records, they sure as hell are not going to give them away without first mining them for their own purposes. (That is their right for taking the initiative in getting the records).
2) Newspapers don’t print reams of raw data in that way. They write articles, stories, columns, advertisements, etc. If there is any data of interest in the files, they will, no doubt, write an article about it (ohhh…wait…like Kerry’s grades that were part of the file!!!!).
You might want to take some of your own advice and take those meds. Throw a pill to the yorkie as well. Kerry medical records made public hehahahahehahahaahehehe. What will these donks think up next.
“Wabbit. You make me mad. I am going to have to spank you for lying if I ever catch you at Greenlake. Danm lying sack of Hare shit. Comment by RUFUS— 2/13/06 @ 11:31 pm”
The last wingnut who said he was gonna do that was a no-show.
Ooooooo … I made Doofus mad … ooooooooooooo … it musta been when he said he would do well as a government bureaucrat … to a wingnut, that’s the ultimate insult … ooooooooooo …
Hey Doofus — you lie like a bureaucrat!
Doofus, your psychosis is probably beyond the reach of our current level of medical knowledge. Similar to the brain damage of the STD called Ghonorrhea Lectim. . .pronounced “gonna re-elect ’em”. It leaves no useable brain tissue. You are a classic medical specimen.
Specifically, you lie like THIS bureaucrat! http://www.voccoquan.com/image.....0brown.jpg
In fact, you kinda look like him … hmmmm …
RUFUS @ 190
“You might want to take some of your own advice and take those meds. Throw a pill to the yorkie as well. Kerry medical records made public hehahahahehahahaahehehe. What will these donks think up next.”
Mainstream media says Kerry has released his records.
RUFUS says they don’t.
(*Snicker, snicker*)
…with a straight face, damn it!
What’s ironic about this post is that the first Nazi reference is in the post, and not in the comment thread!
I find it digusting (and not suprising) that the righties are sliming vets like Kerry… but I NEVER thought they’d try and slime Jack Murtha.
You guys are path-e-tic!
“Doofus, your psychosis is probably beyond the reach of our current level of medical knowledge.””
Nah, not really. http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/mush.html
YO @ 197
Holy shit! Not just YO, but Trisomy 21 at the same time!!!!!!!
(And my apologies to any folks with Down’s syndrome who are offended by categorizing YO with them).
194 (continued)
The problem is there’s no cure for the permanent brain damage those mushrooms cause.
Hey dj, you’ve studied mental pathologies, haven’t you? Got any idea why Republicans hate our military?
It is truly sad to see a fine gentleman like RUFUS be so damned by his own words.
I am sure that if he had a second chance, he would not be such a moron.
And he would have not voted for Bush.
And not wasted so much time supporting the dying Bush neocon fascist movement.
And not have said all the foolish things he has posted on HA.
And wrapped himself so tight in his baby linen that he choked off his own breath as an infant.
Yeah, I am sure that is what he wold do differrently.
Roger Rabbit @ 204
“Hey dj, you’ve studied mental pathologies, haven’t you? Got any idea why Republicans hate our military?”
Because their Mother’s refused to breastfeed them.
Nice picture…
Kind of looks like Joel Connelly….
Except last time I saw Joel Connelly it appeared Joel had eaten this dude.
The amazing thing is that this nutcake wants to talk about Kerry when we just got testimony that supports the idea that Cheney is guilty of treason.
The so-called “Nazi” demonstration looks like a phony staged event. There is no coverage in Tuesday’s Times and P-I — surely real Nazis would have issued press releases and let everyone know so they could get news coverage (especially if they could provoke lots of angry counter-demonstrators). And the “Nazis” in the picture look more like Fremont liberals — a “Nazi” with a beard, give me a break!
So now we have Goldy and his fellow travelers staging fake “Nazi” rallies in order to drum up fear and get followers for their own cause.
Rather than play around with sideshows like this, why not devote a thread to the success of the Seattle Public Schools:
One in four sophomores in Seattle Public Schools has failed so many classes that the district has “reclassified” them as freshmen.
