Police say a man who allegedly fired shots near a Spokane Valley, Wash., business has been arrested near Post Falls.
Washington State Patrol Trooper Mark Baker says police were looking for a man who fired shots at a Hooters restaurant early Friday, then may have caused a wreck on Interstate-90 as he drove the wrong way toward Idaho.
I’ve actually been to that Hooters. It was during a weekend trip to Spokanistan for a family member’s graduation from Gonzaga. The service was great, and the food didn’t suck. The gals, however, weren’t that hot, and certainly not worth shooting up the joint over.
What’s more, he was busted for using the carpool lanes! (Or as folks on the west side call it, “driving the wrong way on the freeway.”)
Give him a deferred sentence if he agrees to enlist and drive supply trucks in Iraq.
Chances are he’ll end up in Iran …
… or Syria …
… Idaho? What’s in fucking Idaho? Why would ANYONE go to Idaho?
Idaho is beautiful, and you can shoot coyotes and wolves on sight – that ought to make you feel a little better, Rabbit.
Well, uhhh…there’s this really pretty lake…
Oh! And potatoes.
Hooters seems to not being doing to well around here. The ones in Lynnwood and Bellevue are closed. The web site says there are only three left in the state.
I’ve gone twice, once to Lynnwood and once to Bellevue. In each case, my alabi is that some of the guys from Japan I was escorting had heard about the chain, and wanted to see what it was like (ie., ogle the waitresses).
Both times, the food and service were terrible. If it weren’t for the cayenne pepper on the hot wings, the food would have been tasteless, and overcooked.
At the one in Bellevue, the waitress took our order, then brought us the check, neglecting to bring the food in the meantime. It took fifteen minutes to get her attention again, then she went to the kitchen and brought out cold food (obviously, it had been sitting there for quite a while). I paid in cash, and when the waitress brought me my change she gave me too much. You wouldn’t think this was a problem, except that it seemed to be deliberate. Instead of giving me change with a ten, a five, and ones, she gave me a twenty. So I had the choice of leaving no tip (which meant she was out less than a dollar), or leaving her the twenty, which I guess was the whole point, since trying to get her attention to get the change broken down further was a useless endeavor. That was the last time. Since then, if anybody wants to go to Hooters, I tell them not to waste their time.
The last time I was at the Bellevue Hooters, our waitress asked my Canadian buddy if Canada was in Europe. It’s just as likely that your waitress couldn’t count. :)
Marie Callender’s at Northgate is way worse…WAY…worse. The single most excruciating restaurant experience of my life on every conceivable level. From absolutely burnt food, to filthy establishment, to rude and clueless servers, to twice bringing the wrong order, to what was overhead of conversations among employees and employees and patrons, to being asked to leave because they wanted to lock up early irrespective of whether we were finished eating…A singularly ghastly experience.
Almost as bad as a Red Robin moment.
Will, it’s the oldest smear in the book to call a chick who slams you after you try to hustle her not “…that hot, and certainly not worth shooting up the joint over.”
Even Lee, who can’t see through much of anything for all the smoke wafting about his head, can see through that.
The Piper
5, 6 — Hmmmph. That stuff is all well and good; but I can’t avoid thinking of Idaho as some sort of wingnut paradise. The neo-nazis like it, too. The toxic mining waste must have seeped into their drinking water. You probably shouldn’t eat fish caught from those pretty Idaho lakes, or you might get weird too. Like Larry Craig did …
@9 Any waitress who works in a joint calling itself “Hooters” should expect to get hustled.
If she doesn’t want to get hit on, she should get a respectable job in a respectable restaurant.
So was Marie Hot? Just wondered why you made the connection with Hooters. You kind of lost me on that one.
The world is full of bad restaurants. If it becomes customary to indicate one’s displeasure with them by the use of firearms, we’re all going to need Kevlar vests.
My point exactly…if the meal offering at Marie’s had at least been hot, I wouldn’t complain so much.
The comparison is between lousy food and lousy service. Hooters, an establishement within which I’ve never set foot, ain’t got no monopoly on lousy grub/service.
Could be worse…could be an Applebee’s.
The Piper
“Give him a deferred sentence if he agrees to enlist and drive supply trucks in Iraq.” That’s a variation on the theme of Harry Truman’s (D-Pendergast) response to industrial strikes. He ordered that strikers be drafted.
(Just a little inconvenient context for your rants about our unprecedented loss of civil liberties via Duh-Bya.)
Like what? Your favorite hangouts, Deja Vu & Rick’s?
Whatever it is, it certainly can’t be Cafe Juanita, which features the following:
“Rabbit Braised in Arneis with Ligurian chickpea crepe, pancetta and porcini is mouthwatering. The tender rabbit is absolutely amazing with the Arneis sauce, and everything in the dish works well together.”
For the full menu, see: http://cafejuanita.com/menu/index.php
Or try the braised rabbit leg and stuffed loin at Tom Douglas’ Lola.
No word yet as to whether Dick’s will be featuring a Rabbit burger any time soon, though I am lobbying the Spadey’s to that end.
The Piper
@16 I’m not talking about a guy who went on strike, I’m talking about a guy who shot up a restaurant. You appear to be too stupid to comprehend the difference. Regardless of what Harry did or didn’t do, drafting strikers into the army and sending them to the front is the GOP’s gig now.
@16 (continued) Also, that was in a time when everyone — and I mean EVERYONE — was expected to contribute to the war effort, either by serving in uniform or working in war production. No one was exempt; even the rich paid taxes, and the sons of the rich served in the military. That sure was a different time. The only contribution Republicans have made to the Iraq war is pass more tax cuts for themselves.
@17 Silly me, I shouldn’t expect you to know any respectable eateries, should I?
@16, 19
My dad’s flat footed, blind as a bat and allergic to wool, down, pollen and dust (that that’s just for starters) and he still got drafted for Korea.
It’s liberal Democrats calling for the return of the draft while Republicans oppose it.
So it would be liberal Democrats who would be in favor of drafting strikers.
The Piper
Then where’s your 110% effort to support the war effort and victory in Iraq?
Sounds like the pot is again calling the kettle black.
The Piper
He fathered you, didn’t he? Shows that all those other issues didn’t stand in the way of getting the job done.
The Piper
My old man got drafted after getting kicked out of St. Martin’s, and was convinced he was heading to Vietnam. He wound up cleaning teeth at the Presidio instead.
And why go to Hooters to ogle the waitresses when you can get yer wings at any old strip club, delivered by a waitress that’s usually wearing less than your typical Hooters girl? Not to mention better-looking as well…..
Lee wrote:”@7 The last time I was at the Bellevue Hooters, our waitress asked my Canadian buddy if Canada was in Europe. It’s just as likely that your waitress couldn’t count. :)
Product of NEA Schools.
Piper@9 said:”rude and clueless”
Speaking of YLB huh?
He/she/it would have to rise a long way up in life to get to the level “rude and clueless.”
The Piper
Boy, have you got bad taste!
A lot of expense account jocks can get away with Hooters when they can’t at…those other places. Try explainging to the boss spending $785 at Rick’s to entertain a customer with…uhm…certain artistic expressions.
Then when the boss rejects your expense report, explain it to the misses who will then reject you!
The Piper
Actually, I hardly ever go into strip clubs myself. Nearly got my nose broken by a stripper the first time I ever went into one, ironically here in Reno (albeit 18 years ago). I don’t think I can tell the full story here, but suffice it to say that I will never get a lap dance again.
And as far as Mrs. Broadway goes, she’s gone with me to Stars Cabaret a few times when I was playing with my band down in Bend. She doesn’t have any problem with it.