As reported by KXLY yesterday, the party responsible for those mysterious “Dino Rossi, Don’t Let Seattle Steal This Election” signs is none other than (surprise) the BIAW! The Orca-killing association hopes to divide the state by putting up 61 billboards throughout Eastern Washington at a total cost of $168,000.
Jill Strait, a spokesperson for Rossi’s campaign, said this is the first time they’ve heard about the billboards…
… you know, except for three weeks ago, when she spoke to Postman about the signs. But other than that, this is absolutely the first time she’s ever heard anything about it. Really. You can trust her on this.
As for the signs themselves, they’re not proving universally popular with Eastern Washington residents, as evidenced by the rather emphatic graffiti gracing this sign in Winthrop:
What does the bottom of the graffiti say?
Dino does what the commie-fascists at the BIAW tell him to do – not the other way around.
1 – I think it says Bedrock. Dino was a character on the Flintstones if memory serves.
Yeah, he was the family pet – a dinosaur who barked like a dog.
The BIAW’s dog – it fits!
@3 I think you got it. Bedrock. Flintstones.
I think Rossi’s strategy of reminding voters about 2004, pinning the $2.7 BILLION deficit for the upcoming biennium on her lack of fiscal restraint and management abilities as well as questioning her ethics on the tribal sleazy deal, Union negotiations etc is a great strategy.
I think Gregoire’s strategy of avoiding discussions about how she plans to deal with the projected deficit, trying to equate Rossi with Bush and avoiding discussions about her meager accomplishments (ZERO actually) is also a good strategy.
It will be interesting to see how voters react to both.
5 [YAWN]
Seems like Goldy’s Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat’s like seeing graffiti and illegal destruction of property.
This sort of destructive behavior doesn’t play well with moderates dumba$$es.
Keep giggling though.
So… Why won’t the BIAW be honest and put their logo on on the signs?
@7 Wrong. It’s the constant whining coming from you jack-booted, commie-fascist traitors that makes me giggle.
What did you do today that made you so tired?
We cut almost 200 acres of pasture grass today in 97 degree weather with 30 MPH winds.
Up at 4:30 AM while you were dreaming Moonbat wet dreams.
You KLOWNS don’t know about physical labor.
Horses & cows gotta eat. Did you city-slickers know that?
Gregoire needs to defend her record, including the upcoming $2.7 BILLION Deficit she created out of a surplus due to HER exhorbitant spending spree.
ArtFart, do you really think people are going to buy the lame excuse that the State Deficit is Bush’s fault??
Come on Art.
She made decisions to increase spending when she should have been tightening.
Plus, she is a career bureaucrat…39 years at the Public Trough. Obviously out of touch with hard-working Washingtonian’s who have been belt-tightening.
Gregoire is one of the few Dem incumbents who could lose. The campaign hasn’t even begun yet. Wait until mid-August.
@10 “Horses & cows gotta eat. Did you city-slickers know that?”
You silly, we already knew that. But on that same subject of farm animals, why do you commie-fascists fuck goats and mules? Don’t you know any better?
The love life of Republicans and mules – a conversation between Neal Horsely and Alan Colmes:
NH: “When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule.”
AC: “I’m not so sure that that is so.”
NH: “You didn’t grow up on a farm in Georgia, did you?”
AC: “Are you suggesting that everybody who grows up on a farm in Georgia has a mule as a girlfriend?”
NH: It has historically been the case. You people are so far removed from the reality… Welcome to domestic life on the farm…”
Colmes said he thought there were a lot of people in the audience who grew up on farms, are living on farms now, raising kids on farms and “and I don’t think they are dating Elsie right now. You know what I’m saying?”
Horsley said, “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You’re naive. You know better than that… If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.”
Sounds like you’re jealous, Steve. Afraid the mule would turn you down? You probably should be. Or are you mad, because she already did. That’s probably more like it. That’s okay. Just tell yourself that she was a Republican mule anyway, so it didn’t really mean anything.
@13 Hmm, you’re kind of overly sensitive about this mule thing, aren’t you? Well, I can see why, of course. It’s probably something you guys don’t like to talk about.
Cynical @7,
So what you’re saying is that it’s okay for you and your buddies at the BIAW to put up signs without a “paid for” notice as required by law, but it’s not okay for folks to graffiti these illegal signs? I guess that’s the kind of selective enforcement of the law that allows McKenna and Reed to willfully ignore court orders.
Hmmm, you seem to be the one obscessing about it. Maybe you should thinnk about why that is. Of course you probably already know, don’t you.
Mr. c- any down turn in revenues is due to the Bush savaged economy.
@16 I shouldn’t have brought up the mule thing, seeing as how everybody here says that you’re into goat fucking. I tell you, you commie-fascists are certainly into some weird shit. But I reckon you know that already.
