It has been suggested to me that burning books outdoors may actually be illegal in Washington state due to clean air restrictions, so in celebration of our region’s hippie-ish, environmental dogooderism, and our nation’s culture of inclusive religious intolerance, rather than burning Christian Bibles and other holy books this 9/11, it might be more appropriately symbolic to compost them.
So does anybody have a heavy-duty chipper/shredder available that could chew up the word of God — hard or soft bound — with little effort? Let me know, and perhaps we’ll have a party.
But won’t a bible just resurrect itself after three days? (I believe in a diety that thinks I’m freakin’ hil-LARRY-ous.)
As far as I can tell, it is completely illegal in Gainesville FL, or anywhere else in FL, to burn Qurans made of paper (link is PDF):
I think recycling a bible is the way to go. My problem is I have looked all over Seattle and haven’t been able to find one.
So, in other words, you’re fighting fire with… mulch? ;-)
Mulch ado about nothing.
Chipper/shredders don’t work worth a damn on paper, so my 8 hp Craftsman isn’t available. What you need is an industrial paper shredder.
What you need is an industrial paper shredder.
Which a quick phone call to one of those document security companies can easily provide. Nothing better than to have a big truck, with a commercial shredder chewing through bibles, surrounded by groups of people, on the streets of Seattle.
Or announce that they will be at the bottom of some composting toilets.
That is just in poor taste.
Fighting intolerance with intolerance ain’t gonna help, Goldy.
The Bible (the word of God for those who believe) is just a book.
While I feel it is wasteful to destroy any book, it’s no skin off my nose if a bunch of moonbat leftie Seatlleites (am I being redundant?) want to burn, mulch, urinate on or otherwise attempt to defile it.
The words themselves are important, and not subject to repeal by the left.
Maybe one of them will accidentally read a passage in the process and learn something about charity.
@9’s not for nothing this site is called ‘horse’s ass’.. you want taste ?
No need to grind up a bible, you can go to saudi arabia where it is done daily.
Puddy is sure certain peeps will be accepted with open arms once they tell what they want to do with a Bible. Ever notice how moslem countries have no tolerance for other religions in their countries? Notice how the kooks overseas stomped and burned American flags BEFORE this minister has lifted one finger to ignite a Koran? Interesting…
@ 11…I agree with the gist of your message. But let me say that the people most likely to claim to be the experts of the xtian bible are sometimes the least likely to abide by it. Charity? Are you kidding me? The xtians will raise $40 Million in record time to fight Proposition 8 in California, yet ask them how much they spend on the “least of these”? And which one do you think would have the most impact on people? No…they’re too busy living in the ‘burbs with the other white people complaining about how high their taxes are for the social programs composed of all lazy people, and how Obama is a Muslim, and how everyone is ruining their lives. Charity? He that hath ears to hear, let them hear.
And it doesn’t do anyone, any good, to say that all Seattle-ites are “a bunch of moonbat leftie[s]”. That’s like saying everyone who lives in Bellevue is a tight-assed, greedy, superficial, tea-party lovin’, SUV-driving, science-hating, white family. It might be partially true on both, but it is not the exclusive nature in both cases.
Show some charity.
Last night a caller to KGO’s Ray Taliaferro Show said that Jewish religious documents must be properly buried in a Jewish Cemetery. True or not, I don’t know.
So the question arises: I know that the text of the Qu’ran is sacred, but does that extend to the book itself? And if so, what are the requirements for proper disposal?
Ray did an on-air poll and most listeners think that this nut has backed himself into a corner and now must go through with it. And hope that he catches his silly whiskers on fire.
That Florida Pastor makes me ashamed to be a member of the human race. Fucking John Boner just said that even though you can do something, it doesn’t mean that it is a good idea. And I am in the disgusting position of agreeing with him. For the very first time.
Don’t be such a coward. You can burn Bibles in your fire place. Or get a bonfire permit.
Stop hiding behind the eco wusys.