Nearly half the sophomores at Rainier Beach High School and about one-third of the 10th-graders at Cleveland, Chief Sealth and Franklin are now considered freshmen. The 827 students districtwide can remain with their peers in classes, sports and other activities but must make up the credits in night or summer school in order to graduate on time. The reclassification — of which parents and students were notified in recent weeks — is intended to delay the Washington Assessment of Student Learning for 10th-graders who are struggling academically. The class of 2008 is the first that must pass the WASL to graduate.
From Monday’s Seattle Times.
Can you imagine the negative impact of all these morons on the quality of education of the other kids who didn’t get sent backwards?
What a disaster.
More $$ per student than the vast majority of States and here is what taxpayers get in return.
I think we should give some thought to the rise of NEo-Nazism and the intemperate language of the NEO-CONS. The parallels of the Bush Crime family, and the local activities of the jack booted thugs in our local Repug organizations encourage this movement.
Bothell @ 210
“Rather than play around with sideshows like this, why not devote a thread to the success of the Seattle Public Schools”
Ummm…because it’s Goldy’s blog and Goldy will write about whatever the fuck he wants to write about.
If you want to discuss another topic, get your own fucking blog or discuss it in an open thread!
Richard Pope @ 209
“So now we have Goldy and his fellow travelers staging fake “Nazi” rallies in order to drum up fear and get followers for their own cause.”
Snap out of it, Richard. You are starting to sound like a wingnut again.
Well, it still looks like a fake Nazi rally. And it is suspicious that it was only reported in lefty blogs, and not in the mainstream media.
Maybe those meds will help Richard Poop?
Richard Pope @ 214
“Well, it still looks like a fake Nazi rally. And it is suspicious that it was only reported in lefty blogs, and not in the mainstream media.”
And, so, the logical conclusion is that a bunch of liberals go out and buy Nazi uniforms and parade around in them out in public??????
Uh huh.
Looking at the link, there appears to be about two people wearing brown button shirts (a pretty common shirt) with a swastika armband pinned on to the left sleeve around the elbow. And there are three flags, including a German Nazi flag and two other flags that are popular with white racialists. It just looks like a staged stunt, and not a group of real Nazi nutcases.
Get some sleep, Richard.
Breaking News! Criminal act by the VEEP! What a DICK Cheney cited for breaking Texas law! Yet ANOTHER criminal republican named DICK in the White House!
Cheney’s Turn To Duck!
Host Jon Stewart: “For more on the story, let’s go out to correspondent Ed Helms, who is live in Corpus Christie, Texas. Ed?”
Helms: “Jon, I’m here at the hospital where Austin lawyer and Republican fund-raiser Harry Whittington is in stable condition after being shot by Vice President Dick Cheney during a weekend quail-hunting expedition. … I’ll be here all day with continuous coverage of how Vice President Dick Cheney shot a 78-year-old man in the face after he mistook him for a small bird.”
Roger it sounds like King county?
Violence Flares as Top Candidate Slips in Haiti Count
Tens of thousands of people charged fraud in the tabulation
of votes from last week’s elections and demanded that René
Préval be declared Haiti’s next president.
If you look at the early history of the NAZI party they were based on the Democratic platform.
Yea he didnt have a lawyer tag!
By the way it wasnt a law he broke, it was an ordinance, much like a speeding ticket in Washington, you arent breaking the law it is an infraction of an ordinance.
Just curious, what do you guys think would have happened if the lawyer “mistakenly” shot that coward Dickless Cheney in the face? My guess is the SS would have drilled him on the spot. You gotta love the way the righties are squirming to defend this. If a Dem had done this, Faux News Channel would have interrupted American Idol with million dollar graphics announcing the “Criminal act of a Democrat.”
Man I love watching righties squirm.
That was quite a demonstration. Looked like 10-15 people to me. Hardly seems like anything to get upset about. The link between the “psuedo-fascists” emboldening real fascists seem pretty dubious to me. But nothing like a picture of a Nazi to get the lefties here worked into a lather. I thought you people were too smart to be manipulated.
Now, if they’d been Nazis protesting the war in Iraq I’m sure all the local news stations would have covered the 10-15 person protest.
Oh look, It’s the sponsors and supporters of I-901. (smoking ban)
They’re seen planning the next step which will be, “let’s round up all the people who smoke and we’ll put them in “smoke chambers” for their own good.