“obscessing about it. Maybe you should thinnk” Your typing is going to shit. What’s the problem? Is this discussion of your fucking mules, goats and other farm animals (chickens??)getting to you?
I wonder how much of the money to pay for that sign is coming from Seattle retro accounts.
The Truth will hurt, all of those counties voted for ROSSI, or did you forget that minor detail.
Too bad for the right wing turds that we don’t elect Governors by counties. And let’s not forget, the republican judge in the republican county presiding over an election that a republican secretary of state monitored said the only illegal votes in the election were from REPUBLICANS!
@21 That’s gotta suck for them.
I want one of those signs…
Except I will say “KING COUNTY SELECTIONS AND SURFACE-to-AIR-MISSILE REED” and not the kind folk of Seattle with our Seahawks. Oh except King County Elections was based in the Seattle area!!!
Just be greatful Marummy is a mother now and not a single warmonger predator anymore like her biggest fan.
OLD Ron White joke… have you ever been thrown out of a bar… sorry I mean governorship? No not asked to leave but thrown out?…..
Any bets that I-Burn is having sex with a mule or a chicken at this very moment?
Great question. Why doesn’t Dino do that?
Now I have a few of my own.
Why didn’t Christine Gregoire let blacks into the sorority that she was president of?
Why are there no women or blacks who have posting privileges on HA?
Why doesn’t Goldy condemn the hate speech that sometimes pops up in his comment section? Why does he remain silent?
I’m thinking mule
I guess the BIAW does have a vested interest in getting Rossi elected. After all, Rossi could have the Wash. Dept. of Ecology engage in a little number-crunching like is taking place in the Bush EPA. They’ve decided that an American life is worth about 900,000 less than it was worth a few years ago – and that’s not due to the devalued dollar.
Source: How to value life? EPA devalues its estimate
The reason for engaging in such statistical devaluation, of course, is so that the EPA can argue that certain environmental regulations are not “cost effective”, because they cost more than the value of the Americans who will die in the absence of such regulations.
This, of course, is from the same administration that decided that the Consumer Price Index should remove any increases associated with an increase in food or oil prices, because those prices are “subject to too much fluctuation”.
They also wanted to argue that price increases in personal computers should be used to show inflation was decreasing. Not actual price increases, of course – just theoretical price increases based upon the depreciating value of a computer having old technology. Their argument was that if you paid $1,500 for a computer in 2005, and paid $1,500 for a computer in 2006 which was twice as good, then the price of computers had dropped in half.
Of course, there’s a motive for de-valuing a human life, taking out food and fuel from inflation calculations, or putting a personal computer depreciation in technological advances on the same level so as to offset increases in food, fuel, and housing prices. It’s to protect the rich financial interests which control the Republican party. Lower value to the human life means they can pollute more with impunity. Lower “measurements” of inflation rates means they can protect their tax cuts to the wealthy, since the cost of deficit financing isn’t as easily measurable.
@27 My money’s on the chicken, poor thing.
Way to go Goldy. Facts, not innuendo. I’m diggin’ this post.
@28 Good post. I figured they were basing it on the price of electronics – TV’s and computers – and certainly not the milk and gas we buy every week.
Michael, excuse me, but you have a little brown stuff on your nose.
That liberal who defaced that sign in eastern Washington did it in the cover of night or they would have been shot. Hell even 57% of the residents of Western Washington know that Chrissy stole the elecetion.
@32 Troll projection. It often reveals more than we really want to know.
How about you, troll? Are you into mules and chickens like your pal, I-Burn? I hope not, because I tell you, that guy’s damned weird, even for an America-hating commie-fascist.
@33 Stay away from I-Burn, Dog. The word is out that he’s into animals – and not in a good way. I’m just saying…
Of course it could have been a child who defaced the sign, nah they are more mature than that. It’s got be a lib.
I talked to a horse once, he stays away from Freemont liberals. For obvious reasons. hehehehehe
Still waiting for an answer. Why are there no blacks or women who have posting privileges on HA?
@38 Alas, I don’t know any Fremont liberals, Pooch. I assume that, being Seattle libs, they hate the Sonics and were glad to see them leave. I also understand that they want Key Arena to be used as housing for the poor and as a terminal for mass transit rail. I’m sure the poor will appreciate that kind gesture.
@38 And you have a problem with that?? I assumed that that would suit you, as you goat-fucking commie-fascists hate blacks and women even more than you hate America.
OK, Jane, here we go: How many Fremont liberals does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Give up? Just one. A Fremont liberal simply holds the light bulb while the whole world revolves around him.
17. K spews:
Mr. c- any down turn in revenues is due to the Bush savaged economy.
So what about the 35% increase in spending by Gregoire and 8000+ new State Employees??