At least have the guts to burn a holy book
some place where someone might care.
You are like a fish swimming down stream and thinking you are all brave and bold and standing tall against the wind. Burn away.
But stop pretending you’re brave or somrthing.
What’s more interesting is right wing kooks like Puddy who are continually trying to promote their cause by claiming American Talibangelists aren’t quite so bad as compared to the terrorist evangelical Muslims overseas.
“We are only half as radical as jihadists” isn’t exactly a strong argument, Putster…
First of all, you don’t have to burn a LOT of bibles to make the point. One big, gaudy one would prove the point. Second of all, this should be done outside the Dove World House of Ill Repute in Gainesville, preferably on Sunday, during services. Third of all, for under thirty bucks you can get a very nice, red, joss-paper burner, a fine Buddhist religious appliance (google it for images).
Then, you hold a mourning ceremony for the dead, outside said house of ill repute and pastor of evil, theatrically tearing one page at a time out of the big, gaudy bible, and stuffing it in the joss paper burner. You could read off the names of the dead of 9/11, or the soldiers who died in Iraq, or whatever, and blame Pastor Shit-For-Brains for the hatred behind those and other deaths.
@19 Update: I’ve since learned (from Wikipedia) that joss paper isn’t Buddhist so much as it’s specific to Chinese ancestor worship. Under that tradition, you send stuff to your ancestors in the afterlife (generally translated as “Hell”) by burning it. So, theoretically, you’d be sending a Bible to Hell, but in a good way.
…has anyone here ever actually met one of these enlightened, moderate Muslims? All the ones I’ve known socially are personable, sweet-natured, and generous up until you get them on the subject of, say, whether it is the destiny of all nations to submit to the will of Allah. And they’ll tell you that it is, and they will continue being personable, sweet-natured and generous as they do so.
Nice people aren’t always good, and vice versa.
FWIW, Christians and Muslims view their respective holy books very differently. Destroying a copy of a Bible is far less of an insult to a Christian than destroying a copy of the Quran is to a Muslim.
Rather than a bible, let’s compost something that this group of whackadoos care about.
I’m sure they’d pay attention if we composted the part of the tax code that lets hate groups like this get tax exemptions.
Burning part of the Tax Code? That isn’t likely to be considered a holy document by the target audience.
Perhaps by folks in Seattle, yes.
Lumpy @21
If you take that to mean that the destiny of all nations is to submit to the will of God, then it is not so threatening. Remember that Muslims call God Allah.
If you take the religion out of the statement, and leave in the spirituality of a belief in an omnipotent Higher Power that is beyond religion, then you might be able to see that there is no other destiny possible than for all life on this earth to be subject to the will of that Higher Power. And if you believe in a God of Love, and not a God of Fear, then being subject to that will is a beautiful thing.
“So does anybody have a heavy-duty chipper/shredder available…“…
Why ‘FAILED RADIO BOY‘, are you going to do the planet a favor and jump into it after you turn it on?
It will definitely draw more people than ever listened to your lame radio program…
Like Iran right? Where women wear jeans and go to college?
25,000 jews live in Iran
Or how about Turkey?
26,000 jews in Turkey.
Or how about Syria?
10 percent of Syria is Christian.
Not saying all is rosy in Muslim countries, but reality as always is a bit more complex than right wing talking points would have it.
Yes, Allah, the god of Abraham.
He created the world and according to the CHRISTIAN scripture will end it.
So yeah, Allah as it were is supposed to have the ultimate last say. And no one has any choice BUT to “submit”.
You’ve got this all wrong.
Here is how to solve the problem.
Take the Bible, koran and any and all holy books and light them on fire.
If they all burn, then God dosn’t care.
If none burn, all religions/holy books are equal.
And if some burn and other do not, then we will know which Holy Book, God is down with. Some may burn, some scorch, some not burn at all.
I will be watching this site to see where to show up to burn/shred/eat my bible on saturday. let us know as soon as possible!