Can you find I-1033 on this sample ballot? If not, apparently you’re not alone, at least according to the folks at the No on 1033 campaign, who have been fielding phone calls today from confused voters who can’t locate the measure on the ballot.
Hidden beneath five boxes of instructions on the first page, many voters are apparently just dismissing the entire left column as instructions. Folks at the No campaign are particularly concerned that this unfortunate choice of layout might appear on the King County ballot only, thus depressing the vote in the county likely to go strongest against Eyman’s stupidest initiative ever.
So pay close attention when you get your ballot and be sure to vote No on I-1033.
If you can’t find I-1033 on that ballot, your dumber than a box of rocks and shouldn’t be voting in the first place.
I have to agree this is a rather unfortunate layout. I seem to recall most of the time the actual issues/races don’t start until the second column. I know I had to search to find I-1033 on my ballot.
Isn’t this illegal?
It would seem to me that this alone would be enough to challenge the outcome should Eynman win.
We can thank our elected elections director for the layout. Pam Roach would NEVER have let this happen! She would have had the “yes” bubble pre-filled in :)
Remember the “butterfly ballots” in Florida that confused voters into voting for Pat Buchanan? If those didn’t get tossed out, there’s no legal basis for your suggestion. Sometimes, unfortunately, bad design is just bad design.
Opps…….I voted yes.
I remember democrats being overwhelmed by chads. Thats some funny shit, but not surprising. God you tards are fucking stupid.
C’mon, we now have an Elected elections manager in King County so all problems with ballots and so forth have been solved. No more complaints can now be received regarding King County elections, so just cut it out already.
We’re talking Washington State not Florida. It would really depend on what the laws and standards for ballot design are here.
That said I don’t see much hope of a challenge based on where it is on the ballot.
@1 “dumber than a box of rocks and shouldn’t be voting in the first place”
Be careful … this rationale could be used to disqualify every Republican voter in the country.
@5 Yes, it could be worse. THANK YOU GREAT MOTHER RABBIT SPIRIT for making Roach lose that election!
@7 Well, kick yourself, you dumb fuck!
I also thought the layout was bad, when I opened my ballot yesterday and had to take an extra second or two to find where I got to vote “no.”
Some UW poli sci prof is already designing a study around the King County undervote on 1033.
That ballot is special. Who proofread it? Who approved it? Sound like defensiveness by the No crowd to blame a passing of I-1033 on the ballot.
Ahhh@11, but it’s directed at peeps like you Feral Dumb Bunny!
Intelligence illustrated, not only by voting wrongly, but by the inability to spell “oops”.
My Skagit County ballot has different graphics. The Start of the ballot is much clearer. See for a scan.