I know…Bush’s fault too.
Just like Gregoire now pissed at her own Office of Budget & Financial Mgnt. for telling the truth about the upcomeing $2.7 BILLION Deficit Trainwreck!
Nope, I’ve been giving Goldy shit for the shit he’s been posting lately. Thought it would be a good idea to tell him I liked this one.
Read through the comment thread here.
Can’t Goldy come up with more imaginitive stuff?
The poor fuck doesn’t have a job and has all day to come up with something for his shitty blog and all we get is regurgitated material post after post (Go Darcy!-Go Christine!Go Barack!/ I hate Dino, I hate Reichert, I hate McCain). I guess if Mrs. Goldstein is alright with bringing home the bacon in the family it’s all well and good…but you gotta wonder what the in-laws think about such an arrangement.
Oh yeah, I forgot…in Goldy’s family dynamic, the traditional father has a non-speaking role…it’s all making sense now.
@45 Sure, like there’s a pig fucking, America-hating, fascist troll on this planet with even a hint of imagination. Or humor.
How you gettin’ your cattle shit out of your region?
Oh right.
Take a look at state and national figures. More money is made in the cities and more money is given to the rural areas.
How does feedin’ them animals work without subsidies from our tax dollars work out for you, dipshit?!
That’s ridiculous! The world is flat and the universe spins around our planet!
It looks like there is evidence coming that it was a republican who defaced Rossi’s illegal campaign sign. Of course it was. They believe in Faux News – they believe in Faux outrage and they believe in Faux crime!
I heard the reason that proven liar Rossi kept people from bringing video cameras into his “private event” was that he was discussing how to get more illegal republican votes. After all – the only votes in the last election that were illegal were from republicans!
15. Goldy spews:
“So what you’re saying is that it’s okay for you and your buddies at the BIAW to put up signs without a “paid for” notice as required by law, but it’s not okay for folks to graffiti these illegal signs? I guess that’s the kind of selective enforcement of the law that allows McKenna and Reed to willfully ignore court orders.”
Leave it to our little Goldy to attempt to rationalize criminal trespass, vandalism, destruction of personal property & terrorism (by defacing FREE SPEECH)!
You know what Goldy?
I think you probably get a special high when the ELF SQUADRON (Earth Liberation Front) of your NORTHWEST DIVISION OF LUNATIC MOONBATS torches a house built by a loyal BIAW member…dontcha Goldy??
Kind of a quiver goes true your frail little being. Goose Bumps.
After all Goldy, for all you Progressives,
Admit it Goldy..your ELF Buddies are your favorites.
Destructive bastards.
It’s ok though ain’t it Goldy?
They are fellow Progressives after all.
The silence on this blog over the hate crime commited by the young black thug against the white elderly man in the Rainier Valley is not going unnoticed by me.
Take a look at state and national figures. More money is made in the cities and more money is given to the rural areas.
No one is stopping you dipshits in the city in developing power plants, military bases ect in the city??? Is it the rural peoples fault you assholes can’t support yourself.. Geeeesh.
The silence on this blog over the hate crime commited by the young black thug against the white elderly man in the Rainier Valley is not going unnoticed by me.
It’s Seattle what do you expect.
what do you mean bread winner.why she shitcanned goldy like a bad habit.he cant even support his own child.loser.
i heard that byebye was seen around darcys house playing with matches maybe they should ask byebye mother if she really can prove he was at home getting the shit cleaned out of his diaper
“The Orca-killing association hopes to divide the state by putting up 61 billboards throughout Eastern Washington at a total cost of $168,000.”
No wonder new houses cost so much! Now you know why.
@5 “I think Rossi’s strategy of reminding voters about 2004, pinning the $2.7 BILLION deficit for the upcoming biennium on her lack of fiscal restraint and management abilities as well as questioning her ethics on the tribal sleazy deal, Union negotiations etc is a great strategy.”
I think so, too! When did you flip to Gregoire’s side, Mr. C?
@7 Isn’t that just like a Republican?! He whines about someone defacing a $5 yard sign but says nothing about Republicans blowing up whole countries.
@12 “Horsley said, ‘You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually. You’re naive. You know better than that… If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.'”
Horsley was speaking for all his fellow wingnuts when he said that. (But not for anyone else.) Now you know where Republicans’ weird perversions come from — they all grew up on farms. Which is why none of them know how to live without govenrment subsidies and animal sex.
@17 Well of course the “personal responsibility” party blames Gregoire for the results of Bush’s reckless borrow-and-spend policies and our state’s regressive tax laws! And you just knew they were going to do that, didn’t you?
Rossi’s a dick.
