Once again there is this irritating “off the hook” tone emanating from somewhere around my house. It’s not coming from inside my house, rather I think from the vicinity of the telephone pole right outside my back door. I’ve noticed this tone periodically over the past couple months, and while perhaps it’s only a coincidence, it only seems to occur a couple minutes after I hang up my phone, usually after talking to one of my many terrorist comrades. Weird.
Also, damn annoying. So since I figure if somebody is tapping my phone they must also be reading my blog… could you please send a technician by to fix this damn thing? It’s giving me a headache.
The tone has stopped. Thanks for the prompt service.
I doubt it’s the federal government. The NSA gives digital recordings of your calls to Karl Rove operatives directly from the Qwest switchboard, they may or may not file a report on it later under FISA.
It might, however, be a local wingnut who still does phone taps the old-fashioned way – by tapping into the line between the pole and your house.
If you have broadband, switch to Vonage. I’ve got two lines and it costs me 31 bucks a month with the taxes and fees
One line will cost around 20 dollars a month for 500 minutes of talk time.
It took me a while to get the right quality of service settings for my router but it’s pretty doable.
Of course the government and/or enterprising BIAW-hired private detective can still tap your line and intercept the communications.
Hey Goldy:
What’s the margin of error for that telephone poll right outside your back door? ;-)
LOL! Funniest update ever.
Goldy thinks he’s important enough for someone to tap his phone.
A certain right wing idiot thinks anyone cares what he has to say.
You know it’s got to be Republicans, they have a track record of screwing that sort of thing up and getting caught.
@5 You think we care what you think.
Ivan… you try typing coherently with that noise in the background.
I have read at Kos that they are coming to take you away, ha-ha.
called the Palin effect on pinko commie types
next, the head actually explodes in the midst of defecating
If you didn’t see the technicians arrive, there’s a chance they’re camping in your attic.
Some poor Qwest technician probably climbed the pole to test a line and left his handset hooked up.
Art @ 13: You may be on to something.
A HVAC contractor came to our office, was up in the ceiling tiles working on the HVAC vents. Shortly after he left, we started hearing a strange telephone ringing. It took a while to find it. He had left his cell phone in our ceiling!
Same people who litter the grounds of stately Goldstein Manor with gooey condoms.