[ignoring the insults and snarky comments here that do nothing to discuss this issue]
our lovely “liberal” Pacific NW has a long history of the white supremacy and neo-nazi movement. go see “God’s Country” currently being performed at CHAC (Capitol Hill Arts Center) – it closes next weekend. http://seattleperforms.com/com.....n,details/
whoops. “God’s Country” closes THIS sunday, feb 19
re 30: Libertarian: Mussolini was thrown out of the Socialist Party in Italy. Call it what you will, but fascism, nazism is the industrial structure and political structue of a country combining their power to rule the country in a totalitarian way. There is not a dimes difference between the nazis of yeteryear and the neo-cons of today.
Ann Coulter is a featured speaker ANNUALLY at CPAC, the largest conservative political gathering in the country. It is as mainstream as the GOP itself, and among their OTHER featured speakers are VP Duck! Cheney, Ken Mehlman, Bill Frist, and Newt Gingrich.
Who exactly, among those who you refer to as “her peers on the left” in the “extent of [their] ridiculous rhetoric,” speak at the largest Democratic events in the country? Um, I didn’t catch the name. Who was that again?
I guess the Nazi rally in Fremont was actually sponsored by the National Socialist Movement after all. At least that is what their website says. See entry for 02/12/2006:
A couple of guys in armbands actually IS your typical Nazi rally.
More “disgusting examples of anti-American reporting” from the “hell’s kitchen” of…the Seattle Times?
“The former CIA official charged with managing the U.S. government’s secret intelligence assessments on Iraq says the Bush administration chose war first and then misleadingly used raw data to assemble a public case for its decision to invade.
Paul Pillar, the CIA’s national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, said the Bush administration also played on the nation’s fears after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, falsely linking al-Qaida to Saddam Hussein’s government even though intelligence agencies had not produced a single analysis supporting “the notion of an alliance” between the two.“
Where’s the WASHOUT lately?
I love using JCH as my personal punching bag and verbally bitch slapping him.
GBS @235,
He is probably sulking over his cover being blown by himself (but that is one satisfied cover)…
-So now we have Goldy and his fellow travelers staging fake “Nazi” rallies in order to drum up fear and get followers for their own cause. –
Wow. Richard Pope sure didn’t become a fringe perennial candidate and SP groupie on accident! He’s the real deal!
RR@49: The deceased was from Seattle, plain and simple. Land of donkocrats and Jim McDimWitt. I bet the Enumclaw farm is a Democratic Stronghold full of freaks and geeks.
Here’s a link for you http://www.aryan-nations.org/ check it out and see how the left and the Aryan Nations is on the exact same political wave length. Except for their position on gun control, the Aryan Nations sound exactly like leftists. Check it out people and tell us what you think. Then check out LGF’s website and see the black crow Muslim chicks with their pro Hitler signs. By the by, Ann Coulter, Bush and Co, Israeli military might and those of us that still have an lick of sense and voted Bush into office, are all that stand between the Islamists and Nazi Parties and the total genocide of the Jews. To liken friends of the Jews like Ann Coulter and George Bush to Nazis shows your total disconnect to the truth. The original Bush/Hitler analogy was made in regards to the Iraq war, about Bush’s war against Arabs, not Jews, both of whom are mortal enemies to each other. Now y’all are using the Bush/Hitler analogy at will, wherever you can squeeze it in, and most inapproprately, I might add. Now right wing Americans that support Israel are called Nazi recruitment tools. Remember folks, Israel has no OIL and yet we support her, absolutely and unequivically. We are actually the enemy of Nazism. Or maybe you could explain how to be simultaniously a Zionist and a Nazi. You often make that accusation and it’s totally nuts and I’d like to hear your explanation of it. Maybe you can prove me wrong, I admit to being wrong once in a while. But I don’t think you can explain your contradictory statements. You guys take a crazy notion and run with it, before you even think it out, thoroughly. That’s why you sound so insane to the average voter. You have no knowledge or understanding of what is actually going on in the world and are making up stories to fit your pathetic belief system. You can not face the truth of the empty ideology you espouse. You poor deluded fools are exactly like the German people in the 30’s, refusing to see the forest for the trees.
Perhaps I should have said, “You can’t see the Nathan Bedford Forrest for the trees!”
Helloooo, helloooo, anybody out there in cyberspace?????