You can buy a really swank house in Spokane for $168K and if you bought it in the right neighborhood you’d have a Democratic state Rep. and state senator.
re 54: Oh my God! I hadn’t heard about that! Jesus fucking Christ! Did the crippled old white man hurt the black Thug? Geesuz, holy mother-fucking Whillikers Christ**** I hope not!!!!!!!!
See. No more silence.
Our prayers go with the BLACK THUG and we all hope (every LIBERAL man woman and CHILD) that the black thug was not hurt by the crippled old white man. It may seem sick and weird to you, but we can’t help it. PLEASE help us to see the light!!!!
re 63: Cool. What can you do there to make a living?
Hey that white guy died. Hmmmm…somehow I have heard of this happening before. Actually maybe I saw it. Oh well.
It’s a free country. You can put up whatever sign you feel like putting up. Nobody’s forcing passers-by to read the damn thing.
Political sign defacement reminds me of the Jane Hague signs removed from Redmond and Bellevue streets before last November;s election. David Boze on his KTTH show talks about how his liberal neighbors tear down and deface his John McCain signs.
PETA peeps don’t want you wearing fur so they throw paint on your coat or jacket.
ELF peeps don’t like peeps living large so they burn down the houses.
ELF people don’t want Universities experimenting with animals to develop drugs to extend their sorry ass lives so they bomb the university.
16%er Libtards – Not so tolerant of their political enemies. Why is that?
For the NorthWest Division of Lunatic Bubble People Moonbat named “Gaddabout Gaddis”- the Vietnam Veteran white man died. I wonder if he knew John Effin Kerry? He was a Vietnam Veteran too.
I wonder if the attacker is a Jesse Jackson jock strap?
PU you know when morons like bybygoober play with matches bad things happen.
Well, Karl Rove DID teach his people that you can get some votes by pretending to be the victim of smear attacks. In at least one campaign, his minions distributed leaflets directed AGAINST his own candidate in the middle of the night in neighborhoods known to be “leaning” toward his candidate. The next day’s news cycle gave his candidate a chance to pretend to be the outraged victim, the opponants supporters were made to look like ignorant thugs, and the opponant was left trying to explain to the news cameras that he “knew nothing about it”. I think this was the DAY before the election.
There was another election where a Republican personally spent the night defacing his own signs, but I can’t remember the details of when and where that occured.
Cynical @ 5 and elsewhere likes to rave about his imagined $2.x billlion “deficit.”
Time for a fact: The carryover from this biennium to the next is a historically high total of $1.25 billion: $430 million in the Rainy Day Fund (initiated by Governor Cris Gregoire) and $774 million in the ending balance (commonly known as “surplus”).
That’s half of Cynical’s imaginary “deficit” right there, in real dollars today, without even questioning his unsourced numbers.
Re: the guy who died at the traffic circle, long story short:
The victim is reported to be an irascible coot who calls the police on his neighbors for such heinous atrocities as singing in their own yards. He planted a garden on the traffic circle and blocks the street with traffic cones when he’s working there with his hose. He got in an argument with people who wanted to, you know, drive on the street, and he started spraying them with his hose when they were trying to move his traffic cones. A witness says that victim pushed and slapped a girl during this shouting and spraying encounter. A guy got out of his car and punched the victim once, whereupon he fell and hit his head on the curb, and eventually died at the hospital.
It’s a tragic end to a minor altercation spurred on by all parties. The victim did not have the right to block the street, or to spray people who wanted to drive on it. The assailant did not have the right to punch him. But then again, people of all races have been punching one another in the heat of arguments for millennia.
But if you want to use this tragic affair as an excuse to type BLACK THUG, I guess you should just get your sheet on.
A high school classmate of KVI conservative jock Kirby Wilbur tells me that Kirby boasted of stealing and disposing of Democratic campaign signs back in the day.
The source from which Cynical is imagining his state budget deficit is pretty surely (SoundPolitics) the state’s June Six-Year Outlook budget forecast.
In it, this year’s surplus is assumed to be $359 million, but in reality it is going to be $774 million. His numbers are incorrect.
As for the rest, it depends on assumptions about the growth of medical costs, population growth, and so on. Like in other years when the economy is on downward trend, we’ll bring it into balance when the legislature meets for the next year’s session.
Daddy Love–
Nice try==No Sale
The fact is Gregoire added 8000+ new employees and increased spending 35% when revenues increased 1/2 of that.
Hard-working Washingtonians are belt-tightening..Gregoire is spending like IT’S SOMEONE ELSE’S MONEY!!
I can’t wait for the Gregoire “fuzzy math” to try and cover up her excessive spending that created this mess.
It looks like Puddylicker is the one who defaced the signs and then sent his asshole buddies at Faux News a heads up so they could stage a faux victim event for sympathy. Goodness knows there’s no other way they can get people to like them.
Got proof? I guess that being filmed jerking off article struck home huh?
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